HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-04-19, Page 8Page 8 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 19, 1945 V’s Beauty Shoppe •’SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO” All* lines of Beauty Culture, Tel, 1X2 Eixeter Vera 0. Decker, Drop, Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 Oats Barley 69c. Creamery Butter 39e. Eggs, A, Large 31c Eggs, A Medium 29c Eggs, Pullet 22c Eggs B 24c Dressed Hogs $17,55 Bonus A $4.0 0 Markets I Georgian Beauty Shoppe (Successor to Marion Popley) Satisfaction Guaranteed M. Christine McCrae, Prop. Exeter Phono 245 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Minister Mrs. <1. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—-Sunday School and Bible . Class. 11 a.m.—Public Worship, Monday, 7 p.m.—Y.P.S T GOOD VALUES IN =1 Show commences each night at 7.3Q p.m. until further notice. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY “Marriage is a Private Affair” A Metro-Goklwyn-Mayer picture starring LANA TURNER and JOHN HODIAK FRIDAY and SATURDAY and Saturday Matinee at 2.30 p.m. “Much Too Shy” starring GEORGE FORMBY MONDAY and TUESDAY 2 features “The Hitler Gang9’ starring VICTOR VARCONI and MARTIN KOSLECK “Ghost Catchers” starring OLSEN and JOHNSON I...............................■' I i LOCALS t I *1 Mr. Britain Sanders, of London, visited with friends over the week­ end, Miss I. Turnbull, of London, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. B. W, F. Beavers. Mrs, Maud Heywood home after visiting in Windsor. Mrs. Sidney Davis is LOCALS has returned London and Snell’s Taxi Service Phone 100 WITH AN EYE TO GOOD GROOMING AND BETTER PERMANENTS. MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH Rev, N. J. Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs. A, Y, Willard. Organist 11 a.m.—Public Worship and Church School. The Minister.. 7 p.m.’—Public worship, The Min- ister. Wed., April 18, 8 p.m.—Midweek Prayer Service at Main Street. Rev, K, MacLean. If in need of a Suit, we offer some exellent values in Men’s and Young Men’s Clothing. Two very neat styles in brown stripes also in blue stripes. These are very popular numbers. We think they are good values at per suit ARRANGEMENTS FOR V-E DAY CELEBRATION The V-E Day celebration com­ mittee met in the council chambers at the Town Hall Thursday evening of last week with Reeve B. W. Tuckey in the chair and Clerk C. V. Pickard, secretary. Usborne council was represented by Reeve Hugh Berry and Councillor Clark Fisher. V-E. Day wil^ be observed as a pub­ lic holiday and a program lasting throughout the day has been tem­ porarily arranged. In the morning at 10.30 a union service of the churches of Exeter and the Thames Road charge will be held in the James St. United church with the various ministers . taking part. Should word of an armistice come too late for a morning service a service will be held at 7 p.m. Prep­ arations are being made for a par­ ade in the afternoon also in the evening with possible prizes for school children and other enter­ tainment. The Exeter Band will head the parades. Dancing will be held in the evening, a street dance being quite probable. The decora­ tion committee reported that there was difficulty in securing material to do a great deal of decorating but the citizens are being asked to make plans for decorating their stores and homes. It$is hoped to have a real celebration with an or­ ganized program lasting through­ out the day. Mrs. Sidney Davis is visiting with her son Edward and Mrs, Davis at Pt. Credit. Mr. Jas. Jewell, of Strathroy, is spending a few days visiting with old friends in Exeter. Miss Ruth Fraser, of London, was a week-end visitor with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fraser. Mr, and Mrs. Thar, of London, visited at the home of Mr. Albert Etherington on Sunday. A Mrs, Jessie Gourlay, of St. Marys, is visitng at the home of her son- in-law, W. H. Hodgson. Mr. Thos. Tapp, of Detroit, has been visiting for several days with his sister, Mis’s Mary Tapp. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Statham, of London, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs,'John Hind, on Sunday. Mr. C. W. Christie returned home Monday after visiting with his son Mr. J. A. and Mrs. Christie, of To­ ronto. Miss Betty Payne, of Toronto, spe^t the forepart of the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Payne. Pte. J. J. Mero, of Brucefield, was among those who arrived home from overseas the latter part of last week. Mr. Chris Luker has returned to his home in Exeter after visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Kent,- of Woodstock. Miss Jean Elliot left Monday by plane from firondon to visit with her sister, Mrs. L. H. Snider, of Comox, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fraser and Mrs. Nora Lawson were visitors with Mrs. Catherine Hedden at Lu­ can on Sunday. Mrs. Wm.’ Passmore who under­ went an operation recently return­ ed home on Sunday and is progress­ ing favorably. Dr. Geo. C. and Mrs. Hind and Harlene, of Walkerton, spent “Sun­ day afternoon at the hpme of Mr. and Mrs. John Hind. Able Seaman Bill Kestle is home from the North Atlantic visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ruf­ us Kestle on a 31-day. leave. Mrs. Alex Ellis, of 'Frederickton, Tomlinson Hairdressing Phone 146 Phone 140 STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter I EAT-SLEEP - LOOK TTER ' \ VITAMIN ^COMPLEX \ LIQUID a TABLET FORM ROBERTSON’S DRUG STORE Official Visit of D.D.G.M, An. interesting evening was held at the Oddfellow’s lodge Tuesday when Mr. Ross Scott, D.D.G.M., for Huron paid his official visit and N.B., is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Tomlinson, and her mother, Mrs. Nora Lawson. A)/B Seaman Raymond Higgins, of the R.C.N., arrived home on Fri­ day evening to spend a 21-day leave with his parents, Mr. Mrs., Robt. Higgins. Furs, felts and leathers will- be gratefully received by Exeter Navy League Committee. These may be left with Mrs. Kyle not later than May 1st. Mrs. S. Fulcher has returned to her home in Brandon, Man., after and still the v avv*. TAOlu uuu XL Cl llVliXe Hl DidlluUll, XiXctLL., ctLLUX the third degree team from Hensall visiting foi’ seven weeks with her exemplified the work on six candi- (son-in-law and daughter, dates, two from Brucefield, two from Hensail and two from Exeter. Mr. Scott congratulated the team •on the excellence of their work and gave a short address. There were 27 visitors present. A light lunch was served at the close. JAS. BALLANTYNE CHOSEN (Continued from page 1) up the stock yards. The speaker said their condition a year after Mr. Drew took office was worse than ever. Hundreds of cattle died from filth in those yards last year and the one ued. farmers were not compensated red cent, Mr. Oliver contin- and de­ nor Need No Excuse Mr. Oliver said the Liberal the C.C.F., have no excuse for featiiig the Drew Government do they need any, he added. “Mr, Drew has failed to accom­ plish any of his 22 promises. That is my answer to those who say we should have carried along with* Drew.” “You will probably find a smear 'campaign against Mr. Hepburn in this election. But it Won’t work. Mitch Hepburn is the most out­ standing political leader ih Ontario today.” in 1943, the Ontario Liberals learned it wasn’t enough, to stand on a good record. Some people leaned a little tod far to the C.C.F. <jn tile left, and what happened but the Tories, whom nobody Waht- ed, squeezed ih, he asserted.The speaker urged a union of youth ahd age in the Liberal party. Liberalism has a place for both young aud old, he said. Hugh Hill, defeated Liberal can- didate in North Huron In the last election, said the Liberal party will go to the people With a hew pro­ gram that will appeal to the rank and file. It was announced that Pressure of work at Ottawa pre­ vented W. H. Golding, of Seaforth, Federal member for Huron, to be present;-. He sent his regrets. ALBERTA COAL have just received a of cars of ''Alberta’s Domestic Lump Coal. We couple finest We would, therefore, strongly urge you to place your order now, as we are not sure of getting any more of this fuel tills year. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hodgson, Mrs, Albert Mitchell and. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Delbridge attended the funeral of the late ' Albert Steven­ son, of Kinburn on Saturday. Mrs. Stevenson was the former Ethel Andrew, of Elimville. Besides’ his widow, one son and two .grandsons survive. * CHICK COCCIDIOSIS Mr. and MacNaughton. R. Huston, Ashcroft, has just graduated at Calgary, Alberta, as a pilot, visited the Misses Huston and Mr. Mrs, Harper Rivers last week. Mr and Mrs. A. Bowen moved from the apartment Mr. Finkbeiner’s new butcher Mrs. Chas. Sgt. F. B.C., who and . have over shop to the home on Andrew street rec­ ently vacated by Mr. Chas. Mason. Mrs. Robert Parker,, formerly of Montreal, but who now resides with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Hatter, is quite ill in Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, and is undergoing treatment there. Miss Barbara Dinney Miss Eileen Snell and Mrs. E. Beaver were the guests of Mrs. Robt. Dinney at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gaiser, of Stephen, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Appleton, Jr. have moved into the house re­ cently occupied by the parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. G. Apple­ ton who have taken over the Ayalon restaurant this week. Miss L. Ballantyne, Mrs. William Sillefy, and Mr. Andrew Hamilton attended the funeral of Miss Mary Gorle Which took place at of Mr. William Hamilton, on Thursday last. Mr. Jos. Senior and _______f Mrs, 0. L. Graves, of Detroit, are spending a short time In Exeter. Mr, Senior will hold an auction sale of his household effects on May 16th and is at present endeavouring to dispose of his studio business Which lias been conducted by Mrs? Shirley Colby, Mrs. Leslie Swance and daughter Marion, of Tillsonburg, and Miss Grace Ferris, of Courtland, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Cook, Miss Ferris, who is a graduate of the Toronto Bible Col­ lege, gave a splendid exposition of the Sunday School lesson to the Comrades Bible .Class of JameS St, Church on Sunday afternoon. former’s Now is the time to watch • for Coccidiosis which is- often fol­ lowed by Aneamia and other disorders. We know we have the There are that will stop the disease. See us first. the symptoms and treatment. very few remedies JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, A. R. Irwin, B.A. Mrs. Win, Murdoch, A.L.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader Sunday School Anniversary 10.45 a.m.—Scholars assemble in Schoolroom. 11 a.m.—'Sunday School Anniver­ sary Service,. Rev, R. G. Hazel­ wood, of Walton, Special choruses by the scholars. 7 p.m,—'Evening worship conduct­ ed by the Minister. Everybody welcome to the services; TRIVITT MEMORIAL ’ CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader.-Mr. Middlemiss 10 ' a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon: “The Persuasive Power ol Goodness.” W.A. thank-offering will be received. ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Orediton M. E. Reuber, B.A.. B.D., Minister Mrs. F. \V. Morlock, Organist 10.00 a.m.—“The Empty Pew.” 11.00 a.m?—Church School. 7.30 p.m.—“A Name on the Roll” The Canada Conference of the Evan­ gelical Church' will convene in Zion Church this week from Wed­ nesday evening 8.00 until Sunday evening at 7.30. Daily week-day sessions: ,,9.00 a.m.; 2.00 p.m.; 8.00 p.m. Sunday sessions (April 29): 10.00 a.m.—Ordination service. 2.30 p.m.—Missionary service. 7.30 p.m.—Bishop G. E. Epp, D.D., L.L.D.. Week-day speakerSK Prof. Thos. Finkbeiner at 4.30 Thurs., Fyh>. and Sat. Dr. Mutchmor (United -Church) 8.00 Thursday evening. President SherWbod Fox, 8.00 Friday evening. Everybody welcome at any session. E. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8.3'01 p.m.—Annual Business Meeting. Friday, 8.30 p,m.—Young Peoples. Sunday, -2 p.m.—Sunday School. Supt., Mr. E. Cudmore. Sunday, 3 p.m.—Special speaker and .violinist, Otto Oestnick from •Czechoslovakia. - Come and hear him play and give his testimony how God saved him from Romanism. Sun., 8 p.m.-—Spirit filled people. Bright cheerful song service. Come and enjoy it. • ” Week-end visitors' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell, Exeter North, were Mr. and .Mrs. Edgar Rundle and family, of Lon­ don, Mrs, Emerson Anderson and family, of Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. J. EsSery and Karin, of Centralia, Miss Margaret Gallagher, of Lon­ don, Mrs.' R. H. Sproat, of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frayne, Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ffayne and Kenney, of Exeter, Mrs. Ivan Web­ ber and family, of Exeter^ and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Fisher and Judy, of Rocky River, Ohio, who were here attending the Frayne-Caldwell Wedding held in London on Satur­ day, April 14th. Your drugs at They Live - They Grow - They Give Results Don’t Miss the Boat! Buy Now and get in on Pall Profits! the home Cromarty daughter,- We have Chicks available for May Delivery at the following prices: Barred Rocks (as hatched) $12.50 per hundred Leghorn x Rock hybrid (as hatched) $12.50 pet hundred New Hampshires (as hatched) $12.50 per hundred Pullets—Rocks, Hampshires, or Hybrids $24.95 per hundred Quantity Discount w. j. McAlister phone: 67, MOUNT BRYDGES jjr I New Patterns in Piques & Seersuckers These were ordered months ago and have just arrived. They come in floral, checks and stripes at 75c, 89c, $1.00 per yard Get your Congoleum Rug Now We have a very good assortment of Con- goleums in • nearly all sizes. • We would advise an early choice while they are available., 6’ x 9’ $5.00 71/2’ x 9’ $6.50 9’ X ioy2’ $9.00 9’ X 12’ $10.50 Bleached Sheets 16 only bleached sheets. A very good quality cotton, easily washed. The size is 72 ins. by 90 ins. Special at each $1.25 T " —• - n ’I—n -rm ~ —r r nrir r n~in r 1— n nrnir n urir n mmhi o wnm o w o —i Inlaid Marboleum in 7 Colors For table tops, cupboards, bathrooms, bedrooms or kitchen floors. This is one of the best floor coverings than be pro­ cured. Ask to see them. CLIMAX “WALLPAPER” CLEANER Works wonders, large jar ............... SOLVENTOL, House Cleaner For all washable surfaces 3c worth make a gallon, per jar ... SOAPS P & G or Pearl ........ AMMONIA Cuts grease and dirst, WASHING SODA Softens the water, large pkg........... 9c COMFORT LYE • Eats dirt 3 bars 45c 39c 14c per pkg. 5c 2 tins 19c Early Irish Cobbler Potatoes ... $2.15 bag Johnston’s Floor Cleaner ...... Per tin CAPO, Drain Cleaner (special) Follow directions, per tin ............... IDEAL SILVER POLISH PASTE Cleans, Polishes, Brightens, per jar S.O.S. Magic Scouring Pad Per pkg................................................... FLOOR WAX Chans, Hawes, Old English Special per tin ................................... OLD DUTCH CLEANSER Per tin ................................................ ..... 67c 20c 22c 14c 45c 9c TRY US FOR YOUR GARDEN SEEDS, THEY ARE STRICTLY FRESH. W. W Taman Phone 16 A memorial service for the late President Roosevelt’ was held in the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday morning. A tribute was paid to the deceased in all of the other churches of town. The Lion’s Club are holding “Farmers’ Night” this (Wednesday) evening at the Exeter Arena. A banquet is being held with tables set for about 200 persons. A fine program has been arranged. The guest speaker is Rev. Norman Rawson, o’f Hamilton. Mr. Preston Dearing, of Stephen was at the Guelph O.A.C. Saturday attending a banquet to seven Brit­ ishers who are touring Canada in the interests of agriculture. Mr. Dearing, as .president, represented the Ontario Sheep Breeders Associ­ ation. Mr. G. W. Layton, treasurer for the Exeter Branch of the Red Cross reports the following Caven Unit $18.94; Unit 150.10; Quilting 3 Stephen 15.45; Thames Unit 31.82; James St. Unit, 8.50; James St. Unit, play 36.82 No. 14 V ‘ 2.00, contributions: Grand Bend ■ Club, 2 and j Road coll. Unit, Hay ’ 145.00; 'Material Rev.___Ernest Grigg, who spent the greater part of his life as a mis­ sionary in Burma, has returned to Exeter aftei’ a mission tour of ten cities in the state of Michigan. Mr. Grigg has been preaching practical­ ly every day since being away, some days taking more" than the one serv­ ice. Mr. Grigg is a remarkably smart man foi* his years. Mrs. E. A. Ross, of Winnipeg, a native of Exeter, died recently. Mrs. Ross was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Johns and was born in Exeter in 1857. Since moving to Winnipeg in 1882 • she has been a constant r.eader of the TimesiAdvOcate and has maintain­ ed an interest in the people she oncce knew hei’u 'She is survived by one son Oapt. Harold Ross. Mr. and Mrs. J. H Harrison, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. day late who Victim Of an accident when she was severely burned when a lantern she Was holding exploded. She is sur­ vived by her husband and two daughters. The funeral Saturday Was one of the largest ever held in that community. Mrs. Cecil Harrison, Mr. and Herbert Harrison and Mrs, iQke ware at LUCkndW Satur-t attending the funeral of the" Mrs. 'Geo. Alton, Mrs. Alton, Was 31 years of age, - Was the ie new Morgan 4 '■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ARE YOU INTENDING TO DI III iiiiitiitiitiiiimtHiHiifiiihiHiiiiiiipiiiiiiiiiiiniiHiniimintitMiiiinHiti K MM K IF SOj DO NOT WAIT, BUT COME TO SEE US. MATERIALS ARE AVAILABLE BUT SLOW ON DELIVERY. DELAY ON YOUR PART MAY CAUSE DISAPPOINTMENT. Own Youp Own Home MEN WANTED FOR PART TIME WORK. The Huron Lumber Co. Exeter, Ontario