The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-03-29, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE. EXE’reR QNTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 29, 1945 Auction Sales IMWIQN SALE OF «« HEAP GRADE HOLSTEIN CzlTTLE at Fann, 5 miles south of Zurich, 6 miles west of Exeter, on Highway No. SR, 1)4 miles east of Dashwood THW^PAY, MARCH RD, 1915 commencing at 1*30 o’clock sharp. ARTHUR WEBER, Auct. AD. TIEMAN, Clark, S. M. PEACHEY. Prop. Hav P.O. AUCTION SALE OF FARM TUESDAY, April 3rd, 1945 at 2.30 o’clock. Estate of the late William Towers Being east half of lot 9, and the southerly 18 acres of the west half of lot 9, in the north boun­ dary of the township of Blddulph, containing in all 100 acres, more or less. On the property is a brick house with hot and cold water, good bank barn, drive shed, >5 acres of wheat, fall plowing all done. Sold subject to reserve bid, F. TAYLOR, Auct. Estate of WM. TOWERS, R. R. 1 Kirkton. AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions from WM. LOVIE to sell by public auction at Lot 12, Con. 22, Stephen (3 miles south of Grand Bend, 1% miles north of Greenway and 1)4 miles west) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1945 HORSES—Chestnut mare, rising S years; wagon mare, rising 8 years; Clyde mare, rising 4 years; Clyde mare, rising 10 years. CATTLE—Red cow, 4 years, due May 4; red cow, 5 years, due May 10; red cow with calf at foot; red cow, due April 3; Hereford cow, due at time of sale; red cow, due at time of sale; red cow, 4 years, due at time of sale; red heifer, 3 years, due April 30; red heifer; fresh; red cow, 5 years; red heif­ er with -calf at foot; Jersey farrow cow; Durham farrow cow, fat; 5 Durham heifers, rising 2 years; Durham steer, rising 2 years; 5 Durham steers, rising 1 year; 2 heifers, rising 1 year. PTGS—1 York brood sow, due May 28; 6 stocker pigs, 100 lbs. each. HENS—100 hybrid hens, year­ lings; turkey hen. IMPLEMENTS — M.H. binder. 6 ft., in good shape; M.H. fertilizer drill, 11-hoe; Deering drill, 11-hoe; L. barn jack; M.H. mower, 5 ft. cut; M.H. steel rake, 10 ft.; 14- plate • inthrow disc; Tud. And, low down manure spreader; M.H. push hay loader; 2 electric fencers; in­ sulators and wire; 3-section dia­ mond harrows; Farmers Friend riding plow; National No. '8 twin plow; Fleury walking plow; F. & W, side delivery rake; harrow cart; M.H. bean scuffler with pull­ er and new knives; 1-horse scuff­ ler; rubber tired wagon with 19” tires and two spare wheels; flat hay rack; low down steel wagon; buggy; cutter; 2 oak barrels; iron kettle; pair bob sleighs; sap pan; incubator, 140 egg cap.; 4 turkey coops; 65 0 Viking cream separator; colony house 10x12; brooder stove, 500 chick cap.; 2 logging chains; shovels; forks; 3 neckyokes; even- ers; two-wheel trailer with rack: 5-ft. cross-cut saw; oat roller; Verity cutting box; root pulper; 1200 lb. scale; hay fork rope 15 0 feet; set sling ropes;- chop box; wheelbarrow; stoneboat; 32-ft. ex­ tension ladder; 20-ft. ladder; Clin­ ton fanning mill. HARNESS—Heavy set of double harness; 3-horse harness; set single harness; 4 horse collars; sweat pads; extra set of bridles. GRAIN—40 bus. buckwheat; 50 bus. wheat; 100 bus. mixed grain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Dining room table; 8 dining room chairs; large leather armchair; lard press; grinder; Daisy churn; washing ma­ chine and wringer; gas iron; Alad­ din lamp; 3-piece chesterfield and other articles too numerous to men­ tion. Every article will be sold to the highest bidder as proprietoi’ is giv­ ing up farming. Sale at 1 p.m, TERMS—CASH JIM DALTON. Clerk, ARTHUR WEBER, Auct. R. R. 1 Dashwood. Tel. 57-12 REAL ESTATE—Also same day and same place there will be offer­ ed for sale Lot 12, Concession 22, Stephen Tp,, 3 miles south of Grand Bend, one hundred and twenty-five acres, more or less, on which is erected an L-shaped brick house, 2 storeys with cellar, kitchen, soft Water, rock well, hen house, hog pen, garage 12x14; bank barn 51x63, cement silo 12X35; windmill on well, 15 acres hardwood bush, 10 acres fall wheat, 25 acres fall plowing dona, rest of land seeded down, TERMS—-10% on day of sale and ■balance in 30 days; sold subject to a reserve hid. For further particu­ lars apply to Frank Turner, execu­ tor of estate, R. R. 7, Parkhill or phone Sprinkbank 3-23 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at Lot 14, South Thames Road, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4 th, 1945 at 1 p.m., sharp, the following: HORSES—3 horses, all geldings, & 9 and 10 years old. CATTLE — Cow due April 22; ■cow due April 30; heifer due May 24; cow due June 3; cow due July 6; cow due July 17; cow due Oct. 21; 3 fresh heifers; fresh cow; 2 Xarrow cows; baby beef; 7 year” lings; 3 fall calves; 4 rising 1-year- old; 3 spring calves; pure-bred Hereford bull, 18 months old. PIGS—Brood sow due April 12; brood sow due April 18; 13? chunks weighing 100 pounds; 10 pigs ready to go,250 hens; 1 dog. IMPLEMENTS — McCormiek- Deering 1Q-20 tractor; M.H. binder; McCormick-Deering mower; M.H* dump rake,., new; Maxwell dump iake; hay loader; cultivator; diac harrow; M. H, seed drill, fertilizer attachment; M.H. manure spreader, never used; 2 sets of four section harrows; riding plow; 2-furrow plow; walking plow; corn scuffler; steel land roller; get sleighs; wag­ on; 2 sets of wheels; flat rack; grave) box; top buggy; cutter; fan­ ning mill; set of scales; pig crate; 2 oil drums; root pulper; cream separator with motor attached; 2 set of double harness; single har­ ness; stone boat; wheel barrow; sling ropes; block; ‘Warner elect­ ric brooder; 2 chicken shelters, new; feeders; fountains; sprayer; forks; shovels; whiffle trees; neck yokes chains; boxes; barrels; and many other articles. 20 tons hay; 225 bushel Alaska oats; quantity of feeding molasses; HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE—Kit­ chen coal stove; "2 couches; 2 cup­ boards; 2 small tables; hanging lamp; 2 oil lamps; coal oil stove; 2 ovens; lantern; butter bowl and ladle; 2 churns; 2 rolls of linoleum. TERMS—CASH NORMAN PASSMORE, Prop. ■ FRANK COATES, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. AUCTION SALE OF TRACTORS, COMBINES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS on Lot 4, Concession 1, London Road, 1 mile north of Kippen, in Stanley township, on THURSDAY, APRIL Sth, 1945 1.30 sharp, the following: Allis Chalmers W.C. tractor with lights and starter, on rubber; Al­ lis Chalmers W.F. tractor on rub­ ber; Allis Chalmers C. tractor with lights and starter, on rubber; Allis Chalmers bean and corn scuffler for C. tractor; Allis Chalmers bean puller for C. tractor; 2 Allis Chal­ mers 60 combines, on rubber, with quick adjustable speed with re­ cleaners; 6-ft. windrower; 3-fur- row general ibottom International plow on rubber; 2-furrow ace bot­ tom International plow on rubber; 3 4-plate Bissel disc, heavy duty; 32-plate Bissell disc with weight boxes; 10-ft. stiff tooth Interna­ tional cultivator; 3-section Allis Chalmers spring tooth harrows; Fleury-Bissel plow packer with 3- furrow . plow; 7-ft. International binder., practically new; 11-disc In­ ternational fertilizer drill with grass seeder attachment; M.H. 15- disc drill with tractor hitch; 5-ft. International mower, nearly new, with clover buncher and steel clover table; International hay loader, new style; International side delivery rig, new style; M.H. hay tedder, nearly new; 4-section heavy Harris; 4-section light Har­ ris; M.H. low down manure spread­ er; International bean scuffler, new style with discs; International rubber,tire wagon, nearly new; 16- ft. flat hay rack and sliding rack; 10-ft. steel hay rake; 2 walking plows; fanning mill with pulley and bagger; extension ladder; brooder stove. ■Full enamel kitchen stove, nearly new; 3-burner coal oil stove; hand washing machine; quantity of bee boxes; sap pan, dresser and stand; kitchen table and quantities of chairs; team harness, and other articles too numerous to mention. Absolutely no reserve as prop­ rietors are giving up farming. TERMS—CASH ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer R. R. 1 Dashwood, HYDE BROS., Proprietors, Hensall, Ont., Phone 128 P. L,- MCNAUGHTON, Clerk. AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public, auction on No. 4 Highway, southern outskirts of EXeter, THURSDAY, APRIL Sth, 1945 at 1.3 0 p.m., the following: 5-piece parlor suite (mahogany); square mahogany^ table; walnut Dominion organ, in good condition; •oak dining room suite; buffet; table and six chairs; small table; whatnot; Alladin lamp; ivory bed and dresser; white iron bed and springs; linoleum 7x9 feet, good as new; linoleum 9 ft. 4 in. x 9 ft.; about 16 yards stair linoleum; oak rocking chair; leathei* rocker; large bureau; 3 small tables; pedestal; pictures; feather tick; oak dresser and stand; 2 coal oil heaters; kit­ chen clock; >drop~leaf table; 6 chairs; pantry table; large drop­ leaf table; Good Cheer range, with reservoir; linpleum 12x14 ft.; Cole­ man three-burner high back stove, nearly new; 2 burner oil stove; hammock; couch; lawn mower; chenille table covers; pillows; cush­ ions; crocks; dishes; lamps; knives: forks; spoons; pots; pahs; granite ware; draining scoop; ironing board;’ floor mop; tea kettle; leaf rake; bird cage; brooder stove, 500- chick capacity; Raymond sewing machine; and other articles too numerous to mention, TERMS—CASH Also on the same day there will be offered for sale 35 acres of land, bank barn, pig pen, drive shed, silo, 2 good wells, frame house. Sold subejct to a reserve bld* The estate of the late Mrs, John Bell, MRS* WILBERT DILLING, Prop.- FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, FRANK COATES, Clerk, ■ AUCTION MLE FARM, FARM STOCK AND ELEMENTS. Mi’. Harold Jackson has Wh In­ structed to sell by public auction, on Lot 28, Usborne Township 4 miles east of Hensall; % mile east of McTaggart Corner, on FRIDAY, AjPRIL 6, 1945 nt i p.m. HORSES—Black gelding, 10 yrs. old; black gelding, 7 years old. CATTLE—Durham heifer, fresh 1 month; blue cow, fresh 1 month; white cow, to freshen in duly; 2 farrow cows; 4 steers, 900 lbs,; steer, 1000 lbs.; 3 heifers, 750 lbs.; 2 heifers, 750 lbs.; 4 yearlings; 2 young calves. PIGS—-Sow; 9 small chunks. HENS—225 hybrid hens. IMPLEMENTS—John Deer trac­ tor, model D, lights, good condition; McCormiek-Deering cultivator 8 H ft., new; 3-furrow Fleury plow; I’­ ll. M.H* binder; 5-ft, McCormiek- Deering mower; 3-drum roller; 13- hoe M.H. fertilizer drill; Oliver bean scuffler; 12-ft. rake; 3-section har­ rows; single scuffler; 2-wheeled trailer with rack; rubber tired truck wagon; new hay rack; sleighs with flat rack; 2000 lb. scales; fan­ ning mill with bagger; grain roll­ er; root pulper; % h.p, electric motor; pig crate; 1 oil drum, 100 gal.; 1 oil drum, 40 gal,; Gem elec­ tric fence; iron kettle; colony house 10x12; 6 range shelters; new coal brooder; Beattie electric brood­ er 350 deluxe; McCormick-Deering separator, 4 years old;'% h.p. mo­ tor; pump jack; quantity of lum­ ber; quantity of clover hay and turnips; 150 bus. seed barley; 250 bus. barley and oats; 150 bus. Car- tier oats; wheat; hay fork rope; other articles too numerous to men­ tion. FARM—100 acres, bank barn, drive shed, hen house, silo 12x40; good water supply; hydro; good brick house; 10 acres of bush; 17 acres of fall wheat; 30 acres plow­ ed. Will be sold subject to reserve bid,. Terms on Chatties: Cash. HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. JACK C. MUNN, Prop, E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE At the residence of Mrs. Thomas Harvey The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at Andrew Street, Exeter on FRIDAY, APRIL 6th, 1945 at 1 o’clock sharp the following: Beds, dressers, stands, springs, mattresses, pillows, mahogany mus­ ic cabinet, oak book case, 3 section oak book case, hall seat with mir­ ror, chesterfield, oak library table, oak dining room suite, oak serving table,’trays, congoleum rugs, single bed with springs and mattress, hall tree, rocking chairs, occasional chairs. 8 odd bedroom chairs, several small tables, 2 kitchen cup­ boards, fern stands, clocks, couch, rugs, end table, 4 verandah chairs, mirrors, 2 wicker chairs, semi­ porcelain dinner set, premier dup­ lex cleaner with wax polisher at­ tachment, kitchen cabinet, 2-burnei' electric plate, insulated oven for electric plate (new), kitchen table and chairs, stools, electric irons, 3- burner oil stove with single and double oven, oil lamp, lantern, wheelbarrow, wash tubs, folding dryer, garbage can, toilet set, bird cage, egg beaters, ironing boards, granite bread pan, roasting pan, jardiniers, garden hose, crocks, rocker ash sifter, tea kettles, st.ep ladders, frying pans, aluminum ware, pint and quart sealers, square, saws, shears, carpet sweeper, garden tools, dishes, pots and pans and numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH E. C. HARVEY, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. FRANK COATES, Clerk, GEO. W. LAWSON, Cashier AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at Brenner’s Hotel Stable FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1945 at 1.30 o’clock the following: HORSES—Black gelding, 8 years old, weighing 1600 lbs.; general purpose gelding, 6 years old. CATTLE—2 Durham cows with calves at foot; 14 Durham cows, roans aud reds, mostly due in April and first part of May; 4 Durham heifers in calf; 2 two-year-old heif­ ers; 16 Durham calves, rising one- year-old. IMPLEMENTS —- McCormick- Deering binder, 7-ft. cut, nearly new; M.H. mower, 6-ft. cut, new; McCormick 10-ft. steel hay rake, new; 13-hoe M.H. drill; M.H. 4- horse disc; M.H. spring-tooth cul­ tivator, 4-horse, With short and long tongue; side delivery rake; Oliver bean scuffler with puller combined; 2-section harrow; clovei’ buncher, McCormiek-Deering; rub­ ber tired wagon with good tires; 2 low-down steel farm wagons; 2 16-ft. flat hay racks; 2 sets sleighs; 1-horse scuffler, nearly new; buzz- saw on truck; 6-in. endless drive belt 32 feet; dump cart; Clinton fanning mill; wheelbarrow; mower tongue; 10 end posts, large, 9ft.; Wood flour barrel; galvanized flour barrel; lawn mower, nearly new; quantity of wagon tongues; pump jack; gas engine for pumping wat­ er; 2 sots of double harness; power grind-stone 3% ft.; Renfrew cream separator 600 lbs.; windlass; root pulper. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS —- Kit­ chen cabinet; bedroom set -and springs; extension table; Coleman lantern; and other articles too nu­ merous to mention. * TERMS—CASH ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer R.R. 1 Dashwood, Tel. 57-12 PETER EISENBiACH, Prop, JIM DALTON, Clerk. Every article will be sold to the highest bidder as proprietor .has rented bls farms. ; IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE modern and ' ■ANTIQUE FURNITURE Malnl .Street, Crediton at the home of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles ZwiCker SATURDAY, APRIL 7,. !945 at 1.30 p.m. sharp. I have been favored with id- str actions from Gerald ^wicker to sell the following: Gerhard Heintzman standard size •piano and bench (new); 9-piece walnut dining roam suite, like new; 4-piece chesterfield; combina­ tion writing desk; walnut living­ room table; walnut book-case; wal­ nut end table; 3 wicker rockers; 10 occasional chairs; bed-room chair; mahogany settee; pedestal; fern stand; 3 odd tables; 2 large mirrors and hall rack; 2 walnut bed-room suites, 3 pieces; iron and brass beds; chest of drawers with mirror; moth proof clothes cabinet; walnut tea wagon; walnut cedar chest; ward robe trunk; silver flower basket*; library table; phono­ graph with records; 5 mattresses and 5 springs; 2 wicker verandah chairs; kitchen table aud 3 chairs; kitchen cabinet; regulator clock; 2 mantel clocks; ivory dressei’ set; curtains and rods; walnut hall tree rack; needle point foot stool and cushion; 2 cellar tables;" leath­ er couch; 2 carpet runners; pieces of tapestry; 2 Wilton rugs, 9x12; Denning rug, 12x12; bed room rug, 6x9; Barrymore rug, 9x12; rug, 10x12; congoleum rug, 6x9; stair carpet; 10 scatter rugs; sewing machine; electrolux vacuum clean­ er; verandah swing; electric stove; Moffat stove with oil burner annex; round Quebec heater; 6 electric lamps; 2 electric irons; electric coffee perculator; electric toaster; waffle iron; antique statue; cocoa- nut door-stop; silver dishes; china dishes; flat ware silver; books; pictures; antique marble top table; bath tub; kitchen utensils; clothes horse; ironing boards; scales; 2 oil drums; 3 corner post verandah, 8x16 with top balcony; open stair step; cuckoo clock; other merchan­ dise too numerous to mention. Positively no reserve. Everything must be sold to the highest bidder. TERMS—CASH MR. G. ZWICKER, Prop. F. MORLOCK and E. SMITH, 'dd*lcsWM. H. ’SMITH, Auct. Phone 43-2 Crediton Be sure to attend this sale. Thank you! AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE AT HENSALL AND OTHER EFFECTS at Kalbfleisch Planing Mill, Zurich on . SATURDAY, APRIL 7th, 1945 commencing at 2.00 o’clock sharp: REAL ESTATE — Property con­ sists of Lots 211, 212, Petty’s Fourth Survey in the Village of Hensall. There is a frame house with kitchen and cellar, a number of fruit trees, is located on Rich­ mond Street. Also at the same time 1 Lot 1/6 of an acre. This lot has a stable and some fruit trees. (Lots will be sold in two parcels. TERMS OF REAL ESATE—10.% •on day of sale; balance in^JJO days. Will be sold subject to a^reserved bid. OTHER ARTICLES — 2 McCor­ mick-Deering binders, nearly new; colony house 8x12’; 6 shelters; 2 16’ flat hay racks, new; speed jack, 4 work benches; emery stand; -flat rack for truck; desk; radio; spring ■and mattress; a large number of .pulleys; wheel barrel; electric service boxes; wagon; frames for fanning mill screens; fanning mill; .sash; wind screen; steel culvert, electric fixtures; jig saw; blanket for cider mill; and a number of small articles. TERMS—CASH ARTHUR WEBER, Auct. L. BRISSON, Clerk, IVAN KALBFLEISCH, LLOYD KALBFLEISCH, MRS. VERA HABERER, executors F. C. Kalbfleisch Estate. 29:5c AUCTION SALE OF IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at Lot 22, C011. 5, Biddulpli, on FRIDAY, APRIL IStli, 1945 at 1 p.m. the following: Model C. Allis-Chalmers tractor, on steel, used only three months; M.H. hay loader; bain wagon; one man rack; Cockshutt manure spreader; 7 foot Deering binder; hay rake, 9-ft.; spring tooth horse drawn cultivator; 2 furrow Cock­ shutt plow; walking plow; disc harrow, 12 plate; seed drill; Case two-row bean scuffler, nearly new; set log sleighs; 3-section harrows; buggy; McCormick-Deering cream separator, nearly new; power pul­ ley and motor, nearly new for Mc­ Cormick-Deering separator; set of scales; scuffler; set slings; harness and collars; 320 egg incubator; large size brooder .stove; forks; shovels; and many other articles. Mixed hay, TERMS—CASH MRS. CHAS. W* HASKETT, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, KHIVA Mrs, Otto Wiliert spent the week-end with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. D, Bell, Mr. and Mrs. John Hazelwood, of Hensall, Miss Belle Campbell and mother, Mrs. A. Campbell, of Seaforth, vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr* and Mrs. Matthew Clarke. Messrs. Wm, and Gerald Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eagleson and Miss Joan Baker spent Sunday id London. Mr. Joe McCann and aunt, Miss Tena MicCann visited recently with relatives in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, Gerald O.ROttrke aiid babe, and M1SS Joan Baker spent Sunday last vzith Mr* and Mrs. Arthur Baker, of the Lake Road. Classified Directory — PLACE AN ADVERTISEMENT HERE AND WATCH RESULTS — lUMMn wanted WANTED—-Electriewashing mach­ ine. Apply at Times-Advocate. 29c WANTED —■ A gallon of maple syrup, Ye editor weeds some in order to Keep sweet. Apply nt Times-Advocate.__________' ' WANTED — Dood home for 3% * year old Pomeraninn dog, out­ side of Exeter. Good companion for a boy. Phone ,54 Exeter, c WANTED—-Pasture for six head of cattle near Centralia, Roger Brown, Centralia, 39* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE — Medium size brick house in good condition with conveniences, nicely located. Will sell furnished. W. C- Pearce. FOR SALE—100 acres clay loamu in Usborne Township, good house and barn, hydro, silo, maple bush, spring possession. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. FOR SALE — Frame house with barn and garage and 7 lots on Gidley Street. For particulars apply Times-Advocate.‘ 29* FOR RENT—Thirty acres, plough­ ed, ready for seed. R. D. Hunter, Kirkton 39r7,* FOR SALE—150 acres good pas­ ture. Well located. Running wat­ er. Some Bush. C. V. Pickard. FOR SALE—1?> storey brick house. Well located in the village of Exeter. C, V. Pickard. FOR SALE—Some vacant lots suit­ able for building sites. W. C. Pearce. BABY CHICKS A-l BABY CHICKS—from blood- tested stock: Barred Rocks; Large Type White Leghorns; B. Rock x W. Leghorn; Sussex x New Hampshire; Red x Rocks. Write or phone A. H. Switzer Hatchery, Granton, Ont., for price list, phone 38-3 Granton, tfc DASHWOOD Mrs. Lucinda M.clsaac, who spent the winter with her son in Detroit, has returned. Neil Mclsaac, of Windsor, ’returned with her and will spend his Easter holidays here. Mr. and Mrs. Victor ’ Dinnin, of Zurich, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs Hy. Pfile,. of Hen­ sail, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Krueger, of Zurich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krueger. Mr. and Mrs. D. Meerburg and family, of Port Frank, spent Sun­ day with Miss Lavada Hartleib. Mrs. Taylor was called to Toron­ to last week owing to the serious illness of Dr. Taylor who is in the hospital there. His many friends here hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Huffman have returned after visiting with his par­ ents in Port Colborne. Helmut Messner, who is employ­ ed at Thedford, had the misfortune to get a piece of steel in bis eye. He is in London hospital and at latest reports is improving. Tpr. George Wolfe, of Camp Borden, spent the week-end with his parents.8S i Are you seeding down a piece for permanent pasture this spring? If so, we recommend early ordering of your seed requirements. We anticipate an unusually heavy demand and many of the required ingredient grasses ate in short supply* MAY WE SUGGEST YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT LATER. Drop in and discuss your requirements with us any time. Prices and estimates on request. Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co. Exeter, Ontario Boa 213 PERSONAL WHY SUFFER the agony of Rheu­ matic Paip, Sciatica, Lumbago, when Rumacaps will give you quick wel­ come relief, Robertson's Drug Store. TENDERS WANTED The Board of Trustees of Grand Bend United Church are asking for tenders for redecorating out­ side of said church building, For particulars inquire at J. W. Holt’s store. Tenders received not later that 6 o’clock pan. Saturday, March 31st, 1945, 29c NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of James B. Simp­ son, late of the Village of Hensail, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Trust Company on or before the 2nd day of April, A.D. 1945, after which date the estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been re­ ceived. The Canada Trust Co., London, Ontario—Executor. Mary P. Simpson, Hensail, Ontario—Executrix. By Frederick W. Gladman, Exeter—Solicitor. NOTICE! We have been advised today by the Seed Export Office that the time limit for issuing of par­ ticipation certificates for subsidy on Clover Seeds has been extend­ ed to April 14th. We will endeavour to process any lots brought to us not later than April 7th and issue Bonus Certificates thereon. Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co. X SEED GRAIN BANNER, CARTIER, AJAX, ALASKA SEED OATS Commercial or Registered Nobarb No* 2, registered seed barley; O.A.C. 21, commercial seed barley* CAHN & SONS Phone 35, Exeter JUST A WORD ABOUT III FOR SALE for SALE—-5 new cedar pests, one new end post; also short handledL pitch fork. Apply to Wegley Hackney, Hay P.O. 22:29* FOR SALE—Child’s spring coat and bennet outfit, like new, will fit 3 to 5 years. Call 176r2 Exeter. 22* SEED FOR SALE—Galore Barley, smooth awn, one of the highest recommended at the Q.A.C., also early Alaska Oats. A. B. Bell, R.R. 2, Kippen, phone 93r2 Hensall.____________________3tp. FOR SALE—A W 30 International tractor, on steel, low platform, Apply to Alex Voisin, R.R. 3, Ailsa Craig. 22:29* FOR SALE—Feed turnips. Phone 48rb8 Kirkton. 29* FOR SALE — Clydesdale filly, ris­ ing 4-year-old, clean legged, well broken, and good worker; also some Victory oats for seed. Apply to Joseph Ferguson, Lot 33, Con. 4 Usborne. 29* FOR SALE—A quantity of home- rendered lard, 13 cents per lb. Apply to Mrs. Jas. Airth, Exeter. 29* FOR SALE—A good week-old Dur­ ham calf. Apply L. B. Moore, first .house west of tracks, on Lake Road. 29* FOR SALE—One, 1933 Indian, forty-five; one, 1930 Harley- Davidson, seventy-four; one, , 1930 Harley-Davidson, forty- five; all in good condition. Ap­ ply to Ed. McKay, R. R. 2 Kip­ pen, phone 90 r 24, Hensall. 29* FOR SALE — Mixed grain, early Alaskan barley, 80 cents a bush­ el. Dan Finkbeiner, R.R. 2, Crediton. 29; 5c FOR SALE—A 1-way disc, good condition. Phone 33r21 Kirkton. 29* FOR SALE—2, fresh cows and one to freshen in April. Ed. Westcott phone 176rl4. 29c FOR SALE—jA. quantity of Ajax Oats grown from registered seed. §1.00 per bus. Clark Fisher 176r4. 29C FOR SALE — Strawberry plants. Apply to J. Willis Powell, phone 233 Exeter. 29:5* FOR SALE—-3 male collie pups, ten weeks old; also 2 Durham calves 3 months old. Apply Jas. Miller, Woodham. 29* FOR .SALE—A used baby carriage in good condition. Apply to Steve Tasko, R, R. 1, Clan deboy e. 29 FOR SALE — The Times-Advocate has a number of sheets of pulp board 33x45 inches, that would make splendid lining for a chick­ en house or something of that sort. MISCELLANEOUS POULTRY—For top prices and satisfactory culling, call Geo. Walker, Box 33, phone 119, Hensall. 8tp SHORT ON POULTRY on Govern­ ment Contract—A fowl, 5 lbs. and over, 22c.,—4’ lbs. and over, 20c. Parkdale Poultry, phone 152 Mitchell. 5tc Phone III