The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-03-22, Page 6Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 22, 1945 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCKt IMPLEMENTS & HOUSEHOLD fuhnituhe 1 mile west of Exeter, on THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1945 MRS. HIRAM SHAPTON, Prop, FRANK TAYDOR, Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE OF 150 ACRES OF GRASS LAND The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public- auction FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1945 at 1.30 10 Q acres on Con, Boundary of Hay adjoining 50 acres of Lot 3, South This is a good grass farm never-failing water. The property will be offered together and in part. . TERMS—-16% down and the bal­ ance in 30 days'. For further particulars apply to HILTON FORD, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. p.m., . 6, Lot 11 South Township; being west Boundary,Hay. with AUCTION SALE OF FARMS, FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS Lot 16, South Boundary, Hay Twp., 2% miles east of Dashwood, on FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1945 at 1 o’clock, sharp. REAL ESTATE—100 acres, more or less, has brick house with kit­ chen with cellar, furnace and bath room, running water all over barn and house, frame kitchen, woodshed, plenty plum, Bank 30x40 sheds, of good hardwood bush of fall wheat, 60 acres of ing done and balance seeded down; also half-horse gasoline engine to pump water. Other 100 acres, all in pasture, being half^ mile north of Highway, has windmill on farm, well. TERMS — Real estate, 10% on day of sale and balance in 30 days, sold subject to a reserved bid. Joseph Wildfong, Proprietor of farms. HORSES—Grey Percheron rising 6 years'; grey mare rising 7 years; grey horse rising 14 years old; black horse rising 5 years old. •CATTLE—Roan cow supposed to be in calf; roan cow, fresh heifers due April 25th; heifer due April 20th heifer,a due May 8th; Hereford sire years; heifer, ing 1 calves; of soft and hard water, has cherry trees and other fruits, barn 44x66, L.H. on wall, garage, 20x30 and 19x30 strawshed 2 driving 12 acres 5 acres fall plow- more or less, lot 3, Con. 8 never failing 2 black white-faced ; blue roan all bred to red steer, rising 2 red heifer, rising 2 years; rising 1 year; 2 steers, year; spring calf; 2 roan cow due April' 14; Hol­ stein due May 1st. HENS — 125 cross-bred yearling hens. HAY—6 tons of mixed hay. GRAIN—200 bushels of Cartier and early Alaska seed oats bushels of mixed grain of wheat. IMPLEMENTS- tor on rubber puller combined, good as new furrow Cockshutt M.H. binder, 7-ft. cut Deering mower, 5-ft.; cultivator steel roller; new; manure flat hay rack; M.H. 11-disc section harrows with new teeth walking plows; riding plow steel rake on; good top. cutter; buggy cart; 1200-lb. cap. scales, fanning mill with new sieves; sling ropes; grain grinder; cutting box; 1-horse scuffler; M.H. bean scuff­ ler; side delivery rake; wheel­ barrow; root pulper; neckyokes; scalding barrel; kettle and stand; 100 gal. gas drum; sap pan and pails; large sap barrel; spiles; pails; logging chains; whiffletrees; forks; shovels: bagger; 2 sets of chimes bells; team bells; set of heavy har­ ness; set single harness; I harness; horse blankets bags; twine sacks; horse DeLaval cream separator; merous other articles. TERMS—"CASH GARNET WILDFONG, ADDISON TIEMAN, Clerk ARTHUR WEBER, Auct. ris- fall 150 a quantity -Farm-All A trac- tractor scuffler and 2- tractor plow; McCormick- mower, 5-ft.; spring-tooth out-throw disc; 2-drum wagon, practically spreader; gravel box; Maxwell hay loader; * 4- 2 10-ft. bob sleighs; light wag­ good top. cutter; buggy; road 1200-lb. cap. scales; Clinton fertilizer drill 3rd-horse s; grain s collars; and nu- Prop AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS on SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1945 at 1.30 p.m. Main Street, Hensall Three-piece Chesterfield suite; dining room suite with 8 chairs and 1 arm chair; table; 5 chairs sofa; chair and 3 small tables; stands cha^; rugs; chairs; . _ t___ floor lamp; few odd dishes; cooking utensils, etc.; crocks; flower jars; medicine cabinet; Numerous other 3 beds; hall rack large table; leather rocker buffet; extension ; antique haircloth armchair to match; 3 dressers; 3 wash ; springs; bedroom hall mirror; 3 ; several odd wall racks; utensils, kitchen range; ) archway drapes, small articles. TERMS—CASH MRS. JEAN MANSON, Prop.’ FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer FRANK COATES,' Clerk. AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to ’sell by public auction at GRAND BEND SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1945 At 1.00 o’clock sharp the following: REAL ESTATE— Cement block house with basement, frame kitchen, Woodshed; hydro in house; garage 123t20; hip-roof bum 22x50 with track, large hay fork and rope; soft Water and rock and Spring well, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— 4 beds with springs and mattress; small table; 2 stands; 2 dressers; toilet set; Raymond drop-head sewing! ma­ chine; bureau; book-case; hall ; writing desk; table; 3 rocking cbairs; 10 room chuirs; Sparton electric 2 leather rockers; settee; 2 drop-leaf table; ex;- wnshing machine; kitchen table with refrigerator; couch; ironing hoard; Congol- 12x14, new; tapestry rug a num’ dining lamps; 2 mirrors; 6- 10 sets of lace cur- rack with mirror parlor dining radio small tension table; wringer; tubs; glass cupboard sideboard eum rug, 12x15; tapestry rug, 10x12; her of mats; kitchen stove room stove; octave organ. tains; quantity of bedding; number of sealers; crocks; tatoes, Irish Cobler pots; saw; hoes ler; sleighs chop boxes quantity of picture frames mower. and numerous other articles. TERMS — Household Effects: Cash, Real Estate: 10% on day of sale with balance in 30 days, subject to a reserve bid. STEPHEN WEBB, Prop. ARTHUR 'FINKBEINER, ARTHUR WEBER, Auct. R. 1 Dashwood; phone erous to mention. No reserve as the farm is sold, TERMS—CASH W, E. NAIRN, Auctioneer, NELSON ROACH, Proprietor. tables pans; pails 2 axes, shovels wheelbarrow; road cart; barrel quantity of po­ und Kahtadin; bucksaw; garden hand rake; scuff­ light 3 shovels; lawn pair of pruning shears; pew hand garden 2 sets harness box forks Sold Clerk 57-12 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on West half of Lot 29-30, 2% miles south of Hensall and % mile east, TUESDAY, .MARCH 27, 1945 at 1 o’clock sharp, the following: CATTLE—Blue cow due in Ap­ ril; Durham cow due in April; Holstein cow due in April. IMPLEMENTS—McCormick bind- 6-ft.; Deering mower; spring­ disc harrow; M.H. drill with fertilizer at- Cockshutt two-furrow walking plow; 1-fur- plow; 4-section iron 3-section iron harrows; 3- steel roller; fanning mill; wagon; hay rack; spring seat; light wag­ cutter; cutting box; bean cultivator nearly hay trip rope and ‘ ' Mel- . weigh , 1200 lbs.; 6 h.p. Interna- gas engine and grinder; root pulper; bag truck; tur- 2 sets of 3-rhorse whiffle- ; set heavy whiffletrees 3-horse eveners; barrels er, 6-ft.; Deering mower tooth cultivator 13-disc seed tachment; riding plow row riding harrows drum set of sleighs wagon box; on; buggy manure spreader with new; fork; chain ■otte power cream separator scales, 1200 lbs.; 6 h.p. tional gas engine and M.H. root pulper; bag truck nip drill trees; set heavy whiffletrees; set of 3-horse eveners; neckyokes; wire stretchers; barrels; forks; 5 and 8-prong forks; scoop shovel; 2 crosscut saws; posthole auger and scoop: different sized augers; jack plane; cant-hook; logging chains; axe; steel hog troughs; turnip hoes and pullers steel trap. ket; pulleys tors extinguisher. _ , __ ____, ft. extension ladder, and other ar­ticles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—White enamel shelf and reservoir bedroom suite, heater; lamps; Aladdin lamp ing lamp; settees; rockers; arm chair ress; small tables; churn; butter bowl crocks; 8- room rug, for living articles. puller attachment, 2 one-horse scufflers sling ropes 2 iron sugar kettles brick; rope self feeder : pig crate •chaff %-h.p. bags; robe 2 grain sacks and yoke; hay knife bas­ in o- fire 32 Clair Jewel Range, with nearly new; toilet set; coal oil ; hang­ chairs ; ; matt- chairs; ; pails; living fixture buffet, and other kitchen ; pictures veranda and ladle day mantel clock; 9x10 ft.; electric room TERMS—CASH WILLIAM H. WOOD, Prop, F. COATES, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR. Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED AND FURNITURE W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell by public auction on Lot 17, Concession 13, Usbome, 3 miles north west of Kirkton, on TUESDAY, MARCH 27th, 1945 commencing at 1 o’clock the follow­ ing: HORSES — Matched team Clyde geldings, 11 years old; Clyde mare, 11 years old; brown Percheron gelding, 6 years old; grey Percheron gelding, 3 years old; bay hackney hackneyfilly, 3 filly, 2 CATTLE- years old; time of sale in April, May; farrow cow; rising 2 years old rising 1 year old; 1 year- old. IMPLEMENTS — binder and cut; ft.; M.H. Wood seed drill with grass seeder attachment; spring-tooth horse cul­ tivator; set of team sleighs; 2000 lb. scales; stone boat 2 sections Duck foot gang plow. „ ____ ___o plow; 2-furrow Oliver tractor plow; 1-horse scuffler; land roller; truck wagon; flat hay rack with one man 8-inch vessot roller; M.H. road wagon; ; eutter; elec­ gas engine; Ill- years old; sorrel years old. —Dual purpose cow due to freshen at cow due to freshen 4 cows due to freshen in steers, steers rising bull, 3 3 grass : 3 grass 4 heifers, Wood carrier 5-ft. 10 Frost & 6-ft. cut with sheaf trucks; Deering mower. Frost & Wood hay rake. Maxwell 4-wheel hay loader; side rake; 14-disc Frost & set of team sleighs. 2 sets of disc harrows; 4 sections of harrows; 4 Section 2 hand plows; riding of harrows harrows, single-furrow rack grain grinder cutting box; wagon box; trie fencer pump jack; ternational crow bars; ropes; ........ . .....brick; Massey-Harris cream Separa’ tor; wood rack; grind stone root pulper; gravel some hay; 2 horse collars. fanning mill; ; oat heavy top buggy ; 3-horse 6 h.p. gas engine,_ Fordson tractor; chains; forks; hay forks; sling rock elm plank; shingles; tor;rack. colony house team harness, ____ ____ HOtiSlilHOlLD EFFECTS — Coal- oil stove; extension table; chairs; bed steads; other articles too num' Pig box; sets dispersal SALE Huron County Home mile south of Clinton, Ontario. on No. 4 Highway TUESDAY, MARCTI 27. 1945 commencing at 1,3 6 p.m. A complete dispersal sale Shorthorn Herd of the County Home will be held above date consisting of the ing: 3 fresh cows, 5 due after the sale, 3 to freshen fall, also 2 open vaccinated heifers. This herd is fully accredited and T.B. tested. Catalogues will be available at the County Home, Clinton, Ontario, phone 24, and also at the Agricul­ tural Office, Clinton. The Committee in charge of County Home affairs have decided to maintain a dairy herd only and J stove therefore the entire herd of Short-; othei’ horns will be sold to the highest! bidder at this sale. TERMS—CASH County Home Committee, McCann, Chairman) Miller, Clerk, one of the Huron on the follow- shortiy in the old; dark grey gelding, 1400 lbs,, 4 years 0I4. CATTLE—Herefordl cow due in May; Durham, cow due in May; 2 farrow ‘Cows; 3-year-old liejfer; number of yearling calves, PIGS — 8 Pigs, 5 weeks old; brood sow due in June; brood sow due to breed. 75 Leghorn-Sussex hens, IMPLEMENTS — M.H, foot; M. H 11-hoe seed drill steel roller. International beet cultivator 6 foot cultivator row binder, 6 mower, 5 foot; M.H. Frost & Wood odd section harrows; M.H’ ..........Bissell disc har- , No. 21 Fleury walking plow; No. 4 Wilkinson walking 13 Fleury sulky plow; Cockshutt sulky plow; rake; rack; 750 lb . slings and chain buggy; engine; shovels j colony plow; No. 2-furrow steel hay and beet separator farm wagon; hay Renfrew1 cream 150 feet hay fork rope, 500 lb. tackle; ; set of sleighs grain bags ; post hole auger ; 500-chick crate cutter; 11 hoes house; fattening articles, gas forks; brooder and many 50 bushels Cartier f. Classified Directory PLACE AN ADVERTISEMENT HERE AND WATCH RESULTS WANTED LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE WANTED TQ RENT—Four unfur­ nished rooms and a bath. Phone 182 Exeter 22* WANTED—-Electric refrigerator in gpod condition. Apply to Box 118 Exeter. 22^ WANTED—A house to rent, per­ manent. Apply to Norman Hun­ ter, Exeter. 22* Huron (A. N. W. Duncan A. Brown, Auct. Prop 3 to AUCTION SALE OF FARMS, ARM STOCIC, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, on Lot 25, South Boundary, Hay Twp., first farm west of Dashwood, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28th, 1945 at 12.3 0 o’clock sharp, the follow­ ing: HORSES—Bay horse, 12 old; bay horse 6 years old mare in foal due in April, colt rising 3 years; rising 2 years. CATTLE—Hereford April; Durham cow Hereford cow due in heifer due in April; 2 years; heifer calf old; bull calf rising PIGS—11 York stocker pigs. IMPLEMENTS — Frost & Wood binder, mower bean scuffler. Frost & Wood Jbinder for repairs 2 bunches of shingles ‘ " low down farm wagon; neckyokes; shelter; 3 section harrows; disc; riding plow; low down Cockshutt er. steel rake ning mill; cutting box; set of ropes; turnip seedei* ter; wheelbarrow; gasoline of new sleighs; of wood fork; 2 grain shovel ing scoop; scalding harness; collars; of 2-12- frew cream separator quantity of cedar ■chopper; water house 12x14 ft, HAY and GRAIN—20 I? years grey grey Chestnut colt cow due in due in May; May; Ayrshire 3 steers rising rising 1 year 1 year old. 6 ft. cut; International Cockshutt fertilizer . drill; rubber tire wagon; steel tired whiffletrees flat hay rack; horse scuffler; walking plow; manure spread­ spring-tooth cultivator; 200 lb. cap. scales buggy root drums; chop box •cable for barn; sleigh platform; ; chicken . troughs; manure forks; hay gravel shovel; large sugar barrel; 2 sets of 3-horse harness; 5 quantity of bags; 8 6 fertilizer; 550-lb. nearly posts trough 10-ft. fan­ sling cut­ pulper; ; 150 ft. pair bob quantity barley forks; ditch­ kettle; double horse bags Ren- new: 10-inch colony tons of mixed hay; a quantity of cut straw; 40 bushels of Ajax oats; 200 bush­ els of mixed grain. REAL ESTATE—100 acres, more or less, on Lot"25, South Boundary, Hay Township; first farm west of Dashwood; on Highway 83, nicely located, brick house with brick kit­ chen, both have upstairs and 'cellar; smoke house, drive shed, hen stable bank barn 6 0x72 feet on wall: 3 spring wells_, hydro in house-1 and barns, loam; acres grass. Also on same dav 75 acres, more or less, being Lot 22 south % of Con. 16, SteDhen Township 2% miles west and % mile south of Dashwood. Land is black loam, well- drained, 35 acres plowing done, bal­ ance in grass, well fenced, good gra­ nary 15x20 feet with cement "floor. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Quan­ tity of dishes, cook stove with oil burner inet; chairs; table; couches; er; long table; 2 extinguisher hall rack with mirror; board; extension table 2 stands; 2 toilet sets; springs graph with stand; mower quantity of sealers, crocks; 2 6-gallon crocks; • washing machine with ringer; cellar table; ■congoleum rug 9x21, new; room 7x10, new; oil lamp; room linoleum 12x14; linoleum 2 yards by 4; 1 piece 4x1% yards; table radio; AUadin lamp; small kitchen table; pots, pails, pans, large mail box; hand saw axe certified early potatoes, and num* erous other articles. TERMS—Chattels and Household Effects, Cash. Real Estate, 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days Sold subject to a r.eserved bid. ARTHUR WEBER, Auct. ADDISON TIEMAN, Clerk, MRS, MARTHA BAKER, Prop. 2 yard lights, land is of black 25 acres of fall wheat and 25 fall plowing done, balance in >; kitchen cab­ dozen kitchen dining room dining room chairs; 2 buffet; large leather rock­ parlor table; round parlor piano chairs pictures ; kitchen table wash stand; i 8-day clock; 6 ; large fire and frames; kitchen cup- 4 dressers; 4 beds with 3 jardineer stands; phono­ wash lawn rake; tubs; records; sink; cistern hydro oven; large pump; hoes, 2 wash half-horse motor; new 6 octave organ; 10 bags of AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The uhdersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Lot 5, Con, 3, McGillivray, 1% miles north of Mooresville and 1% miles west, WEDNESDAY, MARCH at I p.m, the following HORSES-—Aged mare, brown mare, 1300 lbs., old; black mare, 1400 tbs. old; bay gelding, 1600 lbs. old; black mare, 140o lbs. on asth 1.945 1500 ]bs,; 10 years 9 years 1 years 4 years FOUND —- A lady's pair of black gloves; also a lady’s dress have been left at Beaver’s Hardware and may lie had by paying for advt, FOR SALE—Wardrobe, 3 ft. 7 ifl. long, 1 ft, 9 in. wide, 6 ft, high; also a screen door, 7ft x 3 ft. Mrs, Alex McFalls, Albert St, S,, Exeter, • 15* MISCELLANEOUS 12 tons hay oats. The farm consisting of 100 acres of land, 10 acres bush, 10 wheat, bank barn 50x55, barn 34x56, TERMS — Chattels, cash. 10%, balance in 30 days. Sold ject to reserve bid. ED DUNDAS, Prop. FRANK COATES, Clerk, •FRANK TAYLOR, Auct, WANTED TO RENT — 50 to 100 acres of good grass land. Apply at Times-Advocate. 22* WANTED—A child’s crib. Apply at Times-Advocate. 22* acres grain Farm sub- WANTED—Clocks or watches. Re­ pair agency. Guaranteed work. Call at Blue Sunoco gas station. S. J. Sweitzer. 4tp WANTED—'Electric washing ma­ chine; also a baby crib. Apply to Times-Advocate. 22 * POULTRY—For top satisfactory culling, Walker, Box 33, Hensall. prices call phone and Geo, 119, 8tp SHORT ON POULTRY on Govern­ ment Contract—A fowl, 5 lbs. and over, 22c.,—4 lbs. and over, 20c. Parkdale Poultry, phone 152 Mitchell. 5tc PERSONAL SEED FOR SALE—Cartier oats, O.A-O. 21 barley. R. T, McDon­ ald, Cromarty, phone 21r90, Hensall. 15:22* FOR SALE — 10-20 International tractor in good condition. Harvey Godbolt, Centralia. Phone Exeter 175rl3, 22* FOR SALE—Reconditioned McCor­ mick-Deering 10-20 tractor. Wm Cann, R. R. 1 Hensall. • - 22* FOR SALE—5 new cedar posts, one new end post; also short handled pitch fork. Apply to Wesley Hackney, Hay P.O. 22:29* AUCTION SALE OF 30 HEAD GRADE HOLSTEIN CATTLE at Farm, 5 miles south miles west of Exeter, on Highway No. 83, 1%. miles east THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1945 commencing at 1.30 o’clock sharp. 18 cows ranging in age from 2 to 8 years old- 4 will be due by date of sale 2-year-old heifer due in April; will be due in ance bred for heifers, 1-year- 19 44 heifers; bred bull, nice size. These cattle officially T.B, clean test for the entire herd. Also blood tested for abortion with no reactions. This is a herd of good healthy cattle in thrifty condition with well balanced udders, and farmers or dairy men neediiig milk cows should not miss this sale! 33 HEAD YORKSHIRES — 5 sows will have pigs by sale date; 3 of them with first litter dfle last weighing Three houses. REAL ESTATE of Zurich, 6 of Dashwood 6 fresh since Jan.; 1 5 June and July; bal- fall freshening •old in October, 11-month-old markings and 2 8 pure- good have recently tested showing been a 1 sow day of May; 27 stockers 35 to 140 pounds. new A type farrowing TERMS—CASH ARTHUR WEBER, Auct, AD. TIEMAN, Clerk, S.. M. PEACHEY. Prop. Hav P.O. AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARiM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer received instructions from WM. LOVIE to sell by public auction at Lot 12, Con. 22, Stephen (3 miles south of Grand Bend, 1% miles north of Greenway and 1% miles west) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1945 HORSES—Chestnut mare, rising years; wagon mare, rising 8 Clyde mare, rising 4 years; rising 10 years. ■Red -cow, 4 years, red cow, 5 years, due red cow with calf at foot: 3; sale; red sale; due April 30; : red cow, 5 years has 8 years Clyde mare, CATTLE- May 4 10. cow, due April due at time of at time of sale; due at time of years, fresh; er with calf at foot; Jersey farrow ‘ ‘ 5 years; 5 2 due May red cow, due Hereford red cow, cow, 4 years, red heifer, 3 red heifer, >; red heif- Durham farrow cow, fat 2 years year FOR SALE—Small cottage, town water and hydro, good basement. Price $800.00. If you are inter­ ested see us at once. C. V. Pick­ ard, Exeter. FOR SALE — Medium size brick house in good condition with conveniences, nicely located. Will sell furnished. W. C. Pearce. FOR SALE—100 acres clay in Usborne Township, good and barn, hydro, silo, bush, spring possession. Pickard, Exeter. loamu house maple C. V. acres between Whalen, brick slate -100 and good condition. and soft water inside, 34x74 henhouse 20x60 FOR SALE- Centralia • house in roof, hard bank barn good water at barn and in field, fall wheat and ploughing done. Possession April 2nd. Bargain to settle estate. W. C. Pearce. FOR SALE—100 acres clay loam, hank barns, garage, brick house, fairly close to town. Spring pos­ session. W. C. Pearce. FOR SALE—150 acres good pas­ ture. Well located. Running wat­ er. Some Bush. C. V. Pickard. FOR SALE—l?j storey brick house. Well located in the village of Exeter. C. V. Pickard. FOR SALE—Some vacant lots suit­ able for building sites. W. C. Pearce. highest bidder as proprietoi’ is ing up farming. Sale at 1 p.m, TERMS—CASH JIM DALTON, Clerk, - ARTHUR WEBER, Auct, ■ R. R. 1 Dashwood, Tel giv- 57-12 FULLER TIVE, Clinton, nesdays further Times-Advocate, BRUSH REPRESENTA- Miss Winnifred O’Neil, will be in Exeter Wed- during March. For particulars apply at c FOR SALE’—A good hound, one- year-old. Apply to Henry Bender, Dashwood. ■ * FOR SALE—rlron pump, 30 feet of piping. Apply to P. Bertram, Carling Street. 22* RHEUMATIC PAIN, Sciatica, Lum­ bago quickly relieved by using RUMACAPS. Recommended thousands who have gained better health. Robertson’s Drug Store. BABY CHICKS by FOR SALE—A for washing work. Harold Dashwood. Johnson gas engine machine or light Rader, phone 25rll 22* FOR SALE—Child’s spring coat and bonnet outfit, like new, will fit 3 to 5 years. Call 176r2 Exeter. 22* A-l BABY CHICKS—from blood- tested stock: Barred Rocks; Large Type White Leghorns; B. Rock x W. Leghorn; Sussex x New Hampshire; Red x Rocks. Write or phone A, Hatchery. price list, phone 38-3 Granton, tfc FOR SALE—No. 1 Mabel Oats $1.00 bushel. No. 1 21 Barley $1.15 bushel. G. Brod­ erick, Exeter, Ont., R. R, Early o.a.c; 1. 22* Granton, H. Switzer Ont., for SPECIAL SALE — Day old and started chicks for this week and next: Non-sexed New Hampshires 11.95 heavy horns Breeds Rocks, Assorted heavies Leghorns 21.95; Breeds 20.95 Rocks 3.95; 3.75; old chicks in the above, breeds for the week of March 26 th only add 6c per chick to above prices. Shipped C.O.D. This advertise­ ment must accompany your or­ der. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. 22c breeds 10.95 9.95. New Barred Rocks, Assorted White Leg- Light Barred 18.95; White 10.95 Assorted Pullets: Hampshires 17.95; Assorted Light Cockerels: Barred 4.95; New Hampshires Assorted Heavy Breeds Leghorns 95 c. Two week plows; fanning mill with and bagger; brooder stove. Full enamel new; 3-burner extension pulley ladder; nearly FOR SALE—A bull calf. Apply to Oliver Rowcliffe, Hensail. 22c FOR SALE— coat, size reasonable, phone 266, •Pastel plaid, reversible 14, good condition, Marguerite Hogarth, 22* FOR SALE—A Percheron mare colt rising three this spring. Jacob Ratz, R.R.3, Dashwood. 22c SEED FOR SALE—Galore Barley, smooth awn, one of the highest recommended at the O.A.C early Alaska Oats. A. B. R.R. 2, Kippen, phone Hensall. also Bell, 93r2 ,3tc FOR SALE—A W 3 0 International tractor, on steel, low platform. Apply to Alex Voisin, R.R. 3, Ailsa Craig. 22:29* FOR SALE—Windmill, 30 ft. tower, fair shape. Apply at Times-Advo- •cate. 22c FOR SALE—General Electric cabin­ et model radio in good condition. Mrs. E. Shepperd, Hensail. 22c cow Durham Durham steer, Durham steers heifers, rising : PIGS—1 York brood May 28; 6 stocker pigs, each. HENS—100 hybrid hens, year lings; turkey hen. IMPLEMENTS — ft., in good shape drill, 11-hoe; Deering L. barn jack; M.H. mower, cut; M.H. steel rake, 10 ft.; plate in throw disc; T.ud. And down manure spreader hay loader; sulators and mond riding plow plow W. cart; heifers, rising rising 2 >, rising 1 1 year. sow, 100 due lbs. M.H. binder. 6 M.H. fertilizer drill, 11-hoe; 5 ft. ;■ 14- . low M.H. push 2 electric fencers wire; 3-section harrows; Farmers National No. ; Fleury walking plow side delivery rake; M.H. bean scuffler with pull­ er and new knives; 1-horse scuff­ ler; rubber tired wagon with 19’’ tires and two spare wheels; flat hay rack; low down steel wagon; buggy; cutter; 2 oak barrels'; iron kettle; pair bob sleighs; sap pan; incubator, 140 egg cap.; 4 turkey coops colony house 10x12 500 chick cap.; shovels; forks; ers; two-wheel 5-ft. cross-cut Verity cutting 1200 lb. scale; feet; set sling wheelbarrow; tension ladder, ton fanning mill. HARNESS—Heavy set Of double harness; 3-hofse harness; set single harness; 4 hoyse collars; sweat pads; extra set of bridles. GRAIN---40 bus. \ buckwheat bus, wheat; 100 bus. mixe'd grain, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Dining room table; 8 dining room chairs; large leather armchair; lard press; grinder; Daisy churn; Washing ma­ chine and wringer; gas iron; Alad­ din lamp; 3-piece chesterfield and other articles too numerous to men­ tion. Every article Will be sold to the m- dia- Friend 8 twin ; F. & harrow 2 oak barrels" pair bob sleighs . 140 egg cap. 650 Viking cream separator; brooder stove, 2 logging chains; 3 neckyokes; even­ trailer witn rack: saw; oat roller; box; root pulper; hay fork rope 150 ropes; chop box; stoneboat; 32-ft. ex- ; 20-ft. ladder: Clin- 50 REAL ESTATE—Also same day and same place there will be offer­ ed for sale Lot 12, Concession 22, Stephen Tp., 3 miles south of Grand Bend, one hundred and twenty-five on which is erected an iL-shaped brick house, 2 storeys with cellar, kitchen, soft water pen, 51x63, cement silo 12x35 on well. ,10 acres fall wheat, plowing done, rest • down. TERMS—10% on balance in 30 a reserve bid lars apply to tor of estate, phone Sprinkbank 3-23 acres, more or less, rock well, garage 12x14; bank windmill 15 acres hardwood bush, 25 acres fall of land seeded hen house, hog barn day of sale and sold subject todays For further particu- Frank Turner, execu- R. R. 7, Parkhill or AUCTION SALE OF TRACTORS, COMBINES AND FARM EMOPLEtMENTS on Lot 4, Concession. 1, London Road. 1 1 mile north of Kippen, in Stanley * township, on THURSDAY, APRIL 5tl), 1945 30 sharp, the following: Allis Chalmers W.C. tractor lights and starter, on rubber lis Chalmers W.F. tractor on ber; Allis Chalmers C. tractor lights and starter, on rubber; Chalmers bean and for C. puller mers quick cleaners; 6-ft. windrower, row general bottom International plow on rubber; 2-furrow ace bot­ tom International plow oh rubber; 34-plate Bissel disc, heavy duty; 32-plate BisSell disc with weight boxes; 10-ft. stiff tooth Interna­ tional cultivator; 3-section Allis Chalmers spring tooth harrows; Fleury-Bissel plow packer with 3- furrow plow; 7-ft. International binder, practically new; 11-disc In­ ternational fertilizer drill grass seeder attachment; M.H, disc drill with tractor hitch; International with clover loader, side delivery hay tedder, heavy Harris. ris; M.H. low down manure spread­ er; International bean scuffler, new style with discs; International rubber tire wagon, nearly flew; 16- ft, flat hay rack and sliding rack; 10-ft, steel hay rake; 2 walking with ; Al- rub- with Allis corn scuffler tractor; Allis Chalmers bean for C. tractor; 2 Allis Chal- 60 combines, on rubber, with adjustable speed with re- 6-ft. windrower; 3-fur- cloVer table new with . 15- 5-ft. new, steel hay mo wet, nearly buncher and International style; International rig, hew style; M.H, nearly new; 4-section ; 4-section light Har- kitchen stove, coal oil stove; hand washing machine; quantity of bee boxes; sap pan, dresser and stand; kitchen table and quantities of chairs; team harness, and other articles too numerous to mention. Absolutely no reserve as prop­ rietors are giving up farming. TERMS—CASH ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer R. R. 1 Dashwood, HYDE BROS., Proprietors, Hensall,. Ont., Phone 128 p. il. McNaughton, cierk. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD the residence . Harvey The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by at Andrew Street, on FRIDAY, APRIL 1 o’clock sharp the following: Beds, dressers, stands, springs, mattresses, pillows, mahogany mus­ ic cabinet, oak book case, 3 section oak book case, hall seat with mir­ ror, chesterfield, oak library table, oak dining room suite, oak serving table, trays, congoleum rugs, single bed with springs and mattress, hall tree, rocking chairs, occasional chairs, 8 odd bedroom, chairs, several small tables, 2 kitchen cup­ boards, fern stands, clocks, couch, rugs, end table, 4 verandah chairs, mirrors, 2 wicker chairs, semi­ porcelain dinner set, premier dup­ lex cleaner with wax polisher at­ tachment, kitchen cabinet, 2-burner electric plate, insulated oven for electric plate (new), kitchen table and chairs, stools, electric irons, 3- burner oil stove with single and double oven, oil wheelbarrow, wash dryer, garbage can, cage, egg beaters, granite bread pan, jatdiniers, garden rocker ash sifter ladders, frying pans, aluminum ware, pint and quart sealers, square, saws, shears, carpet sweeper, garden tools, dishes, pots and pans numerous other articles. TERMS—GASH e. c. Harvey, prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. FRANK COATES, Clerk, GEO. W. LAWSON, Cashier At at FOR SALE Cartier O.A.C. O.A.C. and Ajax Oats 21 Barley ....... 181 Peas ......... Ajax, Cartier, Reg. Reg. Reg. Commercial Banner, Victory oats ........ O.A.C. 21 Barley .......,....... O.A.C. 181 Peas ................ All above Grade No. One, cleaned, sacks free. Special low prices on Hybrid and open pollinated corn. SCOTT’S ELEVATOR Lucan %E. Scott > $1.25 . $1.60 . $4.00 Alaska. . $1.00 . $1.35 . $3.75- Power- FURNITUR® of Mrs. Thomas public auction Exeter 6tli, 1945 lamp, lantern, . tubs, folding toilet set, bird ironing boards, roasting pan, hose, crocks, tea kettles, step pans. and "Pop, it says here in some part& qf Africa a man doesn't kfloW his wife until he marries her," remark­ ed the precocidUS lad as he read the paper. "Why single out Africa?" TENDERS WANTED TENDERS Plainly marked tenders will be- received by the undersigned for the hauling of 8000 yards of pit run. gravel at a flat rate per cubic yard' on roads in the Township of Mc­ Gillivray as directed by the road superintendent. Gravel to be placed: on roads between August 15th and Octobei’ 15th, 1945, Tenders to be- in Road Superintendent’s office no> later than 12 o’clock noon, April 5th.- Marked cheque of $250.00 to> accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Fred J. Neil, Road Superintendent, R. R. 3, Ailsa Craig. t5:22c NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of James B. Simp­ son, late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, Retired" Farmer. ■Creditors and" others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of" such claims to the undersigned Trust Company on or before the 2nd day of April, A.D. 1945, after which date the estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been re­ ceived. The Canada Trust Co., London,. Ontario—Executor. Mary P. Simpson, Hensall, Ontario—Executrix,By Frederick W. Gladman, Exeter—Solicitor. An order for canned meat has- been placed In Canada by UNRRA (United Nations Relief and llabilitation Administration) canning operations are how gress. in Pe­ an d pro­ 'i'he man who borrows trouble* never nays it back.pays it back,