HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-03-15, Page 10Page B V’S I “SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO” ■'.ji it! AU- THE TIMES-APVQftVTE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 15, 1545 Beauty Shoppe markets (GeorgianBeauty Shoppe VICE IB OUR MOTTO” Qats 52c. (Successor to Clarion I’ooley) AU lines of Beauty Culture. TeJ. 112 Exeter Vera O, Decker, Prop. Oats 52 c. Barley 69 c. Creamery Butter 39 c. Eggs, A Large 32c Eggs, A Medium 39c Eggs, Pullet 2-2c Eggs B 24e Dressed Hogs $17.55 Bonus A $4.00 Satisfaction Guaranteed M. Christine McCrae, Prop. Exeter Phone 245 tffl Wednesday TONIGHT Only 4 night only — 2 special features ‘Casanova in Burlesque’ starring JOE E. BROWN “Gambler’s Choice” starring CHESTER MORRIS and NANCY KELLY I II LOCALS I I I. A 3 act comedy “THE MAN FROM NOWHERE” will be presented by the Grand Bend Y.p.U. on Monday March 26, in the James Street United church. <5 LOCALS Snell’s Taxi Service Phone 100 THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY March 15, 16, 17 and Saturday Matinee at 2.30 p.m, <1 HOCKEY MEETING A meeting of all interested in hockey will be held in the Town Hall tonight (Wednesday) at 8 p.m. It is hoped there will be a good turn-out. .;--------.—.........;■.... ,.................... ..............- WITH AN EYE TO GOOD GROOMING AND BETTER PERMANENTS. Phone 146Phone 146 fl MRS. PARKINGTON A special Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer picture starring GREER GARSON, WALTER PIDGEON EDWARD ARNOLD and all star cast. This picture is not suitable for children under 12 years. 9 The Thames Road Red Cross unit will hold a community sale, includ­ ing baking at the Exeter Co-Opera^- tive Store Saturday, March 24, commencing at three o’clock. MONDAY and TUESDAY March 19, 20 “None But the Lonely Heart” with CARY GRANT, BARRY FITZGERALD (a star of “Going My Way”) and MISS ETHEL BARRYMORE Match 23, 23 and 24 “Hollywood Canteen 99 Coming .... “The Thin Man Goes Home” “Meet Me In St. Louis” “Going My Way” (April 9, 10) Mrs. M. Finkbeiner is spending the week in Hamilton and Orange­ ville, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer vis­ ited with relatives in Listowel on Saturday. Lieut. W. C. and Mrs. Dunsford, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dunsford. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kestle, and Miss Almena Keddy, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. W. C. and Miss Nettie Keddy Saturday and Sunday. Mr. O. F. Anderson and son, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with the former’s parents. Mr, and Mrs. George Anderson. Mr. Ed. Pollen has received word from his son Everett, a private in the U.S. army, stating he is now with the American forces on one of the Marienne Islands. Mr. Elon Hooper, a former resi­ dent of Exeter, whose early home was north of ’Crediton, has been in Victoria Hospital, London for the past five years. Mr. Homer Buswell, of Usborne, who has been in Victoria Hospital, London, for the past few weeks, is much improved and expects to be home in a few days. Mrs. Wm. Lamport, who is cuperating at the home of daughter in London, is much proved but will be confined to home for several weeks yet. Mrs. Maynard Margison spent the week-end in St. Thomas visiting her husband who is a patient at the military hospital T.T.S. St. Thomas. L/'Cpl. Harold Edwards, of Vic­ toria, B.C., and Pte. Wilbert Ed­ wards, of Wolsley Barricks, London visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith. Mrs. Glen Brenner and family and Mrs. Annie Brenner, of Grand Bend, and Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, of London spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Bought and Sold WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR GOOD LATE MODEL CARS and have the following recondition­ ed cars for sale HUDSON SEDAN BUICK SEDAN PLYMOUTH SEDAN FORD COACH PLYMOUTH COUPE and several cheaper cars. We have 2 new 3-ton trucks stock. in SANDY ELLIOT SMMW—WUIIJIUWIIW'IrJTOKTlMWMJ—IIIHMHWMNIHIIII11W flllNMI NI'Tl. Alberta STEWARTS TAXI Phone 155w Exeter ATTENTION FARMERS! Why not see if your work shoes need* repairing. Have them ready for the warm weather when you discard those rubbers. Have them repaired now and avoid delay. Spring is just around the corner. We heel them—Attend their dyeing—Save their soles! MEN’S WORK SHOES $2.35 to $6.50 ADEN’S BLACK AND TAN OXFORDS $2.00 to $6.00 Rubber and leather repairing promptly and neatly attended to. Wuerth’s Cash Shoe Store re- her im- the Sweitzer. W. F. Beavers morning for will attend the Mr. and left on Toronto Under­ held at Keep Fit and Look Trim With — SPIRELLA — FOUNDATION GARMENTS Individually designed to ap-- ply Nature’s own principles of [support and control and are made to correct measurements. For an interview phone ‘125. MRS. VALERIA ARMSTRONG Mr. B. Tuesday where he writer’s Convention to be the King Edward Hotel. LAC. Graham Mason, who was. stationed at Camp Borden and who spent his leave in Exeter and at Grand Bend, left Saturday for Moncton, N.B., before being posted overseas. Mr. Frank Coates, who recently disposed of his grocery business to Mr. Aljoe Sanders, has purchased the brick cottage on the corner of Andrew and James Street from Mr. Jesse Horne. Mrs. J. C. Gardiner, ot Kirkton, . spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers and on Sunday addressed the Bible Class in the Main Street United Church. •We expect a carload of nut size Alberta coal shortly. Place your order early and be sure of your supply for next winter. 'Hi Miss Margaret Allison, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allison. Mr. Amos. Darling, who has spent the winter at Sebringville with his daugnter, Mrs. Andrew Inglis, is at present in Victoria Hospital, London, for treatment and may have to undergo an operation, for goitre. His many friends will hope for his speedy recovery. 1 B3 1‘1 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rpy. Kenneth MacLean, Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School, 11 a.m.---Public Worship.7 p.m.—Young People’s Society. Thursday, March 15, at 3 p.m.— Caven W.M.S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Dow. Monday, Mar. 19, 4.15—The Busy Bees Mission Band will meet in the Primary room. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. N, J, Woods, M.A., Minister Airs. A. Y. WWard, Organist 11 a.m.—-Public Worship and Church School. The Minister. Sermon theme, “The Messiahship of Jesus,” p.m.—Public Worship, ister. Sermon theme, son for the Cross.” Wednesday (to-night), Prayer Service jn Trivitt Parish Hall. Rev. MacLean, Saturday, March 17, 3 p.m.—Mis­ sion Band at the Church. 7 JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. B. Irwin. B.A. Mrs. Win. Murdoch, A.L.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader . a.m.—Morning worship. The Minister. “A Good Investment”, p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes, p.m.—Evening worship. The Minister. “On the Sidelines”. Mon, 8 p.m.—Y.P.U.—Christian Fellowship. 11 3 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH 1' 11........'1 1 ............. ..... .......... —- ........................................• ......................... . ■ .?r,..,l..|M.«„l?.. ... Hfii. ■ iifi.iniiinfWI SPUN RAYON 8 p.m.— 0 V All Wool Blankets Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday The Min- “The Rea- CANADIAN The Red Cross needs your help more than ever. We must not let WEB CROSS ' _ _ „ , them down. Let us all do our part. This is a lovely material and comes in Sand, Mauve, Blue, Rose and White suit­ able for dresses and blouses; a lovely material; 39 inches wide per yard 55c Just arrived 1 A fine assortment of new dresses for spring, This lot consists of a range of better dresses. Also a smart range for house, afternoon ad street wear. These lovely all-wool, two-tone Blankets are the first we have had for three years. These are large size, 70 in. x 80 in. $10.95 Marboleum, Inlaid linoleum Will last a lifetime i£ properly laid. Ideal for bathroom, dining rooms, kitchens and table tops. Comes in Black, Wine, Sand, Green or Broyvn. Two Qualities $3.50 and $5.00 Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader. Mr. Middlemiss 5th Sunday in (Lent “Passion Sunday” a.m.—Holy Communion, a.m.—Sunday School. 10 11 ___ ____. „„ . . 7 p.m,—Evensong and? Sermon "Sacrifice”. Wed., (tonight) 8 p.m.—Union Prayer Service in the Parish Hall, • speaker, Rev. Kenneth MacLean. ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock, Organist 10 a.m.—“How Far Can You Travel on Sunday.” 11 a.m.—Church School. 7.30 p.m.—“A Little While” Friday, 8 p.m.—E.Y.F. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8.30 p.m.—Bible Study, Fri., 8.30 p.m.—Young People’s, .Speaker, Mrs. Cudmore. Sunday, 2 p.m.—-Sunday School. Sunday, 3 p.m.—“Let Down Your Nets” Sunday, 8 p.m.—“New Wine in New Bottles” •Come and get our prayer song sheet gift. IA, prayer song fOr our soldier boys and girls. HIGH PRICES TO CONTINUE I CHICKEN DINNERS, Home Style Special, per tin ........... ... GLENWOOD DICED BEETS Choice quality ..................... 2 tins 25c 34c Mother Jackson’s JIFFY PIE CRUST Per pkg............................................. J ONIONS Good cooking ...... 10 lbs. 24c 25c AYLMER CANNED PUMPKIN Large tin ................................ 2 for <25c TOMATO JUICE Dew Kist, Special DRIED APPLES Special this week 3 tins 24c 3 lbs. 25c EGGWHEAT BRAND NOODLES 12 oz. pkg. .................................... NEW COLORED CHEESE First for a long time ..... DUTCH SETT ONIONS Get your select seed early. 17c per lb. 34c Phone 16 Southcott Bros Main St. W.M.S. Main St. W.M.S. met at the of Mrs. Layton Thursday, Sth with a fair attendance. home March The meeting was opened with hymn 21 and prayer by the president. The roll and port was given and the report of the choir. about Mrs. H. Anderson’s will stat­ ing that a share of War< Savings Certificates be left to the Society. It was agreed to try to get Mission­ ary slides and entertain the Even­ ing Auxiliary and have lunch. Mrs. Abbott read a temperance paper by Nellie McLung. A birthday collec­ tion was taken. Miss A. Hackney gave the topic on Burma illustrated with a snap. The worship service was taken by Mrs. Sims. During the worship service a solo was sung by Mrs. Hart entitled “The .Stranger of Galilee” which was enjoyed by all. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. Sims. was called and minutes read approved. The treasurer’s re- supper for the session and The treasurer read a letter Not Charity but Duty €ANA0EAN REE) CROSS c SINCE 1936 Raspberry plantings have declined steadily. Acreage is now smallest in many years. No prospect of early improve­ ment. Result—high prices to continue. Solution—-your own garden patch. LATHAM undoubtedly superior. Large red berries. Immense yields. Hardy at 40 below. Planting stock very scarce. Order books close March 24th. Act fast. PRICES: Extra heavy, hard wooded mature canes shipped C.O.D. prepaid express, 50 for $9.50; 100 for $17.50. With good growing . conditions this grade of stock gives small yield three months after planting, then annual crops. I A world wide symbol of civilization—an inter­ national agency of mercy—the Red Cross needs your financial aid to help those fighting and suffering for you. Caven Y.P.S. The Y.P.S. of Caven Presbyterian Church held their Literary meeting on Sunday evening in the Primary room. Miss Jean Kirk presided over the meeting. “Blest Be The Tie That Binds” was sung followed by pray­ er by Mr. MacLean. “O, Lord, Thou Art My God and King” was sung. The Scripture lesson taken from Matthew 20: 20 to 29 was read by Annie Mason. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted followed by the roll call. Mrs. MacLean asked for volunteers for the Missionary meeting next Sunday evening. Everyone was ask­ ed to bring a friend to the St. Pat­ rick's social on Friday evening. A Meditation Was read by Betty Bell­ ing and Maxine McDonald gave a story on St. Patrick. The closing hymn was “Christ for the World We Sihg” and the Lord’s Prayer W. W. TamanIliMission Circle Entertained On Tuesday evening the After­ noon Auxiliary entertained the members of the Mission Circle to a' delightful .St, Patrick’s supper. The chairlady, Mrs. J, M* Southcott, gave a welcoming address and Mrs. Armstrong led in the Devotional part of the meeting. Hymn 171 was sung followed by prayer by Mrs. Armstrong. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. W. Johns, Mrs. H. Perkins, Miss Monteith and Mrs. Mac Gregor, Mrs. Wm Cook led in prayer and hymn 127 was sung. Ardys McFalls, Mission Circle pres­ ident , then took charge of the program. A hymn was sung followed by everyone reading in unison Psalm 46. May Jones led in prayer and Florence Down read a very interesting story on some of experiences of Dr. McLure. Fisher, on behalf of the M,C,, pressed thanks to the Ladies their kindness in entertaining Doris Westcott sang a lovely Solo and Ardys McFalls read a poem. Hymn 126 “Lead Kindy Light” was sung and Irene Sweet gave the chapter in the Study Book on Bur­ ma, assisted by Edna Swain and Mary Johns. Helen Rowe then fav­ ored with a solo “Beautiful Dream­ er” and a splendid reading by! Margaret Henry was much enjoyed*' Hymn 247 was sung, Mrs, Anderson thanked the girls for their part in the program to which Ardys Me- ; Palls replied, ‘The Mizpah Benedic­ tion brought a most enjoyable evening to a close, Dept. 2 B HOGLE NURSERY COMPANY CAMPBELLFORD, ONT. gg iSI Phones: 90W, 2W Claims paid promptly. XmOTW cost For further information CALL 24 EXETER Your drugs at < ■ * Canada’s Largest Grower of Certified Raspberry Planting Stock Continuous hospital care for as long as 120 days per person. Plan takes care of all types of sickness and accident. the Iva ex- for US. OR SEE W. H. HODGSON “The Insurance Man” Phones: Office 24; Res. 162J T s Order early supply is scarce.- There will be no last minute orders this year. Ontario No. 1 Family Group Hospital Plan Pentecostal W.M.C. The March meeting was held in the church on March 8th. In the ab­ sence of the president, Mrs. C. Blanchard took the icliair and had charge of the. meeting which Opened by singing hymns, “I’Ve Believed the True Report and I’ve Anchored in Jesus” after which Mrs. E. Cud- more led in prayer. Roll call -Was answered by a verse of scripture on “Humility.” A letter was read from Mr. aiid Mrs. John McBride, mis­ sionaries in Kenya Colony^ Africa. Each member was fetjuested to bring a suggestion for next year’s program. Mrs. Blanchard then gave the address on “Humility.” “Love, Wonderful Love” Was sung after which Mrs. Taylor dismissed With prayer, Drop in and talk over those building problems ... estimates freely given The Huron Lumber Co Exeter, Ontario