HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-03-15, Page 6Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 1945 Auction Sales BONDS A«® GIVING QUICK DELIVERIES j Smart styles and the usual low prices. In every Canadian Province I and City brides and grooms wear tailored-to-measure suits by i Bonds. | rr'Tbiiiii r initiii rfViiMi'^rwriiw t wnm h'lwni n miirr -' iwi o i— n'iinin ri miii n iri» " nun h niiiim n i'— n ii«wn ji ■iri'ri liitt n in—11 ■■■ imiiih ri himii li nwii'ti iiMiiiq jag ti * AUCTION SALE OF CHATTKW The undersigned will sell by pub­ lic auction Half Milo West of ExeW North on the Lake Hoad, on SATURDAY, MARCH 1?, 1945 at 1,30 p.m., the following: Horse, 13 years old; Durham cow, <5 years old, due to freshen; 160 Sussex he^s laying 75%; 3 sets of ducks.Plow; M.H. scuffler, new; pulp­ er; wheelbarrow; quantity of plank; buggy; light wagon; electric fencer, new; set of single harness; set of 1?QQ lb. scales; % set double har­ ness; cream separator; cook stove; set fence stretchers, new; oil brood­ er store, new; 2 colony houses, 10x12, new; 2 wind shelters;. 30 rods of poultry fence; cupboard; forks; shovels; and other numerous articles. Sale without reserve. TERMS—CASH J. A. NICHOL, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. auction sale of farm STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned kas received in­ structions to, sell by public auction on Lot Con. 10, Usborne 1H miles west of. Woodham TUESDAY, JLYRQH 20th, 1945 at 1 p.m. the following;: HORSES—Team of work horses. CATTLE—Durham cqw, S. years Old, due time of sale; Durhnm cow, 4 years old, due March 10th; Polled Angus cow, 9 yenrs old, freshened in December: farrow cow, fat; roan Durham cow, 8 years old, due May 20th; 4 fat steers, 900 lbs.; 3 fat heifers, 9QQ lbs.; 3 two-year-old grass cattle, about 800 lbs.; 15 grass stockers; 7 calves. HOGS—9 brood sows; sow due time of sale; sow due, with 7 Digs; sow, will farrow before sale; 6 sows, bred in February; 150 pigs, from 75 lbs. to weaners; pure-bred Yoi'k hog, 2 years old, IMPLEMENTS—M.H. 17 spring­ tooth cultivator; M.H. 9 tooth, stiff­ tooth cultivator, with 12” feet suit­ able for small tractor; M.H. grain drill, 11-hoe; turnip drill; grain grinder, 8 inch; 1^ h.p. Inter, gas engine; 180 egg Queen incubator; brooder stove, 5 00 cap.; washing machine. TERMS—CASH WM. P. STEPHEN, Prop. W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer. 2tp AUCTION SALE OF FARMS, STOCK. AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at Lot 17, North-East Boundary, Usborne, on MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1945 at 1 o'clock the following; HORSES—Aged team; 1 mare, rising 4 years old; 1 mare, rising 3 years old. CATTLE—3 Holstein cows with calf at foot; Holstein cow, milking good; 2 farrow cows; 2 Polled Angus cows; 7 Polled Angus, 2 years old; 4 Polled Angus, 1 year old; 3 baby beef calves. 100 hens. IMPLEMENTS — M.H. binder; McCormick-Deering mower; 2 fer­ tilizer drills; McCormick-Deering manure spreader; one-horse rake; cultivator; 2 disc roller; hay load­ er; set harrows, 4 sections; 2 walk­ ing ploughs; riding plough; 2 gang ploughs; corn cultivator; turnip sower; fanning mill; set of scales; cutting box; 2 set of sleighs; 2 hay racks; 3 wagons; gravel box; 3 set of double harness; stone boat; 2 pulpers; electric cream separator; 13 inch plate gollet grinder, with jack attached; 11 inch Fluery grinder; scuffler; bag truck; sap pan; 50 buckets; 2 sugar kettles; 3 barrels; 2 steel drums; horse clippers; cutter; buggy; single har­ ness; forks; shovels; whiffletrees; neckyokes; chains; boxes; barrels; and many other articles. 400 red brick; 20 tons of hay; 200 bushels Alaska oats. REAL ESTATE — The farm: 97 acres; 2 bank barns; drive shed; silo; garage; brick house with bath­ room, pressure system, hydro in house and barn; 13 acres of hard­ wood bush; all seeded down; water in barn; good spring creek. 59 acres; bank barn; drive shed; 7 acres of bush land; all seeded’ down; well-fenced; lots of water. TERMS—Chattels, cash. Terms of real estate made known on day of sale; sold subject to reserve bid. JAMES BALLANTYNE, Prop. FRANK COATES, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at EXETER NORTH on MTSDNESDAY, SIAROH 21, 1945 at 1.30 o’clock, the following: Organ, sideboard, coal oil stove, floor lamp, small lamps, 2 dressers, hall tree, davenport, mirror, toilet set, 6 dining-room chairs, 6 odd chairs, rocking chairs, 2 cook stoves, heater, electric iron, toast­ er, curtains, linoleum, rugs, iron­ ing board, 3 beds, springs, matt­ resses, day bed. kitchen table, 2 couches, 3 cupboards, feather tick, arm chair, washing machine, 2 tubs, 2 clocks, shed 8x10, drop­ leaf table, flower pots, lawn mower, shovels, hoes, rake, sealers, pots, pans, dishes of all kinds, and many other articles. TERMS—CASH MRS. THOS. WEBSTER, Prop. FRANK COATES, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. OLEARING AUCTION SALE OF farm stock, implements & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Lot 13, Con. 12, Hibbert Tp. 1 % miles south of Cromarty, third lot east, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1945 Sale commences at 12 o’clock sharp. HORSES—5-year-old gelding; 4- year-old mare; 3-year-old gelding; 3-year-old mare; all good young horses; one aged horse. • CATTLE — 2 Holstein heifers freshened in January; Durham cow freshened in December; 3 5- year-old cows due in April; 2 4-' year-old cows due in June; heifer and calf; young dry cow; 2-year- old bull; 5 steers; 8 heifers; 5 calves. HOGS—19 pigs around 160 lbs. FOWL—2 young geese; gander; around 70 pullets. SHEEP—4 last year’s ewes sup­ posed to be in lamb. IMPLEMENTS — 7-ft. Frost & Wood binder, nearly new; 5^-ft. M.H. mower, nearly new; McCor­ mick Deering side rake; McCormick Deering hay loader; F-12 McCor­ mick Deering tractor row crop, good as new; two-furrow McCor­ mick Deering tractor plow, nearly new; McCormick-Deering tractoi cultivator, nearly new; 1-horse cultivator; disc; walking plow; gang plow; scuffler; set 5-section harrows; Frost & Wood disc drill; McCormick Deering manure spread­ er; turnip seeder; % wagon, near­ ly new; wagon box; steel truck wagon; hay rack; sleighs; cutter; trailer; root pulper; wheelbarrow; chicken shelters; feeders; set dou­ ble harness; third set harness; two ladders; step-ladder;’’ collars; blan­ kets; bells; steel water tank; steel troughs; barrels; bags; fanning mill; scales; bag truck; cross-cut AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned hag received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Lot 26, Hay Township, 1 miler north of Hensall on No. 4 Highway, on TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1945 at 1 p.m. the following: 2 horses. CATTLE—4 cows due in April; Hereford bull rising two years old; 6 two-year-old steers and heifers; 2 yearlings; calf, SHEEP—10 Leicester ewes; ram. IMPLEMENTS—M.H. 7-ft. bind­ er; 2 mowers; cultivator; tractor Cultivator; 2 seed drills; lever har­ rows; 2 sets of harrows; hay rake; tractor plough; Hart Parr tractor, in good condition; 2 fanning mills; wagon and rack; set sleighs and box; disc harrow; wheelbarrow; 2 cutters; set scales; set double har­ ness; incubator, 250 egg -capacity; incubator, 120 egg capacity; cream separator. TERMS—CASH DUNCAN STEWART, Prop. R. R. 2, Hensall. FRANK COATES, Clerk. FRANK TAYLOR. Auct. IJ.IMllMiq w J 1—uci iw Q U —Ml Q fUKIH <MHW □ OKI—1 ri IH—II 1—> 0 0 H—B O'— | GEORGE WRIGHT I 1 Phone 243w CLOTHING and SHOES Phone 243w | I WE CARRY TOP GRADE LINES OF BRANDED j | MERCHANDISE AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES 1 I The writer spent last week in Toronto and while frankly dis- ! 1 appointed in securing goods (which will be definitely in short j 1 supply for 1945), we were fortunate in securing a factory • j clean-up of !1 MEN’S SANFORIZED PANTS | | in pleasing patterns—We took the lot and here they are! ! ! All sizes, regular $2.98 values anywhere I ! 5 dozen going at............$2.25 only j For dress or everyday wear. I j meN’S Rivet work pants ............... $i.os j j MEN’S SHOWER-PROOF TIFFER XVINDBREAKERvS j | Si^es to 44 T?liis is another good buy at $2.95 only | I Men’s Double Rubber Sole j WORK SHOES I Soft Uppers | $3.98 £ Made by Vetters Red and Browrt | ■CASUALS and STEP-INS j Smrtrt Botvs attd Pxhnps I saws: bucksaw; forks; shovels: whiff le trees; boos; neckyokes; chains; cedar posts; two iron kettles; quantity of lumber; bina- er twine; sling ropes; other ropes; 20 gallons feeding syrup; 4 spools barb wire and other wire; and other articles too numerous to men­ tion, GRAIN-—-20 tons hay; 500 bus. grain; 40Q bus. turnips. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—3 rock­ ing chairs; arm chair; 6 kitchen chairs and table; day bed; lounge; writing desk; coal oil heater; 2 hanging lamps; other lamps; dish­ es; sealers; crocks; quilts; and other numerous articles. TERMS—Cash, positively no re­ serve as the proprietor has sold the farm. WM. J. KAY, Prop. WM. E. NAIRN, Auct, AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, LMPLEiMENTS & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at Lot 21, Con. 2, Stephen, 1 mile west of Exeter, on THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1945 at 1 o’clock sharp the following; HORSES—Grey horse, 10 years old; bay mare, 8 years old; gelding, 6 years old. CATTLE—2 fresh cows; 2 cows due in April; fat cow; 3 steers ris­ ing 2 years old; 2 steers rising 3 years old, fat; 2 yearling heifers; 2 heifers rising 2 years; 2 small calves. PIGS—Brood sow due in May; 14 chunks weighing 100 lbs. 40 Sussex hens, one-year-old, IMPLEMENTS — McCormick- Deering binder; McCorinick-Deering mower; cultivator; stiff-tooth cul­ tivator: manure spreader; hay load­ er; fertilizer seed drill; steel roller; disc harrow; set harrows; disc plough; hay rake; walking plough; team scuffler; fanning mill; bag truck; heavy wagon; harrow -cart; truck wagon; set sleighs; buggy; cutter; hay rack; .set scales; hay fork, rope and pulley; cream sep­ arator; extension ladder, emery, 4 pig troughs; pulper; 2 set double harness; single harness; wheelbar­ row; horse clipping machine; forks, chains, whiffletrees, neckyokes, boxes, 2 barrels, and other articles. 1936 Chev. car in good condition. 100 bushels oats; 50 bushels wheat; quantity of hay; electric battery. FURNITURE—2 kitchen tables; Home Comfort range; feather tick; cupboard; bedroom suite; pillows; bureau; 2 beds; mattresses; rocker; 6 kitchen chairs; linoleum; number of quilts; 2 rugs; ice-box; sealers; dishes; pictures, and other articles. MRS. HIRAM SHAPTON, Prop. FRANK COATES, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS on SATURDAY, .MARCH 24, 1945 at 1.30 p.m. Main Street, Hensall Three-piece Chesterfield suite; dining room suite with 8 chairs and 1 -arm chair; buffet; extension table; 5 chairs; antique haircloth sofa; chair and armchair to match; 3 small tables; 3 dressers; 3 wash stands; 3 beds; springs; bedroom chair; hall rack; hall mirror; 3 rugs; large table; several odd chairs; leather rocker; wall racks; floor lamp; few odd dishes; cooking utensils, etc.; crocks; flower jars; •kitchen range; medicine cabinet; archway drapes. Numerous other small articles. TERMS—CASH MRS. JEAN MANSON, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, FRANK COATES, Clerk. AUCTION SALE OF 150 ACRES OF GRASS LAND The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public, auction FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1945 at 1.30 p.m., 100 acres on Con. 6, Lot 11 South Boundary of Hay Township; also adjoining 50 acres being west half of Lot 3, South Boundary, Hay, This is a good grass farm with never-failing water. The property will be offered together and in part. TERMS—10%, down and the bal­ ance in 30 days'. For further particulars apply to HILTQN Ford, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. AUCTION SALE OF FARMS, FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS Lot 16, South Boundary, Hay Twp., 2% miles east of Dashwood, on FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1945 at 1 o’clock, sharp. REAL ESTATE—-100.acres, more or less, has brick house with kit­ chen With cellar, furnace and bath room, running water all over barn and house, frame kitchen, woodshed, plenty of soft and hard water, has plum, cherry trees and other fruits. Bank barn 44x66, L.H. strawshed 30x40 on wall, garage, 2 driving sheds, 20x30 and 19x30; 12 acres of good hardwood bush; 5 acres of fall wheat, 60 acres of fall plow­ ing done and balance seeded down; also half-horse gasoline engine to pump water. Other 100 acres, more or less, all in pasture, being lot 3, Con. 8, half mile north of Highway, has windmill on farm, never failing well. TERMS — Real estate, 10 % on day of Sale and balance In 30 days, sold subject to a reserved bid.Joseph Wildfong, Proprietor of farms. HORSES—-Grey Percheron rising 6 years; grey mare rising 7 years; grey horse rising 14 years old; black horse rising 5 years old. CATTLE—Roan cow supposed to be in calf; roan cow, fresh; 2 black heifers due April 25th; white-faced heifer due April 20th; blue roan heifer due May 8th; all bred to Hereford sire; red steer, rising 2 years; red heifer, rising 2 years; heifer, rising 1 year; 2 steers, ris­ ing 1 year; spring calf; 2 fall calves; rean cow due April 14: Hol­ stein due Ma,y 1st. HENS — 125 cress-bred yearling hens, HAY——6 tons of mixed hay, ■GRAIN—20ft bushels of Cartier and early Alaska seed oats; ISO bushels pf mixed grain; a quantity of wheat,. IMPLEMENTS—‘Farm-All A trac­ tor oxi rubber; tractor scuffler and puller combined, good as new; 2- furrow Cockshutt tractor plow; M.H. binder, 7-ft. cut; McCormipk- Deering mower, 5-ft.; spring-tooth cultivator; out-throw disc; ?-drum Steel roller; wagon, practically new; manure spreader; gravel box; flat hay rack; Maxwell hay loader; M.H. Jl-disc fertilizer drill; 4- sectipn harrows with new teeth; 2 walking plows; riding plow; 10-ft.‘ steel rake; bob sleighs; light wag­ on; good top cutter; buggy; road part; 1200-lb, cap. scales; Clinton fanning mill with new sieves; sling ropes; grain grinder; cutting box; 1-horse scuffler; M.H. bean scuff­ ler; side delivery rake; wheel- i barrow; root pulper; neckyokes;' scalding barrel; kettle and stand; 100 gal. gas drum; sap pan and pails; large sap barrel; spiles; pails; logging chains; whiffletrees; forks; shovels: bagger; 2 sets of chimes bells; team bells; set of heavy har­ ness; set single harness; 3rd-horse harness; r horse blankets; grain bags; twine sacks; horse collars; DeLaval cream separator; and nu­ merous other articles. TERMS—CASH GARNET WILDFONG, Prop. ADDISON TIEMAN, Clerk, ARTHUR WEBER, Auct. AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at GRAND BEND SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1945 at 1.00 o’clock sharp the following: REAL ESTATE — Cement. block house with basement, frame kitchen, woodshed; hydro in house; garage 12x20; hip-roof barn 22x50 with track, large hay fork and rope; soft water and rock and spring well. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— 4 beds with springs and mattress; small table; 2 stands; 2 dressers; toilet set; Raymond drop-head sewing ma-. chine; bureau; book-case; hall rack with mirror; writing desk; parlor table; 3 rocking chairs; 10 dining room chairs; Sparton electric radio; 2 leather rockers; settee; 2 small tables; drop-leaf table; ex­ tension table; washing machine; wringer; tubs; kitchen table with glass cupboard; refrigerator; couch; sideboard; ironing board; Congol- eum rug, 12x14, new; tapestry rug 12x15; tapestry rug, 10x12; a num­ ber of mats; kitchen stove; dining room stove; lamps; 2 mirrors; 6- o'ctave organ; 10 sets of lace cur­ tains; quantity of bedding; number of sealers; crocks; quantity of po­ tatoes, Irish Cobler and Kahtadin; pots; pans; paflS; bucksaw; hand saw; 2 axes, new; garden rake; hoes; shovels; hand garden scuff­ ler; wheelbarrow; 2 sets light sleighs;- road cart; harness box; 3 chop boxes; barrel; forks; shovels; quantity of picture frames; lawn mower; pair of pruning shears; and numerous other articles. TERMS — Household Effects: Gash. Real Estate: 10% on day of sale with balance in 3 0 days. Sold subject to a reserve bid. STEPHEN WEBB, Prop. ARTHUR IFiINKBEINER, Clerk ARTHUR WEBER, Auct. R. 1 Dashwood; phone 57-12 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on West half of Lot 29-30, 2}£ miles •south of Hensall and mile east, TUESDAY, -MARCH 27, 1945 at 1 o’clock sharp, the following: CATTLE—Blue cow due in Ap­ ril; Durham cow due in April; Holstein cow due in April. IMPLEMENTS—McCormick "bind­ er, 6-ft.; Leering mower; spring­ tooth cultivator; disc harrow; M.H. 13-disc seed drill with fertilizer at­ tachment; Cockshutt two-furrow riding plow; walking plow; 1-fur­ row- riding plow; 4-section iron harrows; 3-section iron harrows; 3- drum steel roller; fanning mill; set of sleighs; wagon; hay rack; wagon box; spring seat; light wag­ on; buggy; cutter: cutting box; manure spreader; bean cultivator with puller attachment, nearly new; 2 one-horse scufflers; hay fork; sling ropes; trip rope and chain; 2 iron sugar kettles; Mel­ otte power cream separator; weigh scales, 1200 lbs.; 6 h.p. Interna­ tional gas engine and grinder; M.H. root pulper; bag truck1 tur­ nip drill; 2 sets of 3-horse whiffle­ trees; set heavy whiffletrees; set of 3-horse. eveners; neckyokes; wire stretchers; "barrels; forks; 5 and 8-prong forks; scoop shovel; 2 crosscut saws; posthole auger and scoop: different sized augers; jack plane; ‘cant-hook; logging chains; axe; steel hog troughs; self feeder; turnip hoes and pullers; pig crate; steel trap; brick; robe; chaff bas­ ket; pulleys; rope; 2 U-h.p. mo­ tors; grain sacks and bags; fire extinguisher; yoke; hay knife; 32 ft. extension ladder, and other ar- ticles, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—White enamel Clair Jewel Range, With shelf and reservoir, nearly new; bedroom suite; toilet set; coal oil heater; lamps; Aladdin lamp; hang­ ing lamp; settees; kitchen chairs; rocker's; arm chair; pictures; matt­ ress; small tables; veranda chairs; churn; butter bowl and ladle; pails; crocks; 8-day mantel clock: living room rug, 9x1 o ft.; electric fixture for living room; "buffet, and other articles. TERMS—CASH WILLIAM H. WOOD, Prop. F. COATES, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, Classified Directory — PLACE AN ADVERTISEMENT HERE AND WATCH RESULTS ^■■■■■■■MMiaaHmmMaaiawManaBMiaaHMciaMiilnnaaiaHamaaaiwaMiwaaaMaHaMaaau^ WANTED WANTED TO BUY—House, henery barn, acreage, adjoining town on highway. Ken Vaughan, Holstein Ontario. 15* WANTED—A trunk for airforce couple as soon as possible, must be in good condition, reasonable ‘priced, Phone 226, 15c WANTED—-A number of pigs six weeks old, also some chunks. John Hodgert, -phone 184 Exeter. _______________________ 15c HOUSE WANTED—A permanent resident would like to rent a fairly modern home, Apply at Times-Advocate. l:Sc WANTED—Clocks or watches. Re­ pair agency. Guaranteed work, Call at Blue Sunoco gas station. S. J. Sweitzer. 4tp WILL BUY an unlimited number of fertilizer ox* fox horses. Frank Taylor, Exeter. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE — Medium size brick house in good condition with conveniences, nicely located. Will sell furnished. W. C, Pearce. FOR SALE—100 acres clay loam,, in Usborne Township., good house and barn, hydro, silo, maple bush, spring possession. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. FOR SALE—Lots size 50x150- feet, centrally located. Apply to John Prout, Exeter.15* FOR SALE—100 acres between Centralia and Whalen, brick house in good condition, slate roof, hard and soft water inside, bank barn 34x74 henhouse 20x60 good water at barn and in field, fall wheat and ploughing done. Possession April 2nd. Bargain to settle estate. W. C. Pearce. FOR SALE—100 acres clay loam, hank barns, garage, brick house, fairly close to town. Spring pos­ session. W. C. Pearce. FOR SALE—15 0 acres good pas­ ture. Well located. Running wat­ er. Some Bush. C. V. Pickard. FOR SALE—11 storey brick house. Well located in the village of Exeter. C. V. Pickard. PERSONAL FULLER BRUSH REPRESENTA­ TIVE, Miss Winnifred O’Neil, Clinton, will be in Exeter Wed­ nesdays during March. For further particulars apply at Times-Advocate. c. IF BACKACHES are slowing you up, take RUMACAPS. Pains and aches are relieved after the. first dose. Robertson’s Drug Store. - DISPERSAL SALE Huron County Home one mile south of Clinton, Ontario, on No. 4 Highway TUESDAY, MARCH 27. 1945 commencing at 1.30 p.m. A complete dispersal sale of the Shorthorn Herd of the Huron County Home will be held on the above date consisting of the follow­ ing: 3 fresh cows, 5 due shortly after the sale, 3 to freshen in the fall, also 2 open vaccinated heifers. This herd is fully accredited and T.B. tested. Catalogues will be available at the County Home, Clinton, Ontario, phone 24, and also at the Agricul­ tural Office, Clinton. The Committee in charge of County Home affairs have decided to maintain a dairy herd only and therefore the entire herd of Short­ horns will be sold to the highest bidder at this sale. TERMS—CASH Huron County Home Committee, (A. McCann, Chairman), Prop. N. W. Miller, Clerk, » Duncan A. Brown, Auct. 3tc AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction onLot 5, Con. 3, McGillivray, lx4 miles north of Mooresville and 1*4 miles west, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28th,“1945 at 1 p.m. the following: HORSES—Aged mare, 1500 lbs.; brown -mare, 1300 lbs., 10 years old; black mate, 1400 lbs., 9 years old; bay gelding, 1600 lbs., 7 years old; black mare, 1400 lbs., 4 years old; dark grey gelding, 1400 lbs., 4 years old. CATTLE—Hereford cow due in May; Durham cow due in May;'""2 farrow cows; 3-year-old heifer; number of yearling calves, PIGS — 8 pigs, 5 weeks old; brood sow due in June; brood sow due to breed. 75 Leghorn-Sussex hens. IMPLEMENTS —M.H. binder, 6 foot; M. H. mower, 5 foot; M.H. 11-hoe seed drill; Frost & Wood steel roller; edd section harrows; International beet cultivator; M.H. 6 foot Cultivator; Bissell disc har­ row; No. 21 Fleury walking plow; No. 4. Wilkinson walking plow; No. 13 Fleury sulky plow; 2-fttrroW Cockshutt sulky plow; steel hay FOR SALE FOR SALE —Several large brown drakes, Frank Hicks, Centralia, _______ ____________________15* FOR SALE—3 steers between six and seven hundred pounds, also 4 last spring calves. Phone 33r9, Kirkton. 15* FOR SALE—Wardrobe, 3 ft. 7 in. long, 1 ft. 9 in. wide, 6 ft. high; also a screen door, 7ft x 3 ft. Mrs. Alex McFalls, Albert St, S., Exeter,15 * FOR SALE—No. 1 Mabel Early oats $1,00 per bushel; No. 1 O. A. C. 21 Barley $1,25 per bushel; No. 1 Galore Barley, a new heavy yielding, six rowed, smooth awn variety, stiff strawed $1.50 per bushel. G. Broderick, R, R, 1 Exeter, Ont.♦ FOR SALE—At Grand Bend, two snooker and three Boston pool tables. Arrangements can be made to operate in present building. Mrs. P. Ravelle, phone 46r4. 15* SEED. FOR SALE—Cartier oats, O.A.C. 21 barley. R, T. McDon­ ald, Cromarty, phone 21r90, Hensall.15:22* AUCTION SALE of 40 hard maple tree tops and butt logs will be held on Lot 5 South Thames Rd. on the farm of the late Archie Towers on Friday, March 16, at 2 p.m. Terms cash. Gordon Hay- ter, Prop.’Frank Taylor, Auct. 15* FOR SALE—M.H. 13-hoe grain drill with clover seed attach­ ment. Arthur Rundle, phone 177r32 Exeter.15c FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE on fat cattle, 2 cows five years old, just freshened, calf by side. Apply J. Caldwell, Exeter North, phone 13rll.IT* FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE on cattle, one four wheel trailer, good tires and spare. Apply to J. Caldwell, Exeter North, phone 13rll.15* FOR SALE—Six Shorthorn bulls sired by Robinwood Reward by Millhills Ransom out of heavy production cows. Fully accredit­ ed and blood tested. R. D. Hunt­ er, R.R. 3, Exeter, phone Kirk­ ton 39r7. 21tfc MISCELLANEOUS POULTRY—For top prices and satisfactory culling, call Geo. Walker, Box 33, phone 119, Hensall. 8tp SHORT ON POULTRY on Govern­ ment Contract—A fowl, 5 lbs. and over, 22c.,—4~ lbs. and over, 20c. Parkdale Poultry, phone 152 Mitchell. 5tc You don’t need a little bird to tell you that a Classified Ad brings direct results! rake; farm wagon; hay and beet rack; Renfrew cream separator 750 lb.; 150 feet hay fork rope, slings and chain; 500 lb. tackle; ibuggy; cutter; set’ of sleighs; gas engine; 11 grain bags; forks; shovels; hoes; post hole auger; colony . house; 500-chick brooder stove; fattening crate; and many other articles. 12 tons hay; 50 bushels Cartier oats. The farm consisting of 100 acres of land, 10 acres bush, 10 acres wheat, bank barn 50x55, grain barn 34x56. TERMS —• Chattels, cash. Farm, 10%, balance in 30 days. Sold sub­ ject to reserve bid. ED DUNDAS, Prop. FRANK COATES, Clerk, <frank taylor, Auct. FOR SALE Reg. Cartier and Ajax Oats $1.25 Reg. O.A.C. 21 Barley ....... $1.60 Reg. O.A.C. 181 Peas ......... $4.00 Commercial Ajax, Cartier, Alaska Banner, Victory oats ............ $1.00 O.A.C. 21 Barley .................... $1.35 O.A.C. 181 Peas ................... $3.75 All above Grade No. One. Power- cleaned, sacks free. Special low prices on Hybrid and open pollinated corn. SCOTT’S ELEVATOR Lucan %E. Scott Honor Award The Exeter Boy Scouts are in re­ ceipt of ail Hohoui' Award Certifi­ cate from Lowney’s Young Canada Club, Toronto, for performing a deed of outstanding merit in con­ nection with the war effort. The effort refered to, Which was des­ cribed at length on one of the Club’s recent broadcasts over sev­ enteen Canadian stations and heard from coast to coast, was the splen­ did work done in the salvaging of paper on their several paper drives. The War Effort Award was sighed by “Red” foster and E. Littler, president of the Lowney Company. The first group of blinded sol­ diers recently ’arrived in England from Prance are being instructed by blinded Veterans of the first Great War. LOST AND FOUND FOUND—A tractor crank on Hur­ on Street, Owner may have same by proving property and paying for adv. Apply at Times-Advocate FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished or unfur­ nished six-room house, 3-piece bath, furnace, garden, good lo­ cation, by April 15th, Apply at Times-Advocate. 15 * NOTICE AU persons desirous of procuring trees for planting this spring are requested to contact the school teacher in your section not later than March l>6th. By placing orders in this manner there is no cost to persons desiring such trees and they will be deliv­ ered to the school by County trucks. Any person ordering 500 or more trees may have them parceled in an individual order. N. W. Miller, County Clerk. / 3tc BABY CHICKS A-l BABY CHICKS—from blood- tested stock: Barred Rocks; Large Type White Leghorns; B. Rock x W. Leghorn; Sussex x New Hampshire; Red x Rocks. Write or phone A. H. Switzer Hatchery, Granton, Ont., for price list, phone 38-3 Granton, tfo TENDERS WANTED TENDERS Plainly marked tenders will be received by the undersigned for the hauling of 8000 yards of pit run gravel at a flat rate per cubic yard on roads in the Township of Mc­ Gillivray as directed by the road superintendent. Gravel to be placed on roads between August 15th and Octobei’ 15th, 1945. Tenders to be in Road Superintendent’s office no latei* than 12 o’clock noon, April •5th. Marked cheque of $250.00 to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.. Fred J. Neil, Road Superintendent, R. R. 3, Ailsa Craig. ' L5:22c JUNIOR HOG COMPETITION FOR BOYS AND GIRLS The -Exeter Agricultural Society will hold a Junior Hog Competition. Competitors will, receive two young York sows through the Huron County Agriculture representative and will receive instruction in feed­ ing and raising during the summer. Competitors must be between 12 and 20 years of age. The Society will finance the hogs, if desired, until Fair Day when one or both can be sold by auction. Entries should be made at once with Wm. Ellerington or Nelson Stanlake. OATS AND BARLEY FIELD CROP COMPETITION The Exeter Agricultural Society will hold Field Crop competitions in early white oats and barley. Last year oat growers may use their own seed but new growers must secure registered seed either per­ sonally or through the Society. In Barley, the “Galore” variety will be used if seed is obtainable. En­ tries must be in by Saturday, March 17, to be left with one of the fol­ lowing committee: G. A. -Cann, Clark Fisher, Hy. Strang or Geo. Link. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITOR’S In the estate of James B. Simp­ son, late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Trust Company on or before the 2nd day of April, A.D. 1945, after which date the estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been re­ ceived. The Canada Trust Co., London,. Ontario—•Executor. Mary p. Simpson, Hensall, Ontario—Executrix.By Frederick W. Gladman, Exeter—Solicitor. WANTED immediately 20,000 bushels of turnips, no grade. Good price. Edgar Cudmore Phone irii’id* Exeter