HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-03-01, Page 7TT effi- will war quality of birds poultry be our I huge crawl wag immediately languid Vbifcd, as asked diffi- and con- squirm tinder,” is no friend like an "Raise ask for Chief of you finish by running yards to the Officer of the bay. It was the “unpredicta- in the flesh. While there still room and time, I dove down executed a rough but harmless betrayed, would and a badly coordinated THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 1, 1945 LOVE AT FIRST FLIGHT” CHAPTER vide ARLES SPALD» QTiS CARNEY muttered rapturously, in the Horse Lati- functioned, to do it Tern- again!” .cried Red ignorance. group, for whom The day was warm, almost Lot, and I unbuttoned my coat, “Is it always lilpe this?” I asked. “The weather don’t change much down here,” allowed a native. The others from Anacostia had arrived before me. All were im­ pressed by the station’s vastness, its organization and smartness. Ge­ ographically, the new location had such a heady effect upon Tim Car­ penter that, he continually gazed at the Gulf and “Jeez, we’re tudes 1" The Navy credit, just as it did in the perate Zone. We were assembled, greeted, and told that the first week was another stretch of indoctrina­ tion, For a cadet indoctrination is a recurrent holy period in which he humbles himself for seven days be­ fore one novelty after the other. This had inoculative powers, and hy graduation we had all attained the sang-froid of the hardened be­ fore whom the world stretches like an old sock. The prime object of indoctrina­ tion here was to acquaint oneself with the jangled jargon of the pub­ lic-address system which controlled the entire day. ..“There it goes Run in terror of We watched a this esoteric pealing held special meaning, take up their belongings and move crisply to a scheduled ac­ tivity. “It’s like ‘Finnegan’s Wake,’ ” I said in exasperation. Finally, the riddle solved itself in symphonic form. It all originat­ ed in the battalion office. At six o'clock in the morning a bugle opened the movement with a strong presentation of the ever-endearing reveille. This gave way to the brassy “Fall out for chow.” After breakfast the low moan of a strick­ en thing, was eerily reproduced as th© wood-winds took up the theme and announced “sick, call.” (For the next twelve hours the merry din of “bells, bells, bells” told of ground school, athletics, drill, study period, and sundry musters, a routine va­ ried only by a male solo interrupt­ ing in a robust bass with the charm­ ing aria entitled,. “Will Cadet Mason call Amber 3200 and ask for Miss Rose.” The third movement was tinged by experimentalism. The phychia- ' trist on the base had succeeded with the theory that music improves di­ gestion and had arranged to have every evening meal formation con­ cluded with some celebration selec­ tion. Military factors decreed that the modern ballad softened the tis- tues of fighting men and determin­ ed instead on John Philip Sousa. Here, I thought the composition failed miserably. After dinner is the last time to remind a volunteer warrior of his trade. Any practicing specialist who believes a gastric juice is. hoodwinked into working overtime by the demoniac strains of The Black Horse Troop March should’ have his license suspended. At ten-fifteen the opus ended on the appealing note of. taps, What­ ever itB. shortcomings might have been, the entire program was free from the cancer of advertising; Un my bunk I often conjured up the dreadful possibility of younger gen­ erations marching off to squadron through the courtesy of Princess a We Have Lumber NOW ON BAND also good Cedar Fence Posts ANY SIZE IRON POSTS AND BARB WIRE Place your order for shingles right away—we can supply them. A. J. CLATWORTHY Phone 12 RNflSfi We Deliver Grantor Farmers look SUBSIDIES RED CLOVER ALFALFA Pput Bath Salts., That must never happen here. «... * * ■"* Admittedly, a pilot must be in prize Physical condition. Th© ath­ letic period that induced this state of being was a model of Spartan severity. Most of the program was drawn from the Inquisition, and that part of the day when everything Stopped for muscles was glumly an­ ticipated like a plague year. Charged with the “tougliening- up” process was a commissioned Apollo of large and lovely propor­ tions, which he marvelously main­ tained . without doing the exercises. Wear and tear strikes a gym mas­ ter most frequently in the larynx, and our Legree, by long and faith­ ful service, had literally blown his lungs out. His assistant, a junior­ grade lieutenant, and a blueprint for the strong, silent type, strolled among the toilers watching to see that no sinew flagged. He spoke on an average of once every three days. When the company was re­ duced by exertion to gasps groans, he made a very real tribution by snarling: “Pipe down over there.” After the hell of calisthenics we were run over to the Commando course, designed by some twisted mind to produce in a short time, in a small space, on a large num­ ber, the effect of crossing the Sa­ hara on roller skates. First there was a short address by- Apollo. “The beauty of this thing izzat it’s practical,” he beamed. “No empty theory. Frinstance, let’s' take you there as an example?’ He mo­ tioned me out of ranks. “Let’s suppose your plane has. crashed,” he said fancifully. “You're twenty miles from camp and a hunert Japs are racin’ up the beach. You got one chance. You make a break for the jungle in the direction of your lines. Git goin’,” he ordered. “And camp only twenty miles away,” I breathed. The course curved and doubled back so that no matter how fast I ran he could always keep apace by walking across the different legs. When I got to the first obstacle he was. there with instructions. “First you come upon a log four feet high. You “You never asked. “You hoidle I “hoidled” and “Now you. stumble on piece of pipe.” “How did that get here?” I unevenly, experiencing some culty in breathing. “Missionaries, I guess. You troo it,” he said. “You never go around it?” “You crawl troo it.” I crawled and raced ahead. “Here you- discover a shallow stream eighteen feet wide. You leap across it.” “You never wade?” I heaved, try­ ing to catch a second wind. “You always leap.” Back in the clear again, I stum­ bled blindly ahead until a cargo net stretching eighty feet in the air made progress overland impracti­ cal; ‘ “Man’go trees,” said the travel guide solemnly. “You climb up hand over hand. Wild country, isn’t it?” “What did for?” “Route “Git all the “How about you?” I asked—as if cared. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll make all right.” I hoidle it.” go around it?” he said, went on. 3/ we .come this way I complained brokenly. 42 is clear all the way.” goin’. The Japs are gainin’ time.” it I knew he would. I swayed weakly in the hemp. My legs shook and I fell the last twenty feet. “Down at the bend there is bar­ ricade. You gotta hurry. The ene­ my is fight behind,” he revealed. “Where are the Marines?” I whispered inaudibly, unable to speak. When I got to the barricade, my lungs were bursting, everything was black, and Roman candles w‘ere go­ ing off just behind my eyes. “Everything is all right now,” sang an angel voice. “These are your old friends. This is camp.” “Good,” I crocked. To Those Convalescing After Severe Illness After many severe illnesses or serious operations tho patient is very often loft in an extremely weak, nervous, run-down condition. To all those convalescents who heed some kind of a tonic to stimulate and build up the weakened system, we Would recommend Milburn’s Health and them back to health—happiness again. — # . ThcSe pills help t supply elements necessary to assist the convalescent in bringing back bodily strength and vigour. Price 50c a box, 65 pills, at All drug counters. Look for our registered trade mark a “Red Heart” oh the package* Tho T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. beggars there’s stranger at door suffering from shock and posure.” "You There friend. “Now hundred Day’s shack and announcing your­ self.” "The hell I do!” I panted, out­ raged by a false paradise. “I might send him a singing telegram, or send up smoke signals, but I could not move another Inch.” “You got an important message with you, you gotta get through,” he coaxed cunningly. “Others are counting on you.” “When they get to ten they’ll stop,” I groaned, grovelling on the ground. He bent down to me and whis­ pered, “yVhat will Cincus do? What will Comminch think?” I looked the wretch squarely in his watery eyes, made a final des­ perate effort, and tottered drunk- enly to the finish line. What bearing the mission had on the tempestuous course of events is difficult to assess, but, at any rate, my conscience is clear. The next stage of training was called basic and regarded, by those who handled it as a finishing pro­ cess. “You boys have completed pri­ mary and you are supposed to know how to fly,” the flight commander explained, without any great convic­ tion. “Here you will improve your technique, learn how to handle yourself in the unpredictable, de­ velop a style of your own.” . Civilly, it had its counterpart in a semester at charm school. Much specious talk was devoted to the lively .elusive the most ab- best minds in unable to cor- “unpredictable,” a topic, discussed in struct terms. The the squadron were ner, capture, and pigeon-hole the “unpredictable.” It might be a cow on the runway, a snowstorm in June, but whatever form the “un­ predictable” took, the well-trained cadet was supposed never to turn a hair. We were taught to miff the “unpredictable.” Another feature of basic training was. an .introduction to service-type aircraft. In this case, the service­ type aircraft was a Vultee inter­ mediate trainer, an all-metal con­ traption, equipped with some of the technical improvements, such as a controllable pitch propeller, radio equipment, flaps and tabs, and one low wing. All this -bric-a-brac had to be handled with some degree of competence, for the Vultee was a much more sensitive creature than the blousy “Yellow Peril”. If you neglected the check-off list, a com­ pact Set of commandments to fa­ cilitate landing and take-offs, and determined on a high pitch when it should have been low, and rolled your1 flaps up instead of down, you entered upon a course of wild, uncertain adventure. When this happened, a plane ostensibly poised to take off would be" seen to speed happily into the Texas plain as if afflicted with a desert madness. Then the radio control tower, judg­ ing from the madcap performance that the American Dream was be­ ing willfully screech formal invectives, well-ententioned, lad from South Dakota would hear himself denounced as an idiot, a blockhead, and an Obstruction to the war effort. After some preliminary instruc­ tion which attempted to- develop a Classical restraint in my landings, I started to use up the allotted solo periods. “Practice those landing," the in­ structor advised, I had a habit of coming in thirty teet over the run­ way, and dropping on it "from that ‘height like a plummeting hawk. “More swoop,” said tli© instruc­ tor. One morning I was dutifully prac­ ticing my scales on an outlying field when the weather which had been cloudless and bright since dawn, turned genuinely vile. The celling fell below two hundred feet aS an eneveloping fog swept in off the ble” was and landing. In another minute Jiie ceil­ ing fell to zero. On a corner of the field was a telephone shack, Unlocking the con* trols, I scrambled over to notify the authorities of my doing* That was what a wise old hand always did in sueh circumstances. Above the telephone were in* structiops; someone with an eye for simplification had Written, the receiver and Operations,” I complied and cohne’eted With a of a child who had adapted hetself easily to our age of violence. (To Bo Continued) We Must Produce Better Post-war Poultry By T. A. Benson, West Mill, Ontario Notwithstanding the really won­ derful progress which bus been made by our Canadian Poultry In­ dustry during the past thirty years due to the introduction and admin­ istration of Federal and Provincial Government Poultry Policies, and the earnest efforts made :by some of our Canadian batcherymen and our leading poultrymen, much re­ mains still to be done if we hope to meet, the Post War world com­ petition by which we shall inevit­ ably be \faced. Government Policies and leader­ ship ' are necessary and good, but our poultry industry must show initiative, stand on its own feet and do things instead of leaning on Governments entirely, It is true that in our Canadian Poultry Industry Committees we have a shining example of leading poultrymen showing strong initia­ tive, led by the ‘Poultry Industry Committee of Ontario, Since 1939 dud to war conditions poultrymen who have risen to grasp the opportunity presented have ex­ perienced what might be described as a poultryman’s paradise and while this -cannot be expected to continue after the war Britain does and will need shell eggs in addition to dried eggs in large quantities. Due to the splendid work carried on by the Special Products Board, Ottawa, the prices agreed upon to be paid by the British Ministry of Food will ensure fair prices for eggs of the right quality to be ship­ ped to Britain during 1945 at least. It was recently announced that at least 600,000“ cases of shell eggs are to be exported from Canada be­ fore April 30 tli', 19'45, and that only Grade A Large and Grade' A Medium eggs will be packed for export'. The Market poultry outlook is also good for high quality poultry meat. Recently, however, there has been far too much Grade C poultry offered for sale for which there can be no excuse. The markets are not interested in this thing, un'fin- ished, unsightly product because consumers do not want it. So far as Market poultry is con­ cerned Grade A milk fed and Grade B. milk fed should be the object of all who hope to succeed in market­ ing poultry meat really profitably. It is quite evident that we must bring about improved conditions if we hope to meet competitions suc­ cessfully. How shall we do this bet­ ter job? It should be understood that we would not advocate a fur­ ther expansion of our ■ poultry in­ dustry, particularly in Ontario, but greater production of high eggs from the same number and more high quality meat. Greater efficiency must watch-word. . The need is for more early hatch­ ed chicks to produce earlier, better grown pullets, which together with summer moulted yearling hens would go far in bringing about the needed improvement in our poultry industry. In the improvement programme must be included correct feeding of good feeds greatly improved hous­ ing and carefully planned sanita­ tion programme faithfully carried out in all details. Whether the objective is high quality eggs or- poultry meat, or both, overcrowding must ho avoid­ ed as must poor housing. Ample •room, plenty of good feed, a con- tinous supply, of fresh pure water with a regular supply of green feed, grit and shell or limestone, and Participation certificates for subsidies on 1944 crop of red clover and alfalfa will pot be ac­ cepted by the seed export office after March 31st, 194S. In order that we may properly clean and pro­ cess seed it would be appreciated if any growers who still have seed to market, would bring it in not later than March 1st. We cannot guarantee to clean in time to issue participation certificates, any lots brought to us after that date. Thanking you for your co-operation, Exeter, Ontario good clean range, in order that the birds may grow and develop with­ out any let-up to avoid stunting. We must bear in mind, “Once stunt­ ed, always stunted.” By this time the breeding birds should have been selected, and it should be remem­ bered that the male bird is half the flock. To be successful in 'breed­ ing thp poultryman must know his birds, male and female, the best only being placed In the breeding pen. If there should be any doubt as to the quality of available birds for breeding purposes chicks should be purchased from a reliable hat­ chery and brooded carefully in a properly constructed brooder house and properly equipped. The ultimate goal must be a high quality product with an1 eye appeal for it must be remembered that we eat with our eyes. It may' be safe to say that in the majority of in­ stances remodelling of farm poultry houses or new houses and some new equipment will be necessary to carry out the programme ciently. Wise, far-sighted farmers have laid money by during the years which if not spent in First Mortgage Loans If additional money is needed to help you buy a productive farm, send us, particulars. Possibly we can assist you through our loaning department. Attractive terms. (All fnqnirfes treated confidentially. Huron&Erie MORTGAGE CORPORATION London Windsor St. Thomas Chatham meantime will be available to meet the need for improvements which niudt be made in the near future. Such money could not be more safely invested than in Victory Bonds to be used only in making carefully planned improvents which are urgently needed, or as they*-be­ come needed; improvents such as new buildings, new equipment, re­ pairs and additions to buildings', re­ pairing equipment and other im­ provements • according to * circum­ stances. Liquor Control Board of Ontario Individual Liquor Permit Holders DO NOT DESTROY your present individual Liquor Permit Liquor Permits will be extended (not re-issued) to March 31st, 1946 on application and payment of $1.00 at any Liquor Control Board Store on and after March 19th, 1945. The decision to extend the use of the present permits will effect a substantial saving in paper and'printing costs, and is in keeping with present day conservation policies. WILLIAM G. WEBSTER Chief Commissioner 4