HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-03-01, Page 4Page 4 THIS TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 1, 1945 I » Middlesex Seed Fair & Export Food Show DUNDAS STREET ARMOURIES, LONDON March 6, 7, 8, 1945 Fair open jtp the public: Wednesday 9 a,jn. to 10.30 p.in« Thursday 9 a,m. to 4«30 pm. Auction of grain and seeds Thursday at 3 p.m. Displays, Demonstrations and Programmes of special interest to rural and urban people. Gopd poor Prizes.Admission Free. H KIPPEN Mrs, Archie Parsons was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital last week Where she underwent a critical operation. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Miss Anna Dayman, of the R.C. A.F., Toronto, spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Dorothy McDonald, of Chiselhurst, is spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A, Parsons, Mr. A. Parsons visited on Tues­ day with Mrs. Parsons in St. Jos­ eph’s Hospital, London, Mr. and Mrs. Enos Herdman, of Elimville, visited on Monday with Mr, and Mrs. W. Horney. Capt, Wm, Lawson, Mrs. Lawson and Jimmy, of London, visited on .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lawson The ancient prophetess, Mother Shipton fortold much, but was trip­ ped up when she made a bad rhyme “And this world to an end shall come in eighteen hundred and eigh­ ty-one.” Much better'for her repu­ tation if she had written, “And this world to an end shall come, unless they whip a certain bum.” GAIL BROWNING WRITES FROM OVERSEAS Gajl Browning, an Exeter Old Boy in the R.C.A.M.C., writing to hig uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, G. A. Hawkins, writes: Well, at last I’m settled once again in good old No. 12 General and my Christ­ mas' parcels are catching up. You see, I have done a great deal of moving in the last eight months with numerous addresses, so my mail has been following me around. The reason I’ve been away is I’ve been working with an English Field Marshall’s 'Facial .Surgery team. It’s been very interesting with plenty of work and plenty of -wonderful surgical operations. I was rather surprised to see my letter in the paper about Hilton Sanders, es­ pecially when it said the late Hil­ ton Sanders. Does this mean that Hilton was killed while serving in France or while in Belgium or Hol­ land? I haven’t heard from'-him since I wrote you and thought he was still going strong. I haven’t met anyone from around Exeter for some time. The only boy from around home is Harold Amy (Crediton) and he is on the staff of this hospital. ri dCSOE [QESOX :oeso:oeso :oKa©E BROODER COAL There is now a priority on Brooder Coal for brooding chicks. HERE IS WHAT TO DO: Either come in our office and sign an order for the amount of coal required, the date and number of chicks you have on order^ or mail it in to us. We will place this signed order -with a reliable coal dealer, and will do our best to see that you receive coal when you need, it. We must, however, have your signed order or we cannot get coal for you. CHICKS I ! If you still want chicks for March or April, we would advise booking immediately. Even, though we will be hatching 35 to 40,000 chicks per week, some dates and. breeds are al­ ready filled. i Feed your chicks LAKETERIA STARTER for best results. Book your order now for Lakeview Chicks, no matter when you want them. I I :OE3O: •k'l •31 GREENWAY Mr. and Mrs, J. H. McGregor, of Exeter and their daughter Mrs, Lloyd Smythe visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. Donald McGregor Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Young'. Joan and <Keith, of Forest, visited Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Yopng. Mrs. Annie Hicks visited last week With her sister Mrs, Robert Pollock. Mr. and Mrs, Dean Byown and Gordon visited on Sunday with My. and Mrs. A. D, Steeper, of West McGiljivary. Congratulations to Mrs, T. Bub lock who celebrated her 80th birth­ day on Satudray. Mrs. Emerson Woodburn and Leona spent a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs, Milton Harris, of London., HARPLEY Mr, ManselJ Hodgins and sister, Maude and Mr. and Mrs, Rpss Love, of Shipka, attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Kate Paterson, at Ailsa Craig, on Tuesday after­ noon, Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Carruthers and Mrs. Edison Pollock visited on Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. George Hodgins at Cedar Swamp. Mr., and Mrs. Ross Love and family, of Shipka, spent Sunday afternoon With Mr. and Mrs. Doug­ las Gill on the Mollard line. Mrs. Clarence Hardy, Helen and Frank, of Lucan, spent Sunday af­ ternoon at the home of Mr. Man­ sell Hodgins. Miss Donna Hayter, of London, spent the week-end at her home here. Shipka Farm Forum On February 5 the Farm Forum met at the home of .Ross' Love and on February 12 at the home of Roy Deitrich and on February 19 at the home of Lome Deitrich. The series on the subject of marketing has, we believe, made us realize that we could perhaps consider the prob­ lems of marketing our products to our advantage. FOR RENT FOR RENT—80 acres of pasture for season, near Bayfield. Apply to J. E. Burr, Thedford, Ontario. 1:8* NOTICE All persons desirous of procuring trees foi* planting this spring are requested to contact the school teacher in your section not later than March l>6th. By placing orders in this manner there is no cost to persons desiring such trees and they will be deliv­ ered to the school by County trucks. Any person ordering 5 00 or more trees may have them 'parceled in an individual order. N. W. Miller, County Clerk. 3tc ,no j xoxso v* f Glassified Directory — PLACE AN ApYEBTISlMENT HERE AND WATCH RESULTS — WANTED FOR SALE if HOUSE WANTED—-A permanent resident would like to vent a fairly modern home. Apply at Times-Advocate. 1: Sc WANTED—-a home for a friendly black ppp, a serviceman's pet. Apply to Dr, Steiner, Exeter, 1* FOR SALE—Six Shorthorn bulls Sired by Robinwood Reward by Miilhills Ransom opt of heavy production cows. Fully accredit­ ed and blood tested, R, D, Hunt­ er, R,R. 3, Exeter, phone Kirk­ ton 39r7. 2itfc FOR SALE—Pair of lady’s white canvas badminton shoes, size 4%, in excellent condition; price $2,50. Apply at Times-Advocate. 22:1* due time of sale; 6 w# due Ju April; 2 heifers dwe Ih May; beib . years yearser, NOTICE—Will the party that took a Van Kirk hat with the initials H.E.B. from the recent Blood Donors clinic kindly return same to the Times-Advocate. A green felt hat has been left at the James St. church. BABY CHICKS A-l BABY CHICKS—from blood- tested stock: Barred Rocks; Large Type White Leghorns; B. Rock x W. Leghorn; Sussex x New Hampshire; Red x Rocks, Write or phone A. H. Switzer Hatchery, Granton, Ont., for price list, phone 3 8-3 Granton, tfc E* in JUST A WORD ABOUT Are you seeding down a piece for permanent pasture this spring? If so, we recommend early^ ordering of your seed requirements. We anticipate an unusually heavy demand and many of the required ingredient grasses are in short supply. MAY WE SUGGEST YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT LATER. Drop in and discuss your* requirements with us any time. Prices and estimates on request. •Box 213 Phone 207 Hi mu WANTED TO BUY — A house (small) with conveniences, gar­age or barn’^and garden. Apply to Gordon Parker, Hensall, 1* I WANTED—An unfurnished heated room, permanent tenant. Apply at Times-Advocate. 22* WANTED—Clocks or watches. Re­ pair agency, Guaranteed work. Call at Blue Sunoco ga» station. S. J. Sweitzer. 4tp WANTED—Two rear John Deere manure spreader wheels. Hubert Hunter, R.R.1, Centralia. 1* WILL BUY an unlimited number of fertilizer or fox horses. Frank Taylor, Exeter. WANTED—Cream Collector for col­ lecting cream for Exetei’ Cream­ ery. For terms and particulars apply to W, G. Medd, Manager, Exeter Creamery Co., Ltd., Exeter, Ontario. tfc REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—100 acres clay loam, in Usborne Township., good house and barn, hydro, silo, maple bush, spring possession. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. FARM FOR SALE—100 acres more ox* less, N. Boundary McGillivray, •County road, good buildings, 15 acres wheat, plowing done, good water, fair bush. James Glavin, R 1. Crediton 1:2* FOR SALE—100 acres between Centralia and Whalen, brick house in good condition, slate roof, hard and soft water inside, bank barn 34x74 henhouse" 20x60 good water at barn and in field, fall wheat and ploughing done. Possession April 2nd. Bargain to settle estate. W. C. Pearce. FARM FOR SALE—-Lot 21, con. 3, Stephen Twp., containing 100 acres, close to school, 1% miles west of Exeter, good buildings, hydro, plenty of water in house and barn. William'.Sanders. R.R. No. 1, Exeter. 3tc FOR SALE—Brick house, centrally located, well-built, good repair, furnace with blower, 3-piece bath, wired for range, garage, good garden. Possession arrang­ ed. W. C. Pearce. FOR SALE—3 acres on highway near Clinton, cozy little house, garage, henhouses, barn, pigpen with water and electricity in buildings. Spring possession. "W. C. Pearce. FOR SALE-—100 acres clay loan*, bank barns, garage, brick house, fairly close to town, Spring pos­ session. W. C. Pearce. FARM FOR SALE—200 acres of land, lot 16, south boundary Hay Twp., on Highway 83, between Grand Bend and Exeter, 2% miles east of Dashwood; will sell altogether or separate, 12 acres of good hardwood bush; 2-storey brick house, bath-room, furnace, running water in house and barn with supply tanks; bank barn, 44x6 6; straw shed 30x40 on wall; all floors cemented; 2 drive sheds, garage, good spring well, windmill. Joseph Wildfong, Dashwood, Ont. 22:1 FOR SALE—15 0 acres good pas­ ture. Well located. Running wat­ er. Some Bush. C. V. Pickard. FOR SALE—IB storey brick house. Well located in the village of Exeter. C. V. Pickard. • PERSONAL EXPERT DRESSMAKING and al­ terations. Made to measure. Mrs. R. Simpson, %Mfs. N, Hockey, phone .239. 15:22* WHY SUFFER the agony of Rheu­ matic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, when Rumacaps will give you quick wel­ come relief. Robertson’s Drug Store. TENDERS WANTED FOR SALE—Colony house 12x14, like new; also brooder stove, 500 chick capacity, aod feeders. Mrs. Beu Elder, phone 83rl4, Hensail, 22c FOR SALE—Peat moss and some good oak barrels. Cann and Sons, Exeter. 22c FOR SALE—One front and one hind quarter of beef. 33r92 Hensall. FOR SALE—Axminster rug, yds,, practically new. Mrs. Dearing, Huron Street. Phone 2^x3 W. H. lc FOR SALE—1 Holstein cow, due March 1st. Apply to Reg. Hodg­ son, Centralia, phone 18r3 Credi­ ton, 22” FOR SALE—A quantity of apple butter. Apply at S, J, V. Cann’s. 1:8c FOR SALE—(Good Durham Stocker cattle, 600 to 1100 lbs., also a couple of springers. Merton Scholdice, phone 20r6 Crediton. lc FOR SALE—A. Rogers mantle radio 815.00. Apply to H. Kendrick across • from the Presbyterian manse, . lc MISCELLANEOUS - MALTING BARLEY We are now contracting acreage for the growing of Barley for next season’s crop at .75c per bushel, contact Mickle & Sons, Hensall, 2tc For further particulars, ■Geo. T. ?'■ " “ ~ , Ontario, Telephone 103. SHORT ON POULTRY on Govern­ ment Contract—-A fowl, 5 lbs. and over, 22c.,—4 lbs. and over, 2 Ou. Parkdale Poultry, phone 152 Mitchell. 5tc CREAM SEPARATORS We have a separator to offer that is second to none on the mar­ ket today. It has given exception­ ally good satisfaction and owners are well pleased with it. The price is right and1 is lower than any other separator offered to the trade by competitive com­ panies, 300 lb. cap ....... $38.25 600 lb, cap ....... 8.71.00 Large size ........... $83.00 Massey-Harris Sales & Service Phone 88 Exeter 1:8 AUCTION SALES 1945 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF, FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell by public auction on Lot 10 Blanshard, mile from Highway 23, 1 mile north of Whalen corners, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7tli, commencing at 1 o’clock sharp, the following: HORSES—Clyde mare, old; Belgium mare in rising 2 years old.' CATTLE—2 Durham with calves at side; cows due in March; blue cow, fresh;. Brindle cow, fresh; black cow due in March; 16 Durham heifers ris­ ing 2 years old; 5 Durham year­ lings; 8 Durham calves, 4 months old. IMPLEMENTS — Frost & Wood oil bath hinder, '6 ft. cut, nearly new; Deering mower, 5 ft. cut; 'Frost & Wood hay loader; Cock­ shutt manure spreader; steel hay rake; 2 Massey-Harris cultivators; disc drill; 3-drum steel roller; 2 sets diamond harrows; 2 walking plows; Quebec single riding plow; DeLaval cream separator with power attachment; set double har­ ness; leys; hog chains; __ __ ____ __ Happy Thought range. Positively no reserve. TERMS—CASH GEO. HAMILTON, Prop. W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer, 12 years foal; colt cows, fresh 2 Durham 150 .ft. new rope; 'car pul­ wheelbarrow; . water tank; crate; forks; whiffletrees; hoes; shovels; also a in TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Tenders for Crushing and Hauling Sealed tenders will be received- by the undersigned until 2 p.m. Thursday, March 15, 1945* crushing and delivery upon roads of Unborn e Township proximately 7000 cubic yards pit run gravel from Cann’s pit, erations’ to commence not than September 1st, 1945, Tenders must be submitted on tender forms supplied by the municipality and must bo accompanied by a marked cheque for $500.00. (Further infor­ mation may be obtained from the undersigned. The lowest or atty tender not necessarily accepted. A. W. MORGAN, Clerk, Hensall, Phono 171r32 EXeter 1; 8c for the ap- of Op- later AUCTION SALE OF FAR3I STOCK IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNTTUPuE The undersigned has received in­ struction to sell by public auction on Lot 16, south half of 17, con. 7, Us borne Township, 3 Vz miles east of EXeter, on THURSDAY, iiLlRCH 8, ,1945 12 o’clock shafp, the following: 150 acres, 2-stoi*ey red brick house with slate roof, heated with hot water and all modern conven­ iences with ’, _ __ 40x90; the hog pen 26x40 with straw barn stable; silo /iS. HORSES—-1 aged horse; 1 roan mare, 14 years old. CATTLE—12 cows, 11 at hydro; the barn is over it; water 13X3 71/2. In the ... , _ heifersand 3 steers rising 3 years old; Il calves.PIGS—1 brood sow; 7 pigs about 150 lbs.225 Sussex hens, 2 geese, 1 gan­ der, 2 ducks, I drake. ■ IMPLEMENTS—7-ft. McCormick Deering binder, nearly new; 6-ft. M.H. mower; M.H. side-rake; steel dump rake; M.H, hay loader; hay tedder; M.H. 101 tractor; threshing machine 24x46, White roller bear­ ing; 13-disk Cockshutt fertilizer drill, nearly new'; Hammer mill; roller 1 packer; plough single ploughs; M-H> cultivator; four-section heavy rubber-tired wagon; er, fresh; Holstein cow* 4 pld, fresh; Holstein cow, 5 old; 4 fall calves: aa’Ivrr PIGS—Brooci sow .......... fat sow: 4Q chunks from 2 months old, IMPLEMENTS — McCormick, Peering tractor W-4 nearly new on rubber; lever harrows; side de­ livery rake, nearly < new; tl-inch, mute type grinder with jack; corn planter; sugar «beet lifter; new sugar beet rack with buncher; set of scales (200Q lbs,); fanning mill; McCormick-Deering binder; set of spring-tooth cultivator; stiff-tooth cultivator; 9 ft. steel roller; 4 scuffler; McCormick- spreader, pew; some May; to 4 13-disk Cockshutt fertilizer crusher; double disc; land : 3-drum steel roller; 4-disc j three-furrow plough; 2; spring-tooth • harro®; ‘ ___M. . 2 wag­ ons and a wagon box; sliding rack; 2 cutters, buggy, set of sleighs; manure sleigh; fanning mill; set of scales (2000 lbs,); 2 ladders; Grim evaporator, 150 sap buckets and spiles, gathering tank, large potash kettle; 2 grass seed sowers; cream separator with power drive; electric clippers; set of stilyards (320 lbs.); % h.p. motor; fence stretcher; wheel-barrow; set _ of single harness; double set of light driving harness; 2 sets of heavy harness; 2 electric brooders; colony house; 2 range shelters; buzz saw; 2 cross-cut saws; bag truck; hay fork; quantity of ensilage; about 20 tons of hay; 40(1 bushels of mixed grain; forks, shovels, hoes, whiffletrees, neckyokes, chains and other articles. Universal Milker, 2 single units, nearly new. TERMS—CASH Terms: Threshing Machine and Tractor, $100.00 down, balance in 30 days. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer FRANK COATES, Clerk. BEN. WILLIAMS & SON, ’ Proprietors, sleighs; hay tedder; tractor disc; row beanDeering manure .....................I heavy duty rubber tire wagon; 5 section harrows; 2 furrow plough; steel tire wagon; buggy; one-horse scuffler; sliding rack; 12-hoe grain i drill; Adams wagon; new drive • belt, 35 ft,, 3 scythes; lawn mower, “(32 ft. extension ladder; gas en- ’ gine; root pulper; 3 sets double harness; 7 horse collars; stock rack; number qf cotton grain bags and sacks; set of wagon wheels; Stewart horse clippers with attach­ ment; . _. .. new rope; 165 ft, vice; hay fork; head set of pea guards. 500 bushels seed bushels Erban oats; quantity of planks. TERMS—CASH OTTO BROWN, Prop. 8 discs for scuffler; 128 ft. rope; churn; for windmill; barley; 150 20 tons hay; FRANK COATES, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell by public auction at Lot 15, Con. 14 Townline of Fullarton and Blanshard, 011 THURSDAY, MARCH Sth, 1945 at 1 o’clock, the following; HORSES—Clyde mare, 9 years old; general purpose horse, 12 years good single or double. CATTLE — Durham cow, fresh; Durham cow, due time of sale; 2 Durham cows due in April; Durham heifer due in May; Ayrshire cow due in May; 2 farrow cows; 7 two- year-old Durham steers; Polled- Angus heifer; ham steers; ham heifers; utwvco, o old; Durham bull, 2 years old. HOGS—15 shoats. FOWL—100 white Leghorn hens. WOOD—12 cords of 12 in. wood, hard maple. IMPLEMENTS — Massey-Harris binder, 6 ft. cut; Deering mower, 5 ft. cut; M.H. cultivator; M.H. seed drill; Cockshutt double plow; M.H. 7A walking plow; scuffler; hay rake; disc harrows; '2 set of iron harrows; turnip drill; set of sleighs; wagon; buggy; cutter; Chatham fanning mill and bagger; Renfrew scales, 2,000 lbs., nearly new; land roller; hay rack; exten­ sion ladder; new water trough, 7^ ft. long; hay fork, 'car, rope and pulleys; colony house; garage; 2 sets of double harness, one nearly new; 2 sets single harness; 6 horse collars; pair wool horse 'blankets; new grain bags; quantity of 50 lbs. binder twine; log cant hook; cross-cut saw; barrow; stone boat; Viking separator; 2 oak barrels; sap pan and pails; milk pails; whiffletrees; neckyokes; forks, hoes, chains and other articles. The farm consisting of l“00 acres more or less, of good land, all seed­ ed but 4 acres, 3 wells, 4 acres choice hardwood bush; 40 rods from school; 2% miles from church, 2-storey brick house, bank barn 36x56; hog pen, hen house, be sold subject to reserve Terms on chattels, cash­ reserve. ROBT. CARROL, Prop. W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer. f VY U U W w j • * I* V* V steers; Polled- 4 one-year-old Dur- 3 one-year-old Dur- 2 calves, 3 months sacks; tongs; wheel­ cream will bid. No AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE property of the Late Mrs. Anderson The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at MAIN STREET, EXETER on SATURDAY, MARCH 10th, 1945 at 1 o’clock sharp the following: 2 kitchen stoves; sideboard; hot platq oven; 2 alarm clocks; wash­ ing machine and tubs; tub stand; couch; oil cloth; single couch; 2 beds; 2 dressers; 2 wash stands; mattress; day bed; settee; round table; 2 rockers; bedroom carpet; hall carpet; coal oil stove; kitchen cupboard; kitchen cabinet; set irons; set scales and many other articles. MRS. DAWSON, MRS. STONE, Prop. FRANK COATES, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. AUCTION .SALE OF FARM * STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, HOUSEu HOLD GOODS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction- Ijot 9 Biildulph Township on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1945 at 1 o’clock sharp the following: HORSES—Bay team' of geldings rising 5 years old; 2 black mares rising 5 years old, CATTLE—Cow with calf at foot; 2 cows due time of sale; 2 cows due in April; 2 cows due in May; 2 cows due in September; 20 year­ ling steers and heifers; 3 calves; Hereford bull, 2 years old. PIGS—17 pigs weighing 150 lbs. 50 Sussex hens. 1 dog. IMPLEMENTS—M.H. binder, 7 ft.; M.H. mower, 5 ft.; M.H. 13- hoe seed drill; M.H. 11-hoe seed drill; double turnip seeder; 2 scufflers; McCormick-Deering mow­ er, 6 ft.; stiff tooth cultivator; disc harrow, 14 plate; riding plow; set of harrows; 3-drum roller; low wagon, hay loader, hay rake, wag­ on; set of sleighs; cutter; buggy; hay rack; gravel box; flat rack; root pulper; fanning mill; 4 h.p. gas engine; 1000 brick; hay fork rope and car; 4 sling ropes; 2 sets double harness; set of single har­ ness; forks, yokes; windlass and rope gravel; other articles. A quantity of hay, a number of corn stooks, 35 bags of potatoes. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Large settee, hall rack, Gerhard and Heintzeman piano in good con­ dition, dining chairs, springs lamps, _ IM ords, 100 sealers. TERMS—CASH MINOR DOBBS, Prop. * R. 1 Centralia, - phone: 321T6 Kirkton. F. COATES, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. stone boat; large trailer; shovels, whiffletrees, neck- 'buzz saw; gravel scrape; yard of cement chains, boxes, barrels and rack, ___ piano 6 kitchen chairs, 2 Tockers, room table, 6 dining room buffet, 2 tables, 2 beds, afid mattresses, 2 hanging phonograph with 100 rec- AUCTION. SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, AND ' HOUSEHOLD GOODS The undersigned has received in­ structions Lot 1% miles I AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at Lot 6, Con, 1 Biddulph Twp. on No, 4 Highway, 1 mile South of Centralia, on TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1945 the following *,- - years aged team, 7.HORSES—-Black Old; black horse, 5 years old; horse; 2 horses, 5 years old, CATTLE 2 four-year-old cofrs to sell by public auction, at 13, Con. 2, Usborne east of Exeter and 1 mile south on THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1945 at 1 o’clock sharp the following: HORSES — Grey Percheron, 4 years old; grey mare, 4 years old; Percheron mare, 8 years old; roan team, 12 years old; white mare, 12 years old, CATTLE—Cow with calf at foot; roan cow due. time of sale; black cow with calf at foot; Durham cow, fresh; heifer due time of sale; Polled Angus c.ow due in April; Ayrshire cow due in April; 2 Hol­ stein cows, fresh; cow just fresh; black cow, fresh; roan farrow cow; heifer, 2 years old; 5 heifers, 2 years old; 2 heifers, 1 year old, 2 year old; 5 last spring- June calves;.. 2 fall calves. -4 pigs, weighing 120 lbs.; Hereford Hereford Hereford steers, 1 calves; 3 PIGS— _ „ . _ „ 2 pigs weighing 100 lbs.; 10 small pigs; brood sow. IMPLEMENTS—Frost & Wood binder, 7 foot; McCormick-Deering mower; McCormick-Deering manure spreader; McCormick-Deering scuff­ ler, new; 4-section harrows, new; fertilizer disc drill; No. 11 grain drill, 10-hoe; hay rack; hay loader; roller; scuffler; cultivator, 8. ft.; riding plow; 2-furrow riding plow; walking plow; steel wagon, nearly new; hay rake; top buggy; door cutter; set of sleighs and box; cream separator; new root pulper; harrow •ehft; 140 ft. hay fork rope; 2 sets double harness; quantity of' hay; 3 and 4 horse eveners; forks; shovels; neckyokes; whiffletrees; chains and other articles, 100 bus. barley; brooder stove, 750 chick Capacity, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Wash­ ing machine; kitchen table; bed and dresser; linoleum, gfamaphone with records; Quebec heater , with pipes, 2 barrels, TERMS—CASH JOS. SMITH, Prop, F., COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Allot,r