HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-03-01, Page 3By Helen Marsh hydro LAMPS ■THE TIMSS-AOVOCATP, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH J, 1945 ------_------------------- ------------------ -- --------- ----------———_------------■------------............................ —..-■■■ ■ ■' GLEANINGS FROM OTTAWA w SOLDIERS’ SUBSCRIPTION'S MUST BIS RENEWEDNotable Canadian—Ross Munro obta/^, ,. AT Y<A*° SHO’ K « LETTER BOX 'February 12, 1945 Exeter, Ontario. To the Times-Advocate, Exeter, Ontario'. Dear Mr. Southcott:— Enclosed is part of a ceived from ,my_ nephew, don W. Penrose, serving Army in Holland, as a bearer on the front lines, ___ . tells of the work the Red Cross is,doing there. It says: “The Red Cross over here does everything very well. If one could realize how many bandages, etc., were needed, it would surprise everybody,' I am sure. Those people back home thought the same way as I thought, back home. The Red Cross was O.K. doing a good job. That is all. It is away more than that. I can not say about P.O.W.’s but I can say about bandages, etc, Oh, say, you have to see it before one can. realize the importance and let me tell you, it is important. Instead of maybe giving $5.00 a month to this work, it should be $30.00 or $40.00 a mouth. They do a lot over here, and please tell those people to give freely. Money means a lot to them—but it means a lot more in the Red Cross. I shall say no more.” I remain, Your loving letter re- Pte. Gor- with the stretclier- This part There’s a new organization in existence-—the Canadian Press War Cprrespondents’ Association. Its first president is a fellow named Ross Munro. You may or may not have heard him on the radio, but you, have certainly read what he has written. For Ross Munro, 30-year-old ace Correspondent for the Canadian Press, has been in every European campaign where Canadians have gone. Without arms, with pnly honorary rank, and with the status of a civilian, Munro has kept well up with the boys ip. front, where ’ the action is.. { His first despatches from Sicily , beat all the other 53 war corres-? pondents by 7% hours. He follow- ed^’fhis up by reporting without aid the whole of the 38-day Sicilian campaign, sometimes typing out his despatches at night by the light of a jeep. When the invasion of Italy came, Munro was in ahead again-—by seven hours, D-Day found him on the beaches With the Canadians following them wherever they went through France, Belgium and Holland, It was not his first experience on beaches, be­ cause he had won international re­ nown for his first-hand reports of the Dieppe reconnaissance, and way back in 1941 he had covered the British-Canadian landings on the strategic island of Spitsbergen in the Arctic Circle. Simple, quiet, friendly, Munro has been nicknamed by his friends “The Cleric” for his, .soft-spoken, .earnest manner. Yet he is the hero of a real story-book romance. When the Cafe de Paris in London was bombed early in 1941, Munro inter­ viewed a Canadian nursing sister, who showed remarkable coolness sand resourcefulness in rendering first-aid even to using champaigne as an emergency disinfectant, She turned out to be Lt. Helen-Marie Stevens, of Dunnville, Ontario—and now she A number of subscriptions to Tile Times-Advocate for those in the Armed Forces are now due and others will become future, The airmen, forces, home r r .......__ their home paper perhaps even more than the folks at home do, They and we are anxious that they will receive their Times-Advocate with no terruptions. However, it contrary to postal regulations to send papers that are not paid in advance. We there­ fore respectfully ask all those who are subscribing to The Times-Advocate for anyone- in the Armed Forces to keep the subscriptions paid in advance, Otherwise we have no alterna­ tive than to discontinue send­ ing The Times-Advocate when the subscription expires. due in the immediate soldiers, sailors and and the girls in the who are away from enjoy and appreciate in­ is Canadian is Mrs. Ross -Munro! Airmen Good Gardeners some of the farmers .so needed will be available war—from the ranks of In 80 RCAF stations nephew, Gordie, lines from an- Penrose (Pte.) And another few other nephew, Ernie ___, in the Armyand at present in the Red Cross hospital in England, as a patient. He says: “The Red Cross treats us very well. They supply us with paper, cigarettes (if desired),-.candy (not too much, since we are, after all, patjents). In addition, /we are kept busy making toys, and doing leath­ er work, etc. I have read a good many books since coming here and manage to keep up with the news very well since I have a radio be­ side my bed. On Sunday, I listen to a church broadcast from Glasgow or London. Well, good-bye for now, Aunt Eva. Maybe urgently after the the RCAF. last summer boys in air-force-blue dug, planted, seeded, weeded—and finally consumed $26,776 worth of garden produce. A station in' British Columbia grew a prize potato crop of 62,000 lbs., and another west coast sta­ tion won first prize at a local fair with their leaf le’ttuce and green peas. At Aylmer, Ont., the station gave a corn roast, using 300 dozen ears of its own corn, and still had 2,000 dozen left! The Giinlin, Man., sta­ tion produced 80 lbs of honey from its apiaries. "* Base Posit Office Love, Ernie. Perhaps these excerpts will serve to show why we should Red- Cross drive. Eva M. aid the Penrose. “Mah brethren,” said preacher, “When you sound hig horn, yo’ ready to jump.” ‘ "Mah goodnes!” claimed one of the “am be acomin’ in an automobile?” a Negro hears Gabriel wants to be excitedly eX- congregation, Mail .sent provinces men and base and nf having clear every There is a .five-storey brick building in Ottawa which used to be a printing-plant and, before that, a fruit exchange. Today it is the Base Post Office of the Canadian Postal Corps, and handles all the mail, including parcels, sent to members of the armed .forces over­ seas from all sections of Canada, except the Marltimes, from the three Atlantic is handled, at Halifax. A thousand service women staff this postal claim the proud record always managed to item of mail on the day it is re­ ceived. In 1944 over 30 million or­ dinary letters, 26 million air let­ ters, three million airgraphs, 3 2 million lbs. of parcels and 5% mil­ lion lbs. of tobacco gifts passed through this base, as Well as 2% million tobacco labels, each one representing an order on overseas stock for 300 cigarettes. As well as sorting and shipping, re-addressing mail and re-wrapping parcels takes up a lot of time. Any­ one who has seen the “Parcels Hos­ pital,” with ' its broken parcels stacked from floor to ceiling, some of them damaged by breakages in other parcels, realizes why people are asked to take extra care in packing the next gift of food and ZION Miss Marjorie Earl spent several days last week with Mr. and Howard Kerslake, of Exeter. Mrs. Sherwood Hunter, and Glenn visited on Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Ward Hern. The Intermediate and Junior Bible Classes held a very enjoyable party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. George Earl, of Exeter, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl. Mrs. A. Gunning, of Exeter, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James Earl. We are glad to report that Mrs. James Earl had the cast removed from her leg last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dickinson and family, of Denfield, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock, Mr, and' Mrs. Harold Hern, Harry and Bob visited on Sunday- with Mr. and Mrs. Milne .Whalen. IDon’t forget thq Euchre and Lost Heir is to be held in the school on Fri- day, March 2 at 8.30 sharp. Come and bring your friends and as the poet says: The Red Cross Euchre Parties There just had to be something done, To swell that worthy fund; So the Red Cross ''Euchre parties are all the rage, Everyone attends, regardless of age. If you do not like euchre, you can play Lost Heir, It’s lots of fun if you play fair; If the roads are filled and cars of no use, The farmers use sleighs and can produce, The way of attending those parties gay; What’s better anyway! There are two of Die. Who pile their _ . ...... _ , Their hearty ‘ laughs are good to hear, It fills up the .game with fun and cheer. These parties are held In schools along the lines, ; So come along folks, join in ~~ good times; ’ Of course there are prizes for highest score, Which adds to the pleasure all more, If it sd happens the “booby” get, Do not get blue and worry and fret,, It sometimes is ’a nice and ‘useful thing, And a lot of'comfort it might bring. The lunch is the crowning thrill of it all, With fresh sandwiches filled with ham, And pie am,’ So come You will cause Mrs. Roy, with I Mrs.Pullen, of Red Cross party which than a sleigh ride ■gentlemen very fond plates away up high, the the the you and coffee, the best ‘what and join the happy throng, be glad you helped a good along. KHIVA Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Doupe, of Kirkton, spent Wednesday, kvith Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schade and family, of Zurich,'and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Weber visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weber. Bilious Attacks Liver Complaint Biliousness is just another name for a clogged or sluggish liver. It is a very common complaint, but can bo quicldy remedied by stimulating tho flow of bile. This softens the accumulated mass, the poisons are carried out, of tlie system, and tho liver and bowels aro relieved and toned up. Milburn’s Laxa-Liyer Pills quicken and enliven tho sluggish liver, open­ ing up every channel, by causing a free flow Of bile and thus cleansing tho liver of the clogging impurities. They aro small and easy to take. Do not gripe, weaken or sicken. Tho T. Milburn Go., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. packing the next gift of food comforts for overseas. WOODHAM Miss Fern Rodd, of .London, a week-end guest at her home here. Miss Gladys Shier spent the week­ end at the’ home of her parents. I. We are pleased to note that Mr. JaS. Squire is able to be out again after having been ill for several days with a bad attack of lumbago. We dre glad to know that Miss Lorna Kirk is improving after her recent illness. The Y.P.U, met Sunday evening last in the church basement with Grant Mills conducting the pro­ gram. Thq opening exercises were as usual, and Miss Florence Kirk took the topic, a special collection was taken up to help buy Easter boxes for the boys overseas. It Was decided to hold another meeting Thursday evening and arrange tho time to hold the regular meetings. was The Bright Star large number of people have watching the star in the west much interest which recently .It seems to brilliance as some believe great event, night there A been with appeared in the sky. burst forth to great one gazes at it, which to be a ■ sign of some On a clear moonless are 20,000 stars visable at one time to a person with Ordinary vis­ ion. People like the ancient Chal­ deans, living in the open, were more familiar with the stars than are people of the present day, Rich­ ard J. Mctdarinid is one of the sen­ ior astronomers on the Dominion Observatory Staff at Ottawa. His particular work is to determine time from observations of the stars in order to keep Standard clocks correct, also to determine the posi­ tion of the stars, Time service IS maintained not only for the Dom­ inion Government, but is also dis­ tributed by radio and telegraph to all parts of the Land of the Maple, Was- Ailsa theii* EXETISR USED 829 HORSE POWER IN NOVEMBER 1944, Strat- population of 17,163, of 7,656 horse power, figures published in News”. Amounts of Ernest Foster; consolation, Puljen. Lost JHeJr; Mary Johnson; Johnson; -consolation, Mrs, E. Squire. Proceeds amounted to $28. CANADA’S VETERANS Their reportwtiries An advertisement explaining to the people of Canada the re-establishment credit f avail­ able, tp men and women of the Armed Fordes. Buy Good Local Bread- The the armed forces, ■ BRINSLEY Miss Mary Lee, pt Exeter, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Lee. Pte. ■Carl Trevethick, of Camp Ipperwash, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Trevethick. Opr local mail ..man, Mr, Thos, Reid, of Ailsa Craig, has made his rounds again after the Twp. snow­ plow opened the blocked roads. Mrs. Stanley Steeper, of West McGillivray, spent a few days last week with .her sister, Mrs. Earl Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Hodgins spent Tuesday afternoon with-her sister, Mrs. Herh. Sherritt, of ParkhilL Mrs., Emerson Glenn spent a few days last weqk with friends in Lon­ don. Mrs, Mary Carter called on Mrs, Fletcher Gowei* one day last week. Mrs, Ken Twaddle, of West Mc­ Gillivray, is spending some time with her mother, Mrs, John Turner, of Arkona, who has been very ill for the past few ’weeks. Mr, and Mrs, Alonzo Hodgins, Phyllis and Bobbie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Luther Morley, Pte. Harvey Gilbert (Bud), grandson of Mrs. Margaret Gilbert, who has been with the Canadian Army -Overseas and was severely wounded, has returned to his home in London where his wife and in­ fant daughter reside. I-Iis many friends in Brinsley and surrounding neighbourhood extend a hearty wel­ come home again, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Lewis enter­ tained a number of friends on Thursday evening last, Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Neil, of West McGillivray, received a cable­ gram from London, England, an­ nouncing the birth of a son to Pte, Clarence and Mrs, Neil, Mrs. Sarah Snowdon, who has been spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Abert Steeper, of West McGillivray, has returned to the home of her^brothers, Wm. and Albert Bean, Mr. and Mrs; Bob Kowen, who have been spending some time in the neighbourhood, have left for Toronto to spend a few days with their daughters before leaving for their home in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Lin Craven spent Tuesday last with Mrs. Sarah Bur­ gess, of Pafkhill. Mr. and Mrs. James Trevethick WHALEN Mrs. Frank Parkinson spent few duya during last week ’with Mrs. J. Stevenson, of Thorndale. Mrs, Wm, Redd, of the Sth ’line, visited recently with Mrs, 'Frank Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Don Marshall were Sunday visitors of Mr* and Mrs. George Parkinson. Ml’* and Mrs. Gordon Docking, of Munroe, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkinson. Red Cross Euchre and Lost Heir ■Party The 10th line sponsored a euchre and Lost Heir party Friday evening last in the schoolhouse with a good attendance. ‘Prizes for euchre went to: ladies high, Mrs. Ogden; men’s high, Haryey French; lone hands, Mrs. ladies’ high, men's high, Earl During November, ford, with a used a total according to the “Hydro power used by other district centres, in horse power, were: Bly th, 136; Brussels, 151; Clifford, 110; ’Clin­ ton, 628; Dashwood, 125; Dublin, 49; Embro, 113; Exeter, 829; God­ erich 1,764 Harriston, 417; Hensail, 221; Listowel, 1,521; Milverton, 507; Mitchell, 7 69; Moorefield, 52; Palmerston, 623; St. Marys, 1,671; Seaforth, 1,054; Tavistock, 644; Wellesley, 128; Zurich, 117. and Pte Carl spent Sunday -evening with Mrs. Hess, of Zurich. Miss Vera Wasnidge, of London, spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Newton nidge, of West McGillivary, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rosser, of Craig, spent Sunday with daughter, Mrs. Joe Amos. Mr.Ernest Amos and Master1 Gerald Rock, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. J. L. Amos. Miss .Irene Neil, of London, spent Friday evening with her sister Mrs. Jack Trevethick. Mr. and Mrs. .Ansel Lee dined with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Lee on Sun­ day evening. The Story of Your Dollar THIS IS THB STWT of yojn* dollar when spent with an Independent Home-Owned Bakery in Exeter. A PORTION OF IT goes to our employees who have homes to maintain in this community, A PORTION OF IT goes for taxes to help keep up your Streets, your schools and the civic improve­ ments, A PORTION OF JT goes to local labor who help us to keep up the plant and premises, A PORTION OF IT goes to our fellow merchants, grocer, hardware, shoe dealer, clothing and meat shop. It goes round and round right here in Exeter because they in turn bring some if it right back to this shop. This applies to farmer as well as town resident. The town buys butter, eggs and milk, vegetables and meat from the. farmer, as well as fruit, WHAT PORTION OF YOUR DOLLAR STAYS IN EXETER when you buy from bakeries or other industries controlled by outside interests? HO THEY LEAVE ANY OF IT HERE to pay wages, taxes, rent, or to buy all the hundred and one things all of us buy daily from local merchants who in turn keep it circulating? FOR SATISFACTION AND HEALTH eat our bread. Baked and delivered by local help. Bakery-shop owned and operated by local capital. Bakery available to assist you. has been made for it. parliament • ‘Han life of men and women in the armeu - many_particularly In planning the return to mu8t cover a variety of fields.*wiU be through realized that assistance^ bcst method of effectmg Others caIi be assisted through vounger members o rtunitv to continue an interrup e ,-ated with some regular form o lining or through on „ on h.ld.n^ ^.me„t—ill l» ■ land settlement--either on ,„„Wnation of two thing—. tbc the solution. Legislation I another large GRO“P wh„ do not There is, however, another: v y lagnd^ettlemcnt a8 provided training and who are d°^ SUlAftcrlong months or years in uniform, under the Veterans Lane Act Afte bc thosc ho these veterans will need assis nQt bccn for normally would have owned th^ w ho hav£ tbeir service. There will rcoa;rs ahd alterations. There will been unable to carry out needed p who want to resume be veterans who sold bu£1^Sf busincss of their own but who them, and others who arc fitted ^abl.ghmcnt. Crcdit is designed need assistance in financing^ Th R altcfnativc to training and for this latter group, and primarily land settlement benefits. PAID UNDER WAR S^^?vrihWeT^dtt the same -The R^^^^'^’ides War Service Gratuities. It is Act of Parliament which prov des tQ ald not a loan but an outright P d not t0Susc land settlement in re-establishment if the veto™ dec des _n or training benefits. It may be used d purposcs as the ten years following is called a “credit” because outlined in this advertisement. The g of foi HOW TO APPLY FOR RE-ESTABLISHMENT War Service Gratuity t 1 s dayg, gcrvicc overseas, the Western Hemisphere and $1. amcd forccs Wlth The amount is computed by h appUcation first must which the veteran served, ancl whcn a statement showing, be made for the War Service Grat_ y.^ vctcran> the amount of the basic gra w madc t0 tbc Depart* any district office of the with which the is b° St an, armed depot Veteran. Ato _ ST„o, .LL It is important that every vet. rc.Cstablishment decision as to future plans befor- pp^ g wtcran credit. Payment of benefits under the Veterans' from educational and traim g gr vctcran elects not Land Act, sine, on Any benefits under the to take advantage of these oth vctcran department officials is available to ass.se yo . PURPOSES FOR WHICH CREDIT MAY ^“credit may be anthorited for the Moving purposes: (a) To assist in home owning; (b) To assist in boildins| aJ>ome; fo) To assist in home repairing (d) To buy h“8C!'o'i^*“e ’for t“de, profession, or business; £ profession or business; (g) To buy a bu£lI^s^ ominion of Canada insurance; «v“’ua”' training. - c M'l and (r) above, the veteran must putln lltafor to dolbr. used from the re-establishment XuUftXe shows a broadening of these purposes ,s needed, provision has been made for it. AOTMENT "of"7et'eRANs" AFFAIRS ' DEPA"™„ — e—.