HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-02-22, Page 5THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 22, 1945
theMiss Edna Petske spent
week-end in Clinton,
Mr. and Mrs. G, M, Drysdale
spending a vfew days this week ih
Miss Goldie Cross, R,N., of Lont
don, spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Cross.
Mr, and Mrs,, John Henderson
and family visited recently with
Mr, and Mrs. Lome McNaughton.
Ross Corbett, who has been con
fined to his room for the past three
weeks, is somewhat improved at
date of writing,
Mr. and Mrs.
of Toronto, were
with the latter’s
Mrs. Jas. SmilJie.
Miss Mae McNaughton returned
to Toronto after Spending a week
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Lome McNaughton.
LAC, Robert Sangster, formerly
of Fingal, spdnt the week-end with
his mother, Mrs. Minnie Sangster,
prior to leaving for Camp Borden
where he will be posted.
Mrs, John MacBeath vhas been
confined to her room during the
past week owing to illness. Mrs.
Garnet Mousseau, of 'Stanley, has
been in attendance.
Fractures Arm
Mrs. Enoch Parker had the mis
fortune on Saturday to slip on the
ice at the home of her spn, Harold
Parker, and in so doing, fractured
her right arm at the elbow. She
Was attended by Dr. D. G. Steer
and was taken to Scott Memorial
Hospital for X-rays and a cast was
placed on the arm,
World’s Day
The World’s
vice was held
in the Hensali
was largely attended. Mrs. ^R. A.
Brook, Mrs. R. H. Middletown and
Mrs. Workman presided over the
program which was followed in
the “World’s Day of Prayer Serv
ice" which was prepared. Special
prdyers were offered by Mrs.
Hudson, Miss Fee and Mrs:
McDonald. A ladies quartette
prising Miss Florence Welsh,
G. M. Drysdale, Miss Greta
mie and Mrs. Geo.
Love Him More and More,”
panied by Mrs. T. J. Sherritt at
Dentist Addresses
The Home Nursing
Hensali were favored at
ing on Monday evening ,
from Dr. H. Cowen and Dr. G. IF.
Roulston, of Exeter. The former
speaker, Dr. Cowen, gave a very
interesting and informative ad
dress on “The Development, Struc
ture and Growth of the Teeth in
Early Childhood.” Dr, Roulston
chose for his address, “Pathology
and Treatment of the Teeth,”
stressing the fact that “Good Health
and Good Teeth Go Hand in Hand.”
This also was a very worthwhile
and interesting address. Mrs.
H. Middleton moved a hearty
of thanks to
Roulston for
The Arnold
Harold Shepherd,
week-end visitors
parents, Mr. and
of Prayer Service
Day of Prayer ser-
on Friday, Feb.
•United Church, and
_ __ Lam-
Hess sang “I
their meet-
by lectures
Dr. Cowen and
their splendid
met at the
on First Mortgages
Now is the TIME to stop
paying rent and to buy a farm.
Write us if you have been
thinking about it. We may be
able to help you with a loan. All
inquiries treated confidentially.
London Windsor
St. Thomas Chatham
OE30E 2OE3O1
home of Mrs, Hilton baiqg on Fri-
day evening with the president,
Mrs- Melvin Moir, presiding and
opened the meeting with prayer
followed hy the singing of “0 Set
Ye Open Unto Me,” after which
Mrs. Chas. Forrest read the scrip
ture, Psalm 119. Miss Viplet Hyde
led in prayer, Following the
call, the minutes and offering,
business was discussed. It was
aided to hold a St. Patrick’s
and sale of home-baking and
rons in the school-room of
church on Saturday, March 17th,
Various committees were
In charge of the event,
Stanlake was appointed
for the Peace Fund
Jtfrs., N,
Hymn, “Come to the Saviour” was
sung and the topic
ing the Gate,” was
by Mrs, Norman
meeting closed by
My Life and Let It Be,1
Lord’s Prayer in unison. Refresh
ments were served by the hostess.
entitled “Open-
very ably taken
Stanlake. The
singing “Take
and' the
farmers and others in the vic-
of Dashwood; The Trustees
decided to allow the fire en-
gine to go to fires outside the Cor
poration at a fee of $25.00 for a
call and an additional $25.00 for
any service rendered.
Russell Tieman and Pte.
Rader, of Camp Borden,
the week-end at their homes
and Mrs. Harry Cook, of
and Mr, and Mrs. Kelso
of London, were
with Mr. and Mrs.
Dr, R. H, Taylor, MLA and Mrs.
Taylor attended opening of Parli-
ment in Toronto last week.
in Chatham.,
Mrs. Henry Krueger
sick list. We hope for a
Mrs. Ross Guenther,
Lovina Kellerman
after spending a
Department of Agriculture
Short Course Schedule
GORRIEw............... FEB. 26, 27
ZURICH*............... FEB. 27, 28
Subject for first day will be
‘Soils and Pasture Improvement’
Subject for second day
‘Farm Mechanics & Veterinary’
Crediton, March 1—■
“Soils and Pastures”
Brussels, March 2-—
“Farm Mechanics, Veterinary
and Pastures”
Sunday visitors with
England were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Sisson, Donelda, Margaret
Latimer, of Watford, Mr.
Wes. Sisson, of London,
land, of Toronto.
The women of Crediton
Mrs. L.
D. Tie-
has re-
few weeks
is on the
speedy re
of Green
way, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
E. R.
The many friends of Mrs. Herb
Wein will regret to hear of her
serious illness in London hospital.
Mrs. Elgin Merner spent last
week in Kitchener.
Mrs. Luft received
day evening of
father, Mr. A.
P. F. C. Willis
232nd Rainbow Division, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wilfred Mclsaac, of “
troit, and who formerly lived in
Dashwood with his grandparents,
Mrs, Lucinda Mclsaac and the late
Peter Mclsaac, has been reported
missing in action Jan. 5th in
Dashwood Businessmen
Hold Valentine Party
Businessmen of the neivly organ
ized Dashwood Businessmen’s Club
entertained their wives at a Valen
tine party at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Hoffman, with about
40 present. The collection for the
evening was donated to thje Red
Cross. The club, under the leader
ship of the village trustees, assist
ed by Dr. R. H. Taylor, M.L.A., was
organized last December and holds
regulai* weekly meetings.
The, following are the officers
for tile coming year: President, V.
L. Becker; vice-president,
Lamb; secretary-treasurer,
Pfile; house committee,
Zimmer, Edgar Restemeyer, Elgin
Merner. Interesting addresses were
given at the mqetiijg _ by Rev. T.
Luft and Reuben Goetz. It was de
cided to hold a letter writing eve
ning to the boys in the services of
the community.
and Mrs. Harry Hoffman
Tuesday with friends in Lon-
word on Tues-
death of
Bald, of
Mclsaac, of
C. IT.
There is now a priority on Brooder Coal for brooding chicks-
HERE IS WHAT TO DO: Either come in our office and
sign an order for the amount of coal, required, the date and
number of chicks you have on order, or mail it in to us. We
will place this signed” order with a reliable coal dealer, and
will do our best to see that you receive coal when you need
it. We must, however, have your signed order or we cannot
get coal for you, *
If you still want chicks for March or April, we would advise
booking' immediately. Even though we will be hatching 35
to 40,000 chicks per week, some dates and breeds arc al
ready filled.
Feed your chicks LAKETERIA STARTER for best results.
Book your order now for Lakeview Chicks, no matter when
you want them-
Wein Bros,
Exeter, Ontario j
__ __-JU L_ _____ _ „ com
munity met in the United Church
to observe the “World Day of
Prayer” service, compiled this yeai'
by a group of British women. Quiet
music was played during the inter
cessions by Mrs. A. Baker, who
also played for the hymns. Mrs.
(Rev.) Reuber, president of the
Evangelical W.M.S., and Mrs. B.
Kestle, president of the United
Church W.M.S., presided and led
in the prepared responsive service.
A very inspiring address on Prayer
was given by Rev. Trueblood. Pray
ers were offered by Rev. Reuber,
Mrs. A. Amy, Mrs. E. Faist and
i M.rs, Earl Haist and the scripture
portions were read by Mrs. R. Hill
and Mrs. C. Young. A solo was sung
by Miss Nola Faist, accompanied by
Mrs. “E. Fahrner. The offering was
received by Mrs. A. King and Mrs.
T. Trevethiclc.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder,
who have been informed that, their
son, FO. Gerald Schroeder, is miss
ing overseas, have the sympathy
of their many friends in this com
munity in this their anxious time,
with the hope that good news will
soon be forthcoming.
Mr. K. McLeod spent the week
end at his home in St. Thomas.
Miss Laura Woodall, of London,
visited over the week-em* at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Woodall. *
Mr. Victor Kestle and daughter,
Janet, of Exeter, spent Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark.
Miss Doris Weurth spent a
days with her parents, Mr.
Mrs. S. JVeurth.
We are glad to report that
Lloyd Hey arrived home from
toria Hospital on Sunday and is
progressing favorably. Mrs. J.
of Zurich, is spending some
with her daughter-in-law,
Lloyd Hey. 4
Pte. Wallace Fahrner, of
gary, spent a few days .leave with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. K.
Fahrner and Elaine.
Citizens of, this community learn
ed with deep regret of the death
in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London,
of Rev. E. S. Hiscocks. Rev. His-
cocks, who was a retired United
Church minister, was pastor of the
Crediton charge during the years
1926 to 1929. The sympathy of the
congregation is
Hiscocks in her
The February
Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S.
Evangelical Church was held at
With the county road opened
from enow, Revt 8. Trueblood
occupied the pulpit in Brinsley
United Church on Sunday last, It
being the first Sunday this month
for service.
We are sorry to report that Mr.
John R, Corbett who is confined to
Victoria Hospital, London, is not
doing as well as we expected,
Mrs. Ken Kuhn and June, of
Crediton, are spending some time
with her parents, Mr, und Mrs,
Fletcher Gower,
Mr. and Mrs, Russel Glenn, of
Arkona, called on friends in the
neighborhood on Thursday after
Miss Orpa Watson, of Forest,
Spent the week-end at her home
Mrs, McKee, of Sarnia, is visiting
with her sister, Mrs, Wesley Morley.
Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Glenn en
tertained Mr. and Mrs, Wes. White
and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kowen one
evening last week,
Miss Gertrude Amos, pf Parkhill,
spent the week-end at her home
Mr. and Mrs, James Trevethick
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Dorman, of Ailsa Craig!
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Neil spent
Sunday evening with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Major Baker, of Ship-
Mr. and Mrs. 'Fletcher Gower vis
ited her brother, Mr. John R. Cor
bett, of Victoria Hospital, London,
on Friday last.
Mrs. Lilly Garrod., of Ailsa Craig,
spent the week-end with her sis
ter, Mrs. Wes. White.
Mrs. Wesley Morley and Mrs.
McKee spent Thursday afternoon
with Mrs. Walter Morley.
Mr. and Mrs. David Morley spent
Monday last in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean White, Mr
and Mrs. Levi White, Mr. and Mrs.
Luther Morley, spent an enjoyable
evening last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Hotson, of Ailsa Craig.
Mrs. Walter Morley spent Sat
urday last with her daughter, Mrs.
Leslie Thompson, of the 18th con
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Amos, Helen
and Allen spent Tuesday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. EH Rosser,
of Ailsa Craig.
Master Eddie Watson spent Wed
nesday afternoon with his grand
mother, Mrs. Lin Craven.
With the. assistance of Sim Ire
land’s bull-dozer, the McGillivray
Township snowplow has begun op
ening the township road* which
have been snow-blocked for
ber of weeks.
While watering cattle
river one day last week Mr.
Maguire had the misfortune
one of his yearling cattle break
through the ice and drown,
Miss Bernice McKellar visited
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Lyndsay McKellar.
Miss Helen Kemp, of Mitchell, is
visiting at the home of her grand
mother, Mrs. Wm- Houghton.
Pte. Frank Scott, of Camp
den, spent Saturday with his
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Jp.p, Scott
also renewed acquaintance with his
many friends.
Mr, John Scott and Mr, Alien
McLean have returned from a plea
sant visit at Monkton and district
with relatives and friends.
Mr, and Mrs. Darrell Parker and
Donna visited on Sunday in the
Miss Hazel Hamilton yisited with
Miss Mary Stapleton in Dublin,
Mr. Dick Kinsman has been quite
ill at his home. We hope he is-soon
Mrs. Wm. Houghton is confined
to her bed through illness. We hope
she will soon be better. Mrs. Leon
ard Houghton, of Staffa, is assist
ing at the home.
a num-
at the
to have
Mrs, Lome Jolliff and
Mt, Elgin, visited this
Mrs. Russell Morrison.
Billie and Ronald, __
. were Sunday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Marshall.
Mr. Hiram Hanna is busy har
vesting ice for Mr. Truman Tufts,
Jas. Willis and I. N. Marshall.
We are sorry to report that Mr.
Mont. Dobson is a patient in Vic
toria Hospital.
The World’s Day of Prayer was
observed in the Kirkton United
Church, Friday, Feb. 16, with a
good attendance. The Woodham
ladies and Kirkton Anglican ladies
also attended. The presidents, Mrs.
C. Routly, Mrs. R. Hazlewood, Mrs.
"Cecil Camm and Mrs. Cecil Dobson
presided dividing the set. urogram
in four parts. Solos were rendered
by Mrs. Ira McCurdy accompanied
by her daughter Bessie, and Mrs.
(Rev.) W. D. Goodger accompanied
by Mrs. T. Lufts. Mrs. Reuben
Switzer very capably gave the ad
dress of the afternoon. Special
prayers were given by the ladies of
the various churches. At the close
of the service a short business meet
ing was held by the Kirkton ladies.
Entertains S.S. Class
Mrs. Emerson Paton and Mrs.
Earl Watson entertained their Sun
day School class of boys Saturday
afternoon to a skating party on the
rink at Kirkton after which the
nine boys and their teachers went
to the home of Mrs. G. H. Burgin
and enjoyed lunch. The boys re
ported a good time.
Mr. and
family, of
week with
Mr. and
and sons,
Lorne Marshall
Open for Business
In a Common Cause
We never get tired talking about brpad because,
like Abe Lmcpln’s common people, it concerns so many,
Practically every individual looks to the bread plqte
the minute he sits down to. the table. He expects toast
the first thing in the morning, crusty rolls or daintily
sliced bread for lunch and again for dinner or a plate
of fresh bread ready to hand, It has to be good or the
domestic atmosphere immediately chills * , , keep good
humour warmed up by making certain with Middleton’s
Your Small Change May Save a Life
Buy War Savings Stamps Regularly
We are now booking orders for Oats and Barley and
need a few more orders to make up a car each of Wheat
and Dictator coal. It is important that orders for fertilizer
be placed at once,
A full line of Co-Op. Feeds on hand, Cod Liver Oil,
Mineral, Oyster Shell, Lime Shell, etc.
Paints and Motor Oils on hand.
Exeter District Cooperative
P. Passmore, Manager
extended to
meeting of
------o------ — ___ __the home of Mr£. H. K. Eilber with an
attendance bf' 21 memtbejs. Mrs.
M. E. Reuber opened the meeting
with a short talk on the emphasis
of the month—Stewardship. Mrs.
H. Schenk presided over the de
votional exercises. The hymn, “Take
My Life and Let It Be,” was sung
followed by several passages of
, scripture read by Migs M. Schenk
i and a prayer by Miss Clara Gaiser.
Responsive readings were given and
Mrs. E. Wenzel sang a solo. Mrs.
Schenk outlined the chapter on
Thailand and French Indo-China
from the Study Book “West of the
Date Line” and the following chap
ter on Missions in the Philippines
was given in dialogue form by Miss
Clara Gaser, Miss M. Schenk and
Mrs. H. Young. Mi’b. Reuber took
charge of the 'business. Several let
ters of appreciation were read from
those who had been remembered
at Christmas by the Good Cheer
Committee. It was decided to con
tinue to send Birthday Greetings
to the boys and girls in the services.
One new member joined the So
ciety. The meeting was closed with
prayer by Mrs. Reuber. Lunch was
served and a vote of thanks was
given by Mrs. Emmery Fahrner a*nd
Mrs. H. M. Faist to the hostess and
her assistants, Mrs. C. M. Grean,
Miss M. Schenk, Mrs. M. K. Reuber
and Mrs. Gordon Ratz. Mrs.
Young kindly invited the ladies
her home for the next meeting
Thursday, Maj’ch 1st.
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Love
family, of Shipka, Visited on
day afternoon at the home of Mr.
Mansell Hodgins.
Mrs. Jack Ridley and Jean spent
part of last week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Max Disjardine,
Mr. Hector Murray is spending
a few holidays with friends in De
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love and sons,
Jim and Alex xisited on Sunday
With Mr, and Mrs. Ellison Whiting
at Centenary.
and Mrs. R. Williams and
visited with
on Sunday.
F. Dougal
of his sister,
Mr. and Mrs. 0.
returned to the
Mrs. Chas. Mil-
Stoker jC. Harris of Sydney, N.S.
spent a few days leave with his par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harris locf tty on
LAC. R. McCurdy and LAC. A
Meilieke/ of Hagersville, spent the
week-end with the former’s parents
Mr. and Mrs. Milton McCurdy.
Miss Dorothy McCurdy spent a
few days this week visiting with
friends in London
Mr. Harry Rodhe visited with his
mother, Mrs. Rodhe in St. Joseph’s
Hospital. London on Tuesday of
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lamport vis
ited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Lamport,
in Centralia on Sunday.
• Mr. and Mrs. B. Williams visited
with friends and relatives in. St.
Thomas on Wed. of this week.
ler on Sunday after visiting
relatives and friends around
Miss Anne Morgan, of the
don teaching staff, spent the week
end at her home.
Mr. Jack Borland, of Kitchener
spent the week-end with his par
ents Mr. and Mrs. 0. Borland.
Mr. and Mrs. C, Miller and Mrs.
sail on
road conditions the attendance was
not as large as in previous years.
Mrs. Chas. Allison entertained a
number of children to a birthday
party for Barbara on Monday night
at her home.
The Farm Forums met at the
following places Monday night, the
homes of Mr. and Mrs. W. Johns.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Madge and Mr. and
Mrs. J. Hodgert in Exeter,
The Federation of Agriculture is
presenting another Picture :Show in
Elimville church basement on
Thursday, March 1st, afternoon for
the school children and evening
for adults.
The Y.P.U. enjoyed a skating
party Monday night at the Exeter
Arena. They all met at the church
and Mr. P. Passmore kindly loaned
his truck and they were all taken
to the rink. After skating .they
gathered at the home of Mr. and
and Mrs. P. Passmore and were en
tertained by them in their usual
hospitable manner to a lovely lunch
and social evening. Mrs, Wm. Cann
Mrs. 0, Cann and Mrs. Mair assist
ed Mi’s Passmore in serving, There
were 58 present. The next meeting
Will be held in the church basement
Friday evening March 2, We hope
for a good attendance.
The Mission Band, will meet in
the church basement Sunday morn
ing during church service hour,
Sunday Services will be
usual hour on Sunday;
School at 10.15 a.m. and
eervlco at 11 a.m.
visited with friends in Hen-
Friday of last week,
observation of the Day of
was held at the Manse on
afternoon but owing to bad
at the
•» z
> k. *
. VI %
es—15 million chicks—got their start in life in 1944 on SHUR-GAIN 18% Chick
Starter. We believe that’s at least twice and likely three times, as many as
fed on any other brand of Chick Starter in Canada*
Why this enormous preference for SHUR-GAIN CHICK STARTER—and why
its popularity grow year after year ? Let’s look at the reasons:
made from the
eat it so freely
because they get the proper’ balance of vitamins
teins (With lots of animal protein), That’s the
ATTRACTIVE PRICES -Local manufacture
your neighborhood SHUR-GAIN Feed Service
15 million chicks were fed on SHUR-GAIN in
swer—SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter.
It'sFEED—Chicks like fresh, tasty SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter,
choicest, freshest and most palatable ingredients. That’s why chicks
and grow so quickly,
CHICKS—Chicks live and thrive on SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter—
i, minerals and high quality pro
way to efficiency and success.
of SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter—at
Mill-—-saves money.
1944, by farmers who knew the au-
CahJB Million chicks be wrong?
Cann & Sons
Made and Sold by
T. B. Allen
Lackie Bros.