HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-01-18, Page 4ttW® Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18, 1945 BRINSLEY Rus with Hodgson, Wfiffil Classified Directory MMWl LOSTPERSONALFOR SALE Exeter District Cooperative P. Passmore, Manager MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Levi White and STRAYED naan, Mr. Toni Reid, of TENDERS WANTED by FOR RENT Balance . ZION o. on motion on the proceedsClerk. Kathleen meet 3rd. Horne spent Sat- Mary Dickey, of spent Annie beep, Lor the hockey game Thursday evening Of In in again at 1 to come mail by -Extras them 1945. Don’t forget to Freeman and give him Equipment .... Total balance attended Exeter on should be Cross pur­ regular public for um re as- Lot 8, the the the Jan. The FOB. SALE- g ant—sell Classified Advocate. WILL BUY an unlimited number of fertilizer or fox horses. Frank Taylor, Exeter. LOST—Long handled shovel Exeter Crediton roads Sunday afternoon. W. C, Pearce, Exeter, c IF YOU want to get married, write Pox 3§8, Juliaetta, Idaho, Send stamp. 1045 serv- Thos. Lee has been return- the school board of S.S. No. another term of three years. Freeman Hodgins, our wor- heid new Mr* new There’s no dead heads here— every Want Ad works hard. WANTED—Automobile skates and boots, size 8. If you have a pair in good condition please leave your name at the Times-Advocate as soon as possible. Bishop visited with Mrs. Lee on Thursday afternoon glad to Corbett, St. Jos-Blake Sec.- * for the District Co-op are of a few more orders to a carload each of wheat, barley, P. Passmore, Manager c nre extrnva- through the Timos- James Trevethick on Tues, on busi- RHEUMATIC PAIN, Sciatica, Lum­ bago quickly relieyed by using RUMAOAPS. Recommended by thousands who have gained better health. Robertson’s Drug Store, The Exeter in need make up oats and WANTED—A second hand collap­ sable baby buggy in good condi­ tion. Phone 44rG Kirkton. 18c KNITTING—Army: ice sox, 1 pair gloves; WANTED—Girl for part time office work. Experience preferred. Ap­ ply to Wein Bros., Exeter 18c KIRKTON S.S. Officers Elected the annual Sunday School FOR RENT—Two rooms for im­ mediate possession, if needed. Apply to Mrs. Josh Heywood, Elizabeth St. IS* TURNIPS WANTED—2 inches and up. Phone us before you sell. Phone 171rl4 Exeter, Edgar Cud- more. tfc Reta Hodgson is at present Mrs. GIRL WANTED—Part time, for grading and traying eggs. Wein Bros., Exeter. 1'8: 25c 12.20; No. 9, May 24 10.15; No. 12, Sept. sister, Mrs. Open for Business TUESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EACH WEEK. LOST—A black, fur-lined glove jn Exeter. Reward. Wm, Sweitzer, Exeter. 18* 6, Feb. 9 $19.19; No. 7, March 8, April 21 13.16; 11.01; No. 10, June 11, Aug. 23 22.08; 27 12.83; No. 13, —place an advertisement here and watch results — * DEATHS N. Rowe ENGAGEMENTS 1 for Eggs & Poultry All eggs machine graded. her 66th year, take place from Funeral Home, p.m. Interment h‘ in Two-day Short Fann Courses will be held as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Preszcator, of Stephen, have received word from their son Calvin, who is with the Canadian Artillery, that he is now overseas. in on 1945, will be, “We all have some- to learn”. The Forum hopes larger attendance, try to be Everyone is cordially invited. are ready to Flour, Cedar Concentrates, The Exeter District Co-op. serve you in Mill Feeds, Posts, Co-op. Feeds and Paints, Motor Oil and Cod Uver QU* We will have a full supply of Farmer’s Meeds available in the near future. First Mortgage Loans If additional money is needed to help you buy a productive farm, send us particulars. Possibly we can assist you through our loaning department. Attractive terms. All inquiries treated confidentially. Huron&Erie MORTGAGE CORPORATION London Windsor St. Thomas Chatham First Day—Farm Mechanics, Veterinary. Second Day—Soils and Pastures 10.30 to 4 p.rri. Elimville, January 22 and 23 Crediton, January 23 and 24 Zurich, January 24 and 25 Bruce Matheson, Huron County Agricultural Rep. CASH MacDonald’s Produce Cromarty, Ontario Purina and Pioneer feeds. Have our truck call who tima Eldon BIRTHS PENHALE—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hos­ pital, Exeter, on January 12th, 1945, to Mr. and Mrs, Harry Pen- hale, Exeter, a son. RAMSAY—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hos­ pital, Exeter, on January 14th, 1945, to LAC. and Mrs. W. S. Ramsay, Exeter, a daughter (Sheila Joan). REGIER—At Zurich on January 5 to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Regier, a daughter, (Marie Agnes.) BR'OWN—At his late residence Hay Township near Dashwood Wednesday, January 10 Charles E. Brown, beloved hus­ band of Jessie (Carson.), in his 67 th year. CHRISTIE—In Exeter on Tuesday, January 16, 1945, Ida Anne Ferguson, beloved wife of Charles W» Christie, in The funeral will the R. Friday at 2.30 in the Exeter Cemetery. MONCUR—At St. Joseph’s Hospit­ al, ■“■Peterborough, on Thursday, . January 11, 1945, William Moneur, formerly of Exeter, his 94th year. Mr. and Mrs. Luther J. Penhale, Exeter, Ontario, announce the engagement -of their daughter, Shirley Kathleen, to Keith Kenyon Colby, R.A.A.F., son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. D. Colby, Melbourne, Australia. The marriage to take nlace the latter part of January, c Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Oliver, of Leonard, Michigan, announce the engagement of Mrs, Oliver’s only daughter, Kathryn Marguerite Cot­ ter, to William Kenneth Elder, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Eide r, of Hensail, Ontario. The wedding to take place February 17 in the Methodist Church in Leonard Michigan. * Mrs. Colbert, spending some daughter, Ws* left last week for Stratford. Mr* and Mrs. A. D, Steeper, -of West McGillivray, spent Wednesday with their daughter. Mrs* Harold Lee. Mrs. Margaret Gilbert has been spending some ’time with her daughter, Mrs* Wm* Tweedie, of West McGillivray, Miss Vera Bishop returned home on Sunday after spending some time with friends near Parkhill. Mrs. Hess, of Zurich, who has been spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. James Trevethick, •of Brinsley, has returned to her home accompanied by her* daugh­ ter. Mrs, Hess, at present, is not in ; the best of health, J 'Mrs. Wm. Lewis, of the 8th con­ cession of McGillivray, had the mis­ fortune to fall in her home frac­ turing her hip, and was moved to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mrs. Lewis was in the house alone and some time passed before her hus­ band found her. Mrs. George last. Miss visiting her sister-in-law, Arthur Hodgson, of London. Mr. and Mrs, Aaron Scott Sunday with his Greenlee. Mr. and Mrs. were in London ness. Mr. and 'Mrs. children spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Morley. Mr. ed to 6 for Mr. thy reeve of McGillivray Township, has been spoken of as top man on the list for warden of Middlesex County for get behind a boost. Our mail Ailsa Craig, has partly made his rounds going as far as Brinsley. On account of the condition of the snow-blocked township roads, box­ holders on the route had to Brinsley and take the sleigh. The community will be know that. Mr. John R. who has been confined to eph’s Hospital, London, has return­ ed to the home of his niece, Mrs. Ken Kuhn, of Crediton. Mr. Wm. Maguire has been en­ gaged by the Ontario Creamery of London to gather the cream on Russel Bowman’s route by sleigh on the 11th concession to Brinsley store as the road is impassable for trucks. USBORNE COUNCIL The Municipal Council Township of Usborne met Township Hall, Elimville, inaugural session on Monday, 8, at 11 a.m. as per Statxite. members subscribed to the Declare-* tion of Office as follows: Reeve, Hugh Berry; Councillors, Gilbert Duncan, Wm, A. Ellerington, Clark Fisher and Oscar Tuckey, The minutes of December 15, 1944 were read and adopted on motion hy Councillors Ellerington and Duncan, Correspondence: Regional Wood Fuel Officer that a car of fuel wood will arrive in Exeter; R. O. Staples, Public School inspector, requesting interview with Council re Township School Area; Clerk was instructed to reply, stating dates of meetings; Department of Welfare re Municipal Relief employables; Harold Elder, sessment on buildings on Con, 3; Council deemed action im­ possible; County Clerk, notice of increase in hospitalization costs for indigents from $1.75 to $.2.00 per day; half such costs to be paid by the local municipality up to 9<0i day limit, filed. Clerk reported that the Village of Exeter had been in re­ ceipt of a cai’ of wood, No, P. E, N.N 502,289, containing l'Sg: cords, which already had been paid for by Usborne Township; the Clerk was empowered to have the matter adjusted with the Regional Fuel Wood Officer. On motion by Tuckey and Eller­ ington, grants of $10.00 each were made to the Queen Alexandra Sana­ torium and to the Sick Childrens’ War Memorial Hospital, London, Ontario. The roadside weed menace was discussed at some length and on motion by Ellerington and Duncan, a committee, consisting of -Coun­ cillors Fisher and Tuckey, was ap­ pointed with power to purchase q small tractor and power mower. The Council agreed that the use of the Township Hall granted free for Red poses. By-law No. 1-1945, S.S. NO. 3, Stephen Fann Forum S.S. NO. 3, Stephen Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs Harold Penhale on Monday evening with fair attendance. Discussion was, "Making Rural Schools Effec­ tive”. Next Monday evening the meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Shapton. The topic thing for a there. SHIPKA On Monday, Januaryl4 the Farm Forum met at the home of Karl Guenther, Ross Pickering with his team and sleigh was a first class taxi and resulted in the largest at­ tendance so far, there being 24 present. The topic "Making Rural Schools Effective” is one which should be taken seriously by every member of any community. No teacher can do a perfect job with­ out the co-operation of all parents. Next week we will meet at the home of Wray Sweitzer. The topic for this meeting will be “We All Have Something to Learn.’’ Every­ one in the community is invited to all Farm Forums. . The business of Your Baker The housewife days. More of her helping hand to the Red Cross and other organizations besides the extra dut/es in her home, After all, it is the business of your baker to pro­ vide you.with Good Wholesome Bread and. a variety of Dainty Pastries fit to tempt the most fastidious ap­ petite. There’s no need for the wife to slave away in the kitchen, especially during these days. MADE I-IERE needs a little consideration these time has been taken up lending a — BAKED HERE — FRESH FROM THE OVEN TO YOU At meeting of the United Church held recently, the following officers and teachers were elected: -Superinten­ dent, Mr. W. R. Kirkby; associate superintendent, Mr. E, Paton; rotary, Ross Marshall; retaries, Harding; assistant, Rhoda Kirkby; : Urquhart; Cradle Doupe; Missionary, Urquhart; Temperance, Switzer; assistant, Emerson Paton; decorating committee, Mrs. F. Rog­ er, Mrs. E, Doupe, Mrs. Hodgins, Mrs. Hodge, 'Mrs. Hammond; liter­ ary, Miss R. Kirk; auditors, Lionel Kemp and A. L. Urquhart, Teach­ ers: Beginners, Edwin Tufts, Mrs. Alex Crago; Primary Boys, Mrs. E, Watson, Mrs. E, Paton; Prim­ ary Girls, Barbara Kirkby and Mar­ ion Kemp; Junior Girls, Elaine Robinsoil and Mrs. Fred Switzer: Junior Boys, Case Allen and E. Pat­ ton; Senior Girls, Mrs. Burgin^ Mrs. Kirkby; Senior Boys, C. Rout- ley, Roy ■ Switzer; C.T.C., Mrs. Batten, Mrs. F. Roger; Ladies’ Adult Class, Mrs, Robt. Hazlewodd, Mrs. C. Routiey, Mrs, W. Harding; Men’s Class, T* Tufts, Robert Hazlo- wood. The annual meeting of the Kirk* ton Public School Board was recently. The trustees for the year are Mr, M» Blackler* Clarence Switzer and the trustee, Mr. Truman ’fufts* Mr, IL Fletcher was again appointed as caretaker. Messrs, A, Wiseman and I. N, Marshall, auditors. sec­ school sec­ Tufts and Ruth (Alex Crago; pianist, Norma Mts. E. A. L. Clarence Norma treasurer, Rhoda Kirkby; assistant, i Roll, Miss regulating the erection and location of mail boxes and posts on the roadsides of Usborne township was read three times and passed on motion ■Fisher and Duncan. By-law No. 2-1945, providing the borrowing, on behalf of Township by the Reeve and Treas­ urer a sum or sums to meet the current expenditures of the Town­ ship, not exceeding in the total, the sum of $25/0'00 was read three times and passed on motion by Ellerington and, Tuckey. On motion by Ellerington and Duncan, the Clerk was authorized to-order 10 copies of the Municipal World for the Council and Officials and also to order all Municipal and office supplies, including Gestetner supplies, as and when required. Moved by Ellerington and Fisher that the Clerk order five cars of wood for delivery this winter and that we specify a better grade of wood, if obtainable; carried. Moved' by Duncan and Tuckey that the scale of salaries and wages in 1945 be the same as paid in J 9 44: carried. Moved by Fisher and Ellerington and carried that the appointments for 1945 be as follows; Clerk. A. W. Morgan; treasurer and relief officer^ N. G. Clarke; assessor and acting road superintendent. W. J.’ Routly; collector and school attend­ ance officer. Win. Johns; TownshiD auditor. T, A. Wiseman: weed in­ spector, 'John Herdman: sanitary inspector. Harold Bell: livestock valuator, Benson Williams: Board of Health. Dr. Dunlop, M.O.H., Hugh Berry. Chairman and A. W. Morgan, Secretary: 'fenceviewers. Clarence Down, Wellington Kers- lake. John Prance. William Doupe and James Heywood; poundkeeners. Earl Whiting, Thomas Yellow. W, O. Keddy, Frank Ryckman, Ed. Alexander, James Anderson. Everett Skinner. Garnet Johns, Harold Hern. Heber Shute and Thos. Alien. Bills and accounts, including a road voucher for $949.67 were ap­ proved and orders were drawn on the treasurer tor same by Tuckey and Duncan, Council adjourned to on Saturday. February o’clock p.m. A. W. Morgan, -WINCHELSEA Quite a number from this com­ munity held in last. Misg urday with Miss Elimville. Miss Ethel Pooloy!, of Exeter, spent the ents, Mr. Misses Hocking with Mt, Messrs. Tennyson On Saturday, Mrs, Wm. Walters visited afternoon recently with Mr, Mrs. Wm. Waiters* week-end with her par- and Mrs. R, E. Podley. Alice Brown and Gwen spent Saturday evening and Mrs. Garnet Johns, Freemnn Horne and Johns were In Goderich FOR SALE—,A set of single har- ‘ ness, brass mounted. Apply to L. B, Moorp, Lake Rpad. 11;18* FOR SALE—-Two young renewed cows, good milkers, Wesley Dearing. Phone 17rl4, Crediton. 18* FOR SALE—1 big Durham cowj 9 years old to freshen ;15th of January; 1 heifer, white head to freshen in March. W. B. Volk, R. R. 1 Kirkton, phone 34rll. 18* APPLES FOR SALE—Spys, 50c a bushel and upwards. James Gar­ diner, phone 21rl0 Kirkton. 18* FOR SALE—-Kitchen table, 3x4ft.; 6 , chairs, rocking chair, bread box, bed light, 2 pair net cur­ tains, 2J4 yards long; 1 cottage set, red trim; black plush coat, size 38; tire chains, for 2‘0> or 21 inch wheel. Mrs. Ewart Pym, Simcoe St., Exeter. * FOR SALE—A cream enamel kit­ chen stove, nearly new, burns wood or coal, a Quebec heater, burns coal; small coal stove, suitable for colony house, a white iron bed, coil spring, dresser and 2 commodes. Apply to Mrs. Chas. Mason, Andrew St., Exeter. 2tc FOR SALE—Eight weed twin-grip buckle-on emergency tire chains. Chains have bar reinforcements to give more weai’ and are in good condition. Can be put on in a few minutes. Price 50 cents each. Apply at Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—One sow and ten pigs, one week old; 8 chunk pigs. Phone 22r9 Kirkton. 18c FOR SALE—A portable cutter. W. C. F. Oestreicher, Crediton. c FOR SALE—Six Shorthorn bulls sired by Robinwood Reward by Millhills Ransom out of heavy production cows. Fully accredit­ ed and blood tested. R. D. Hunt­ er, R.R. 3, Exeter, phone Kirk­ ton 39r7. 21tfc REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE—Houses in Exeter, Lucan, Dashwood, Clinton, some with a few acres. W. G. Pearce. FOR SALE—IL storey 'brick house, with nice lot and small stable in Village of Exeter. C. V. Pickard. FARM FOR. SALE—150 acres in Usborne Township—all modern conveniences, good maple bush, well-drained, good buildings. Ap-. ply Benson Williams & Son, R.R. 3 Exeter. tfc FOR SALE—Property in the vil­ lage of Dashwood containing four acres more or less; two- storey red brick house in first class condition and all city con­ veniences; barn and henhouse. ’, Inspection is invited to prospec­ tive buyers. Chas. H. Watts. 1-2-45* RED CROSS BRANCH HAVE BEEN ACTIVE DURING PAST YEAR (Continued from Page One) Heywood; treasurer, Mr. G. Layton. This slate of officers was adopted on motions by Miss L. Huston and Mrs. E. Irwin and accepted by the meeting. Mrs. B. Beavers moved and Mrs. M. Gladman seconded that Mr. R. Creech and Mr. B. Francis be audi­ tors fur 1945. Carried. Mrs. G. Layton moved and MrS. W. 'Martin seconded that the1 president and the secretary be Sent as delegates to the annual .meeting in Toronto. Miss Jeckell expressed her thanks and that of the Secretaries for the confidence of the meeting in the officers elected, The next executive will be held oil Monday, January 22. The meeting closed with the singing of National Anthem. Shipping Report for Jan. IS, 1 pair Navy: 57 pairs service sox, 3 pair sea boots, 50 scarves, 20 T.N. sweaters, 2 pair mitts, 30 pairs hurricane mitts, 33 pair gloves. -SEWING — British Civilian: 22 hoys’ coats, 5 boys’ Suits, 22 boys’ pants, 1 undervest, 2 combinations, 4 ladies’ dresses; Hospital: 6 nurses’s veils, 16 knitted wash­ cloths, One layette article; a large car­ ton of used clothing and two quilts for Russian Relief; 11 large quilts. Blood Donor Clinic Report for,1944 During the past year there have been nine blood elinies with a total of 1,528 donations—766 men and 462 Women. There have been 357 BEFORE YOXT FEEL THAT COLD COMING ON—take one Page- Griffiths UNIPLEX tablet daily containing Vitamins A, B, C and D as well as all essential miner­ als. ROBERTSON’S DRUG STORE. LOST—Black bill fold on Thursday evening of last week on front Street containing money and reg­ istration card addressed. St. Wil­ liams, Please leave at Times-Ad- yocate. 18* HEALTH, SEX & BIRTH CON­ TROL—by P. E. Ryberg, M.D. Highly recommended as a frank, authorative and sensibly written book. Should be read by ever; engaged and married person. Get your copy now. Only $2.00 de­ livered. Write Box J Hay P.O. 21:4:18* Exeter Co-operative are taking , orders for fish, cod fillet, white fish* S. B. salmon, herring, pink trout and halibut. We still need a few orders for wheat and barley. P. Passmore, Manager. TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE The regular monthly meeting of Usborne Township council, regular­ ly held on the 2nd Saturday of the month, will be held Saturday, Feb­ ruary 3rd. A. W. Morgan, Clerk , . 3te STRAYED—A steer coming ,two years old, red with white mark­ ings and with horns, strayed onto the property of Ed. Stire, lot 12, concession 14, Hay twp., about the middle of November. Phone Zurich 100r2. c WANTED—Cream Collector for col­ lecting cream for Exeter Cream­ ery. For terms and particulars apply to W. G. Medd, Manager, Exeter Creamery Co., Ltd., Exeter, Ontario. . tfc TENDERS will be received until January 27th for 15 single cords body wood, preferable half beech and half maple, 14 inches long. State price delivered at School. Ervin Gingerich, Treas., R.R. 2, Zurich. WANTED—Rooms and board are urgently needed for some of the students attending the Exeter High School who are unable to .go back and forth to their homes owing to the condition of the roads. It is hoped that some per­ sons will open up their homes to these students as the loss of time means much to them. Please con­ tact the Secretary, Miss McFaul. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN TENDERS for REPAHtNG DRAIN -Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up until 10 o’clock a.m. on Monday, February Sth, 1945, for the repair of the O’Rourke Drain. To ihclude 500 feet 6-inch tile drain; 600 feet 7- inch tile drain; 1000 feet of 8-inch tile drain: 625 feet 10-inch tile drain; two catch basins; protection of tile outlet and 13 60 cubic yards of excavation. Work to be complet­ ed by September 1st, 1945. Plans, profile, and specifications of the work may be seen at the home -of the Clerk at Centralia. A marked cheque of $200.10/0 must accompany each tender. The lowest 'or any tender not necessarily accepted, L. B. Hodgson, Clerk of Township of Stephen. new donors—187 men'and 150 wo­ men. There has been an average of 136 donors to each clinic. Since the clinic was formed there have been 14 clinics with a total of 1,742 donations. There are l,i0'00 donors on the file. The Exeter Blood Clinic is made up of 13 Blood Donor Units: Grand Bend, Dash­ wood, Crediton, Centralia, Eden 17, ZiOn, Elimville, No. 2 Hay, Thames Road, Hurondale, No. 18 Usborne, Zurich and Exeter. Financial report for 1944: Clinic No. 15 No. 30 No. Nov. 2 20.8'8,‘ No. 14, Dec. 7 14.91; total Red expenses $136.41, Cross Financial Report 1944 Receipts hand, Jan. 1st, ................. $ 1,943.10 8,471.26 145.34 156.32 4,905.89 369.70 350.00 92,56 12.77 Cash 1944 Canvass Donations ......................... Outside organizations Branch raising events Permit C. .................. Designated funds ...... Sale of material ...... Miscellaneous $16,446.94 < Expenditures 85% canvass & donations $ 7,308.3'8 Branch don. to C.R.C.S. 4.500.i0'0 Russian Relief ...... 10.00 Chinese Relief .......... 10.00 Prisoners of war 230*00 Middlesex Wind Disaster 100,0/0/ Emergency supplies ........ 1.30 Hospital treats ................ 39.65 Division for material ...» i,3ify7.33 Local purchases 166.91 Workroom 40.00 General administration .. 106,^6 Receipts ................... Expenditures ............ Cash Book Balance . Petty Cash on hand . Cheque Outstanding Bank $16,446.94 Reconciliation $16,446.94 14,317.83 2,127.92 1.19 4,500.00 6,627.92' Owing to the night course in bas­ is education - taken by our teacher and caretaker, as well as to the con­ dition of the roads, school was can­ celled on Friday last. The Young People are holding a skating party on Sat. night, after i which the election of officers for the New Year will take place. We hope for a good attendance. We are sorry to report that little Margaret Brock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock had the misfortune to fall out of her high chair and crack her collarbone. Wo hope for a speedy recovery. Local hockey enthusiasts and others desiring off hour transporta­ tion are advised to call for “The Greys”, Service with a smile, all roads, all weather, all hours. Mrs, Eph, Hern spent several days during the week with Mr, and Mrs. Allan Westcott, of Exeter, On account of the congestion of traffic, any person taking a trip at this season should hate a return ticket, As a precaution it might al­ so bo well to carry an overnight bag as Well as an extra fedora.