HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-01-18, Page 3THE TJMES-APVOEATE, EXETER ONTARIO. THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18, 1945 Inters from Oversells By “SCOOP” Clinton brought juveniles attacks him the Bray Chick Hatchery Exeter; Phone 246 NEW CALL-UP MEASURE AFFECTS R.C.A.F, MOEN Hawkes the line-• Forsythe' WARNING Seed Haute of Georgetown,Ontario, are sole North American dis­ tributors (abpotnted 1930) for Cannells' Purple King Turntp seed, This seed is Packaged over their name and sold only by Dominion Seed fj- R»Ke .3 CANNELLS' PURPLE KING R.C.A.F. ground crew ;Aj despatch from Ottawa Sunday says that a manpower potential of perhaps 50,000 men was made a- vailable for military call-up as a result of an announcement Satur­ day by Labor Minister Mitchell, He said that effective Monday all men discharged from the armed forces and who have not had serv­ ice outside Canada will be made w subject to army draft regulations, Affected most by the announce­ ment are and administrative staff personnel who will be discharged between now and March 31 when the big Oommoiifwealth Air Training Plan closes.‘ The Canadian ground staff of the plan totaled 62,83*0 when the peak period of training was reached last summer, but this number has been whittled down a^ the curtail­ ment program was carried out. The regulation is not retroactive. Present and future graduates o& the plan and flying personnel en­ gaged as instructors are exempt from the call-up as are air force and navy personnel with operation­ al experience from eitlier coast— such as Coastal Command patrols and convoy escort, In exempting flying personnel from call, Mr. Mitchell said the Defence Department recognized these men provided an essential reserve which might be needed to meet* future commitments. An air forcie spokesman added that aircrew men were trained at a cost, of between $20.0i0i0 and $30,000 each and .miltary planners conceded it would be a waste t.o make this- flying potential available to tUd army ah'd -out of reach of an all’ force emergency call. Mr. Mitchell said that medihal chargee” h;e will be liable to direction t.o essential industry. Previously only “dischargees” with less than three years’ service in Canada could be recalled for military service. Several monlt.hs ago the air force discharged 4.200 trainees who the army, the new ruling Following are two letters re­ ceived from overseas. The first one to Miss Luker: Dear Gladys—Here I am with a short note to let you know that I received the Christmas parcel from the Institute a few days ago and once again it was a swell parcel and I was very, pleased to get it. Everthing was in good shape and nothing was damaged, It pays tp take a few extra pains in packing the boxes because some that come are pretty badly smashed up. I- have always ■ "been lucky, though, and have no complaints in that respect, Then, too, I got your card today with the enclosed let­ ter and I am always glad to hear from you. I had already heard from mother telling me that ’Docle’ Sangster got home safely and I know that the boy^that are getting home are getting great receptions. As you probably know, I Spent my last leave with ’Dade’ and Dave and we really had a great time in Yorkshire. I’m glad that we had a ‘get together’ before ‘Dode’ got home. It was our first reunion since coming over here. Now' that I know where Dave is stationed, we should be able to see each other fairly often. ‘Dode’ would be able to give you all a good report on me, I suppose, and so eliminate any doubts as to the condition £ am in. As a matter of fact, I am in Grade 1 shape again and ready for anything (almost). Just now I am working in the office of Regt'l. H.Q, and I like the job fine, I will be working at Christmas a 48-hour pass coming Year’s time. There isn’t deal of news to tell you Things keep going much the same as usual and social life is fairly dull. We spend most of our spare time in going to shows here in the camp and that is O.K. I am on duty every third night here In the of­ fice and that isn’t so 'good I'm not too badly situated, though, and consider myself pretty lucky. There are lots worse places to be, I don’t know what my chances are of going back to the front but should imag­ ine that they are fairly good. The men are badly needed there and re­ inforcements don’t seem to be coming over so good. I have had a good rest and am ready. Well, it looks as if I have reached the end of another letter of thanks to you, Gladys, and I wish I could express my appreciation for all that the people are doing for us here a, bit better than. I do. I really do appreciate the good work that you are doing back there. I shall close with many the parcel and hoping we shall be home to personally. Best' regards mas and the New Year.—As always, Jim Campbell. Dear Mrs. Schwalm—I received your most welcome Christmas par­ cel today, ■ I wish to thank you one and all very sincerely who provide these parcels for us over here. It sure brings back fond memories of the friends we left behind us. But here is hoping-we shall all be back again before long. The"par- cel was in. first class condition. The home-made candy and cookies are sure a treat. Things are not going too bad over here at present. We are sure having a lot of rain though. The other morning when I looked out of our two by four, there was about three inches of snow on the ground and the trees were hanging white. Sure brought back fond memories of the good old winter time at home. It’s all gone now but there’s liable to be, plenty more before the winter is over. As there is not much more to say I’ll close for the time, Hope you all have a Merry Christinas and a Happy New Year. Thanks again for the parcel.—YOurs sincerely, Stewart Dick, Shaw ‘definitely set the example Thursday night by bulging the twine three times and assisting on another, His offensive from the blueline made star of the evening. Young, Forsythe and were the other players on up from mst year’s team, has switched from the left wing / position to centre a line with Bur- j kart and Andress and Jim turned in a fine effort in'his new role. Two new faces on the airforce team that attracted the fans atten­ tion were that of McAtee and Wil­ son, former forwards with the Hershey Bears. The two teamed up With Hawkes to form the Flyers’ first line. Not only did Wilson score goals but his aggressiveness a feature of the game. Malloy if the category of the “dis- was below army standard potential aircrew were transferred to Mr. Mitchell said has two objectives: 1. To avoid a situation where men with service in Canada of three years or longer were .exempt­ ed while men, in the field be required to continue t,o for a much longer period. 2. To obtain additional men needed for the army and essential industry. A doctor who told his lady pa- tient that all she needed was a little sun and air was much em­ barrassed when she exclaimed she wasn’t even married. > • e • yy —— MAKE YOUR HOME i \ HOTEL J \ waverley / WADfNA AVI. COLIIGI IT. RATE® SlniU: . >1.50 • 13.60 L DMbUf < ».6O < >7.00 wnipt FOR £ \. FOLDKR < MODEM,’ W WELL- 1 CONDUCTED ' CONVENIENTLY- LOCATES HOTEL # * JF wholef dattF t I8HTSEEIHC WITHIN WALK1NQ •IITANCL .*> Mi powux \j prrridknT Those Who keep a mass of impurity pent up in their bodies, day -af tor day, instead of having it removed as nature intended^ at least once in every twenty-four hours, in* variably suffer from constipation, The use of cheap, harsh purgatives will never got you any whore as they only aggravate the trouble and in­ jure the delicate mucous lining of the bowels, and are very liable to cause piles. » If constipated take Milburn’s Lnxa-julver Fills and have a natural movement of the bowels, They tie not gripCy weaken and sicken as many laxatives do. The T. Milburn <20., Ltd., ToiuMO, Ont. which more Both over but have at New a great actually. Local Juveniles Defeat In Close Game Wilson’s overtime goal home a happy squad of last Friday night with their second Win over the Clinton lads, by the same score of 4-3, It was a close battle all the way .with the count at the end of each semester a tie, Each team got two in the first, one in the second and. none in the third. But early in the overtime session Wilson broke up a play from the two Hanly’s near the Exeter blueline and raced down -the right boards to blast a long accurate drive past Miller for the pay-off counter. It was Doug’s third goal of the eveningj bringing his total to six in the two games. A good crowd turned out in sup­ port of their team and although the ice was a trifle sticky the fans witnessed a see-saw battle in neither team was ahead by than one goal at -any time, teams showed improvement the first game here at Exeter. The forwards of the local pucksters are gaining' more confidence and al­ though the passing plays of the Clinton lads gave them more trouble they 'backchecked hard to hold Clinton in toe. The changing of Pete Ellis to a defence position was an alteration in the local lineup that seems to be a good piece of strategy on the part of coach Moore and manager Ford. Pete is doing a better job every time out and worked very effectively at the blueline as well as to spark the offensive attack. Hayter, Exeter’s husky centre on the first line, was one lad that absorbed some hard body checks by hig Hugh Miller at the Clinton defence but the kid gathered self up each time and went for more. His killing time some nice stick-hanidling Exeter was sliorthanded was treat to watch. Besides Wilson’s three Hennessey scored the other second period. Fletcher Tuckey a hort pass in the centre ice zone and Ross raced down the ice and let drive, on the pads but J ohnny-on-the-spot bound. Churchill and the Clinton marksmen in the first period with McDonald assisting on the first and potting his own re­ bound for the second. The two Hanly’s and Lee combining on a three-way attack gave Clinton their one goal in the second. C. Hanly s rink wide pass sent the other Han<- ly clear of the. defence to ‘blast one past Southcott into the far corner of the net. EXETER—Goal, Southcott; de­ fence, R. Tuckey 'and Tieman; centre, Hayter; wings, Musser and Wilson; subs, Fletcher, Hennessey, Ellis, Whyte, Davies, H. Brintnell, D. Brintnell and B. Tuckey. CLINTON—Goal, fence, H. centre, B. Hanly; C. Hanly; Johnson, Churchill Refqyee—Sgt. Breen, him- back with when also a goals in the handed Once again thanks for that soon thank you for Christ- A,'LEX GREENLEE DIES The funeral of Alex Greenlee was held from the residence on January 4 to Stf Mary's Church, Brinsley, with Rev. E. S. Wells officiating, Mr. Greenlee was born and farmed all his life ill McGillivray Town­ ship. 1-Ie had been in failing health for some time and was the last sur­ viving member of a family of six, being in his 74th year. He was a member of St. Marys Anglican Churcli. Besides his wife, the form­ er Ahhe Scott, he is survived by a daughter Verna’,‘ at home; five sons Rayind’nd, of BiddUlpli; Elmer, at home; Calvin, of Corbett; Bert* of Windsor; and Noble at home; also one grandchild, Eafl Greenlee, Bid- dulph. Interment took place in St. Marys Cemetery, Brinsley, Dr. M. D. Fletcher, of Strathroy, -a brother of Dr. M. 0. Fletcher, of Dxeter, had two medical bags with about $200 in medical cQUip- mdnt and supplies returned to him Thursday of last week after having been stolen on the night of Deb. 20, The doctor’s car ventilator Win­ dow was jimmied. The bags were found In a pile of phone poles on P.U.C. property back of Victoria street. The medical equipment was returned intact and all that ^Was missing WaS about 75 cents Worth of medical drugs, Miller took it Hennessey was to sink tlie re­ McDonald -were' Miller subs, B'. Miller; de-' and Fingland; wings, Lee and Elliot, Morgan, and McDonald. Centralia. Il’^irst Period Exeter, Wilson (Hayter); Clin­ ton, Churchill (McDonald); Exeter, Wilson; Clinton, McDonald. Penal­ ties, Tiernan. Second Period Clinton, R. Hanly (Lee, C. Han­ ly); Exeter; Hennessey (Fletcher, Tuckey). Penalties, Elliot Ellis, Fletcher, C. Hanly, Wilson. Third Period No scoring. Penalties, Johnson, R. Ttickey. Overtime Exeter, Wilson. Penalties, nolle. two was was another nlayer to join the Flyers that showed UP wiell. His effective work on defence broke up many army sorties. Moffat, Galbraith, Gardner and Geddes were familiar faces to the Flyers from last year's army squad, that won from’ the airmen last year. Hollinger and Porter were two of t.he new players' that played bang- up hockey. The game opened at a fast clip and there was every evidence of rugged hockey. Ere seven minutes had elapsed Wilson netted the ini­ tial counter on a play with Hawkes and McAbee. Geddes knotted the count but Shaw put the airmen on <top again. It was a nice play, For­ sythe shooting the puck into the corner and Andress racing in to centre it out to Shaw. ‘Moffat made a' brilliant save off Wilson early in the sandwich ses­ sion but Hawkes, McAtee and Wil­ son raced back again oh a tllfee- way play that brought results to make it 3-1, Wilson getting the goal. Hollingei- potted Gardner’s rebound after Young had made a nice sprawling save’. Shferriitt scored for the airmen, on a lone sortie and Shaw collected two in a row to end the period at 6*2^ About two minutes 4 of the final stanza had elapsed wh^en Hollinger surprised Young by' banging Im the disc from the face-off near the Flyers’ cage. Voll flipped in Por­ ter’s corner passout to score again for the khaki and McAtee and Bur­ kart bagged another two for the Flyers. CENTRALIA—-Goal, Youn'g; de­ fence, Shaw and Malloy; centre,! Wilson; wings, McAttee, Hawkes; subs, Forsythe, Burkart, Andress, Robinson, Sherritt and Yoder, LONDON — Goal, Moffat; de­ fence, Galbraith, Gardner; centre, Hollinger; wings, Collins, Geddes; subs, Porter, Higgins, Needham, Walker, Voll, Faulkner, Tait and Pullen. Referee—Sgt. Breei\ Centralia. Summary First — Centralia, Wilson, (Hawkes,. McAttee); London, Ged-' des; Centralia, Shaw (Forsythe, Andress). 'Penalties — Gardner, Wilson, Sherritt. Second — Centralia, Wilson (Hawkes, McAttee); London!, Hol­ linger (Gardner, Galbraith); Cent­ ralia, Sherritt; Centralia, Shaw; Centralia, Shaw (McAtee, Wilson).’ Penalties—Sherritt (2), Geddes, Galbraith. Third—London, Hollinger; Lon­ don, Voll (Porter); Centralia, Mc­ Atee (Hawkes)’ Centralia, Burkart (Shaw). Penalties—Sherritt. Centralia Flyers Win From London Army , Decked out ini tltelr new red and black uniforms the Centralia Flyers inhde their 10 4 5 debut against the London Army, last Thursday night. And nearly 1.100 fans jammed the “Exeter Arena to s>ee these old rivals battle it out, and battle it out they certainly did, the Flyers doius a superb job-- of turning back the powerful army squad by an 8*4 count. Group Captain Fullerton faced- off the puck fox* tli|e start of wlnit' Whs to be an exciting, fast, hard- fought contest, Although the air­ men had little conditioning they proved themselves to be a potent aggregation and should he even better than Iasi year’s team that won the dhampiohshin for Number One Training OommancL George $haw> who was one of last season's star peffbrraerSi is this year coaching the Flyers, Flyers Trounce Fingal The Flyers won their second game Monday night, in a high- scoring, one-sided affair with Fin­ gal, at the local arena, by a score of 16-5. The airmen had things pretty much to their liking in; the first fame of the district service league, scoring four in the first, four more iu the second and making a field day of the third period With eight. The Flyer’s lineup’ was changed from the first game against the LoU|don Army by putting Andress on the defence and teaming Shaw and McAtee with Burkart on one line and Wilson, Forsythe Hawkes on the other. Wally Wilson plete mastery of he' hit the ice goals. The smart of McAtee and featuros that added to an otherwise dull contest, The Pair put on a beautiful combination display, es­ pecially to score the second goan The busiest man on the ice was Copeland in the Fingal nfets. The Fivers had him jumping around like a scared jack rabbit H6W he kept tile disc out as often as he did still rem ahis a mystery. had almost the rubber and bagged combination Shaw were and com- when four piays also TURNIP QROWERS AND ;WJW Genuine Cannells’ Purple King Turnip Seed now ready for 1945 season. Already known to thousands or Shippers, Exporters, Farmers and Stockmen as the finest and most reliable Purple Top Swede ever pr#* duced; fine globular shape, small neck, single fap Wtt deep yellow flesh, slightly bronze purple top. Grand shipper and keeper-easy to baryest-perfecc table or stock turnip-tilways reliable.. It costs"pp more, to produce the best. Genuine Cannells* Purple King is available oply through pur firm or puf appointed representatives. Order now. Pound pack* ages bearing Canned signature, §1,05 postpaid, or 95e by Express not prepaid. TiES TACtfAGK .cpRTMtfS, GJNUINE CANNELLS* PURPLE KING TURNIP (RXU*,) SEEP CtraM, OutdiutHue Eiftfrl a£iTobleKnM*ca w* ** Or“*“ WMIHI0W SEED HOUSE MSWttWt, KMtyUOO sota omy t>y uomnrton ieea ~ . .. .House or their representatives [lL t/ , ijk GENUINE CANNELLS4 PURPLE KING exclusively. Insist on packages {QWTfaf V IS SOLD ONLY IN THIS PACKAGE, bearing our signature. Lcddon, Norfolk, England WITH TH/S SIGNATURE, FREE-OUR BIG 1945 SEEP AND NURSERY CATALOG ~ NOW READY 7O DOMINION SEED HOUSE, Georgetown, Ontario. I Besides Wilson’s goals, .’Shaw, McAtee and Forsythe each collected three, Burkart got two and Sherritt one. Thomson scored three of Fingal’s goals and Zinn and Munn got the other two, CENTRALIA-—Goal. Young; de- fence* Malloy amd Andress; centre, Wilson; wings, Forsythe, Hawkes: subs, Sherritt. Burkart, Robinson, McAtee and Shaw. FINGAL—Goal, Copeland; de­ fence. Leicester and Munn: centre,; Thomson; wings, ’McGann. Walsh; subs. B. Zinn. IL. Zinn, Rigg, Wad- ellt Brekick .and Lyle. Referee—Sgt. Breen. Centralia, SHIPKA regular meeting theof Tuesday Mrs. Art The Ladies’ Aid was held on afternoon at the home of Finkbeiner. The president, Miss P. Keys, was in charge. The meeting opened by singing a hymn “Tell Me the Old Old Story” and prayer by the president and all repeated the Lord’s prayer in unison. The Scrip­ ture lesson was read by Mrs. Ross Love, 1st chapter of Galations. Roll was one and also and were and Christmas, gave a very interesting address “Burma.” After discussion meeting closed by singin “More Love to Thee. Trueblood, dismissed the meeting. There will be a Baazar at the next meeting. A very dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner is at present at the home*bf her mother, Mrs. Stephen Webb, who is seriously ill. The remains of Peter McKenzie, of brought to Grand Bend for* burial on Wednesday. Rev. Mr. Cleave officiated at the grave, Mrs. Mc­ Kenzie was a former resident of this place, The community extends their sympathy to the relatives and friends. called with, ten members and visitor present. The Secretary Treasurer’s reports were given the flower treasurer's renort adopted, Letters of thanks read by the secretary of local overseas boxes received at Rev, A. S. Trueblood on the hymn Rev. Mr. of Grand Bend the late Mrs. Windsor, were CENTRALIA and Mrs. Chas, Isaaq and son, Clarence J„ of Detroit, Mieh., were recent visitors with the for­ mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Isaac. Clarence is* joining the navy on the 21st of this month, A broth­ er, Charles, has been with the’ navy for almost two years, Sgt. and Mrs, Rupert Merriam and son were week-end guests with Rev. and Mrs. R. J, Merriam, Corporal and Mrs. Fred Rayn­ ham and daughter arrived home* on furlough last weeh from the West Coast. Corporal Baynham has been with the R.C.A.F. on the West Coast for the past year. Mrs. Bayn­ ham and daughter will remain here. •Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor and 4 family of Usborne, were Saturday evening guests with Mr. -and Mrs. F. Bowden. There will be no service in the church on Sunday evenings during the winter months. The morning’ service will be at the usual hour j followed by Sunday School. Mm CHATHAM ONTARIO ONTARIO S 1944 sugar beet crop, harvested from 14,472 acres, totalled 131,328 tons, an average of , over nine tons of beets per acre despite weather con­ ditions which were far from ideal owing to the long period of drought in the latter part of the summer. Sugar content averaged 18.54% over the entire crop but showed considerable variations in different sections of the territory. The average value per acre to growers, taking in all fields —• good, bad and in-between — was $112.50 for factory delivered beets, or $105.75 for beets delivered at outside points. Even after paying for hired labour to do thinning, second hoeing and harvesting, growers averaged over $75.00 per acre for their beets. Segmented Seed About 70% or more of segmented beet seeds contain but a single seed germ. Over 5,000 acres were planted to this seed in 1944 and it proved satis­ factory in most cases. The segmented seed fields showed good stands of beefs yet the work of thinning was much reduced. Indications are that more growers will ask for segmented seed in 1945. Labour: The 300 German prisoners of war quartered near Chatham were a great help in thinning and second hoeing the crop. In the main they did good jobs. They were not needed for beet harvesting as there was plenty of regular skilled beet labour available for this work. The prisoners, however, were most useful in helping with other crops and were much in demand all through the season up to the end of October. The prisoners are anxious to return to Southwestern Ontario this year and the farmers want them back — and more of them, prefer­ ably scattered in several Gamps instead of centralized in the one compound. Sugar: Almost forty million pounds of sugar was outturned from Ontario beefs in 1944 — over twice as much as in 1943, Farmers can easily double or triple this amount in 1945. A HUNDRED MILLION POUNDS OF HOME-GROWN SUGAR WILL HELP A LOT, The industrial sugar ration has already been cut and leading sugar authorities are emphatic in stating that the future sugar* situation is a critical one. Mechanical Unloaders: The Company has invested over a hundred thousand dollars in mechanical unloading equipment to give growers quick and easy unloading of their beets. We are out to get all the additional equipment of this type which the United States will release to us this year. Our ultimate objective: Mechanical unloading far every farmer’s beets! Mechanical Beet Harvester: The Company secured and tested a John Deere beet harvester and a loader in 1944. Some difficulties were encountered with the harvester owing to the extremely dry, hard condition of the soil which prevailed last fall. The mechani­ cal loader did an excellent job but some modifications are required In tHe harvester to adapt it to our conditions. However, there is no doubt that we are on the threshold of a new era of mechanical handling of sugar beefs. Growers' Comments: The most frequent statement we heard from growers was: “1 wish I had put in more beets this year!" Sugar Beet Acreage in 1945 The Company is prepared to staff and equip both the Chatham and WallaCeburg refineries for 1945 full-scale operation if the farmers will grow the beets. Sugar is the one crop of which there is no possible danger of overproduction in 1945!