HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-01-11, Page 7r r 25 Sig .t'Y 0 .ziwll QI ..HI IH H AR LES SPALD1 AND OTIS CAR-NEW^ ’Starting this week CHAPTER J 1 .. ,1 At hUlei o’clqpk An Monday morn­ ing, December eighth., nineteen-for- tyrpne, I was in tire mood to take up the sword, “Come back with a hirth certifi­ cate, a transcript of yoijr;. rM^h school and college'record, an^, tfiree betters of reference. Then we’Jf talk to you.” That was all the Navy had tq say. At any rate, that was all the officer in charge of enlistment on Chica­ go's Navy Pibr had t’o piy. He w&h d large, squat man with d ruddy face, Now that the war of nerves 4(as, finished, he was much relieved. In fact, he was feeling first rate, “Where did you go to College?” he asked genially. “Yale University, sir,” “Where is that?” he asked -blank­ ly, resorting to a time-worn device that fetched a gale of laughter from the crowd of applicants. “New Haven, sir,” I said, red­ dening. Then I left. Approximately two weeks later I returned armed with a birth certifi­ cate, transcripts of my academic efforts, and three high-powered -let­ ters of reference that would have sold slavery to the North. “A leader, yet withal not over­ bearing. He is strong, yet adapt­ able, light-hearted, but not frivo­ lous, steadfast in the line of duty, ever hewing to the distant Truth. I unhesitatingly recommend this boy to the Navy and the service of our country. I have known his family for twenty-two years.—Sincerely, Edgar R. ILumpkin.” This wrote the vice-president of Bittersweet Condiments, and he was well within himself. W'itti. this to back me I expected a measure of success, I was apply­ ing for the V-7 program which turned college graduates into offi­ cers and gentlemen, in ninety days. A’ yeoman sat at the desk where I had previously found the enlisting officer. The place was empty. “It’s Tuesday,” said the yeoman. “It certainly is.” That much I knew. ‘/Nobody hero”—he gestured at. the empty room. “Never anybody here -on Tuesday.” "I’ve come to enlist in the Navy’s Officer Training School right now.” The yeoman crossed his arms on his chest, and rocked back and forth, “Fine,” “Where asked. “Go to r mg TIMS8»AO¥0CAT& gXgTER ONTARIO. THURSDAY MORN1NU JANUARY 11, IMS Page f A COUNTRY EDITOR j/\ __SEES arise, Hg poured over the records, “Where is Yale University?” he asked, unable to resist the tempta­ tion. “New Haven, sir,” I said when the , laughter had died, “You’re the boy we’re looking for,” he continued earnestly. “We need officers, We need .men like pbwey, men like Farragut, and |p&es. We’fe coUrit.injij on you 1jpy£ Wait a minute," I. J _ closer at “Dowd, of college . 71 took countered he said. are the authorities?” I the seventh floor of the old Post Office Building.” It sound­ ed like the ghostly advice you get in graveyards at midnight, but I was in a hurry to join the legions. I hurried off. The Navy’s room on the seventh floor of the old Post Office Building was occupied solely by another yeo­ man. “It’s Tuesday,” he said. “Where is everybody?” I asked. “This bein’ , Tuesday they moved explained theto another office,” yeoman. Tuesday seemed th derlust in city-bound to the point of madness. “You can find ’em down on twen­ ty-eight Canal Street,” he said. I found nobody but another yeo­ man down on twenty-eight. Canal Street. The Navy apparently sta­ tioned them about like -buoys. “Nobody here. They yet,” he said. This bein’ Tuesday pected them. Outside I explained to the cab driver, who was tiring of the chase. “They’re somewhere between here and the seventh floor of the old" Post Office Ruiidihg,’ him. He looked glumly away suspected our next move drag the river. ! Two days later the enlisting ficer turned lip in the Merchandise M,art. The Officer in charge looked through, my papers. He studied the birth certificate. “Lester Dowd, eh?” “Yes, sir,” I said, wondering if the question of ligitamacy Would stir the Wan- seafaririg men ain’t arrived I never ex- the problem I told as if . was he to of- With a college a sweet WRITTEN SPEStAMnY FpR THE , WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS ©F CANADA (ru JIM GREENBLAT, Editor of tbt SUN SWIFT CURRKHT SASKATCHEWAN Answer, J. B.l We’ll Use the interesting report on crime CLASSIFIEDS This year’s Christmas -mail to the armed forces overseas was “jhountainbus”, postal authorities state, Duriri^ tbs busy blovember- October mailing the base post office handled 253.00Q ba£g of letters and parcels, which would require eu- ough railway box car$ tb form a train three and one-half miles ,Jn length. This excluded 1,300,000 cigarette labels flown overseas, each representing one box of 3OIO> cigarettes. -Surely a great job, well done, .gome 18,000 extra helpers were on the job this • Christmas season, many of girls and boys. * Au in Canada has been released by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. With figures based on 1943, the report shows a decrease of 18.2 per cent, from the previous year fbr .adults popvi'eted for indictable offences. This wdh the first decrease shown sipce 1933, by the why, There were 507,807 convicted last year. Among the few increase offences Wartime Dp you want office help? Arp ypp in head of some furniture?• . Of course yob should Use the Classifieds 1 It’s a simple, quick iriexpeiisive effective way to reach the greatest number of people in the shortest time with a convincing method. RiUeg are low, results are high. Insert that Classified Ad next week. “You wifh tile facial squint, keep your clothes on,” he ordered. He came over to me, “We can’t use a man squint,” he menaced, iLackjng two years of inath>, it Was best tq keep even disposition. “I never had squints in my life,” paid irritably. “you have now,” said the doctor. “It’s just cold and windy -out. As soon as I thaw outf it will -be all , right,” He laughed derisively. “There’s the sort of man we Want”—-he pointed at the Boulder Dam in tile corner. “I’m a college graduate,” I said, trying to rop.se his interest, “Where did you go?” he asked absently. “Yale University.” He placed both hands on his hips. “Now,'where ds that?” he asked in a silky voice, It was plain that the name of Dowd would not be added to Cae­ sar’s rolls this day. “Brattelboro, Vermont!” I shout­ ed at him. His face opened and fell. “They moved it stone by stone,” was still shouting in the hall. For a month I sulked like Achil­ les. It was“ a tantrum with limita­ tions, however. I never claimed an influence with Mr. Green compar­ able to the Greek’s sway over Agamemnon. It is not much of a sulk if you know that the local draft -board can rout yon out of your tent any day it chooses. I was not the only victim of pet­ ty discrimination. Jumbo Russel, who was built like a bronze and had never known a sick day in his life, was discarded. His nose was always stuffed. But you get used to that. It takes a good deal more than a sinus block to stop a man like Jumbo. Still, no service would touch him with a ten-foot pole. Tim­ my Guile had an operation on his Pyloric valve when he was eight months ■'old. That put him out in spite of the fact that twenty-three years later he was a picture of American youth. On the other hand, Mr. and Mrs. Quinn announced the enlistment of their son Walter, jun­ ior, in the paratroops, Nobody had counted on Walter for more than a couple of pints of plasma at the most. Here he was in the 'para­ troops. To those who were turned away on the grounds of .facial squint or sinus block, it was a blow. “I don’t know,” , dazedly. “It’s taken out of my sails.” In one strategic metamorphosed from I he said, looking my college record, have you had two years math?” he faltered, it at prep school, sir,” I truthfully, “But have you had two yeArs of college math?” he insisted. “Wat sort of math is that, feir?” “It’s just, two years of college math,” he thundered dumbly. “The Bureau requires it. Look here”—■ he pointed to a list of specifications —“Two years of college math for V-7 candidates.” “But, sir, I had advanced mathe­ matics in prep school,” I clung to my point. A little thing like some misplaced trigonometry was not go­ ing to come between us. “The Bureau says you have to 'take it in college. I hate to lose you, my boy, but if you haven’t had two years of college math . , .” “Do you actually use it?” I asked, wondering how much time John Paul found for scientific algebra. “No,” he admitted wistfully. “That’s the funny thing.” I never took any mathematics in college, and consequently I never got into the V-7 class. It was a disappointment. From the begin­ ning my preference was for the Na­ vy, a sentiment that cannot logical­ ly be explained. Perhaps it was the lure of ships. Perhaps it was a vain conception that the Navy was ever so choosey regarding its per­ sonnel. There was a conviction among us that it took a pretty good man to get “We get Commander night. Great knew was a “To the cream; Commander’s statement, - “Be it ever so thin,” muttered Father, who was an Army man. Beyond this may have lurked a subconscious desire to best-laid plans of the This never amounted evasion of the law. convince myself that the Army my best_ interests at. heart. Navy was different. They gave your choice. They did until gimmick of college" math appeared. At first I had an astronomical draft number. “You won’t go until the Germans get to Indianapolis,” Mr. Green, the head of tire .board, advised rue­ fully from his office in Libertyville. There, with a. pretty eye for sym­ bolism, he liAd set up headquarters. When the Japs started coming through the floor, he was forced to revise the estimate. And then I re­ doubled hiy efforts. More than ever I wanted to serve with the Navy. . The lure,.df ships' can b'e a very potent thing dt times. . Barred from the V-7, I was . nonetheless determined to be en­ listed by Sundown. The Coast Guard . needed mfen. “Why don't you go and see •(them?” urged the enlisting officer. “They're , on the seventh floor of . the old Post Office Building.” They actually were. It was blowing hard outside, winter wind had pinched my . up protectively. I just got inside : the Coast Guard quarters when the examining doctor crossed from one i room to another. He was in his i shirtsleeves and taking large,, rapid I strides. Spying me in the doorway he pointed with his stethoscope and ! said loudly while in full flight: > “You have a facial squint.” He disappeared into another - room. > I moved a little slower after this . burst of old family kindness. In i. one corner a huge man with a stom­ ach like a barrel stood naked wait­ ing for his examination. As I start- ' ed to take off my clothes, tile doctor . reappeared. I them high school * V Federation of. Ag- 472.6%; burglary into the Navy. the cream,” -beamed Whitman at dinner one was stationed at the •Center. He Father in the last war' and frequent visitor at our house. ” I toasted the He Lakes Training .frustrate the draft board, to a willful I could not had The you the The eyes Bo Yom Suffer _ From Headaches? It is hard to struggle along with a head that aches and pains all the time. A headadm need not be an illness in itself, but it may bh a. warning Symptom that there is intestinal sluggishness Within*To help, overcome the cause of headache it id necessary io eliminate tile ihatter from the .system. Burdock Blood Bitters helps io remove the Cause Of headaches by regulating the digestive and biliary organs, neutralizing acidity, regulating the constipated bowels wild toriing up the sluggish liYcr, dhd whe^ this has been accomplished the headaches should dmbpoar.CfeTJB. H.B; htt§iiy„dfdg: counter* Fnce $1.00 it boltliL The T* Milbilrn Co., Limited, Totonto, Ont, Jumbo a lot groups which showed an in 1943 over 1942 were under regulations of the Prices and Trade Board, which jumped was also up by 5.4%. There was a decrease of 25.2 % in durnk driv­ ing indictments, forgery cases 14.6% and gambling 9.3%. Non­ indictable offences for adults de­ creased by 20% with 466,316 for 1943. - ' reached an all-time high with 399,957, dropped to in 1943. Traffic convictions, which in 1942 274,753 * Hr > has been doing a substitute for research gasoline Com- The Canadian riculture at Ottawa points out that after five years of war farmers of Canada can look back on their part in the war effort on the home front as a magnificent"* achievement. Take for instance the item of meats pro­ duced in 1944—this was the great­ est year on record with a produc­ tion of more -than 2,500,000,000 lbs. Farmers produced 10% more total milk in 1944 than in 1939 pared to the 1936-40 period, there was a production in 1944 of 19% more butter, 60% more cheese, 70% more evaporated milk. Far­ mers also produced in 1944 56% more eggs, and 42.8% more poul­ try meat than in the 1936-410- per­ iod. As for production of grains, that story has been told and retold. ft jfc Our men overseas are definitely thinking of their post-war future, most of them very seriously. Here is just one instance: ’ At a north British port the Canadian Legion Educational Services have 700 Canadian sailors listed for corres­ pondence courses alone. These courses, which are on a voluntary basis, are conducted under the sup­ ervision of Instructor Lieutenant Ross E, Hamilton, R.C.N.V.R., of Saskatoon. As an example, through the medium of directed reading, an ex-Mountie was able to pursue his career in criminology; another sailor was able”to obtain books on “bakery science”, accommodated with the book ductive Poultry Husbandry” interior decorating course was sup­ plied for another. Requests ( for books on plastics have been numer­ ous, with books on national fores­ try, diesel and jet propulsion and other subjects sought and deliver­ ed. It gives you an idea that behind the -fighting there is thinking. Reason for a 10% decrease, in sugar quota for more than 10,000 industrial users in the first quarter Of 1945 is that the Combined Food Board, which allocates all avail­ able sugar foi' the United Kingdom, United States and Canada, finds that available supply is going to be less than requirements calcu­ lated on the 1944 basis of usage. Sugar production is expected to be less next year than this, while mili­ tary and war relief needs will be greater -Savings in Canada will be about 10,000,0010* lbs, a » * « Thdt boy, who such a ago siplit the kindling the cows to pasture, will be coming home from the wars some day, com- iiig home to operate his own -farm, to teach his' owji little boy to inilk and help with the chores, of these soldier farmers see them come home to their own. In anticipation day, says the consumer branch of the Prices Board, ^thous­ ands of these iriiothers of soldiers have given control of prices a No. 1 priority on their list of New Year’s resolutions. As in the last two years, they will continue ndt to pay more than ceiling prices . . to buy only what they need and to invest in war savings that will pay for their own post-war farm im­ provements. still another was Pro- an dreadful told me of wind Walter to won­ move ______ __________ worm .. der while other established charac­ ters, such as Jumbo Russel and Barney Tree, who had a flat foot, fell off one to -five .points. On every Side, one heard what a fine chap Walter was, what a wonderful fel­ low he always had been; and what a world of good the paratroops would do for any minor failing he might possibly have owned. Before the date of his induction, Walter Quimm, junior, was a green gem of sin. I suspect that after the Pow­ ers have made another just peace, he will return the same despicable toad he went away. However, there is a theory in my home-town that Armageddon has a medicinal effect on all blighted souls. They will not accent the sad truth until Walter establishes it. Those of uS who knew and loathed him are counting on the boy to keep our faith. After Walter took the high road, there was feverish activity among those of military age. The young people turned to Washington, in their moment of crisis. Invariably there was a friendly dhptain in the Bureau with a sympathy >arn of an ancient wedding party. He Was reached on the long-distance wire— expense was no matter when the country was imperiled—and ques­ tioned about available billets. Deal­ ings of this sort were kept a strict secret. If the details were detect­ ed, it motivated a scene like the Oklahoma land grab as verybody between eighteen and forty-five stampeded for your claim. When the business was successful, lucky prospector packed his in the dead of night, Slipped and was next heard from as an in Australia, I concentrated on Commandei Whitman, I explained my problem and he promised to obtain a waiver in no time. Weeks went past, and Still the V-7 Stood on college math, “Thd point is,” said ing at the Commander self on our very good food, ter the cream or not?” There was never a definite an­ swer td that question. However, the Commander’s face and that of his wile vanished forever1 ftOin OUi* table* (To Be Continued) Phone 31w The Times-Advocate FORMER HDJBiERT REEVE, JOSEPH NAGLE SUCCUMBS Research 37 pro- with in­ Council’s to *lt« quarter. short time and drove Canada work on motor fuel as a wartime emergency measure. The National Council, Ottawa, bought ducer gas units for. tests, vestigations made at the laboratories at McGill University, using trucks carrying rated loads. It is estimated that installation of gas producers on 10,000 trucks in Canada would give a yearly saving of 2i0i,000,000 gallons of gasoline. Provision of charcoal fuel for the producers could form part of a war­ time industry. O.f 13 different gas producers tested, eight were made in Canada, three in Great Britain and two in Sweden. ' * * * The Department of Agriculture provides an analyses showing that co-operatives in Canada have ex­ tended just about to every field of production and consumption in this .country. In the period 1942-43 we had, among many others: 446 dairy co-operatives; fruits and vege­ tables 161; grain and seed 105; livestock 224; food products 518; clothing and home furnishings 229 ;• coal, wood and building materials 413; credit unions 1,7.80; farm mutual fire insurance associations 400. The Agriculture Department report also shows that in 102 coun­ tries and territories throughout the world, there are .more than 800,000 co-operative societies, with a mem­ bership of more than 143,830,00101.* * * Since the spring of 19 41, Canada has produced more than 2,000,000 lbs, of optical glass, Magnitude of the Canadian production is illus­ trated by the fact that in World War I, the United States produced only a total of 1,25)0*,000 lbs.* * The demand for men in industry is which accoutns for ing of Selective Service that female university students will not in fu­ ture require a permit to return to their studies when they have failed to make qualifying marks during any university term, The change in procedure does not affect men who are attending university. The University Advisory Committee made a recommendation to this ef­ fect, later Service. Mrs. Colin Love home of Mr. Ed. Ridley and Jean HARPLEY (Intended for last week) Mrs. Maria Hay ter has gone Detroit to spend the winter with Mr, and Mrs. Mark Miller, Mr. Wil­ lis Hayter accompanying her. Miss Helen Love, nurse-in-train­ ing ift St. Joseph’s Hospital, ‘ Lon­ don, spent boxing day at her home here. Misses Ila and Orva Bestard spent the holidays at tlieir home here. Christmas visitors wore— Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love and fam­ ily and Mr. and and family at the Gill, Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. J. and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stewardson with Mrs. Ann Ridley at Grand Bend, Mr. and Mjs. Newton Hayter and family with Mr. F. Statton at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hodgins, Mrs. Joe Hodgins and Irene and Joyce, of Corbett, Mr, and Mrs. Paul Eagleson and family with Mr. and Mrs. David Eagleson. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kayes, Ger­ aldine and Martha, of Toronto, Mrs. Clarence Hardy, Helen and -Erank, of Lucan, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and family, of Shipka, at the home of Mr. Mansell Hodgins. 4 Mr. Hector Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Murray and Bobbie, pf Corbett, with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Muiray. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hotson and family, of Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. George Hodgins, of Cedar Swamp and Mrs. Edison Pollock at A prominent figure in public; af­ fairs of Hibbert Township and Perth County during almost hall1 a century, Joseph Nagle, died in Seaforth Memorial Hospital Friday of last week following a lingering illness. Mr, Nagle, who was a na­ tive of Adjala Township, near Tot­ tenham, was in his 85 th year, and J came to Hibbert Township almost 50 years agro, where he operated a farm -on the 2nd concession. He was reeve of the township from 1929 to 1939, when he resigned, being succeeded by William J. Kay. A former schoolteacher lie always took an active interest in all poli­ tical and world events. He is sur­ vived by one son, Sgt. John Nagle, London, and three daughters, Mrs. Edmund O’Hearn, Dublin;- Mother M. Moira and Mother' M. ILigoubi, Ursuline Community, Windsor. The funeral was held from the home or Mr. and Mrs. Edmund 'O’Hearn, Dublin, on Monday morning witn service at St. Patrick’s Cliurch, Diiblin. Interment followed at St. Patrick’s Cemetery. GRANTON MAIL COURIERS Have tough; time Mail couriers on the three routes from Granton did hot make •their round trips for a week. The township plow operated by Wilbert Knowles has covered all roads hut the incessant storm made them im­ passable over night. School was withdrawn in six rural district schools as teachers were unable to the home of Mr. Joseph Carruthers, j get back after the holidays. * services of wo- now less acute, the receiit rul- approved by Selective the cows Mothers want to farms of of that NOW ON HAND also good ar IRON ROSTS AND BARB WttUffi ANY ce two years of mother, glar- gorging him- 1# Les- Place jour order for Shingles right away—-we can supply them. » ■ We Deliver pi*..*,.. ♦ * * food industry isn’t all allied products. Our Canada’s wheat and fisheries are some big pumpkins as an industry. About 196,>000,000 lbs, of Canada’s 1944 fishery -out­ put—the equivalent of around 400,- 000,000 lbs. of raw material—have been made available for the United Nations. Of this, about 112,000,OOiOi lbs, will consist of canned salmon, canned herring and sardines and frozen fish for the United Kingdom, as well as 3,00Q,000 lbs. of dried salt fish, About 15,00)0,000 lbs. of canned herring, mackerel, flake fish and 3,000,000 lbs, of pickled herring arc being sold to UNRRA for relief in liberated countries. Besides this and other allocations, an estimated exportable surplus of 28,000,OOiOt lbs. of pickled fish ■ is allocated to the British and Neth­ erlands West Indies, British Guiana, United States, Puerto Rico and Haiti. DIED IN B.C* There passed away in New West­ minster, B.C., on December 20, Margaret Emily Roberston Doocis, wife of John Roods, in Iler 7 6th year. She was the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robert­ son, and is survived by her bus* band, a daughter and a bon, ail of New Westminster; , sisters, ytrs. Grace Hobkitfe, Regina, and Mrs. Walter, Fairbairn, Hensalt. A bitter, Sirs. Tate, passedi away ihst1 Feb­ ruary, Join titre Ranks of Many who at*e Sending Their Boys Just like a letter from home i i Many of us have a son, a brother, a husband or a friend at ohe of the drmy, h&Vy or air force camps throughout Can­ ada or other parts of the world. Chances are that he is kind of lonesome for Some hews about the “goirfs on” back home and there isn’t a better way to let him. in on them than send­ ing him a weekly copy of The Times-Advocate. Letters from men in the service show that they appreciate The .Times-Advocate more now than ever before. They read it from cover to cover. Let us look after the mailing and the wrapping. We’ll pay the postage^ too> at no extra cost to you. Regulations restrict the sending of papers overseas by individuals but the men in the armed forces may receive the paper regularly if mailed to them directly from the publisher’s as a regular if mailed to them directly from the publishers as a regular Subscriber. You can’t spend $2.00 in any way that will provide him with greater happiness, the Exeter Tifties-Advocate