HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1945-01-11, Page 1Singly Copy, ,5 cents and. seconded by Arthur from close first the following Mr. Moir Phone 32 j. Gordon sister of the EXETER ARENA deal Exeter Arena Ross Love Is New Trustee ¥ ExeterfflnuMWBftK: Admission 25c Students 15c mMmmwwCTW to Centralia wedding Util, two miles The big vehicle rails broke off finally tamo to him. As a fire- of the rescue Chambers has suffering and Creech estimated required from the be approximately 1944 in spite of calla lilies, and wore a gift of the and stan- Little sil- and blue cards re­ notice of and that pro­ ofing to the weather and the condition of the roads the Blood Donors Clinic that was advertised for Wednesday of this week has been postponed until next month, ir, Al­ and of was upon 1945 brief the of- by the Faist, Collector of Taxes, taxes unpaid for the past the amount of $2,386.65 motion of,A. J, Amy and our side­ repairing of items of busi- up during the addi- been Loan was ■tl*- by N. and fol- for returning to Pearce further porting while and daughter will Game Starts at 8:00Music supplied by Bob More and Ids London Orchestra. Dancing 8.30 - 12 'o’clock ADMISSION 50c $200 had in the 6th Victory balance on hand Operating expenses to $1,480.50. It was de­ orange blossoms. She bouquet of gypsophalia pearls, the Friday and Saturday Nights and every night the weather permits whten there is no hockey game. The Exeter Branch of the Red Cross acknowledge With' thanks the following contribution: James St. Unit $55.00. ‘ Officers elected J. M. Southcott, V. Pickard; sec- W. G. Medd; 15, 1944, reau M, Francis Mr. Arthur Francis whs able be out Tuesday after being confined to his home for a couple of weeks through illhesh. Established 1873 Subscription, $2.00 per year EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 11, 1945 Men’s Winter Overcoats at $15.00 each Dark grey Melton cloth overcoats, sizes 36 to 40, real bargains while the few sizes last at $15. each. 'Also a few young men’s smart Tweed overcoats, which were late in coming in, at very reasonable prices, sizes 36 to 42. MEN’S HEAVY BREECHES Navy or Brown, heavy winter weight at $4.50 pair. Or in pant style, Navy only at $4.50 pair. BOYS’ WINTER BREACHES Sizes 7 to 14 years. Dark navy at $2.95. Heavier weight at $3.95. Or in, lined whipcord’ at $1.95. HAUGH’S 88 OVERALLS New shipment will arrive this week. These are hard to get. Get a pair while they last. Also windbreaker smocks to match. MEN’S FELT BOOTS The warmest and driest footwear you can get for winter when worn with • a good two-buckle overshoe. Good assortment of girls’ and boys’ ski caps, men’s heavy driving caps, with ear bands, plain or jockey style leather caps. Big assortment mitts, gauntlets, etc. Misses’ and Girls’ EXETER COUNCIL APPOINTS NEW OFFICERS The Beeve pud the Councillors elect for the year 1945 met Jn the Town Hull pp Monday, January 8, at 11 a.m. The following officials subscribed tp the Declaration. of Office before the Clerk: Reeve, Benson Turkey; Councillors, Henrj Bierling, Edwin M. Dignan, J. Wellington Hern and Aaron J. Sweitzer. Reeve Tuckey then called Rev. A. B. Irwin to open the sessions, which he did with a address and prayer. The Reeve • congratulated Councillors on their return to fice. He felt that their return acclamation indicated that citizens of Exeter felt that they had done a good job during thu past year. Reeve Tuckey suggested that a survey for sewerage system, gar­ bage collection and the purchase of a truck were items that might well be considered during the coming year. ; The Reeve called on each mem­ ber of the Council and each had a few suggestions in regard to the removal of snow from walks and streets, sidewalks and other ness that will come year. The Reeve named H Councillors a striking committee to name the standing committees ,foi the year 1945: Councillors Dignan, Bierling and Hern. It was moved ‘And seconded by Councillors Hern /and Sweitzer that this meeting be adjourned to 2 o’clock in the afternoon. -C. V. Pickard. Clerk. ZURICH OFFICERS GUESTS OF EXETER LIONS CLUB The newly-elected officers <?f the recently formed Lions Club at Zurich were guests of the Exeter Lions at their supper meeting Fri­ day evening of last week, The new club sponsored by the Exeter club will hold their first supper meeting on January 22nd. Charter night will be held later when the weather conditions are more favorable, Also guests at the meeting were Warrant, Officer Murray Moore, recently re­ turned from overseas and Fit. Lt. H. JL. Snider, son-in-law of Mr. Sandy Elliot. Mr, and Mrs, Sturgis entertained the members with sev­ eral vocal selections accompanied by Mrs. Pearl Murdoch. President J, A, Traquair welcomed the visit­ ors and Dr. P. J. O’Dwyer,, president of the Zurich club expressed ap­ preciation of what the Exeter Lion’s had done. The Zurich officers are: President, Dr. O'Dwyer; 1st. vice- pres,, I. Yungblut; 2nd vice-pres„ Theo. Haberer; 3rd vice-pres., W, B. Coxon; secretary, Wm. Siebert; treasurer, C. L. Smith; lion tamer, Leroy O’Brien; tail twister, Geo., Deichert; directors, 1 year, J. Turk- 2 years, J. A do- to the Child- passed heim, Edwin Gascho; W. Merner, Victor Denham, nation of $20.50' was made Ontario Society for Crippled ren and a resolution was to assist the Local Wartime Com- mitee in financing boxes for the boys overseas. We wish to clear out our Ladies’, Misses’, and Girls* Winter Coats in a hurry, so we are offering the balance of stock at greatly reduced prices. We still have a . good range to choose from. Canada Brand Cornstarch or Challenge Brant! .......................pv! Grape Jam 24 fluid oz. jars ...................,........“« Clark’s Asparagus Soup 7 s.!~p 1A- or Clark’s Mushroom Soup La al® Diced Beets or Carriots Glenwood Brand, 20 oz. tins .. Washed Carrots (local) IL fresh, firm stock ..........................p“l ID* “frC Canned Rock Mussels may be used as oysters clams,pvl UM Ldb Van Camp’s Pre-Cooked Beans*? 1 C« 12 oz. pkgs., extra value ......Ivl. Idl ..18 oz. pkg. 49c rawfisa The Canadian Legion Exeter- Hensall Branch 167 O.H.M.A. JUVENILE B JANUARY 13th in McKnfght’s Hall, Exeter Fit* Lieut. H. L. Snider^ Mrd. Snider and'Sandra Jeaii, of Pearce, Alta, ate visiting with Mrs, Snider’s parents, hilt aiid Mrs, A, O. Elliot* Mr. Snider is next Week for Mrs. Snider remain herd* Your Superior Store RED CROSS ANNUAD MEETING W Annual meeting of the Exeter Branch of the Red Cross will be held Monday evening, Jan. 15th, in the Public Library at 8 p.m. All members and visitors are cordially invited to attend this meeting. At the nomination meeting held In the Town Hall, Crediton bn Fri­ day, Jauary 5 th for the office of School Trustee for the Township School Area No. 1 Stephen, Mr, Ross Love WaS nominated and de­ clared elected by acclamation. The trustees for the Police Vil­ lage of Crediton were re-elected by acclamation as follows; Gerald Zwlcker, Hugo Schenk add Emery Fahrner, « The Municipal Council of the Village of Exeter convened at 2 p.m. as per adjournment from 11 o’clock meeting. The Ree^e and all Coun­ cillors were preseht. The minutes |f the statutory meetings of December and January 8, <1945 were and adopted on the motion 01 Councillors Herb /and Dignan. ■- Communicaticrm/’were read and dealt with as follows: Treasury Dept., re. Railway Tax Distribution. Filed. Ontario Municipal Association re membership. Filed. County of Huron, hospitalization. Filed. Dept, of Agriculture re appointment of weed inspector. Filed. Minister ot Health re post sanitorium care. Filed. War Memorial Children’s Hospital re grant. It was moved and seconded by Councillors Bierling and Sweitzer that we make a grant of $25.00 to the Wai* Memorial Children's Hospital, London. Wein Bros., re ploughing of street. Filed. Councillor the striking his report committees ; Councillors Cemetery — and Dignan; Hern and Bridges—Councillors Bierling and Hern; Arena — Councillors Hern and Dignan. It was moved and seconded by Councillors Dignan and Sweitzer that the report of the striking com­ mittee be adopted. A deputation consisting of Mr. R. N. Creech and Mr. E. R. Hopper, representing the Board of Educa­ tion, waited on the Council. Mr. Creech explained the method in which the Provincial Government proposed to take over a share of the cost of education. Mr. Creech stated that had the system of grants remained the same ; our Board of Education would have j been forced to ask the Village for a substantial increase in its ap­ propriation for educational pur­ poses. Howevei’ with the now meth­ od of making provincial grants in force, Mr. the amount lage would same as in fact that the cost of carrying^ on the School will be a good greater. The following appointments the yoar 1945 were made and aries set and the Clerk instructed embodying Councillors Dignan, chairman of committee, brought in naming the standing as follows: Finance— Dignan and Sweitzer; - Councillors Sweitzer ; Property—Councillors Bierling; Roads and Elected Aiderman of St. Kitts Mr. Edgar Moir, of St. Catharines formerly of Exeter, is to be con­ gratulated on being elected as an aiderman to the St. Catharines city council. Mr. Moir, formerly a carp­ enter in Exeter, is now a builder and general contractor in that city where he has • been for the past fif­ teen years. He is a son of the late Peter Moir and Mrs. Moir of the Thames Road. There were nine ai­ dermen elected, six of whom were former members. There were 9 new aspirants for the' office, three of whom were elected and was one of them. to prepare a By-law same on the motion of Dignan and Sweitzer. Appointments-— Cemetery Board-—B. for three years. Library Bo*ard—Mrs. R, N, Creech for three years. Board of Health, Chairman, Ed­ ward Treble, $10,b0 per annum* Fence Viewers—IL 0. Rivers, G. Flynn, J, Norry. Truant Officer, J.‘Norry, $10.00. Bell Ringer, Emerson Cornish, $13,00 per month. Chief constable and street Com­ missioner, J, Norry, $85.0i0 ' per mouth* tcentinued on page 8) BLAIR—ANDREW The United church of was the scene of a lovely last Saturday, January 6th, when Grace Edith second daughter of Mr., and Mrs. G. R. Andrew became the bride of LAC Andrew Blair, eldest son of Mrs Blair and the late James Blair. Rev. R. J. Merriam officiated. The church was decorated with pink and white carnations dards of lighted candles, ver bells tied with pink ribbons marked the pews. Miss Elizabeth Hone, of London, sang the wedding hymn, "O Perfect Love” before the ceremony and “Tell Me Do You Love Me”, dur­ ing the signing of the register. She wore a floor-length gown of pale blue sheer and was accompanied by Mrs. F. Penwarden, pianist of the church, who wore a floor-length gown of white chiffon, both wear­ ing’ pink carnations in their cor­ sages, For her wedding the bride chose a gown of white satin with lace yoke and slight train falling from a fitted bodice. Her full length veil of embroidered net was held in place with carried a fern and string of groom. Miss Esther Andrew, bride, as bridesmaid, wore a floor­ length dress of aqua green taffeta jwith ful1 skirt falling in soft folds. t length veil of net in harmonizing shade, held in place by white blossoms, completed her cos­ tume. She carried a colonial bou­ quet of pink carliations, fern and gypsophelia, John Blair, brother of the groom attended as best man and the ushers were F.O, Andrew and Robert Blair. The reception following the cere­ mony was held in the school room of the church. The bride’s mother wore green velvet with a corsage of Wine and cream colored carnations and the groom’s mother wore black silk with a corsage of white carna­ tions, Over thirty guests partook of the dinner prepared by members of the W.A., while the four waitresses were friends of the bride. The tables were set in U style. Carna­ tions, lighted candles, the bride’s cake and the groom/s cake adorned the main table. 1*110 color scheme of pink and white Was carried but on all throe tables. Latei’ the couple left for Van­ couver, B.C., where the grOom Is stationed with the R.C.A.F. The bride travelled in a green corduroy suit, a green boat with beaver tux­ edo front and brown accessories. Out of town guests ,wore present from Toronto, London and Dash- Wood* INAUGURAL MEETING OF STEPHEN COUNCIL The newly elected Cbuucll of Township of Stephen met in Town Hall, Credlton, on Monday, the eighth day pf January, 1945, at 11 o’qlppk ,a,m, Present; Alonzo McCann, Reeve; Thomas Love, Deputy-Iieeve; and councillors thur J. Amy, Nelson Schenk Ed. Lippert, Rev} Trueblood, the United Church, Creditpn, present and offered prayer asking that divine guidance be given the new council in the transaction of the year’s business. After each member had subscribed to his Dec­ laration of Office, the minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted on motion of Nelson Schenk Amy, G. E. reported year in and on seconded by Thomas Love, he was authorized to continue the levy and collection of the unpaid taxes in the manner and with the power provided by law and that the time for the return of his roll to the treasurer be extended to the of next March. Carried. It was moved by A. Amy seconded by Nelson Schenk the Clerk prepare a by-lay to vide for the total expenditure on roads in the Township for 1945 to the amount of $12,000.00. It was moved by Nelson Schenk and seconded by A. J. Amy that tenders be called for the repair of the O’Rourke Drain. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to se­ cure information and prices on an adding machine to be purchased fox* the use of all Township Officials and to report at next meeting. On motion of Thos. Love seconded by Nelson Schenk the lowing officials were appointed the year 1945: Caretaker of Hall—E. Guettinger, $25.00 per annum and $1.00 extra for each public/meeting or concert when an admission is charged. Road Superintendent — George Eilber, 50c per hour. , . Board of Health—Alonzo ’McCann and Thos. Love, $8.00 per annum. Secretary of Board of Health— L. B. Hodgson, $15.i0i0 and $8.00 extra for attending meetings. Sanitary Health Inspectors—Eli Lawson, Clayton Pfile and Sol. Pol­ lock, 25c per hour. School Attendance Officers—Eli Lawson for schools 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, and Unions 9 and 13; Clayton Pfile for schools 6, 7, 11, Unions 15 and 16 and U.S.S. No. 6; Sol. Pollock for schools 10, 12* and Union 8, 17 and 18; at 25c per hour. Members of the Field Committee —Alonzo McCann and Thomas Love (no salary). Milk Inspector—E. Guettinger at 40c per hour. Each of the above officials will pay for their own transportation. Pound Keepers—B. D. Cook, Earl Shapton, Royal Gaiser, Michael Ryan, William Love, Ezra Webb, Alvin Baker, Ross Love, Arthur Baker, Solomon Pollock, Henry De­ vine, Hilton Ford, William Stade, W. J. Hodgins, Lloyd Brophey and Elmer Lawson. Fence Viewers—Murray Elliott, Henry C. Beaver, Leslie Richard. Jacob Ratz, Ed. G.« Kraft, J. T. Hirtzel, W. J. Brown, John Gill, Thomas Isaac. Road Foremen—No. 1, Wilson; No. 2 Wm. Stanlake; No. 3, Joseph White; 4, Lawrence Hill; (continued on page 8) 50th ANNIVERSARY OF WINGHAM COUPLE Mi\ and Mrs, Harry Hopper, of Wingham, on New Year’s Day, celebrated the 50th anniversary of their wedding at their home in Wingham, The happy occasion was marked by a dipper at the Queen's Coffee .Shop, attended by 25 hppr mediate members of the family, including grandchildren and great? grandchildren. ’ ■ In the afternoon from three to five, Mr, and Mrs. Hopper were at home to their friends when somu 50 callers were received. During the day many congratulatory mes­ sages, gifts and flowers were re? ceived, including a purse of money from the family, flowers from the official board and Women’s, Ass’n of the Wingham United Church an.d from the congregation of Rivers* dale United Church and friends. On one of the many ceived was attached, the the wedding as clipped from a local paper of 50 years ago. It read.: "Hopper-Stonehouse: At the rest-f dence of the bride’s parents, on January 1st, 1896, by Rev. E. A. Shaw, Mr. Henry Hopper, of Morris Township, to. Miss F'anny Stone­ house, of Belgrave.” Following their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Hopper lived in Wing­ ham for six years, afterwards tak­ ing up farming on concession 3„ Morris, where they spent 15 years. Moving to Belgrave they conducted a general store, prior to taking up residence in Wingham. They have two sons and two daughters who were present with them on their anniversary. They are Lyle, on the homestead, Russell, of Exeter; Aletha (Mrs A. Ranns), Brussels, and Lillian (Mrs. R. Johnston), Brantford. Also present were eight grandchildren, Stanley Hopper, Mor­ ris; Mrs: ILloyd Alcock, Brussels; Mrs. Thomas Garness, Morris; Miss­ es Patricia and Joan Hopper,. Exe­ ter; Robert, William and Jane, Ranns, Brussels; and two great­ grandchildren, Joyce Alcock and Murray Garness. Operation for Appendicitis Mrs. Clayton Prouty, ’’of Stephen, underwent an operation for appen­ dicitis at Victoria Hospital, London on Monday. Her many friends will hope for her speedy recovery. To Undergo Operation Mr. and Mrs. E. Maurice Quance left Saturday for Toronto where Mrs. Quance is receiving treatment and possibly an operation for throat trouble at the Toronto General Hospital. They were joined In Lon­ don by Mrs. Patterson, of Detroit, who accompanied them to Toronto. Word was received Wednesday that Mrs. Quance would undergo an op­ eration on Thursday. Returning From Overseas Leading Fireman Wm. Chambera who has been in England for the past couple of years, has returned to Canada and is expected home shortly. He arrived in Canada on Saturday last and has reported to Ottawa. Mrs. Chambers left Monday for Ottawa to meet man and a member squad no doubt Mr. seen much of the damage caused by war. Elected to Hay Tp. Council Out of a slate of twelve nomin­ ated at Zurich Friday of last week to fill the two vacancies on the Hay Township council, two quali­ fied for the position, Oscar Klopp and Earl Campbell. The new coun­ cil consists of Reeve Wm. Haugh; councillors Samuel Hendrick, Er­ vin Wiliert, Earl Campbell and Os­ car Klopp. Others nominated were: Fred Haberer, Wes. Merner, Ro­ land Geiger, George Armstrong, Rheinliolt Miller, Wes. Coleman, Bert Klopp, William Davidson,. Henry Schilbe and Ray Fischer. Arena Committee Reorganizes A reorganization meeting of the Exeter Arena Committee was held at the Arena Tuesday evening. A financial report for the year read by' W. G. Medd, secretary-treasurer, showed that during the year $239.'89 had been spent in repairs; $132.75 had been spent in chairs and tional plumbing; invested and the $388.20. mounted cided to renew the fire and casual­ ly insurance policies now due. Ar­ rangements were made to hold a carnival as soon as a suitable date can be secured, were: President, vice-president, C, rotary-treasurer, property and fuel committed, J. W. Hern, Will. 'Coates, E. M. Dighah; gymnasium committee, W. G, Medd, 0. V. Pickard, A. O. Elliot; rink committee, C. V. Pickard, W. X Hem, E. M. Digham The chairman to be a member of all committees. A resolution expressing the ap­ preciation oi the committee to the secretary-treasurer for his efficient Work and detailed report was placed in the mihutes. TRANSPORT DAMAGED IN SLIDE OFF ROAD Early Monday morning a large transport owned by the Tuckey Transport, of Exeter, and driven by E. <S. Miller, Slid off the road while traveling east on No. 7 high­ way at McCully’s east of St. Marys, struck the guard several posts and rest half way down the embank­ ment. The cab of the trunk suffered some damage, but no one was hurt* The accident was attended Highway Traffic Officer Charles Anderson,