HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-12-21, Page 8Page 8 THE T1MES-ADVOCATE> EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, 1944 V’s Beauty Shoppe “SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO** JTS Market$ -Georgian Beauty Shoppe All Hues of Bounty Culture. Tel. 11? Exeter Vera C, Decker, Prop* Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 Oats 52c. Barley due. Creamery Butter 39c. Eggs A Large 31e Eggs, A Medium 29c Eggs, Pullet 22c Eggs B 24c Dressed Hogs $17.15 Bonus A $4.00 i (Successor to Marion Pooley) i Satisfaction Guaranteed M. Christine McCrae, Prop. Exeter Phone 245 LEAVITT'S THEATRE EXTENDS HEARTY CHRISTMAS GREETINGS TO ALL I I I LOCALS I I_____ __ I NOTICE—With Christmas on Mon­ day. Highland Hill Dairy will de­ liver milk on the east side or Exeter on Sunday afternoon next and not on Christmas morning, c LOCALS CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bev. Kenneth Mael.oan, Minister Mrs. J. G, Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m,—-Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Moniing Worship. Christ­ inas Message, Special Christmas I music. Friday, Dec. 22, at 8 p.m. Sunday 5* School Christmas entertainment, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY December 20’, 21 2 features “JACK LONDON’’ starring MICHAEL O’SHEA “Secrets of Scotland Yard” with SIR. C. AUBREY SMITH and all star cast. FRIDAY and SATURDAY December 22, 23 Special Western Feature, ‘Tall in the Saddle’ starring JOHN WAYNE and ELLA RAINES MONDAY and TUESDAY Decembei* 25, 26 “The Very Thought of You” with DENNIS MORGAN, MRS. FAY EMERSON ROOSEVELT and ELEANOR PARKER Coming The Conspirators with HEDY LAMARR, PAUL HENREID and SYDNEY GREENSTREET ®t|aukB and ®rr rtings The officers and members of the Exeter-Hensall Branch No. 167 of the Canadian Legion wish to ex­ tend our appreciation and thanks to the public for their fine co­ operation in all our activities dur­ ing 1944. We wish you the compliments of the season and trust that 1945 may again see peace throughout the world. May our war efforts be maintained and kept at the high standard we have attained and our service work women in the we can give. ■“They Serve Miss Dorothy Forrester spent the week-end in London. Spare a crumb for the birds throughout the winter. Mr. Gregory, of North Battleford visited in town last week. Miss Joan Redfern, of London, visited with Mrs. Redfern over the week-end. Miss Margaret Brown is spend­ ing the holiday season with friends in Toronto, Sgt. Andy Easton, of Woodstock, spent the forepart of the week vis­ iting at his home here. Mr. Jas. Grieve was able to be down town Monday for the first time since his recent accident. Monday is Christmas and Tues­ day has been proclaimed Boxing Day when all places of business will be closed. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Sweitzer at­ tended the funeral of the late Wm. Consitt, of Hensail Tuesday after­ noon. S. S. No. 2, Hay, will hold a Christmas entertainment Friday evening, Dec. 22nd. The teacher is Mrs. R. Ellis, of town. FO. Arthur Hern, of Montreal, a navigator with the RCAF, is on leave for a few days, visiting witn his aunt, Miss Minnie Hern. AC1. Douglas Pryde, of Boundry Bay, B.C., arrived home Monday to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Pryde. Miss Mary Fletcher, who has been attending Branksome Hall in Toronto, is spending the holidays with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher. Mrs. Thos. Walker is visiting in Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin j Sims. Mrs. Fred Hatter and Mr. K. J. Sims will also spend the Christ­ mas holidays in Windsor. Cpl. Carfrey Cann, who has been with the R.C.A.F. at Uplands, near Ottawa, has received his discharge from the airforce and returned to his home in Exeter last week. I Of for all men service be the and best Till Death ! Why Not We?” R. E. Pooley, President. K. G. Clarke, Sec.-Treas. Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter Are You Ruptured? OUR SERVICE IS DIFFERENT. WE SELL YOU A FIT IN OUR PRIVATE TRUSS ROOM. Trusses, Belts, Supports of all kinds. Hurondale Community Night The first community night pro­ gram was held in the Hurondale school on Dec. 8 with a good atten­ dance. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wood had been appointed as convenors of their group and under their excel­ lent leadership a good program was arranged. Mr. Harry Strang was the ( chairman of the evening. The pro­ gram opened with the singing of “O Canada” following this a varied program consisting of numbers from the school, a dutch auction and community singing. The special speaker for the evening was Mr. Bruce Mathison, of Clinton, who spoke on Agriculture, Past Present, and Future. Mr. Mathison’s address was very instructive. Vocal num­ bers were rendered by G. Chambers, I Pearl Murdoch, J. Elliot, B. Fink- beiner and piano selections by Max­ ine Parsons, Helen Dignan and Pearl Murdoch. These musical and vocal numbers were very much en­ joyed by all as was a club swinging I number -given by Mr. Charles Cow- j en. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jeffery • were then called to the platform and presented with a Trilight lamp and a table by the section. I The address was read by Russell Ferguson and the presentation was made by Wm. Rowcliffe and Earl Mitchell. Mr. Jeffery replied in a ’ fitting manner and the audience sang “For They are Jolly Good Fel-' I lows”. Arrangements were made ", for the next program to be held in Jan. Mr. Lilia and convenors After the King”, lunch was served and enjoy­ ed by all. I Go?don Oke and Misses Della Oke were appointed for the Jan. program, singing of “God Save The SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Over IS years experience. Your drugs at I ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter First Mortgage Loans If additional money is needed to help you buy a productive farm, send its particulars* Possibly wo can assist yoti through our loaning department. Attractive terms. AH inquiries treated confidentially. Huron&Erie MORTGAGE CORPORATION London Windsor St. Thomas Chatham WE ARE WISHING one and all at this Joyous Season a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year Your patronage has meant much to us during the year* R. E. Russell Radios and Electrical Supplies Luggage I I MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. J. Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs, A. Y, Willard. Organist 11 a,m.—-Pubfip Worship and Church School. ‘Christ’s Birthday'. The Minister, p.m.—Candlelight Service, The Minister. The choir will render Christmas music at both services, A Merry Christmas to All. 7 t WITH AN EYE TO GOOD GROOMING AND BETTER PERMANENTS. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Phone 146 Phone 146 WINTER FOOTWEAR 1,2 and 4-buekle OVERSHOES ■ Men’s and Boy’s MACKINAW RUBBERS PLAIN OVER RUBBERS SPORT CLOGS MEN’S OXFORDS, Block or Tan prices reduced to suit see them. Leather hockey laces, Cotton hockey laces colors—white, blue, yellow, green and brown. Skate Sharpening a specialty, crosswise or longitudinal, hollow grind. Having installed new machines we are able to take care of your skate sharpening. and Rubber Repairing while you wait. those rubber boots, rubbers galoshes resoled and heeled, makes them like new. your pocket, any lengths, in various black, Shoe Have and Wuertb’s Cash Shoe Store Christmas CONCERT S. S. No. 2 Hay on Friday, Dec. 22 at Under the Junior 8 p.m. auspices of the Red Cross Admission: 2 5c and 15c Cbie i I i BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS We extend our heartiest wishes to all our many friends and customers. To each of you we extend our most heartfelt Christ­ mas Greetings and the hope that 1945 will be for you a year of great joy. W. G. SIMMONS Woods and Beaver j Grinders j ocze IOE3O ( Rev. A. B. Irwin. B.A, Mrs. Wm. Murdoch, A.L.O.M. Organist and Choir Leader Christmas Services a.m.—Morning Worship. “Some Revelations of Christmas.” p.m.—-Open session of the Church School, Christmas program. p.m.—Christmas in Song and Story, “The Shepherd Who Knew Better.” Carols and Chorals by the Choir. Everyone Welcome Wed., Dec. 20th—Midweek Service .in James St. Church, Rev. N. J. Woods. 11 3 7 11 7 i t Our thoughts turn to the age-old greeting: “Peace on Earth, Men of Good Will”. And as We Extend every good wish everyone it is with the sincere prayer that in 1945 all of us may enjoy peace in a troubled world, and that we may achieve a happier and fuller life at home. to to TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A- Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader. Mr. Middleuiiss Christinas Sunday a.m.—Sunday School: Christmas Carols and Christmas Story. p.m.—-Christmas Service: “The 1 First Christmas Eve”. Holy Communion Christmas Eve at 11.30? All are welcome. 8 p.m., Friday, Dec. Christmas party. 22—A.Y.P.A. ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A.. B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock. Organist Lawrence A. Wein, Choir Leader 10 a.m.—Christmas Message. 11 a.m.— Church School White Gift Offering. 7.30 p.m.—Christmas Program. Everyone welcome PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Pastor Study, School Con- H. T. Kendrick, Wed, 8.3 0 p.m.-—Bible Leader, Mr. S. Cann. Fri. 8.30 p.m.—Sunday cert. Sun., 2 p.m.-—Sunday School. Supt. E. 'Cudmore. Come and bring the children. Sun., 3 p.m.—“In A Manger” the Pastor. , The quartette will sing. Sun., 7.45 p.m.—“What did Star tell the Wise Men.” Are you interested in Astrology. Come and hear this timely message. Mrs. Ruth Durand from the Bible School will be the Soloist. by I 1 WWW Southcott Bros. Main Street W.M.S. The Main St. W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. 14th. The meeting was opened Hymn 55, prayer by Mrs. Pen- and the Lord’s prayer in uni- The president welcomed the Medd on Thursday the Give Season Ticket as Xmas Gift A season ticket for skating at P^O1jtonr the Exeter Arena will make a very] " acceptable Christmas gift for any boy or girl. Public School student’s ticket $1.5 0; H.S. student’s ticket $2.5,0; adult $3.00. Tickets may be secured from Mr. Medd, The Times-Advocate or at the Arena. With Monday and Tuesday of next week being a holiday the Times-Advocate will not be publish­ ed until Thursday. Dec. With rose son. visitors. The roll was called and the minutes read. Mrs. Layton was el­ ected president in • place of Mrs. 4 Jaques' who resigned. Mrs. J. Hind is the new Secretary with Mrs Lam­ port assistant sec. It was agreed to have new programs printed. A letter of thanks was read from Mrs. JL Horton. Collection was taken up which was generous. There were ! 178 calls and a number of treats (made to sick and shut-in during the year. It was moved we send Mrs. H. a shower of Christmas, cards. The Christmas program was carried out, a candlelight service with Mrs. Hind, Mrs. Sims, Miss Hackney, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Lay- ton, Mrs. Woods and Mrs. Martin taking parts with Mrs. Medd at the piano. A very lovely lunch was ser­ ved followed with grapes and home made candy and the meeting closed. Pentecostal W.M.C. was OE3O LAST MINUTE PICK-UPS! SCOE3OE [oraoK . $2.69BABY TODY SUITS, Pink and Blue COMMODES .......................... 98c KIDDIES* PYJAMAS ....... 89c BOYS’BOYS’ PARKAS 2-TONE WINDBREAKERS Green and Sand Heavy warm Melton Broken Sizes $3.69 $9.95 . SCARFS, GLOVES, TIE & HANKIE ENSEMBLE Giris’ and Kiddies’ Black and Wille Ski Pants jackets to match A few Leather Coats left $9.95 6 to ioMen’s Felt, Foxed Shoes, all sizes $3.49 held MEN’S PARKAS Heavy Lined, reg, $13,05 and $12.95 (MAKING AT $10.95 ■ Girls’ Scarf BANDANNAS Printed designs and frilled, all colors 49c and 69c A NICE STOCK. OF O'COATS' Hog, $25.00 Value $19,75 Boys’ BreOks, wool and Whipcord Wishing Everybody a Very Merry Christmas GEORGE WRIGHT Phone 243w 3OE3OE CLOTHING and SHOES 3OE3OE Phone 243w 3OE3OE Our best wishes go to all for a Merry Christmas. 'Phis Christmas our thoughts are with our men and women in the Armed Forces, together with our friends, old and new. TAMAN'S MEN'S WEAR The December meeting was in the church on December 14th. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Miller, the 1st vice-president, Mrs, G. Parker took the chair. The meet, ing opened by singing hymn “All for Jesus” after which Mrs. Wm. Cooper led in prayer. Roll call was answered by a verse of .Scripture on “The Second Coming of Christ.” Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, Business was then dealt with. No more quilting is to be done until the New Year, The secretary ig to send Christmas, greeting cards to shut-ins, also to send the money oil hand to the head office and to the secretary of Home Missions. Miss Della Peart then, .gave a very timely message On “The Second which proved helpful, We with a duet, His Purpose” and Mrs. E. quests were then made known and the remainder Of the meeting was Spent in prayer, Hymn “Draw Me Nearer” Was sung after Which Mrs, JS. Cudmore closed the meeting with prayer. Coining of Jesus,” very instructive and then were favoured “Go*d is Working Ottt hy Miss Della Peart Cudmore. Prayer re- With limited space this week bw- ihjt to Christmas advertising sever­ al reports and other items have had to he held over. ■1——lrnn-a Greetings of the /kt no time in the year are we all so receptive to that heart warming fellow-feeling which is really the most precious thing in life. Because we ourselves are so brim-fttl of the spirit of the season, we want to pass on onr own feeling of Well-being’ to.you. A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to alt The Huron Lumber Co* Exeter, Ontario