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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-12-14, Page 8
THE TIME^AQVOCAT£, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 1944 V’s Beauty Shoppe “SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO” All lines of Beauty Culture. Tel, 112 Exeter Vera Ct pecker, Prop. Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 Exeter Markets • I Wheat. $1.08. Oats 52c. Harley 69c. Creamery Butter 39c. Eggs A Large 31c Eggs, A Medium 29c Eggs, pullet 22c Eggs B 24c Dressed Hogs $17.15 Bonus A $4.00 Georgian Beauty Shoppe (Successor to Marion Pooley) Satisfaction Guaranteed M. Christine McCrae, Prop, Exeter Phone 245 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Minister Mrs. iL G. Cochrane. Organist a.m.—Sunday School, a.m.—Public Worship. —Th© Minister. ’ meeting of Women’s Missionary op Thursday, 3 o'clock at Jeckell. The will give the 10 11 0ift Suggestions tor Gbvistmas FOR LADIES:FOR MEN:CavenThe Pecember Auxiliary, Society will be held Pecexnber 14th, at the home of Miss Rev. Mr. MacLean Christmas message.11 LOCALS 1 i 1WEDNESDAY NIGHT — TONIGHT December’ 13 1 night only « 3 special featuresi word has been received that Tpr. IW. H. Ryokman has arrived in Italy. LAC Alden Walker who has been Stationed at Mont Joli, Quebec, has been posted to Jarvis. Mr. Earl Shapton was in Toronto last week attending the Federation of Agriculture Convention. Earl Schroeder, of No. 17 S.F.T S., Souris, Man., has been promoted to the rank of Flying Officer. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Southcot spent the week-end in London vis icing with their daughter Florence. Flying Officer Gerald Schroeder has recently arriver in India accor ding to word received by his parents. Mr. Leonard Greb has returned home after visiting with his broth er Gordon and other relatives at Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers and Mrs Dr. Anderson visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, R. L. Beavers, of Sarnia. Mrs. Bess Taylor, Nelson St. will have as her house guest fox’ the remainder of the winter, Miss Tillie Taylor, of Toronto. Miss Dorothy Green, nurse-in training at St. Joseph’s Hospital, was home Friday evening last for the H. S. Commencement. Mr. Wm. G. Walker, who has spent the summer on his farm neax- North Battleford, Sask., has re turned to Exeter for the winter. Mr, and Mrs. Percy Dunsford and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Genttner, and Mr. John Triebner spent Sunday with Qms, and Mrs. W. C. Dunsford at Forest. The Board of Directors of the Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co., met Wednesday at the office of the secretary-treasurer, Mr. B. W. F. Beavers. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Chambers, Billy and David, of London Twp„ visited on Sunday with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Winer and Mr. and Mrs. John Chambers. Messrs. Dawson Goulding, London, and Bill Weekes, Woodstock, were in Exeter Friday last attending the H. S. commence ment exercises and friends. Mr. Amos Darling, receiving Hospital, operation is getting expected. Rev. and Mrs. Trueblood Irene visited with Mr. and Wm. Cook on Friday and attended the annual meeting of cade's - - - - Church in the evening. Mr. Taber, Delve’s Delve’s F. Abbott. Mr. Delve was in Chicago on a business trip before coming to Exeter. Nominations for municipal office will be held Friday, December 22nd instead of the usual Monday, it be- Ung Christmas. So far there has been very little stir and an acclam ation for the old members has been suggested. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Penhale and1 Helen, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Penhale . and Doris, attended the wedding of Sgt. Robert J. Hannam and Miss’ Phyllis Bagnall in the Belmont! United Church, on Saturday, Dec. j „9th. Sgt. Hannam is a son of Mrs, i E. V. Hannam (nee Nettie Penhale) of Victoria, B.C. W. C. Harness, an Exeter old boy, has been returned as reeve of the village of Point Edward by a sweep- ing majority ovex* his opponent | David Ross, who attempted a muni cipal comeback after two years’ ab sence. Harness received 312 votes to his opponent's 125f The election created some interest as there were twice as many votes polled this yeai’ as there were last year. Mr. Elmore Harness, of town, is a broth er, Mr. in his but is ter, Mrs. Jos. Davis, here for a few days. Mr. Davis, Miss Jeanette and Bill, the week-end and Mrs. turned home with them, who is a nurse-ln-training at ronto General Hospital, is home on holidays,. Mr. W. Fisher, of Mont real, Who usually visits with his parents in December, spent a few, days here, returning home Tuesday, I “LOST ANGEL” A Metro-GoIdwymMayer Picture with MARGARET O’BRIEN, MARSHA HUNT and JAMES CRAIG «BERMUDA MYSTERY” starring PRESTON FOSTER THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY December 14, 15, 16 2 features IN SOCIETY’’ starring ABBOTT and COSTELLO and 66 “The Mummies Ghost with LON CHANEY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY December 18, 19, 20 l»“The Story of Dr. Wassef A technicolor feature starring GARY COOPER, LORRAINE DAY, SIGNE HASSO and DENNIS O’KEEFE Children of all ages taught Highland and International Dancing. Also Clog. Classes also private. Beginners in Bagpipe. * * Taught by Jean Linn Wilson, of Brantford. * *■ Applications taken at Box B, Times-Advocate. Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter FEEDING OIL When a Cod-Liver Oil goes ran cid, the vitamin content becomes almost depleated. Don’t use it. Don’t buy it. Get Robertson’s Poultry Animal not go tent is Cod Liver Oil. It rancid. The vitamin in every gallon. Your drugs at of of visiting with who has been in Victoria underwent an treatment London, uuuerwwu au on Tuesday morning and: along as well as can be! I and Mrs. Bible Class at the Com- James St. I i iDelve, ofand Mrs. Arto Alta., are visiting with Mr. mother and with Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I ---- - Snell’s Phone 100 WITH AN EYE TO GOOD GROOMING AND BETTER PERMANENTS. Tomlinson Hairdressing Phone 146 Phone 146 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. N, J. Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs. A. Y, Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—Public Worship and Church School. The Minister. 7 p.m.—Public Worship, The Minister. Wed, Dec. prayer Irwin. Thurs., 3 13, S p.m.—Midweek service in Caven, Rev, p.m,—W.M.S. Christmas Service at Mrs. W. G. Medd’s, JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH WINTER FOOTWEAR 2 and 4-buckle OVERSHOES Men's and Boy’s MACKINAW RUBBERS PLAIN OVER RUBBERS SPORT CLOGS MEN’S OXFORDS, Black or Tan prices reduced to suit see them. yonr pocket, any lengths, in various black, 11 3 7 LOVELY DRESSING GOWNS $5.95 to $7.50 PARKAS FOR BOYS AND MEN $12.50 to $14.95 RAYON PANTIES BY STANFIELDS 79c to $149 FABRIC and KID GLOVES 59c to $3.00 WARM ALL WOOL BED THROWS Red and Sand $9.00 NEW LEATHER HAND-BAGS Browns and Blacks $6.00 BEAUTIFUL'?, RAYON NIGHT GOWNS $2.00 BILTMORE HATS FOR CHRISTMAS $2.00 to $6.00 MEN’S LINED KID GLOVES $3,00$2.00 to HOUSE SLIPPERS $1,25 to FOR COMFORT $3.00 MEN’S SWEATERS In real good values $3.00 to $4.75 WHITE AND PLAID SCARVES $1.00 to $3.00 = and will con- ROBERTSON’S Phone SO Exeter S3* Red Cross News Shipping Report for Knitting—Army: sox; Navy: 33 pair ■pair sea boots, 16 16 pair mitts, 11 mitts, 10 scarves, Air Force: 2 T.N. Scarves, 2 pair gloves; washcloths. Sewing — British Civilian: 98 boys’ undervests; 95 child’s com binations, 16 boys’ trousers; Hos pital Sewing; 53 nurses* kerchiefs, 10 Terry Washcloths, 6 handker chiefs, 1 convalescent shirt, 1 men’s jpyjama; 10 Russian Relief; 13 large guilts; 3 crib guilts. * . # # ♦ The Executive of the Red Cross will meet Monday, December 18. Will the ladles, who knit please note that navy scarves should be 46 inches long. i December 1944 1 pair service service sox, 4 T.N. sweaters, pair hurricane 16 ‘pair gloves; sweaters, 3 11 knitted J B.A. A.L.C.M, Leader The Rev. A. B. Irwin. Mrs. Win. Murdoch, Organist and Choir a.m.—Morning Worship. Heritage of the Meek.’ p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. "White Gifts Services” p.m.—Evening Worship. "The Best is Yet to Be.” Mon., 8 p.m.—Y.P.U., Christmas program. I CHENILLE BED SPREADS $12.95 and $17.95 BRACES, TIES and GARTERS all neatly boxed. FEET and FANCY BOUDOIR SLIPPERS $1.00 to $3.00 MEN’S BROADCLOTH PYJAMAS $2.00 and $2.50 Visit Our China Department it arrived. Lovely new cups and many lovely pieces suitable for Leather hockey laces, Cotton hockey laces colors—white, blue, yellow, green and brown. Skate Sharpening a specialty, crosswise or longitudinal, hollow grind. Having installed new machines we are able to take 'care •of your skate sharpening. Shoe and Rubber Repairing while you wait. Have those rubber boots, rubbers galoshes resoled and heeled, makes them like new. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH After waiting weeks for this shipment at last saucers, teapots, fancy figures, glassware, and Christmas gifts.= and Wuerth’s Cash Shoe Store Special Christmas Dinner Rector, Rev. M. A. Hum Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader. Mr. Middlemiss 3rd. Sunday in Advent . a.m.—Sunday School. p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. "The,‘ Mission of the Church” p.m. Wed., (to-night) Union Prayer .Service in Caven Presby terian Church, Rev. A. B. Irwin, p.m. Thurs., Sunday School sup per and Christmas tree. p.m. Friday, Christmas Carol ser vice in the church. The choir of No. 9 S.F.T.S. Brass Band will furnish a pro gram of Christmas Hymns and ’Carols. You are cordially invited to come and join in the singing of these Christmas Hymns and Carols. 11 7 8 6 8 assisted by the Sunday, Dec. 12.30 to 2 p.m. MENU 17th SoupHomemade Vegetable or Tomato Juice Salad - Stuffed Celery - Dressed Roast Turkey Cranberry Sauce Whipped Potatoes Creamed Carrots and or Mashed Turnip Desserts Pie, Raisin Pie, Hot Mince Pie Christmas Pudding Chocolate, Butterscotch, Marshmallow Sundaes with Christmas Cake Coffee Milk Pickles with Peas Apple Tea Reservations would be appreciated but not necessary. <;• 75c per plate AVALON RESTAURANT Sgt, Norman Hannigan, who re cently graduated as a pilot with the R.C.A.F,, has returned home from Brantford and is now attached to the reserves and is liable to be called if necessary. Sgt. Hannigan was greatly disappointed at not go ing overseas following graduation. M Wm. Fisher, of town, who is I 89 th year, has not been well( improving again. His daugh-i . of Tara, was were down for Davis re-\ Jeanette, ITo-1 I I I Cornish—Gilmores A dUiet wedding was solemnized on Friday, December 1st., at 6.30 p.m., at the home of the bride in Mooresville, when Mrs. Ellen Gil* mour was united in marriage to William Cornish, of Exeter. Mr, add Mrs. Thos. McVey, of Moor ■wille, were the attendants and Rev. M. H. Elston officiated. Following the cer emony a sumptuous wedding dinner “was served with Misses Marion < Simpson and Verlyn Gilmour as ’ waitresses. Mr. and Mrs. Cornish ( will reside in Mooresville. ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH; Credit on M E. Reuber, B.A.-B.D.. Minister Airs. F. \V. Mo’-Jock. Organist Lawrence A. Wein, Choir Leader 10 a.m.—Morning Worship. 11 a.m.—Church School. 7.30 p.m.—Evening Worship. Friday, 8 p.m.-—E.Y.F, Welcome. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick. Pastor Wed., 8.30 p.m.—Bible Study, Subject, "Divine Healing.” Thursday, 2.30 p.m.<—Women’s Circle; speaker, Miss D. Peai’t. Friday, 7' p.m.—Crusaders Meeting. Friday, 8.30 p.m.—'Young People. Speaker, E. Prouty, Song lead er, S. Triebner. Sunday, 2 p.m.—Sunday School. Supt. Mr. E. Cudmore. Sun., 3 p.m.—Subject, "Boldness Approach” by the pastor. Sun., 7,45 p.m.—Subject, "Gospel! IN SPITE OF SCARCITY OF GOODS YOU WILL BE SURPRISED AT THE FINE ASSORTMENT WE HAVE FOR CHRISTMAS. fiiiiiiiiiiiiiniimtii .................................. Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday GOOD QUALITY DRIED APPLES Per lb....................................................... 11c FALCON BRAND TOMATO CATSUP gallon tins ............................... per tin 79c KELLOGG’S “ALL WHEAT” with free tumbler ................... 2 for 25c HEINTZ BEEFSTAKE SAUCE for Steaks, Chops, Gravies, per bottle 27c AYLMER APPLE JUICE per bottle 15c BRER RABBIT MOLASSES for your Christmas baking, in pound bottle ................... JAM (Apple and Peach) large jar ....................... 25c 34c MARMALADE (Orange and Grapefruit) large jar ............................................... 35c CALIFORNIA GRAPES large, blue Emperors, per lb. .25c Southcott Bros. Phone 16 Exeter James St. Mission Circle The monthly meeting of the James St. Mission" Circle was held on Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Jas. P. Bowey. The meeting was in charge of Irene Sweet and opened with a Christmas Respon sive service followed by a poem, “Under the Christmas Skies.” Mary Johns read a poem, “What Christinas”, _ song "Silent Night, was ’ given, was led by the president Ardys McFalls and the chapter of the study book, “West of the Date Line” was taken by Irene Sweet, Ardys Truths.” Cheerful singing. You.McFalls, Edna Swain and Olive are invited; come early. 'Parsons. Everybody joined in the singing of Christmas carols and the meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. then (Sifts tor Zlben of Acknowledgements Many more letters have been re ceived by the Exeter District War Time Committee overseas and each one contains the sincere thanks of the boys for the parcels sent them. .Could you help the committee by making a dona tion toward the parcels? Recent donations have come in from Jr. R.ed Cross, S, S. No. 2 Hay per Oscar Tuckey $4.50; Mrs." D. from the boys A. Anderson $5.00; Hay unit S. S. No. 2 $14.00. Only Nine More Shopping Days Till Christmas! • ....... . . ...-----.. ..... ... .... I We Have a Nice Line of Gifts to choose from. WRISTWATCHES WEDDING RINGS A DIAMOND RINGS GOOD ASSORTMENT OF GENTS’ SIGNET RINGS NECKLACES, BRACELETS AND LOCKETS GIRLS’ BIRTHSTONE RINGS, BROOCHES AND EARRI.NGS SILVERWARE AND CHINA GOODS Flee insurance oil all diamond rings for one year. “COME IN AND SEE OUR DISPLAY’’ COLE’S JEWELLERY Exeter, Ontaijfo a poem, “What is and_ the story of the Holy Night,” A business discusion with A lovely lunch wias served by the hostess. Main Street Auxiliary The regular monthly meeting of the Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Thelma Russell. Mrs. Layton took charge of the meeting and the first hymn was 4 80. The minutes were read and the roll called. It was decided that the Mite Boxes and be handed moved by onded by money on Missions and the W.A. Mabel Skin ner brought in the slate of •officers as follows: Honorary presidents, Mrs. Layton and Mrs. Woods; presi dent, Viola Sweitzer; vice-president, Vi. Hopper; secretary, Arabelle Tuclcey; ass’t sec’y, Alice Bowen; treasurer, Thelma Russell; ass’t treas., Eva Pearce; pianist, Merna Walker; ass’t pianist, Helen Dig- nan; Mission Band supt., Hazel Murray; ass’t, Mrs. Woods; Mite Box Sec’y-Irene Jensen, temperance sec’y, Eva Penrose; group leaders, Lena Willard, Mabel Skinner, Edith Blowes, Mabel Hookey; community friendship, Vivian Balkwill, Grace Lampman; #birthday box, Florence Lamport; press reporter, Hilda Turnbull; home sec., Eileen Frayne. Mrs. Layton paid a very nice tribute to Mrs. Woods fot her assistance during the year. The January meet ing Is to be helfl at the home of Arabelle Tuckey, Hazel Murray took charge of the worship and hymn 64 was sung. Psalm number 747 was repeated in hymn 58. Olive Finlay ing followed by hymn was read by Thelma treasurer's report was ~ close, followed ■•■by lunch. Donations were received for the bald, the talent money should in by Dec. 10th. It was Thelma Russell and sec Hazel Murray that the hand be divided between unison with gave a read- 53. A poem itusselL The given at the z MUFFLERS— We have a fine assortment of muff lers in gay patterns. They’re warm and smart. I JI P TIES— You are sure to find his favorite colox- and pattern assortment. HATS— An extra special hat fromMorgan display. in our generous gift would be a our well-stocked SUGGESTIONS— Handkerchiefs, Sweaters, OTHER Gloves. Suspenders, Hose, Shirts and many other excellent gifts in men’s ap parel. Taman’s Men’s Wear »