HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-12-14, Page 5Oil TlMESrAPVQPATl, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER M, 1944 TP W* Page 5 HENSALL PQN’T FORGET! Reeve and Mrs. E, Shaddick and family day. Miss was a Mattle Mr. John MacBeath was confined to his room last week with an at­ tack of pleurisy, Mrs. Cook, of Exeter, will be hostess for the W.C.T.U, meeting on Tuesday, December 13th, The annual meeting of visited in Margaret week-end Ellis, Goderich on Sun- Grieve,, of Blytli, visitor with Miss the W.M.S. of the United Church will be held on Thursday, Dec. 14th. Pte. Wesley Jones, of the R.C. O.C,, London, spent the we’ek-end with Mrs, Jones, Patsy and Larry. Lieut, Sam Rennie, of Chatham, spent the week-end at his home here with Mrs. Rennie and family. Mr. and Mrs. Casey Hudson and babe, of Goderich, visited on day with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. 1 son. Mr, and Mrs. Cline Flynn, of don, spent the week-end with latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Parkins. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson. St. Marys visited recently with Mrs Nelson Blatcliford and Mr Hudson, The Wohelo Class meets Sunday School room of the Church on Friday, December 15th. A full attendance is requested. Mr. Charles Henderson, a student of Knox College, Toronto, ed the services in Carmel terian Church on Sunday. Mrs. Bawden, of Exeter on Sunday with her son-in- daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ’ quhar and Graham. Mr. and Mrs. John Fishe: on Wednesday for Toronto where they will spend the winter months with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Thomson. At a recent banquet given the Hensail servicemen returned from overseas, Miss Gladys Luker, presi­ dent of the Women’s Institute, was presented with a the returned men. Missionary and vices were held church dresses service A. E. Sun- Hu d- Lon- the Jas. of Thos, in the United conduct- Presby- , visited ■law John and Far- left gold locket from Maintenance ser­ in the United on Sunday. Four short ad- were given at the morning by Mrs. A. Shirray, Mrs. Munn, Miss Elva McQueen and Mr. George Cowen. At the eve­ ning service lantern slides were shown on China and India. An in­ teresting feature was the school where Mr. is principal in India. Found Dead in Mrs, Walter McCully, well known resident of Hensail, was found dead in her home on Monday by neigh­ bors after failing to see her about as usual. She was formerly Helen Stewart, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, of Tucker­ smith. The deceased appeared to be in her usual health and was down town shopping the latter part of the week. She was a valued mem­ ber of Carmel Presbyterian church, a life member of the W.M.S., and will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends. Surviving is one sister, Mrs. (Rev. Dr.) Strang, Re­ gina. Private funeral service was held from the residence on Wednes­ day at 2.3 0 p.m. Interment in Hen­ sail Union Cemetery. Hensail Men Welcomed Home ' From Overseas Hensail Town Hall was filled to capacity on Wednesday evening for the public reception tendered nine local men returned from overseas. Mr. and Mrs, R. H. Middleton and Mr. Geo. Hess decorated the hall most artistically for with flags. Mr. W. 0. in a sing-song with Lammie at the piano, lections by Fit. Sgt. Ross and Sgt. Carroll, of Centralia airport, much enjoyed. A special number was played for LAC. David Sangster overseas. Dr. A. R. Campbell, presi­ dent of the War Service Committee, gave a brief address and called the returned men to the platform, namely Donald Walker, Donald Mc- Kaig, Jack Taylor, Harold Hedden, Ray Foster, Ivan Kipfer, Sgt. Ed. Norminton, PO. George Sangster, D.F.C., and Fit. Lt. Kenneth Pass- more. Reeve R. E. Shaddick gave the address of welcome and called each to come forward where they were presented with a gift. The the scene of Ben Smillie Home K 9 . 15th Shipka School Concert Best of Its Kind Dialogues, Readings, Drill, Quartette. Religious Pageant, Prayer,” Cast of This pageant has through the States from ,a Bible College, (Well while seeing). ‘‘Garden 15 travelled with a of characters, miles •group worth A (75 minute) PLAY “Pa’s New Housekeeper” (by members of community) Commences at 8.00 p.m. Worth 35c Admission “WELCOME” CREDITON Mrs. D. Mclsaac left on Friday for Montreal where she intends to spenq the winter with her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Earl Young. Mrs. Ada Kuhn, of Windsor, has returned home after spending over a week with her father and brother Mr. -Chas. KJenzle and Bruce, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Wolfe and two sons, of Detroit, visited week-end with Mr- and Eilber, Miss Mary Chambers, over Mrs, the Geo, who THAMES ROAD Miss Thelma Parker, of Seaforth, Hospital spent a few days with her parents last week, Mr, and Mrs, E. McIntyre, of London, spent the week-end witll Mr, nnd Mrs, Thos, Ballantyne, Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer Ferguson spent the week-end Mrs. W. Ferguson. An Aircraft from pert made a forced C. Miller’s field near the highway Friday of last week about 5 p.m. in DASHWOOD Pte, Glea Walper, of Nova Scotia spent a tew days leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Walper. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kellerman are spending this week in Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hopcroft are visiting in Toronto this week, Pte. Russell Tieman, of Camp Borden, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Tie­man. * Ml and Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen .............. _ {are visiting in parkhill this week, the afternoon. No one was hurt, the giso attending the funeral of the plane required somd repair work late Mr. W, Tait on Saturday, but is yet grounded waiting fori favorable weather conditions in or­ der to take off. The Federation of Agriculture under the direction of Mr, Johnston of Walton, presented various educa­ tional pictures in the basement of the Thames Road Church last Thursday; in the afternoon for the school children and in the evening for adults. There was a good atten­ dance both times. The Farm Forums met at the fol­ lowing places Monday night, Lum­ ley School House and the homes of Mr, and M'rs. W. Elford and Mr, and Mrs, Ray Cottle. Mr. James Simpson spent a few days in Toronto last week attending the Federation of Agriculture Con­ vention. Misses Ruby and Annie Simpson accompanied their father and visited with their grandmother Mrs. Flemming at Malvern, Ontario Several from this community at­ tended Commencement Exercises at Exeter High School Friday evening of last week. •Sunday services will be at the usual hour on Sunday. Church ser­ vice at 11.15 a.m., Sunday School at 1'0.15 a.m. and Mission Band during Church Service hour, Jack Duncan, of the R.C.N., who has been serving “Morden,” arrived days leave with week, Allan Coward, Mrs. with the Army London. The Sunday concert will be Road church on Monday evening, December 18th at 8.30 p.m. instead of Friday evening as previously announced. Adults 25 cents, child­ ren outside of S.S. 15 cents. The Christmas meeting of the Thames Road W.M.S. met at the home of M’rs. Wiseman on Wednes­ day afternoon of last week with 22 present. Mrs. Gardiner, 2nd. vice- president presided. Meeting opened with a hymn followed with prayei by Mrs. 'Gardiner. Mrs. Rhode read the Scripture. Roll Call was taken and minutes read. Mrs. Gardiner gave the report of the sick visiting and flower -committee. Business dis­ cussed. Program consisted of, a reading by Mrs. R. Cann, Mrs. Fer­ guson gave a reading on, “Legend of the Black Madonna”, a solo by Mrs. Harris, a reading by Mrs. S. Coward, a reading by Miss P. Dun­ can and a hymn was sung and Mrs. Mair gave a readin,g. Collection was taken. Hymn 53 was sung and meeting closed with prayer, Janu­ ary meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. S. Coward. A 10 cent tea was with Ml’. Centralia landing in and Air” Mr. To Top Your Christmas Dinner I Christmas Cake was taken seriously ill on Saturday is somewhat improved. Her many friends hope for a speedy and com­ plete recovery, Ml and Mrs. Lloyd Hey spent the week-end Detroit, Mr. H. K. meeting of the Insurance Co., in Zurich on Satur­ day. Mrs. Martha Smith returned to her home in Exeter after spending two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ■ Thos. Trevethick. The United Schoo) is holding mas celebration ember 18th at 8 tion this year will be in the form of a Christmas party to which all the members and parents are A program will be given different classes. Treats provided and lunch served. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Jeanette and Mrs. Herb with relatives in Eilber attended a Hay Township Fire You haven’t tasted Christmas calse till you’ve had ours, The delicious goodness of a Christmas .eake just can’t be beat for a good old fashioned holiday. They are made from the choicest ingredients and will stay tasty and good for a long, Jong time. Order yours today. Mrs. 8, P, Currie is visiting with her sister, Miss Christine McCrae, in Exeter, Mr. Jacob Gossman, of Port Hur­ on, spent the week-enij with his sister Ml and Mrs. Charles Rinker. Mr. Louis Rader is spending a few days in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. I" anti Mr, and Mi's. Oscai* Miller and family and Mr, and Mrs. Harring-1 ton Finkbeinei* and family were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Herb Krueger, in Zurich. Cpl? McLaughlin, of Grand Bend Airport, spent Sunday with Mrs. Edgar Restemeyer. The Christmas program Evangelical church will be Sunday evening, December The sacred concert, given by the Hendrick Memorial Band and the Lutheran choir on Sunday evening in the Evangelical church, was well attended. Cpl. Finlinson, of Cen­ tralia Airport, was the guest speaker. The collection to $65.00 which will go War (Service Board. A play put on by the lowship will be held in school on nights. The following is the December Red Cross shipment: 3 large quilts, 2 small quilts, 8 pair boys shorts, 8 combinations, 3 shirts, 2 layettes of 7 4 pieces, I box used baby cloth­ ing, 1 T.N. sweater, 1 pair gloves. The December meeting of the Evangelical Ladies’ Aid and W.M. S. was held in the church basement with Mrs. G. Wildfong in charge. The theme for the month was “World Friendship.” The meeting was opened by singing a hymn fol­ lowed by prayer. Mrs. G. Link gave two chapters of the study book, “West of the Date Line.” A duet was sung by Rev. and Mrs. Burn. Reports were given by the secretary and treasurer. Five dollars was voted to the War Memorial Hospit­ al. Christmas boxes are to be sent *to the shut-ins. Two new members (were received into the society. The (pastor, Rev. J. Burn presided for the election of officers which res- lulted as follows: president, Mrs. G. Link, 1st vice-president, Mrs. G. IWildfong, 2nd vice-president, Mrs. jH. Kellerman, recording sec., Mrs. ;C. Snell, assistant, Mrs. Art Haugh, corresponding sec., Ladies’ Aid treasurer, Currie, W.M.S. Haugh, pianist, assistant, Mrs. meeting closed the IHenry Krueger I SHORTBREAD FRUIT LOAVES This is the season to have on hand plenty of these goodies to treat your friends when they drop in. They’ll fairly melt jn your mouth. In order to get your extra tasty fruit loaves you’ll have to order early as our fruit is limited, They re full to overflow­ ing with goodness. Miss the A. hope presentation being made by Gladys Luker, president Women’s Institute. Rev, Brook spoke expressing the that each man returned would be given a square deal so they would not feel their sacrifices had been in vain. The ladies of the five hun­ dred club served refreshments. A silver collection amounting tq, $100. was taken for overseas boxes. The reception at the hall concluded with dancing, chestra. the hall banquet Sangster the five hundred club. Campbell, Reeve R. E Rev. R. A.Red Cro“ of the -Women’s Institute. Luker was the recipient of a gold locket, ■ a gift from the returned men. Arnold Circle Elects Officers The annual meeting of the Ar­ nold Circle was held in the school­ room of Carmel Presbyterian church on Monday evening in the form of a supper meeting served by the losing side in the recent contest. The president, Mrs. Melvin Moir, .presided over the program follow­ ing the supper. The opening hymn “Holy Night” by prayer by Mrs. lake. was of R. Music by Murdoch’s or- Prior to the reception in the men were served a at the home of Mrs. Jas. assisted by the ladies -of Dr. A. R. Reeve R. E. Shaddick, Brook representing the and Miss Gladys Luker, Women’s Institute. Miss was sung, followed Norman Stan- Matt. 2:1-12 L. Baynham. ilci Qin cr ’ * i the occasion Goodwin led Miss Greta Bagpipe se- were CASH for Eggs & Poultry MacDonald’s Produce Cromarty, Ontario All eggs machine graded. Purina and Pioneer feeds. Have our truck call. IMPORTANT CHANGES IN TRAIN SERVICE There Will be certain changes in train service between December 23rd and January 1st. Consult your local C.N.R. Agent for frill Information, Canadian National Railways Church Sunday its annual Christ- on Monday, Dec- p.m. The celebra- Mr, and invited, by the will be in the held on 17th. Schenk, Young visited in Kitchener on Saturday. The father and son banquet at Zion Evangelical church was a splendid success. Ninety-four fath­ ers and sons sat down to the well prepared fowl supper sponsored by the Ladies’ Aid. Special numbers from No. 9 S.F.T.S. and Milverton were enjoyed. Rev. F. M. Faist, a former son of Zion Evangelical church, theme “When The proceeds be used by much-needed the Ottawa. Valley district. son added to the program the is a Man Grown Up. from the supper the Ladies’ Aid medical supplies will for in on the Corvette home for several his parents son of Mr. Roy Coward, has and is last and upsigned training at Fifty-two times Merry Christmas —that’s what a Times-Advocate subscription will mean! School held Christmas in Thames Finlinson, .< was the amounted toward the Youth Fel- the public Thursday and Friday Middleton’s Bakery I -~N Christmas Suggestions in the furniture store A spring-filled mattress would be a nice gift for Christmas ? The scripture, read by Mrs. “Hark, The Herald Angels Sing," was sung followed by a piano in­ strumental by Mrs. Chas. Forrest. A special number on the program was the presentation of four life membership certificates to the fol­ lowing members: Miss Violet Hyde, Mrs. Lawrence Baynham. Mrs. Geo. Moir and Miss Jean McQueen. The presentation was made by Mrs. Mel­ vin Moir and the accompanying address read by Mrs. Roy MacLar­ en. The treasurer, Mrs. J. Farquhar gave the financial report which was very gratifying, had a record Laing presided of officers as president, Mrs. dent, Mrs. Melvin Moir; president, Miss Jean McQueen; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. secretary, treasurer, pianist, Mrs. D. E. McKinnon; ass’t pianist. Mrs. Norman Stanlake; I-Iome Helpers secretary, Mrs, Roy Bell and Mrs. A. Orr; Welcome and Welfare secretaries, Mrs. E. Fink and Mrs. Chas, Forrest; supply sec­ retary, Mrs. Hilton Laing. A com­ mittee was appointed to select a play for the coming year. The meet­ ings were arranged and the meet­ ing closed by singing “While Shep­ herds Watched Their Night” unison. the Circle having year. Mrs. Hilton over the election follows: Honorary H. Arnold; presi- lst vice- L. Roy Jack Baynham; MacLaren; Farquhar; Flo cks and the Lord’s Prayer WOODHAM W.M.S. Meets ' December was held Wm. By in the of meeting of at the home last Wednesday members and one The W.M.S. Mrs. Wm. Mills afternoon with 19 visitor present. The' president, Mrs. Fred Doupe, was in the chair and opened the meeting with a hymn and prayer and conducted the de­ votional part. A few minutes was taken in silent prayer in honor of a late departed member bur Mrs, the the Christmas story was read by Mrs. D. Johnson. Several selections of hymns were sung by the members with Mi‘s. Ira McCurdy at the piano. A reading by Mr, Wm. Mills and a candle service by. Mrs. Johnson with her assistants, Mrs. Frank Mc- i’s. Geo, Wilson, Mrs. Miss Louisb Hackney Wilson. The meeting usual way by prayer, a dainty lunch Mrs. Wil- Wynn, Following the business Delmar Johnson conducted Christmas program taken from Missionary Monthly. A lovely SHIPKA The Ladies’ Aid held their ember meeting Thursday afternoon December 7th at the home of Mrs. Verne Sharpe with eleven members and three visitors present. The president, Mrs. V. Sharpe, presided. The meeting was opened with sing­ ing hymn, “O Come All Ye Faith­ ful,” prayer by Rev. Trueblood, scripture lesson by Miss P. Keyes. The secretary, Mrs. M. C. Sweitzer, read the minutes of the last meet­ ing and the rOjll was called. Reports I were given by the treasurer. The business dent. A Mrs. Sweitzer, boxes and treats to the shut-ins at Christmas. Rev. Trueblood then presided over the election of offic­ ers. The officers for 19 45 are as follows: president, Miss Pearl Keyes, 1st vice-president, Mrs. J. Ratz, 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Geo. Love, secretary, Mrs. M. Ratz, assistant, Mrs. M. C. Sweitzer, cor­ responding secretary, Mrs. C. Rus­ sell, treasurer, Mrs. E. Keyes, assistant, Mrs. J. Ratz, missionary treasurer, Mrs. L. Finkbeiner, pianist, Mrs. V. Sharpe, assistant, Mrs. Geo. Love, flower comm., Mrs. Roy Ratz, Mrs. R. Love, Mrs. A. Finkbeiner, parsonage comm., Miss P. Keyes, Mrs. E. Keyes, Mrs. M. Baker. A short, program followed, an instrumental by Mrs. Geo. Love, a solo by Mrs, R. Love, a reading by Mrs. J. Ratz. Everyone joined in singing Christmas carols. The meeting closed with prayer. Christ­ mas gifts were exchanged and lunch was served by the hostess. Pte. Everett Russell, of London, spent the week-end at the home of his brother, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Cliff. Russell. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Taylor at­ tended the funeral of Mrs. Taylor’s sister on Saturday Bend Cemetery. Miss Reta Ratz, Military Hospital in iting at the home M Dec­ or Occasional Chairs; End-tables; Tables; Breakfast Sets; Child’s Book Ends; Table Ornaments; Chairs and many other articles found in a furniture store. We have a beautiful stock of coffee tables ranging in price from $5.00 to $28.50. We have a few Tri-lite lamps left. A good assortment of Table lamps and Bedroom Suites galore. Hassocks; Living-room Cribs; Baby Strollers; Baby Bathettes; High Shop at E. R. Hopper’s FURNITURE STORE, EXETER L. was taken by the presi- committee was appointed, Finkbeiner, Mrs. M. C. Mrs. C. Russell to send and Mrs. Jacob last to Grand of the is vis- R. N.-, Ottawa, of her parents, Ratz. CENTRALIA Miss Marie Buswell, of St. , spent the week-end with her Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bus- Thom Benediction. Mrs. D. Tieman, Mrs. S. P. treasurer, Mrs. M. Mrs. M. Klumpp, Ken McCrae, with ' a hymn The and ELIMVILLE Pot Luck Supper On Friday night of last week the Adult Bible Class and Young People’s Bible Class held a pot luck supper in the church basement with about forty-five in attendance. The election of officers for both classes was held with the following results, Adult Bible Class: Alvin Pym, Vice-pres., ner, Ass’t Sec’y, Mrs. Will Johns, Treas­ urer, Mrs. Horace treas., Ruth Skinner, ........... . Will Johns, :Mrs. Beatrice Dixon entei tained ji Delbridge, \v uutun mr, av. a number of neighbours to a quilt- B< Pooley, Mr. Chas. Johns, Mrs. J. x , Woods,Corbett was taken Skillner Hospital, London, peopie>s’ last. His many Besc.jp a speedy recovery.1 Wm. Prest spent with Mr. and Mrs. was served and a social time spent over the tea cups. Don’t forget the Sunday School Social evening and Christmas tree to be held in Brinsley United Church basement on Wednesday evening, December 20tli. The rite of baptism was adminis­ tered in Brinsley United Church •on Sunday last by Rev. A. S. True­ blood. The children of Cpl. Arthur and Mrs. and Mrs. Roland Neil were baptized. Mrs. President, Mrs. Ruth Skin- Secretary, Mrs. Alvin Cooper, and Mrs. Hodgson, Mr. Jack Hodgson and Mr. Delbridge, Ass’t Mrs. Allen Johns, Teachers, John Ridley, Mrs. Johns, Mrs. H. Bell, Dora j. William Johns, Mr. R. phone 99 KHIVA Teacher and pupils are busy practising for their Christmas con­ cert which will be held in the school on Friday afternoon, Decem- ber 15th. Everbody welcome. Mrs. Wm. Mason and Gerald spent the week-end with relatives in. London. Mr. and Mrs. Pius Dietrich were in London on Friday. Mrs. John Glavin and Joan, of Mount Carmel, spent the week-end. at the home of her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Louis Ziler. Naughton, Mr Jas. Squire, : and Mrs. closed after served B. in the Which by the hostess. White Gift Service White Gift service was was heldThe last Sunday morning ill the church auditorium, Miss Rhoda Thomson read the Scripture lesson; a poem by Kenneth Mills; a reading by Miss Florence Kirk; a lovely solo by Mrs. Kenneth Langford; a read­ ing by Miss Loreen Jacques. The Young Peopled choir sang several beautiful anthems arid Rev, A. Laing gave a special address after which the White gifts Were collected In a large white basket by four little girls. The saine mowiihg a special collection *was taken Queen’s Fund, with School donating ten The Young People dud scholars are’ busy practicing for. the Christ­ mas concert Which is to be held hi the Orange Hall M'ohday evening, December 18th. as. parents, well. Misses Beatrice and Helen Essery of London ents, Mr. and week. Mrs. George son, ivrr. and Port Colbourne. Mr, ‘ and Mrs. J. Pollard visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ravelie at Grand Bend. Mrs. Keil Hodgins attended funeral of her uncle, the late Mitchell, in London last week, School Christmas held On Tuesday, visited with their Mrs. W. Essery par­ last her Cecil Flynn at Flynn is visiting Mrs. The Sunday concert will be Dec. 19, Miss Margaret loo, visited her week-end. Mr. and Mrs. L. the H. Cook, of Water- parents over the up for the the Sunday dollars. Dunn, of Hensail, visited Friday with Mr, and Ray Lammie. ML and Mrs. Kdn Hedging family friends The ___ „ W.M.S. is postponed and will members bring in their cent-a-meal money in a separate envelope on the evening of the pageant, E»eC. 24th. spent the week-end in Walkerton. December meeting of Mrs. and with the the ing last week. Mr. John B. to St. Joseph’s on Wednesday friends hope for Mr. and Mrs. Sunday evening Fred Fenton. Major Baker, Sunday with his land Neil. Mr. and Mrs. St. Marys, spent a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Wes. Watson. Mrs. Marwood Prest spent a few days last week with Mrs. Beatrice Dixon. The monthly meeting of the Ladies’ Guild, of St. Marys Angli­ can Church, Brinsley, was held at the home of Mrs. Ed. Faulder on Wednesday last. | Mrs. Wilbert Sholdice entertained a number of ladies to a quilting at her home on Tuesday last. The quilt being for Mrs. Kerr, of the Hostess House of No. 9 S.F.T.S,, Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. James Trevethick spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Hess, of Zurich. Miss Mary Lee, of Exeter, spent the week-end With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lee. Mrs. Laura Blake, of London, spent the week-end with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Cecil Hartle. S. S. No. 6 McGillivray will hold their annual school concert on Thursday afternoon, December 21st under the leadership of their teach­ er, Mrs. Murray Hodgson, of Cinndeboye. Mrs. Margaret Ainos, of Wood- stock, U home here, u I , We are sorry to report that Mr. ma ,, Alex Greenlee is in very poor;" ’yU1’u health, The W.A. and W.M.S. of Brins­ ley United Church held their regu­ lar monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, Newton Wasnidge Oh Wednes­ day last With group four in charge. Horace Delbridge, Delmar and Will Routly. Young Bible Class: President, Johns, Vice-pres., Doreen ot; Shipka, spent daughter, Mrs. Ro- Coultis, Secretary Leona Pym, Ass’t « Sec’y, - - - - ‘‘jack Bailey, ■■ John Kennedy, of Marion Murch,, Treasurer, ass’t treas., Jim Sin­ clair, Sick visiting com., Eilene and Ethelene Johns, Social com. Doreen Coultis,.- Ethel Pooley, ass’t social com., Isabelle Cooper, Dorothy Shirley Marion school held in the church next Fri- A splendid program is Christinas concert Johns, Coultis, Murch. The will be day night, being prepared. Congratulations to Ml*, and Mrs. Howard Johns on the arrival of a daughter on Monday. KIRKTON Rev, and Mrs. G. P. Parsons, St. Marys, and daughters, called a number of old friends in the vil­ lage, Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. Par­ sons were residents of the village a number of years age. The Young Married Ladies’ Sun­ day School ill Kirkton day night, December 7th, Of Country Kids” the Avonbank Young People’s Soc­ iety and Was largely attended. Mr. Russell Morrison, of Camp Borden, spent the week-end at his home in the village, Miss Joan Parker, of London, spent^the week-end*- at "her the Week-end with her moth- j er, Mrs, Geo, Hall, of on class sponsored a. play Aberdeen Hall Thiirs- “A Pair was presented by i Mrs, Morman Jaques • and family, of Elimville, visited With Mr, and Mrs. Win, M6br this week, Miss Marion Francis Ethel Blackleg Normal School the week-end at their homes. and MisS who are attending in Stratford, spent Classified Advertising pays in­ Results.—Others have benefited by it, why not you? MADE sv B7 Maybe a “perfect” hatch is a bit far-fetched, but we do claim that you can get a better and surer hatch every time 1 There’s no profit in low-hatching eggs. You’ve got to be able to point to a high-hatching record to get the best price for your hatching eggs. Breeding flocks must have a breeding mash high in Ribo­ flavin. SHUR-GAIN Hatchmaker Concentrate is made With top quality liver meal, the richest source of this vitamin available. With all hatcheries expecting to be -working at their maxi- mum capacity this spring, you can’t afford to waste time and money on infertile eggs. SHUR-GAIN Hatchmaker Concentrate custom mixed at your local SHUR-GAIN Feed Service Mill with your own ground grain makes a Perfect Match-—adequate in every way to assure you of as near perfect hatches as modern feeding knowledge makes pos­ sible. Shur-Gain Hatchmaker Concentrate SOLD BY Cann & Sons, T. B. Allen, Lackie Bros., Exeter Farquhar Whtden