HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-11-23, Page 5if*. Have You Seen Our Stainless Enamelware We have op our shelves a splendid assortment of stain" Jess enamelware in various colors of white, and red, white and blaek, ivory and green, ivory and red and some pearl. Here’s an answer to one Christmas box and an attraetive> practical one at that. Regent stainless enamelware resists the effects of acids and tractive. A large variety elude; stains, stays of pieces to bright, clear and select from which at- in- THE T1MES-ADV0CATE, ONTA W, THU WAY MOBNING, NOVEMBER HENSALL Mlchle spent the relatives in Lon-< of Windsor', yisit- his mother Mrs. Munn, of London -—Rousting Pans <—Potato Kettles —-Kettles —^Saucepans —Double Boilers —Pudding Pans —Dish Pans Kettles^Tea *—Appartment Sets —"Cups Wash Basins —Wilk Paps —Pie Plates Covered Saucepans Miss Barbara week-end with don. * Mr. Ed Berry, ed recently with Ann Berry. Mrs.' Gorcion T. spent the week-end with her par­ ents,, Mr, and Mrs* Robt. Munn, Keith Buchanan, of the R.C.A.F., Trenton, spent the week-end here with Mrs. Bpchanan and relatives,Mrs. Catherine Devlin visited re-' cently with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Cor­ bett and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cor­ bett, The many Walks regret confined to her room owing to ijl- pess. ’ . Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin, of Thames Road, visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. Roy MacLaren and Donald. Miss Norma Cook, of Western University, London spent the week­ end with her parents, Mr. and N. E. Mr fined week Mr frjends of Mrs, P. to hear she has been pURINA LONDON Second Year of Triumphant Revival! THE WORLD’S MOST FAMOUS GOSH ! HERE IT IS NOVEMBER NOW! SHIRK I NEARLY HERE! AT WORK I Mrs, FOR MORE EGGS If you’re interested in top­ quality eggs that will bring in extra profits supplement your scratch grain with Purina Lay Chow, It pays to balance your grain with this egg­ producing chow. The only extras you need are grit and Purina oyster shell. $3.15 per 100 lb. bag Hardware JXJO MON.-TUE.-WED. * November ^27-28-29 WED. MAT. Cook. j. W. Ortwein has been to his room during the owing to illness. A. duties at following Gordon following eph’s Hospital, London, and is im­ proving in. health. Mr. Wm, Foster who recently underwent an operation in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on his hand is improving. Mrs. Stewart Rosser and Mrs. Zavitz, of Denfield, visited during the week-end with their brother- in-law, Mr. A. L. Case. Ray Ingram, nine-year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Ingram, was tak­ en to Victoria Hospital, London, suffering with infantile paralysis. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Sanders', Teddie and Freddie visited recent­ ly with Mr, and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman and little Dashwood. Mrs. C. E- Kennedy, < Newfoundland, and Barbour, of Ottawa, their home’ after a pleasant with their parents, Mr. and Jas. Hoggarth. Miss Brandon, of Bayfield, been engaged as teacher at con- past I his depotL. Case resumed the local C.N.R. < several months leave. Campbell returned home an operation in St. Jos- CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. Lome Gamer, of St, Marys, visited op, Tuesday with Mr. John Gaiser and Clara, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Bowman, of Woodstock, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, E, Oettinger, Mrs. Jos. Finkbeiner was taken to Victoria Hospital on Monday where which prove Mr sail, _ ............... .......... Mrs, Wm. Roeszier and family, Mr. Edward Schenk, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Schenk, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Finkbeiner, of Exeter, visited with .Mr, and Mrs. Schenk on Sunday, A very impressive service was held in the United Church on Sun­ day evening when the new officers of the Y.P.U. were inducted. Rev. Trueblood delivered a very uplift­ ing sermon choosing for his text the old familiar John 3-16. Fol­ lowing the sermon, Mr. Trueblood and Mr, Lawrence Schwartz render­ ed and appropriate duet entitled “His Love is Wonderful to Ale.” Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mawhinney^ Mrs. Ch s Haist, funeral Haist, she will receive treatment her many friends hope will beneficial. and Ml's, M. England, of Hen- spent Sunday with Mr. and and son Edgar and 3 Haist and Miss Lillie Crediton, attended the the late Mr, Albert J. Ridgeville on Sunday. The annual- meeting United Church Young' ■s. T. . daughter at of St. John’s, Mrs. Stuart returned to visit Mrs. With the Same Company and Production That Broke a 20-Year Box Office Record Last Season at Toronto’s Royal Alexandra MAIL ORDERS NOW! %ps^sD Box Office Opens Friday, November 24, at 10 a.m. EVENINGS: Orch.—$2.40, $1.80; Bale. $2.40, $1.80, $1.20 WEDNESDAY MATINEE AU Seats $1.20 Tax Inc. Make Cheques Payable to Grand Theatre, London. Enclose Stamped, Self-Addressed Envelope for Return of Tickets Out-of-Town Cheques Must include Exchange asn has the Public School of Grades IV and V, and will commence her duties the beginning of December. Arnold Circle The Arnold Circle, of Carmel Presbyterian church are holding a bazaar and tea in the school room of the church on Saturday Dec. 2nd at 3 p.m. Aprons, towels novelties and many other useful articles will be for sale. Plan to • attend the baz­ aar and solve the problem of your Christmas gifts. The Sunbeam Mis­ sion Band are also having a special booth and have a various ment of articles. Wohelo Class Meets The Wohelo Class met school room of the United on Friday evening with Miss Gladys Luker presiding. The meeting open­ ed by singing “It came upon a midnight clear” followed by prayer by Ross Forrest and the Lord’s Prayer. The minutes, Roll call and collection were taken. Miss Goodwin read the Scripture 1-17. The Devotional was Miss Elva McQueen. The “Co-operation” was ably Edison Forrest, Arrangements a social evening to be held Dec. 6th. were made. Miss Gladys Luker favored with a meeting closed Save the King” and the benedic­ tion. A social hour followed. assort- WE CAN’T AFFORD TO THE HOLIDAYS ARE WE SHOULD BE BACK There's a SHORTAGE! In November, especially, there’s a seasonal shortage of bottles and cartons I Naturally this tends to slow up deliveries from plant to store during the holiday season. So . * .please, return your empties promptly to your nearest Brewers’ Retail Store.. * they can be used over and over again. Brewing Industry rio) of People’s Union was held in the church base­ ment, present. as Rev Mack sec, trees , ist, Elaine Mitchell lowship, Mrs, missionary convenoi* Christian citizenship, Ted Chambers Christian culture, Lawrence Swartz recreation convenor, Donald Kestle press representative. Eunice King. The next meeting, Nov. 23rd, be in the form of a social mencing at 8.15 o’clock. November 17 th, with 18 The officers were elected follows: Honorary president, Trueblood; president, Bryce vice-president, Kay Russel; Betty Mawhinney; pian- christian fel- Nelson Lamport Edith Hill Admission to Concert 50c PROCEEDS FOR A NEW GRAND STAND. W. C. F. Oestrieher, Pres. com- mvumi mr CONCERT and DANCE Exeter Arena will be held, in the ■ Concert will begin 8 p.m. Friday, December 1st ; Dancing at 945 " ■■ ’a ■' .... , * 4 £3 ■. Fred Funk and his Variety Entertainers will give a versatile program that will provide?, some wholesome entertainment. DANCE WILL FOLLOW THE PROGRAM WITH MUSIC BY FRED FUNK’S BAND Admission to Dance 50c Under the auspices of the Exeter Agricultural Society. KIPPEN and Mrs. Joseph Luiden of Denfieldd and Mrs, and Jos- Mr. Verna, eph Carter , of Clandeboye, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons on Saturday. Mrs. W. Alexander spent a few days last week with her Mrs. Dilling, in London. Mrs. A. Gackstetter, of ! as, spent the week-end uncle and aunt, Mr. and Horney. Mrs. Stacey, of Exeter, the winter with Mr, Horney. daughter, St. Thom- with her I Mrs. W. ing W.J. is spend- and Mrs. holi- Mrs. in the Church KIRKTON Mr. Grahafnf ^df Toronto, is daying with his daughter Rev. W. D. Goodger at the parsonage. Mrs. Amos Doupe', of St. Marys, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Doupe in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Gregory, of St. Marys and Sgt. H. Gregory, of London, were Sunday guests , with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCurdy. Mrs. S. Tufts received word of the death of Di*. A. J. Tufts, of Re­ gina, who passed away Friday Nov. 17, after 50 years of service in the Methodist Church and 'United Church. He was the the late Thos. Tufts of this and a Tufts. Mary Matt, taken topic taken pip.no solo. The by singing “God brother of the late later the son of village Mr. S. Cousins Celebrate and Mrs. Gordon RathburnMr. and son George attended a birthday celebration in honoi’ of Margaret and Dorothy Irvine and Master George Rathburn, of Granton, at the home of Reeve Mr. Alex Irvine and Mrs. Irvine on Sunday. CROMARTY DASHWOOD Mrs. E. E. Tieman and Mary Ann who spent the summer here have returned to Barrie. Mrs. Louis Ziler and son, Peter, visited relatives in Kitchenei’ and Waterloo the beginning of AC2. George Wolfe, of spent the week-end with ents. Mr. and Mrs. Morley and twins of ''Hensail, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman. Gnr. Albert Miller, of Niagara, spent a week-end leave with rela.’ tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hopcroft ana Russell spent the week-end with relatives in Listowel and Clifford and also called on hei* father, Mr. Henry Hopf in New Lowell. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hopcroft re­ ceived word that theii* son Fred has been promoted to First Class Chief Petty Officer. There will be a Red Cross Dance in Gossman’s Hall on Wednesday evening, November 29th. Murdoch’s orchestra will supply the music. Everybody welcome. Rev. Cleave, of Grand Bend, oc­ cupied the pulpit in the Evangelical church last Sunday evening ’foi the annual thankoffering service of the W.M.S, Mrs. Gar vie and son Ronald, of Dashwood, spent tlxe past week-end with Capt. and Mrs, B, Garvie in Pt. Edward. On Sunday evening, November 26th, Mr. J. C. Heideman, of Strat­ ford, will be the guest speaker in the Evangelical church. His subject will be “Harriesslrig the Mali Fowor Of the Church”. All xhen are es­ pecially reqU0st0d: to attead service. The ltiaie ehoi'iis will sing, The Evangelical ChristinaSi pro* gi’atrf will be held On Sxiiiday eve­ ning, December 17th. Mrs, John Scott and Mrs. the week Toronto, his par- Saunders this Dun­ can McKellar returned home last week from Camp Borden where they visited for a week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott and family. Mr. Ramsay, of getting ready for giving his house shingles. Also Mr. lar is erecting a porch over his front door which adds greatly to the appearance of his already attractive home. Mrs. SurSdahl, who has been vis­ iting in the West, returned home last week and seems to be very pleased .to get back to her own domicile. She reported as having some snow before she left Boharm. We are sorry to report Calder McKaig is on the We hope for a speedy The summer flu is in some localities. Our bus driver is and is along at tile each morning so, ready.” the village, is the winter by a new coat of Duncan McKel- new up-to-date very CENTRALIA A Crokinole .Party, under the aus­ pices of the Young People’s Union, will be held in the schoolroom of the church on Friday evening, Nov. 24th, at 8.30 p.m. Admission 20c. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, Mr. and Mrs. S. Spence and son, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden on Sunday. Mrs. W. Hodgert, visited over the Mrs. Thos. Willis. Mr, and Mrs. J. Sunday with Mr. Graham, at Parkhill. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Lightfoot and family visited with Mr. Mrs. W. Baker in Goderich on day. Mrs. T. Boyes was a Sunday tor with her sister, Mrs. W. Bow­ den. Miss Wilda Pollock, R.N., of Kit­ chener, was a week-end guest with her sister, Mrs. Lome Hicks. Miss Mjildred Elliott, R.N., of Oshawa/ visited with hex’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott last week. Mrs. Robert Smith and Marlene spent the week-end with friends at Delhi. School re-opened on Monday hav­ ing been closed for the past two weeks owing to a chicken pox epi- •demic. Misses Eva and Pearl Merriam, of London, and Miss Robena Merriam, _of Delhi, were week-end visitors with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. Merriam. The W.M.S. held their November meeting in the schoolroom of the Church on Tuesday evening of last week with Miss Flossie Davey pre­ siding ovei’ the Worship Service. The Programme was followed as printed in the Missionary Monthly. Mrs. Wickwire gave the chapter in the study book in a very interesting manner. She stressed the import­ ance of Mission work stating that every church member1 should be a menibei’ of the Missionary Society. Mrs. Hepburn presided over the business. In ordeiv to further in­ crease our funds it was decided that each member give for the month of December, ficers were coming yeai’ Penwarden, members to programme day evening ing charge of the musical part of the programme. This invitation accepted, close of Exeter, week-end with Pollard visited and Mrs. Don and Sun- visi- a cent a meal,” _ _ . The of- all re-elected for the , The choir leader, Mrs. invited the W.M.S. present their Christmas at the Christmas Sun­ service. The choir takJ- Lunch was served at of the meeting. was the 5 that Mrs. sick list, recovery., prevalent punctualvery appointed time “children be WHALEN and Mrs. Currie and Mr. of Winghanl, were and re- and KH1KTON REID CROSS SOCIETY Will hold a DANCE Mr Mrs. Orth cent visitors with Mrs. Ogden Mr. Currie. Pte 1st class Howard Morley, of Camp Maxey, Texas, With his parents, Mr. Morley. Mr-.- and Mrs. F, Friday evening with Hartwell Epplett, Of and Mrs. F.. spent Friday and Mrs. Win. in the• "I Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton Friday, Dec* 1st at 9.30 p.m. MURDOCH'S OltOHKSTRA Modern aftd Old Time Dancing Admission 40c Squire spent Mr, and Mrs. VJL Anderson. Mr* and Mrs. Frank Parkinson and Glenn visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Docking, of Munroe. The ladies of the United church held a. bazaar on Wednesday even­ ing. Following a short program the bazaar opened. Lunch was served. Proceeds amounted to $14.00. Mr. Geo, Arksey who has been a patient at St. Joseph’s Hospital for the past two Weeks, returned to his home on Wednesday. « George Hamilton and Andrew Arksey returned home from the West on Saturday, where they spent the past two months. Middleton’s Bread Makes Tasty Golden Brown Toast Breakfast just isn’t breakfast unless we have toast with our cereal, fruit, or jam. It rounds out the enjoyment of the morning meal. If you haven’t tried making toast with Middleton’s well sir, you’ve been missing toasting properties can’t be to making toast. So start the day off right; make ton’s bread you're toasting. And it that snack, too. Middleton’s a real treat. It’s beaten when it sure it’s Middle- goes good with bread, tender comes at theeggs a month ------------------------------------------------------ ii i nmiinimn a On grain alone., a “lien will produce 10 most. With three quarters o£ a pound of SHUR-GAIN EGMAKER CONCENTRATE added to the grain, the same hen can produce 20 Grade A eggs, a month. At 35c a dozen, 10 Grade A eggs are worth 29 cents. Three quarters of a pound of SHUR*GAIN Egmaker costs approximately 3 cents. Therefore 10 extra Grade A eggs cost you about three cents. You can make 26 cents, per bird per month extra by feeding SHUR-GAIN 35% EGMAKER CONCENTRATE. Make More Money on Eggs THE SHUR-GAIN WAY SOLD BY K Cann & Sons, T. B. Allen, Lackie Bros Exeter » Farquhar Whalen