HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-11-16, Page 4Bag® 4 GET YOUR BOY WALKER’S O’ALLS AND SMOCKS RUBBER BOOTS WITH INSOLES Mrs. Cliff London for BONDS MADE-TO-MEASURE $21.75 $24.75 $27.50 THE TIMES-ADVOGATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 16? 1944 Takes Lots of Energy Bread supplies BIRTHS ANDERSON — Hospital on 14, 1944, to Anderson of BROCK —At op Tuesday, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifton. Brock, of Elimville, a sop (John Orville), BUDDY—To Ml’, and Mrs. O. E. Hoddy (formerly Margaret Har­ ris), of Kitchener, on Tuesday, November 14, 19 4 4, a, daughter. ELDER—At Mount Hamilton Hos­ pital op November 9tli, 1944, to Elder a sop - At Dr. Fletcher’s . Tuesday, November I Mr. and Mrs. J times ' Usborue, a daughter Mrs. Hunter's home November 14, 1944, ban Classified Directory PLACE AN ADVERTISEMENT HERE AND WATCH RESULTS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE LOST AND FOUND Yes sir, whether you’re indulging in sport or whether you’re a business man or a housewife you burn up plenty of energy during the day. And this energy must be replaced with the proper food and rest. That’s why we recommend eating’ plenty of our delicious, nourishing bread, you with the lusting energy many other carbohydrates don’t provide and each loaf contains 600 International Units of that all important Vitamin Bl, the Vitamin needed to turn food into energy. e Bread is the Finest Natural Energy Food That You Can Serve Middleion’s Bakery A complete showing- of Infants’, Boys’, Misses’, Women’s and Men’s THE MOST PRACTICAL GIFT (Just Arrived) Elastic-side Romeos Women’s Felt Juliet Slippers SUEDE PUMPS - A FINE NEW SHOWING IN WOMEN’S AND YOUNG LADIES’ BLACKS and BROWNS. CREDITON EAST Mr. ; Exeter, Mrs. H. Mrs, Wm. tof < Fairfield, Mrs. Wilson Anderson Mr, and Mrs, Sam tended the funeral Thomas Baynham at on Friday, Mr. and urday for months, Mr. and ter Clara who have been living in Thedford, have moved into home they purchased from I Flynn estate. We back to our town. Pte. Alvin and London, spent the Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mr. and Mrs. Wm, of London, spent Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz. GEORGE WRIGHT SHIPKA On Monday, November 13 Shipka Farm Forum met in the school .house. It was suggested, "that the average farmer has too much land, that with smaller acreage and more efficient he could increase production.” ’Next Monday night we will again meet in the school house, this be­ ing review night we will have lunch. Miss Audrey Finkbeiner was appointed recreation leader for this meeting. Everybody is wel­ come. Mr, and Mrs, Lorne 0, (nee Gladys Passmore), (Kenneth Lome). HALEY—-At Dr. Fletcher’s and Mrs. Lloyd Fraser, of spent Sunday with Mr. and Lewis. Schroeder and family,1 spent Sunday with and Charles. I Baynham at-I of the late' Grand Bend j Hill left Sat-1 the winter! Mrs, J. Sims and daugh-j the the welcome them Mrs. Sims, of week-end with Sims. Heatherley, with Main Street Bazaar Realizes $230.00 ladies of the Main street church held a successful in the Canadian Legion on Saturday afternoon last The United bazaar rooms and realized the tidy sum of $230. There were a number of booths such as the gift shop, toy and child­ ren’s booth, apron, white elephant, cooking, miscellaneous and/Even­ ing Auxiliary booths. There was a brisk demand for the home baking and much more could have been sold. Afternoon tea was served. FOR SALE or trade on saxaphone, a guitai- (hardly used) with case. Apply John Plumtree, Clinton4t* Hospi­ tal op Friday November 10', 1944 to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haley, of Exeter, a daughter. McBRIDE—At Mrs, Farrell’s Nurs- [ ing Home, in Zurich, on Monday t November 13 1944, to Mr. and» Mrs, Bert McBride (nee May j Coward), a daughter. REGIER—-At Dr. Fletcher’s Hospi­ tal op Sunday, November 5, 1944 to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Regier, of Stephen, a son. MARRIAGES MILLAR — TURNBULL Thames Road Manse, on Satur­ day, November lltli, 1944 by the Rev. Mr, Mair, Ann Elizabeth, daughter of Mrs, Elizabeth Turn­ bull, Exeter, and the late Alexan­ der Turnbull, to David Watson Millar, eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Millar of Coun­ ty Antrim, Ireland. MITCHELL—STEEPER — At the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Steeper, McGil­ livray Township, Marion Loreen, to Mr. David Wesley Mitchell, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. David Mitchell, by Rev. F. L. Lewin, of Parkhill. DEATHS BAYNHAM—In McGillivray Town­ ship at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wilbert Mawson, on Wed­ nesday, Nov. 8, 1944, Thomas Baynham, beloved husband of the late Mary Jane Bestard, in his 80th year. POLLARD—At Centralia on Wed­ nesday, November 8, 1944, Nich­ olas Holmes Pollard, in his year. WISEMAN—Suddenly at his residence, lot 15, base Blanshard, ber 13, 19 44. Robert W. Wise­ man, in his 72nd year. WYNN—At St.’ Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Monday, November 13, 19 44, Helena M. Routley, be- of Wilbur Wynn, of in her 62nd year. OF THANKS of* the late N. H. Pol- thank all ■ their neigh- FOR SALE—Gent’s medium brown, striped spit, tailor-made, newest model, worn less than a year, ab­ solutely no marks, size 38. Apply to Harry Parsons or Times-Ad­ vocate. FOR SALP—Brick house, particu­ larly well located in Exeter, garage and small chicken house. Estate, Must be sold, C, V, Pick­ ard. FOR SALE—-100 acres level clay loam with full set of buildings, reasonably handy to school and Exeter, W. (C. Pearce, At the 8 5th late line, on Monday, Novem- LOST—In Exeter on Monday a gold Jocket and chain. Reward. Mrs. Leo. J. Hennessey, Exeter, phone 1‘15. 16c HOST-—Hereford bull calf, five mouths old, yesterday, Novem­ ber 14 th, strayed from lot 5, Lake Road. Kindly notify H. O'. Rivers, phone 129 Exeter, 16c FOR SALE---Out-door iron well pump and about 30 feet of piping in good condition, Apply to Mrs. T. Harness, Exeter, 16c FOR SALE—Gent’s donegal tweed topcoat, very good condition, size 38, reasonably priced. Ap­ ply to Arnold Lindenfield, Exeter. 16* FOR SALE—Child's pink snow suit, size 2, nearly pew. Also wicker baby buggy. Apply to Mrs. A. J. Woodcock. ’ 16* FOR SALE- highest .grade Frank Ryckman, R, 1 -Northern Spy apples, $1.50 per bushel. Hensail. 16c FOR SALE—Buick motor and grain grinder, in good working order. Apply to Homer Russell, Exeter, R. R. 1. 16* FOR SALE—Sprayed apples, Spy, Russet, Greening, Peewalkee, Spitzenburg and cider apples. Apply to Fred Mc'Clymont, Varna, Ont, 16:23:30* &WANTED WANTED—-A round folding table. Kindly leave word at the Times- Advocate. 16c WANTED—A coloured glass oil hanging lamp and a coloured glass oil burning table lamp. Write box 328, Exeter. 16* WANTED—A young Durham cow, about due to freshen, must be a good milker and in Al condition. Box S, Times-Advocate. 16:23* MISCELLANEOUS WILL PERSON who lias lost male, collie dog, black and white, please phone 158 Exeter. c We have a car of beet pulp and a car of West Indies molasses. Buy them now, while they are still available. Cann and Sons. 2c MASSEY-HARRIS SALES & SERVICE I have just received my allot­ ment for 1945 and can still take orders for one 8-foot binder; one tractor spreader; two No, 37 mow­ ers; one rubber-tired wagon. Phone 88 R. B. Williams Exeter THE EXETER DISTRICT CO-OP. have a car of Co-op. feed coming and anyone wanting to get feed off car please notify any one of the Directors oi’ the undersigned. We are also taking orders for a car of barley. P. Passmore, Manager. UNIVERSAL NATURAL MILKER— New model, portable, clean easy. Viking Separators, We install milkers. Genuine parts for milk­ ers. Dealer: Colin Gilfillan, Win- chelsea. 9:16* RENFREW SALES & SERVICE— Anyone in need of an electric cream separator, or a stove. Call Hugh Thiel, Zurich, 93r4. 4-1-45* The Times-Advocate have a few copies of "Rural Rhymes of Love and Friendship”, poems written by the late Wm. H. Johnston, which are for sale at 50 cents each. NOTICES LOST—Gasoline ration book 9K844. Reward. Kindly leave at Times- Advocate. * FOUND—A couple of weeks ago, a large grey blanket. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for advt. FOUND—In Exeter, a pair of lad­ ies’ pig-tex tan gloves.’ Owner may have same by paying for advt. 16c AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Lambert Sale Yards, Strathroy, Saturday, Nov. 18th, 120 head miixed stock cattle including 210* short keep open heifers, also pigs; trucks to deliver. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. Hardware J Traquair’s loved ‘ wife Woodham, CARD The family lard wish to hours and friends foi- the many acts of kindness and sympathy in their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. Merriam, Allan and Melvin Buswell. IN MEMORIAM WANTED — 100 White Leghorn yearlings, hens or pullets. W. F. Abbott, phone 30 Exeter. 16* WANTED TO BUY—A five-room house or cottage in Exeter. Ap­ ply to H. Blatchford, Exeter. 16:23* NOTICE Householders are warned that it is illegal to place ashes on the roads or to pile them in boulevards, heed this warning have been instructed law covering same. By order, C. V. Pickard, Clerk. Citizens ditches or on are urged to as our police to enforce By- Homer Buswell, c loving WANTED—Old horses. Apply to Preston Morrison, Kirkton, phone 72, Kirkton. 2:9:16:23”= WILL BUY an unlimited number of fertilizer or fox horses. Frank Taylor, Exeter. GET ’EM ON THE NESTS FALL POULTRY It’s time to get your pullets and old layers back on the nests for fall and winter laying. That means cleaning up the house, new litter, checking equipment, getting a stock of those good Purina Laying Chows; We carry a complete line of poultry supplies. Check the specials below. /CARRUTHERS—In fond -and remembrance of a dear husband and father, Robert H. Carruthers, who passed away Nov, 15, 19 42. No friend on earth like him we’ll find, for all of us he did his best, and then God gave him eternal rest. —Sadly missed by wife and Carl. JOHNS—In loving memory of Clifton, year was ago son, HATCHING EGGS WANTED for 19 45 hatching season. Guaran­ teed premium paid, plus hatcha­ bility premium. Flocks culled I and bloodtested under Govern­ ment Supervision, free of charge. Write for full details. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus*, Ont. 2:9:16:23c our who No­ PERSONAL CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ Lists, 1944, Municipality of Village of Exeter, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of’ The Voters’ Lists Act and that I have posted up at . my office at Exeter, Ont., on the 30th day of October, 19 44 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or ommissions cor­ rected according to law, the last day for appeal being the^ 20th day of November, 19 44. Dated this 30th day of - October, 1944. broken, gone, we shall always keep dear son, Herbert died suddenly one vember 19, 1944. Fond is the tie that Dear is the one that is In memory him, As long as the years roll on; There is someone who misses you dearly, In the home where you used to be, Someone who tried to keep you, But God willed it not to be. —Sadly missed 'by father, and Lorne. FEELING LOW? Pep up with Page- Griffiths UNIPLEX tablets con­ taining all necessary Vitamins and essential minerals too. Also in liquid form for infants and children. ROBERTSON’S DRUG STORE. C. V. Pickard, Clerk of Exeter, Ont. STRAYED AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS will be held on Lot 6, Con1. 18 in Stephen Twp., 114 miles north of Corbett, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, 1944 at 1 p.m. sharp the following. HORSES—Bay Percheron mare, 12 years old; black Belgian mare, 8 years old, weighing 15 00* pounds. CATTLE—Red cow due in Jan.; grey cow, due in Feb,; red cow­ still milking; Jersey cow, due ih! March; red heifer with calf at foot; grey farrow cow; Polled-Angus farrow cow; white heifer’ due in Feb.; grey heifer due in March; red steer rising 2 years; grey heif­ er rising 2 years; 2 steers rising; p years; red' calf, 5 months old; 4 June calves. SHEEP—2 ewes; 3 yearling ewe lambs; 1 ram; 1 buck. PIGS—York sow due in Decem­ ber; brood sow due in January; 4 Stocker pigs, weighing 100 pounds. POULTRY—5 turkey - hens; 7‘ gobblers; 5 young turkeys; 60 year­ ling hens; 50 pullets. IMPLEMENTS — .Spring-tooth harrow; 21 Fleury walking plow; steel hay rake: democrat; Otto tractor; steel .water tank; fanning • mill; 3 h.p_. gasoline engine; quan­ tity of lumber; M.H. manure* spreader; logging chains; forks; shovels; buggy; cream separator; cook stove; double set of heavy­ harness. FEED and GRAIN—100 stocks; corn with cobs, all tied; 50 bus. wheat more or less; 30 bus. buck­ wheat; 100 bus. mixed grain; 7 tons mixed hay. Many other articles too numerous, mention. TERMS OF SALE—CASH. CLAYTON LOVIE, Prop.. HARRY WAGHORN, Clerk, ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer R. R. 1 Dashwood, phone- 57-12 Dashwood. to mother* of our Clifton, who passed away .one year ago, November 19, 1944. •Days of sadness still come o’er Tears of silence often flow, • For-memory keeps you hear us Though’ you died one year —Lovingly remembered by Mary and Doris. • JOHNS—In loving memory dear nephew, Herbert us,- ago. Aunt * STRAYED—From lot 6, Con. 6, Hay Twp., white-faced yearling steer. C. Faber, Hay P.O. 16* BACKACHES GO QUICKLY, often after first dose. RUMACAPS two- way action attacks the cause, re­ lieves the pain. Robertson’s Drug Store. M || Suffers of blced-II L ing and protrud- |^ I I r < ■ ing piles should ■ know Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the cause at its Source. T" bottle does not satisfy, Exeter Drug Store,. STRAYED—From Lot 13, Con. 5 Hay, one yearling Hereford heif­ er, with pig rings in top and bot­ tom of right ear. Apply to Mat­ thew Tinney, R.R. 1 Exeter or phone 92r8 Zurich. 16:23c STRAYED—From D. Geiger’s pas- one black Polled-Angus and one Hereford heifei Money back if the first ” any .oil . ture, cow with mark in ear. Finder notify Tony Etue, phone 15-90, Zurich. 16’ Purina Lay ChdW For lots of eggs feed Purina Lay Chow grain. your much needed balancing to turn it into a capacity egg-maker. $3.10 per 100 lb. bag This grain with your scratch reinforcement to gives your feed A Purina Chek-R-Ton Use 6 lbs. of Check-R-Ton per 100 birds. Mix this with enough mash to last seven days. Re­ moves worms, a good appetizer and pepper-upper when your flock goes down in ’feed con­ sumption and egg production. 6 lbs. for $2.50 Purina Tetsules For destruction and removal of large roundworms from poultry and large roundworms and hook­ worms from dogs and foxes. ' * 2c each Purina Oyster Shell We have just received a car load of Purina Oyster Shell. $1.15 per bag AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Mr. Frank Taylor has been in­ structed to sell by public auction at CENTRALIA TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1944 at 1 p.m. sharp;*. Glass cupboard; drop-leaf table; kitchen table; small table; 6 kit­ chen chairs; arm chair; cook stove- and pipes (Saxon Treasure); heat­ er and stove pipes; cellar, cupboard,, side-board; 3 centre - tables; Chair; 2 leather tapestry rug, 9x10 J.; other lamps; square linoleum; new; pictures sealers; brass ties and pans; and springs; springs, steel; springs; churn; spoon; gasoline iroh; 2 plate electric stove; stand; two ladder; root pulper; hook; ching float; large boxes; grain buck Saw; Cross-cut saw. TERMS—CASH MRS. THOMAS BOYDS, Prop. FRANK COATES, Clerk. FRANK TAYLOR, AUct. round extension table; wicker rocking, rocking chairs; parlor lamp; 2 hanging lamps;, sofa bed, and frames; kettle; mirrors; ket- singie bed mattress­ double bed White iron crib butter bowl electric dresser ; toilet sets; wash tub •wringers; extension wheel barrow1; forks; axes; and box; iron , scales; onion crates; scythe; grindstone;. nearly, dishfes; DISPERSAL SALEaJOHNS—Iii .loving memory. dear nephew, Herbert Clifton, who passed away one year ago November 19, 194.4. He is gone, but not forgotten, And, as dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of him are always near; Days of sadhess will come o’er us Friends may think the Wound is healed, But they little know the sorrow That lies within our heart concealed. —Ever remembered 'by Uncle Wilfred and Harvey. * of Mrs, Snow, of Hensall, Visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, B. Moore on Sunday. Mies Mary Fletcher, of Toronto, visited with her parents, Dr, and Mrs. Fletcher over the week-ehd. Misses Helen and Isabel Anthony spent the week-end with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. James Anthony. of pure bred Aberdeen-Angus Cattle - Wednesday, November 22nd at. 1-.00 o’clock sharp AT THE FARM OF T. CLAYTON EDWARDS, ONT.WATFORD 24 Females 3 Bulls A complete offering of richly bred young cows of famous and popu­ lar tribes—some with calves at side, many others due this winter and early Spring, and youhg bulls, breeding fully Harm located oil No. miles south of Arkona and midway between London and Sarnia. For catalogue write to the Proprietor or Auctioneer. T. CLAYTON EDWARDS, Proprietor, Watford, Ontario, DUNCAN A. BROWN, Auctioneer, Shedden,’dritVri/V* ^ , T, ALEX EDWARDS, as to Pedigree, a few choice heifers and Spring Calves. Three age, of excellent type ahd blood lilies. Herd accredited for Ttibercnlosis. 7 Highway, 6 miles north of Watford, 2% broad scoops piano cans; 24 0 lb. cradle; shovels; maddock; picks; other1 kettle; and and and fan; and and ladder; barrels;. kant dit- garden boxes; bferry Willie: "Can’t you give me an­ other ijame, mother?” y Mother; Y'Why?5*^ "My teacher is always saying she Will keej) me after school as sure* aS my name is Willie.’*