HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-11-02, Page 10Page 10 THE TM^APVPffATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2, 1944 V’s Beauty Shoppe “SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO” Exeter Markets I All lijxes of Beauty Culture. Tel. W2 Exeter Vera C, Decker, Prop. Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 Wheat. $1.08. ' Oats 52c. Barley 69c. Creamery Butter 89 c, Eggs Eggs Eggs Eggs Eggs Dressed Hogs $17.15 Bonus A $4.00 A Large 41c Medium Pullet 33c B 33c 0 17 c I Georgian Beauty Shoppe (Successor to Marion, Rooley) Satisfaction G uurantped M, Christine McCrae, Prop. Exeter Phope 245 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mrs, J. G, Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—-Sunday School. 11a.m.—Rev, jgs. Anthony, M.A.1 i WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY November 1st. 2nd “The Impatient Years” with JEAN ARTHUR, LEE BOWMAN and CHARLES COBURN FRIDAY and SATURDAY November 3rd, 4th 2 Features — 2 Nights Only “Heavenly Days with Snell's Taxi Service Phone 100 m LOCALS No, 0 S.F,T\S, Red Cross Unit invites you to an ARMISTICE HOSTESS TEA Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER Sth 4-6 p.m. Everybody welcome. Admission Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter FIBBER McGEE and MOLLY ‘The Black Parachute’ JOHN CARRADINEwith Calgary on mid­ Haidene, Sunday .MONDAY and TUESDAY November Sth, 7th tp 2 features “Three Men in White” with LIONEL BARRYMORE “Jam Session” a comedy feature with ANN MILLER MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. Mrs. J. Woods, Mintster A. Y. Willard. Organist 11 a.m.—Public worship and Church School, The Minister, Slides on “Ventures in Learning and Living” will be shown in Sunday School, p.m.—Service withdrawn in fav­ or of James Street Church An­ niversary, Wednesday November 1st. 8 Union Prayer service in Parish Hall—Rev. Irwin. Thursday, Novembei' 2nd. 3 W.A. at Mrs. John Ferguson’s. 8 Church. 8 p.m.— Mrs. Rus- Monday, November Young Peoples’ at Tuesday, November Evening Auxiliary sell Hoppers. 6 th. the 7 th at p.m,— Trivitt p.nir pan.- A Superhuman Effort" E&s, I Sg w WITH AN EYE TO GOOD GROOMING AND BETTER PERMANENTS. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH A' ill I £ $8 Ross Munro, war correspondent, says Canadians soldiers are making a “super­ human effort” to shorten the war by clearing the way to Antwerp fora short­ er supply route to Europe, Let us help all we can by Buying Bonds to keep the supplies'going to them. = /Wen’s and Young Men's 0 VER CO A TS *= We offer some real values in young men’s and men’s tweed coats. The cloths are exceptionally good and you will like the new styles. Come in and try one on. Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A. Mrs, Wm. Murdoch, A.L.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader Anniversary a.m.—Morning George Dorey, Toronto. p.m.—Sunday Classes. p.m.—Evening Dorey. Special music by by the Harmony Male Quartette of Owen Sound. Monday, 8 p.m.—Young People’s Union., 1^1 BUY VICTORY BONDS,'? Services Worship. Rev. B.A., D.D., of 11 Phone 146 ssWARM PLAID FLANNEL SHIRTS These are very popular and they make a real warm shirt for the colder weather. They come in two weights $1.75 $2.00 HEAVY GREY WOOL BLANKETS That are warm and cozy, and will give a lot of rough wear. Get your supply now. Three qualities $3.75 $4.50 Mr. Wm. Davis, of Ottawa, called on friends in town on Sunday, Mr. Jas. Jewell, of Strathroy, visited with friends in town on Saturday. LAC. Hugh Wilson, of Wireless School, is home term leave. Dr, and Mrs. Hind and of Walkerton, visited on with Mr. and Mrs. John Hind. Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson left on Saturday for Sarnia to visit their son, Mr. O. F. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDonald, of Chiselhurst, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs- Clifford Blanchard. Miss Alice Beavers, of Science Hill, visited with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers during the week. Mrs. Wm. Vale visited hex­ daughter, Mrs. Wm. McDowell, Denfield, for a few days last week. Mr. Amos Darling was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, on Mon­ day night to undergo further treat­ ment. Mrs. Warren Sanders and son Teddy returned home, Friday eve­ ning last aftex- visiting in Toronto and Oakwood. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Etherington and Miss Verna Coates visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisher at Mit­ chell on Sunday. Mr. Gordon Hammer, of the Bank of Montreal staff, left Mon­ day for his new position with the bank at Timmins. Mr. J. H. Grieve has been con­ fined to his home for several days having fractured several ribs in a fall in the bathroom. Mr. Robert Turnbull, of Exeter, underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, on Monday of- last week. He is recovering nicely.. Mrs. Albert Keyes, of town, and I Phone 146 3 7 School and Bible Worship. Rev. Dr.= Our new telephone number 239 Phone for Dean’s Dry Cleaning, also. Mrs. Hockey, Furrier. is the choii’ assisted TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH $5.95 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllligilllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUUlKIHIIIIIIIIIIIUHIHU Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday HODGINS—MORLEY At two-thirty o’clock on the afternoon of Wednesday, October 25th, a pretty fall wedding took place in the Whalen United church when Edna Jean, youngest daugh­ ter of Mr, and Mrs. William Morley, became the bride of Arthur Nelson Hodgins, son of Mr. Ward Hodgins and the late Mrs. Hodgins, of Clandeboye. The ceremony was per­ formed by Rev. R. J. Merriam, pas- tor of the church. Mrs. Bert Duf­ field played the wedding music, and Mrs. Clarence Hardy sang, “I’ll Walk Beside You,” during the sign­ ing of the register. The church was beautifully decorated with baskets of various colored chrysanthemums ferns and plants and two arches covered with cedar, were aisle de­ corations with white bows marking the guest Dews. The bride, who was given away by her brother Bill Morley, looked (Miss Pearl Keyes, of Shipka. spent very charming in her all white -- - • ..................... gown. The bodice was of French lace with a long torso waist line, with short sleeves, and sweetheart neckline, with three small -white velvet bows, trimmed on the front of the bodice. The skirt was net over taffeta, made very full and gathered on the waist line with a ruching. With this the bride wore a finger-tip veil, of white net, with a halo headdress, long white lace,, gloves and the groom’s gift, a gold; in cameo bracelet, She carried a ”” shower bouquet of Talisman roses and fern. Mrs. Russell Brock was hex- sister’s matron of honor, wear­ ing a floor-length dress of powder blue triple sheei- with long sleeves and a blue net shoulder-length veil with flowered headdress to match, and carrying a colonial Johanna Hill roses, and Miss Shirley Cobleigh, maid, wore a pale pink dress of triple sheer, with a pink shoulder-length veil flowered headdress, pink lace gloves colonial bouquet of roses. Helen Hardy made a winsome little flowex- girl and looked sweet in her long pale green taffeta dress, with a small hat made of the same material tied under hex- chin, she carried a nosegay of pale pink rose­ bud; his brother Victor Hodgins, Russell acted as ushers. A reception church parlours were set for 4 5 guests and suitably decorated with low bouquets of pink and white mums and centred with' a three-tiered wedding cake, and frosted pink candles. Mrs. Geo. Lackie, Mrs. Frank Hicks, Misses Winnifred Hardy, Lillian Hardy, Betty Morley and Maxine Boynes assisted in serving, The bride’s mother received in a navy blue tailored suit with black accessories and a corsage of red Better Time roses, The groom’s sister, Mrs. Ralph Ainslie, also assisted in re­ ceiving and looked very attractive in a black two-piece wool dress, with black accessories and wore a corsage of red roses and sweet peas. Immediately .after the reception Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hodgins left by motor on a trip to Detroit and Hazel Park, Michigan, The bride travelled in. a two-piece turquoise blue, wool alpine cloth dress, brown chesterfield coat and brown acces­ sories, roses, reside hoye. on bouquet of sweet peas, as brides- floor-length with matching She also wore and carried a pink Briarcliffe The groom was attended by and and Will FrenchBrock followed in the where the tables her corsage being Talisman Upon their return they will at Shadyside Farm, Oiande- Fred Elleringtoh, Jr„ who has been in the West assisting with the harvest, returned home on Mon­ day. fflKTOWIlOIIIB 10 /Monday in Goderich with Rev. and 'Mrs. L. H, Turner, B.A., and Grace I Marie. i j Mrs. M. McAvoy and Miss Annie I L. Sanders left Saturday for Otter- [ ville, to visit Mr. Arnold Marchand and daughter, Mrs. Fred Church, for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. William Sweitzer and Mr. L. C. Mangnus, of Racine, Wis., visited friends and relatives ’ l Hanover, Listowel, Thedford and Sarnia the past week. Mrs. Pearl Murdock was in Lon­ don Sunday and sang a solo “Bells Over Jordan” at the Talbot Street Baptist church where Mr. W. R- Goulding is the organist. Mr. Aquilla Sheere, of Lansing, Mich., who recently underwent an operation in recuperating brother, Mr. Mr. , and Flaxcombe, that city, is at at the home Frank Sheere. Mrs. .Lawrence Sask., Men’s WORK SHOES & OXFORDS Black or Tan at greatly reduced prices. Call and save money. These are odd lines and sizes and must go regard­ less of cost to make space for winter footwear. Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist. Miss MacFaul Choir Leader. Mr. Middlemiss 22nd Sunday after Trinity a.m.—Holy Communion and Sermon “Christian Perfection” a.m.—Sunday School.11 Evening service withdrawn in favor of James Street Church Anniversary. Wednesday (tonight) 8 p.m.—All Saints Day Service in the Parish Hall. Remembrance Day Service, Sunday, November 12th at 11 a.m. Leather and rubber repairing promptly and neatly done. We resole rubber footwear. Wuerth’s Cash Shoe Store Cfjrtetmag jjFolberg i iii i ♦ ♦ ♦ FROM YOUR FAVOURITE SNAP. You have only 4 weeks to get your order in. DON’T DEDAY. present of his ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton M E. Reuber, B.A.. B.D.. Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock. Organist Lawrence A. Wein, Choir Leader 10 a.m.—“What is Wrong with the Church” 11 a.m.—Church School 7.30 p.m.—-“Mine Hour is not yet Come” Friday, 8 p.m.—E.Y.P. Welcome. F.| They / make the best Xmas Card. Bring your negative in now. Your drugs at Robertson’s Phone 50 Exeter Mrs. J. G. Cochrane a week visiting with I Toronto. I LAC. Lloyd Orchard ■ the week-end with Mr. L. Wilson and family. Several from this were at Wheatley on pheasant shoot. They were success­ ful in bringing home a number of birds but as the use of dogs was prohibited this year the bag was not as large as in other years. Among the hunters were Graham and Humphrey Arthur, Earl Car­ roll, Fred Huxtable, Irwin Ford, Jack Garr and Thos. Coates. Cliff Heywood, who lives at Wheatley, accompanied them on the hunt on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hooper, of I London, are visiting with relatives I and friends in Exeter and commun- _ _ was years ago on the Borden, and Mrs. Bowman, who has of October that Mr. and Mrs. spent the past couple of weeks at i nT,ve^ Exeter from a his home at Floridale, are visiting Blanshard and one year with tlxe latter’s parents, Mr, andPa^er, started in a small way a Mrs Wilson Morlev. (new laid egg business-that over the* uv uAears developed into a very flour-o U eS,rt«e H Jit I ishing business. The methods he (adopted, new at the time, for hand- Mut’ray Moore, has made'.Hug eggs are now being largely 30 operational trips over Germany | f£>110wed< and M1% Hooper on White, of Flaxcombe, Sask., arrived in Exeter last week4 and will spend the winter with Mrs. White’s mother, Mrs. Thos. Harvey. Mr. M. W. Pfaff, postmaster, who recently underwent an opera­ tion for eye trouble at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, has returned and is recuperating at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston, of London, and were Miss Mary making her Coates. Mr. R. J. visiting with Mr. and Mrs. B, W. F. Beavers returned to Londpn for a short time prior to returning to Florida where he will spend the winter. Pte. Coleman Bowman, of Camp! iwere in Exeter on Sunday accompanied home by. Sanders who has been' home with Miss Verna Eacrett who has been is spending relatives in visited over and Mrs. iC. community a three-day , [ adopted, new at the time, for hand- | hng eggs are now being largely „ . .... i«•« amd Mrs, Hooper onand is now instructing navigation i the 26th ,of October observed their with the R.C.A.F, overseas. j 52nd Wedding anniversary, Mr. Jim Ferguson, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Will Horney, Mr, and Mrs. Archie Parsons and family, of Kippen, Mr, and Mrs. Sylvanus x..... . Cann, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ferguson jeeived1 by Mrs. Vernon and family of Ohiselhurst, visited last week. Sunday with their mother, Mary Stacey, Huron Street, On Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Redmond and Billy, of Grosse tie. Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gaiser, Sharon and David, of Cred- iton, visited at the home of W. C. Pearce. Mrs. Pearce and Mrs. George Geddes accompanied the; two and a half months to reach Redmonds to Grosse Isle on a visit, Exeter, Parcel from Italy A parcel from Italy re­was Heywood __ Vernon Heywood Mrs. had collected some souvenirs while on leave in Rome last July and had .packed them and sent the parcel on j August 11. Among the many inter- i esting ar tidies Was a full-size col- I lapsible umbrella, as well as jewel­ dry in mosaic, the parcel was in perfect condition in spite of taking Sgt. Rev. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick. Pastor Special Services Tuesday, 8.30 p.m.—Speaker, Talbot. Wednesday, 8.30 p.m.—Speaker, Rev. Talbot. Thursday, 8.30 p.m.—Speaker, Rev, Talbot. Friday, 8.30 p.m.—-.Speaker, Rev. Talbot. Sunday, 10 a.m.-—Sunday School, Missionary Sunday, supt. E, Cudmore. We welcome you. Sunday, 11 a.m.—Morning Worship, Communion Sunday. Sunday, 7.45 p.m.—Speakers, Rev. and Mrs. Talbot. welcome. Rev. and Mrs. Talbot in our midst. God is wonder­ fully using this fine young man in his work, so come and hear him. We Miss Verna Coates is visiting with Mrs. Davis and Miss Vina Fisher in Hamilton. Mr, and Mrs. W. McCluskey, of Cochrane, visited with Mr. .and Mrs. C. L. Wilsop and attended Wings Parade of their son Thursday last. Mrs. Ted Wilson and have returned to London visit at the homes of Mr. and Mrs., Wm. Kay, Cromarty, and also with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilson, of town. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Paisley and family, of Toronto, were in Exeter for the Du.m>Willis wedding on Saturday and spent the1 week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Dunn, of Hibbert. Sunday visitors Mrs. Alfred Hicks Mrs. Lonnie Mills, the Bob on Darlene after a with Mr. and were Mr. and ... Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Cowdry, Lloyd and Mildred, g- ■ Mrs.Of Woodham, and' Mr, and ___ Mervin Wilson and ilavid, of Lon­ don. In addition to a report found on another page in this week’s paper the Exeter branch of the Red Cross acknowledges with thanks a don­ ation of $62.00 from the Elimville Unit, also a correction in the Grand Bead donation of the proceeds of the supper which is $561.45 rather than $553,39 as was formerly stated. $9.65 has been added to the James St. Unit bazaar bringing the total to $122.80, CUT MIXED PEEL ready for use ........................... per lb. AYLMER BOSTON BAKED BEANS per tin PEANUT BUTTER “Pure” per jar ............................... BRUNSWICK SARDINES packed in oil .....................2 for MUFFETS for a tasty breakfast ....... per pack. 29c 15c 25c 15c 10c PRUNES needs little sugar ................... CHEDDAR ROLL CHEESE very tasty ............................... RED FEATHER PUDDINGS assorted flavors ............... per pack. per lb.15c 39c 10c GLO PADS for scouring and polishing, per pack. SPY APPLES No. 2’s ....... 10c .. $1.25 per bus. Southcott Bros. Phone 16 Exeter % Blyth Heads the Loan In Hetron County Huroii" County’s Victory Loan sales reached $1,032,450 Tuesday, or 33.16 per cent of the objective, The total is slightly more than it was at this time in sixth campaign, but just sufficient to put schedule with the increased Blyth still leads the race percentage of 75.10., with ham, Goderich Township Goderich following it on quota, with a Wing- and in that order. Exeter reported $40,9'0 0, Monday; Usborne, $17,150; Stephen West, $18,20 0; Stephen East, Hensall .and Hay East, Zurich and Hay West, Stanley, $17,800'; $19,80-0. $11,75'0; $30,150; $23,950; Tuckersmith, Receives A.W.C.M. Miss Margaret Dougall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dougall, of Highway No. 4, north of Exeter, received her diploma of Associate of the Western Ontario Conserva­ tory of Music (A.W.IC.M.) in piano at the Convocation exercises in London on Thursday last. Miss Dougall’s picture appeared in the London Free Press along with Prof. Max. Pirani, the new professor of music, Ont., and Arnold Earl, of Ethel, another graduate. Little Helpers Party The Senior W.A. of Trivitt Mem­ orial church held a ‘Little Helpers’ party on Friday last. There were twenty children present and ten adults. Many of the boys and girls came in costume. The program was opened by the singing of “Jesus Loves Me”. Rev. M. A. Hunt spoke briefly to the children on how to be real soldiers of 'Christ. After the offering was taken up the program closed with hymn and prayer. Sup­ per was served immediately after­ wards. Entertained at Hallowe’en Party The Oaven-Main Young People Were guests of the James Street Young People for a Hallowe’en party on Monday, October 30. The basement of the church was gaily decorated in Hallowe’en fashion. The young people came in cos­ tume and prises were given as fol-, lows: Best dressed man awarded to Miss Margaret Henry dressed as Uncle Sam ’ \ __2 ____ awarded to Miss Doris Westcott; best clown Miss Mary Laing, A big variety of games were play­ ed and enjoyed by all, A lunch was served afterwards, Speeches of appreciation were given and the evening closed with the Mizpah Benediction. best dressed woman costume awarded to r Be Worthy... . . . Buying Victory Bonds is the only way by which most of us at home 4 can, in some measure, prove ourselves worthy of those who are fighting— and dying—to preserve our freedom. Invest in Victory Buy Victory Bonds W. W. Taman Navy League Donations The Exeter Navy League Com­ mittee gratefully acknowledges the following contributions: Mr. B. M. Francis, $5.00i; Mrs. Hillary Hor- tou, $1.00. ESMX.'XZ Who Knows? This may be the last Victory Loan. Now is the time to make a good investment, and make your dollars help the boys fight for a quick victory. Do not forget to Place Your Order for Storm Sash Early! Your local Planing Mill and Builder’s Supply Yard has what you need. We have in stock a full line of 4-INCH AND 6-INCH GLAZED SEWER TILE with all necessary fittings, SAND — GRAVEL — LIME — CEMENT SHEET ROCK & DONNACONNA BOARD in all available sizes, rocR wool for that insulating job ROOFING AND LUMBER The Huron Lumber Co. EX6ter$ Ontario