HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-10-26, Page 4Page 4 vQ0® BOHOAS ItEfDf Red Cross serum is saving th© lives of hundreds of wounded sailors, soldiers gnd airmen, but thousands of additional blood donors are needed. Give a pint of bipod ta save a life. Call Red Cross Blood Donor Service. First Blood Donors Urgently Needed Next Clinic Thursday, Nov. 2nd S Please leave your name with your local Red Cross Secretary. B now stationed at St. Thomas. Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Roach visit­ ed the latters parents, who are both patients in Stratford General Hos- > pital, this week. j Mrs. John Cluff is holidaying in Kitchener and Toronto this week. KIRKTON Mrs. W. S. Cluff and sons, Don and Paul, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with Mr, Ira Marshall. Miss M. Pridham, of Mitchell, | visited over the week-end with her sister, Mrs. G. H. Burgin, '■ LAC. Bill Switzer spent week-end with his parents and is ‘ week-end in St. Thomas. | --------------------- thej Mr, Gerald McFalls spent Heaters j three leading — Findlay, McClary — available. While our stock of stoves is naturally not as large as pre-war days we do have several heaters, coal and wood, and -wood cook stoves made by the manufacturers Bea^h and they are made THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 26, 1944 BIRTHS HAMILTON Al Dr. Fletcher’s Hos­ pital,. Exeter, on October 20th, 1944, to Mr, and Mrs. Earl Ham- nton, a son, PRANCE—In Zurich, on Thursday, October 19 1944. to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon France, of Winchelsea, a son. WORDEN—In Scott Memorial Hos­ pital. Seaforth, on October 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Worden, Stnffa* a daughter. DEATHS BELL—At her home in Exetei* on Sunday, Qctobei’ 2.2, 1944, Elisa- ibeth Hodgert, beloved wife of the late John Bell, in her year. IN MEMORIAM 7 9 tlx memory of a who passed October 26, ANNIVERSARY Elinivilie United Church Sunday* Oet, 29 th at 11 a.m, and 7.30 p.m, REV. GOODGER, OF KIRKTON will preach at the morning service and REV. B, ALDWORTH, ST, MARYS at night, Special imisic by the Choir. The Public Are Cordially Invited. K1RKTON RED CROSS SOCIETY will hold another popular BINGO years have its shadows BAKER—In loving dear son, Joe Baker, away four years ago 1940, Time speeds on, four passed Since death its gloom, cast, Within our home, where all seemed, bright, And took from us a shinging light. We miss that light and ever will, His vacant place there is none to fill. Down here we mourn, but not in vain For up in heaven again. —Sadly missed by Joan, father, mother we his and in Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton FRIDAY, Oct. 27 15 GAMES 25c Good prizes for every game. Extra games for special prizes. will meet ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green, Port Stanley, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Dorothy Thelma, to Mr. Ivan Johnathan Kipfer, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Kipfer, Hensall, the wedding to take place Nov. 7 at Port Stanl'ey. CARDS OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanders and family wish to thank all who re­ membered them in any way during ‘ ‘ ■ *their recent sad bereavement, Mr. press many remembered him with treats while a patient Hospital, London. Mrs. Byron E. Hicks wish to thank their friends for the many kind expressions of sympathy received during the anxious days ot waiting and death of their loved one in Normandy. Carl Hewitt wishes to his sincere thanks to friends and neighbors who cards and in Victoria c ex- the and family SPECIAL DOOR PRIZE AH proceeds go to the Red Cross Everybody come and help this worthy cause. A 3-act comedy play entitled iWSMCSUfc ‘Hen Pecked Henry’ will be presented by the Bennington U.F.'Y.T.O, on Friday Night, Nov. 3 in Woodham Hall under the auspices of L.O.L. 492 Woodham, W,M. Norman Hodgins Musical inimbers between acts Admission: 40c - 25c REAL ESTATE Classified Directory PC\C£ AN APVEKTISEMENT HERE AMP WATCH BP SULTS FOR SALE FOR SALE—Gun licenses at the North End Service Station. E. L. Gibson. 7tp FOR SALE—70 cord of wood. Apply Arthur Hutchinson, Ailsa Craig, R. R. 3, 19;26* FOR SALE—-IQ0 acres near Credl- ton, frame house, bank barn, other buildings; 100 acres Rippen, frame house, bank barn, silo, implement shed, bush, electricity past each, W. C. Pearce, I I I FOR SALE—3 45-gallon oil bar­ rels; car radio (Victor); stroller; both in Al black cloth coat, sable 34; sable jacket, size fox fur; fur collars. Hockey. cream condition; trim, size 34; silver Mrs. N. 19:26* FOR SALE—100 acres, good build­ ings, hydro, bush, well located on highway; 60 acres edge of Exeter; other farms. -C. V, Pick­ ard. FOR SALE—Brick house, particu­ larly well located in Exeter, garage and small chicken house. Estate. Must be sold. C. V, Pick­ ard. FOR SALE—Six piece maple din- nette suit, also a Banner kitchen range. Apply to R. A. Orr, Shoe and Harness Repair shop, Hen- sall. 26c FOR SALE—Small spy apples. 81.00 per bushel, Jas. W. Gar­ diner, phone .21rl0 Kirkton,, 26c FOR SALE—A number of pigs. Apply to Bill Elliott. Centralia. * 26* FOR SALE—7 5 pure-bred Sussex pullets, 7 months old, laying. Ed. Westcott, phone 176rl4, Exeter.c FOR SALE — Rubber-tired farm wagon. Apply at Times-Advocate. 26* FOR SALE—2 girl’s coats, one wine size 12. one blue, size 10, good as new. Apply Times-Advocate, 26* FOR SALE—Solid oak, roll top writing desk, in good condition. Apply to R. Welsh. Exeter, FOR SALE—>20'0 Sussex pullets, ready to lay. Apply to Glen Slavin. Phone 15-84, Hensall. * FOR BALE or trade on saxaphone, a guitar (hardly used) with case. Apply John Plumtree, Clinton 41* HENSALL—li storey frame house, furnace, cistern, large lot. DASH­ WOOD—1| storey frame house, acre land, large garage. Both quick possession. W, C, Pearce, Exeter. HOUSES WANTED—We have buy­ ers for houses in Exeter. If you are considering selling your prop­ erty talk the matter over with us. Our commission for selling is reasonable. C. V. Pickard. MISCELLANEOUS RENFREW SALES & SERVICE— New and used separators; repairs, new and used parts, Hugh Thiel, Zurich, 93r4. 4-1-45* MASSEY-HARRIS SALES & SERV­ ICE—If you are in the market for a milking machine see the Rite Way before buying, We also will carry rubber repairs for Universal. R. B. Williams. SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received for the purchase of the partly built ice­ house and the small store room at Winchelsea Creamery. Terms Cash. Tenders will be received on or "be­ fore November.. 1, 1944, and should be addressed fo W. G. Medd, Exe­ ter Creamery iCo. Ltd., Exeter, Ont. 19:26c AUCTION SALES AUCTION sale qf farm, STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Mr, W, E. Nairn has been in­ structed to sell by public auction op Lot 31, Concession 3t Osborne 3 miles south-east of Hensall on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1944 at 1 pan. sharp: HORSES—-1 mare, 9 years old, CATTLE— 4 Durham cows due in April; heifer due end of January; 3 heifers due in March; heifer du® in April; 10 steers, 2 years old; 5 steers, 1 year old; 4 heifers, 1 year ol’d; ft spring calves. 5 O' sheep, if not previously sold. POULTRY'—50 Sussex roosters, 6 months old. a IMPLEMENTS—M.H. binder, ft.; M.H. fertilizer drill, 11 McCormick manure spreader; er; Cockshutt bean puller scuffler; 1-horse scuffler; hay stiff-tooth cultivator; 2 wagons; flat set sleighs; galvanized water trough; 2 ; plows; cutter; 6h.p, gas 240 lb. scales, 2 5-gal, cans, iron kettlej colony house electric brooder; 3 shelter's; and fountains. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—McCor­ mick - Deering cream separator; Daisy churn; hall rack; sideboard, 2 writing desks, davenport, couch, parlor table; white bedroom suite; oak bedroom suite; 2 beds; dresser; 2 washstands; bed springs; setter and chair; dinner set; odd dishes; other articles too numerous to men­ tion. FARM—100 acres, lot 34, con­ cession 3, Usborne, 2-storey frame house, bank barn 56x36. low barn 5 6x3 6, implement shed and hen house 56x28. Hydro in house, barn and hen house; 9 acres fall wheat, good maple bush, farm seeded to hay and pasture. TERMS—Chattels, Cash. On farm 10 per cent, day of sale, balance in 30 days. Subject to reserve bid. JOHN R. STEWART, Prop. W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer. disc; tion harrows; gravel box; mill; g walking engine, bags; i 10x12; feeders 6- disc; mow- and rake, 4-sec- rack; fanning trough; cutter; 61i.p. and more are being shipped The modern appearance and the well proportioned lines of these stoves make them an attractive piece of kitchen furniture. They are made in sizes to suit the requirements of every home. Mrs. T. W. Boyes and family wish to thank all those who were so kind in visiting, also sending cards, treats and flowers to Mr. Boyes during his long illness. They also wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for all the kindness and sympathy ' shown them in the loss of a loving hus­ band and father, for the beautiful floral tributes , __ ____ __ loaned their car's or helped in any way. Special thanks to Dr. Fletcher, Mr. Russel Hopper, Rev. Merriam, the Centralia choir, Mr. Cecil Skin­ ner and Doris, also to the pall­ bearers and the members of, Exeter Masonic Lodge. and those who the c after spending some time with friends in Stratford. Mr. Ernest Amos has returnee home after spending some time in the West. Mr. Carl Trevethick received his call to the army and reported in London on Thursday last for duty,' Mr. and Mrs. Odd and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Whittad and children, of St. (Catharines, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood. Dr. and Mrs. Thos. Watson and children, of Lucan, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Janies Trevethick spent Sunday evening with hex' mother, Mrs. Hess, of Zurich. -Little Joan Rock, of London, is' spending a few days with her -grana father, Mr. J. L. Amos. FOR SALE—% size solid walnut bed with coil springs. Phone 225. WANTED Lambert Sale Yards, Strathroy, Saturday, Oct. 2Sth. 150 head mix*- ed stock cattle. Sales every Satur­ day; also private sales during the week. Trucks to deliver. WILL BUY an unlimited number of fertilizer or fox borses. Frank Taylor, Exeter. WANTED—Used piano. Box 195, Exeter. 26* WANTED — The Times Advocate need a few copies of the issue of September 21st. and October 5th, 5 cents per copy will be paid. CARRIER BOY —for Toronto Eve­ ning paper in Exeter; wheel es­ sential. Apply Box 280, Times- Advocate. 26* COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE will be held in HENSALL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28tli at 1.3 0 o’clock. Horses, Cattle, Pigs, (Chickens, etc. Farm Implements. Household Furniture. Anyone having anything to sell, notify Frank Taylor, phone 138 .Exeter, or Ed. Corbett, phone 92-7 Zurich. In case of rain Sale will be held in Town Shed. ■ FOUND Our Fighting Men Must Be Backed to the Limit Buy Victory Bonds * & Traquair’s Hardware i __—. .. ,r —- -----------------—„— ------------------------------------------------------------------------ i i 'a We’re 100 per cent. behind the Victory Loan j There’s no guesswork to baking good bread these days. Each ingredient is carefully weighed and measured as it is added. Temperatures are accurately checked of the water and flour to make sure the dough is just right. Our bakers are careful in this respect. Expert skill in kneading the bread combined with our modern new oven that keeps the loaves rotating continuously and at an even heat for the proper length of time is bound to produce the wholesome energy-rich food that comes with every slice of Middleton’s bread. BUY VICTORY BOND‘D I i I WHALEN Mr, and Mrs. Robinson, of don, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Foster. Miss Carrie Switzer,of Woodham, was a week-end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield. Mrs. Edgar Squire received word from her brother Mr. Oscar Morley, of Monteville, Ont., that his son, Bruce, had been killed in action on October Sth, in France. The sym­ pathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Morley and family. They also have two other sons serv­ ing overseas. On Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Bert Duffield, a shower was given Miss Jean Morley bride-elect, of this month. Jean entered the living-room assisted by Mary Johnson, to a. prettily decor­ ated chair, with Mrs. Duffield at the piano. A program consisting of readings, contests, piano solos and vocal duets was very much enjoyed. Mrs. Johnson then read an address to Jean and a prettily decorated umbrella, filled with gifts, was brought in by Marjorie Hamilton and Mary Johnson. Jean thanked all in a few well chosen words and also invited everyone to her trous­ seau on Thursday afternoon. All joined in singing “For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow.” Refreshments were served. Mrs. Moeller, of Detroit, spent several days last week with Mrs. Wm.Morley. BRINSLEY Lon- Thames Road Farmers Club A meeting of the Thames Road Farmers Club will be held Monday, October 3 0 in the basement of the Thames Road car of coke Orders should possible. FOUND—In Exeter, an envelope containing a sum of money. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for advt. church at 8.30 p.m. A is now on the way. be phoned as soon as P. Passmore, Secy. STRAYED WORK WANTED — Airman is available to work on farm Friday and Saturday of this week. Phone Y.M.C.A. Centralia. 26 c WARNING! Don’t neglect sore throat, tonsillitis, spasmodic croup, cough# bronchitis, hay fever, bronchial asthma# head and chest colds. Use SPAH R’S remedy now. Spahr’s hits the si>ot, gets you better faster, safer, at less cost. No risk. Results or money back. Spahr’s spells VICTORY. Try it. All Druggists. (Excellent for children.) STRAYED—101 or 12 head of cattle from our pasture, a few 2-year olds, mostly yearlings. Delbert Geiger, phone 9 7-8, Zurich. 3tc FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LISTS, 1944 Municipality of STEPHEN TOWNSHIP County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that have complied with Section (8 The Voters' List Act and that Miss Mary B. Amos attended the wedding on Saturday last of Muriel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. George Amos, of Tillsonburg. Miss Many Lee# of Exeter# spent the week-end at her home here. Rev. and Mrs. Trueblood and Irene spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr. J. L. Amos. The Sunday School convention is to be held at Grand Bend United Church Gladys Neil Morley wiH ‘ act Brinsley United School.'’'' Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hedging and two children spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Roy Watson, of Parkhih. Mias Reta Hodgson returned home oil Friday, Oct, 27, Miss and Miss Kathleen as delegates of Church Sunday IT PERSONAL I of I have posted up at my office at Cen­ tralia, Ontario, on the eleventh day of October, 19 44 the list of all persons entitled Municipality at and that such for inspection. And I hereby to take immediate have any errors or rected according to day of appeal being the first day of November, 1944. Dated at Centralia, this 11th of October, 1944, LLOYD B. HODGSON, Centralia, Ontario. to vote in the said municipal elections list reniains there AUCTION SALE OF TWO CHOICE 100-ACRE FARMS ESTATE OF THE LATE MRS. GORDON BOLTON Messrs. Arthur Weber and Harold Jackson have been instructed to sell by public auction on MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1944 at 1 p.m. The Fann onl Lot 28, Con. 14, North-East Boundary, Hibbert, 4 miles east of Hensall 100 acres, well-fenced, well-drain­ ed, good clay loam, good young orchard, quantity of bush. Solid 1^ storey brick house, slate roof, ce­ ment verandah, balcony, good frame kitchen and woodshed- Large L- shaped double bank barn, straw barn 30x45, main 84x3 6, water sup­ ply tank in barn, pig pen, hen house, drive-shed 22x3 8, windmill, spring well. Hydro in house and barn. 20 acres ploughed. All buildings cellent state of repair. Tlie farm 2nd Con., Lot Tuckersmith, 1J< miles east, south of Hensall 100 acres choice clay loam#, well- drained, fair bush, some orchard. 1£ storey frame house, 1 large bank barn 36x70. Windmill, drive-shed 18x24, hen house, 30 acres ploughed. B mile from school. These buildings are in good repair. STOCK—Cow (grey) in calf, red cow milking, steer Rising 2 years, n rej hejfer rising rising 1 year, AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Lot G, Coir. 15, McGillivray Twp. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1944 at 1 p.m. sharp the following: HORSES—Bay Clyde horse, 8 years old; bay Percheron colt ris­ ing 3 years old. CATTLE—Roan cow due at time of sale; black cow due in December; 12 Durham heifers and steers ris­ ing 2 years*; 13 Hereford heifers and steers rising, 2 years. IMPLEMENTS — Case 3-furrow plow, nearly new; M.H. clipper com­ bi..e in good shape; International spring-tooth • tractor 12-ft. cultivator new; M.H. 13-hoe fertilizer practically new; farm wagon; riding plow; separator, 600 1 W-30 McCormick Dearing tractor in good condition; "Doherty range stove. REAL ESTATE — At the same time and place there will be offered for sale 100 acres more or less, all seeded down, L-shape barn, barn 60x40, straw barn 40x5 0, frame house with kitchen attached, wood shed, fruit trees, plenty of water, spring well, land all well drained and well fenced. Terms of Real day of sale and balance in 30 days. Sold subject to reserve bid. Every­ thing* will be sold to the highest bidder. «• Terms of chattels: Cash. MR. GUS. MORRISSEY, Prop. JIM DALTON, Clerk. ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioned, . R.R. 1, Dashwood, ph, 57-12. drill, M.H. beau puller; 4 section harrows; international cream lbs., .nearly new; Estate: 10% on call upon all voters proceedings to omissions cor- law, the last day in ex- 3, J mile SURE ENDS BREEDING TROUBLE Infertility, Slowness to Mate ends when; a few drops are added to the ration. Get more profit from your (atiirftals. YOUR DRUGS AT ROBERTSON’S Phorie 50 Exeter “KLEEREX”—HEALS ‘SKIN AIL­ MENTS. USED BY Hundreds from Coast to Coast for Eczema# Psoriasis, impetigo, Boils, Pimples Chaps, Erythema, Etc. 50c; .$1.00. (Medium and Strong), Sold by Robertson's Drug Store red heifer 2 years. 2 years# roan steer calf 4 months. 500 bushel Banner cord soft elm block tops, quantity cedar house 8&X12J, Colony house 6x10, frame building 16x22. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE—New kitchen range# Quebec heater# Mc­ Clary heater new pipes, straight lad­ der# step-ladder# glass cupboard, bake table# , odd tables, % dozen chairs, camp chairs, hall Seed oats, 16 wood, 6 elm posts, Colony FEEL TIRED? Take One Page- Griffiths UNIPLEX tablet daily containing- Vitamins A, 13, C and D and all essential minerals too, Also in liquid form for infants and children, ROBERTSON’S DRUG STORE, SUFFERING FROM BACKACHES, Rheumatic Faixi, Sciatica, Lumbago is not necessary, Use RUMACAPS at once for quick relief, Robertson’s Drug Store. kitchen chairs, camp chairs, rack, 2 couches, % dos. dining room chairs# modern 4 bedroom suites# 3 odd beds# iron kettle# DeLaval cream separator, 2 lawn mowers, dishes, cooking uten­ sils and other articles,. TERMS OF SALE Chatties—Cash. Farms—10% oh day of sale, re­ mainder .in, 3'0' days. Both farms Will be sola subject to reserve bid. MRS. J. A. SPELLMAN and MRS. T. H, HOFFMAN, Executrices of the late Mrs. Gordon Belton# Hensall, odd chairs, chest drawers# walnut diking 1‘Oonl Suite# CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLE­ MENTS AND FURNITURE W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, will sell by public auction on Lot 11, Con. 14, Usborne# 2 milds north-west of Kirkton, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1944 commencing at 1 O’clock sharp, thw following: HORSES driving horse, aged, good double. ....CATTLE—Durham cow March; Durham cOW due Jersey cow due in April; 2 Durham Cattle, 2 years -old; 7 1 year old; Jersey old; 4 steer calves. ....IMPLEMENTS — steel hay rake; M.H. cultivator attachment roller; disc harrow; furrow riding plow; ing plow; cutting box; engine; cream separator; spring open section drill; set ot wagon springs, set ot double harness; set of single harness; gal. steel drum; logging chains, whiffie-trees; neck yokes, hoes, shovels# etc.; also a of. furniture,,. ‘j Positively no reserve as sold# TERMS—CASH ALBERT E. SHIRE. Clyde mare, aged; single or due in in' June; Durham steers heifer, 1 yea./ M.H. mower; Seed-drill with ; 3-drum steel (Cockshutt D Fleury walk­ gasoline Set of rolls; root pulper; ■Wagon, box and. seat; a good top-buggy; buggy; cutter; sleighs; 3- harrows; scuffler; turnip hay rack; stock rack; fan- mill and bftgger; set scales; <0* #■ forks# quantity is the farm ALBERT E. SHIRE# Prop. W. E NAIRN, Auctioneer,