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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-10-12, Page 4
Page 4 TOE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 12, 1944 "I Coming^" I ( Broadway Chorus of Dancing Beauties ALL SEATS RESERVED MAIL ORDERS NOW $1.80 - $1.20 - 90c Plan Opens At Heintzman & Co. Only, Sat, Oct 14. Make Cheques Payable to London Arena Friday Night, October 20 What a Show ... and What Star?! One of the Greatest Attractions To Ever Pfay At the Arena THE ALL-STAR VARIETY SHOW 7 Headline A<?ts Big 2-Hour Program IHRECT FROM BROADWAY ANO THE AIRWAVES with ★ JIMMY WALLINGTON From the Texaco and Camel Cigarette Radio Hour As Master of Ceremonies BIRTHS 'BEAVIS—At Toronto Western Hospital, on Septembex* 26, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Beavis (nee Grace Hayter) a daughter (Bar bara Lynn). MARRIAGES GOULD—JOHNSTON - In Toronto on Saturday, October 7, at the “Old Mill on the Humber,” Muriel Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. Johnston, Toron to, to Douglas L. Gould, youngest son of Mrs. Florence Gould. GARDINER—FLETCHER—In ITs- borne, on Saturday, October 7th, 1944, Audrey Irene., younger, daughter of Mr. and “Mrs. Clar« enee Fletcher, to Mr. Thomas Melvin Gardiner, younger son of Gardiner, Rev. A, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur of Thames Road, by Laing. ★ HENNY YOUNGMAN Qg Two Years on the Kate Smith Hour, Now rm P.nlAior'h Cli^nrette Radio Show • Pson Raleigh Cigarette Radio Show Dancing Comedian ★ ALEX ROTOV of Ballet Busse Fame * ART DIXON AND HIS MELODY MUSTANGS (The Most Popular Transcribed Program On the Air) ★ MURTAH SISTERS Comedy Singing Girl Trio of Radio Fame AND OTHER GREAT ACTS I A new serial story starts i week. 1 ia, Inr: Si Im, rz- •O: 50 .c- A 50 | .m n. '"W -n O JO ■u -4tl X «z» > o < m 73 'Glassified Directory PLACE AN ADVERTISEMENT HERE AND WATCH RESULTS — FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Gun licenses at the North End Service Station. E, L. Gibson, * 7tp FOR SALE—York hog, weight 175 lbs., ready for service. Earl Ratz, R. R. 2, Dashwood. 5.; 12c FOR SALE—11 storey brick house, centrally located in the Village of Exeter. Also frame canning factory. Brick three acres pf land, 4 Exeter, 0. V. Pickard. house near house with miles from AUCTION SALE Lambert Sales Yards, Strathroy, Saturday, October 14th, 170 Heal mixed stock cattle, also 60 pigs, weaners and chunks, Sales each Saturday, also private sales during th© week. A. G. McAlpine, AucL RATION BOOK 5 issued between October 14th and 21st Distributing Centres will not be open on all days. Make sure that you know exactly what days and hours the Distributing Centre you .intend to go to will be open. Failure to get your new book during distribution week will cause you inconvenience. RATION BOOKS WILL NOT BE MAILED OR DELIVERED — THEY MUST BE CALLED FOR HOW TO OST yoo/t H£W BOOK Before you go to a Distributing Centre; Write your name and address on the front of the stub of the K coupon sheet in your Ration Book 4. The age of persons under 16 years must also be written in. 2. Fili in your prefix and serial number on the back of the stub. 3. Do NOT tear the K coupon sheet oi stub out of the book. This must be done by an official at the Distributing Centre. .X %iW Take Your Ration Book 4 with the K Coupon Sheet Attached and the Stub Properly Completed to a Distributing Centre and Your Ration Book 5 will be given you. ARMED FORCES Members of the Armed Forces will obtain their Ration Cards from their own units. APPLYING FOR OTHERS Any responsible persons may apply for Rofion Books for cfher members of their families Or neighbours, providing above re quirements are complied with. PARENTS MUST APPLY FOR CHILDREN Children under 16 may not apply for their Ration Book* or those of others, , WHEN AND WHERE YOU GET IT re c Addresses LOCAL DISTRIBUTING CENTRES Dates Hours 0 0 DEATHS BOWMAN—At Victoria London, on Saturday, 1944, Susan Wein, widow of late William 76 th year. ZILER—-At his 19, Con. 15. FOR SALE—Dry split wood, 12 ins in length. Phone 24r21 Das/wood. Geo. Link. tfe Hospital, i FOR SALE- Oct, Bowman, in the i her lotlate residence, Atf, wu. j-u, Stephen Township, on Wednesday, Oct. 4th, 1944, Daniel Ziler, in his 64th year. ZIRK—At his late residence, lot 13, con. 12, Hay Township, on Sun day, October S, 1944, Chris Zirk, beloved husband of Katherine Bettschen, in his S3rd year. ENGAGEMENTS to > the engagement of their Iva Belle to Lawrence youngest son of Mr. and Mr, and Mrs. John Willis wish announce daughter Wesley, ; w ........ .......I Mrs. George Dunn, of Usborne, the wedding to take place the latter part of October. * CARD OF THANKS = Mr, Charles Kerslake and family x I wish to express their sincere thanks = 1 to the many friends for the sym- Ejpathy shown them in their recent Ejsad bereavement, = " floral tributes, ~ I as pallbearers, p Irwin, ‘ loaned for the beautiful to those who acted also to Rev. A. B. those who*Mr. Goulding and their cars. •A davenport in good condition. Apply to Times-Advo cate. 12*- FOR SALE—One hanging Aladdin lamp, one table Aladdin lamp, one Coleman lamp. Phone Credi- ton 17r2. 12* FOR SALE*—A 14-year-old boy’s blue overcoat, worn only one season. Donald Easton, Exeter. 12* FOR. SALE—50 feet 114 inch shaft ing with hangers; also some pul leys. Apply to Harvey Hyde, R.R. 1 Hensall, phone Exeter 177-42. LI FOR SALE—Two winter coats, size 12 and 16, in good condition. Apply at Times-Advocate. 12* FOR SALE—iChesterfield; vanity and two library chairs. Mrs. A. Ryckman. 12c FOR SALE—Round steel colony house, 12 feet across. Apply to Fred Cole, Box 192, Exeter, 12* WANTED i Miss thank who so I calls, cards, flowers and treats while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. * Thelma Weber the friends and kindly remembered her with wishes to neighbors WANTED—Winter feeding for 5 0 cattle. Also a few stockers for sale, yearlings and two year olds H. C. Rivers, Phone 129, Exeter. 5o I Miss Verna Coates wishes to ex press her sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors for. the kind ness and sympathy extended during her bereavement, to Rev. Mr. Irwin, for the loan of floral tributes, and for the cars. * Fred Schlundt and sisters express their sincere thanks neighbors and friends for s recent death Daniel Ziler.* I wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me in any way during my stay as a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. * Lloyd Taylor. Miss Malieda Clarke wishes to express her sincere thanks to her ( many friends and neighbors who so I kindly remembered her with cards, iletters, while pital, Mrs.'wish to ko the i their kindness in the > of their brother, Mr. : flowers, treats and a patient in St. Joseph’s London. IN MEMORIAM visits Hos- c of aKERR—In loving memory dear mother, Mrs. Mary T. Kerr, who paged away one year ago October 13 th, 19 43. A wonderful mother, woman and aid, One who is better, God never made, A wonderful worker, so loyal and true, One in a million, that mother was you. Just in your judgement, always right, Honest and liberal, ever upright, Loved by youi’ friends, and all whom you knew, Our wonderful mother, that mother was you. —Sadly missed by children and grandchildren. *< WILLERT—In loving memory of a dear wife, Carrie Ellen Willert, who passed away six years ago October 15, 1938. To-day recalls &ad memories, Of a loved one gone to rest, And those who think of her to-.day, Are those who loved her best. —Ever remembered by her loving husband. Elmorp. N. Willert. *husband. Elmore N. Willert. WANTED AT ONCE — Janitor for Main Street Church. Apply to Trustees’ Sec. or B. W. F. Beavers by Oct. 14th. W.- C. Pearce, Sec. c WANTED—A phonograph in good condition. Apply to Times-Advo- cate. 12* WANTED—A furnished house or self-contained apartment. Apply Fit. Sgt. Lamond, No.9, S.F.T.S., Centralia. 5:12* WANTED — Caretaker for Hensall Union Cemetery, duties to com mence at once. Apply to Robert J. Paterson for further particu lars 12:lye WANTED — Married man desires job as manager of farm. o.r to work farm on shares. Apply in writing to Box J, Times-Advocate. 12* STRAYED 4 '■............' : ■ STRAYED—One beast, red with white spots, ring in left ear, one roan heifer, ring in left ear. Apply Jos. Rolland, R.R. 8, Park hill. 5:12 * STRAYED—From Lot 33, Con. 4, Usborne Twp., a black collie do with tan markings and scar on right eye. Anyone ing his where-abouts notify Joseph Ferguson, 80r2, Hensall. slight know- kindly Phone 12* STRAYED—From lot 12, con. 6, Hay, a 3-year-old blue roan steer ' Please notify Wilfred H. Shapton R. 1, Exeter. :Phone 17r3, Cred- iton. c MISCELLANEOUS DASHWOOD CIDER MILL is open for business every week-day ex cept Saturday. Louis Zimmer, Prop. 3tp MASSEY-HARRIS SALES & SERV ICE—If you are in the market for a milking machine see the Rite Way before buying. We also will carry rubber repairs for Universal. R. B. Williams. SALE BY TENDER I FOR SALE—A comfortable small cottage. Hydro and town water, good basement. C, V, Pickard, Exeter. FOR SALE—100 acres near Credl- ton, frame house, bank barn, other buildings; 100 acres Kippen, frame house, bank barn, silo, implement shed, bush, electricity past each, W. C, Pearce. •FOR SALE-—100 acres, good build ings, hydro, bush, well located on highway; 60 acres edge of Exeter; other farms. .0, V. Pick aid. HENSALL—11 storey frame house, furnace, cistern, large lot. DASH WOOD—11 storey frame house, acre land, large garage. Both quick possession. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. LOST AND FOUND LOST—A black wallet, in Exeter on Saturday afternoon, containing some change and a war savings certificate. Return to the Times- Advocate, Reward. 11* LOST—Between Crediton and the United Church a crank for an Erskine car. Finder please phone Alvin Baker, 3 6r5, Crediton. c FOUND—A gent’s or lady’s dress glove; may be seen in Times- Advocate window. Owner may have same by paying for advt. PERSONAL “KLEEREX”—CLEARS THE SKIN. HEALS BOILS, Impetigo, Ec zema, Psoriasis, Chaps, ete. Gives quick relief while you work. 5 0c, $1.00. (Medium and Strong). Sold by Robertson’s Drug Store. AUCTION SALES due CLEARING AUCTION SALE: FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, AND SOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Lot 14, Con 3, Biddulph FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1944 at 1 p.m. sharp, theff*f olio wing: HORSES—Bay mare, 9 years old; black horse, 3 years old; colt, 2 years old CATTLE—Roan cow, 4 years old, due April 15; Hereford cow, Jan. 15; Black cow, du' Feb. 1st; cow half-Jersey, due March 10; black cow, due March 1st; Jersey cow, due April 1st; 3 heifers, past. Polled Angus, fat; 6 steers, 2 past, Polled Angus, fat; -8 heifers, 2 years old, mixed; 6 yearling Here- fords; S spring calves. PIGS—9 pigs, about ready to ship; 11 chunks, 100 he. each; 7 chunks, 60 lbs. each; 6 pigs, 2 mos. old; sow, bred two months; sow, bred three weeks. 75 yearling hens; 25 t ock pullets 12 ducks. IMPLEMENTS—John Deer trac tor; John Deer tractor disc; iCock- shutt tractor plow; John Deer hay loader; M.H. 7-ft. binder; manure spreader, No. 3. Cockshutt; John Deer hay rake; rubber-tired wagon, new; hay rack; set ire 1 harrows; .gravel box; McCormick mower; scuffler; Bissell land roller; M. H. 2-furrow plow; set of scales; fan ning mill; set double harness; iron kettle; wheelbarrow; MeCormick- Deering cream separator; set sleighs cutter. Two mows of mixed hay. Model T Ford coupp Extension ladder; Gilson AUCTION SALE OF REGISTERED HEREFORDS The undersigned .will public auction for STUTT BROS. At 9 Sideroad, Bosanquet, North-East of Forest, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 35 Lots- ‘ sell by 2 miles- on 14th, •20 Bulls, 9 to 16 mos.; 10 open Heifers, around one year; 5 bred -Heifers. Herd fully accredited, Sale cattle blood-tested, Herd . Sires: Carlos Domino 17th, C.F, Repeat Domino 18th, C.F. Ellis Domino 18th, C.F. Bred by Crapo Farms, Creek, Mich., U.S.A. SALE AT ONE P.M. SHARP. Catalogue on request. E. M, LESTER and W. S. O’NEIL,. Auctioneers, 120-824; 120823; 152208. Swartz AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK £ND IMPLEMENTS W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, has re ceived instructions to sell by public auction on Lot 15, Con 13, Hibbert, one and one-quarter miles south of Cromarty, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1944, commencing at 1.30 p.m. the fol lowing: HORSES—Black gelding, rising- 10 years old; black gelding, rising. 7 years old. CATTLE—Ayrshire cow due in Feb.; Durham cow due in March.; Holstein cow due in Jan.; 3 Hol stein cows due in Nov.; Holstein, cow due in Oct.; 4 Holstein heifers with calf at foot; 4 Holstein heifers due end of October; 2 -Holstein heif ers due in Nov.; 8 yearling Hol stein heifers. PIGS—4 brood sows due in Dec.; 37 chunks; 9 pigs, 150 lbs. IMPLEMENTS—Farm, low-down wagon; Cockshutt riding plow; top buggy; 2 chicken shelters; set of single harness; 16 cord hardwood (beech) 12 ins. long; 2 large crates for fattening roosters. Terms of sale—Cash. FRANK BRUCE, Prop. W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer, Exeter—Public Library Hensall—Town Hall Centralia—School House Crediton—Township Hall Dashwood—Hotel Zurich—Township Hall Grand Bend—Mrs. Mdll&rd’s Res, Elimville—Township Hall October 20th & 21st October 20th October 20th October 20th October 20th October 20th &. 21st October 20th & 21st October 20th & 21st & 21st & 21st & 21st & 21st to to to to to to to to to 5—7 5—7 5—7 5--7 5—7 to to 5—-7 to 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 to 5—7 to 2 to 5—7 to 10 io io io io _ 10 p.m. 10 p.m* 10 p.m. p.m. p.m* p.m* p.m. p.m. RATION ADMINISTRATION THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS* LISTS, 1044 Municipality of STEPHEN TOWNSHIP County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that have complied with Section 8 The Voters’ List Act and that have posted up at my office at Cen tralia, Ontario, on the eleventh day of October, ' B| persons entitled Municipality at and that such for inspection. And I hereby to take immediate have any errors or reeled according to day of appeal being the first day of December, 1944, Dated at Centralia, this 11th -day of October, 1944. LLOYD B. HODGSON, Centralia, -Ontario. I of I 1944 the list of all to vote in the said municipal elections list call UTURE REFER ENC E C VIP I HI S A 0 V E R T t Sf M E N T FOR FUTURE REFERENCE; AUCTION SALE OF STOCK IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction on Lot 18, South-East Boundary of Usborne on Highway 23* 1£ miles south of Woodham TUESDAY’, OCTOBER 24th, 1911 at 1 p.m. sharp, the following: HORSES—-Aged team; 8-year-old. mare; 4-year-old mare. •CATTLE — 3 4 head Hereford 5 2-year Hereford heifers, in calf; 2 Hereford heifers due in February and March; 2 Hereford, heifers, with calves at foot, 6 weeks old; 3 milking cows in calf; 3 other cows in calf; 3 2-year-old Hereford steers; 2 2-year-old Hereford heif ers; S yearlings; 8 spring calves. PIGS—Sow with ’litter of 12, 4: weeks old; 2 sows, each with litter of 8, 3 weeks old; S chunks. IMPLEMENTS—6-foot M.H. bind er; Maxwell hay loader; seed drill; mower; 3-section drag harrows; manure spreader; 5-section har rows; scuffler;. 9-foot drum roller; 2000 lb. scales; bag truck; bob sleighs; root pulper; disc harrow; walking plow; 2-furrow riding plow; 1-furrow riding plow; sulky rake; hay rack; top buggy; 2 wag ons; 2 cutters; line engine; horse collars; pulleys; chain; wheel drum; lighter chicken stretchers; mills; '22-foot ladder and bags; 2 colony houses, 10 by 12| brooder stove and hoover; shelters; scoop shovel; forks; 3 pitch forks; separator; 2 milk cans, nearly new, new neck yoke and several others; grass seed sower; harrow cart; 25 bee boxes; chicken feeders; and. many other articles. Sap pan and sap pails, 2 mows of hay. POULTRY-—15 young geese and: old ones; -SO one-year-old hens, 3 crossed with Sussex, 2 stock; gaso line engine; quantity qf turnips mangolds; numerous cart; 2*4 h.p. gaso- set double harness; 3 hay fork car and trip rope; 4 sling ropes; pig crate; ditching scoop; barrow; scythe; 40-gallon heavy set whiffle trees; 3 sets whiffle trees; 2 good crates; road scraper; wire wagon box; 2 fanning ; 100 sacks, stone boat; 300 bricks; ' ‘ ; coal 2 rain- 2 manure Ancor Holt and tooand other articles to mention, TERMS—CASH W. HODGINS, Prop. . Clerk, O’NEIL, Auctioneer Sealed tenders marked “tender for Ernest Elliot property’’ w’ill be received by the undersigned up to 15.00 o’clock. Daylight Saving Time, October 24, 1944, for lot number 121 on the east side of Main Street in the Village of Exeter, Plan 20. Each tender shall be acconipanied by a marked cheque payable to the undersigned for 10% of the ten der. The sale shall be completed within thirty days after acceptance of the tender. Taxes and insurance to be adjusted to completion of the sale. The purchaser shall accept the existing tenancies. The highest or any tender not ncessarily accepted. DATED this 11th day of Octo ber I remains there upon all voters proceedings to omissions cor- law, the last 1944. . J. W, MORLEY Executor of the will Ernest Elliot . EXETER, ONT. of Mr. and Mrs? R. N. Creech,....... . ____ _____.... re* turned home Friday after visiting with their son, Dr. Hugh J. Creech in Washington, DX. Have you hoard about the moron who Stayed up all night th study for a blood test? Had a moron for a Mother, He wrote and said he’d grown a foot-— so she sent him another shoe? WM WILBERT LUKER W. S AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public at Exeter North, mile east of Exeter Thames Road SATURDAY, . 1944 at 1.30 p.m. Parlor separator; er; wash kitchen table; linoleum; small *stand; clock; lures; curtains; blinds; 2 springs; mattress; rug; davenport; 2 leather rockers; 1 large rug; dresser; bedroom rug; cupboard; Tudhope electric stove; lawn mower congoleum rug; pots; pans; pails; dishes of all kindsp feather tick; garden tools; a quantity of cdal and other articles, TERMS—CASH s MRS. WM. BRIOKWOOD, Prop. F. (COATES, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. auction Half on the heater, radio; stand} 6 small *stand; curtains; mattress; oh OCTOBER the foilowing; Wood; dress stove; chairs; pic- bed coal or sideboard; kitchen kitchen 14 I 3 < Hampshire laying. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE — 2 bedroom suites with springs; single bed and springs; white metal bed and springs; studio couch; rocking chair; kitchen centre table; 6 good kitchen chairs; bedroom congoloum rug. nearly new; 2 cupboards; 3- burner coal-oil stove; coal oil light- er, nearly new; small churn; small tables; 2 settees and other articles, (No reserve as the proprietor Is giving up farming. TERMS—CASH JAMES SQUIRE, Prop. W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer.A WILL BUY an unlimited number’ of fertiliser or fox. horses. .Frank Taylor, Exeter,