HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-10-05, Page 7!T!
Ma and Mrs. Roy Coward, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .Stanley
McFaiis. London,
Ma Melville Coward* of Blen
heim returned to his home on Sun
Ma Milton McCurdy who has
been In the West these past few
weeks returned to his home on Sun
day last.
Ma and Mrs. Percy Passmore
spent Bunday with, relatives in
Mrs, L. Webber and Margaret
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W,
Webber, of Exeter,
Mr, and Mrs. A. Passmore and
Mr, and Mrs. A. Hunkin attended
the Taylor-Hazelwood wedding in
Whalen last Wednesday,
Miss June Coward spent Sunday
with Miss Doris Duncan.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCulloch and
and family spent Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. Robert Cann,
Mh, Ray Stewart, of London^
spent Sunday with his parents Mr.
and Mrs, Rimer Stewart.
Misses Ethelene and Eilene’Johns
of Elimville spent the week-end;
With Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Duncan.
Mr. Bruce Mair left last Thurs
day for Guelph College to resume
his studies.
Gnr, Arthur Rhode, of Kingston,
who underwent an appendicitis op
eration, is spending sick leave
his wife and parents, Mr, and
Ii. Rhode.
Mrs. Heywood, of
spending this week with
Mr. and
ford, spent
and Mrs. A,
Mr. and
Shriner (nee Anne
' and Mrs. Mair motored to Shallow
Lake last Saturday and visited with
Ma and Mrs. Rydall and Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. Kydd.
Miss Helen Howell spent the
week-end at her home in Blythe.
Miss Leon Duncan who has
been visitjhg in the West is going
on to the coast before returning
The scholars
Lumley school,
and her S.S. class,
diner and her S.S.
Miller and her S.S,
home of Mrs. W. L. ..
nesday from four to six Co
well party in honor of
Shirley, Margaret and Joan Thomp
son who are moving to Exeter soom
Games and contests' were enjoyed
and a presentation of a cup and
saucer and handkerchief was made
to each of the girls to ^vhich Shirley
responded very capably, thanking
the scholars and 'S.S. classes for the
gifts received. Shirley, Margaret
and Joan have been faithful atten
dee at S.S. and in Mission Band
work. Their help aud friendship
will be missed in this community.
Lunch was served and a happy
time spent together.
Mrs. Shriner (nee Anne Allison),
of New York, who has spent the
past five weeks with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Allison, returned
to her home Tuesday of this week.
Rev. H. Swann was guest at the
manse Monday evening and part of
Several from the community
attended Mr. g. Johns’ sale which-
was held Tuesday of this week.
Communion'* Service was well at
tended last Sunday. This Sunday is
Thanksgiving Sunday so let us all
■KI 5
. Miss
Mrs. Musser,
the week-end
Mrs. W. Moodie
of Str at-
with Mr
teacher of
. Passmore
i Mary Gar-
Miss Lillie
met at the
and 1
Mrs. P.
import last Wed-
a. fare-
Ma Graham and dis sistOA Miss
Graham* of Toronto, are guests with
Rev. and Mrs, W. D. Goodger at the
Ma and Mrs. G,... . . H. Burgin at
tended the Henderson-Pridham wed
ding Saturday at
Mr. Maxwell Gray
days with his son at
Mr, and Mrs. I. N.
Sunday guests with
Lprne Marshall, of Thamesford-
Mt. Pleasant
spent a
Marshall were
Ma and Mrs.
W.M.S. Meeting... s
Wednesday September 27 the
and W-A» met at the home
and Mi's. Mair, with 24
The program was prepared
Gilbert -Johns and Mrs,
Johns, the former presjd-
Church Meetings
and worship together
service. Sunday School'
a.m. and church service
s m.
The W.M.S- and Mission Circle
met in the church basement on
Monday evening with a good atten
dance. Rev. H. Swann, returned
Missionary from Trinidad, gave a
most ins^irhig address with colour
ed pictures of the work our society
is doing there. Others taking part
in the program were, Mrs. P. Stone.
A. Hunkin. Mrs. T. Ballantyne.
Morgan, Mrs. S. Coward, Rev
Mrs. Mair. The Mission Circle
served a ten cent tea and an
enjoyable evening was spent by all
The jam committee of the Bxeter
Red Cross have -completed their al
lotment of jam for the arxned forces
The committee met last Brlday and
made 140 pounds of grape jam,
This completed fifteen cases or 720
pounds that have been
for overseas,
This week the Red
pounces a contribution
from Mrs. Ross Hern, for the over*
seas jam* also $TQ.oo from the
Misses M, and I. Carling for the
boxes for the boys.
The Exeter Branch of the Red
Cross acknowledges with thanks ’
the following donations. Thames
Road Unit, $67.47* Main Street
Unit, $13.37; Exeter Branch (Pil
low Draw), $22.05.
The following quoto of seamen’s
knitting has been received by the
Bxetei' branch of the Red Cross;
3 pair grey service socks; 30 pair
grey gloves; 30' navy scarves; 30
turtle neck navy sweaters; 30 pair
mitts with double palms; 30 pair
hurricane mitts.
The Red Cross are holding an
open meeting on October 30th in
the Parish Hall at 8 p.m. Burther
particulars will be given later.
The Executive of the Red Cross
will meet on October 16th at 3 p.m.
Taylor—Hazle wood
Whalen United Church was the;
scene pf a pretty wedding on Wed
nesday* September 27th* at 2,30
o'clock, when Dorothy jean Hazle-
wood, younger daughter of Ma and
Mrs, John D, Haziewood, became
the bride of Ernest Taylor, only
son of Mr. and Mrs, William Tay
lor, of London. The church was
prettily decorated with gladioli,
ferns, pink and white asters, and
cornflowers. Rev. t. W. Hazlewood,
pastor of Humbercrest United
Church* Toronto, uncle of the bride,
assisted by Rev. r. j, Merriam,
pastor of the church, conducted the
ceremony. Mrs. William Duffield, of
London, sister of the bride, played
the wedding music. The soloist, Miss
Mary Ann Kent, of London, sang
“For You Alone,” and “Because?*
The bride, given in piarriage by her
father, looked lovely gowned in
floor-length frosted satin with
matching veil falling from a halo
headdress, wearing pearls and carry
ing a cascade bouquet of Killarney
roses and fern tied with white rose
buds. Little Paul Hazlewood, neph
ew of the bride, was ring bearer.
Mrs. Ralph Parkinson, of London,
was matron of honor, gowned in
rose taffeta with velvet flower cap,
short veil and carrying a cascade
bouquet of Johanna Hill roses. The
bridesmaid was Miss Doris Smale,
of Staffa, gowned in heavenly blue
taffeta with blue velvet flower cap,
short veil, and carried a cascade of
Johanna Hill roses. Ma
Reddan, of London, was
man- The ushers were Mr,
Giles, of London, and LAC.
Brooks, of Halifax. The bride and
mother gowned
in flowered jersey
to match. Dinner was served in the
Sunday School
of the church
from Detroit,
Stratford, St.
Thames Road and Staffa. The hap
py couple left amid showers of con
fetti for Toronto and points north,
the bride travelling in a navy blue
suit, white blouse and blue acces
sories. On their return they will
reside on Richmond Street North,
b $£$£000
Rev. W. A. Beeeroft, of Wingham
is again chairman of the county or
ganization, with Warden Fred Wat
son as honorary chairman. Vice-
chairmen are J. H. Kinkead* Goder
ich ; H. C. MacLean, Wingham*
Robert Bowman, Brussels; B. Bing-
land, K. G., Clinton; W. L. Whyte,
Seaforth; Pa A. R. Campbell, Hen
Chas. K. Saunders, of Goderich,
is chairman of the publicity com
mittee and W, C. Attrldge, of God
erich, heads the payroll savings
committee. The agricultural liaison
committee includes A, Morggq and
H. Sturdy, respectively honorary
president and president of the Hur
on County Bederation of Agricul
ture; K. J. Hueston, representing
the Huron County War Services
Committee, and Bruce Matthison,
county agricultural representative,
The Victory Loan Office on West
Street, in Goderich, is again open
for another campaign. H. J, Vande-
water is again the chief organizer*
with J, A. Lumsden as assistant or
ganizer and Miss Goltz as secretary.
The quota for Huron County has
been, pushed up $80,000 to $2,980,
000 (exclusive of the air training
schools). The canvassing campaign
will begin on October 23rd.
Kum-Joinus Social Evening
The first social evening of the
autumn season of the Kumjoinus
Sunday School Class of Main Street
Church was held on Wednesday eve
ning at the Church, Miss Eva
Bearce, as President. presided over
the meeting. Following the worship
period and program, games were
enjoyed for the balance of the eve
ning. Refreshments were served at
the close,
of Rev.
by Mrs.
Howard ing, opened with the hymn “6 Love
that will not let One go”, and Mrs,
Pooley Jed in prayeA The scripture
lesson from Ps, 136 and read by
Mrs. Ford, Mrs. F. Brock read a
temperance article, The dangers of
, was
sung and Mrs. Gilbert Johns gave
a reading “The training of Mission-’
ary Mary”, The minutes were read
and roll called, A number of sug
gestions were read by Mrs. Mair
and all agreed that they would
help considerably if followed in our
meetings, Mrs. Pooley was appoint
ed delegate to the Sectional meet*
ing to be held at Kippen on Octob
er 18th. Miss Ruth Skinner gave
financial reports for both W.A. and
W.M.S. for this year. Mrs. Delmar
Skinner read two poems, “Things
out” and “Life’s Canvas,”
cross an-
of $2,00
Mrs. Mary Galppp is holidaying 5 social drinking. The Hymn
daughter, Mrs. kes. Barnes plough the fields and scatter”,
,QI btrattord, suna and Mrs. Gllbor! .Tnh-na
Mrs, H. Parrish and daughter, of
Avonbank, visited with Mr, and
Mrs, Clarence Switzer this week.
Mr. J. E. Atkey, of Melville,
Sask., visited with Mr, Thos Wash
burn this week,
Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Washburn
spent the past week with friends
at Wiartop and Owen Sound.
Miss Gray and Miss Reid were
guests of Mrs. Clarence Switzer,
A short course was held in the
basement of the United Church for
three afternoons last week, A small
number took advantage of learning
different methods of meat cooking,
vegetables and desserts within the
sugar ration. Miss Gertrude Gray,
of the department of agriculture,
Institute Dept., was the instructress
assisted by Miss Dorothy Reid, also
of Toronto.
Kii'kton' Women's Institute
The September meeting of
Women’s Institute was held at
home of Mrs. Albert Bickell.
president opened the meeting 1
the Institute Ode and Lord's Pray
er in unison. The 54th Psalm was
read for the scripture by Mrs. Wat
son and one verse of “O God Our
Help” was sung. 1
the previous meetin,
approved; also th
port. The roll cal
Racial Origin” wa
13 members. Two visitors were also
present. During the business, Mrs.
Emerson Paton was appointed dele
gate to the London Area Conven
tion, November 1, 2 and 3. Mrs.
Earl Watson presented the current
events. The citizenship convene*,
Mrs. Near, prepared the program.
A reading, “While I Can Sleep,”
by Mrs. Near. Solo by Mrs. Hall,
“The Little Gray Home in the West”
Dr. Campbell was
to speak. Choosing
“(Citizenship”, he
the members some
The collection was
the meeting closed with the Nation
al Anthem and the Mizpah Bene
diction. An auction sale was held
of a variety of articles, the net pro
ceeds being $12,10 to .be used for
filling boxes for service men over
. the
The minutes of
ig were read and
te financial re-
11 “Naming your
is answered by
After singing “Take Time to be
Holy’, The meeting closed with ben
ediction, Lunch was served and a
social half hour spent very pleas
Next Sunday the service will be
in the evening and will be approp
riate for the Thanksgiving occasion
Mr, and Mrs, Newman Baker, of
Wellburn,. were Sunday visitors in
the - vicinity,
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johns spent
the week-end with relatives in Lon
fifth wedding
They celebrated their twenty
anniversary last Wed
and entertained relatives.
, friends wish them many
then called on
as his subject,
brought before
post war plans,
taken up and
Dr. Campbell was the aution-
^JHLenderSon—JPrid ham
pretty autumn wedding took
at Mount Pleasant United
James St. W* A. Anniversary'
The Women’s Association of
James St. United church held their
anniversary service Sunday evening
at which Rev. Duncan McTavish, of
London, a former pastor, was the
special speaker, A large congrega
tion was present to greet
former minister. Beautiful floral
decorations surrounded the pulpit
rostrum. A women’s choir led the
service of song and a solo was sung
by Mi’s, Harold Sturgis. Mr. McTav
ish said that It was twelve years
since he left Exeter and he missed
many familiar faces. He delivered a
very thought-provoking sermon
stressing the fact that progress
amounted to over $150.00
the fact that
always followed times such as
are passing through and that
future offers a great opportun’
for the Church, The offering sdUTH HURON
and Mrs. Harry White
family, of Kirkton, were
visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
Messrs. Ivan and Gordon
ton are spending a few days in St.
Rev. Harold Swann, of Trinidad,
was the guest speaker at the United
on SundayChurch service here
Mr. and Mrs. George
the week-end with
Miss Jean Morley returned
on Saturday from Detroit
she spent the past week
Lackie spent
friends at
Caven Congregational Circle
Mrs. Andrew Easton was hostess
for the regular meeting of the C.C
C. held on Tuesday of this week.
The meeting opened by singing
hymn 691, ^followed by the devo
tional exercises and prayer taken
by Mrs. Harold Whyte. Business
was then discussed. The program
followed consisting of an interest
ing story called “Why the Chimes
Rang”, given by Miss Henry and t
short readings given by Mrs,
Simmons and Miss
Kydd moved a vote of thanks to the
hostess and those taking part in the
program. The meeting closed by
singing “God Save The King”, after
which lunch was served. The nexi
meeting will be held at the home of
Mrs. G. Bow.
Brown. Mrs
received with the bride's
in Clarth shaded
with wine accessories. The
1 mother assisted, gowned
with accessories
room by the ladies
to fifty-six guests
Toronto, London,
Marys, Kirkton,
(Intended for last week)
Mrs. A. C. Dykeman, Marjorie
and Margaret, visited with relatives
and friends in Galt and Kitchener
over the week-end.
Mr, and Mrs. Warren Brock and
Jean visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Duffield, of Whalen.
Congratulations to our teacher,
Miss Kemp and school pupils for
taking first place in the school
parade at Kirkton fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake
and Patsy and Bobby spent. 'Sunday
■With Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern.
Mr, and Mrs. 'Charlie Jaques, of
St. Marys, visited with Mr. and
Mrs, Allan Jaques on Suilday.
.Miss Anna Brock spent the week
end ill Galt.
:A number from here attended the
Sacred Concert at Woodham Sun
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock
visitpd on Sunday with MA and
Mrs. Harold HunteA
Mrs. Wm. McGuffiii* Margaret
and Wesley, of Biyanston, visited
on Sunday With Mr, add Mrs.
church, Sept. 30, when Ethel Irene
Pridliam, teacher of Acton and
youngest daughter of Mrs. F. Prid-
ham and the late Frank Pridham,
of Russelldale, became the bride of
Charles David Henderson, student
of Knox College, Toronto, and
youngest son of Mr. J. J. • Hender
son of. the late Mrs. Henderson*
of Acton. Autumn flowers decorated
the church for the occasion. The
ceremony was performed by Rev.
W. D. Goodger, Miss Marion Sawyer
played the wedding music. The
bride was given in marriage by her
oldest brother, Mr. Newton Prid
ham. The bride wore a floor
length dress of brocade,d sheer over
white satin with finger-tip veil and
head-dress of orange blossoms. The
bride’s only ornaments were a gold
locket and ear rings, the gift of
the groom. She carried a white kid
Bible with white satin streamers
knotted with rose buds and baby
mums. The young couple were un
attended. Mrs. Ray Norris, sister
of the bride, and Mr. Joe Hender
son, brother of the groom, signed
the register while the organist of
the church played softly, “I Love
You Truly”. After tile ceremony
a wedding dinner was served at the
Royal Hotel dining hall, Mitchell,
to the immediate families. Mrs.
Pridham, mother of the bride, re
ceived the guests in a two-piece
navy crepe dress wearing a corsage
of roses and mums. The bride trav
elled in a grey silk jersey dress
with matching accessories. After a
short honeymoon to Toronto and
London, the couple will return to
their duties and later will be
Anniversary services will be held
in the United Church on Sunday at
2.45 p.m. and 7.3 0 p.m. Rev.
drew Boa, of Forest, will be
guest speaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wellman
Robert, of Port Huron, visited on
Thursday with relatives.
Wedding bells are ringing in this
vicinity this week.
Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia, anq
Miss Jane
spent the
Mrs. Lloyd
Mr. and
and Mrs. Russell Brown and Gor-
visited on Sunday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. David Sheppard anq
Mr. and Mis, Murray Sheppard.
th e
Cawthorne, of Detroit,
week-end with Mr. and
Brophey and family.
Mrs. Dean Brown, Mr,
Caven Auxiliary W. M. S.
The September meeting of Caven
Auxiliary Women’s Missionary
Society was held September 2Sth
at the home of Mrs. Harold Whyte.
Mrs. Carman Cann gave an inter
esting account of the cooperative
work done in the Bihl and Jansii
fields in India, to distribute (Chris
tian literature to the people, this
work being partly financed from
collections taken at services held
on the Women's Day of Prayer,
throughout the world. Miss Jeckell
gave the report on the annual Pres-
byterial Rally held at Auburn, on
September 12th, when Mrs, Schroe
der, the provincial corresponding
secretary, gave an address on
work of our missionaries in
and foreign fields.home
James St. Y. P. U
The James St. Y.P.U. held their
meeting on Sunday night, October 1,
in the church'basement, Irene Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogers, of I opened the meeting with a hymn
Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rogers and another Negro spiritual. Busi-
and Mary, of Ravenswood, visited I ness was discussed and then the
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eddie I
Hartle and Howard.
Mr. Jas, McPherson arrived
home from the hospital on Sunday.
'Mrs. J. Brown, Mr. W. J. Brown.
Ross and Elda visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Turnbull,
of Grand Bend.
Mrs. Floyd Shank, of Windsor,
spent the week-end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brophey.
(Intended for last week)
Mrs. A. McIntosh is visiting with
friends and relatives in Port Huron.
Mr._ and Mrs. Parry Thompson
— • - ‘ Sunday
Mr. W.
Cl Oil
Mr. and
and Elizabeth visited on
at the home of her father,
J. Brown.
Mr, and Mrs. Raymond
of Kerrwood, visited on
meeting was turned over to the
Fellowship convener, Gwenneth
Jones. Another hymn was sung fol
lowed with prayer by Winston
Shapton. Bob Gladman read the
Scripture lesson. Norma Knight then
played a piano instrumental which
was enjoyed by all. Gwenneth Jones
then called upon the' speaker, Rev..
McTavish, Mr. McTavish gave his
talk on Missions of the United
Church and he revealed some start
ling figures. He ended his talk with
a challenge to the Young People.
A hymn was sung followed by the
Mizpah benediction.
McGregor—Des Jardine
A quiet wedding was solemnized
at the Parkliill United Church par
sonage by E. F. Chandlers on
Thursday, September 21st, when
Irene Mary, only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ferdinand Desjardine, of
Grand Bend, was united in-, mar
riage to Ross Eldredge McGregor,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGregor
of Parkhill, The bride was becom
ingly attired in a street-length
dress of blue crepe. She carried a
bouquet of roses and white lilies.
dress of
Cecil Desjardine. The
held at the bride’s
immediate relatives,
table was beautifully
pink and white and centred with a
three-tier wedding cake. Those serv
ing were Mrs. Orval Farrell, Misses
Bvlvia and Valeria Vincent, Miss
Eleanor Stebbins, Miss Millie Des
jardine, cousins and friends of the
bride. -Later the bride and groom
left on a trip to Niagara Falls
For travelling the bride donned a
rust crepe dress, tweed coat
brown accessories. Upon their
turn they will
groom’s farm near Parkhill.
“Toward an understanding of the
Baptist Church” was the subject 0$
a most informative paper delivered
by Rev. Ernest Grigg at the regul
ar meeting of the South Huron Min
isterial Association held on Monday
of this week. Rev. and Mrs. Reuber,
of Crediton, were hosts for the
meeting. The Baptist Church in
goverment is congregational and
each congretation is more or less a
law unto itself. Doctrines and cus
toms of Baptist Churches were ex
plained in a clear manner. There
are more Baptists in the world than
any other Protestant denomination.
At present the Baptist Church is
making great gains in Southern
Russia. The worship service was
conducted by the President Rev. A
B. Irwin assisted by Rev. Burn, of
Dashwood Evangelical Church. Sev
eral newcomers were welcomed to
the meeting. Election of officers for
the coming year was held with Rev.
M. E. Reuber, of Crediton being el
ected President. Rev, A. S. -True-
of Crediton, Vice-Pesident
N. J. Woods, 'of Exeter,
Navy League Contributions
The Exeter Navy League Commit
tee acknowledges further contribu
tions for ditty bags, as follows: Mrs.
F. J. Delbridge and Mrs. A. Sweet-
oii $5.00; a friend, $5.00; Creditor*
Public School (sale of paper) $6.00,
Mrs. W. G. Cochrane $4.00; Mr. H.
Sturgis $1.0'0; Mrs. H. Jenningr
$1.00. In the list of last week’s do
nations, a contribution of $5.00
from Mrs. Soutlicott should have
read Mrs. T. O. Southcott.
1943 Contributions
and Rev,
Secretary. It was decided to meet
with the St. Marys and 'district Min
isterial in November, At the close
lunch was served by Mrs. Reuber
who was thanked for her hospitality
The Exeter Navy League Commit
tee desires to acknowledge the fol
lowing 1943 contributions for ditty
bags: Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers $.4,00;
Mr, H. Strang 2.00; Mrs. George
Layton 5.00; Mrs: W. G. Medd 2.00;
Mrs. F. May 1.00; Mrs. R. G. Sel
don .50; Mrs. W. Martin .50; .Mr.
G. S. Howard 1.00; Mrs. C. Johns
1.00; Trivitt Memorial Church Sun
day School 5.00; Canadian Legion,
Exeter-Hensall Branch 25.00; Exe
ter Lion’s Club 25.00.-
This money made many a Navy
boy happy last Christmas. We need
your help this year t Ditty bag con
tributions for 1944 may foe left with
William Allison, Mrs. L. Howey, Mrs.
Kyle or at Robertson's Drug .Store.
on a pastorial charge.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Wright,
Lucan, spent the week-end at Oak
Mr, and Mrs. MacDougall,
London, spent the week-end at
Mr. and Mrs. John Hanna
son John, of Wingham, spent
day here.
MA and
R. Q, Clinger and wife. Of
have left for home after
ten days with his parents,
Mrs, A. H. Clinger.
Happy Birthday To Seven
an officer of a naval
California found many
pitai ill
empty tn a ward supposed to house
marines and sailors back from the
Pacific War zone, an Orderly' ex
plained: “The men ate accustomed
to sleeping on*the ground aud they
•didn’t rest Well oh mattresses. They
;are under the beds, sir.”
Too Late To Classify
FOR SALE—-40 laying Sussex
lets. Apply to A, Nichol,
p. o,
Ma John SCott and Agnes accom
panied by Teha motored to Strat
ford bn Sunday last and visited
With friends. They bnjbyed the
ing very much.
Miss Cantelon, of Goderich,
Mrs, Will Robb spent the day
Mr. and Mrs. B. O, McDonald.
Mr, and Mrs. Pearce, of BrussbllS
were Visitors on Friday last with
Mr aiid Mrs. B, O. McDonald. They
Were accompanied by their two SOPS
of the R.C.A.F.
The woods look very beautiful as
they have taken oil their autumn
tint. We don’t need to travel far for
beautiful scenery as we have it
right at our door*
bride was attended by the
sister, Mary , McGregor,
in a two-piece street-length
orchid crepe. She carried a
of pink roses. The groom
attended by the bridels brother,
reception was
home to the
The bride’s
decorated in
reside on
the home of the bride’s par-
numbering twenty-one
the home of Mr. and
Love on October 1st,
seven birthdays in their
gathered at
Mrs. W. H.
to celebrate
midst. A bountiful chicken supper
was served by the hostess and the
evening was spent in visiting. The
seven birthdays, all coming within
eight days, added up-a score of 232
■birthday years. The youngest was
Master Gordon Whiting, of Centen
ary celebrating his first birthday.
The others were Mrs. Edward Gill,
Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Colin
Love and Mr. William Love, Harp-
ley, Mrs. Robert Love, Thedford,
and Mr. Ellison Whiting, Centen
ary. To all of them we wish a happy
birthday and many more to follow.
Archie Pedden is Tory Candidate
in West Middlesex
with Mr. and Mrs.' Lawrence Pol
Mrs. Elzar Mousseau and Mari
lyn, of Kippen, and Mrs. Rufus
Turnbull and Donna, of Grand Band,
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Carman Woodburn and Marion.
Mr. Jas. McPherson was taken
to the Hospital in London on Mon
day for treatment. We wish him a
speedy recovery.
Mrs. Ross Brown is visiting with
her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Smith, of
(Intended for last week)
Miss Joan Baker is visiting
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Baker of the Lake Road.
Pte. Harold Wurm, of Sussex,
N.B., spent a few- days last week
with Mr, and Mrs, E. L. Wurm.
Mrs, LlOyd Faliiier and family,
of Grand Bend, spent Saturday
with Ma and Mrs. Gerald O'Rotirke.
MisS Reta Willert, of Exeter,
Spent last week-end with her sis
ter, Mr, and Mrs. Eb L. Wurm.
A number from here
Zurich Bair rm ’Tuesday.
L/|Cpi. Henry ZHer* of
spefit tile week-end with
ents, MA and Mrs. Louis
his bar
has your wife been fight*'T say,
“Bightingl Why, no.”
“Well, what’s that pad bter het
“Bad? That’s ho pad. That’s her
new hat!”
Main St. Evening Auxiliary
The Evening Auxiliary of the
Main St. United Church held their
regular meeting on Tuesday eve*
ning in the basement of the church
when they entertained the ladies of
the W.M.S. and with Mrs. E. Rus
sell having charge of the first part
of the meeting. The meeting was
opened by singing “God 'Save The
King” followed by «the Lord’s Pray
er, The minutes of the last meeting
were read and the roll called after
■which the business was discussed*
The program was then taken over
by Mrs, Sweitzer who led in the call
to worship. A solo was given by
Mrs, N. Hockey and hymn 319 was
sung. Mrs. Woods read the scrip
ture lesson followed by a reading
by Mrs. Murray after which Miss
Eva Penrose led in, prayer. Hymn
388 was sung followed by a very
interesting address on Mothers and
Education by Mrs, Mair of Thames
Road. Mrs, Thos. Coates then ren
dered a solo and a reading was giv
en by Miss Marion Forbes, Hymn
583 Was sung and the meeting cios-
ed with the Mizpah Benediction and
lunch was served by the group in
charge. On behalf of the W.M.S.
Mrs, B, W. F. Beavers moved a vote
of thanks to the Auxiliary which
was seconded by Mrs, W. Martin.
ents in Hullett township, Kathleen
M. Beacom’and George L. Neil were
united in marriage by Rev. A. E.
Menzies. The bride, given in mar
riage by her father, wore*a street
length dress of heavenly blue sheer
and carried a shower bouquet of
Briarcliffe roses. She was attended
by her sister Edythe, who wore a
dress of dusky rose crepe and car
ried a bouquet of white Killarney
roses. Marguerite Lyon, neice of
(he bride, in a frock of white crepe
was the flower girl. The groom was
attended by his brother, Wesley
Neil. The wedding music was play
ed by Miss Helen MacGregor. Dur
ing the signing of the register Mrs.
A. E. Menzies sang “Because.” The
reception followed at which the
bride’s mother received wearing a
dress of black crepe with a corsage
of Madame Butterfly roses. The
mother of the groom assisted gown
ed in navy blue sheer with a cor
sage of Butterfly roses. Bor travel-
a black tailor
will reside on
Listowel, t Ethel,
AfVa, Clinton
Mr. Archie Pedden, well known
Adelaide Township farmer
horseman, and President of the
Strathroy Agricultural Society, was
nominated in Strathroy recently by
the West Middlesex Progressive
Conservative Association to carry
the banner of the party in West
Middlesex in the coming federal
election. Mr. Pedden won the nom
ination from two other contestants,
Norman Jamieson, Glencoe, and
Howard McLean, Kerrwood. Among
the other nominees who later with
drew was Alex M. Stewart, of Alisa
No Open Season for Deer
In Huron or Bruce
ling, the bride chose
ed suit. The couple
the groom’s farm
Guests were present
Exeter, Hensall,
ville, Zurich,
Sharon Junior Red Cross
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Sadler,
Lucan, celebrated the golden an
niversary of their wedding at the
home of their son, Ba Ernest A.
Sadler, 101 Old Forest Hill Rd.
Rev. James W. Hodgins, brother of
Mrs, Sadler —- the former Eva L,
Hodgins—-and Rev, John H. Sadler,
brother of Mr. Sadler, conducted
the ceremony in Holy Trinity
Church, Lucan, 60 years ago.
Sharon Junior Ret cross held
their first monthly meeting on Fri
day afternoon and had as their
guest, Howard Fiiikbelner, a former
pupil of -Sharon school and how
on the mine sweeper, ’‘Sarnia?* ‘the
pupils gave a short program of
music and readings and then How
ard told
going into
.years ago.
pictures he
land and on the Atlantic. The lunch
committee then served afternoon
them many interesting
about his life since
the Navy Pearly three
He also showed them
had taken In Newfound-
There will not be an open season
for deer hi either Bruce or Huron
counties this year, stated Hon. G.
H. Dunbar, provincial secretary
and minister of game and fisheries,
during the course of a visit to God
erich, Thursday of last week. The
minister explained that it was the
policy of his department to declare
open seasons only when the County
Council requested one. Both Bruce
and Huron councils, he said, had
voted adversely.
A large number from the com- ’,
munity attended the anniversary
services at Crediton on Sunday last.
Rally Day services will be ob
served in Brinsley United Church
on Sunday next, October 8th, at
2.45 p.m. with Rev. 'Gardner, of
Lucan, as the special speaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Watson and
Eddie spent Sunday with her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy,
of St. Marys.
Rev. A. S. Trueblood and Mr.
L. Amos attended Presbytery
Brucefield on Monday last.
Mrs. Hess, of Zurich, spent
few days last week with her daugh
ter. Mrs. James Trevethick.
Mr. Norman Amos, of Guelph,
spent last week at his hoove here.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dorman,
and Jack spent Friday evening with.
Mr. and Mrs. James Trevethick.
The McGillivray Institute packed
21 boxes on ’Friday afternoon for
the boys overseas.
and Miss Mary Dorman spent Fri
day eve with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Hamilton, of .Ailsa Craig,
Bertha, daughter of
Mrs. Aaron Scott,
marriage to Mr,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pickering
on Saturday last in St. Mary’s
Church, Brinsley.
Mr. and Mrs, Goldwin Glenn and
Roy Glenn spent Thursday last in
Miss Margaret Amos, and Miss
Audrey Jones, -of London, spent
the week-end with Mr. J. L. AmOS.
Mr. and Mrs. William Morley re
turned home from Buffalo after
spending two weeks with their
daughter, Mrs, Manquihe.
A large number from the neigh
borhood attended Ilderton fair Ou
Wednesday of last week.
Carl Trevethick, of London,
the week-end with his par-
Mr. and Mrs. James Trevet-
and Mrs, Gordon Allison
Mr. and
was united in
Earl Pickering,
Death of Mrs. T. Hammell
Word has been received in Kip
pen of the death of Mrs. Thomas
Hammell, of Iron-Bridge. She was
formerly Isabella Doig, born in
Tuckerstnith Township, daughter Of
the late John Doig and Mrs. Doig.
last surviving member of a family
of 12, She attended the Presby
terian Church at Klppeh for many
years alid she continued to reside
on the Doig homestead until she
took up residence in Iron-Bridge a
few years ago.
“I’m sorry that t haven’t a nick
el,” said the lady as she handed
the car conductor a ten dollar bill,
“Don’t Worry, lady, you're going
to have 19 9 of ’em in a couple of
Miss Betty Love, of Shipka, spent
the week-end on the Mollard Line,
with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gill.
Miss Millie McLinchey visited
during the past week with Mt'S.
Maria Hayter and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Statton* Of
Grand Bend, spent Sunday at the
home of Mrs. Newton Hayter,
Ma and Mrs. RObt. Murray and
Mrs. Edison Pollock went to Sarnin
to visit with friends on Sunday*
Mr, nnd Mrs, Joseph Carruthers
visited on Sunday at Grand Bend
With Ma and Mrs, Willis Hotson.
Mrs. j. Brown and Mr, Wm,
Brbwn and family 'spent Sunday
With Mr, and Mrs, Rufus TuriibUlL
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Love and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. O.C, Russelb
of shipka, called at Mr, Mansell
Hodgins’ on Sunday evening.
Miss Enid Holt, of Grand Bend
Visited OVei' the week-end with MA
and Mrs. Hugh Hodgihs on tho
Mollard Line. ,A> (