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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-09-28, Page 8
Page 8 'Teh 112 Vera Decker Leavitt’s Exeter Ont. THE TIMES-ADVQCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 2!8, 1944 V’s Beauty Shoppe “SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO” Georgian Beauty Shoppe (Successor to Marion Pooley) Satisfaction Guaranteed M. Christine McCrae, Prop, Exeter Phone 245. AU lines of Beauty Culture. Exeter Phone 135 LOCALS ft visiting Exeter Markets Wheat, $1.08. Oats 53 c. Barley G9e. Creamery Butter 39 c. Eggs, A Large 31 e Eggs, A Medium 29q Eggs. Pullet 22e Eggs, B Dressed Hogs $17.15 Bonus A $4.00 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN « CHURCH Mrs. J. G. Cochrane. Organist 10 11 Snell’s Taxi Service a.m.—-Sunday school. a.m,—Public Worship. Speaker Rev. L. L. Young D-D. A candid ate for the pulpit. Sunday October Sth. Speaker Rev. Kenneth McLean B.A. A candid ate. Sunday October 15th. Sacvement of The Lord’s Supper and Baptism, Thursday evening, Sept. 28, W.M.S. Auxiliary at l;he home of Mrs. Harold Whyte. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY September 27 and 28 —r- Special Feature —- “Mask of Dimitrjous starring ZACHARY SCOTT, SIDNEY GREENSTREET, and PETER LORRE Phone 100 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH FRIDAY and SATURDAY September 29 and 30 The Fighting Seabees’ starring JOHN WAYNE, DENNIS O’KEEFE and SUSAN HAYWARD 1st showing 7.30; 2nd showing 9.30 A percentage of the gross proceeds from this picture will be presented to the Navy Lea gue. ■ in— i. 1 Mr. Wm. Hatter is visiting in Toronto. Mrs. John Parsons is with friends in London. Miss Phylis Bierling R.N., of Montreal, is home on vacation. Mrs. Geo. Hunter is spending this week with relatives at Brooklyn. Mr. G. S. Beavers, of Russeldale, is visiting his brother, Mr. B. W. Beavers. Mrs. Eva Hummeston, of London is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Geddes. Mr. Lloyd Taylor, a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, is re covering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Merner, of Zurich, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bierling. Mrs. J. W. visited couple Mr. spent Mrs. Jos. Grant, of London, Miss Shirley Appleton and Mrs. Percy Knowles, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Kress, of Wingham. Mr. Mack Hodgert and Miss Win- ,nifred Hodgert with Mr. and of Mitchell. Qms. W. C. Skinner, of London, with Mrs. M. Heywood for a of days last week. Stanley Walter, of Hensail, the week-end with Mr. and i MONDAY and TUESDAY October' 2 and 3 J, Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter Rev. N. J. Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs. A, Y, Willard. Organist 11 a.m,—World wide communion Sunday. The Minister. 7 pan,—-Public worship. The Minister. Thursday Sept, 28, 10 a,m.—-Red Cross quilting at the church. Tuesday Oct. 3rd 8 p.m.—Evening Auxiliary at the church. Note change in date. Treat yourself to a new Hair Do Professional shaping gives your hair a “custom built” foundation intended expressly for your hair style Featuring:—-Lustron Cold Wave, Zotos, Jamal, Vaper Marcel, Machineless, Shelton, Thermique, Permanent. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH with JOHN CARROLL, JOHN WAYNE and ANNA LEE visited on Sunday Mrs. Elgin Luxton,The Canadian Legion Exeter Ilensall Branch 167 WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY October 4 and 5 “Bathing Beauty” Dunsford and Mrs. Dunsford, of Camp Ipperwash spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dunsford, Mrs. McAvoy and Miss Annie Sanders returned home on Tuesday at Grand LAC. Norman Hannigan, of Brant ford, was home on a week’s holi days and during that time spent a few days with Rev. A. and Mrs. Page at Owen Sound. Mrs. Bert Amy, of Brantford, who attended the funeral William Mawhinney day, returned to her day, accompanied by ney who will spend weeks with her brother, is in ill health. Saturday Night DANCE and Mr. week-end SEPTEMBER 30th in McKnight’s Hall, Exeter of the late last Wrednes- home on Fri- Mrs. Mawhiu- a couple of Bert who Rev. A. B. Irwin. B.A. Mrs. Wm, Murdoch, A.L.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—Sunday School . a.m.—Holy Communion Reception of new members. p.m.—-W. A. Harvest Home Service. Rev. Duncan McTavish of London. “Look Up and Lift Up.” Special music by choir of W. members. A. cordial welcome to all. 10 11 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 17tli Sunday After Trinity a.m.—Holy Communion, a.m.—Sunday School. CEMENT Mr. Otton, of the Bank of Mont real staff, is on' holidays and with Mrs. Otton and children is visiting in Toronto and Stratford. Your local Planing Mill and Builder’s Supply Yard has what you need. SAND — GRAVEL — LIME ROCK WOOL FOR THAT INSULATING JOB . ROOFING AND LUMBER SHEET ROCK & DONNACONNA BOARD in all available sizes. Phone 16 Penrose closed with of Exeter on repaired and son, Pte. compound when he ‘action in James James held its first Y.P.U. Young Peoples' meeting of this September 25. The new home but bed for some St st. Smart Styles in Women’s Coats Let us.show you our new styles in women's coats. There are some lovely eloths in tweeds and shags. These are very smart coats; you would be proud to wear one. Also some lovely fur-trimmed coats in browns and blacks, Printed Rayon for fall dresses Inlaid Linoleums will last a life-time This is a grand cloth for dresses and comes in a very neat pattern in a range of five colors, PER YARD $1.25 Young Men’s and Men’s OVERCOATS Tweeds and we at very will be very popular this season offer you some excellent patterns popular prices. Let us show you our values at $25.00 and $30.00 3 This lovely Inlaid Linoleum will last lifetime if properly laid, It is a wonderful floor covering for dining-rooms, kitchens and bathrooms and comes in eight shades. Also in two qualities at PER YARD $3.50 and $5.00 Biltmore Hats for Men You will be needing one for Fall. The newest shapes and shades are now in stock. WOOL FELTS at $2.00 FUR FELTS at $3.50 to $6.00 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday KRAFT DINNER for delicious macaroni and cheese, per pack ............................. PREPARED FRENCH MUSTARD Special 6 fluid oz..............................9c jar ©For the week-end. LEAVE US YOUR ORDER FOR A MUSCOVY DUCK. FRUIT-KEPE Did you try Fruit-Kepe for your preserves? Per pack ............................23c CHOX The dairy drink for growing children; milk is in it ...16c 39c10 11 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon “Peace^in Unity”. Thursday, 8 p.m.—Prayer and Intercession in the iChurch. Thursday, iS.30 p.m.—The ' ladies will meet in the Parish Hall. • SMART BOY WANTED to learn the general store business.SOLVENTOL The new House Cleaner—really does a job, per jar ......................... APPLES, GRAPES, PEACHES. VEGETABLES GOLD MEDAL WAX Saves you money, at ............... LEMON PIE FILLER “Ewings” makes a tasty pie, per tin ....... after spending two weeks Bend. Mrs. Ernest Appleton Thos. Appleton spent the with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Thomp son, of Denfield. Mrs. Jas. Francis and daughter Jane, visited with Jaques. Jane is couple of weeks. Mrs. B. W. F. C. W. Christie are attending the Provincial W.C.T.U. convention in Woodstock this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Emmett, of don, spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Luther Reynolds. Mrs. Christina Northcott, CpI. Short and his Orchestra 29c 39c Mr. and Mrs. Geo. remaining for a Beavers and Mrs. from No. 9 S.F.T.S. Dancing 9-12 p.m. ADMISSION 50c ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton 16c Lon- and CASH M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock. Organist Lawrence A. Wein, Choir Leader 10 a.m.-—From Privilege to Res ponsibility. 11 a.m.—Church School. Evening service withdrawn. Thursday W.M.S. Haist’s. Southcott Bros FOR YOUR POULTRY That’s what you want! BUT — You have to get them the right stage without mortality. S.15 p.m.—Important meeting at Mrs. Chris. of Stratford, who has been spending the summer at Grand Bend, visited .with relatives during the past week. / F.O. G. Trooman of No, 2 S.F.T.S 'at Uplands is parents, Mr. Anderson and overseas. Miss Lillian don, is holidaying for two weeks at. her home here. She will also visit with Mr, and Mrs. Albin Fawcett, at Orangeville. Mr. John Kemp, of Toronto, vis ited on Sunday with Mrs. Kenneth Hockey. Mrs. Kemp, who has been visiting here, returned to Toronto with her husband. A dance will be held in Hensall Friday evening, the music being supplied by Bert Worth and the C.K.N.X. Skyliners. See advt. in an other column. Mrs. Brophey, Mr. and Mrs. Rid ley, of Parkhill; Mr. Wm. Mellin, of Shipka and Mr. and Mrs. Ed< Finkbeiner, of Crediton, visited on Sunday with Mr. Mollard. Mr. and Mrs. B. called to Comber FOR SALE Gem Grain Grinder, complete with 3 h.p. motor; 1% h.p. Used Motor, may be seen at Cann & Sons Mill, Exeter. 3000 Watt Electropail; ^Electric Heating Pad. WM. J. THOMSON Centralia, Ont. JPlione: Kirkton 4<8r4<. S3 to Welcome. I ar visiting his grand-1 Getting them there is our and Mrs. George J SpeciaRy. is leaving soon for | r J Finkbeiner, of Lon- If you are having trouble, us. We keep in touch with best authority. see Your drugs at ROBERTSON’S Mr. Donald Traquair, graduate of Exeter High school, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Traquair, has enter ed Western University, London and commenced his studies on Monday last. Mr. Rollie Williams, of Usborne, has taken over the agency for the Massey-Harris in Exeter and has rented the vacant store on Main Street belonging to Mr. William Frayne and recently occupied by the Exeter Ladies’ Wear. Photographic Studio under new management Top-Notchers in MEN’S & LADIES’ MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS and TOP COATS — exclusive BOND dealer — $21.75 $24.75 $27.50 • GEORGE WRIGHT CLOTHING & SHOES -TEESWATER FAIR- October 3rd and 4th iFair officially opened by Col. the Hon. Thos. L. Kennedy on Oct. 4th at 1.00 pan. Outstanding Horse Show, including prizes for Ponies; ^CJentralia R.O.A.F. Band; Flora 40-piece Brass Band; SENSATIONAL RACING EVENTS; Old time Vehicle Contest Mth Generous Prizes; Ripley’s High Balancing Act; •Mtl & Grant, - Famous Professional Clowns; etc., etc* Grandstand Accommodation for 1500 T. P. McDonald, Pres. t Alex. B. MeKague, Soc.-Tfw. M. Francis were Monday owing to the sudden death of the latter’s who The brother, Mr. W. D. Parrish, passed away at the age of 60. funeral was held Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech Tuesday for Washington, where they will, visit with their son, Dr. Hugh J. and Mrs, Creech. Dr. Creech is a research chemist and teacher at the Maryland University.' Mrs. Margaret Shefter, of land, has been spending the two weeks with her aunt, Margaret White, of Stephen, visiting Mrs. White for a few is her granddaughter Mrs. Margaret Haney, of Parkhill. Mrs. McAlister, home owing to the of her father, Dr. left the latter part of the week for her home at Fort Wayne, Indiana. Mrs. Anderson accompanied her home on a visit. 1 Mi’S. J. H, Hookey Jr., who for the past two years and ten months has served in the R.C.A.F. at Summerside, .No. 9 S.F.T.S. discharged and is living home on William street. Mrs. Irwin Armstrong, spent several weeks at the her daughter, Mrs. Harry McCreath in Kincardine returned to her home on Monday add is much improved in health. Miss May Armstrong,, who was nursing her mother returned also, Miss Elva Wuerth and Mrs. Karl ins and Mrs. Delphlne Swartz, of Detroit, Reg. wuerth, of London, and LAO Reynold Wuerth, of King ston, visited over the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. A. ®. Wuerth. Reynold reported to Laehine' for overseas Hosting. left D.C., Wel- past Mrs. Also days f who was called | illness and death: D. A. Anderson, , (W.D.), P.E.I. and also at at Centralia, is now at hen who has home of It is with some feeling of regret that after having served the public in Exeter for fifty-seven years I am now retiring from my photographic studio. However I am pleased to announce that Miss Shirley Penhale, who has been by assist ant for two years, will continue to serve the public. I wish to thank the many patrons who have favored me with their business during the many years I have been in Exeter and I solicit a continuance of that patronage for Miss Penhale, whom I believe quite capable of rendering a splendid serv ice to the community. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hooper, of London, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fanson. Mr. W. 1G. Keddy and Miss Nettie Keddy, of Usborne, visited with their brother in Glencoe Wednes day of last week and took in the Glencoe fair. Miss Helen Snell, graduate o? the Exeter High school, left Monday 'for London to attend Western Uni versity. Mr. Goldie Cochrane, who has been ill in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, has returned will be confined to his time. Smith’s bridge, east Highway 83, has been the road, which has been closed to traffic for a month, is now open. According to an official telegram received by Mr. and Mrs. James Carlin, of Hibbert, their Leo Carlin received a fracture of the left side •was recently wounded in France. JOSEPH SENIOR PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE PASTOR H. KENDRICK Wednesday, 8.30 pan.—Bible Study, Thursday, 8.30 pan.—Special. Friday, 8.30 pan.—• Young People. Saturday, 9 Sunday, 10 pan.-—Open Air. a.m.-MSiinday School. Sunday, 11 From Barren Water”. Communion Service* a.m,—--Subject “A Soul Sunday, 7.45 p.ni.—-Anniversary Service* SPECIAL S.PEAOH SPECIAL WSW 3 p.m. and 8 p.m* Monday ANNIVERSARY SERVICES G. Harris YOU ARE INVITED, Main St. W.M.S. The Main St. W.M.S. met at the home of Miss A. Hackney Thursday September, 14th. The president pre-t. siding. There was a good attendance The meeting opened with Hymn 502 “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” followed by meditation on the Lord’s prayer. The treasurer’s re port was given. Mrs. Layton and Mrs. Medd were appointed delegates for the Presbyterial, Mrs. Southcott is to speak at the October meeting. The collection was taken which was generous. Mr. Woods gave a talk on the new study book illustrated by a map. Mrs. Gunning took the devot ional and Mrs. prayer. The Union season on Monday in the church basement, president, Miss Irene Sweet opened the meeting With a hymn followed by the Lord’s Prayer. The roll cal) found a goodly number present and business Was discussed. Rev. Irwin gave a short talk on the Negro religion and spirituals. He took one negro song from the hymnal, ex plained its thought and had the audience Sing it With expression. Ho then introduced the speaker Of the evening, Rev. Mr, Trueblood, of Oredtton. With a few vivid lllus* trations, Mr. Trueblood brought out his text “Surrendering to Some? thing Higher.” Miss Margaret Henry told an interesting story and hymn and the Mizpah benediction closed that part of ths meeting, Games, under the recreation con vener, Doris Penhale, were enjoyed, Miss Dorothy Bearchhill Reg. N. of London, was the guest of Miss Dorothy Traquair over the week end. Do not forget to Place Your Order for Storm Sash Early! We have in stock a full line of 4-INCH AND 6-INCH GLAZED SEWER TILE with all necessary fittings. The Huron Lumber Co Exeter, Ontario