HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-09-07, Page 5.0
Miss Frances (Carpenter, of
don, spent the week-end. with
Margaret Glenn.
Miss Margaret Grieve of Seaforth,
visited recently with Mrs. Norman
Stanlake and friends.
Dr. A. R. Campbell, Mrs. Camp
bell. Billie and Gordon are enjoying
a week's vacation at Grand Bend,
Miss Mae Schwalm and Mr. Rick
Pigeon, of London, visited recently
with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKenzie.
Miss Gladys Luker was a week
end guest with Dr, and Mrs. Camp
bell at their cottage at Grand Bend.
Dr. and Mrs. D, G. Steer return
ed home from a pleasant vacation at Muskoka Lake, Toronto and Lon
Harold Walker, of the R.Q.A.F.
now stationed »at Deseronto, spent
a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Stan
ley Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake,
BHlie and Joan and Mrs. Walks re
turned home from a two weeks’ va
cation at Port Elgin.
Keith Buchanan, of the R.C.A.F
Trenton, returned after spending a.
furlough here with Mrs. Buchanan
and other relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacLaren and
Donald spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Minor, Joanne
and Jackie in Port Huron.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hanson and
family, of Stratford, spent the week
end with
day with
bara Mickey, of Belgrave, assistant.
Miss Lettie Love returned to her
duties as teacher in one of the To
ronto schools after spending the
summer with her parents,
Mrs. Wm. Love.
The many friends of M
Case regret to hear she is
ill and was removed to St.
Hospital, London in an
early Monday morning.
Miss Beryl Pfaff
Misses Alice Pfaff,
and Helen Dickson,
the week-end holiday camping
Grand Bend.
Owing to the 48-hour week for
employees now in effect Hensall
stores will be dosed. Tuesday eve
nings and Wednesday afternoons
and will close on Saturday evenings
at 11 o’clock sharp.
The Women’s Institute will open
their fall and winter meetings with
a “pot-luck” supper to be held at
the home of Mrs. (Dr.) Bell on Wed
nesday, Sept. 13th, with Mrs. John
E. McEwen co-hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hedden, of
St. Catharines, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Hedden, Betty and Marie, of Hamil
ton, and Mr. Harold Hedden, of
Chatham, were week-end visitors
with Mrs. Catharine Hedden.
Otto John Stephan Passed Away
Otto John Stephan passed away
at his home in Hensall on Wednes
day in his 42nd year following a
two month’s illness. The deceased
had been in ill health for over 20
years. ‘Surviving are his widow, for
merly Pearl Smale; five children,
Ronald, Toronto; Mervyn, Orion,
Margaret and Jackie at home; his
mother, Mrs. Stephan; one brother,
Herb and two sisters, Mrs. Laura
Weido, Exeter, and Mrs. Len Wagg-
ner, of Zurich. Funeral service was
held from the'home on Friday, con
ducted by Rev. R. -A. Brook. Inter
ment in Exeter Cemetery.
Mr. (and Mrs. Gordon
and other relatives.
School reopened on Tues-
Mr. Cowan, of Dungannon,
in charge and Miss Bar-
School reopened on Tuesday with
Miss Russell, of Russeldale, and Mr,
K, McLeod, of St. Thomas, in charge.
A number from this community
attended the Lamport reunion at
Spruce Grove on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Berg, of Detroit,
spent the week-end with Mrs. Wen
zel and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fahrner.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Roberston, of
London, visited over the holiday
with Mr. and Mrs, Ed- Beaver,
FO. Lewis Faist spent the week
end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs.
M. Eaist and upon Mis return to
Dunnville, was ppsted to St. Huberts
, Montreal, on Ferry Command.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Down, of To
ronto, visited over the week-end
with the former’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. Down. Master Gordon Down
who has been holidaying with his
grandparents, retuned with them,
Mrs. Otto Brown, of Owendale,
Mich., is spending a few weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morlock,
Mr. Clifford Hill has disposed of
his residence to Mrs. M. Mathers,
of Greenway, and has since pur
chased the property .of Mrs. H.
Kuhn, Mrs. Kuhn’s many friends
hope she will continue to make her
home in Crediton.
Mrs. Martin Morlock and Mrs.
Henry Quehl, of Kitchener, visited
over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs.
Herb Young.
Wallace and (Calvin 'Fahrner left
on Monday evening for their res
pective posts at Calgary and Toron
Miss Mildred Trueblood is visit
ing friends in Clifford.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Moir and daugh
ter Jean and Bobbie Wolfe, of De
troit, spent the week-end with Mr,
and Mrs. Geo. Eilber.
Mrs. Beatrice Tate,
I visited her sister,
Schenk. Miss Dolores
had visited in Hamilton and Milton
returned with her.
Miss Thelma Ford,
who visited last week
of Mr. and Mrs. Thos,
turned to her home in Windsor on
Monday and was accompanied by
Miss Rhena Yearly who will visit
in Windsor.
Mrs. N. Baker, of Exeter, is the
guest of her relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clarke spent
the week-end in Detroit.
Mr. V. Kestle and Janet, of Exe
ter, visited over the holiday with
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Trevethick.
Cpl, and Mrs. R. J. Davies (nee
Dorothy Hill) and little daughter
Lorraine, of Winnipeg, have return
ed home after spending 10 days with
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Hill.
Misses Helen Hill and Rosemary
McInnis, of London, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. G. Hill.
Service in the United Church next
Sunday will be withdrawn in favor
of the anniversary services being
held in the Brinsley church—Rev.
(Cleave of Grand Bend, will be
guest speaker.
1 Messrs. Ed. Yeaney and
Woodall returned to Windsor
Monday after spending their vaca
tions at their homes here.
Laura Woodall returned to
after spending her vacation
home here and a,t Grand
of Hamilton,
Miss Maleeta
Schenk, who
and Mrs, Law-
Baynham accompanied by
Wanda Tuckey
of Exeter, spent
j at
of Windsor,
at the home
Year ley, re
Re-Opening Service
Sunday, Sept, 10th
Service at 11.15 aan.
Special speaker and music
Offering ijU aid of the Sunday
You are cordially invited to
attend this service,
Mr, and Mrs. J, Burgle, of Wind
sor, spent the past week with Mr,
and Mrs. W. Connor. Miss June
Burgie, who has been visiting her
cousin, Miss Shirley Lewis for sev
eral weeks, returned home with her
Mrs. Ed. Willard and Betty Anne, of Port Hope, visited her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. (Connor for the
past couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs, John Talbot, of
Grand Valley, visited over the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Harris West.
Miss Joanne Talbot, who has been
visiting here for a couple of weeks,
returned home with them.
A number from the village
tended the Hicks-Lee nuptials
Carlisle church
Mr. and Mrs.
don, spent the
George Flynn.
LAC. Andrew Blair, of the
A.F. who has been home for
weeks on farm leave, left recently
for Patricia Bay, Vancouver Island.
Mr, Melvin Harleton, of Windsor,
spent the week-end at his home.
Miss Bernice Conlin, R.N., of Lon
don, spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conlin.
Miss Camilla Glavin, daughter of
and Mrs. James Glavin, has left
Chatham to commence her dut-
last Wednesday,
Tom Flynn, of
week-end with
ies as a teacher there.
School opened on. Tuesday ,of this
week with Mrs. Lome Hicks again
in charge.
Miss Grace Andrew left on Sun
day for Hamilton after spending
the vacation with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. G. R. Andrew. Grace has
been engaged as a teacher at the
Peace Memorial School in Hamilton.
Miss Mary Glavin has returned
to her duties at Andrew’s store after
being away for several weeks owing
to illness.
Mrs. J. Brown, of Dashwood, is
visiting with Mrs. Armstrong.
Mr. and
Mrs. J.
Mrs. Ray Lammie
the residence of
Sleamon returned
funeral of the late Daniel
was held from his late resi-
con. O* McGillivray Town-
ExeterPhono 100
tf yay have a tire
permit... remember.
at her
Holiday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Godfrey Wein and Maleeta
were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goulding,
Dawson and Marilyn, of London,
Mr. Lloyd Wein, of Windsor, spent
the week-end at his home here.
Mr. Lloyd England, formerly with
the Canadian Postal Corp, at Camp
Borden, has been posted to No. 9
S.F.T.S. attached to M.P.O. 107 and
is now enjoying a two weeks’ fur
Zion Evangelical 'Church observed
a summer Christmas-tree on Friday
evening of last week'when the mem
bers of the Mission Band entertain
ed their friends and members of the
Ladies Aid and W.M.S. Following
the games on the church lawn the
group convened at the home of Mrs.
Emery Fahrner were elaborate dec
orations ushed them into the spirit
of the program. The program of
poems, a playlet, and contests fol
lowed with Arliss Wein in. the chain
and Betty Lou Swartz at the piano.
A delicious luncheon was served.
on Sunday after spending a few
days with her son, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Sleamon in London.
Miss Dorothy Hicks, of London,
and Mrs. J. (Creech, of St. Thomas,
spent the week-end with their mo
ther, Mrs. B. Hicks.
Mrs. Robert Smith and Marleng
returned home on Sunday after
spending the past year in Malton
where Mr. Smith is employed with
the Russel Construction Co. Mr.
Smith accompanied them home, re
turning to Malton on Monday.
F. Bowden and fam-i* stnd All’s
ily spent Labor Day in Stratford.
Rev. and Mrs.
returned home
the month
mer home
Mrs. R.
visitors with Mrs. Clara. Abbott.
. R. J. Merriam have
after holidaying for
of August at their sum-
at Rice
Mrs. C.
with her
of Lucan, and
Carscallen, of
daughter anti
Sunday evening
Mrs. Don. Marsnall and daughter, of London, are visiting Mr. and Mrs
George Parkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Ashton and
Barbara were Labor Day visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gunning.
Mr. and Mrs.
Betty, Mr. Jack
• Lon9-v/e
Mr. Jack Sinclair and Mr. Frank
Nichols, of Detroit, Mich., visited at
the home of Ed. Lamport on Wed-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheppard,
Ailsa Craig, spent the week-end
Ed. Lamport’s.
Mr, and Mrs. M. Dietrich,
Windsor, visited last week at
Bert Duffield and
jowcuy, u«vn. Duffield and Mrs.
Andy Langton, of London, motored
to Mt. Forest on Sunday and spent
the day with Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Mrs. Frank Gunning visited dur
ing last week with her daughter,
Mrs. Wm. Bell, of Kippen.
Messrs. Kenneth Hodgson and
Andrew Arksey left on Thursday
for the west.
vviuuaui, vmivcu “- the
home of his brothers and families,
Messrs. Lome and Roy
Mr. Earl Baker, of
spent Thursday last at
his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Lamport
spent Sunday last at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lamport.
Miss Ruth Cunningtoil and friend
of Crediton, spent Sunday last at
her home here.
Sunday next
there will be no
Sunday School,
vices will be held
Sunday September, 17
Day program will, be given
Trueblood will give the
Service at 10<30 a.m.
Miss Lila Finkbeiner
friend, Miss Berna Yoe, from Lon
don spent the week-end at the for
mer's home here.
Miss Gertrude Diusdale, of Lon
don, was a Labor Bay guest with
her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ratz.
Miss Mildred Lamport spent the
st week with her parents, Mr. and
l’S, Ed. Lamport.
Mrs. Cliff Russell is at present
Visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, EL Webb at $t. Catherines.
St. Thomas,
the home 0$
Mrs. Major
and family
September 10th,
church service or
Anniversary ser-
at Brinsley United
a Rally
and Rev.
and girl
Mr. and Mrs. James Earl visited
over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Anderson, of Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern and fam
ily spent the week-end at Owen
Miss Marjorie Dykeman, of Galt.
Visited over the week-end with Mi\
and Mrs. A. C. Dykeman.
The cast of the play “Aunt Tillie
enjoyed a weiner
Bend on Tuesday
Goes To Sea”
roast at Grand
Mr. and Mrs.
family, of Kirkton
day With Mr. add Mrs. Eph. Hern.
Mr. and*
Visited with
over the week
Miss Hazel
spent several
Mrs. Warren Brock.
Mr. and Mrs. Dykeman, of
visited Oil .Monday with Mr.
Mrs. J, Dykemail.Mr. ------
family and Mr.
Toronto, visited on Monday With
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Jaques.
Mr, and Mrs. Warren Brock spent
Monday at Guelph.
Mr. Harvey Herbert, of Maltoii,
visited in the community over the)
Mrs. Roy Brock and Shirley, of
Kirkton, visited on Thursday With
Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Brock.
Orville Roger and
i, visited on Sun-
Mrs. Norman Brock
friends in Toronto
Stewart, of Byron,
days with her sister,
andand Mrs. Bill Ryland
Arthur Taylor, of
ship on Saturday, September 2nd, to
Brinsley United Church for service
by Rev, A.. S. Trueblood. A solo
entitled “In the Garden” was ren
dered by Mr, 'Charles Hagger, of
Lucan. Interment followed in Mars
Hill cemetery.. The sympathy of the
community is extended to the
Anniversary services will be in Brinsley United Church on
day, September 10th. at 11 a.m. and
7,30 p.m, with the special speaker,
Rev. Cleave, of Grand Bend. Special
music by the choir under the leader
ship Of Mrs. Lin Craven, also Miss
Tazzman, of London, soloist, with
Miss Grace Darling', of Ulandeboye,
at the piano.
Rev, A- S. Trueblood and Miss
Grace Darling rendered a duet en
titled “His Love is Wonderful
Me” at the afternoon service
Brinsley United Church,
Miss Orpa Watson, daughter
Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Watson, left
Monday where she has been
gaged as teacher in Public School
near Forest.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sutherland
and Mr, and Mrs, Orvel Sutherland,
of Mount Brydges, attended the
funeral of the late Daniel Lewis.
A large number from
munity attended the
Service at St. James
Church on Sunday last.
Mr, and Mrs. Luther Morley, Mr.
and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins called on
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Watson, of Park
hill on Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dundas
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
Cecil Elwood.
Mrs. Thos. Lee spent the week
end with her daughter, Mrs. Parker,
of Harriston.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trevethick
spent Thursday last in London.
Sgt. Harvey and Mrs. Craven
Deseronto, called on friends in
neighborhood on Monday last.
Mrs. Markle, of Detroit, is spend
ing a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo
Mr. Geo. Edwards, of
the week-end with. Mrs.
Mrs. Alice Gray, who
spending some time with
Carter, has relumed to
in Toronto.
Mrs. Hess, of Zurich,
week-end with her daughter, Mrs.
James Trevethick.
Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Lee, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Lee and Mary visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dixon, of Cen
tenary on Sunday last.
Mr. Robert McCubb'in, M.P., of
Strathroy, attended the funeral of
the late Daniel Lewis on Saturday
Mr. J. L. Amos, Mr. Hilton Amos
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson, of Goderich..
Miss Gertrude ArnOs and Mrs.
Murray Hamilton has been engaged
as teachers in Parkhill Public
Mr. Ernest Amos has gone to the
West for the
Mr. Carl Trevethick, of London,
spent the holiday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Trevethick.
Mr. Gerold Lewis, of Kingston,
and lady friend spent the week-end
at the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wes. Lewis.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kuhn and
children, of Crediton, spent Sunday
with hei’ father and mother, Mr.
and Mrs. Fletcher Gower.
Mr. and Mrs. Serwood Brock, of
Winchelsea, spent Sunday with
and Mrs. Goldwin Glenn.
the com-
Miss Mary B
, Holland and
Toronto, spent
Mary Car-
has been
Mrs. Mary
her home
spent the
in Parkhill Public
Mr. and Mrs. Milford Dietrich
and family, Mr. Ted Dietrich and
friend Miss Edna White, of Wind
sor, spent their holidays with
Emma Dietrich.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ryan and
ily, of Mt. Carmel, Mr. and
Roy Dietrich and Vera, of Shipka,
Mr. and Mrs. William Ziler and
John of the 14th concession spent
Sunday with Mrs. Emma Dietrich.
Mr. and Mrs. Eb'en Weigand and
Donald Spent the week-end at
Niagara Falls.
Teacher (in geometry class):
“What is that noise?” Student:
“I just dropped a perpendicular to
the hypotenuse of this triangle.”
John Shepard Dies in Hensall
dent of
and mot
week-end. Native of
he had spent his life in the
being a Hensall resident
years. He was a member
United Church and of the
and A.F. of A.M. Besides his widow
formerly Emma Dickson, of Hensall
there survive a son, Harold, of
Toronto; a brother, William, and a
sister, Mrs. Fred Manns. There will
be a private funeral service at the
residence on Thursday at 2.3-0 by
Rev. R. A. Brook. Interment will be
in McTaggarts Cemetery.
Shep.ard, well known resi-
Hensall, died suddenly on
in his 72nd year. He had
church service in Hensail
;ored to Grand Bend at the
Native of Tuckersmith,
for 18
of the
and Mrs. Neil Deegan, of To
ronto, spent the week-end with the
former’s sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Glanville,
Mr. Frank Glanville, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with his broth
ers here.
Mrs. Wilson Anderson is visiting
Mrs. Emma Edwards, of Ingersoll,
visiting her mother, Mrs. Job
Graded Seed
Miss Ardys McFalls is holidaying
Mrs. Roegie, of Stratford, andMrs. Dunlop, of Montreal, are visit- j pendicitis
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wein. I'””’
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Patrick, of
Toronto, spent the week-end with,
the latter’s mother Mrs. J. C. Snell.
Mr. and Mrs. Benson Tuckey and
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Russell spent
the holiday week-end at Grand Bend
Messrs. Rus. Howard, of Tilbury,
and Roy Howard, of London, called
on old friends in Exeter on Tuesday
Mr. George Beavers, of Morris
burg, visited with his parents Mr.
and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers over the
Dr. D. A. Anderson, who is ill at
his home, has picked up during the
past week and is showing signs of
Mrs. Jacob Weber and Mrs. Allan
Goodwin, of Kitchener, visited op
Thursday of last week with Mr. and
. Mrs. Frank Triebner.
Mr. J. G. Cochrane who
a patient in St. Joseph’s
( London, for the past few
; somewhat improved but is
enough to leave
I some time yet.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oke, of Hamil
ton, visited with the former’s fath
er, Mr. Wm. Oke at the home of
Mrs. George Hunter on Sunday. Mr,
and Mrs. Wilson Hawkins, of Sea.-
> forth and Mrs. Wm. Higgins, of
Clinton, also visited with Mrs.
Rev. Lawrence H. Turner, pastor
of Victoria St. United church, God
erich, Mrs. Turner and Grace Marie,
are spending this week with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Cook, They will at
tend some of the sessions of the
General Council which is meeting
in First-St. Andrews United church
in London.
Recent week-end and holiday vis
itors at the home of Mrs. A
bridge were Mr. and Mrs.
Brooks and little daughter
Ann, of Chatham, and Mr.
Brooks, of the staff of the Wash-
ville Tennessee Life and Accident
Insurance Company of Springfield.
Ill. Mr. Norman Brooks and Miss
i Allison were Sunday evening callers
and Mrs. E. A. Steeles, of London,
is spending several days with hey
sister Mrs. Delbridge.
The Exeter Public School re-open
ed Tuesday morning following the
summer vacation. Mr. Claude Blowes
who. recently moved from Hensall
to Exeter, is the new principal suc
ceeding Mr. Ray Waghorn, who has
moved to Hamilton where he has
accepted a position on the teaching
staff. Miss Mary Layng, of Ben
field, is a new addition to the staff
taking the place of Miss Watson.
Miss Henry, of Brucefield; Miss
Fofbes, of Clinton and Miss Pepper,
of Mensail, are
There are 17
total enrolment
Sims and other relatives.
Mr. Aaron Wein, of Windsor, and
Wilmar, of London, spent the holi
day at their home here.
Pte, Alvin Sims and
Dennis (W.D.), of London,
the week-end at the former’s
Mrs. M. J. Matheson, who
some time with her sister, Mrs. Sam
make her
son, was
and who recently left to
home in Calgary with her
taken suddenly with ap-
and was operated upon
| and is getting along as well as can,
be expected.
Mrs. Simpkins and daughter Marie
of Owen Sound, spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims. Miss
Doris Sims returned with them
some holidays.
has been
weeks is
not well
the hospital for
, E. Del-
th® other members,
beginners and the
is a little ever 1BIO«
Mrs. G. Duncan, Mrs. A. Gardiner
Bert and Mary and Mrs. P. Pass-
more were holidaying
Bend last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy
and Alice spent Sunday
A. Gunning, of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Kirkton, spent Sunday evening with
Mr. and
in Toronto and Schomberg.
Mrs. Annie McCurdy and Tenie
visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gar
diner recently.
at Grand
with Mrs.
Squire, of
Mrs. Jas. Anderson.
and Mrs. Mair, Betty and,
returned Monday after
a few days with relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ford, and
daughter, of
: Detroit,
! Box,
I Mrs.
■ were
Detroit,, visited witty
Charles Box, of Stephen, __
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor re-
The W.M.S. meets this week at
the home of Mrs. Fred Pattison on
Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Edgar
Rodd is in charge of the program. •
Miss Madeline Rodd has returned,
to the Ontario Hospital, London, to
resume her former work.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire and Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Earl, of Zion, spent
the week-end and holiday with Mr.
and' Mrs. Howard Anderson, of
Washington, Oxford County.
Little Miss Ida Pearl Langford,
of Hyde Park, spent the last week
with her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Langford.
Miss Alice Thompson has left re
cently to attend the Business Col
lege at Toronto.
Misses Dorothy Thomson, Winnie
Gordon and Audrey Arksey went
Tuesday of this week to attend St.
Marys High School.
Misses Muriel and
ens visited Sunday
Rhoda Thomson and
Mr. John Swallow,
Marion Steph-
last with Miss
of Kingsville;
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
_ . and
Fern Rodd, of London, were week-
Misses Marjory Parkinson
cently. They were accompanied by; end and holiday guests at then* re
Mrs. Arthur Ford,speetive homes here.
Highest Prices Paid
for Live or Dressed
Chickens, Fowl, Turkeys, Ducks, Geese
Mitchell Parkdale Poultry Phone 152