HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-09-07, Page 4SHBB Dance at night. Music by Fred Funk and his band objective WE CAN REACH OUR OBJECTIVE IF-1* THR TIM^ADYQPAm ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING,, SEPTEMBER 7, 1944 Exeter rail rair Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 20 and 21 Bigger and Better than Ever - TRIALS OF SPEED and SPORTING EVENTS Music by the Centralia Airforce Band and the Exeter Band BOMBS ARE FALLING Hundreds of British Children are Orphaned and Homeless THE LIONS BRITISH CHILD WAR VICTIMS FUND SPONSORED BY THE LIONS CLUBS OF CANADA ARE TAKING CARE OF SOME OF BRITAIN’S BOMBED CHILDREN The Canadian Lions Clubs have already sent $250,000.00. $2,000 has been sent by the Exeter Club over the past three years. Announcements Oirtlbj, Death and JffarHitiSe NoHccm are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks PQe. In Mcwirhinj. xeijceM mie ter .single ven-e, 25e extra tor each addi­ tional rente. i-nuraereni ontH 5<>c BIRTHS AUSTIN—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hospit­ al op Saturday September 2, 1944 to LAC, and Mrs. John Austin, of Exeter,.a son (John Alan). CANN-—At Dr, Fletcher’s Hospital On Monday, September 4th, 1944, to Cpl. and Mrs. Carfrey Cann, Exeter, a son. FINKBEINER Hospital on September 6th, to Mr, and Mrs. Russell beiner, of Crediton, a son. LAWSON—At Mrs. Godbolt’s pital, op September 3rd, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lawson,’ of Exeter, a daughter, O’CALLAGHAN—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hospital, on Septembei’ 5th, to Cpl. and Mrs. Robert O’Callaghan, of Kirkton, a daughter. MATTHEWS — At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hospital, on August 26th, 1944 to Flt.Sgt. and Mrs. Waldo Matthews of Exeter, a son (Ronald Waldo). PETTIT—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hospit­ al, on September 2nd, 1944 to FO, and Mrs, W, H. Pettit, of Exeter, a daughter (Penny Arlene). ROWCLIFIF-E—In Exeter at the home of Mrs. George Hunter, on Saturday, Sept. 2nd, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rowcliffe, of Us­ borne, a son. THOMPSON—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hos­ pital, on August 29th, 1944 to Mr. of St. Marys, a rude Ann). WEIBURG—At Dr. pital on 1944, to Wei burg, At Mrs. Godbolt’§ ' ' 1944, Finkr V1 is our for this the need this year is greater by far than ever before © 20 CONTRIBUTORS GIVE $20.00 EACH. • 40 CONTRIBUTORS GIVE $10.00 EACH. 80 CONTRIBUTORS GIVE $5.00 EACH. • 400 CONTRIBUTORS GIVE $1.00 EACH. © 800 CONTRIBUTORS GIVE 50c EACH. $120 TAKES CARE OF 1 CHILD FOR 1 YEAR. $10 TAKES CARE OF 1 CHILD FOR 1 MONTH. HAVE YOUR DONATION READY The business places in Exeter have been canvassed and respond­ ed splendidly. During the next ten days every house in town will be canvassed. Please meet the Canvassers with a smile and a generous donation. 9 Help Britain’s Bombed Children Now Through THE EXETER LIONS CLUB LOCAL NEWS Andy Easton, of Woodstock, the week-end at his homespent here. Mr. of St. end with Mrs. E. Broderick. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Davis, of London, visited in Exeter over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. George Walker, of London, visited with friends in town on Monday. and Mrs. Harold Catherines, spent Broderick, the week- Mr. and Mrs. Thimer, of Detroit, called on Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wuerth on Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Murdoch visited for a week Wood, of Toronto. Mr. Miss Gwenneth are holidaying this week at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Guenther re­ turned on Saturday after a pleasant week’s visit in Detroit. with her sister, Miss Olive and Mrs. J. H. Jones and Mrs. Stanley Mosier, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schroeder. Cpl. and Mrs. Young and family returned on Friday from a motor tiip to New Brunswick. Mr. E. R. Hopper is in Toronto for a few days attending the furn­ iture buyers convention. ■e’s - no dead heads here— Want Ad works hard. Opening Our Fall Season WITH Bert Niosi AND HIS ORCHESTRA FEATUFiiNG THE BAND WITHIN A BAND “Seven Sinners and a Saint” AND The Lovely Voice of Judy Richards SATURDAY SEPT. 9 DANCING 8 TO 12 Advance Tickets Now Oil Sale $1.00at Heintxman & CO. Record Dept., Embassy Restaurant, Freddy’s Smoke Shop, Scott’s, Hotel Ridout, Arena Box 'Office. LONDON ARENA Western Ontario’s Foremost Amusement Centre sa Classified Directory PLACE AN ADVERTISEMENT HERE AND WATCH RESULTS FOR SALE NOTICE TO CREDITORS 4 FOR SALE—Several varieties of choice peaches. Apply to H. J. Stutt, Forest, Ont- Telephone 531-111. 31 6* FOR SALE—1J storey frame house with furnace, bath. Henhouse, barn, 2 acres land, W. C, Pearce, Exeter, FOR RENT i -.. ...... •' .......—• Hos-'FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms. Apply Times-Advocate. 7* on August 29th, and Mrs. Lloyd Thompson, daughter (Gert- Fletcher’s Hos- September 1st, and Mrs. Lome Friday, Mr. Centralia, a daughter. DEATHS McILROY—At Toronto, on Friday, September 1st, Elizabeth Hadskis mother of Erie McIlroy, Grand Bend, in her 82nd year. Funeral service was held on Tuesday, September 5 th; interment in Pine Hill Cemetery, Toronto. MONCUR—At Peterborough on Sun­ day, September 3rd, 1944, Anna Lutz Moncur, beloved wife of W. H. Moncur, in her 90th year. SNELL—In Exeter on Sunday, Sep­ tember 3rd, 1944, William Snell, in his 86th year. ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced of Beryl, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pfaff, of Hensail, to Mr, Robert Elgie, only son of Mrs. Elgiq and the late Robert Elgie, of Kippen, the wedding to take place late in September. * Mr, and Mrs. 'Garnet Murray, of Exeter, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Myraline Isabelle, to Mr. Elroy Lloydon Desjardine, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Desjardine. of Zurich. The marriage will -take place on Saturday, September o’clock in James Church, Exeter. 16, at 12.30 Street United ♦ announced ofThe engagement is Irene Leah Mary, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ferdinand Desjardine, of Grand Bend, t-o Mr. Ross Eld­ redge McGregor, son of Mr. and Mrs. William McGregor, of Parkhill the marriage to take place latter part of September, CARDS OF THANKS the * Mrs. W. Lewis and Freda wish to thank their neighbors and friends for the kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent ber­ eavement, for the many floral tributes and especially to Rev. Hunt, the Centralia Choir, and Stanley Maguire. Mrs. William Snell and desire to express their Mr. Mr. * family sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy ex­ tended to them during their eavemen t. IN MEMORIAM ber- • PEPPER—Tn loving memory __ _ dear mother Mrs. William Pepper, who passed away two years ago September 10th, 1942. A wonderful mother, woman and aid, One who is better, God never made; A wonderful worker, so loyal and true, One in a million, that mother was you. Just in your judgment* always right, Honest and liberal, ever upright, Loved by your friends, and all whom you. knew, Our wonderful mother Jhat mother was you. —Sadly missed by daughter Ella son-in-law George, and grand­ children, Marion and Lois. * of a Transportation from station was arranged for from Huron County to harvesting the grain crop in the West, There were SO men from the West helping In the Huron harvest, Donald Case and Fred Ellerington, of town, were included in the group. Goderich 87 men assist in REAL ESTATE — I. u. ■ .... ..... :■ ;>■! 'I7..IN FOR SALE—li storey brick house, centrally located in the Village of Exeter. Also frame-house near canning factory. Brick house with three acres of land, 4 miles from Exeter. C. V. Pickard. FOR SALE-—A comfortable small cottage. Hydro and town water, good basement. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. FARMS FOR SALE—15 0 acres con­ venient to Exeter, good house and barn, water and hydro through­ out, owner must retire in account of health; 2 100-acre farms, com­ plete sets of buildings; also houses with acreage. C. V. Pickard, Main St., Exeter. LOST LOST—A Ronson lighter (black leather). Reward. Apply to Times Advocate. 7 c WANTED WANTED—Smart boy to learn the general store business. Southcott Bros. WANTED—Rooms and board for High School students. Kindly notify the Secetary, Miss K. Mc­ Fall. 7c WILL BUY an unlimited number of fertilizer or fox horses. Frank Taylor, Exeter. WANTED — 50 iron wheelbarrow wheels, used. Will pay $1.00 to $1.50 according to condition. S. M. Sanders. 31:7* WANTED—A 22 calibre repeating or automatic rifle, must be in fair condition. Apply at Times Advocate. 7* STRAYED STRAYED—From pasture, on Si lot 9, South Boundry, Stephen Twp., one white heifer, blockey, weight about 800 lbs. Apply to Frank Mathers, Ailsa Craig, R. R. 2, or telephone Crediton 29rl2. Reward. 3tc NOTICES ATTENTION FARMERS! Highest cash prices paid for peas, beans and field seeds. See us before you sell. W. E. Reid, Dashwood, phone 87W. 4tc........... - - -.......................-■.......-............. IN THE MATTER OE the Estate of JANE WILSON late of die Vil­ lage or Huron, ALL against ceased are hereby required to for­ ward particulars thereof duly veri- field to the undersigned solicitor for the Executors on pr before the 15th day of -September, 1944, after which date Estate will the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which tice has been received. DATED at Exeter, Ontario, 22nd day of August, 1944. GORDON WILSON, FRED KERR, Executors. by J, W. MORLEY, their solicitor, Exeter, Ontario. 24;‘31:6 Centralia, in the County of Spinster, deceased. PERSONS having claims the Estate of the said de­ the assets of the said be distributed among AUCTION SALES no- the Lambert Sale Yards, Strathroy, Saturday, Sept. 9th. 160 Head mixed stock cattle including a choice run of Herefords; also pigs, 70 weaners and chunks. Sales every Saturday, private sales during the week. Trucks to deliver. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. in- kitchen cabinet; 9 kitchen chairs; rocking wood or coal stove; tea kitchen table; 3 stands; b.ed and springs, mat- AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received structions to sell by public auction Andrew .Street, Exeter SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th, 19 44, at 1.30 p.m. the following: Side-board; lounge; chair; kettle; parlor set; tress; dresser; commode; toilet set; parlor rug; paper rack; coal scuttle; clothes rack; several pictures with frames, toaster; electric iron; plates, cups and saucers; spoons, knives and forks; washing machine; 2 cord of 12-in. wood; forks; shovels; and numerousmany other articles too to mention. REAL ESTATE — At time and place the house erty will be offered for sale. House is storey, frame with hydro. Fruit trees on property. TERMS: Chattels cash. Real Estate—Terms of Real Es­ tate will be made known on day of sale. the same and prop- HENRY SQUIRE, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer FRANK COATES, Clerk. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions Lot; 19, to sell by public auction Northeast Boundary of Usborne. SEPTEMBER 15th, 1944 Sharp the following; •Clyde horse, 14 years FRIDAY, at 1 p.m, HORSES- old; Percheron mare, >S years old; roan gelding, 3 years old; bay geld­ ing, 3 years old. CATTLE—Cow due Durham cows due in Holstein cows due in Holstein cow due December; ham cow due January; sow due .February; 3 Holstein cow® due April; Brindle cow due May; Holstein cow due May; Jersey cow due March; all young cows ing second calf; 2 Holstein rising 2 years old; black rising 2 years old; 4 winter Durham bull, 1 year old. Collie dog. PIGS- 30 pigs from 130 to 175 sows due in December. HENS—-125 year old Leghorn hens laying. IMPLEMENTS—M.H, foot cut, new-; ing dump rake 11 hoe iCockshutt fertilizer Cockshutt manure spreader; shutt disc, nearly new; scuffler; section harrow spring tooth cultivator; steel roller; walking plow; 1-furrow potato hiller; M.H. nearly new; turnip cutter; Anker Holt Oct, 15th; 2 November; 2 November; 1 Dur- Holstein carry,- heifers heifer calves: •40 pigs from 40 to 50 lbs.; pounds; 6 hens; 240’ binder. 6- M.H. mower; Deer- ; M.H. hay tedder; drill; Coclc- 4- grass seeder; M.H. 2-f arrow walking plow; riding plow, seeder: buggy; cream separator; milk pails, strain­ er; root pulper, nearly new; wagon; hay rack; fanning mill with bagger; set of slqighs; trough; steel barrels; barrow; troughs; TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE' Notice is hereby given that the Clerk of the Municipality of Usborne Township has posted the list of voters for the said Township for 1944, in accordance with visions of the Voters List one desiring to complain or omitions in the said do so in writing to the undersigned before the 10th day of September 19 44. A. W. Morgan, clerk. 2tc the pro- Act. Any- of errors list shall TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE The Municipal Council of Township of Usborne hereby re­ quests all ratepayers whose proper­ lties join Township roads to cut the weeds on the roadsides adjacent to their properties and to use a mower where secure weeds control snow drifting. Wages will be on presentation of account to road superintendent, ofJ 75 with a hour for plements A. Routly, Road Superintendent. the AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1944 Station Street, Centralia at 1 p.m. the following: Two large chairs; parlor suite; bedroom suite; 2 centre tables; vic- trola; arm rocker; 2 feather ticks; sofa; drop-side day bed; chest of drawers; side-board; parlor lamp; cupboards; kitchen cabinet; Marvel heater; steel range with warming closet: stove pipes; coal oil stove; 2 parlor rugs; wardrobe; mattress; kitchen table, drop leaf; set china dishes, 97-piece; dishes; sealers; carpet sweeper; mats; carpets; 2 toilet sets; 2 five-gal. cans; washing machine, wringer, tubs; wash stand; hanging lamp; writing desk; exten­ sion table; pictures and frames; pots; pans; pails; dishei ware Of all kinds; benches: tobls; 2 buck-saws; barrels mower; quantity of tools; and other articles too numerous to- tion. MRS. LUCINDA HARNESS, FRANK COATES, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR. Auctioneer galvanized water chop box; 2 gravel stone boat; 5 self-feeding pig boxes; • set of scales; pile of lumber, planks; stock rack; cedar posts; pump jack; hay fork rope; pulley and slings; Clean Easy milking machine, new; 4 8-gallon milk cans; log jack; sap pan; 200 buckets; 2 sap barrels; colony house 8x14; 4 large chicken shelters: Premier brooder oil stove, 500 capacity: 2 glass water foun­ tains: 12 chicken feeders: set of double harness; set single harness; cow chains: platform scales; forks; chains: whiffle trees; neck-yoke: shovels: hoes; boxes; barrels: and many other articles. FEED and GRAIN—32 ton mixed hay; 3 00 bus. oats; quantity of bar­ ley; 300 bus. mixed grain: 3'0 0 bus. wheat. 1 acre of turnips. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE- chen cabinet; plete; s pillows; couch: heaters; ; Jet.I TERMS—Cash. No reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm. LESLIE THOMPSON, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR. Auctioneer FRANK COATES. Clerk. barrels; 3 box; wheel 2 iron pig •Kit­ bedroom outfit com- springs; mattress; dresser; kitchen stove; 2 chairs: extension table: rocker; 2 ; stove pipes; chemical toi- CLEARING AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, SOME HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS W. E. Nairn has been instructed by the undersigned proprietor to sell by public auction on Lot .23, Concession 13, Hibbert, 1 % miles south of Cromarty and 2 miles west on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 01. at 1 p.m. sharp, the following:— HORSES—-Black horse, 10 yeai's '......... bay mare, 12 years blue sucking and hard- garden lawn many men- Prop old, 16 00 lbs.; 1 old, supposed to be colt, rising 2 years colt. CATTLE—Cow due stein cow due Jan. cow due April 15; cow due cow due April 20; 22; red 4 steers rising 2 years; rising 2 PIGS in foal; old; Dec. 1st; 8; Hol- Holstein April 5; cow due April cow, due at time of sale, „ 2 j’co.xo; 3 heifers, years; 6 spring calves. -12 chunks, 3 months old; 12 chunks, 160 lbs.; sow with lit­ ter of 13 pigs; sow due Dec. >8; sow dtte Dec. 27. MACHINERY — G-foot Cockshutt 'er, good as .new; 5i-foot Cock­ mower wagon and binde shutt rake; set of sleighs; plough; Fleury Kangaroo gang tooth cultivator; Cockshutt bean cultivator ler, good as new; set of four-section drag harrows; Clinton fanning mill; DeLaval Cream Separator crate; sugar kettle pump fertilizer and grass seeder of double harness collars; log jack chains; on shelters: puns, : pulper. About 160 Rock pullets, 6 old; 50 year-old 15 ton clover of mixed grain. HOUSEHOLD Royal P.rincess iron heater; Aladdin lamp; power washing ma­ chine (CoffieM); 2 wooden bed steads; commode; settee; table; kitchen chair's; and a host of other1 articles,. No reserve as' the proprietor Is giving jip farming. TERMS—iCASH MILTON YOUNG, Proprietor, W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer. 10-foot McCormick rack; gravel box; Cockshutt riding­ walking plough; on e-horse AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received structions to sell by public auction the estate of the late William Rivers, Simcoe Street, Exeter WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th, 1944, at 1.30 p.m. the following: Kitchen cabinet; three burner; 4 dining-room suite; small table; plough; spring- scuffler, and pul-possible. It is difficult to day labour and cutting the is necessary, not only as a measure but to prevent paid the rate man per a man with a scythe, im- to be used at owner’s risk. W. Morgan, Clerk, 3tc W. J. at the cents per hour for a team and 45 cents coal oil stove, kitchen chairs; 5 chairs; arm radio; small table; studio veranda couch; book case; floor« lamps; 2 small tables; •cupboard; sewing Cream Separator; hog sugar kettle; 3 ^-cylinder Massey-Harris seed drill with 2 sets 3 good horse one 3-drum steel roller; ; 2 chop boxes; whiffle-trces forks; heckyokes; 2 chick­ colony house; 3 135 buckets and spiles; chair; couch; clock; extension table; cupboard; t___o ■machine; washing machine, wringer, 2 wash tubs; rocker; dishes forks; kettles; linoleum; bed dresser; sap root mos. Rock hens. hay and quantitywas aJ. C. Vidt, of London, in town Wednesday, and Mrs. H. L, Sturgis and home last week Mr. caller Mr, family returned after holidaying at Grand Bend. Vretty Cashier: "How about giv­ ing me a week off to recoup my •health? My beauty is beginning to fade." Manager: "What makes you think that?" Pretty Cashier: "The mon are beginning to couiw their change." wash stand; leather of all kinds; knives, pots, pans; pictures; springs; mattress; commode; carpet; 2 beds; springs; mattress; dresser; rockers; bed clothes of all kinds; quilts; pil­ lows; table cloth; sealets; clothes- rack; lawn mower; scuffler; forks; shovels; hoes; axe; buck-saw, TERMS—CASH FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer FRANK COATES, Clerk. EFFECTS — 6-hole Pat range; shoot­ couch; hanging lamp;