HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-08-31, Page 4THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 31,. W * LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND Last Dance on Labour Day Night Midnight Dance -- Sunday, Sept. 3rd, 12.05 a.m. Announcements IHrth, and Marriage Noticein are ' inserted free of eliarjje. Card of ThimkH 50c. inNotices Stop far ■Jdwi.a ver»e, 25e extra for eaeh addi­ tional verve. Engajxeiu entv 50c /!=• Classified Directory PJLACE AN ADVERTISEMENT here AND WATCH results FRED FUNK’S VARIETY SUNDAY EVE., SETT. 3rd LADIES’ SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT LABOUR PAY First Game 2 o’clock—Finals 6.30 p.m. Lucan; Hyde Park; Ilderton; Seaforth. Callwell, with Those Mrs. CL L. Reg- seoond Mrs, C. Mrs. A, DIES OF HEART ATTACK WHILE DRIVING AUTO died suddenly of a attack Wednesday, August while driving his automobile No. 4 highway near Aloores- Mr. Lewis was alone in the and Mrs. Win. Hardy, of Hamilton, and Mrs. John Kennedy, of Guelph. A daughter, Mrs. Fitton, predeceas­ ed him about ten years ago and a granddaughter, Lena Fitton, has been living The bearers were six Harry and Murray Sheppard, Lewis, Elmer and Frank Lewis Earl Kennedy, of Guelph. Lena Fitton, with her grandparents, were six nephew’s, Earl and of Centralia, he suffered Henderson, was called DIES IN TILLSONBURG Chas. Rollins, to his own home the seizure. Dr. coroner of Lon- and said death due to a heart attack. The was taken to the Murdy fun­ home in Lucan. The funeral place from his late residence have the at- Mr, Walter John Lewis, aged 66, of Centralia, heart 23rd, along ville, ear which plunged into a ditch. He was travelling from the home of his daughter, Mrs. south when H. A. don, was body eral took in Centralia on Saturday, conducted by Rev. M. A. Hunt, of Exeter. Interment was in the Nursery Cemetery, McGillivray. Mr. Lewis was born on the farm on which his daughter now resides, lot 12, con. I, Biddulph, and about two years ago retired to are his wife, daughter, Mrs. Charles Lewis, three sisters, Centralia. Surviving' Mary E. Lewis, one: Rollins; one brother | of Clandeboye and i Mrs. Mary Douglas - LOCAL NEWS S3 Mr. and Mrs. William Cook returned home after spending past two weeks at Tillsonburg tending to Mrs. Cook’s mother, Mrs. Jane Scott, who passed away at the Tillsonburg Hospital following a hin fracture. During their stay there Mrs. Cook’s brother-in-law, Mr, Earl Turnbull, also passed away at the same hospital. Funeral services for; Mrs, Scott were held from the Rid-| ley Funeral Home, Tillsonburg, on' Monday, She was the widow of JonaUon: Lome Andrew L. Scott, and is survived/™1’^1 donation, by four children: Mrs. Earl Turn-,Oid Kersiake. hull. Corinth; Airs. William Cook,' ! Exeter; Harry Scott, Tillsonburg,' ;and Robert Scott, Vienna. She also; had two brothers, Joel Bate, Aylmer, and Harry Bate, of view. ELEVENTH BLOOD DONORS CLINIC The Exetei* Blood Honor Clinic held ou "Wednesday, August 23rd> was the eleventh clinic since in­ ception on June 24, 1943; the total donations being 1268, This clinic was in charge of Mrs. R. AV, Jack- son, assisted by Mrs, There were 124 donations, 129 volunteers reporting, donating were: Exeter—First donation: Mason, Mrs. A. M. Sweeten, ier, R» Fletcher, T, White; donation: Airs. A, Weurth, Cornish, Mrs, N. Heaman, Hamilton, Airs. AVm, Sweitzer, Mrs. N. Wells, Mrs. E. Parsons, Airs. E, Pym, Airs. E. L, Gibson, Mrs. Ida Allred, Mrs. T, Sandberg, D, Millar, G, Appleton, F. Ellerington, AVm. Sweitzer, P. AIcFalls, W. C. Pearce, A. Webber; third donation: Airs. R. Ellis, Ardys AIcFalls, Airs. E. Rivers, Airs. V. Harness, Airs. Asa Penhale, Airs, A. Darling, Airs. A. Ryckman, Mrs. E. Russel, Lillie Aliller, Airs, F. Cornish, O. Craw­ ford, L, L. Wells, L. Hennessey, Alf Colier, Elmore Harness, Dr. E- Steiner, Case Allen, F. Creech, AV. C. Allison, C. AT. Pickard, Dalton Heywood; fourth donation: Air. and Airs, R, A. Crawford, Dorothy Williams, Dorothy Kydd, H, Whyte, F. Coates, Asa Penhale, J. W, Alor- ley, AVm. Cutting, G. W. Appleton; sixth donation; J. Cutting. Dashwood—First donation: Dor­ othy Alason, Jack Ratz, Airs. R. Aliller; second donation: Airs. H. Weber, Airs, Alvin Kellerman, Airs. Edna Rendell, Ida. Zimmer, Airs. A. Becker; third donation: Gerald Alason, Donald Gaiser, Airs. Ruby Alaier. Centralia — second donation: Allen Buswell, Gordon Johns; third Hicks, T. Kooey, Roy Gibson, BIRTHS DRYSDALE—In Victoria Hospital^ London, on Saturday, August 19, to Mr, and Airs. Robert Prysdaje, a son, Robert Gerald (Jerry), HOCKEY—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hos­ pital on Alonday, August 28, 1944 to Air, and Airs. Kenneth Hockey, a daughter. MELLIN—At Dr. Taylor’s Hospital, Dashwood, to Air. and Airs. Rus­ sel G- Mellin, (nee Ruby Veitch), on August 28, 1944, a son. | OKE—At Dr. (Fletcher’s Exeter, on August 26th, Air, and Airs. Lorne Exeter, a daughter. WOODALL—At Royal Oak on Saturday, August 26th, to Mr. and Airs. Elgin Woodall, a ter (Katheryn Elizabeth). FOR SALE notices STRAYED 8* Ha: DEATHS Crediton—First F. Morlock, Airs. ^,W. Oestricher; of Lake- Jack Elcey, of Florida, Alrs. Mrs. and Fred Elcey, of London, visited with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lamont ana Isabel and Mrs. Harold McLeod and Alargaret Ann were callers at the home of Mr. and Airs. John Luxton. on Sunday. Air. and Mrs. F. V. Hill, John and Craig, of Hamilton, and Mrs. Nelsos. Hill, of Toronto, have returned to their respective homes after spend­ ing their holidays with Mrs Aid­ worth and Air. and Airs. M. Beckler. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers returned on Sunday from a very enjoyable trip to Morrisburg where they visited with their son George. They were accompanied by Lloyd Beavers, of Detroit, and w’hile there went to see the Long Sault Rapids, the largest on the St. Lawrence River, situated near Cornwall. On the return trip they spent some time in Toronto and were accompanied home by their young grandson Pat who will spend the remainder of the holidays with them. Shur-Gain Fertilizer—Molasses We have Shur-Gain Fertilizer in stock, but place your order NOW so as not to be disappointed. We will also have a shipment of cane molasses this fall. Book your order now. Single Breasted, Notched Lapels in Drapes and Semi-Drapes are the thing in Men’s. FOR THE LADIES:— Four and three button Sport and Classic Models for ladies. Smart lapels and hand stitched edges with gored skirts. Avoid disappointment—Select your made-to-measure Suit or Topcoat today. .... BONDS ... $21.75 $24.75 $29.75 We are a bona fide member of the great Bond organization —Nationally considered the greatest clothing value .in Canada. GEORGE WRIGHT CLOTHING & SHOES 'M ■ FOR SAL®—3-furrow Cpckshutt tractor plow, just like new. ’Paw- rence Dunn, Cromarty, R. R. 1. 31* FOR SALE—steel walnut crib, large size, with mattress almost new, Apply to Airs. G, Broderick, R. R. 1, Exeter. Phone Hensail 83r25. 31* Having dispose^ of my butcher business to Mr. Jos. L. Hunter, of to express my the splendid pat- been afforded to years that I have in Exeter. I be- con- STRAYED—From lot 9, Twp., weight Frank R. R, 29rl2. pasture, op Si Soiith Roundry, Stephen one white heifer, blockey, about 800 lbs. Apply to Mathers, Ailsa Craig, 2, or telephone Crediton Reward. 3te i i Hospital, J 1944 to Oke, of Hospital daugh- -At St. Joseph’s on Sunday, Lamport, in his Hospit- August of 75th LAMPORT- al, London, 27, 1944, Samuel Stephen Township, year. LEWIS—Suddenly in i AVednesday, August Walter John Lewis, beloved hus­ band of Mary E. Lewis, in his 66 th year. SCOTT—In Tillsonburg Hospital, on Friday, August 25th, Mrs. Jane Scott, widow of the late Andrew Scott and mother of Mrs. Ham Cook, of Exeter. Biddulph, on 23, 1944, Wil- CARDS OF THANKS wishMr. and Mrs. Edgar Fanson extend their sincere thanks to PEACHES — Rochester peaches this week. Vedette after Labour Day. Geo. A, Donald, Thedford. 31* FOR SALE—Two holstein heifers, one purebred and one .grade, Just freshened and their calves, Apply to Reg Hodgson, Centralia, Telephone Crediton 18r3. 31* FOR SALE’—-300 Sprucelejgh Farm H.P.A. White Leghorn pullets, 6 months old, laying 50%. Apply to Douglas Gill, R. R. 3, Park­ hill, Phone 3 8r20, Dashwood. 2tc PULLETS FOR SALE—900 Rock 300' Sussex New Bray’s grade Joy nt, 24.31c Pullets and 300' Sussex Hampshire, 5 months old. best double-tested, highest Stock. Apply to T, C, Hensail. Telephone 62. FOR SALE—No. 1 Registered 2nd generation Dawson Golden 'Chaff Wheat, $1.50 per bus.; No. 1 Dawson Wheat grown from regis­ tered seed, 3rd generation, field inspected, all power .cleaned, 2 bus. sacks, $1.35 per bus. Sacks free, Erwin Scott, Lucan. 31c Haist; H. Schenk, donation: Mrs. donation: Harry Cann, Stanley Mrs. Alb. E. Etherington; Alb. Etherington. Edgar to the friends who so kindly remem­ bered calls, great were Mrs. Fanson while ill. The letters, cards, flowers variety of fruits and i greatly appreciated. > and treats * family Toronto, I wish appreciation for ronage that has me during the 25 been in business speak for my successor your tinued co-operation. All accounts are now due may be settled at the butcher shop, H, C. RIVERS Meat. Market find AUCTION SALES ATTENTION FARMERS! Highest cash prices paid for peas, beans and field seeds. See us before you sell. W. E. Reid, Dashwood, phone 87W. 4tc TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE1 Notice is hereby given that the Clerk of the Municipality of Usborne Township has posted the list of voters for the said Township for 1944, in accordance with visions of the Voters List one desiring to complain or omitions in the said do so in writing to the undersigned before the 10th day of September 1944. A. AV. Morgan, clerk. 2tc the pro- Act. .Any- of errors list shall the re- Lamberts (Sale Yards, Strathroy, Saturday, Sept, 2nd; 170 head mixed stock cattle mostly Here-, fords, some choice heavy feeders. Sales every Saturday; private sales during the week. Trucks to deliver. A, G, McAlpine, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to donation: L. England, second donation: Airs. Moses Faist, Airs. Alvin Baker, ) Airs. J. Venton, Airs. Chris. I fourth donation: C. Hurondale—First Is. Mitchell; second Dougall, Carmen Mitchell; third donation: Etherington, W. fourth donation: Sam Dougall, Edgar Cudmore; fifth donation: Harry Strang. Elimville — Second donation: Allen Johns; third donation: How-, ard Johns, Kenneth Johns, Emer­ son Penhale, Chas. Stephens, Laverne Skinner; fourth donation: Mrs. Alvin Pym, Philip Johns; sixth donation: Alvin Pym. Thames Road—Second donation: Mrs. Alb. Hey, Mrs. J. Bray, Alac Hodgert, J. F. Borland, R. J. Simp­ son; third donation: Mrs. Allen. No. 2 Hay—First donation: E. Campbell; third donation: othy Dougall, Airs. Percy Campbell, Homer Russel, Percy Campbell, Ed- Prouty, John Tinney. Eden No. 17—First Whitney Coates; second Murray Scott, H. Coates; ation: Glen Hunter; ation: Chas. Prout, Roy Hunter, V. Pincombe. Zion—Second donation: Mrs. E. Hern, Norman Brock, F. Baker; third donation: Kenneth Hern, Clif­ ton Jaques, Warren Brock, Gerald Hern; fourth donation: Mrs. H. Hern, Mrs. M. Hern; sixth don­ ation: Maurice Hern, Harold Hern. Cliff. Mrs. Dor- donation: donation: third don- fourth don- SAMUEL G. LAMPORT Mr. William Hooper and wish to express their sincere ap­ preciation for the many expressions of sympathy during their recent bereavement and for the treats and flowers sent to Mrs. Hooper during her illness in the hospital; also for the floral tributes and for the loan of cars at the time of the funeral. * George Hunter and family sincere thanks the neighbors, for the kind- shown during for and Mrs. wish to express their and appreciation to friends and relatives ness and sympathy their recent sad bereavement, the beautiful floral tributes cards of sympathy, and to those who so kindly loaned cars, and helped in any way. To the W.A. and W.M.S. of James St. Church for cards and flowers, special thanks to Dr. Flet­ cher, and Dr. Dunlop, Mr. Day, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. 'Southcott and fam­ ily. c The Centralia War Services Unit wish to extend their thanks to all who in any way helped to make the Frolic on August pecially to the the Exeter Lions bolt and George 10th a success, es- Canadian Club, Harvey Baynham. IN MEMORIAM Legion, God- TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE The Alunicipal Council of Township of Usborne hereby quests all ratepayers whose proper­ ties join Township roads to cut the weeds on the roadsides adjacent to their properties and to use a mower where seen re weeds I control I snow on FOR SALE—A cutting box with top road roller and 13 in. mouth, in A-l condition; also a 2 h.p. electric motor, Apply at Times-Advocate. 31c FOR SALE—Large frame building to be wrecked, considerable well-j preserved scantling, lumber, brick' and windows. W. C. Pearce. FOR SALE—Several varieties of choice peaches. Apply to H. J. Stutt, Forest, Ont. Telephone 621-111. 31 6* LOST LOST—Sterling silver identification bracelet Saturday night on Main Street. Reward. Margaret Rundle, Phone 177r32, Exeter. 31* TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up until 8 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 2nd, for the sale of grand stand. All to be taken 1 5th. 20 ft. All Fisher, Secretary of the Agricultural Society, R. 3, down and cleared up by Sept. SO ft. long, 24 ft. wide and high. 23:30 Tenders to be sent to Clark Secretary of the Exetei Exeter. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN DRAIN TENDERS WANTED by ■Samuel G. Lamport passed away in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Sunday, August 27 in his 75th year, after having been a patient there for the past month. Born in Stephen Twp. and was married 47 years ago to Margaret Klumpp, they were the first couple married in the Crediton Evangelical church, Rev. J. A. Schmidt officiating. They resided in Crediton for 14 years before he took up farming near 'Crediton where they have lived ever since. He attended the Evangelical church in Crediton. He leaves to mourn his loss five daughters and one son, Mrs. Richard L. Vaughan, Long Beach, Calif., Mrs. James F. Leary, Royal Oak, Mich,, ninger, Mt. guerite and Agnes of Detroit, and Lloyd at home. His widow and one grandchild Gayle Benninger survive; three sisters, Mrs. H. McLeod, Belleville; Mrs. Walter Baxter, Neepawa, Man., Mrs. Wm. Baumgarten, Portage La. Prairie; two brothers, Ed, of Stephen Town­ ship; Arthur, Syracuse, N.Y,, and Wesley, Hindville, Alberta. Funeral services from his late residence on Wednesday, August 30, 1944 at 2 p.m. followed by a memorial serv­ ice in Crediton Retiber. Crediton Mrs. Wm. Ben- Clemens, Mich., Mar- also G. Zion Evangelical Church, at 2.30 by Rev, M. E. Interment followed in the cemetery, Mrs. Wilmer Harrison, Richard and Audrey, of near Bayfield, MrS. Harold Walper, Mrs. Mary Walper .and Miss Helen, o.f , Qrand ,Bend, wore visitors at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor last week. SOLDAN—In memory of a father and grandfather, Henry C. Soldan, who passed years ago, August 30, Five years have passed sad day. When the one we ' away. How we miss him, So' sad the parting —Ever membered Bertha, son-in-law children. away 1939. since dear five that loved was called no one can tell, without by and SMALE—In loving farewell, daughter grand- * Sealed tenders will be received the undersigned up until 10 a.m. on Tuesday, September 5th, 1944, for the repair of the O’Rourke Drain. To include 500 feet 6-inch tile drain; 600 feet 7-inch tile drain; 1000 feet 8-inch tile drain; 625 feet 10-inch tile drain; 2 catch basins; protection of tile outlet and 13 60 cubic yards of excavation. Work to be completed by December 1st, 1944. Plans, profile and specifi­ cations of the work may be seen at the home of the Clerk at Centralia. A marked cheque of $200.00 must accompany each tender. The lowest or any cepted. Clerk tender not necessarily ac- 24:31c LLOYD HODGSON. of the Township of Stephen memory of Mr. Anson W. Smale who passed away one year ago September 4th, 194 3. Quickly and suddenly came the call; His sudden death Dearer to memory tell, The loss of the one —Remembered by Jean, Edna, Rhe-a and Arthur. REAL ESTATE surprised us all. than words can we loved so well. Lindsay, Edwin, * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns, Gor­ don and Lois, returned to Toronto Sunday after holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Percy McFalls. Mr. Jos, L. Hunter, Of Toronto, has this week taken over the but­ cher from Mrs. cupy “We Welcome them to our midst. business recently purchased Mr. Harper 0. Rivers. Mr. and Hunter and. one son will oc- the apartments over the store. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Two rooms for 3 months. Apply to Mrs. Josh Hey- wood, Andrew Street. 31* FOR RENT—3 furnished rooms with all accomodations. Apply to Mrs. 'George Andersen, Victoria' Street. ' 31* FOR SALE—95 Highway acres close to Centralia, brick house, base­ ment barn, electricity, implement shed, bush. Quick possession. W. C. Pearce. FOR SALE—IB storey brick house, centrally located in the Village Of Exeter. Also frame canning factory. Brick three acres of land, 4 Exeter. C. V. Pickard. house near house with miles from FOR SALE—-—100 acres of Huron’s best with fine buildings, electric­ ity, water pressure system, level clay loam all tillable, Well fenced. Possession arranged, W. (C. Pearce Exeter. FOR SALE—-A comfortable small cottage. Hydro and town Water, good basement, Q. V. Pickard, Exeter. FARMS FOR SALE—150 acres con­ venient to Exeter, good house and barn, w.at.er and hydro through- out; owner must retire in account of health; 2 100-acre,farms, .cphh . plete sets of buildings; also,' houses With acreage, c, V. Pickard, Main St., Isxeter. sell by public auction on West, Exeter, Ontario on AUGUST 31St, ai x.ov pun., the following: Chesterfield; dining-room dining-room chairs; stand; (Deforst Crosley); curtains; room set complete, spring, dresser, commode, mattress; < large bureau; pictures; t. napkins; cushions; heater; machine; stretcher; clothes; machine kinds; pots; pans; copper boiler; food chopper; er pots; quilting frames; iron; ironing board; knives; spoons; large cupboard; table; scales, weigh up to 300 lbs.; table. * Albert Street THURSDAY, at 1.30 p.m. 1044, table; radio bed­ bed, uaa, couch; table; table 2 rockers; Morris chair; baby’s high .chair; small 2 parlor tables; sewing rug; carpets; toilet set; ; large box for packing 5 kitchen chairs; washing and tubs; dishes of all pots; pans; garden tools; flow­ electric forks; clock; difficult to the necessary, not only as a prevent paid the rate man per possible. It is day labour and cutting is measure but to drifting. Wages will be presentation of account to superintendent, at the cents per hour for a team and 4 5 cents a man with a scythe, im- to be used at owner’s risk. W. Morgan, Clerk, 3tc W. J. Routly, Road Superintendent. Of 75 ( with a hour for plements A. WANTED AVANTED — Furnished house or apartment immediately for an Air Force Officer, his wife and two children. Apply to Mrs. R. E. Reynolds, Grand Bend. 31c WILL BUY an unlimited number of fertilizer or fox horses. Frank Taylor, Exeter. TERM’S—JCASH ELIZABETH FRAYNE, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer FRANK COATES, Clerk. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction the estate of the late William Rivers, Simcoe Street, Exeter WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th, 194 4, at 1.30 p.m. the following: Kitchen cabinet; three burner; 4 dining-room suite; chair; couch clock; extension table; machine; washing machine, wringer, 2 wash tubs; rocker; dishes forks; kettles; linoleum; bed dresser; commode; springs; mattress; bed clothes of all kinds; quilts; pil­ lows; table cloth; sealers; clothes- rack; lawn mower; scuffler; forks; shovels; hoes; axe; buck-saw. TERMS—CASH FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer FRANK COATES, Clerk. WANTED — 50 iron wheelbarrow wheels, used. Will pay $1.00 to! $1.50 according to condition. S. | M. Sanders. SI:?’ NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given to any person having claim against the estate of James R. Neil, late of the Township of Stephen, who died on or about the 16th day of July 19 44, to send same to the undersigned on or before the 9 th day of Septem­ ber 1944, as on and after that date the executor of the said estate shall proceed to make distribution of the assets thereof, having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED at Crediton this of August A.D. 1944. GEORGE HEPBURN, Crediton, Ontario. 21st day Executor 24:31 to any the es- of the died on NOTICE is hereby given person having .claim agains tate of Jane ‘Ravelle, late Township of Stephen, who or about the 4th day of August 1944, to send same to either of the un­ dersigned on or before the 9t.h day of September 1944, as on and after that date the executors of the estate shall proceed to make tribution of the assets thereof, ing regard only to the claims filed. DATED at Crediton this 21st day August, A.D. 1944. JOSEPH RAVELLE, Grand Bend, and . HERBERT K. EILBER, Crediton. Executors. 24:31 said dis- hav- then Of Centralia, in the County of Spinster, deceased PERSONS having claims the Estate of the said de- IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of JANE WILSON late of the Vil­ lage of Huron, ALL against ceased are hereby required to for­ ward particulars thereof duly veri- field to the undersigned solicitor for the Executors on or before the 15th day of 'September, 1944, after which date Estate will the persons regard only tice has been received. DATED at Exeter, Ontario, 22nd day of August, 1944, GORPON WILSON, FIRED kerr, Executors, by J. W. MORLEY, their Solicitor, Jilxeter, Ontario. 24:3.1:6 Thore’s no dead iidhds ’ here— every Want Ad works hard. the assets of the said be distributed among entitled thereto, having to claims of Which no- the coal oil stove, kitchen chairs; 5 chairs; arm radio; small table; studio veranda couch; book case; floor lamps; 2 small tables; •cupboard; sewing wash stand; leather of all kinds; knives, pots, pans; pictures; springs; mattress; carpet; 2 beds; dresser; rockers; AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction Andrew Street, Exeter SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER Ot.h, 1944, at 1.30 p.m. the following: Side-board; lounge; chair; kettle; parlor tress; parlor rug; paper rack; coal scuttle; clothes rack; several pictures with frames, toaster; electric iron; plates, cups and saucers; spoons, knives and forks; washing machine; 2 cord of 12-in, wood; forks; many other' articles too to mention. REAL ESTATE — (At time and place the house erty will be offered for sale. House is li storey, frame with hydro. Fruit trees on property. ‘ TERMS: Chattels cash. Real Estate—Terms of Real Es­ tate will be made known on day of sale. kitchen sabinet; 9 kitchen chairs; rocking wood or coal stove; tea kitchen table; 3 stands; set; bed and springs, mat­ dresser; commode; toilet set; shovels; and numerous the same - and prop- HENRY SQUIRE, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer FRANK COATES, Clerk. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, in Goderich bn Blue Water Highway, 1 north of Bayfield, 4th, at 1 p,m. COWS—Number young cattle. PIGS—6 York chunks. SHEEP—15 Dorset. Dorset ram, TERMS—CASH , , S. J. V. CANN, Prop. Harold Jackson, AiiCtiohOOr, E. P. Chesney, Clerk >31 Highway, oh Monday} TWpo mile 'Sept. of tows and sows;35 , York sheep, , 1