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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-08-10, Page 8
TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mrs. J, G» Cochrane, Organist ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton UNION SERVICES Snell’S Taxi Service Phone 100 i Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter Mrs. 11 Mrs. It’s Smarf-It’s Cool- In new Sun-Nude Shade. It won’t rub off. Your drugs at Phone 16 Lon- her A Large 33c A Medium 31c Pullet 24c B 24c C l£c Jean Sutherland, of Toron- visiting with, relatives this Leg /Halce-up/ 11 12 VERA C. DECKER Phone 112 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY August 16th, 17 th THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY August 10, 11, 12 ‘Chip off the Old Block’ with DONALD O’CONNOR and PEGGY RYAN Here’s where to get the only COLD WA.VJS recommended by Derma University of Detroit. All lines of Beauty Culture. V’s Beauty Shoppe (Successor to Marion Pooley) Satisfaction Guaranteed M* Christine McCrae, Prop. E-veter Phone 345 Exeter Markets Wheat, $1.08. Creamery Butter 33c Sggs. BggA Eggs. Eggs, Dressed Hogs $17,00 Bonus A $3.00 of Strat- and Mrs. Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 MONDAY AND TUESDAY August 14th, 15th 2 Features — 2 Nights Only Whit Disney’s “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' in technicolor THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 10, 1944 Special Feature “Follow the Boys” with GEORGE RAFT. VERA ZORINA, JEANETTE McDonald, orson wells, Four Famous Bands, Gautiers Bricklayers (comedians), and all star cast. J^mes St. and Main St. Churches LOCALS a.m.—Sunday School noon—Public Worship. The Rev. George M. Lamont, Pictou, Nova Scotia, will preach.These qualities of Inlaid Linoleum if laid properly will last a lifetime. We offer you seven colorings in mottled designs ideal for kitchens, bathrooms and dining rooms First Showing at 6,45 p.m,— Admission 15c, 30 c, 40c, incl. tax; .Second Showing at 9.30 p.m.— all seats 40c We advise the children to attend the first showing. ‘Broadway Rythm’ A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer technicolor feature starring GEORGE MURPHY, GINNY SIMS, and CHARLES WININGER FRIDAY and SATURDAY August 18 th, 19 th “Miracle of Morgan’s Creek” starring EDDIE BRACKEN, BETTY HUTTON and all star cast in a riot of fun August 21st, 22nd 2 Features — 2 Nights Only “Yellow Canary” starring ANNA NEAGLE and RICHARD GREENE “Seven Days Ashore with WALLY BROWN and ALLAN CARNEY Consult your INSULATION! We are how booking orders for fall and winter installation. Estimates furnished. W. J. MELVILLE Exeter, Ont* Mr. Frank Sheer© is on his holi days this week, Miss Mary-Easton spent the week end at Grand Bend. Mr. George Wright has returned aftei’ holidaying at Grand Bend. LAC. Ed. Ward, of Halifax, visit ed the fore part of the week In town. Miss to, is week. Mrs.Treat yourself to a new Hair Do Professional shaping gives your hair a “custom built’’ foundation intended expressly for your hail’ style Featuring:—Lustron Cold Wave, Motos, Jamal, Vaper Marcel, Machineless, Shelton, Thewnique, Permanent. Rev, A. B. Irwin, B.A., Minister Janies St. Choir in charge. Services in, Main Street Church 10 a.m.—Sunday School in each Church, 11 aan,—Public Worship, Rev. A. B. Irwin “Wheels or Wings?” 7 pan,—-Public Worship, Rev. A. B. Irwin “A Prophet’s Alarm Clock” Strangers and summer visitors wel comed to the services. Thursday, 3 pan.-—-Afternoon Auxi liary W.M.S. in James St. church. Congoleums in 2 and 3 yard widths Just received a shipment of 2 yd. and 3 yd. wide Congoleums, the last we expect to have this season; also a good assortment of Rugs in all sizes 5.00 to 6.50 7.75 to 10.50 Bleached Sheets one dozen bleached Wabasso Sheets of very good quality at per Sheet $2.50 Phone 146 Phone 146 A. A. Ericson, of Rochester, N.Y., is the guest of Mr. and Wm. May. Miss Lillian Finkbeiner, of don, spent the week-end at home, Donald Easton and Don South- cott are this week holidaying at Grand Bend. Bruce Davis, of Buffalo, New York, is visiting with his cousin, Tom Steiner. Master Rex Skinner, of Usborne, spent a few days with his friend, Billie Luxton. Mr, and Mrs. Newcombe, 'ford, are visiting with Mr. E. A. Howald. Mrs. W. E .Aidworth visited last week with Mr. Charles Aid worth. Miss Nellie Carmichael spent Civic Holiday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Carmichael, at Appin, Police Officer Alvin Rowe, of Sar nia, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rowe this week. Group Captain Fullerton, Mrs. Fullerton and family are spendin two weeks at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taman have returned from Grand Bend after spending the past week there. Mr. Wonkel and sister Miss Irene, of London, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. George Geddes. Sgt. Gordon May, of Camp Ipper- wash, spent the holiday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Schweigler, Gordon and Carol Anne, of Toron to, are visiting with Mr. N. J. Dore. Miss Jean Sutherland, of Toronto, is spending this week with Mr. and | Rector, Rev, M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Ohoir Leader. Mr. Middlemiss lOtli Sunday after Trinity a.m.—-Morning Prayer and Sermon “Spiritual Gifts, Their Origin and Object”. Thursday, 8 p.m,—Service of pray er and intercession in the church. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Mor Jock, Organist a.m.—Morning Worship. a.m.—Church School. 7.30 p.m.—-Evening Worship. Monday, 8.30—Y.P.M.C. at Mrs. Harold Fahner’s Welcome. •Mrs. Bloomfield, of Leamington, was a visitor at the home of her brother. Mr. Lloyd Fraser and Mrs. Frasei’ last week. Mr. Francis Hill and son Craig . and daughter Joann, of Hamilton, Mrs, Chester Rowe and other friends,1 are visiting for two weeks with the Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Williams, { former’s mother. Mrs. Grace Ald- of Rochester, spent several days last | worth, and at the home of his sister week with Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Stein- j Mrs. Moses Beckler, of Usborne. er. z I I New Prints at per yard 20c, 25c, 30c We offer a few pieces of New Prints; also five pieces of Broadcloths in plain colors, white, blue, green and red Chambrays, Slubs and Seersuckers In spots, checks, stripes and floral patterns. These are lovely material and we are for tunate in having such a good assortment at per yard 45c, 65c, 75c, 89c $1.00 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii iihsimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday ALLENBURY’S MALTED MILK 24 oz.............................. ...63c AYLMER BABY FOODS .3 for 25c CERTO & CERTO CRYSTALS for Jams and Jellies, 2 for 25c and 27c PAPER CUPS & PLATES for picnics, plates all per doz, HAVEN BRAND SARDINES packed in oil ................................ 2 for 25c BEAVER FANCY LOBSTER per tin AYLMER PUMPKIN for pies, 28 oz........ FRUIT-KEPE preserves fruit, in tablets, per pkg. 25c NEWPORT FLUFFS ready to eat, premium in each pack 19c 25c 39c 15c 10cPENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T., Kendrick, Pastor Services Continue in the Gospel Tent, Speaker—Rev. F. M. Bellsmith, of Toronto Bible School. We are pleased to announce that Mr. Fred Penn, an outstanding pianist, is with us for one week. Tuesday, 8.3'0 p.m.—Subject: Master Key. Wednesday, .8.30 p.m.—Subject: The Second Coming of Christ. Thursday, 8.30 p.m.—Subject: After Death, What! Friday, S.30 p.m.—Subject: Pentecost and Its Critics. Thursday, 2.30 p.m.—Women’s Missionary Circle meet at the Tent—song leader, Jean Mc Donald; speaker, Janet Jolly. Saturday, open air—9 p.m. Exeter, 10 p.m. Hensail. Sunday, 10 a.m.—Sunday School, Supt. E. Cudmore. 11 a.m.—Subject: Bush. p.m.—Subject: of the Atlantic Can We Have a New World. Good Singing! Gomel -Sgt, Cliff Webster, or the U.S. Miss Jean Elliot, of the Bell Tele-1 Army Engineers of Camp Clariborne, phone staff is on two week’s vaca-J Louisiana, and wife and children, of Detroit, were recent visitors at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webster, of Exeter North. Visitors for this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sampson McFalls j[ Mrs. J. C. Gardiper has returned to her home at Kirkton aftei’ visit ing with her son, Hon. J. G. Gar diner at Ottawa, also at Prescott and Simcoe. Mrs. C. V. Pickard arrived home Wednesday evening from Estevan, Sask., where she was called owing to the illness and death of her moth er, Mrs. J. S. Riddell. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner and Mrs. Harding visited at Tavistock on Sunday with Mrs. Donald Ridley whose husband was killed by lightning while oper ating a binder on his farm Friday of last week. I tion, spending last week in King-' ston. Mrs. C. is visiting and Mrs. Crediton. Miss Janette .Davis, of Whalen, spent several days visiting Mrs. Mc- Nicol and Miss Mayrene Atkinson in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McClennan, Shirley and Stanley, are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aidworth. , Miss Mayrene Atkinson, of the vis*ted Mr. T> Powell at Wing staff of the Montreal Bank, sp®ntI h^m_°n Monday. Mr. Powelljs 9<8 the holiday week-end at her home near Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Down and Charles, of Toronto, and Bob Heise, of Kindersley, Sask., are visiting with relatives this week. Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall, of Hamilton, visited with Mr. and other R. Young, of Cleveland, with Mrs. George Hays, Wilson Anderson, at are Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McLeod, of Aurora, LAC. Murray McLeod, of Rocltcliffe, and Mrs. McLeod, of Toronto, Cpl. Bill Quinton, of Camp Borden, Mrs. Quinton and Bobby, of London, and Mrs. Ed. Simpson and Grant, of Granton. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers years old, well and active. He sat in the County Council as reeve of Turnberry for six years. It was during this period that he and Mr. Beavers became fast friends. As a boy Mr. Powell lived just south i of Exeter on the Stephen side of I No. 4 Highway. Eilene Mrs. George Geddes and friends over the week-end. Miss Dorothy, Ethelene, and Hazel Johns, and Ethel and Irene Pooley spent Civic holiday week-end at Turnbull’s Grove. Radio Officer R. D. Etherington who lias been on the west coast for the past nine months is visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Etherington in Usborne. Mr, and Mfs. A. A. Morrison, of Brandon, Man., spent the past two weeks visiting with Mrs. M. Mc- Nicol and Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Mel- Ville and family., Mrs. Morrison is a sister of Mr. Melville. Mr. Sheldon Wein attended the International Baby Chick conven tion at the Stephen’s Hotel in Chic ago last week. The hotel is the largest in the city and 4000 persons were present front all parts of the world. ACL J. Neil Jones, of the: R.G A.i% who has just completed ail advanced course in radio at Deseron- to, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hubert Jones, He left Tuesday for Halifax .Where he has been posted to a hold ing unit. I 8 The Burning The 4 Freedoms Charter or How Parisien, of North is visiting with Mr. Dow. A.E. Johns, of week-end with Johns. and Mrs. J. P. Bowey visited County Constable and Mrs. Salter at Wingham on Mon fl DRAWING FOR MALE COCKER SPANIEL PUPPY “CHAMPION NIP” —- Bred by Bong Kennels, London. LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND SUNDAY, AUGUST 13, 9 P.M Doors open 8:30 GLEN BRIOKLTN ORCHESTRA BRUCE SHARPE OUTSTANDING CANADIAN VIOLINIST MRS. BRUCE SHARPE CONCERT PIANIST FRED FUNK AND HIS MALLET TRIO MARGARET LEWIS — iACCORBIANIST A ikUharlcabie programme foi‘ young and old— Every artist giving his services free—«■ Not a cent taken out for expenses or overhead. Last year tills Concert raised $581.00. Please give all Y’OUR support again, and give the Red Cross much needed help. Many who OAit’t Come send a donation, and no matter how small, it is very much appreciated. Thanks! and Mrs. Harold Wood and LOCAL NEWS Miss Anna Fish, of town, is visit ing with her cousins in London. Mr. G. J. Do.w shipped a load or horses to Montreal on Wednesday. Robert Wilcox, of the Jones & May staff, is holidaying at his home at Elimville. Mrs. J. V. Adams, Mass., and Mrs. G. J. Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton, spent the Mr and Mrs. Wesley Mr. Robert Horney and daughter Mary visited with relatives here and at Hensail on Monday. j Word has been received that Pte. I Gerald Skinner and Tpr. Mahlon Ryckman are now in France. LAC. Clarence Simmons, who 'has just completed a course at Lachine, Que., has been posted to Vancouver. Mrs. Rod Ellis was the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. R. Lindsay, of Woodstock, returning home Satur day. Mr. With Chas, day. Mr. son Billy, of Lambeth, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood. Miss Mary Caldwell, of London, spent last week holidaying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Caldwell. Gdsmn. Edward Triebner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triebner, is now in France after spending a year in England. Mr. and Mrs. Writ. Hodgins and Mrs. May Pomeroy, of London, vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sanders during the past week. Miss Lillie Miller, of Thames Road, and Misses’ Josie Kerslake and Mary Johus, of Exeter, have returned from holidaying at Grand Bond. ' Mr. and Mrs, William Statham and daughter Lois, Of London Visit ed with ■relatives here over the week-end. Miss Statham is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hind and other friends. Mi’-, and Mi’S. Thos. Carling, of Loftdoh, spent the week-end With the former’s mother, Mrs. W. J. Catling and with his sister, Mrs. W. Craig, of Belleville, who is spending a few Weeks with her mother* .Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McTavish, of Detroit, and Miss Edna Davidson,, of London, who have -been holiday ing at Grand Bend, called oh friends in town this week. Miss Olive Wood,' in company with Miss iFay Rutledge and Miss Gladys Snider, of Toronto, spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood and Mrs. Wm. Murdoch. Why suffer from the heat Insulate Now! » ■ Have your home comfortable for the Summer and be prepared for the coming Winter. Let us give you a free estimate. IF IT IS St. Marys Cement YOU WANT—WE HAVE IT! The Huron Lumber Co* Exeter, Ontario A