HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-08-10, Page 5ftE THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AVGUST 10, 1944 HENSALL Miss Paula Hanson, of Strafford, is the guest of Miss Betty Moir this week. Mrs. Hennesey, of Loudon, was the week-end guest Garnet Case. ML. and Mrs. Watford, visited of Mr, and Mrs, London, parents, Mrs. R. Guen- Dunedin, spending of Loa­ the Jas. Forbes, of last week at the home of Mr, Peter Moir, Mrs. Wilfred Klopp, of visited! last week with her Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Parkins, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wren, dqon, visited recently with former’s mother, Mrs. Alice Wren. ^Mrs. Kenneth Manns, of Toronto, was the week-end guest of her mother-in-law Mrs. Fred Manns. Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks and family returned home after spend­ ing a week camping at Drysdale. Mr. Lome Ballantyne, of Toron­ to, visited over the holiday with his mother, Mrs. Carrie Rallantyne. Jack Tudor, of the R. C, A, F., Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tudor, Pte. Ernest Soadie, Mrs, Soadie and son, of Toronto, spent th£ week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Glenn. Ronald and Glenn McKenzie holidaying the home Hanson. Mr, and and Mrs. Ed. Nadiger and spending their in ML Clemens London, spent home here. Sandercott, of with relatives here W. reunion which was in Stratford of Mr. and are this week at Mrs. Harold Mrs. Pierce Pa., children, recently Mrs. W. and of ‘Pittsburg, Pa., visited with Mrs. Pierce’s mother, W, Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Moore, of Detroit, visited recently at the home •of Mrs. Minnie gangster and Mrs. I Laticia Sangster. { Mr. and Mrs. Jack Farquhar and Graham spent the w^eek-end with Mrs. Farquhar’s mother, Mrs. Bawden in Exeter. Mr; and Mrs. Mervyn Schwalm and son, of Stratford, visited on Sunday with the former’s mother Mrs. Violet Schwalm. Mrs. Nellie McEwen and Ewen spend mer’s Preist Mr. family, week with Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Milton Russell. Miss Mae McNaughton, of Toron­ to, visited during the past week at the home of her brothers, Messers. Peter and Lome McNaughton. Plarvest Thanksgiving services will be held in St. Paul’s Anglican Church on Sunday, September 10th. Further announcements later. Mrs. Schail’fer and daughter, of Palmerston, visited recently at the home of her aunts, Miss Katie Scott, Mrs. Ballantyne and Mrs. Graham. Mr. Arthur Hailey, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hailey and line, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mrs. D. Walks. Mr. and Mrs. the week-end with the brother, Mr. and Mrs. in Port Huron. and Mrs. Don Wilson of for- Jas. and last Wilson’s parents, Chicago, visited daughter Jacque- are the guests of W. Kerslake and Davidson, who recent- a. major operation in in London, is much health and was able her home this week. M. Lammont, of Scotia, conducted in Harold Shepherd, of Toronto, visited recently at their respective homes here with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smillie and Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd. Mrs. Stanley Mitchell and Patsy, Misses Margaret Glenn and Ellen Fremlin, Mrs. Grace Harpole and Jean McAllister spent the week-end camping at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. 'Lorne Elder have returned to Hamilton after ^spend­ ing two week’s holidays at Grand Bend with Mr. and Mrs. John Pass- more and Mr. and Mrs. John Elder. Mrs. W. R. ly underwent the Hospital improved- in to return to Rev, George Pictou, Nova public worship in Carmel Presby­ terian Church on Sunday at 10-45 a. m., and will continue to preach throughout the month of August while Rev. J. Taylor is on holidays. Hensail Brothers Meet Overseas * Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, of Hensail, received a letter recently from their son, FO. Kenneth Pass- more, stating he had been on leave and visited with his brother,. FO. Gerald England, brothers overseas Kenneth ten operational flights. To Pack Boxes in August • The ladies of the Hensail Wo­ men’s Institute wish to announce that they and the War Service Com­ mittee will foe shipping approximate­ ly 50 boxes to' the Hensall boys overseas sometime in lAfugust. The funds are low. Those wishing to help may leave their contributions with Miss. Gladys Luker before August 21st. Donations of sugar for the ■prevision of homemade candy will be gratefully accepted. Anyone hav­ ing atfiy empty pound boxes suitable for candy and cookies or magazines are asked to leave them at the Town Hall, any time. Seaforth and EXet'er papers, coiniCS, tnaghzines such as Liberty, MacLean’s ° and Reader’s Digest ate also suitable, DASHWOOD Mr* and Mrs. Clayton Ptile are spending their helidays with friends in Detroit and Lansing, Michigan*. Mrs. J, T. Petzold, who has been visiting with her mother, Hoopei* and sister Mrs. E, ther, left for her heme in Florida, on Monday, Miss Shirley Guenther is her vacation in Kitchener. Miss McMath, of Goderich, visited with friends, here last week. Mrs, J, Snyder who spent the past week with her mother Mrs. Hayter returned to her home in Brantford on Saturday, Russell Hopcroft is spending a few weeks with friends in Wood­ bridge. Mr. daughter Helen are vacation with friends Mich. Jimmy Taylor, of the week-end at his Mr. and Mrs. London, visited last week. The Gossman held here on Sunday was attended by a good crowd of relatives. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Hopf and two daughters and Mr. Henry Hopf, all of Clifford, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos Hopcroft. Mr. and Mrs. Derby and family and Mrs, Cowan, of Hanover, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Kellerman. Mr, Sam Witzel, of Toronto, is spending a few days with his moth­ er, Mrs. Witzel this week. Gnr, Albert Miller, of Niagara, is { spending his furlought at his home here. . Mr. and Mrs, Metlon Walper, ol' Ingersoll, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold. / Mrs.’ A. Musser, who has been ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. Haugh, is improving very slowly. Miss Lena. 'Steinhagen, ol! Cleve­ land, is visiting with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steinhagen. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Restemeyer and Miss Onieda Restemeyer, R.N. of London, and Gnr. Donald and friend, spent the holiday week-end with their parents, Mr. and Otto Restemeyer. Mrs. Fulton, of Toronto, is ing with her parents, Mr. and Wm. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis, of ter, and daughter, Mrs. Burkhart, of Cleveland, visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Steinhagen, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mosher, of Evanston, Ill., Mrs. Hinton, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Brown, of Kitchen- I er, and Mrs. Brown, of 'Crediton were holiday visitors with Rev. and Mrs. J. Burn. Mr. and Mrs. P. Humble, of Sar­ nia and Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hum­ ble, of Belleville, were visitors with Mr. and The School church social on Gossman’s lawn on Satur­ day evening. Pie, cake, and home­ made ice-cream will be served. Dashwood band is expected to be present. Everybody is cordially in­ vited to attend. The monthly meeting of the L.A. and W.M.S. was held in the base­ ment of the church on Thursday evening. Mrs. C. Gaiser was in charge of the program. Following a hymn prayer was offered by Mrs. G. Wildfong. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. R. Goetz. Rev. and Mrs. J. Burn favored us with a duet and Mrs. J. M. Tieman gave a mis­ sionary reading. Rev. Burn gave a short interesting talk on "The Kingdom First.” Mrs. G. Link, the president, took charge of the busi­ ness. Reports were various committees, visits were reported quets were sent. The with a hymn and prayer by Rev. Burn. Mrs. visit- Mrs. Exe- Mrs. R. Goetz on Monday. Bethany Sisters Sunday Class of the Evangelical will hold an ice-cream given by the Fifteen sick and five bou- meeting closed ? Education a Wai Necessity The University pf Western Ontario is devoted to the train­ ing pf men end women for the duties and responsibilities of citizenship, In these days—- Trained leaders are greatly needed in every walk of life; Qualified scientists are now in urgent demand and will likely be required in greater numbers in the near fu­ ture; Men and women with high academic and professional training are a war neces­ sity. The Army, Navy and Air Force want men for key jobs Who are fully qualified and .trained. Our Armed Services demand the best we have. In the time of crisis men and women who have health and ability should qualify them­ selves for the services of the State. Education means the training of the mental and moral powers or natural endowments of the individual either by a system of study and discipline or by the hard experiences of life. It is such training that gives strength to men and makes them great. FALL TERM REGISTRATION 1944-45 September 5th — Students in Medicine in all years except the first year. September 18th—Public Health and Nursing students. September 23rd, 25th, 26th— Students in Arts, Science, . Business Administration, Sec­ retarial Science, first year or pre-Medicine, etc., etc., etc. For further particulars re­ garding scholarships motricula? tion, loan funds, courses of study, write THE REGISTRAR The UNIVERSITY of WESTERN ONTARIO LONDON - CANADA Telephone: Metcalf 8080 (a) (b) (c) and few O’Rourke fara­ days Mr. and KHIVA Mr. apd Mrs. J. Barry ily, of Detroit, spent a with Mr. and Mrs, Gerald and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O’R-ourke. Miss Ruth Willert, of London, spent her vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Otto Willert. Visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. Pious Dietrich were: Mrs. Lawrence Ayotte, of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gallegher and family, of Welland, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haid, Of Waterloo, and Mr. and Mrs. George Williams and babe of Grand Rapid, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hayter, Don­ nie and Karen, of London, and Mrs. R. D. Bell, of Hensail, visited last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Mat­ thew Clark. Miss Shirley Ann Wurm spent the week-end with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Willert in Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dietrich and family, of Kitchener, spent a few days last week with Mr. Louis Ziler. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence and Mr. and spent Sunday Louis Ziler. Miss Anne is visiting with Mr. and Stebbins. ; Mrs. Edgar with Mr. and Mrs. Hoffener Hoffener and Mrs. falo, Earl Henoffener, of But- Mrs. Passmore, somewhere in It was the first time the met since Gerald’s arrival several months ago. <FiO. Passmore has completed "Mama, will there ,be any divorce in heaven?” "No, my child, you have to have a lawyer to get a divorce.’* Miss Vera Morley Harvey Mowbray receiving highest to GRANTON — was awarded the scholarship for marks in passing her entrance High School examination. WHALEN , ’and Mrs. Frank Gunning recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Caleb last and Jimmy, of week with Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson, of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mr were Harold Foster, Blyth. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Millson visited for several days in London during last week With Mr. Millson. Mrs. Hillis Foster St, Marys spent Laverne Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Centralia, and Cottle, of Thames Road, were Sun­ day Visitors of Mrs. John Hodgson and Mr, and Mi’S. Wm. Hodgson, LAC, Clare Hazelwood of Halifax visited recently with his patents. Miss Betty Morley, of Stratford, Mrs* Russell Brock, Bill Burgessville, holidayed with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mrs, Situ.there, of spending some time with Mr, and Mrs, Frank Gunning. Mrs, Reed, of' London, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Alex Baillie. and Don of last week Morley, Toronto, is to to at Friday afternoon 13th and take the form of a Please note the change of Wiseman, Mr. and Mrs, W. THAMES ROAD Richard Dtherlngton of the Mer­ chant Marine is holidaying with his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Etherlng- ton, L. TEL, Stuart Mair who has been overseas for the past months returned home this week for a few days leave* Miss Shirley Dftncan returned Valleyfield, Quebec, last week resume her duties there. The Mission Band will meet the Manse on August picnic, date, Mrs. Cann attended the Ratcliffe wed­ ding in Princeton on Tuesday of this week, Mr, and Mrs, T, McIntyre of Lon­ don, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, T. Ballantyne. Sunday Services will be at the usual hour on -Sunday. School at 10.15 a.m. 11 a.m. Miss Lillie Miller days holidaying at last week. Mrs, mitted day is pected. P.O. Halifax, leave at his home, Mr. W. Smith, of Pagman, Sask., and Mrs. I. Craig, of Blyth, visited with Mr. and Mrs, A. Gardiner'over Sunday and with Mrs. D. Coward this week, Gnr. Arthur Rhode, of Kingston, is spending leave with his wife and parents for a few days. Mr, Bert- Gardiner, of London, spent the week-end at his home, Fit,. Sgt, W, Ballantyne of Toron­ to, spent the week-end at his home. Sunday and Church at spent a few Grand Bend who was ad-Robt. Mavers to Victoria Hospital on Mon­ doing as well as can be ex- Writer Russell , is spending Passmore, of a few days KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. John Barr, of Lon­ don, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. A. Robinson. Miss Annie Roy, of Stratford, ds holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Garnie Doupe, Mrs. Ethel Crouthers, of Toronto, spent the past week with her cous­ ins, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Switzer. How thankfull the people in this part of Ontaria should be when some fields of wheat threshed out 40 bushel to the acre. Mrs. Wm. Hazlewood and son Bill, of Detroit, are holidaying with Mr. Walter Hazlewood. Mrs. J. C. Gardiner has returned to her home having spent the past three months with, her son, Hon. Jas. Gardiner, of Ottawa. Pte. Valma Doupe, of London, was a week-end guest with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. B'. Doupe. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Doupe were Sunday guests with Mr. and Walter Weber, of Crediton. Home From Holiday Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Marshall returned from a holiday and fishing trip at Meaford on Georgian Bay; also visiting at Collingwood, Owen Sound and Wasaga Beach. I. N. brought home some fine fish. with, him, one weighing 7 lb; others 31 and 4 lb. In all it was a very fine holiday. Young' People Take Service In the absence of Rev. W. Goodger, who is on holidays, the morning service was taken by tliree Young People of the Church. Mr. Alvin Harding conducted the service and gave the opening prayer. Mr. Edwin Tufts read the lesson and gave the second prayer. Miss Marian Kemp delivered a very fine address taking as her subject “The Grace of Our Lord Be With You” and also told the children’s story. Miss Mary Urquhart rendered a solo. These Young People are to be commended in the use of their talents, they are giving to our community. have D. OR EDITON Mr. ana Mrs. H. JK. Eilber left Wednesday tp visit with Mrg. Sarn’l Eilber at Ubly, Mich. Misses Nola and Pauline are visiting in Chicago with Velma (Jpettinger. * Misses Helen and Doris Haist and Miss Audrey Rettig, of Toronto, spent last wook holidaying at Grand Rend. Misses Myrtle H'aist and Grace Sloane, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with them. Recent visitors at the Evangelical parsonage were Mr. apd Mrs, Wil­ son C Reuber and Marilyp, of To­ ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reuber and Florence, pf Ayton; and Dr, H. W. Reuber, of Newmarket. Sun­ day visitors were ML and Mrs. Wal­ ter Hollinger and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Filsinger, of Kitchener. A PUBLIC MEETING, OF AM, W. MacLaren, Sec’y. Faist Miss Ratepayers of the Police Village of Grand Bend IS CALLED FOR Monday, August 21st at 8 p.m at the Community Hall to discuss the water system and supply All Taxpayers are requested t<> attend. CENTRALIA Miss Lorraine .Glavin, R.N. Victoria Hospital, Sunday with Glavin. Mrs. Alvin spent Sunday Rowe at Port Miss Mary home from Victoria many friends are glad and around again, Additional news will be found on page 6. London, Mr. and Mrs, from spent Jas. Essery and Marjorie with Mr, and Mrs. C, Stanley. Glavin has returned Hospital. Her to see her out MOUNT CARMEL Miss Jean Clarke, of Saginaw, Mich,, has spent the past few weeks at the home of Mr. and jMrs. Alonza McCann. Miss Nora Collins, of London, is spending a few weeks visiting friends in this vicinity. Miss Virginia O’Brien returned home after spendng a few weeks in Detroit. Miss Marian Mahoney, nurse-in­ training of St, Joseph’s hospital, London, visited with her mother, Mrs. Joseph Mahoney. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barry and family, of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Regier. Pte. John Mahoney, Mrs. Mahoney and Mary Theresa spent the week­ end with his mother, Mrs. D. Ma­ honey. Miss Mary McCann, R.N. of Lon­ don, spent the weekend at her home here. SAINTSBURY Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs sons spent Sunday, with Gnr, F. J. and Mrs. McCann in Stratford Marketing Turnips Suggestions by Prof. Thompson, O.A.C., Guelph. GRADING REPORTED MISSING FO, William Earl McDonald, of St. Marys, is reported missing after air operations overseas, his mother, Mrs. William McDonald, of St. Marys, has been informed. FO. Mc­ Donald was at one time the young­ est junior inspector in Canada for, the Royal Bank. He attended public and high school in St, Marys, before his enlistment worked in ronton for the Royal Bank on spection duties. He joined the force in 1942 and went overseas in February, 1943. He has two broth­ ers in the R.C.A.F., FO. Donald McDonald, overseas, and Cpl, Har­ old, in the service police in Van? couver, Hustler, Dorothy and two sisters, Mrs, J» of • Brantford, and Miss McDonald, of St. Marys "Your and To- in- air wife is a very systematic woman isn’t she?” asked Robinson. "Yes, very,” replied Smith. "She works on the theory that you can find whatever you want when you don’t want it by looking where jt wouldn’t be if you did want it,” Dorman Ulens, of London, last week with Mrs. W. T. Dawson Woodburn, of Camp GREENWAY Mr. and Mrs. Russel McIntosh, of Detroit, spent the week-end with relatives. Mr, and Mrs. E. H. McPherson and family moved to their cottage at Grand Bend last week. We extend our sympathy to the family and relatives of the late Mrs. Wm. Mellin. Mr. Claude Detloft, of Detroit, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pollock. Mrs. Jas. Wellmon, Marilyn and Robert, of Port Huron, visited last week with relatives here. Her mother, Mrs. A. McIntosh, returned to Port Huron with her. Mr. spent Ulens. Sgt. Borden, is spending a week with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chid Wood­ burn. Mrs. Donald McGregor and in­ fant'daughter returned home from the Hospital last week, Messrs. Harold Pollock and Sel- bourne English, of Detroit, spent the week-end at their homes, The funeral of the late Mrs, w, H. Mellin took place Friday from her late residence, coh, 16. A pub? lie service was held at the Green­ way United Church with intermeiit in Crand Bend 'Cemetery. Mrs Mellin’s maiden name was .Elizabeth Hartle* She was in her 68th year, GRAND BEND iSherwood Dewey, of New is holidaying with friends for three weeks. Sherwood the trip by plane to London Mr, York, here made and enjoyed it very much. Sgt. Harmon Gill, who was stat­ ioned at Guelph for several weeks, transferred to St. Catherines. He spent the week-end at his home here. Miss Helen Gill, nurse -in -train­ ing in Victoria Hospital, London was a Week-end visitor at her home, Mrs. M. McAvoy and Miss Annie Sanders, after a week’s visit with Mrs. Ida Sanders at the cottage, ‘Squirrel’s Haven’ returned to their home in Exeter on Saturday, Mrs. John Patton, of London is holidaying at her home here. Mr, Harold Noonan and Mrs, Ella Patterson, of Windsor, are visitors at the Lakeview House, the former with his wife and son, Ronnie. Miss moved rooms, Dxeter Grand Bend was sweltering With the heat for several days last week but there has been a drop of 20 de­ grees. in temperature this week, much to the delight, of the campers and in fact all of Grand Bond. Joan Gill had her tonsils re­ last week at Dr. Taylor’s Dashwood, Dr. Dunlop, of performing the operation. All turnips are packed and sold under specified grade requirements. Canada No. 1 small — 2 to 4 in. across, (limited market) Canada No. 1 small-medium — 3% to 5 in. across. Canada No. 1 medium — 4 to 6 in. across, (most popular sizes) Canada No. 1 large — 4 in. and up, across (dehydration and soup only) Culls include those which are off shape, gouged, bruised or punctur­ ed and also those containing growth cracks, worm injury, water-core, or diseases such as and Skin Rot. any of the rot Black Rot, Soft Rot HARVESTING 1. 6s ■ Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co Exeter, Ontario SUCCEEDING JONES & MAY, SEED DEPT We welcome your patronage in all field seeds, whether you are buying or selling. ■ ■ ■ -••••••_ •• ■' 1 ...... implements on aid in harvest- There, are some the market which ing but as yet most turnips are pulled by hand and trimmed with a sharp well - balanced butcher knife. 2. Cut Off the tapering end root 1 to 1% inches below the butt and rub off any small side roots with the back of the blade. Cut off the top with a. single stroke leaving % to % inches of neck. 3. Pull and trim two rows at a time Drop tween mings to the the shipping turnips be- t-hese two rows, the trim- to one side and the culls other. HANDLING 1. 2. 3. After the first eight weeks—after the Chick Starter stage —what should you feed chicks next? If your chicks could choose^ knowing their future depended on it, they would unanimously cry “SHUR-GAIN”! * For SHUR-GAIN 34 % Developing Concentrate, mixed with your own grain, will: make them should have size on the with straw under the chute the first load, and a,gainst Sharp edges, in the storage Once turnips are pulled, freezing oi’ sunburning may culls. The turnip fork knobs of sufficient ends of the tines to prevent punc­ turing. Bruising of turnips can be pre­ vented by placing bransacks fil­ led for any bin. 4. Never store culls containing rots along with shipping turnips, Published as a service to turnip growers by the Fruit and Veget­ able Division, Dept.’ of Agriculture, London. J. J, Johnson, Inspector in charge. Classified Advertising pays in Results.—-Others have benefited by it, why not you? 1. Ensure steady,, rapid growth 2. Develop a big, rugged body 3. Maintain vigorous health 4. Do all this at absolute minimum cost. Make sure 'NOW that your pullets will lay NEXT FALL. Do not follow haphazard feeding methods — join the thousands of farmers who follow the tried} proven SHUR- GAIN way. No other feed approaches SHUR-GAIN in Use for growing chicks. There can be only one reason—it’s the BEST! I Use Fattening Mash to get that extra finish. J5 and C grade birds are a drug on the markets Consult ns on your feed requirements. Cann & Sons T. B. Allen Lackie Bros* Exeter Farquhar Whalen