HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-08-10, Page 4Pass 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST W, 3S44______________________=====^^ cartons.. .it’s downright wasteful to leave a lot of them at your summer cottage, when they might otherwise be put to good use all winter long. For bottles and cartons are used over and over again. So please return your summer’s collection of empties, in their original car­ tons, now— to your nearest Brewer’s Retail Store, and help i us maintain steady supplies for you this winter. BOWLING TOURNAMENT LOCAL NEWS Announcements .Birth, Death and. Marriage Notice# are inserted free of charge. Curd of Thank# 5pe. In Meinorlai^ Notlee# 50c for ti Ingle WWHS* 2?c extra tor each Jtcjcli— tional verixe. Engage*** ent# 'be BIRTHS COWARD—At St.' Joseph’s Hospit­ al, Loudon, on Wednesday, Aug. 2nd, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. Win, Coward, of Usborne, a son (Danny Gail). JONES-—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital Exetei* on Thursday, August 3rd, 1944, tp Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Jones (nee Jessie Gibson), of Kippen, a son (Gary Wilmer). M AVERS—At the home of Mrs. Hunter, on Sunday, August 6, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mavars, of Usborne, a son (Glen Eugene). ROSS-—-At the Stratford General Hospital, on Monday, August 7, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ross (nee Reba Simmons) a son. WEBB—To P.O. and Mrs. Norris Webb, of Exeter at Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital on August 2, 1944, a daughter (Joanne Lynn). MARRIAGES PARRISH—SPARLING — At the Thames Road Manse on Saturday August 5th, Earl Jeffery Parrish, of Stratford, to Nellie Irene Sparling, of Elimville. PORTER—HUNTER—At the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Sherwood Hunter, Frank Porter, of Norland, Ontario, to Lula Pearl Hunter, of Centralia, Rev.: Wm. Mair officiating. DEATHS A successful Scotch Doubles, tour- nument for the Tip Top trophy was held on the local bowling green op Monday. It being Dixie Holiday two 15-end games were played, to the afternoon and one in the evening, the evening game being high again­ st high. There was a full entry with eleven greens in play. The visitors were welcomed by the president, G. W. Layton. First pri?se, a handsome pair of woollen blankets, went to Dale and Smith, of Seaforth, with three wins plus 32. Bd. Piper, of Parkhill, was second with 3 wins plus 26; H. 0, Rivers and W. H. Pollen, third with three wins plus 11; McLeisch, of London, was fourth with 2 wins plus 27. Other results were as follows: G. Cochrane and G. Anderson, 1 plus 1; Wm. Sanders and T. Davies, minus; Pritchard, Goderich, 2 plus 21; U. Snell and R. Snell, 1 plus 8; McNee, Goderich, 2 plus 1; E. J, Wethey and W. G. Medd, 1 plus 3; G. May and Wm. May, minus; Bright, Sea­ forth, 2 plus 15; IC, Boyle and E- Anderson, minus; Matheson, Gode­ rich, 1 plus 15; Bert Rivers and T. Elliott, 2 plus 23; Brown and Har­ vey, Parkhill, 2 plus 18; M. W. Tel­ ler, Parkhill, 2 plus 16; B, M. Fran­ cis and Dr, Roulston, minus; O, Brown, St. Marys, 1 plus 6; Welsh, London, 1 plus 8; R. N. Rowe an'd G. W. Layton, 1 plus 12; R. Sproat, Seaforth, 2 plus 11. PASTOR IS STRICKEN BROWN—In Ford Hospital, Detroit, Mich., on Saturday, August 5fh, 1944, Hazel Dignan, beloved wife of Guy Brown, of Kingsville, Ont. FOSTER—In Granton, on Wed­ nesday, August 2, 19 44, George J. Foster, husband of Mary English, in his 9 5 th year. MELLIN—In Stephen Township on ’Wednesday, August 2nd, 1944, Elizabeth Hartle, beloved wife of William H. Mellin, in her 68th year, from her late . residence. Con. 16, Stephen Township, on Friday, Aug. 4th, at 2 p.m., fol­ lowed by public service at the Greenway United Church at 2.30 p.m. Interment in Grand Bend Cemetery. MILLER—In St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Monday, August 7th, 194 4, Frederick Jack, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Miller, aged four months. Interment took place ■ Wednesday in St, James Cemetery, Clandeboye. RAVELLE—‘Suddenly at her late residence, near Grand Bend, on Saturday, August 5, 1944, Mrs. Jane Ravelie, widow of the late John Ravelie, in her 77th year. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. M. Beckler, Exeter, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Grace Norene, to Flight Sergeant William McKenzie . Ballantyne, R.C.A.F., son of Mr. John Ballantyne and the late Mrs. Ballantyne, Thames Road, the mar­ riage to take place in James Street United church. Exeter, on Saturday, August 19th at three p.m. * Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rundle, of Woodham, wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daugh­ ter, Madelene Gertrude, to Wray William Sweitzer, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Sweitzer, of Exeter, the marriage to take place the lat­ ter part of August. MRS. JOHN RAVELLE DIES SUDDENLY Mrs. John Ravelie died suddenly of a heart attack on Saturday at her home near Grand Bend, in her i;tli year, Mrs. Ravelle, who was the widow of John Ravelle, had been living alone and it was not until Sunday morning that her death became known, her body be­ ing found by Alex Hamilton while delivering milk, as the dooi- of the house was open and she was seen slumped in a chair. Mrs. Ravelle was born at Drysdale, daughter of John and Mary Howard, and re­ sided at Port Blake, near Grand Bend, for 5 5 years. Her husband died three years ago. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. William Ei- senbach, Detroit; a sister, Mrs. Mary Parritt, Calgary, and a brother, George Howard, Exeter. The re­ mains rested at the T. Harry Hoff­ man funeral home, Dashwood, un­ til Monday morning when they were removed to the residence where funeral service took place on Tues­ day. Interment was in. Grand Bend 'Cemetery. Rev. W. T. Cleave, of the Grand Bend United 'Church, of­ ficiated. UNION SERVICES Rev. A. B. Irwin conducted the union service in James St. United church on Sunday after being on vacation for the month of July. While attending a service in Strat­ ford he met Rev. Dr. Waltei* E. Don­ nelly, who was enquiring for the members of his former James St. congregation and wished to be re­ membered to his many triends in Exeter. Mr. Irwin mentioned that he was amazed at the number of persons Mr. Donnelly could call by name. Rev. G. M. Chidley, pastor of Trinity United Church, Napanee, and a former minister of the Thames Road United Church, was stricken with a heart attack early on Tuesday and rushed to hospital in Kingston by ambulance. He had just returned from a holiday at his cottage in Algonquin Park. CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. C. Walker and Alden wish to express their sincere thanks to the many friends for the kindness and sympathy extended during their recent bereavement. * Mrs. C. Simmons wishes to ex­ press her thanks to the many friends who so kindly remembered Melville while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, following an operation" for ap­ pendicitis. c Having purchased the grain elevator at the station from R. G. Seldon & Son, we are in the market for Ontario wheat for which we will pay the highest market price. Service will be oiir motto. CANN & SONS Phone 35W Exeter SEEKS TO UPSET SISTER’S LEGACY Validity of the will of the late Alexander Etue, of Zurich,- be­ queathing most of his $10,000 estate to one daughter, Miss Nola Etue, of London, is to be contested in court by another daughter, Mrs. Christine O’Leary, of Ailsa Craig, writ of summons to the other mem­ bers of the family concerned having- been filed, at Middlesex County courthouse. Mrs. O’Leary is asking that the will, dated May 17, 1943, be de­ clared not the last will and testa­ ment of the deceased, and claims validity of another v^ill, said to be dated October, 19 43, in which the estate is divided more evenly among the 11 children of the de­ ceased, with only two of them excluded. In the will which Mrs. O’Learv is trying to break, about $50 each is granted to each member of the family, with the bulk of‘the estate going to Miss Nola Etue. Mrs. O’Lea.ry is being represented by A. R. Douglas, of. Douglas and McCallum, London Miss Nola Etue and Alexander Chailot, of Huron County, the executors of the May will, are being ■ represented by F. W. Gladman, of Exeter. Council for the defendants, the rest of the family, have not yet1, been named. , Other defendants named are; Georgina Etue, London; Peter Etue, Flint, Mich.; Exelia Moss, Dupdale, Ont.; Joseph Etue, Ar- boutfield, Sask.; Clarisse Smith, Windsor; Rose Messerschrnit. Flint, Mich,; Blanche Adams. Van­ dyke, Mie)i.; Mai’ion Hoeman, De­ troit; 'Thereas Oeman, Detroit: Anthony Etue, Hay tfownship, Huron County, It is expected to come to trial In Huron County Fall Assizes. Mr. Jos. Follick, of Lindenfield’s Hardware is on vacation this week. Miss EUa Jones, of Stratford, visited in Exeter during the past week. Jack Hennessey and Ross Tuckey are holidaying this week in Lindsay. Mrs. Valeria Armstrong visited over the week-end with friends in Kitchener, FO. Pon, French, with the R.C. A.F., is visiting at the home of Mrs. Mary Folljck. Miss Isabelle Anthony has return­ ed to Exeter after spending some­ time to Hamilton. Miss Marie Cutbush is,holidaying with County Constable and Mrs. C, Salter at Wingham. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Campbell ( are visiting-with their son, Eric and, Mrs. Campbell, of Windsor. Mrs. Harold Whyte reports that while breaking an egg for baking she found that it had three yolks, Miss L, M. Jeckell returned home Wednesday after visiting her niece, Mrs. Howe, in Toronto W, O. Wm, Balkwill with the R. C. A. F. at Brantford and Mrs. Balkwill, spent the week-end in Exeter, Mr. Gordon Emmett and Miss Ruth Fraser, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fraser. Miss Grace Strange has returned to Toronto after spending a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs, John Strange, Friends in Exeter have learned that Miss Ruby Treble, of Toronto, met with an accident when she fell fracturing her wrist. PO. E. J. Sc..rt edtr, of Souris, Man., is visiting with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder, while on two week’s furlough. Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Gourlay, of St. Marys, spent the week-end with, their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hodgson. Mr. Amos Darling, who has not been enjoying the best of health of late, is undergoing treatment in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Kathleen and Pauline Hill, of Goderich, and Wanda Tiedeman, of Grand Bend, are visiting with their grandmother, Mrs. H. Jennings. Mr., and Mrs. John Newcombe, of Stratford, are holidaying with the former’s mother, Mrs. Newcombe and with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. How- aid. Mrs. Geo. .Wright, niece of Mr.- Lawson,, anff'her friend Mrs. Beck- erton, of Windsor, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lawson, on Sunday. Misses Joan Knipe, of Kenora, and Phyllis Hunt, of Fort William, are guests at the home of the for­ mer’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sanders. Rev. J. T. Flemming, pastor of Epworth United church, Kingsville, and Mrs. Flemming, were over­ night guests Wednesday last with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris. Mrs. John Jackson, of Rogerville, celebrated her 88th birthday on July 29th. To celebrate the occasion about thirty relatives were present and all enjoyed a social evening. Mrs. Jane Scott, of Tillsonbur.g, mothei’ of Mrs. Wm. Cook, of town, is in the Tillso.nburg Memorial Hospital, having had the misfor­ tune to fall and fracture her hip. ACI Douglas Pryde, who has completed his course with the R. C. A. F. Technical Training School, St. Thomas, is holidaying at his home here. He is being posted to Vancou- 1 ver. Clerk C. V. Pickard, Mrs. Pick­ ard, Marguerite and Trudy are this week holidaying at Grand Bend. Miss Gwenneth Jones is looking af- •ter the clerk’s office and issuing ration coupons during Mr. Pickard’s absence. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Sturgis and family have returned to their home here. Mr. Sturgis has spent several weeks marking* examination papers in Toronto while Mrs. Sturgis and family have spent the past week at Aurora and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce and daughters, Miss Eva and Mrs. Win. Gaiser and her daughter, Sherry, and nephew, Billie Redmond, motored to Pinafore Park, St. Thomas, Civic Holiday, attending a re-union picnic of Lumleys and Willays. LAC. L. Battersby, of Toronto, is spending 14 days furlough “with his Wife and family. He and Mrs. Batt- ersby spent last week visiting with the latter’s sister, , Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Drake, of Shelbyville, In­ diana, and will spend this week at his homo, Mb, iStanley Walter, o£ Mount Forest, is spending two week’s va­ cation with his father, Mr, H. S. Walter, Mrs. Jos. Graht, of London, spent the week-end here. Her daughter, Joanne, is spending her holidays with Mlv and Mrs. C. M. Blowes, in HensalL Classified Directory — PLACE AN ADVERTISEMENT HERE AND WATCH RESULTS« ......... I..■"■■■"■■I!".1.......... Ji'! ■ ...............J.... !!L.1 ......... FOR SALE NOTICES IFOR SALE—-50 colonies of bees and all equipment, W. C. Pearce, Exeter, FOR SALE—1929 Plymouth sedan, newly painted, jp good condition. Apply to Mrs. Apcell Lee, 5 miles south of Crediton, Ailsa Craig P.O, 10:24* FOR SALE — A Poll-Angus Bull and a few sows. Apply to Bruce Tuckey, 10c FOR SALE—Seed Fall Rye. W. F. Abbott, Exeter. 10c FOR SALE—-30 pigs,'weaned about two weeks. Apply,., to Times Advocate. 10c Re Parking on Exeter Streets The Motoring Public are asked tp cooperate in solving our parking problem by parking their cars and trucks properly according to street markings and leaving "No Parking" areas and driveways clear, The Bus traffic has increased greatly and in order to protect autoigts and pedes­ trians, the Council has found it nec­ essary to provide a Bus Stop in front of the Bus Depot, at Elliot’s Apts, and on the opposite corner. A "No Parking" zone has been marked on pavement at each loca­ tion. Please leave these zones clear at all times. C. V, Pickard. Clerk. real estate FOR SALE — A four-plate Hot Point electric stove with oven and warming oven. Apply to Mrs. W. E, Weekes between 8 a.jn. and 6 p.m. this week, 10c WANTED WANTED—A disc plow. Apply to Times Advocate. 10c WANTED—-A used blower cutting- f>ox. Apply Gordon Wilson, R. R. 1, Crediton. . 3:10* FOR SALE — Goodison Separator size 3 6-50, ready for work. Apply C. J. Walker, R, R. 1 Cromarty. 3:1.0 c WANTED— Anyone having any furnished or unfurnished houses, rooms or apartments to rent, please, call the Hostess House at the Airport. 27:3:10 * The Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Ins. Co,, have bought a number of Stirrup Pumps which they are offering to the public at c-ost, namely $5.00 each. These pumps have been used very effec­ tively in England during the Air Raids and are highly recommended for Fire Prevention. Please apply to H. K. 'Eilber, Secretary, 3tc Crediton, Ont. farm FOR SALE—20 choice acres, buildings suitable for hatchery, house suitable for store, etc. Sold, separately if desired, Mark Car­ diff, R. 2, Brussels, Qpt, JO* FARM FOB SALE-—100 acres of clay loam, well fenced and drain­ ed, 8 acres of wood lot; brick house, bank harp, 40-ft. cement hog pen, sheds, garage, etc,; spring well, running water in house and 'barn; oil bath Beatty wind pump, supply tank, This farm is for sale at a reasonable » price. Lot 21, 'South' boundary Hay, half mile east of Dashwood. Duncan Snider, Dashwood. 3tp HENSALL—1J storey frame house with furnace, two lots. Possession Sept. 1st. W. 10, Pearce. STORE—Building is 22x40, good dwelling, full basement, store room, barn, garage, 4 acres of land, oil outlet, good trade. Apply Exeter Times-Advocate. 3:10c NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE— On outskirts of Exe­ ter about 60 acres of land with frame house and bank barn. Also 100 acres, with brick house and bank barn, silo, hydro, close to Exeter. C. V, Pickard. WANTED—8 or 10 cheap drivers. Frank Taylor, Exeter. tfc PERSONAL KEEP KLEEREX HANDY. A QUICK-HEALING Salve for Sum­ mer Skin ailments. Sunburn. Poison Ivy, Mosquito Bites, Cuts, Burns, Impetigo. Also heals Boils, Pimples, Eczema, Psoriasis, etc. 50c; $1.00; (Medium and Strong). Recommended and Sold by Robertson’s Drug 'Store You don’t need a little bird to tell you that a Classified Ad brings direct results! IN THE ESTATE of JAMES ED­ MUND HARRISON late of the Town of Goderich (formerly of the Town­ ship of Stephen) in the County of Huron, Engineer deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the above estate are required on or before the 21st day of August 1944, to file with the undersigned Administrator full particulars of their claims, duly verified, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. NOTICE 'TO DEBTORS All monies owing the above es­ tate must be paid to the said Ad­ ministrator on or before the 21st day of August, 1944, after which date proceedings will be taken to collect. DATED at Exeter, Ontario, this 2nd day of August, 1944. William E. Sanders, Administrator, Exeter, Ontario, by J. W. Morley, his solicitor, * Exeter, Ontario. FOR SALE—IB storey brick house, centrally located in the Village of Exeter. Also frame house near canning factory. Brick house with three acres of land, 4 miles from Exeter. C. V. Pickard. FARM'S FOR SALE—Kirkton, 75 acres level rich well drained land, bush, convenient to school, build­ ings with electricity; 50 acres level land, full set of buildings, electricity at gate. W. O. Pearce, Exeter. PTE. R. BELT, PARKHILL, WOUNDED IN NORMANDY MONEY TO LOAN on First Mortgages Now is the TIME to stop paying rent and to buy a farm. Write us if you have been chinking about it. We may be able to help you with a loan. All in­ quiries treated confidentially. Mrs. Harry Battram, of Main St., Parkhill, has received official word that her son, Pte. Russell William Belt, of the Essex Scottish Regiment of Windsor, has been wounded in the invasion of Normandy. The tele­ gram which Mrs. Battram received stated that he had received multiple bomb fragment wounds. FOR SALE—'Grass farm on NB lot 4, con. 15, Stephen Twp. Apply to Arthur Willert, Exeter, Ont* •ft' 3:10* FARM FOR .SALE—Lot 4, Gon. 11, McGillivray, containing 100 acres more or less, close to school. Ap­ ply to James Patching, R. R. 2, Ailsa Craig. 3:10* HOUSE FOR SALE Village Home, 5 rooms and 3- piece modern bathroom, nice kitchen sink with cupboards; excellent full size basement; hydro and furnace; about two acres of ‘best garden soil, small fruits and beautiful shade trees; two minutes from schools, post office, stores, church and No. 4 Highway. Only 3 years old, fully insulated. Sacrifice $1-800. Ten more acres available if wanted. Possession arranged any time. Ap­ ply owner, box 280 Exeter. * AUCTION SALESHuron&Erie MORTGAGE CORPORATION London Windsor St. Thomas Chatham RUMOR GARDINER TO RUN IN HURON The following. item appeared in the London Free Press: Goderich, August 6 — Political talk here has it that Hon. J. G. Gardiner, minister of Agriculture, will forsake his Saskatchewan seat and run in his native Huron-Perth. The homestead is in Stephen Town­ ship where the minister’s mother resides. Some reports have it that W. H. Golding, sitting member, is to be elevated to the Senate. The writer of the article must have been having a pipe dream as the Hon. Mr. Gardiner was nomin­ ated last June in his old riding of Qu’Appelle, Sask. The homestead is in Usborne Township and not Ste­ phen as mentioned. AIR FORCE TRUCK DESTROYED BY FIRE The ration truck of No. 9 S.F. T.S.,’ was badly burned Monday when it caught fire while going from Centralia Air School to Clin­ ton. The truck was empty. The driver and a passenger both escaped injury. The Hensail fire brigade was called 'but failed to turn up. When the No. 9 S.F.T.S. fire truck ar­ rived the ration truck was com­ pletely gutted. A court of inquiry is investigating the matter. It is believed the fire was caused by a gas leakage near the exhaust. LUMBER FOR SALE (USED) 2x8 in. plaiik, 10 feet, 50c each 4x7 in, timber, 10 feet, 75c each 6x6 ill. timber, 10 feet, $1.25 each 6x9 in. timber, 10 feet, $1.50 Caeli 8x9 ini. timber, 18 fe£t, $8.0O each 8X9 in timber, 18 feet, $4.00 each 3x4 in. timber, 3 feet, 25c each 2x4 iii. timber, 8 feet, 35c each Some windows and doors also for sale. Wrecking building now at Clandeboye; enquire at General Store. WINGHAM MAN APPOINTED HURON COUNTY CONSTABLE Constable Gordon Deyell ,of Wingham, has been appointed coun­ ty-constable and traffic officer for | the Wingham district. He will be stationed in Wingham. He was chosen from 10 applications and his appointment was approved by the county council. County Constable Charles Salter, of Wingham, is being transferrer to Blytli to a similar position, UNCONSCIOUS FOR 10 DAYS, GRANTON BOY RECOVERING After 10 days of unconsciousness, due to meeting with a bicycle accident near Granton, Cecil Hod­ gson, 17-yea.r-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hodgson, gained con­ sciousness Tuesday, and talked to Dr. F. iS. Kipp, who has had the patient in charge, speaking norm­ ally. His recovery is expected'. Bert Little clandeboye:, ont. Monday wes Civic Holiday and all places of business were closed. Many took advantage of the long week-end to spend it at Grand Bend The weather was ideaL Lambert Sale Yards, Strathroy, Saturday, Aug. 12th, 100 head of mixed stock cattle; also pigs and calves. Trucks to deliver. Sales every Saturday. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. ci MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Powers of Sale contained in a cer­ tain Mortgage, which will be pro­ duced at the time of sale, there wilL be.offered for sale by FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, at , PUBLIC AUCTION on Tuesday, 'August 15th, 19 44 at the hour of one-thirty o’clock E.D.S.T., in the afternoon at the farm of the late William Hector Mitchell, at- Crediton, Ontario, the following property, namely:— ALL AND SINGULAR that cer­ tain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Stephen, County of Huron, being composed of Lot 3, Concession 3, of the said Township, containing 100 acres, more or less. ON the said farm there is Said, to be erected a dwelling house with suitable farm buildings. THE lands will be sold subject to- ■a resei’ve bid. TERMS OF SALE:'Twenty-five .per cent of the purchase price tO‘ be paid down at the time of the sale, the balance to be secured by a mortgage with interest at four iier- cent per aniium. FOR further particulars and coh- ditions of sale, apply to, Commissioner of Agricultural Loans, East Block, 'Parl’t Bldgs., • tOHONTO, Ontario. DATED at Toronto*this 21st day o£ July, 1944. ACCOMMODATION — For Clas­ sified Ads in the Times-Advocate—- Sure-fire results!