HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-08-10, Page 3Low Flying Aircraft THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST IP, 1944 I Sports W1NCHELSEA Miss Dorothy Pooley has return­ ed home after spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. R. w. ten, of Mrs. Donna Bend. Mrs. ... . spent one day the past week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Nelson I Clarke. past Bat- Exeter, Colin Gilfillan, Jean spent the holiday at Grand an 4 Wm. waiters and Margaret Any person observing an aircraft flying excessively low over the town of Exeter, or in fact anywhere in this part of the province, is request­ ed to take the “number” of the air-- craft and phone this information together with the “time” of the currence, to the 'Commanding ficer, No. 9 S.F.T.S., Centralia, oc- Of- Thank You Weep for pur Airmen's ball team. They lost to Clinton Tuesday night and that eliminates them inter girls They right. •Clinton, them here Thursday, practicing and coaching getting, we expect to see them make come-back next week. from the But our pitching­ doing all station play-offs, are still in there work hard and are Tuesday night they won at but St. Thomas defeated here Thursday, With the they are a formal dance was held after the chairs had been cleared away, and think it was a pretty super night everyone. we for Visitors oil the Bandstand We wish to thank those kind friends in Exeter who, ly, have been sending us ■books and magazines for our on this Station. Good Literature is always ap­ preciated, and if you would like to help, just give the “Y" office a call on the telephone. Of OUr recent- along use Western Ontario Track Meet Sunday Musicale following were •Symphony Polka and Or­ th e the Mrs. W. J. Veal has returned home after spending the past few days with her mother Mrs. M. El­ ford, of Exeter, who is ill. Mrs. Freeman Horne and family spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Horne. ! Miss About twelve boys and girls rep­ resented our station at the Western Ontario Track Meet held at West­ ern University Tuesday afternoon, Our pipe band led the parade of all the contestants from the dif­ ferent stations around the Memorial Stadium, took were cuss, For jumps, dash. Shirley the high standing enthusiastic, and along with all our other .par­ ticipants, gave everything they had to bring some honors home to ralia. Among many delightful record­ ings played at our Sunday Musicale on July 30th the included; The Minneapolis chestra played the Dance of the Comediens from Bartered Bride. Tannhauser Act 2 (Oh Hall of Song) sung by Helen | Trauber selection. Menuhin entitled Hebraiques”. Arthur Rubinstein playing Mazurka in A Minor G Minor C Major. One of the chief works of evening was Brahm’s variation a theme by Haydn, Op. 5 6A, played in the ini. The sky’s which Stokowski Orchestra. Concluding a very gram was Claude Debussy’s 'Claire de Lune played by Leopold Stokow­ ski. in German .was the nextj Then we enjoyed,. Yehudi i violinist in his recording Kaddisch from “Chants Next the piano of 'Chopin’s and rich style of Arturo Toscan- major work was Tschaikow- Nutcracker Suite Op. was played and the 71A iby Leopold Philadelphia enjoyable pro- Mother’s Corner two ladies made their from Exeter Red headquarters in The Cross the Craft Shop Tuesday night, and the boys kept them very busy with sewing and mending. The ladies are always so kind and obliging that we are very happy the service has “taken”. Next week, we expect, they will be back in the office next to the “Y”. Leave your mending there during the day if you wish. Nautical News Group Captain Fullerton the salute. For the men there high jumps, broad jumps, dis- shot put, pole vault and races, the girls there were high relay races and 75 yard A new note was added to theispent a Station All Ranks dance last Tues-1 day when the R.C.A.F. 'Skyliners from Clinton Station played for us. Private iBob Holland of the U.S. Army Air Corps, leader of this musical group, has done a fine job in whipping his aggregation into presentable musical form and, in all, his music is very pleasing. We are delighted to have this group playing for us for the month of August while our orchestra is served rest, forward to night dances be own station enjoying a well de- and we are looking subsequent Tuesday which we know will equally as enjoyable. Special Station Benefit Dance •One of the finest evenings of en­ tertainment that can be presented on any station will be our treatVan Nice placed first in jump. Shirley is our out- on. Tuesday, August 15th. W.D. athlete. She is an] hard working sport,! Weiner Roast C ent- veryA nearby farmer again kindly gave us permission to use his field for another weiner roast Thursday night. Pop drove us over and while some of the gang gather­ er wood, others busied themselves getting the food rea'dy. A’ game of scrub softball was played in a wheat field.^The stubble in to the hazards but it .game. The boys and advantage of commune with was captured cow’s life was (George. Washington) Williamson’s axe (even though it was on the opposite bank of the river. But Fred Schreiber from the Post Of­ fice proved himself naturalist”—everybody was, just chasing that leaped accurately up boy’s pant legs. We the camp fire, joked and had a lot of fun. Oh yes, we ate hot dogs and drank cocs, too. the field added was a hilarious girls took full opportunity tothe nature. One snake and disected. One threatened by Dave the “master thought he frog until it ■one of the sang around Handicrafts Swimming classes are' 'being or­ ganized at the pool and P.T. per­ iods are held there now, too. Life saving classes will be starting soon I —leave your name with me at the pool. We’ll welcome any sugegstions' for classes, •Small leather articles make swell gifts and a lot of these are ‘being made at handicrafts. This hot wea­ ther threw meeting off day people plies. Some of will soon finish leather belt and fill fold with a match. Working at handicrafts real­ ly helps while away the long that they are in*the hospital. the the drop the regular Thursday beam hut every around •for sup- patients a smart guest artists, etc., all for your entertain- The purpose of this dance is to raise money for the building to enclose our swimming pool so that year-round swimming can be enjoy­ ed by our personnel—and the com­ mittee has spared no effort in pro­ curing good music, prizes, ment and enjoyment. EVERYONE IS INVITED— Whether you can attend or not we would appreciate your purchasing a ticket at 75c per person to help out in this worthy cause. Tickets will be procurable the Times-Advocate office or Jones & May in Exeter—or may even purchase them at Station Barrier on your way in to the Station. YOU CAN HELP BY YOUR SUP­ PORT—PURCHASE YOUR TICK­ ET NOWI ELIMVILL.E A. E. and Mrs. Johns, of been visiting with community. Johns and children at Grand Bend the HARPLEY Audrey Harlton, of Shipka. few days with her aunt Mrs. Hickey, Clarence Hardy Misses Mur- Lillian Hardy and friend, of called at Mr, Mansell Hod­ route to Grand CRED I TON EAST Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis and son, Eber and Mr. Charles Anderson, spent Sunday at Grand Bend with Mr, and Mrs. Alex Hamilton Mrs, Wes. Hedden, of Lucan, is visiting with Mrs, Wilson. Anderson. Mrs. Murray Neil and daughter are visiting in Stratford. Mr. Chris. Rau has. returned home after .a trip to Sault Ste. Marie. Miss Arliss Wein is holidaying in London this week- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rader and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Rader all of Zurich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Aaron Wein. Mrs. Depnard Wein and son vin, have returned home after daying last week with Mr, and Alex Hamilton at Grand Bend, Miss Lillian Jasney has returned home after holidaying with Grace Penhale on the Lake Pte, A'lvin Sims and Pte. Dennis, (W.D.) of London, the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley and Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Pace, of London, spent the week-end at the former’s home here. •Mrs. Orby Kestle, of Detroit, and Miss Margaret Hughes and Mrs. Nellie Beckerson and Mrs. George E. Wright, of Windsor, spent Satur­ day with the latter’s father, Mr, Eli Lawson. Mrs. Mar- holi- Mrs. You’ll enjoy our Orange Pekoe Blend Tu ES uflL Have you tried a classified? •LAC. Murphy, 'Chief Lifeguard. i £ TOBACCOTHE PICK OF It DOES taste in a pipe Many women have to do their own housework, and t the constant bend­ ing over, lifting, making beds, sweeping, ironing, sewing, so neces­ sary to perform their household duties puts a heavy strain on the back and kidneys, and if there were nd kidnoy weakness the back would bo strong and well. t Doan’s Kidney Pills help id givo relief to weak, backache, kidney suf­ fering women. Doan’s Kidney Pills are put up in an oblong grey box with our trado mark a "Maple Leaf” on the wrapper. ,Don’t, accept a substitute. Be cure and get ‘'Doan’s.” The T. Milburn Oo., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. hospital making an air-force blue watch strap to Spotlight for the Week Friday Spotlight an hour Hall that personnel hours was one from lead 7.15 The bags girl the the The CBC makes record- these programmes and to Newfoundland and i re-broadcast for Cana- overseas, included in “Louise”, War i CBC. 1 of all them to be troops broadcast were and Day”, Art Hollman Dr. A. E. and Hamilton, have relatives in this Mrs. Kenneth were holidaying latter part of last week. Bdr. Eric Carscadden and Mrs. Carscadden returned to Kingston last week, also Mr. John Miners, of the Miners returned after spending a of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Miners and other relatives, and Mrs. Gilbert Johns and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long and family near Atwood last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Bell and children, of Detroit, were visitors with relatives in the village, Sgt. Lloyd Bell and Mrs. Bell son. of Toronto, were here. Mr. Clayton Herdman, of R.C.A.F., is spending his two weeks furlough at the home of his parents He expects to be posted on the East Coast on his return to Montreal. Mrs. John Brock and Miss Grace, i of Galt, and Mr. Bill Brock, of Crumlin, are spending a few days at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Will Routly and daughters visited in Thorndale at the home of the former’s sister. Mrs, Ken Hogg last Sunday. Miss Patsy Johns spent last week in St. Mary’s with relatives. R.C.A.F. and Mrs. to Rivers, Man., couple Garnet Mr. Grace 1 ’AINFULLY INJURED IN ("LINTON ACCIDENT Donald Cooper, employed at Canada Packers, Clinton, met with a painful accident Thursday of last week. While engaged in loading heavy egg pails weighing about 4 0 pounds each, his hand came in con­ tact with the sharp edge of the. lid of the pail inflicting painful in­ juries to four of his fingers of the left cut Dr. not Week or so. hand. Two of his fingers almost to the bone, he was attended by Oakes, of Clinton, Donald will be able to continue work for a night Mart Kenney’s band entertained us for and a half in the Drill was crowded with Service and their invited friends. The programme started at with two novelty numbers. “Lead the Band” contest of fun. Three boys and were picked at random audience and invited to orchestra. It was a scream and. a bit screechy. The One O’clock Jump is a Kenney specialty, and different instruments were featured altern­ ately. At 8 o’clock the boys went on the air in a coast to coast hook-up over ings send BBC di an Friday’s “Night and Day”, “Hawaiin Chaut”. Art Hollman sang “Time Waits for No One” and “Going My .Way” from Biug Crosby’s picture of the same name. Norma Locke sang “I dream of You." After the broadcast a swimming and diving exhibition was held in the new pool adjacent to the Drill Hall, and at 9 o'clock a movie en­ titled "Two Girls and a 'Sailor" was presented to the personnel. To conclude the evening an in- sons, and two daughters. hay township native MRS, GINGERICH, BURIED Mrs. Rachel Gingerich, of Baden, died recently after a brief illness. She wag 85, born Jan. 10, in Hay Township. She attended the Stein­ man Amish Church. Her parents were the late John Oesch of Blake, in Hay Township, and the former Barbara. Gascho. Surviving are her husband, John E. Gingerich, three PREVENT INFLATION NOW AND DEFLATION ♦ > e WAGESCOSTS WE CAN ALL HELP BY SUPPORTING CONTROLS OVEft PRICES, WAGES, RENTS AND PROFITS chair. asked the dentist, giving you all the Miss Road. Helen spent Controlled prices, wages, costs, profits mean security Guelph, spent Mr. and Mrs. the left in the bal- CHtCK the PR ICES also and Soon all would break through And stability Would go all to pieces • This is the lenth of a series being issued .hy the Government ■of Canada 'to emphasRe thb importance of preventing further increases Tn the cost of lining now and deflation later LISTEN To "IN The SPOTLIGHT" RADIO PROGRAMME EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT 7.30 p.m., E.D.L Mrs, iel and Lucan, inson Saturday en Bend for a few days vacation. We are sorry to report Miss Haz­ el Frosh is in St. Joseph’s Hospital London but we are glad to know she is improving nicely and will be home again soon. Mr. and Mrs. F. McLean and babe have returned to their home in De­ troit after holidaying for some time at Gira,nd Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ireland and children from the week-end with Robt. Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Jack troit, visited with Mr. Joseph Carruthers The moving picture usherette was in the dentist’s “Now, miss,” “which tooth is trouble?” “Second from cony,” she replied. o’ co^oo^ LATER FARMER- THIS is viJXlTO deflation and TO S* COST ™ buyceiling onfapm Lyou revent Txtpt^?LPRICES OUTLOOK FOR ESS WITH Of.tt.tS^T±BIL^Yceilings on is PRICES PROFITS AND FLOORS BENEATH GOVERNMENT OF CANADA tCBs T0 WAGES If one breaks through