HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-08-03, Page 8Page fl THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 3,1944 V’s Beauty Shoppe Here’s where to get the Ohly COLD WAVE recommended by Derma University of Detroit, All lines of Beauty Culture. VERA C, DECKER Phone 112 Exeter Markets Wheat, $1.08. Creamery Butter 38c Eggs, A Large 31$ Eggs, A Medium 39 s Eggs A Pullet 23c Eggs B 85c Eggs C 31c Dressed Hogs ,$17.00 Bonus A $3.00 (Successor to Marion Pooley) Sa t is fac t i on G ua.r ante cd M, Christine McCrae, Prop. Exeter- Phone 345 XI 13 “Two Girls and a Sailor” THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY August 3rd, 4th, 5 th Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 7 I James St, and Main St. Churches Rev, A. B. Irwin, B-A., Minister James St, Choir in charge,| Taxi Service Phone 100 Snell's LOCALS NOTICE Zurbrigg’s Optical Parlors will be closed July 31st to re-open August Sth. 2tc Round the Clock Service A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer feature comedy with GLORIA DeHAVEN, GRACIE ALLEN, VAN JOHNSON, LENA HORNE and all star cast. MONDAY AND TUESDAY August 7th, Sth. 2 Features — 2 Nights Only y?“Uncertain Glory starring ERROL FLYNN yy“Footlight Glamour starring the BUMSTEADS (Fay Singleton and Arthur Lake) Mr, and Mrs. F. Forrester and. Dorothy are holidaying at -Grand Bend. Miss Helen Pfaff, of the Post Of­ fice staff, is holidaying at Kitchener and Waterloo. Master Lynn Ryckman, of Flint, Mich., was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs, Ben Case. Mr. Lloyd Fraser visited in Lobo over tiie week-end with liis sister, Mrs. George Campbell. Mrs. Milo Snell and Mrs, Baker have returned home after spending the month of July at Grand Bend. Goodman and Mr. of Detroit, spent the Mr. and Mrs. Chas, STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter Treat yourself to a new Hair Do Professional shaping gives your hair a “custom built” foundation intended expressly for your hair style Featuring:—Lustron Cold Wave, Zotos, Jamal, Vaper Marcel, Machineless, Shelton, Thennique, Permanent. Coming .... “Follow the Boys” “Miracle of Morgan’s Creek” KIRKTON WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Tomlinson Hairdressing Phone 146 Phone 146 4 at Grand Bend. Dorene, vacation, is spending the Mrs. Albert Fleiscliaeur I The Answer to a perplexing question— The Family Accident Expense Policy Covers— Yourself, Your Wife, Your children under 21, against all normal accident hazards. Very Low Premium, For further information see W. H. Hodgson Exeter, Ontario. Telephones Office 24 Res. 16 2J A very enjoyable time was held at the home of Mrs. Wesley Hodge on Thursday afternoon when 23 members and two visitors were present at the annual picnic of the^ Women’s Institute. A splendid pro-: gram of sports were run off by the committee, Mrs. E. Humphreys, Mrs. J. Smith and Mrs. R. McNaughton in charge. Winners of novely races were Mrs. D. Goodger, Mrs. C, Switzer and Mrs. R, Hazelwood; bean bags captained by Mrs. T. Near and Mrs. F. Roger Mrs. Near’s side -contest was won wood’s group. A served by the hostess and commit­ tee in charge, Mrs. R. Morrison, Mrs. J. Willis, Mrs. R. Ross, was enjoyed by all. After a short business period and votes of thanks to hostess and committee the gathering brought to a close. were played with winning; a bird by Mrs. Hazel- delicious supper was Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Waghorn have moved into the residence they re­ cently purchased from the estate of the late Mrs. Jory. Mr. Charles Stanley Mosier, week-end with Schroeder, Cpl. Fred Luxton, of Camp Bor­ den, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Luxton. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Kestle and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Green spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Orby Kestle, of Detroit. Mrs. M, McAvoy and Miss Annie Sanders left Sunday for Grand Bend to spend a week with Mrs. Ida Sanders, at her cottage. Mrs. Miners who has been visit­ ing at the -home of her sister in Kingsville for the past three weeks, returned home on Thursday. Mrs. Earl Parsons, Dorene, Ross and Charles, spent the forepart of the week who is on week. Mr. and and children. Donna and Gary, of London, are spending the week at the home of Constable and Mrs. John Norray. Recent guests with Mrs. Penrose , and family were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. I Penrose and family, of St. Clair I Shores, Mich., Pte. Gordon Penrose, I of Canyi Ipperwas-h and Mrs. (Rev) Barberree, of Thorold. • Mr. and Mrs. John Lines and ■ Mrs. A. W. Rowe, of Sarnia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Cecil j Rowe. Provost A. W. Rowe returned to Sarnia with them after spending’ a week with his parents. I Miss Nancy Pat Wilson, of To-1 ronto, is visiting with her grand-} | mother, Mrs. M. Heywnnd. Mrs. ‘ - Heywood and Nancy Pat left Wed­ nesday for Sable Beach, to visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Skinner at their summer cottage there. Mrs. Tomlinson had a long dis-| tance telephone call from her hus­ band, A. R. Tomlinson S I/C U.S. I Navy, Wireless Operator (Radio) on Sunday from Shoemaker, Calif., say­ ing that he was leaving shortly for service at sea. Mrs. Robt. Smith, of Malton spent last week with her mother, Mrs, Wm. Bowden and with Mr. and j Mrs. John Smith, Huron Street. Mr. Smith spent the week-end here and . Mrs. Smith and little daughter Marlene, returned with. him. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reaman and daughter Carol Anne have left for their home at Barranca, Colombia, South America, after visiting for' three and a half months with Mrs. j Reaman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.’ G. Medd and othei’ relatives. I First Mortgage Loans If additional money is needed to help you buy a productive farm, send us particulars. Possibly we can assist you through our loaning department. Attractive terms. All inquiries/ treated confiden­ tially. Huron&Erie mortgage corporation London Windsor St, Thomas Chatham INSULATION! • We iare how booking orders for fall and winter installation. Estimates furnished. W. j. MELVILLE Exeter, Ont. Messrs, Barry and Bob Wenger, of Mildmay called on friends ih Exeter Monday while on vacation. The Mildmay Gazette, recently ac­ quired by Mr. Barry Wenger, form-j erly of the Times-Advocate staff, is not being published this week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Caulkettj and daughter Phyllis, of Port Hur-I on, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fraser for a few.’ days last week, Miss Ruth Fraser,) of London, also visited at her home | here for a few days last week, i !Visitors at 1 Lydia Sweitzer, Holtzmann and Cleveland, Ohio; Tucson, Arizona; and Mrs, Clara Neigarth, of Detroit Mich., and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hewlett, of London, Rev. Borden Cunningham, Mrs, Cunningham and Betty, of Windsor, who have spent the month of July at their summer cottage at Grand Bend have Visited With the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Walter (Cun­ ningham and other relatives in Exeter returned to Windsor Tues­ day. the home of Mrs. Mrs. Ellen Russell, of H. Pletcher, Pearl Haist were Mrs. Mrs. Miss What you have been looking for— An excellent choice of EASY-TO-BUILD Aeroplanes See our display. Your drugs at Robertson’s Mrs. Harry Cole left on IFiriday for Halifax to join her husband who is an S.B.A. with the Royal (Cana­ dian Navy. LAC Len Harvey spent the week­ end at home. He recently received his “sparks” at Guelph and is Stat­ ioned at Fingal. Sgt. and Mrs. Hutcheson have re­ turned from two weeks at Grand Bend and are now visiting the lat­ ter’s mother in Barrie. Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Lamb spent the past week at the home and Mrs. is a sister Mr. Southcott and Miss Stella and Miss Irene Johns left for -Gran.d Bend Monday to spend the month of August at their summer cottage. Mrs, -Southcott, who is now in her 88th year, has for mahy years spent the month of August at Grand Bend and always eujoys the month spent at the lakeside, Jno. Luxton. Mrs. of Mr, Luxton, H. O. Southcott, Mrs. of Mr. Lamb C. A. in both CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mrs. J, g, Gpchrune. Organist St. of St. UNION SERVICES New Prints People, Phone 16 ALLENBURY’S MALTED MILK 24 oz................................................... a.m.—Sunday School noon—Public Worship. The Rev. George M. Lamont, Pietou, Nova Scotia, will preach. 10 a.m.—-Sunday -School churches. 11 asm.—-Service, James “The Unattr,activeness p.m,—Service in James “Hosanna,” church Jesus,” church TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev, M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss Macltaul Choir Leader. Mr. Middlemiss 9th Sunday after Trinity The Transfiguration of Our Lord 10 a.m.—Holy Communion and Sermon “The Evidence of His Majesty” Thursday, 8 p.m.—Prayer and Inter­ cession in the church. ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton M.E. Reuber, B.A.. B.D., Minister Mrs. F. \V. Morlock, Organist a.m.—Morning Worship, a.m,—Church School. 10 11 7.30 p.m,—Evening Worship. Welcome, PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Services continue in the Gospel Tent Wednesday, 8.30 p.m.—Subject: “Praying in the Spirit”. Friday, 8.30 p.m,—Young speakex’ Mr. Miller. Saturday, 9 p.m.—Open air at Exeter, Hensail 10 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m.—Sunday School, Supt. E. Cudmore. Sunday 11 a.m.—Speaker, Rev. F. H. Bells-mith, subject “Vision”. Communion Sunday. Sunday, 8 p.m.—Rev. F. H. Bell­ smith, subject “The Fundamentals of the Faith”. Rev. Mr. Bellsmith is a very able speaker, has 25 years of service in the Methodist Ministry before coming into the Pentecostal Faith, He is now a lecturer on Bible History in the Ontario Bible School, Toronto. LOCAL NEWS is■Griffiths, of Toronto, Miss Annie Handford. Catherine Gibson is holiday- Mrs. yelma Lee and daughter Mrs, Hall and grand-daughter Mary Hall, of Thorndale, and Miss Velma Ruth Quail, of London, Visited at the home of the former’s father, Mr, G. Ehsterbrook and Miss Phoebe Easterbrook for a few days last week. Mr. Easterbrobk has been in­ disposed for several days and con­ fined to the home. Mrs. visiting Miss ing with friends in Elginfield. Mrs. Percy Noels, of the -Chain­ way staff, is at present on her holi­ days. Dr. M. C. and Mrs. Fletcher and Mary Beach. Mr. turned ing in Gpl. ’■Edna Martene) are holidaying at Simcoe and Detroit. Mrs. George Anderson spent the past week visiting friends and also Dr. Walsh in London. Misg Isobel Turnbull, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers for a few days recently. We were pleased to see Mr. John Essery, of Centralia, in town on Monday after several weeks illness. Mrs. Janette Patton, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of her daugh- er, Mrs. H. Bush, Huron St. West. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hern, of Norwich, spent a few days with the former’s mother,'Mrs. Jas. Hern. Mrs. Stanley Mosier, Mich., spent the past week parents, Mr. and Mrs. -Schroeder. Everett Quinn, of the Toronto, is visiting with his and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Quinn, while on furlough. Mr. have been Mrs. Alfred weeks have Capt, M. Mrs. Gladman and family, of town, and Mr. A. W. Pickard, of Regina, Sask., are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mrs. Harold -Sturgis and family left Saturday for Aurora for a week, after ■which they intend going to Toronto and returning with Mr. Sturgis. Sunday visitors -at the home of Mr. and Mrs; Ed. Penhale, Lake Hoad, were Mrs, J, Jasney and fam­ ily, Mr. H. Flynn, Mr. and Mrs. L. Masnica and family, of Crediton; Mr. <and Mrs, L, Kirk and family, Mrs. E, Reeder and family and Pat HennosSey, are holidaying at Wasago and Mrs. B. M. Francis re­ home Monday after holiday- Toronto. and Mrs. Allan Swain (nee of Detroit, with her •Charles at per yard 25c We offer a few pieces of New 'Prints; also five pieces of Broadcloths in plain colors, white, blue, green and red at per yard * AYLMER BABY FOODS .3 for 25c 63c 15c 10c ,68c In spots, checks, stripes and floral patterns. These are lovely material and we are for­ tunate in having such a good assortment IHlIHIIlIllllllllllllllilimillllllllillliilllllllllimillllllillHIIIIIIJlIlllIllIIIIIIIIHIIIlinillllllllllHlHMIIIlllllllllllllillllll Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday Mottled Inlaid Linoleums These qualities of Inlaid Linoleum if laid properly will last a lifetime. We offer you seven colorings in mottled designs ideal for kitchens, bathrooms and dining rooms Congoleums in 2 and 3 yard widths Just received a shipment of 2 yd. and 3 yd. wide Congoleums, the last we expect to have this season; also a good assortment of Rugs in all sizes 5.00 to 6.50 7.75 to 10.50 at per yard 20c, 25c, 30c AYLMER PUMPKIN for pies, 28 oz......... FRUIT-KEPE preserves fruit, in tablets, per pkg. 25c NEWPORT FLUFFS ready to eat, premium in each pack ................................19c 25c 39c Bleached Sheets one dozen bleached Wabasso Sheets of very good quality at per Sheet $2.50 Chambrays, Slubs and Seersuckers CERTO & CERTO CRYSTALS for Jams and Jellies, 2 for 25c and 27c PAPER CUPS & PLATES for picnics, plates all per doz. HAVEN BRAND SARDINES packed in oil ............................... 2 for 25c BEAVER FANCY LOBSTER per tin Southcott Bros. ioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffl,....... — - LOCAL NEWS Mr. A. E. Buswell, who has been ill with pneumonia, is recuperating nicely and expects to return to work with Jones & May the latter part of the week. Dr. Clive and Mrs. McAlister re­ turned to their home at Fort Wayne, Ind., the latter part of last week after visiting with Dj. Mrs. Anderson, Misses Vera and Ethel of Toronto, and Mrs. J. Exeter Roadhouse, Gettler, of Stratford, spent Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jno. Luxton. The ladies being cousins. I Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Messer and j Betty Ann, of Toronto, spent Sun- I day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Horton. I They left for their cottage at Che- wong Lake, Peterboro. on Wednes­ day for a month. Joan Ellerington and Jean Hen­ nessey returned Tuesday after spending a few days with Mrs. Les­ lie Coates, in Listowel. Mrs. Coates has received Word that her husband in England is well. Mr. O. G. McPherson, of Montreal, spent the past week visiting at his home here and also at Grand Bend, Mr. McPherson owns a drugstore in Montreal. It is ten years since he last visited in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Melv. -Guenther and Barbara and Karl, who have been holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanders and with the former’s parents in Dashwood for the past two weeks have returned to their home in Gary, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood and daughter, Mrs. William Murdoch, in company with Dr. and Mrs. B P,latchford, of Salem, Oregon, visit­ ed over the week-end in Beamsville with Mr. and Mrs, Victor Blatchford. They also spent a day at Niagara Falls and in Toronto where they visited their daughter Miss Olive Wood. Dr. and Mr6, Blatchford are remaining at Beamsville for a short time add then will visit relatives in Toronto, They will return to Exeter before leaving £or their home Oregon. i A.M.C.; uncle T. and Mrs. A, J. Luxton who visiting with Mr. and Coates for the past two returned to Montreal. F, Gladman, of Ottawa, in On Sale Each Week Single copies of the Times-Ad­ vocate are OU sale each, week at the folio wing places: Browning's Drugstore Cole’s Drugstore Robertson’s Drugstore Baldheaded Gent: “You ought to cut my -hair cheaper, there’s so lit­ tle of it.” Barber: “Oh, no. In your case we don’t charge for cutting hair; we charge for having to search for it.” XJaaaai “We had a burglar break into our house last night.” “Did he get anything?” “I’ll say he did! My wife thought it was me.” Why suffer from the heat Insulate Now! Have your home comfortable for the Summer and be prepared for the coming Winter. Let us give you a free estimate. IF IT IS St. Marys Cement YOU WANT—WE HAVE IT! The Huron Lumber Co. Exeter, Ontario -