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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-07-20, Page 4
Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 20,1944 HURON-PERTH W!» Announcements Birth. Death and Notice* are inserted tree o* charge. Card of Thaiiku 50c. la Meiiioriam Notice* Sfte for single ver*e, gUo extra for -each. ■aUUl*’ verse, lingngeiu eats 5Oc ■> will be held in the Town Hall, Hensall Friday, July 28th, 1944 at 8.30 p.m. to select a Candidate to contest the Riding at the next Federal election and to appoint office^. SPEAKERS: PETER McARTHUR, of QUEBEC President of the Dominion Progressive Association, and PARK A. MANROSS, of LONDON President of the Western Ontario Association. The Chairman of each Municipality will obtain creden tials for voting delegates from the Secretary at the Hall between 8.00 and 8.30 the flight of the meeting. Executive Meeting 8.15. CLARK FISHER, Secretary EVERYBODY WELCOME. J. W, MORLEY, President God Save The King, E? MAIN STREET W. M. S. president who was absent. The Main Street W, M. S. met at the home of Mrs. Follick on Thurs. Ju4y 13th. The vice-president Mrs. F. Mawhinney acted in place of the The meeting opened with hymn 386 and was followed by prayer. The roll call was taken and the minutes of the last meeting were read. Hymn “From Ocean Unto Ocean” was sung. The scripture, the 84th Psalm was read. Two duets were sung by Miss Follick and Mrs. Hockey “The •ttULHi Shepherd of Love” and “I want my life to tell for Jesus”. Mrs, Penrose took charge of the Temperance lesson and it was very interestin and instructive. Hymn 314 sung and Mrs. Follick closed meeting with prayer. It was cided not to hold a meeting August as so many are away holidays. Following the Mrs. Follick served candy which was excellent. was the de in on meeting home-made Classified Advertising pays Results.—Others have benefited it, why not you? in by Announcement! Having purchased the grain elevator at the station from R. G. Seldon & Son, we are in the market for Ontario wheat for which we will pay the highest market price. Service will be our motto. CANN & SONS ' Phone 35W Exeter Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co. Exeter, Ontario SUCCEEDING JONES & MAY, SEED DEPT. e We welcome your patronage in all field seeds, whether you are buying or selling. BIRTHS GILL—In ‘Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, July 4, 1944, to Mr- and Mrs. Douglas GU1» (nee Edith Love, of Grand Bend) a daughter (Onalee Ann). HEYWOOD—In Exeter on Sunday, July 16, 1944, at the home of Mrs, Hunter to Mr. and Mrs Earl Heywood, of Usborne, a (Patricia Ann), daughter Gordon Florence are McLEOD—Mr. and Mrs. McLeod Jr., (nee Truemner) of Thedford, happy to announce the gift of a son, Douglas Neil, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Wednesday jHly 12th, 1944. DEATHS NEIL—In Sunday, R. Neil, REAL ESTATEnoticesFOR SALE CENTRALIA Miss Evelyn Wright is visiting Miss Edith Bowie in London this week. Mrs. George Flynn and Marjorie visited with relatives in Parkhill on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Truman Mills and David, of Sarnia, spent a couple i of days last week with Mrs. H. Mills. I Mrs, T, Willis, Mrs. W. Hodgins, of London, and Mrs. J. McLaughlin, of Hamilton, are holidaying at the former’s cottage at Grand Bend. Mrs, Clara Abbott visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Faulder at Gredi- ton on (Sunday* Mr, and Mrs, Amos Wright visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Morton. Sunday visitors with Mr. and j Mrs, E. Lamport were Mr. and Mrs. (McKenzie, of Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. lWm« Lamport and family, of Thames Road, Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Amos, of Brinsley, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamport, of Crediton, Mfr. and Mrs, and and Exeter. Misses St. Marys, with Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brown. Mr. and Mfrs. Ted McClenaghan and Percy, of Whitechurch, spent a couple of days last week with LAC. Mr were Mrs, Mr lyn, of Wyoming lend with Mrs. H. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conlin Mr. and Mrs. Joe Conlin and spent Sunday with relatives 1 Granton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lewis, Orillia, spent the week-end at home -of their son, Mr. and ( Cliff Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks Mr. and Mrs. S, Lawson spent J day with Mrs. Hick’s father, Mr. -T. Pollock, at Ripley. Miss Mary Glavin underwent an operation for appendicitis at Victor ia Hospital, (London, on Saturday night. ‘Her many friends a speedy recovery. Mrs. Arthur Hodgins are visiting with Mr. Gerald Ford, at Kitchener. Miss Laura Knight, of London, visited during the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight. Miss Dorothy E. Hicks, of Lon don; Miss Jerry Wilson, Chatham; Miss Kay Hayes, of Sarnia and Mrs. J. B. Creech, of St. Thomas were guests over the week-end with Mrs. L, F. Hicks. The sympathy of many friends is extended to the family of the late James Neil in their bereave ment and also to Mrs. Fred Harris on in the death of her father, Mr. John Smith, of Lucan, a J resident of this village. I Stephen Township on July 16th, 1944, James in his 74th year. SMITH—In Lucan on Saturday, July 15, 1944, John William Smith, beloved husband of Mary M. Mason, in his 63rd year, ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced Lula Pearl, daughter of Mrs. Hun ter and the late Sherwood Hunter, to Frank Milford, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Porter, Norland, 'On tario, the marriage to take place early in August. ANNOUNCEMENT of Mrs. Jane iChapman, Hensail, wishes to announce the marriage of her daughter, Ruth Mildred, to Harry R. Connors, Petty Officer, U.S. Navy. October 1943. Mrs. Con nors is a member of the staff of Albany Hospital, Albany, N.Y., and her husband serving with the Navy in the Atlantic Theatre. CARDS OF THANKS i Mrs. J. Sutton wishes to thank the friends and neighbors for the; kindness extended to her while a J patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- especially for the cards, let- ♦don, ters, visits and treats. IN MEMORIAM Mrs. away 19 th, MOIR—In loving memory of Alberta Moir who passed two years ago today, July 1942. Days of sadness still come o’er us, Tears in silence often flow, For memory keeps you ever near us Though you died two years ago. —Lovingly remembered by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wildman, Edgar and Emily. * •watched you pass away, tended you with loving care could not make you stay- watched beside your bed-side, FORD—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, who pas sed away two yea: s ago, July 31st, 1942. With tears we watched you sinking, We We But We As the lonely hours passed, And how my heart was broken When we saw you breathe your last. We leave her in God’s keeping, The rough road is safely o’er; She i^not lost to loving hearts, But only gone before. —Ever remembered by her band, daughters Flossie, ! and family. ■ hus- Linnie * On Sale Each Week Single copies of the Times-Ad- vocate are on sale each week at the following places: Browning's Drugstore Cole’s Drugstore Robertson’s Drugstore The World’s Greatest Vibraharpist and Drummer LIONEL HAMPTO DANCE 8 - 12 Advance tickets now on sole $1.00 at Arena Box Office, Heintzman & Co. Record Dept, Embassy Restaurant, Scott’s, Hotel Ridout, Freddy’s Smoke Shop. In St Thomas at Harding’s. &. HiS 18-PIECE ORCHESTRA We Are Happy and Fortunate To Announce A One-Night Return Engagement to London! SATURDAY, JULY 2 2 We Knew It Would Happen After His Sensational Engagement At The Arena In May, Insistent Public Demand Have Requested That We Bring Back Conditioned LONDON ARENA Conditioned J PLACE AN ADVERTISEMENT HERE AND WATCH RESVETS FOR SALE—*Large frame building for wrecking, abundance of 'good lumber, brick, windows. W. C, Pegrpe, Exeter, FOR SALE—A number of young .pigs. Apply to Sol Gingerich, Zurich, phone Zurich 3 on 84, 13:20c NOTICE RE WEEPS — property owners are hereby warned that all weeds must be cut at once according to Village By-law as they are becoming a menace- Chief J. Noryy. 2Q-27-chg* FOR SALE— On outskirts of Exe ter about 60 acres of land with frame house and bank barn. Also 100 acres, with brick house and' bank barn, silo, hydro, close to Exeter. C. V. Pickard. WANTED give FOR SALE—Frame house, near canning factory. Immediate pos session. Reasonablle price. G. V. Pickard, Exeter. Fairfield, Mr, Wm. McAdams, of Zurich, and Mrs. John Hunkin, of Ted Lamport Mrs. Mr. Jean and Mary Brown, of , are spending a few days and M’ and Mfrs. and Mrs. (Clifford Pu-rdon. and Mrs. Harvey Godbolt ■Sunday visitors with Mr* and Frank Routly at Kirkton. and Mrs. Rex Mills and Mari- spent the week- W.M.S. and son at and Sun •wish her former W.M.S. of the The July meeting of the was held in the schoolroom church on Tuesday evening of last week with the Temperance Secre tary in charge of the programme. The meeting opened with the hymn “Workman of God, O Lose Not Heart.” Mrs. George Hepburn led in prayer. The iScripture lesson was read by Miss Audrey Powe. A very interesting leaflet, Christian (Citizen ship and Social Drinking, was given by Mrs. Andrew and Mrs. Powe, Mrs. W. Skinner presided over the business and it was decided to en tertain the Mission Band at the August meeting. At the close of the meeting a very dainty lunch was served by 'Mrs. Penwarden Mrs. W. Skinner. and ZION Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hyland and few Exe- and TENDERS will be received for painting and decorating the audi torium of iChiselhurst United church’. Tenders to be opened on August 2nd. For particulars of this con tract apply Angus Robertson, Sec.- Treas., R. R. 2, Kippen, Ont. 2tp. NOTICE TO PARENTS and children We, the Canadian Banners, notice that we will not be respon sible for any children hurt while pulling peas off the loads or tor anytning that might happen to the children while inside our yard gates. E. J, GREEN, Manager. EXETER—Brick cottage with over an acre; 2-storey brick house, furnace, bathroom, barn, extra land. W. C. Pearce. WANTED—8 or 10 cheap drivers. Frank Taylor, Exeter. * tfc STRAYED STRAYED—Onto lot 11, con, 1, Usborne, two goats. Must be re moved at once or responsibility as to disposal will rest with the owner. Howard Kerslake. 20* FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders for the purchase of Fire Truck and Ladder Waggon, the property of the Village of Exeter, will be received at the Clerk’s Of fice, Exeter, on or before August 5, 1944. The Fire Truck and equip ment included may be viewed at the Town Hall. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, C. V. PICKARD, Clerk, Exeter, Ont. HENS ALL—li-storey frame house, garden, barn. Others also. W, C. Pearce, FARM FOR SALE—On Lot 11, Con. 11, Usborpe Township, along County Road, consisting of one hundred acres with good brick house, with furnace and hydro available in a few months, also good barn, 52x66, with and water system, large and driving shed. Apply on premises, Walker Woodham, R. R, 1 or 33-10 Kirkton. hog pens henhouse to owner Kerslake, telephone Used Cars © Model A Ford Coach1928 1930 Model A Ford Coach 1932 Ford Coach, newly overhauled 1934 1937 1938 Plymouth Sedan All cars in good condition and good tires. Oldsmobile Sedan Studebaker Sedan Sandy Elliot Phono 64, Exeter i i and rel- London, Mr. and of of of NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE .MATTER of the Estate of JAMES H. POWELL, late of the City of Detroit, Carpenter, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the late James H. Powell, who died on the 19th day of August, 1943, are here by notified to send them to the un dersigned, duly verified, on or be fore the 31st day of July 1944. AFTER the last-named date the assets of the said Estate will be dis tributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard -only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Exeter, the 8th day July, 1944. ,F. W. Gladman, Solicitor for the Administrator. 3tc TURNIPS, CABBAGE, POTATOES. Etc. 1c 12c for 40-rod row, Every thing supplied. : a row less if the fanner liolps mix and helps draw the water. or of Phone 39 r 8 Kirkton Phone 138, Exeter leave orders at Robertson’s Drug Store, Exeter JIM TAYLOR, Operator Lon- Mrs. Fort and Billie, of Toronto, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mfrs. Wes. Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. Warren .Brock visit ed on (Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dickinson. Mrs. ‘Harold Hern visited over the week-end with her parents, Mr, Mrs. George Earl, of Exeter. Master Tom Brock spent a days with Kevin Delbridge, of ter. Mr. and Ms. Milne Pullen Donald visited on 'Sunday With Mfr. and Mrs. Ross Hern. Misses Marjorie Earl, Jean, Irene and Anna Brock, Mrs. Alien West cott spent the week-end at Grand Bend. Mrs. James Earl is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kerslake. of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern and family visited on 'Sunday with Mrs. L. Kyle, of Exeter. Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Bender and family, of Dashwood, Mfr. and Mrs. M. Spence visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Melville Hern, We are glad to report that the infant son of Mfr, and Mrs. William Stephen has returned to her homo after spending the (past few Weeks in Victoria Hospital, London. Miss Erlma Jaques attended the Teller-Keller wedding on 'Saturday. WHALEN Mrs. John Hodgson is visiting for a few days with Mrs. R. Skinner of Exeter. Mrs. Harold Steel, of London was a recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgson. Mary Odgen is holidaying with relatives at Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Brock and Mr. and Mrs.’ Ed. Ward and family, of St.’ Thomas, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkinson and Glenn were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Harry White, Kirkton. Gwen and Doreen White returned home with them to holiday. Mrs. Hilton Odgen and Jean, also Mrs. Cameron are visiting friends in Detroit for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lackie baby spent the -week-end with ativeg in Waterloo. Miss Olive Elliott, of was a week-end visitor of Mrs, Wm. Brooks, Mrs. Porter and Billie, don, were recent visitors Wm. Morley. Pte. Howard Morley, Bliss, Texas, and Mrs, Morley of Haze] Park, Mich., were week-end visitors with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley, Bill, lean and Elva; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. French and Harvey, also Pte. and Mrs'. Howard Morley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. , Russel Brock, of Burgessville, Mrs. Wm. Hodgson, Kenneth and Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Har old Carter and family spent Sunday at Grand Bend. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millson were Mrs. Sweet and Mrs, Ried, of Exeter, also Mr, Caleb Millson, of London. AV. A. The W. A. met for their July meeting at Mrs. Geo. Arksey's home oh Thursday afternoon with thirteen members and one visitor present, Mrs. Wm. Hodgson was In charge, The meeting opened with singing followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Mrs. Wm. Morley led the Scripture Lesson. At this time Mrs. Hazelwood and Dorothy favoured with a duet. A short business meet ing was held. Cards nf thanks were received front Mrs, Odgen, Hodgson Plans for completed, a reading closed by the President. Mrs. Hazelwood tirosidod over the Mrs. J. and Boreeh Chapman, a bazaar were almost Mrs, Wm. Morley gave and the meeting was I PENTECOSTAL S.S. PICNIC AT TURNBULL'S GROVE present. The ha thing and A delicious the ladies of singing, Mrs. E, Scripture Lesson, offered prayer, favoured with a W. M. S. After Squire read the Mrs. Hazelwood Audrey Arksey piano solo and Mrs. Odgen and Mrs. Geo. Squire gave readings. Mrs. Hazelwood pronounced the bene diction. Refrehments Were served. ELIMV1LLE Master Murray hurst, visited Johns’ this -week, Master Ronnie is holidaying in this community. Mr. ahd Mrs, Lewis Johns were in Lucan Monday night, calling on the family of the late Mr. Jack Smith, Miss Florence Bel] R. N. is home for two weeks holidays after ing iwo weeks at Chafys Kingston, Mr. John Miners of the A. F. and Mrs. Miners of Rivers, Man. are visiting at Mr, Garnet Miners’. The young men of the community gave them a chivari on Monday night. Sgt, and Mrs. Eric Carscadden of Kingston, are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Miners, The Y. P, U. held a picnic at Grand Bend last Friday evening, There were about fifty present and after a delicious supper a, bail game was much enjoyed. Venner of Chisel- at Mr. Gilbert Spry of London spend- Lock R.c. How Does Your Label Read? Dn Friday of last week the Pen tecostal Sunday 'School held their annual picnic at Turnbull’s Grove with a large crowd water was fine for everyone enjoyed it. supper was served by the Assembly after which the fol lowing program of sports were put on. The sports were in - charge of the Young People’s Sunday School class under the leadership of Miss Jenny Jolly, as follows: primary race, girls Margaret ’Blanchard, boys Bob Millar; Junior race, girls Mar jorie Millar, boys Steven Kendrick; banana race, Marion Trie'bner, Nor man Jolly; peanut race, Mrs. |Coo<per and Mr. Kendrick; kick-the-slipper, men Ted Prouty, women Mary Kins man; driving nail, women Mrs. 0. Blanchard; throwing the ball far thest distance, men Grant Triebner, women Jenny Jolly. After the pro gram a ball game was enjoyed by everyone taking part. Before going home the gathering went to Grand Bend, where an open air service was held. This service was well at tended and greatly enjoyed. PENTECOSTAL W. M. S. The July meeting of the W.M.C, was held on July 13th in the gospel tent with a real good attendance. Meeting was opened by a short song service after which Mrs. Ken* drick led in prayer. Roll call was answered by verse of Scripture on “Faith.” Minutes of the last meet ing were read and adopted. The business was then dealt with re garding quilts also Sec, to send in part of money on hand to head of fice. Mrs, Cooper and Miss Peart then favoured with a duet. "I'm a Child of the King.” Mrs. Roy McDonald, then brought the mes sage speaking from Mark 4:35*41, on Faith. This proved very helpful as so often wo don't put enough faith in God and battles ourselves, through days of should have more we should all get back to the faith of our forefathers. She also told’the story of how the hymn "I'm a child of the Ring’1 was written. At the close of her message she sang, "Bo Something for Josus To-day." A time was then spent In prayer as there is a great need to-day Cor pra yer, Meeting was then closed by & hymn and Mrs, Tayjofr dismissed with prayer, try to fight our We are coming trials when we faith in God hhd