HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-07-13, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES’ADVOEATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 13, 1944 KU CENTRALIA S-S. PICNIC ANNOUNCING held 30th. Isaac. , THE FORMATION OF A NEW FIRM, IN EXETER, TO • SUCCEED JONES & MAY, SEED DEPARTMENT. I The new firm will be Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co. and will be composed of J. Hubert Jones and Charles S. MacNaughton. The business will be carried on in the same manner and in /the same premises, where it has been for so many years. Mr. MacNaughton will have charge of the buy­ ing and selling, which will be done in the seed building in­ stead of in the general store as heretofore, Mr. MacNaughton is a fully experienced seedsman, with experience both in Western and Eastern Canada. He is a native of Brandon, Man., and recently has been associated with Messrs. A. E. McKenzie Co. Ltd., of Toronto. Mr. Webber and Mr. Jaques will continue in charge ;of the cleaning mills. We will carry forward into the new firm all the best traditions of the old firm. All unfinished business in connection with Jones & May, Seed Department, will be dealt with in the general store. We welcome your trade in our line and hope for a con­ tinuance of the splendid good will that has characterized our business relationships in the past. Announcements Death and Marriagre are inserted free of Card of Thanks 50c. In Birth, Notices charge. ._____... Memoriam Notices 50c for sinjrle verse, 25c extra for each addi­ tional verse. Engagements 50c BIRTHS BELANGER Hospital, 1944, to Vianney i daughter , — At Mrs. on Saturday, Flight Sgt. Belanger, of Godibolt’s July Sth, and Mrs. Exeter, a • (Marie Venice). Centralia Sunday School their 'picnic on Friday, June on the lawn of Mr,. -Charles A good old fashioned picnic supper was enjoyed by all, and all joined whole heartedly in the sports. Manv of them had to be run two and three times and it was hard for the judges to pick oat the winners. The committee in charge of the picnic were Mrs. George Baynham. Mrs. Godbolt, and Miss is a list scramble beginner under, Tripp; bolt, : 12 •Lightfoot; I I REAL ESTATENOTICESFOR SALE Mrs. Geo. Hepburn Audrey Powe. Following of the races: A peanut was enjoyed by all the class; boys 8 years and Harold Robinson, Norman girls 8 years, Lenoye God- Mary Margaret Essery; boys years .and under, Lawrence girls 12 years and un­ der, Joanne McCurdy; open race for bovs, Lawrence Lightfoot; open Wright. Bowden. Lawrence race for girls, Eveline primary class, Marina boys intermediate class, Lightfoot, Clare Wright; girls inter­ mediate class, Joanne McCurdy, Maxine Bowden; married ladies. Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. A. Lightfoot; kick­ ing the slipper, Mrs. Quinton, Iso­ hel Blair; feeding the elephant, Doris and Rex Skinner; nail driving contest, Mrs. Lewis; stepping 30 yards, Mrs. Lewis; filling tie, Rex Skinner’s side; contest, Rex Skinner's side, picnic closed by playing games an old fashioned sing-song. the hot- fishing The and WHALEN .Mrs Don Marshall and S3 tune to step in a hole and put his knee out of joint. Mr, and Mrs. James Trevethick and son 'Carl, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Hess, of Zurich. Miss Margaret Amos, of London, spent J. L. Mr. spent J. L. Mr. spent Mrs. Sunday with her father, Mr. Amos. Gordon Rock, of Sunday at the home Amos. and Mrs. Luther ’Sunday last with Mr. and A. Hodgson. London, of Mr. Morley Presentation very pleasant evening was Classified Directory KERSLAKE—In Exeter, on Wed­ nesday, July 5, 1944, at Mrs. Hunter’s to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kerslake, a daughter (Marion Maude). DEATHS MORRISON—At Victoria Hospital, London, on Sunday, July 9, 1944, Stephen Morrison, of Lot 6. 15, year, mel a.m. con. Stephen Twp.. in his 79th Interment was in Mt. cemetery Wednesday at 10 Car- ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Sparling, of Elimville, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daught­ er Nellie Irene to Cpl. Earl Jeffery Parrish, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Parrish, of Stratford. The wedding to take place early in Aug­ ust * CARDS OF THANKS 1928 Model A Ford Coach 1930 Model A Ford Coach 1932 Ford Coach, newly overhauled 1934 Oldsmohilo Sedan 1937 Studebaker Sedan 1938 Plymouth Sedan All cars in good condition and good tires, e Sandy Elliot Phone <J4, Exeter i Russel Hedden, of on Sunday with i baby daughter, of London, spent a few days recently with Mr, and Geo. Parkinson. Congratulations to Audrey sey and Bud McKerlie who their entrance Mrs, Ark- were < E.Carruthers, of week with Mr, PLACE AN ADVERTISEMENT HERE AND WATCH RESULTS — FOR -SALE—Large frame building fpr wrecking, abundance of good lumber, brick, windows. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. FOR .SALE—45 weaner pigs. (Allan. Westcott, .phone 1761'32, Exeter. 13c FOR SALE —- Goodison separator, $36,50, in fair condition, will sell cheap for quick sale. Apply to C. J. Walker, Cayendale Farm. R. R. 1, Cromarty. 13* FOR SALE—White Pram with new springs. Apply to Mrs. J. H. Reilly, phone 132J. 13c successful in passing exams. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ed the 12th of July Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. E. Squire attend- celebration at AUCTION SALE Lambert Sale Yards, Strathroy, Saturday, -July 15th. 125 head of stock cattle, usual run of calves and pigs. -Sales every Saturday; trucks to deliver. A, G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. NOTICE For the convenience of the policy-holders of the Hay Township Farmer’s Mutual Fire Insurance Co, instalments may be paid at Faist Bros, store, Crediton, until further notice. Please bring your card to be receipted. H. K, Eilber, Secretary, 29:6:13c FOR SALE— On outskirts of ter about 60 acres of land frame house and bank barn. 100 acres, with brick house hank barn, silo, hydro, close to Exeter. C, V. Pickard, With Also and FOR SALE—Frame house, near canning factory, Immediate pos­ session. Reasonable price, C. VV Pickard, Exeter. 1 EXETER—Brick cottage with over an acre; 2-storey brick house, furnace, bathroom, barn, extra land. W. C. Pearce. A spent on Friday night when a large number of friends and neighbors gathered at the 'home of Mr. and J Ansel Lee and presented them a large wall mirror. Mr. and) Lee were called forward. A worded address as read by Mrs. Morley and presented by Mr. Pickering and Wilbert Lewis. Johnson and family visited at Stratford on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Johnson. The W.M.S. will hold their July meeting at Mrs. Geo. Arksey’s on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carter of Metropolitan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgson. Mr. Geo. Gunning, of Granton, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gunning for a few weeks. Grafton Squire was confined to the house during last Mr. and and Phyllis, day visitors, Parkinson, CENTRALIA Misg Iva Willis, of Exeter, spent the week-end with Mrs. T, Willis. Mr. and Mrs. London, visited Mrs. L. Harness. Mr, and Mrs. London, visited last and Mrs. Geo. Baynham. Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Simpson, of Ailsa Craig, visited with Mr, and Mrs. P. Simpson on Sunday. Mr. Geo. Hicks has purchased the residence of the late Mr. and Mrs. E. Beaver. Mrs. F. McCann and children, of Stratford, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, F. Bowden, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gates, of Tor­ onto, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Andrew. The July meeting of the Alert Mission Band will be held in the schoolroom of the church on Sun­ day morning July 16th. Miss Arlene Skinner is holidaying with her grandparents at Elimville. Miss Camilla Glavin who is at­ tending the London Normal and Miss Lorraine Glavin R.N., of Vic­ toria Hospital, spent, the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glavin. FOR SALE—Bean thresher, White 36-40, mud crusher and wear, used four years, first class work­ ing order. Apply Wm. McGregor and 'Sons, Kippen. 13* NOTICE TO PARENTS AND CHILDREN HENSALL—lj-storey frame house, garden, barn. Others also, W. C. Pearce. j. FOR SALE — Four-wheel horse trailer, good tires; Durham cow, calf at foot. Apply to J. Caldwell or phone 13rll Exeter. 13* FOR SALE—7 young York pigs, good quality. Apply to George Dunn, Hensail R, R. 1, phone Exeter 177r43, 13* FOR SALE—Privately owned elect­ ric refrigerator (universal cooler) $150.00, Phone 38, Exeter. 13c FOR SALE—A number pigs. Apply to Sol Zurich, phone Zurich 3 WANTED of young Gingerich, on 84. 13; 20c. suffering from quinsy week. Mrs. Gordon Docking of Munroe, were 'Sun­ ol Mr. and Mrs. Frank ( I I Unit | IThe Centralia War Service wish to thank all who made the frolic the success that it was, es­ pecially to the Band and Orchestra from No. 9 S.F.T.S., Centralia, the Exeter Lions Club and the Exeter- Hensall branch of the Canadian Legion. Mrs. with Mrs. well Earl Carl Mr. and Mrs. Lee made a very suit­ able reply thanking them very kind­ ly, after which lunch w-as served. Following is the address: Dear Ansel and Gladys, Tonight, we, your friends and neighbors, have gathered here to express our delight in your recent marriage and to wish you -good luck and happiness. We welcome you, Gladys, to our community. We hope you will enjoy living among us. Ansel, we congratulate you on choosing a fine and efficient bride. "Along life’s sunny pathway, May the coming years unfold All the love and cheer and gladness That your happy hearts can hold?’ As a token of our best wishes) please accept this gift. May it find! a place in your home to remember you of your well-wishes. Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbors: Fred Heaman, Karl Pickering, Wilbert Lewis, Morley. ZION Mrs. Fred Hill, of Tor- Miss Margaret Dougall Monday with Mr. and CREDITON EAST Mr. Charles Glanville, who has been laid up with broken ribs, re­ turned to his work Monday on the farm of Mr. H. Trick. Mr. Elmer Weido, who ’met with an acident at Kal-bfleisch Mill in Zurich., has his foot in a cast. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ryckman and son have • returned to Flint after holidaying with Mrs. H. Kuhn and at Hensaill. Mr. Murray Neil who enlisted in the artillery ilast week, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Si-ms Mr. Everett Sims and Miss A. ting, 0£ Exeter, spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Eli Sims and Murray Neil. Mr. and Mrs. J, Sims and grand­ daughter, of Thedford, spent the week-end here with Mrs. Job Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Glanville and sons spent the week-end in Seaforth with Mr. and Glanville. Mr. and Mrs., Wm. and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sunday in Dashwood with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Price and Mr. and Mrs. I. Eckstein. Mrs. visiting Neil. WANTED TO BUY—A farm in the vicinity of Crediton or Exeter, 5 0 to 125 acres; in good state of cultivation; good buildings, hyd­ ro available. Substantial down payment. Possession by October 1st. Will rent if necessary. Harold Fahner. Crediton 6:13* WANTED—Used full size bath­ tub. Box 2 80 Times Advocate 13c PERSONAL Leslie Hunter and Exeter, spent a and Mr Elizabeth few days Wellington with Mrs. Fri- Mr. and onto, and visited on Mrs. Milton Brock. Mrs. E. Hunter, of with Mr. Brock. Miss Marion Brock is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Earl, of Exeter. Mrs. Ben Butler, of Woodstock, visited during the past week relatives in the community. L.A.C. Ken Brown and Brown, of Windsor, visited on day with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Hern visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Westcott, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques, of Exeter and Miss Jane Francis, Tavistock, visited on Sunday • Mr. and Mrs. MellVille Hern. j, of with and Cut- With Mrs. KEEP KLEEREX HANDY. A QUICK-HEALING Salve for Sum­ mer Skin ailments. Sunburn, Poison Ivy, Mosquito Bites, Cuts, Burns, Impetigo, Also heals Boils, Pimples, Eczema, Psoriasis, etc. 50c; $1.00; (Medium and Strong). Recommended and Sold by Robertson’s Drug Store We, the Canadian Ci notice that we will not be respon­ sible for any children hurt while pulling peas off the loads or tor anything that might happen to the children while inside our yard gates. E. J. GREEN. Manager. STS, FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders for the purchase of Fire Truck and Ladder Waggon, the property of the Village of Exeter, will be received at the Clerk’s Of­ fice, Exeter, on or before August 5, 1944. The Fire Truck and equip­ ment included may be viewed at the Town Hall. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. C. V. PICKARD, Clerk, Exeter, Ont. FARM FOR SALE—On Lot 11, Con. 11, Usborne Township, along County Road, consisting of one hundred acres with good brick house, with furnace and hydro available in a few months, also good barn, 52x6 6, with and water system, large and driving shed. Apply on premises, Walker Woodham, R. R. 1 or 33-10 Kirkton. hog pens, henhouse to owner Kerslake,. telephone. 3t© BABY CHICKS Government Approved, breeders, White Leg- Rock, New Hampshire, Light Sussex, Hybrids, low as $8.95 per hun- NOTICE TO CREDITORS CHICK BARGAINS Chick Bargains this week and next from blood tested horn, Barred White Rock, Non-sexed as dred; Pullets $10.95; Heavy Cock­ erels $7.9 5; Started Pullets—4 week old Barred Rock $26.95; old $23.90, 2 Shipped der. Mrs. Andrew Hicks wishes to ex­ press her sincere thanks to all her friends who remembered iher with cards, letters and Iflowers, treats and visits during her recent stay in Hospital. Special thanks to little girls who picked and sent treat of wild strawberries. CREDITON Sunday School Picnic the the * annual picnic of the Crediton Sunday School was held at Bend on July Sth. The wea- her daughter, Mrs. reunion was held at the home of MT. The United Grand th er was ideal and over 100 child­ ren and adults attended. The sports were as follows: a peanut scramble for the beginners; Mrs. Trevethick’s running race, LaBelle Hill, Chambers; Miss Mary Cham- class, running race, Melba Sherman Hill; the girls of Mitchell’s class collected clothes pins and Eveleen Hill was the winner; Mrs. Woodall’s class, throwing the ball in a pail, Mildred Trueblood; young men’s running race, Donald Kestle; Mr. TreVet- hick’s class, driving nails in board, Alvin Baker; class, Patty ber’s King, Mrs. BRINSLEY Mrs. Margaret Gilbert returned to her home here after spending some time with Alton Isaac. The Turner last Wednesday George Hodgson. Mrs. Mary Carter and Miss Mary Lee spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Joe Amos. 1 Alvin Baker; fat man's race, Bill Mrs. Joe Amos and children are j McKenzie; adult Bible class, calling spending a few days With her par- for supper, Mrs. Matt. Clark; 26 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rosser, of'girls and ladies took part in kick- Ailsa Craig, | ptg the slipper, winner, Eveleen Mrs, Wm. Gibson and children, > Hill; teachers and officers, measur- ! ing rope, Mrs. Howard Lightfoot; about 40 participated in groub games AVhich were a hoop race, toolh-iplck and ring, carrying egg On sboon, putting pillow Slip Oil pillow and pushing the ball, pulling your girl on a shovel, Mrs. Bill Mc­ Kenzie and Nelson Lamport, After bathing <• and a ball game supper was served. of Exeter, are spending a few days With her sister, Mrs. Ernest Harris. Mr* Carl Trevethick, of London, is spending his holidays With his permits, Mr. and Mrs. James Trevet- hick, Billie . WyHie, ’ of Timmins, Ont., is spending the holidays with his aunt, Miss Mary B. Amos. Mr, Fred J. Neil had the misfot- W.M.S. Meeting The W.M.S. held their monthly meeting on Thursday, at the home of Mrs. J. T. Hern, when they enter­ tained the Baby Band. There was a large attendance. The president, Mrs. Wellington Brock, opened the meeting with the use of hymn 4 09 followed by prayer. The Roll Call was read and adopted and business discussed. A reading on foreign Missions was then given. Mrs. Ward Hern took charge of the program put on by the children. The Hern girls sang two selections.Miss Phyllis Hern gave a reading. Mar­ ion, Doris and Doreen Brock then sang. Reading by Marylin Hern fol­ lowed by a solo by Rose Mary Dob­ son, Elaine Hern then gave a read­ ing followed by an instrumental by Christine Dobson. Mrs. J. T. Hern and Mrs. Warren Brock gave read­ ings, A hymn was sung followed by the Benediction. A short Red Cross meeting was held and it was decid­ ed to donate $5.00- to jam making. A ten cent lunch was served and a social half hemr was spent. On Sale Each Week Single copies of the Times-Ad- vocate are on sale each week at the following places: Browning's Drugstore Cole’s Drugstore Robertson’s Drugstore Mrs. John Heathenley Motz spent Rachael Sims, of Exeter, is her daughter, Mrs. Murray WOODHAM W.M.S. met Wednesday last, in the church base- After this Mrs. Fred Mills the program. Splendid by Mrs. Fred Wilson, Mrs. Delmar John- solo was sung The evening ment, and entertained the Mission Circle, girls. The president, Mrs. F. Doupe opened the meeting with hymns and prayer. Mrs. Wm. Mills and Mrs. Ray Mills read the Scrip­ ture lessons. The roll call was cal­ led and answered with some chosen verses, conducted readings were given Pattison, Mrs. Geo. Jas. Squire, and Mrs. son. A very pleasing by Mrs. Leonard Thacker and the meeting was brought to a close in the usual manner. During the prep­ artion for lunch, a Bible contest was conducted by Mrs. F. Mills. After which all enjoyed a delicious lunch, Mrs. Dr. Geo. Morphy and three sons, of Toronto, are holidaying in the village, and occupying Dr. Mor­ phy’s former home. Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Squire and Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone, Donna and Marlene, of Kirkton, motored down to Washington on Sunday last and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderson. MiSs Muriel Thacker is holiday­ ing. at the home Of Mr. and Mrs Pattison.' Miss Marjorie Laing, Of Hespeler, Spent the week-end at her home here. Little MisS Darbafa Thompson is holidaying at her grandmother’s Mrs. Jas. Mills ' Mrs. Basler, tit London, has been Visiting lately with Mr. and Mrs. Whitefield Switzer, C. White, of St. and his daughter arid Doris, are i KIRKTON j Mr. and Mrs. W. Blatch'ford and family, of Detroit, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dobson. Mrs. Mary Dunn, of Detroit, is holidaying at Mr. and /Mrs. John 'sawyers, Mrs. -Howard Balfour, of London, spent the past week with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hazlewood. -Miss Elizabeth Shier is holiday­ ing with Mrs. H. Maryt. Mr. H. Fletcher Mrs. Thos. Foley holidaying with his daughter, Mrs. Sid White, at Collingwood. Rev. Allan Duffield, who has been stationed at Sault Ste. (Marie for ■the <past eight years, has accepted a call to the Lambeth United church. Allan spent part of the past week with his mother, Mrs. C. Dufifield. Mrs. John Cluff has been holiday­ ing with friends in Toronto this week and returned home Saturday. Congratulations to Miss Norma Tufts, and Helen McNaughton in passing their exams marks. Congratulations to Tufts and his pupils their entrance exaims. Miss Mary Anderson, is holidaying with her sister, Mrs. Wes. Hodge. Mrs. James Ross, of Toronto, and Miss Ruth (Allen, of Peterborough, Spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Ross. Class Meets Mrs. Floyd Pridliam lent home for tile July meeting off Class that Counts. After prayer by Mrs. iGoodger, the scripture lesson was read by Mrs, Eric Hurrtplireys. Roll call was responded to "How 'I Make My Head Save Heels?’ Twenty-one members five visitors were present. Rev. D, Goodger gave a most interesting paper on the Life of Sir Christo­ pher Wren, the great architect, who designed St. Paul’s Cathedral, The meeting closed in the usual way. A dainty lunch was served by host­ ess and committee. with Mr. who high Edwin passed Marys, her the by My and W* For satisfying results, try the Wahi Ads. 3 week week old $19.90. Send Ad. with or- 6:13c IN THE MATTER of the Estate of JAMES H. POAVELL, late of the City of Detroit, Carpenter, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the late James H. Powell, who died on the 19th day of August, 19 43, are here­ by notified to send them to the un­ dersigned, duly verified, on or be­ fore the <31st day of July 1944. AFTER the last-named date the assets of the said Estate will be dis­ tributed among the -persons entitled thereto, having regard -only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Exeter, the Sth day of July, 1944. F. W. Gladman,Solicitor lor the Administrator.| J(. row ]css „ the fnnnep <5 L'C Twcddle THAMES ROAD Mrs. Stewart, of the week-end with Mrs. Wan. Stone. M. Rundle visited with her Lois Ford, over the week- Exeter, spent her daughter, C.O.D. Hatcheries Limited.Cliick Fergus, Ontario. Custom Spraying TURNIPS, CABBAGE, POTATOES* Etc. 1 Sc for 40-i’od row, Everything supplied. mix ami helps draw the water. Clean water must be supplied to field in all cases. Miss cousin, end. Miss_ M. Miller, of Mitchell, visit­ ed with. Mr. and Mrs. C. the week-end. Miss Helen Passmore a number of girl friends day party at her home afternoon o® last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson and children of Kingston, are holidaying Mr. and Mrs. H. Rodhe. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kellar and dren, and Mrs, H. Rodhe, Mr. and Mrs. W. Exeter, visited with J. Allison and Mr. Morgan on Sunday. AC2. Edwin Miller, of to, is spending furlough parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller. Mrs. E. L. Tucker, of Belleville, who was visiting last week with Mr. and ‘Mrs. C. Miller, returned to her home Thursday. Mr. Miller (Sr.) accompanied her. Mrs. ,M. Parker, of visiting with Mr. and gan. Allison Morgan, of Calgary, is spending leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Morgan. Bill Ballantyne, of the R.IC.A.F. Toronto, is spending a few days leave at his home. Miss Ann -Morgan, of the London teaching staff, is holidaying at her home. The farmers in this community have had excellent haying weather to complete the haying season, Rain which was badly needed came on Wednesday arid crops and fruit will be greatly benefited from this much needed moisture. Rev, Joahne attended the Roy’s Sunday School picnic Which .was held at Seaforth On Tuesday of this /week. . The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Band , will be held ;at the Manse ‘during hour on Sunday.- Stwiday Services Allen over entertained to a birth- on Friday with chil- Mr.of Exeter, visited wifh on Sunday. (0. Allison, of and Mrs. Mrs. A. Mr. and Deseron- with his Hamilton, is Mrs. A. Mof- and Mrs, JMair, Betty and Cp-urch Service will be at the or Phone 39 r 8 Kirkton Phone 138, Exeter leave orders at Robertson’s Drug Store, Exeter JIM TAYLOR, Operator usual School ice at hour on Sunday. Sunday 10.15 a.m. and Church Serv- 11.15 'a.m. SH1PKA George .Sheppard Sheppard, from Mrs. Olive were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Allan children, from Seaforth, Mrs. Clifford Keys and mie from Varna, visited fives 'Sunday last. Miss Nellie Hotson is visiting with relatives in Glencoe, Sweitzer from visiting with Sweitzer and and Miss Parkhill, relatives. and and Jim- rela- Mr. son, with at present and Mrs. relatives he held Mir. and Ml’s. Sam Timmins, Ont., are their brother, Wray other relatives. Miss Gertrude Dinsdale from London, is holidoying- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ratz, Mr, and Mrs. E. Webb and two sons, from St. Catharines, are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Love Scott visited Sunday with in Seaforth. Communion service will on Sunday next, July 16th, at the close of the regular service, Rev. A. S. Trueblood in charge. Every­ body welcome, Miss Eloise McLinchey, of Green­ way, spent last week visiting at the -home of (Wr* and Mrs. Gordon RatZ* Mr. Clins. Webb, of the Military Hospital and a returned soldier, spent part of last week at the Of his sisef, Mr* and Mrs. Russell. home Cliff Last call—1‘Madame Curie*’ Greer Garson and Walter Pidgcoxb is playing this week-end, Titnrs.» 3'<'rl»,- and Sht«f at Leavitt’s Theatre*.- with