HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-06-29, Page 8the; times-advocate, exeter Ontario, thurspay morning, june 29,1944 V’s Beauty Shoppe ifere’s where to. get the duly COLD WAVE * recommended by Derma University of Detroit. AH lines of Beauty Culture. VERA C. DECKER Phone 113. Exeter Markets Wheat, $1.10 Creamery Butter 38c Eggs. A Large 3le Eggs, A Medium 29 e Eggs A Pullet 23 c Eggs, B 26c . Eggs C 22c Dressed Hogs $17.00 Bonus A $3.00 [GeorgianBeauty Shoppe (Successor to Marion Pooley) Satisfaction Guaranteed M. Christine McCrae, Prop. Exeter Phone 245 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH airs. J. G. Codirane, Organist 10 11 a.m.—Sunday School. a.m.—Public Worship. Mr. Davis, of London, speaker UNION SERVICES Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Out. Phone 135 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY “A Guy Named Joe Starring SPENCER TRACY, IRENE DUNNE and VAN JOHNSON. II I Dr. Cowen wishes to announce that his dental office will be closed from Monday, July 3rd until fur­ ther notice, while on vacation. Snell’s t James St and Main St. Churches LOCALS Taxi Service Phone 100 clandeboye W.I. Mrs. W. N. Murdoch, A.L.C.M., has resigned her position as dental assistant to Dr, Roulston and will now devote her time to pupils in vocal and piano instruction, Studio at Mrs. Jensen’s, William Street, I Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter Rev, N, a. Wooibb Minister Main St, choir in charge. Union Services in Main Street 10 a.ni.—Sunday School in each church. 11 a.m.—Dominion Day Service Rev. N, J, Woods, p.m.—.Public Worship—Rev. J. Woods. Main Street Congregational Sunday School Picnic on Wednes­ day, July 5tli, to Turnbull’s Grove. t TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH The June meeting of the Women's Institute, was held at the home of Mrs. Edward Flynn, with the presi­ dent, Mrs. David Henry, presiding. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. George Flynn, Roll call was answered by the name of a Protec­ tive Food. Mrs. George Young gave a splendid report of the District Annual held at Ivan. Mrs. Bunner, of Lucan, guest speaker, gave a very interesting paper on the Gold Coast of Africa, which was much enjoyed. Current events prepared by Mrs. Jim Paton, were read by Mrs. Karl O’Neil. Lunch was served by ess and committee. host' SAINTSBURY W.A. GOLDEN JUBILEE St. Patrick’s ‘Church Saintsbury, on June 15th, celebrated the Gold­ en Jubilee of the Women’s Auxilary. Invitations had been sent to past members of the congregation, to pr.st clergymen, and to the W. A. members of the Anglican Churches of Lucan, Kirkton. and Granton. The afternoon was divided into three parts. The first part was a service in the church conducted by our minster Canon James, and Rev. Mr. Tharrill, a past clergyman. Mrs. Earl Atkin­ son was pianist. The second part was a service in the Parish Hall. The Honorary President, Mrs. James was chair­ lady. Mrs. Heber Davis read the history of our W. A. which since the horse and buggy days has been the missionary group and the soc­ ial life of the ladies of this parish. The happiness that comes from work done for the Master was the Spirit that brought this great group of friends of the past and present together. Our most honoured guests were the four original members of the first W. A. They are Mrs. Phine- as Hunter, Mrs. Fred Davis, Mrs. Aaron Davis, and Mrs. Thomas .Hodgins. Miss Callard, of London, whose mother was the organizer of our unit, gave us an inspiring message. Others who spoke were Adelaide Smith, Mrs. Bowen, Harrison, Rev. Mr. Aaron Davis, Mrs. Humphreys. Mrs. Mrs. Turner. Mrs. Bulteel, of is the wife of a past a Tharrill, Beetson, Harrison solo gave from beautifully, a reading. ‘Rev. Chas. programme Miss Mr. Mrs. Mrs. and Clinton, who minster sang Miss Anna Brock Letters were read James and others. The third part of the was lunch. Tea was poured by Mrs. Fred Davis and Mrs. Aaron Davis. Mrs. Turner, our President ed the pleasure at such gathering, and friends had over the tea cups. express- a a large visit He: “You should see the altar in our church.” She: me to it.” FILMS.... *T Men’s Fine Shirts Casualaires shoes for hot weather 3 for 23c per tin 8c 27c 25c 10c Phone 16 forfused and you to 17 New Prints 20 PIECES pF NEW PRINTS* WE HAVE BEEN WAITING WEEKS FOR THIS SHIPMENT. GET YOUR SUPPLY WHILE WE HAVE SUCH A GOOD ASSORT­ MENT. DIFFERENT QUALITIES AT PER YARD Good Patterns, in 10 dozen Men’s Fine Shirts with collars. The materials are good will like the patterns. Sizes 14 Special value at each Congoleum Rugs Just received a shipment of Congoleum Rugs in a splendid pattern. This sanitary floor covering gives excellent wear. Come in following sizes: 6 ft. x 9 ft. $5.00 71/2 ft. X 9 ft. $6.50 9 ft. x 10 ft. $9.00I Mrs, Fred Hatter, of Jones & May staff, is on holidays. The Misses WeeE'es spent a few days last week visiting in Brantford. Mrs. Wm. Statham, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Hind. Mrs. Irwin Armstrong is visiting her daughter Mrs. Harry McCreatli of Kincardine. Misses Margaret Henry and Vera Decker spent the past week­ end in Detroit. Spr. Sam 8-day leave Monday for , Mr. and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tinney last week. Mr. G. S. Howard, who has been visiting with his daughter in Ot­ tawa, returned home last week. Miss Audrey Bettis, of Toronto, visited with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lunsford last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark and ily, of Thedford, spent Sunday their parents, Sweitzer. Mrs. Annie Tenie visited Gilbert Duncan, of Usborne, on day. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mitchell arid Mrs. Sidney Davis are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Sim Pollen in Flint, Mich. Mrs. A. R. Tomlinson and child­ ren and Mrs. S. G. Lawson are en­ joying a three weeks vacation at Turnbull’s Grove. Dr. Geo. C. and Mrs. Hind and daughter Harlene, visited with Mr. Hind on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Mr. and Mrs. H. I I I new “Lead Yes, they are very hard to get but to get the best get them developed and here. results printed Wuerth’s Cash Shoe Store ■ -ww,, ,...........— MEN’S SHOES AND OXFORDS Black or Tan See our prices before buying. Polishes of all kinds. Repairing neatly and promptly attended to. AU fine shoes machine stitched. Ours are done by the establishment Empire. in the largest British Your ROBERTSON’S INSULATION! We Siite wow booking orders for fall and winter installation. Estimates furnished. W. J. MELVILLE Exeter, Ont,ftnc Lawson who spent an at his home here, left Bedford, N.S. Mrs. Mervin Hodgert A, E. WUERTH, PROP. Mr. and McCurdy with Mr. of and Mrs. fam- with Wm. and and Miss Mrs. Sun- Walkerton. Mrs. John Tourists When taking a holiday and wanting a place to stay call at the Tourist’s Home in Dashwood for City Convenience. C. Watts, Manager. Walk in beauty—head high With a new spring perm. —Cold wave. —Machineless or machine permanent. All work guaranteed. TOMLINSON’S Phone 146 Phone 146 Francis and 1 dgson werej in Stratford Wednesday attending al picnic of the Canada Life agents from this district. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer spent a few days last week at Grand Bend with their daughter, Mrs. Gleni Brenner and family. Robert Colclough, called on Mr. and Tinney one day last newed old acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lamb, Gren­ fell, Sask., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Coates fives and friends in of Mrs. week Clinton, Robert and re- and other rela­ the community. Fitzgerald and Rector, Rev. M. A- Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Ohoir Leader. Mr. Middlemiss Fourth Sunday after Trinity a.111.'—Sunday School. a.m.—Holy Communion and Sermon, “Citizenship.” Thursday, 8 p.m.--St, Peter’s Day. Intercession and Prayer Service in the church. 9 ft. x 9 ft. $7.75 9 ft. x 12 ft $10.50 10 11 ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Credit on M. E. Re uber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock, Organist Lawrence A. Wein, Choir Leader 10 a.m.—-Holy communion 11 a.m.—Church School. 7.30 p.m.—“The Finality of Jesus” Thursday, S.3 0 p.m.—Ladies’ at Mrs. Harry Beaver’s. Welcome. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Meeting's in the Big Tent, Main St. Wed., 8 p.m.—Subject, “The Lord’s Prayer.” Friday, 8.30 ice. Exeter Sunday, 10 Supt. E. Cudmore. • Sunday, 11 a.m.—Speaker. Pastor Kendrick. Sunday, 8 p.m—-Speaker, Pastor Kendrick. Come to these meetings: the Reviv­ al tide is rising. p.m.—Open air serv- and Hensail. a.in.—Sunday Schoo! These are very popular this season and they are lovely and cool for hot weather. They come in Black, Brown, Sand, Red and White. Priced at per pair In all wool, and airforce blue with crest, lllllllHIIIIIIIllllill IliiniliHII Ilili Hllllllllllllllililil 1IIHIHIHIIIIII 111 lllllllllll Illi II III lllllll IIIHJ! HNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIII Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday POST TOASTIES for that tasty breakfast , SARDINES Brunswick sardines in oil MIXED PICKLES (sour) 16 oz. jar APRICOT JAM It’s delicious. Bring your container ....... per lb. 18c and 1 coupon CHICKEN HADDIE large tin .......... TOMATO JUICE 20 oz. tin ........ SIRDAR COFFEE strictly fresh, per lb. CERTO for jams and jellies SANDWICH SPREADS Deviled Ham ......... Beef, Pork, Tongue Pati De Fore Southcott Bros % MONEY TO LOAN Oil First Mortgages Now is the TIME to stop paying rent and to buy a farm. Write us if you have been thinking about it. We may be able to help you with a. loan. AU in­ quiries treated confidentially. Huron&Erie MORTGAGE CORPORATION London Windsor St. Thomas Chatham ____ / Mr. and Mrs. R. Peggy, of London, visited over the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Tinney, Hay. A visitor during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Waghorn was the former’s sister, Mrs. C. Lovie and daughter, Eileen, of Shipka. Mrs. Whitney Coates and child­ ren and Mrs. William Hodgert spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coates at their cottage at Grand Bend. Mr. G. W. Layton, secretary of the Exeter Red Cross Branch, ack­ nowledges the following contribu­ tions: S. J. V. Cann, canvas, $2.00; Grand Bend unit $150.00; Thames Road unit $14.00. Miss Lenore Lawson, who is em­ ployed at Tomlinson’s Hairdressing attended the examination for hair­ dressers in London, June 14, and; has received her Dept, of Labor 1 License for Hairdressing, having passed the examination with first class honours, Sunday visitors with Mrs. Mary Stacey, Huron Street, were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ferguson, Chlseihurst; Mr, and Mrs, Will Ferguson and Roy, Thames Road; Mr. and 'Mrs, Oliver Jacques and family, of Cromarty; Mrs. Sylvanus Cann and /Miss Pearl Cann and Mr. and Mrs.z Cliff Blan­ chard and family, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Coates re­ turned home Sunday after holiday­ ing for a week at Grand Send. Among those who visited with them were .Shirley, Wilma and Keith Coates, Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Coates, Mrs. Wm, Hodgert, Mr, and Mrs. N. Ogden, Miss Ida Cottle and Miss Merna Hodgins and Mfsg Caro­ line Wells, of London, Mr. Britain Sanders, of London, visited friends in town over the week-end. Mr. and -Mrs. A. Sharpe, of Ham­ ilton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Zurbrigg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson arrived home last week after a pleasant visit with their daughter Mrs. Jack Finlay, of Detroit- Dr. E. S. and Mrs. Steiner, and Mrs. J. A. Traquak, Mr. Mrs. Jas. P. Bowey and Mr. Mrs. Sandy Elliott returned home the latter part of the week after attending the Lions Club Convention at Elgin House, Lake of Bays. Mr. and and i A. R. Tomlinson, Seaman 1st class U.S. Navy, graduated from Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., as wireless (operator radio) on June 13th and spent ten days leave at his home here. His mother, Mrs.I H, Tomlinson, Fort William, and his (brother Maurice, H.M.C.S., from I Halifax visited With Mr, and Mrs. * | Tomlinson. Mr, Tomlinson left Sun­ day for Shoemaker, California. Company Middlesex and Huron Regiment Weekly Parade- Thursday at 8.30 Those who atiOttded Camp must enll for pay. helmets to ho tiiOnOd iri, e, d. Howey, 2/ia Sriri Entrance examinations are being held this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. London, are visiting Mrs, Edgar Fanson. Mrs. visited Francis Mrs. and Mrs. C. Jewell, of Appin, are visiting with their niece, Mrs. E. Campbell and other friends. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hunt and family, of Aylmer, spent with Rev. M. A. and Mrs, the Anglican rectory. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd Mrs. G. W. Layton were stance fiftieth United Rev. this week for their at Charlotte Lake, where they will spend their vacation during the month of July. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins re-. Stanley Haist, Beverly Sturgis, Jack turned the latter part of the week'"’’ after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bert North, of Woodstock. Their granddaughter, Miss Audrey North ' returned with them on a visit. Mrs. Leslie Coates and little [daughter, Judith, of Listowel, visited with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ellerington, and left on Wednesday for Maitland, Novia Scotia, Mr. Uoates has been stationed in Novia Scotia on an instructor’s course and Mrs. Coates will remain with him for a few weeks. Dr. and Mrs, O. McLagen, of London accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Winer spent the latter •part Of last week in Hamilton with Mr, and Mrs. O. S. Winer and the first part of this week in Toronto with Mr. Winer’s sister Mr. and Mrs, George Hohmeir, Dr. and Mrs, McLagen are on their holidays and are now visiting With Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. Winer, Repent visitors with Mrs. Mary Hannigan were Miss Mildred Hann­ igan and Mrs. G. Mattingly of Sarn­ ia; L,. A, C. Norman Hannigan of Brantford and 0. J» Page and twin sons Tommy and Teddy of Kings­ ton. Mrs. Page and sons are leaving on Friday for their home and will be accompanied by Miss Mary Hannigan who will spend the holi­ days with them. F. Hooper, of with Mr. and of Harriston, B. M. O. Martin, with Mr. and Mrs. on Friday of last week. D. Gordon, of Southwold, Sunday Hunt at Mr. and at Con- on Sunday attending the anniversary of the Constance church. A. B. and Mrs Irwin left summer cottage Lake of Bays, Kumjoinus Picnic The Kumjoinus Sunday School Class of Main Street Church enjoy­ ed a picnic at Turnbull’s Grove last Wednesday afternoon. The weather being ideal there was a splendlu attendance. The members of that class with their families sat down at 6.3 0 to a splendid picnic supper. Following the meal there was a ball game and before leaving for home a short ' sing-song and business meeting was held. James St. Mission Band The last meeting of the James St. Mission Band for the summer months was held on the church lawn Tuesday afternoon and took the form of a picnic. A short busi­ ness period was held and roll call given after which games and sports were played some of them being as follows: Race, 6 and under, i Robertson; race, 6 to 1.0', Charles Parsons, Harper Appleton, Billy Batten; race ” 10 and over, Tom Steiner, Joan Batten, Barbara Guen­ ther; putting beans in bottle, Tom Steiner’s side; filling bottle with water, Shirley Taylor’s side; paper cup race, Joan Batten’s side. Lunch was served on the lawn which everyone enjoyed. After this a ball game was played with Harper Appleton’s side the winners. Two negro soldiers were on a transport going overseas. Standing oti deck they gazed out across the vast expanse of water, “That’s the tnostest water Use ever seen lit all thy life,” said one; “Did you ever see so much water?’* “Mail, you ain’t seen wothiug yet,” his com­ panion replied, “That’s just the top ‘of it,” Caven W.M.S. Mrs.- Wm. Sillery was hostess her home to the members and home helpers of Caven W.M.S. on Thurs­ day afternoon, June 22nd, Mrs, H. G. Strahg presided over the meeting and the home helpers assisted with the program. The opening hymn was followed with prayer by Mrs. Saun­ ders.. The minutes of last meeting were read and the business discuss­ ed, Miss Hatter reported having re­ ceived all the money needed for supply. Miss Jeckell gave a com­ bined report of the Presbyterial executive meeting held at Clinton and the provincial held at Hamilton. The financial report at the provincial was good for the first time since 1930 the allocation was exceeded by $3,000.00'. Mrs. Mason led in the devotional period With Bible read­ ing and prayer. Mrs. Alvin Moir contributed current events, and Mrs. Cochrane favored with a musical number. Mrs. Earl Mitchell present­ ed the topic, being the third in a series of Missionary studies on India. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction, after which re­ freshments wore served by the host­ ess and her helpers and a social time enjoyed, at Mistress: ‘Mary, when you wait on the table tonight for my guests, don’t spill anything.” Maid: “Qon’t you worry, ma’am. I never much. Waiter: “Yes, sir, we’re very up- to-date. We cook everything by electricity.” Diner: “Is that so? Well, suppose you give this tiny steak another shock.” your We carry a full line of Builders’ Supplies. The Huron Lumber Co. Exeter* Ontario