HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-06-29, Page 5of her I Loa­ the Mrs. 4 HENSALL A number of girl friends Claudette Blowes presented with a silver disc. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyh Hudson, of St. Marys, spent the week-end visit­ ing with the former’s father, Mr, Thos, Hudson. Mrs. Ida Harding, Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Harding and Bruce, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr, Mrs. Fred Corbett. Miss Margaret Kercher, of don, spent the week-end at home of her parents, Mr. and Herb Kercher. Miss Mona Hedden and friend of St, Catharines, spent the week­ end at the home of the former’s mother, Mrs. Catharine Hedden, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Tebbutt_ and Melvin, Mr. and Mrs. Earl and Donna, all of spent the week-end with Mrs. John Pfaff, and with Mrs. Nelson Pfaff and family. Mr, George Cowan, of Dungan­ non, has been engaged as principal of the Hensall Public School to suc­ ceed 'Mr. Claude Blowes, who has been principal for 16 years having resigned and principal of School. Miss Brussels, will cher to replace Miss Beryll Pfaff who has resigned. It is expected a teacher will be engaged in the near future to fill the vacancy made by Miss Audrey Dinnin’s resignation. Unveiling and Dedication Service An unveiling and dedication ser­ vice of Honor Rolls was held in the Hensall United church on Sun­ day, June 25th, at 3 pan. The front of the church was beautifully decorated with patriotic bouquets of red roses, white orange blossoms and blue delphinium. The program opened with an organ prelude and Precessional hymn, "Onward Chris­ tian Soldiers.” The Invocation and singing of "O God of Bethel.” Scrip­ ture' reading by Fit. Lieut H. G. Martin. Vocal solo by Lieut. Sam G. Rennie, of Chatham, entitled, "The Sacred Flame,” followed by prayer and statement regarding Honor Rolls by Rev. R. A. Brook. Unveiling of tablet No. 1 with the names of the boys of World War I read by Harry W. Horton and un­ veiled by Cpl. Fred Beer. Unveil­ ing of tablet No. 2 with names of the boys in the present war were read by G. Mark Drysdale and un­ veiled by Cpl. Donald McKaig, re­ cently returned from overseas. The act of dedication was followed by the Chant Response of the Lord’s Prayer and the National Anthem. The hymn, "Eternal Father, Strong to Save,” was sung and the sermon was given by Fit. Lieut. H. G. 'Martin, chaplain No. 9 S.F. T.S., Centralia. The choii’ sang an anthem entitled, "Peace Be Unto You.” The hymn, "O God, The Rock of Ages,” concluded the pro­ gram. Miss Greta Lammie presided at the organ throughout the serv­ ice. Clair McFalls, London, Mr, and Mr. and has been engaged as the Exeter Public Margaret Mickey, of be the assistant tea- THE TIWS-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE £9, 1944 5 Following are the addresses: Dear Miss Pfaff: We, your pupils, are very sorry that when school opens next Septem­ ber you will not he here to welcome us. As our teacher you have been very kind and patient; you have done all you could to make us truthful, obedient, honest scholars, and many times you have gone to much trouble to give us a good time at our little parties and out­ ings. We shall never forget these happy times or the teacher them possible and we may grow into women because of As a small token our thanks for all for us, we wish to present you with these gifts, We trust that when you use them you will, remember that each one of youi* Hensail pupils is wishing you many, many years of happiness, THAMES ROAD Misses Dolores and Betty Allison spent the week-end with their sis­ ter, Margaret Allison, in London. We are glad to report that Mrs. Leslie Thompson, who underwent an operation for appendicitis in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, is home and up and around again. Mr, and Mrs. Harris, of Exeter, are spending a few days with Mrs. Robert Kydd, Mrs. T. Ballantyne visited with her daughter, Mrs. McIntyre, in London one day last week. Mrs. W. Rydall, who has been at her parents’ home, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Kydd, returned to her own home at Shallow Lake last week. Miss Hazel Williams attended as bridesmaid at the Doupe-Webei’ wedding on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller, Mr, Mil­ ler Sr., Lillie and Edwin spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Miller, Woodham. Dear Mr Blowes* ' Several from this community at-Wef your pupils in/the Hensalb^ided the anniversary services at who made we hope that better men and your teaching, of our love and yon have done Your Pupils. t I Public School, (Grades 5, are becoming increasingly the great loss we are through your decision away from our village, For many years now 6, 7, 8), aware of to to suffer move you have been identified with our school, and we treasure your helpful service and your personal friendship, Your educational and musical back­ ground have furnished you ade­ quately for our training and you have served us well, We have ad­ mired your towards this responsibility, and re­ joice over the confidence and- res­ pect which your many scholars have had for you. You have proven yourself to be a genial member of the staff; al­ ways ready to co-operate in every way, not only to advance the inter­ ests of your own classes, but welfare of the entire school. These changes unfortunately necessary and unpreventalile, our affectionate wishes for future go with you, Claudette and Sandra, to your new home. This little gift (an end table) carries with it our profound grati­ tude for your work in the past. We trust that its place in your h-ome will often bring back pleasant memories of past days we have spent together and thoughts of friendship that shall never change or end. Grades 5, 6, 7, and 8, Hensall Public School. Presentation Made to Teacher at Picnic 8- The pupils and ratepayers of S. S. No. 10 Hay, held their annual picnic at Grand Bend on Friday afternoon, June 23rd with a large attendance. During the afternoon bathing was enjoyed and a ball game played between showers. A sumptuous picnic supper was par­ taken of at 6 o’clock at which time the teacher, Miss Esther Maclll- waine, who has resigned, was pre­ sented with a lamp and mirror by Betty Munn, Jean Armstrong and Frances Lostell. Aileen Munn read the address to which Miss Maclll- waine made a fitting reply. The following list of_ sports were held after “ and conscientious attitude the are but your Mrs Blowes. Elimville op Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ford and family visited with Mr, and Mrs. F, Skin­ ner at Elimvjlle on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, R, Williams and Mr, and Mrs. Dixon, of Ailsa Craig, spent the week-end with friends at Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs, P. Passmore, Lorne and Alice attended the Bowman- Morley wedding in Exetei* on Sat­ urday. Mrs. G. Duncan, Mrs. P, Passmore and Alice attended a trousseau tea at the home of Miss Alma Lawrence Seaforth, Wednesday last week. Sunday services will the following hoyrse- Sunday School 10.15 service at 11.15 with Rev. Risdou, of Staffa, as guest speaker, hope for' a good attendance. The carpenters are at work on the church ceiling and arg expect­ ed to have it completed early next week. The regular meeting of the Red Cross was held in the basement of the church Thursday evening of last week with an attendance of Preceding the business Mi’, carried out a sale of miscellaneous articles. Pro­ ceeds amounted to $11.00, the sale being Following the auction sale, W. the meeting, last meetin,, Mrs. Mair moved that the meetings for July and August be cancelled, seconded by Mrs. Wiseman. Moved by Mrs. R. Coward that a collec­ tion box be sent to each' home and collections for July and August be placed in this box, and this collec­ tion box with money, be collected by August, seconded by Mrs. Jas. Hodgert. Moved by Mrs. P. Pass­ unit have a country Saturday in August Exeter, seconded by The following com- KIRKTON Mrs. Ray Frauds returned home last week from Victoria Hospital in London. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Paton and family attended the Paton re­ union at Springbank Saturday, Mrs. I. N. Marshall visited with hex* daughter, Mrs. W, C. Cluff, in Kitchener, this past week. Mr. E. Camphell, of Toronto, spent part of the past week with his brother, Dr, Q. A. Campbell, Miss Shirley Messer, of Stratford, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Fred Roger,' Mrs. (Rev.) Howard Johnson and little son Don, of Sarnia, are holi­ daying with Rev, and Mrs, W, D, Goodger. Mr. and Mrs. Walter I<itsemetry and son, with Mi* Mr. and Billie, of week-end Robinson, with them for Mrs. Horton Shier) and son arines, spent part of the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Shier. Shower for BridetElect CREDITON usual Wednesday afternoon of retail stores will be ob- on July 13, Thursday, in- The closing served stead of July 12. evening of be held at on Sunday: and church We 20. Mair successful auction held on the church lawn. Mrs. Cann, president, presided over ig. The minutes of the g were read and adopted. On s. of Toronto, are holidaying and Mrs. Lavern Stone. Mrs. Lome Marshall and Thamesford, /spent the with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. Robinson returned a week’s vacation. Byrne (nee Susie •Philip, of St. Gath- Tuesday evening the Sunbeam Class was enterained at the of Miss Wilma Gilfillan to a s. home miscellaneous shower in honor of one of the members, Miss Roxie Doupe, a bride of this week, Con­ tests and games followed by a mock wedding, Helen McNaughton per­ formed the ceremony, Norma Tufts, the bride, Elaine bride’s father, Marion groom, Ruth Harding Urquhar, bridesmaids, best man, Ella Doupe Copeland, flower girls, June Stone, ringbearer, Lavina Denham and Lorne Copeland, ushers, Barbara Kirkby played the wedding march. Marion Kemp and Rhoda Kirkby sang during the signing of the regis­ ter. A prettily decorated wagon was drawn in filled with gifts. Aftei’ opening the the girls and "For She’s a Guests from teachers, Mrs. W. Kirkby and Mrs. G. H. Burgin. Lunch was served. All joined piness Robinson, the Francis, the and Norma June Myers, and Marion gifts. gifts, Roxie thanked all joined in singing Jolly Good Fellow.” a distance were the in wishing Roxie much Lap­ in the future. GREENWAY Lillian Ulens. of Windsor, Miss Audrey Bettis, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Helen and Myrtle Haist. Mr. and Mrs, Bussell Clarke and son Glenn, of Detroit, are spending their vacation with the farmer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clarke. We wish to extend a hearty wel­come to Rev. and Mrs. Trueblood! and family who will he the new pastor at the United church. The induction service will be held i the Crediton United church this Friday evening, Rev. and, Mrs. H‘, Turner and Grace Marie moving to Goderich where they then* new post, Mr, and Mrs, Howard Haist their two children, Marilyn Linda, of Fenwick, visited Mr. Mrs, ■" end, Mr, and Mrs. Martin Morlock, of Kitchener, are spending their va­ cation with theii* parents in 'Credi­ ton, Mrs, Robin Blackwell, of Port Dover, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Sylvester Wuerth. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Bowman were home for a few days last week. Mr. Calvin Fahrner cepted in the Navy Writer. He reports on Harold Wolfe, who for spendin, Misses and and and Harry Finkbeiner last week- you to accept these gifts. Signed by your "girl i’rR^ds.” Miss Lois Swartz assisted in giving us a reading about "man”, while Mation Brown told us about "wives” and Dorothy Hooper about The numerous and were admired by all which Bernice thanked the girls in much appreciation-. Bridal contests were enjoyed followed by dainty lunch,. ft “husbands”, lovely gifts after ft. ELIMVILLF Mr. A. C. Whitlock of St. Thomas, Mr. Les McNaughton of Montreal in {also Master Ronald Spry of London , were visitors with relatives here on I Wednesday of last week, take* Mrs. Bannerman of St. Marys | spent a few days last week with her daughter Mrs. Lloyd Johns, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Johns and family visited on Sunday at the home of the latter’s grandmother, Mrs. Howald in Denfield. The occa­ sion being, Mrs. Howald’s eighty- nineth birthday,. Mr. Win. Roufly attended an assessor’s convention in Toronto last week. has been ac- as a Ship’s July 17. is with Halifax g his the last fur- R.C.A.S.C., left Saturday after lough at home. Mr, and Mrs. Spending a few Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Zwickei* are camping at Bend. Cpl. and Helen and Crediton H. K. Eilbdr are holidays at Grand tlieir cottage in Grand Mrs. Clifford White, John have returned to taking up residence in part of Emmery Fahrner’s house. The village school bell will close its tolling this Thursday for a cou­ pe of months. The summer holi­ days begin this Friday. The teach­ ers, Miss K. Russell and A, Carman Whitmore will be going to their homes in Russeldale and Seaforth respectively. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Holtz, Ray­ mond and Myrtle and Miss Myrtle Brown, of Kitchener, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Emmery Fahrner last Sunday. The Y.P.M.C. of the Evangelical church held their picnic at the home of Mrs. Claire Young last Tuesday night with 3>0 members and visitors present. A pot luck luck supper was served. The remainder of the evening was spent playing The annual Sunday School picnic of the Crediton United Church, will be held on July Sth at Grand Bend. BAD EGGS! No, but ICs-bad if your flock riot producing many eggs “ Come in and is 1 as they should. hear what others are doing: with pur special feeding ojl. YOUJI DRVGS AT Alma Johns of Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. Will Johns; Mr. and Mrs. T, Pryde of Exeter with Mr, and Mrs. R. E, Pooley;. Mr. Laurie Stephen of Sky Harbor with Mr. C. Stephen. Favorable remarks were heard on Sunday regarding the appearance of the cemetery, credit for which is due to the taker’ Mr. Harvey Sparling. fine the c are- Anniversary Services Last Sunday Anniversary services were held in this church morning and evening with good congregat­ ions. Rev. Cooke of Granton preach­ ed two very practical sermons, in the morning he spoke on ‘The Par­ able Of The Talents’, in the evening 'Witnessing For Christ,. The 'Sun­ day school choir sang two numbers in the morning and the regular choir sang two anthems in the even were were ing. The floral decorations very lovely. Many visitors present, among them were- Mr, and Nelson Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Watson and family of Kirkton Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bell and and Mrs, Chas. Stephen; Mr. Mrs. Jas. Kirkland and MaJ- of Thames Road with Mr, and Nor­ Zion Mr. Sam Pym; Mr. and Mrs. Jaques and Harry of Mr. and Mrs. P. Murch; Mrs. Earl, with Mr. and eolm Mrs. man with and Mrs. Win. Bradshaw and David of Seathforth. Mr. and Mrs. Hillson Whiteford of Ingersoll, with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Herdman; Mr. and Mrs. 'Arthur Rundle and family Thames Road, Mr. and Mrs. Ford, Lois and Irwin of Farquhar, with Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skinn­ er; Mr. Joshua Johns and Miss of Art, DASHWOOD Decoration Service c;„ ~ July 2nd, at the Dashwood gelical cemetery, Goshen Centralia Airport band and ton Evangelical male chorus voices will be in attendance, speakers: Rev. C. B, Heckendorn, . of Zurich, and Rev. M. Reuber, of Crediton. Decoration to commence at 2.30 p.m. Miss Zeta Nadiger, R.N., of How­ ell, Mich., is spending two weeks ‘vacation with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger. Mrs, Schade and daughter Gert­ rude, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Schade. Rev. T. Luft is attending a con­ vention in Saginaw this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pieullisch, of Kitchener, are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy, Krueger. Mr. and Mrs. C. Routledge and family were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clemas and family, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman and Mrs. Bolton. Mr. and Mrs. Jones, of Ohio, are visiting with relatives here. Mrs. O. Miller, of the 14th con. Hay Twp., was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital where she underwent a very serious operation. We hope for a speedy recovery. on Bunday, Evan- Line, Credi- of 25 Guest Institute Picnic A very enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mrs. Wm. Sangster on Wednesday afternoon, June 14, when the Hensall Women’s Institute | Love, Connie Corbett; held their annual picnic. The presi­ dent, "Miss Gladys Luker, conduct­ ed a short business period which was opened by singing the Institute Ode. Mrs. A. Shirray, Miss Esther MacIUwaine, Mrs. Harry Horton and Mrs. Sangster were the commit­ tee in charge of the sports. During the afternoon Miss Audrey Dinnin (bride-elect) was presented with a half dozen goblets. The address was read by Miss Gladys Luker and the presentation made by Miss' Beryl Pfaff. Following address: Dear Miss Dinnin: Knowing that a very happy event is to take place in your life, we, your friends and members of the Hensall Institute, have gathered here this evening to Wish you much joy in your new venture. We have always found you will­ ing to do whatever was asked of you. It is right that everyone should have a home of her own and a good life partner. We rejoice in the fact that unlike so many events of this nature, we are counting upon your continued friendship and co­ operation in the future feeling that we shall have you permanently in our midst. Please accept the accompanying gift as tangible evidence of our es­ teem coupled with our best wishes fox* your future happiness together. G. Luker, President, O. Chipchase, Sec.-Treas. Hensall Women’s Institute. Miss Dinnin made a fitting re­ ply of thanks. A letter of thanks was read from Mrs. E. Kennedy, of Hamilton, for a gift recently re­ ceived from the Institute. A picnic, supper on the lawn was served. A vote of thanks Was extended to the' hostess by Mrs. A. Kerslake. Public School Picnic On Tuesday afternoon the pupils teachers, parents and friends held the annual Public School picnic at Bell’s Pond. The weather was ideal for the event. Gaines and races were enjoyed by the pupils In the after­ noon and a picnic Supper was held at the close, at Which time the pu­ pils presented Miss Beryl Pfaff, and Mi*. Claude Blowes, principal, Who have both resigned, with gifts, to which both made replies thanking the pupils and expressing their sincere gratitude. Betty Mickle road the ad'dress to Mr, Blowes and Bernice Jinks made the presenta­ tion of a Walnut end table. Roy McKenzie and Gerald Flynn made the presentation of a silver bread tray and butter dish, and table mirror to Miss Pfaff. Audrey Walsh read the address. supper: under, . : Races—children 5 Jean Hyde, Douglas girls 6, 7 Lostell, Shirley Cole-years, Alexia man; boys S, 9 years, Jimmie Tay­ lor, Ray Ingram; girls 8, 9 years, Betty Armstrong, Jean Mousseau; girls .,10, 11, 12 years, Marion Tin­ ney, Shirley Chapman; senior boys’ race, Neil Taylor, Dave Ingram; grade 8 girls, Frances Lostell, Jean Armstrong; young men’s race, Ed. Corbett, Lloyd Mousseau; young ladies’ race, Mae Taylor, Evelyn Taylor; married men, Jack Corbett, {Frank Lostell; married women, Mrs. F. Lostell, Mrs. Lorne Chap­ man; three-legged race, Jean In­ gram and Shirley Chapman, and Audrey Elder and Mae Taylor; trustees’ race, George Tinney, Jack Ingram; sack race .girls, Shirley Chapman, Marion .Tinney; kicking slipper, girls, Audrey Elder, Shir­ ley Chapman; kicking slipper ladies Mrs. G. Broderick, Mrs. Lome, Chapman. Other relay races, etc., had to be omitted owing to weath­ er. ZION and Mrs. Warren Brock andMr. Jean visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. sea. Major Billie of with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Miller of Woodham. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kerslake and iDorothy of Exeter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Earl Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock family visited on 'Sunday With and Mrs. James Earl. > Mr. and Mrs. James Earl Marjorie, Mr. and Jaques, Erlma and the * Bowmaii-Moi'ley Exeter on Saturday.’ of Exeter visited Mr. and Mrs. Eph, Garnet Johns of Winchel- and Mrs. Weekes and Exeter visited on Sunday and Mrs. Ross Hern. Kyle with an d Mr. and Mrs. Allan. Ray attended wedding in Mrs. L. on Friday Hern, Mr. and ma and Ray visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake and family visited on Sunday with Mr. ahd Mrs. Melville Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Hern visited oh Sunday With Mr. and Mrs* R. E. Pooley. Churcfi Services wili be held on Sunday at the usual hour 10 a.m. Mrs.Allan Jaques, Erl- more that our store the last to be held in Mrs. C. Miller, mittee was’ appointed for arrange­ ments for this event—Mrs. P. Pass- more, Mrs. R. Coward, Mrs. R. Dun­ can, Mrs. Jas, Simpson. These mem­ bers to look home and in business Mrs. humorous reading, A lovely lunch Group 4. Collection ammounted to $3.0 0. Moved by Mrs. J. Simpson that meeting adjourn. The Lumley School, held on the school grounds Monday evening. The guest speaker for the evening was agricultural representa­ tive, Mr. Matheson, of Clinton. Mr. Jas. Simpson also favored with humorous songs. There was a splen­ did attendance and after the sports and program, lunch was served and a social time spent by all. Results of the sports were as follows: Races: 3, 4, 5 years, Patricia Hor­ ton, Margaret Anderson; 6, 7, 8 years, Bobby Miller, Donald Hor­ ton; 9, 10 11 years, Shirley Thomp­ son, John Pym; 12, 13, 14 boys, Malcolm and er; Selves, ladies, Parker; Arnold L. Webber, married men, Clayton Horton, Wm. Lamport; three-legged race, Bruce Glenn and Arnold Cann, Clayton Horton and .Bill Lamport; lady kick­ ing slipper, Mrs. Wm. Lamport, Alice Passmore; wheelbarrow race, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Horton, Alice Passmore and Bruce Glenn; feed­ ing blind elephant, Fred Dawson and Mrs. Wm. Etherington, Calvin Horton and Mahgaret Glenn; ladies calling husbands, Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Lamport; Bill Lamport and Mrs. Mir. and Mrs. Clayton race, Robert Cann and Dorothy Dougall, James Simpson and Mrs. Jas. Kirkland; dropping clothes­ pins in bottle, children, Ross ander, Grant after advertising at town. Fol lowing the L. Webber gave a :, "June Brides.” was served by annual school picnic of S.S. No. 10, was 12, Kirkland, Beverley 12, 13, 14 girls, Lois Alexander; Marjorie Parker, young men, Bruce Cann; married ladies, Mrs. ■, Mrs. Clayton Horton; Alex- Mabel young Donna Glenn, Jack Glenn, paper race, L. Webber, Horton; tie Murray Dawson, John Morgan. KHIVA Alex- Pym, F. Morlock of Crediton has to teach Khiva Miss is spending her vacation with her mother, Mrs. W. T. Ulens. Cpl. Dawson Woodburn, of Camp Borden, is spending a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Chid. Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pollock, of Kerrwood, visited on Sundav with _Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock. ■ All members and adherents of the Mrs. Eddie Hartle and Howard; church are. cordially invited to come spent a few days last week with - • her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rendle of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker, ofj the Lake Road, Mr. and Mrs. Dean, Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Brown!and{saDi8 a solo. and Mar-1 At this time I, your correspon- I dent, wish to thank all those who Sheppard visited a i helped in making this news column, 'cek with friends in'i sincerely hope in the future that I the new correspondent will receive and enjoy themselves. On Sunday June 25 th, at the Crediton United Church, Mr. Ted Lamport gave a splendid talk on temperance. Mr. Lawrence Swartz visited on Sunday with Mrs. Carman ion. Mrs. R. L. few days last London. __ ____ ____ _ Miss Marion Woodburn had her (the same co-operation, tonsils removed at Dr. Taylor’s hos­ pital. Woodburn week with at Dashwood last Tuesday. KIPPEN and Mrs. Archie Parsons visited with friends and at Mr. family Springbank on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney attended the funeral on Sunday from Mundy's funeral Home, Lucan to St. James cemetery Clandeboye of Ronald Phipps, son of Mrs. Enos Herdman, who had died on his way home having been discharged from the Merchant Marines after being injur­ ed in a fall. WOODHAM Mrs. Glayton Hanna and daugh­ ter Isohel of London were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson. Mrs. Ray Mills and Betty attend­ ed the Kirkton picnic at Seaforth Park last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Huddleston of London a Sunday guest with Mr. and Wilson Mrs. friends Mary visiting Jean Stephens. The school scholars here togeth­ er with their teacher Mrs. Kenneth Langford afternoon and the who Will holidays was also present. Squire spent Mr. and Mrs. was Mrs. Black. Jas. Squire visited at Seaforth. McCoullough of London is with the Misses Muriel and with<» Mrs. been re-engaged school for another- term, A number from here attended the (Farmer's Federation Picnic held at Grand Bend on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hensall spent Sunday Mrs. Matthew Clark, Miss Ruth Willert Spending a few days ents Mr, and Mrs. Otto Willert. t Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lawson of Exeter Visited -on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. ,L. Wurm. L. Cpl, Henry (Ziler ’Of London spent a few days at his home here. Hazlewood of With Mr, and of London is with her ipar- Died in St. Catharines The death took place Catharines General Hospital Saturday, June 17th, of Mr. Wel­ lington Edgar Snell, a former resi­ dent of Crediton, who passed away suddenly in his 44th year. His only brother, Lloyd Franklin Snell, died in St. Catharines, June 5, 1943, in his 3 8th year. Appendicitis and diabetis was the cause of the death of both brothers. Deceased is sur­ vived by his father, Franklin Snell, his widow Bessie and a seven month’s old daughter; also a sis­ ter, Mrs. Edward Laskey, of De­ troit. Interment took place in St. Catharines cemetery. Silver Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. G’layton Sims celebrated their silver wedding anniversary on Sunday June 25th. At 6 p. m. some 25 relatives and friends gathered at their home for a dinner. The table with a silver basket of pink_ roses and tall pink candles. Reuber proposed the toast to the after which Mrs. The evening was Sims lovely purse games. 6 s EGGS I ISS WAR WORKER BA *■A was centered Rev.M. E.. bride and groom Sims responded, spent socially. Mr. and Mrs. were the recipients of many cards, and gifts including a of money. Miscellaneous Shower Wednesday evening of last a number of girl friends of Robert Jeffery (nee Bernice i Aftei* the first eight weeks—after the Chick Starter stage —what should you feed chicks next? If your chicks could choose; knowing their future depended on it, they would unanimously cry "SHUR-GAIN”! For SHUR-GAIN 34% Developing Concentrate, mixed with your own grain;, will; held a picnic Monday on the' school grounds J new teacher Miss Brown be with them after the Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sunday evening with John Hern of Zion. Haying has started ity and is reported crop. Mrs. Ira McCurdy a lovely solo "Under His Wing I Am Safely Abiding”, Sunday The Supper Sunday We extend sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. "W. Shier and family in the reported missing of their son Opt Roy Shier taking part in the recent invasion, in this vicin- an excellent •favored with during the School hour last Sunday .Sacrament of the Lord's will be dispensed with at morning Service July 2nd. On week Mrs. ------------------ >— —Fahrner) gathered at the home of Misses Bernice and Helen Haist to show their of a } Earl march corted Haist. . . peonies and pittk roses decorated the living room. A well decorated wagon was drawn in by Doris Haist well laden with gifts with pink and white streamers floating from. it. Miss Gladys Schenk read the follow­ ing address: Dear Bernice: We your friends have gathered here this evening to honour you on this occassion of your recent mar­ riage. We wish to extend to yen and Bob our very best wishes for a long and prosperous and happy married life. We will always remember the happy hours we have spent in asso­ ciation with you and we hope where ever you may make your home in the future we will continue to have many more. As a taken At our friendship and affection we wish good wishes in the form miscellaneous shower, Mrs. Haist played the wedding while Mrs. Jeffery was es- to a decorated chair by Helen Baskets of pink and white 1. Ensure steady, rapid growth 2. Develop a big, rugged body 3. Maintain vigorous health 4. Do all this at absolute minimum cost Make sure NOW that your pullets will lay NEXT FALL. Do not follow haphazard feeding methods — join the thousands of farmers who follow the tried., proven SHUR- GAIN way. No other feed approaches SHUR-GAIN in use for growing chicks. There can be only one reason—-it’s the BEST’ ’ If you have no grain,, and wish to buy the complete growing mash, place your faith in SHUR-GAIN GROWING MASH. It is FRESH and DEPENDABLE, and you save money -because it is made locally by SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE MILLS. Cann & Sons T. B. Allen. Lackie Bros. Exeter . ,<n Farquhar Whalen ger