HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-06-29, Page 4Fsge 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, ESETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 39, 1844- USED CARS TEACHER HONORED AT BLACK BUSH SCHOOL FOR SALE STRAYED FOR RENT .1Ou Thursday evening about neighbors and friends gathered at Blavk Bush school for a misceHan- feous shower for Miss Marjorie Mini­ rilI in' by little Miss Jeanette garct Amos. as bride and Laurene Ziler'i as groom. The little bride looked . .arming in a beautiful whites "dres^ with veil. Miss Minielly was! is-kefl to sit in a prettily decorated ■hair with pink and white su’eam- p1 ; CRAIG-—TAYLOR A mock wedding followed with- ; Roy Morenz as minister. Mrs. Wm.!,. •„....- , ' ; . aGrand Bend United Church was 'stade played the wedding march i1118 10 Gie army and at present the scene of a pretty June wedding; with Mr. Melvin Stade as bride* is stationed in London, when Nola Annabel^ Taylor, only,Mi>s Eileen Willert as groom, Mr | Archie Webb of London called on ,.x.. r., t ............. .. ... ,, - "’ibis brother-in-law, Mr. J. L. Amos ] on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lesie Thompson : and children spent Sunday with sher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morley. Mr. and Mrs. John Turner, of Arkona, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hodgson. Sgt. Arthur Hodgson, of Camp ! Borden, spent Sunday with his pat­ ients. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hodgson. ’ Arthur is all smiles; it‘s a girl Alary Edith). Mr. and Mrs. Victor Manquen and Sandra, of Buffalo, are spending a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley, Mr. Joe. Amos is all smiles; it’s J92K PLYMOUTH SEDAN, ml good tires, 19.32 K)KI) COA< H W2-1 LORD COACH SANDY ELL1QT Phom* 64, Exeter Announcements IMriji, Death a«q Slarriage .Notices arc insertest free of charge, Card ef ThanKs Al emo ria m Notices 50c for sinale verse, ar»c extra f°r each addi­ tional ierNe. imgagvw eatis 50c BRINSLEY Rev. Lawrence H. Turner preach­ ed his farewell sermon on Sunday last, also- he and Mrs. Turner render­ed a duet ^entitled, “More Like the I ' Masters." ! Miss Audrey Jones, of London.] the teacher. Miss Minielly was spent a few days with Miss Mar-* i Mr. Geo. Lee has moved this week! to Mr. Raymond Pierce’s house in] Brinsley. ; NASH- -LAC. and Mrs. Gordon Nash Miss Viola Turner, of London, is —i..-..,,. „ . is a few flays with her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Hodgson. | Mr, Carl Trevethiek has received ; BIRTHS wish to annoiHM’e the birth of a daughter, (Kathryn Elaine) at Mrs. Hunter’s on Thursday, June 22, 1944. daughter of Mrs. W. T. Jennison; Gerald Mason as bridesmaid and] anfl the late Lome Taylor, became Miss Dorothy Zi’er as groomsman, the bride of Earl Gordon Craig,,The ceremony was as follows’ son of Mrs. E. Craig and the late! Dearly beloved, we are gathered Wm. Craig, Blyth. Rev. W. T. her to join in holy matrimony this Cleave officiated. The wedding mu- male and this female who insist sie was played by Miss Mae Patter-; nn being married tonight. Lawrence son, of Grand Bend. Baskets of ’ wilt thou have this woman to be orange blossoms, delphinium and , thy wife to hn-e her and love her?; roses formed the church decorations. AViIt thou promise to see that she] The bride, who was given in mar- has a permanent every two or three] riage by her step-father, was love-!years, a new hat every five or tens ly in a floor-length gown of white‘years and at least one new dress triple sheer with a shoulder-lengthbefore your twenty-fifth anniversary veil held in place by orange bios-; and promise faithfully to remember soms. She carried a bouquet of'all her birthdays and anniversaries pink, and white carnations. The from this day forth and even tor- bride’s attendants were her step-’ever more. If you wish to promise sister, Mrs. Ira Desjardine, Dash-: all these things then answer wood, as matron of honor dressed; “Certainly." jin pink net wearing a pink shoulder Marj. wilt thou look carefully at] length veil, and Miss Betty Craig,‘mis man you are about to marry and! Auburn, neice of the groom bridesmaid dressed in blue satin and blue shoulder length veil, both carrying nosegays of roses and for­ get-me-nots tied with blue ribbons. Bert Craig, of Auburn, brother of the groom, was best man and Lee _ . HHHH Jennison and Robert Jennison, step-’ready on time: brothers of the bride, were ushers, his ’ __ __ . Immediately following the ceremony. places and alyaws tidy up a reception was held at the home {him carefully * and without of the bride. The bride’s mother plaint. If you hove considered long’,Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins. ! was dressed in printed silk jersey and well then answer “I will." ; Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Steeper, of] with white straw hat and white ac-j Since you still haven’t changed ? parkhill, spent Sunday with her cessories with a corsage of yellow,] your minds I may as well get it ’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tweedie, roses. The groom’s mother wore a t over with and ask you Lawrence; . ' black dress with black accessories;to place that beautiful wooden ring; l*resentation | and a corsage of red roses. The on Marj’s marrying finger. I now; peVf an(j }jrs> Lawrence Turner! bride and groom left later for a pronounce you not legally married.?vari’P dined with Mr wedding trip to Toronto and other! Directly after the strain of “Roll;^ ] *7 HnX on Thur' points. For travelling the bride’out the barrel." Jeanette and Laur-^nd Mrs’. Geo Hudgson on Thuis- wore a gold colored two-piece dress line Ziler brought in a beautifully | day evening atter wnich tne ±5iins-j with matching accessories. On their decorated basket containing manypey United Church choir gathered! return they will reside in Stratford, useful gifts. Miss Minielly thanked; together and presented them with I Guests were present from BlythJ them in a few well chosen words a pair of silver candle holders, The] Auburn, Goderich, Brucefield, Lon-i after which all joined in singing,] address was read bv Miss Marv Lee I don, Sarnia, Bend. MARRIAGES - DOI’PE — At the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Loupe, of Kirkton, on Saturday June 24, 1044,j Roxie Ilene to Mr. Walter David I Weber, son of Mr. and Mrs. ; Daniel Weber of Dashwood by; Rev. Gordon Ilazlewood of Wal­ ton. BOWMAN—MORLEY — In Exeter on Saturday, June 24th, 194 4, Maida Blanche, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley to Pte. Coleman Morris Bowman, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Bowman, of Floradale, by A. B. Irwin, B.A. FOR SALE—Frame barn on the property of the late Annie Elliot, on the south side of Waterloo St., Township of Stephen, Apply to J. W. Morley, solicitor, Exeter, Ont, STRAYED---Onto my premises, Hay Tp„ have and son, a young heifer. Owner may same by proving property paying expenses. Wm. Wat- R. 3, Zurich, 3tp FOR BENT—A cabin trailer at Grand Bend ©quipped with re­ frigerator and modern conveni­ ences, A, Dayman, Exeter, 29:6* as in mind ihe time will come'a ^°Y- you must receive him a$ lov-' keep when ingly week irritable and instead of taking dancing, wants to promise to always have his meals his socks mended; buttons sewn on in their right after com- i ! WEBER deaths FOR SALE—Several malt barrels and lard tubs. Apply to Middle­ ton’s Bakery, 22:29c 1944:; FOR SALE—3 0 0 0 Watt Electric water heater; iron; large grey enamel house vanity cycle; steel stove; six hole cook stove with warming closet and reservoir, perfect con­ dition; Philco table model radio; new electric hotplate; drop leaf table. R. E. Balkwill, 29* Hotpoint electric Westing­ dresser;electric stove; dresser; lawn mower; bi- six squares Pedlar used shingles; large laundry Beach cream and black Paul Rev. STRAYED—From Lot 15, Con- 6, Hay Twp., five small cattle bear­ ing tag "L, W. Johns, Exeter.” Information gladly received by owner phone 44r8 Kirkton or by Frank Wildfong 36r4 Dashwood. BABY CHICKS Blood Hamp- Sussex, PERSONAL RHEUMATIC PAIN, Sciatica, Lum­ bago quickly relieved by using RUM- ACAPS. Recommended by thousands who have gained better health, Robertson’s Drug Store. WHY SUFFER WITH ECZEMA, Psoriasis, Erythema, Impetigo, Chaps, Boils, Pimples, Itch, etc? Try KLEEREX—"A Quick Heal­ ing Salve". 50c; $1.00; Sold by Robertson’s Drug Store, Rev. and Mrs. L. H. Turner dined] when “he" hasn’t "shaved "for a* with Miss Mary Amos on Sunday] and he’s tired, hungry and; 1-LL.g you i sleep. Do you* l evening. i Mr. and Mrs. Goldwin Glenn and! children spent Sunday with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs, Sherwood Brock, of Winehelsea. ! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Watson and children spent Sunday with Mr. and were present ----- ------,**. «, .... ___.... -__ _ ...................- Brucefield, Lon-1 after which all joined in singing, address was read by Miss Mary Lee Parkhill and Grand; “For She s A Jolly Good Fellow." and presented by Miss Gladys Neil, {The rest of rhe evening was spent! ft which Mr and Mrs. Turner in playing bunco after which a; . .dainty lunch was served. The eve-jp16 ry_ 7 •»*__ ning closed by singing the National Anthem. BOYLE—At the residence of his son, Harold Boyle, 428 Walmer Rd., Toronto, on Wednesday, June 21, 1944. Thomas F. Boyle, formerly of Exeter. .’DEMENTS—Un Saturday, June 24th, 1944, William Clements, in Ills 7 6th year. MARK—In Parkhill, Ont., on Fri­ day, June 23, 19 44, Edward M. Mark, husband of Myra Louise Arnot, in his So th year. RIVERS—In Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, on Thursday, June 22, 19 44, William Charles Rivers, in his SOth year. | SNELL—Suddenly at St. Catharines General Hospital, on Saturday, June'17, 194 1, Wellington Edgar Snell, son of Mr. Franklin Snell, formerly of Crediton. ENGAGEMENTS FOR SALE—No. 1 Silverhull seed buckwheat, Clipper cleaned, good sample. Apply to G. Broderick, R. R. 1, Exeter, phone Hensall 83r25. 22* FOR SALE—Massey Harris binder in good shape, also a car for round track. Apply to Tlmes-Ad- vocate. 29* FOR SALE—1 25-4 0 Rumley oil pull tractor in good condition with extension rims. Apply to David M. Clarke, Centralia, Ont. Telephone Exeter 174rl3. 29c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Frame house, near canning factory. Immediate pos­ session. Reasonablle price. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. FOR SALE—House and property of the late Henry L. Callfas, for­ merly of Dashwood. Apply to Gordon H. Callfas, 242 Kathleen Ave., Sarnia, Ont. 4tc For satisfying results, try the! Want Ads. ! ■ A W Grand Bend EVERY NIGHT! GLEN BRICKLIN’S "music with a beat!” JULY 1st First game at 2 o’clock Hensall vs. Exeter vs. Grand Bend Finals at 6 o’clock between winners of afternoon games. The No. 9 S.F.T.S. Centralia Brass Band MIDNIGHT DANCE July 2nd 12.05 a.m th CT1ICK BARGAINS Government Approved, Tested Barred Rock, New shire, White Rock, Light White Leghorn, White Wyandotte, Hybrids, Non-sexed as low as $8.95 per hundred. Heavy Breed Cockerels $8,95. Pullets $14.95. Shipped C.O.D. Immediate Delivery. Give second choice. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Qntario. 29c AUCTION SALES NOTICES NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Exeter taxes may be paid to collector in the town hall, June 29 and 3 0. Hours 9.00 a.m. to a.m, and 1.30 p.in. to 5.3 0 p.m. the 28, 12 W. C. Pearce, Tax Collector, T will build or repair chimneys, do roofing or siding, also carpenter work, price reasonable. J. A. Nichol, Hay P.O. 15tfc REPRESENTATIVE, MISS WINNI- FRED O’NEIL, Clinton, phone 75J. For complete lines of Fuller Brushes and service for same. Will be in Exeter Tuesday of each week. For enquiries address Box 286, Times-Advocate. EXECUTOR’S SALE The Executor of the Estate of Helene Austin Stott will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION at the deceased’s residence at Lot 74, 75 and 76 Huron Terrance and Lot 110 and 111 on Tuyl] Street in the Village of Bayfield MONDAY, JULY 3, 1944, at 1 pan. and TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1944, at 1 pan. The following goods and chattels among numerous other articles: MONDAY, JULY 3, 1944 — Pic­ tures, paintings, etchings, china ware, ornaments, bric-a-brac, brass candlesticks, candelabras, and the contents of an annexed cottage con­ sisting of stoves, tables, verandah swing, bed, springs and mattress, chest of drawers, wash stands, wheel­ barrow and garden utensils. TUESDAY, JULY 4, 19 44—Fur­ niture including living room furni­ ture, Chicery Baby Grand piano with electric player and records, dining room suite, 4 bedroom suites, hall furniture, verandah reed furniture, rugs and other Articles too numer­ ous to mention. TERMS: CASH AT TIME OF .SALE For NOTICE the convenience of the policy-holders of the Hay Township Farmer’s Mutual Fire Insurance Co. ForHOUSES WANTED—-We have buy­ ers. If you are considering selling your property come in and talk. the matter over with us. Our *. instalments may be paid at Faist commission for selling is reason-; Bro.s- s,orp>> Crediton, until further able. C. V. Pickard, Main St. notl?e- ^lea2e ?rini.^Our Card \° be ______________________________! receipted. H. K. Eilber, Secretary, 29:6:13c Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Keller, of Dashwood, announce the engagement . . , , _ . , , of their eldest daughter, Adaye. your friends of the Bunsley, Belinda, to Mr. Earl Robert Telfer, United Church choir, have gathered jyounger son of and yirs, Robert here tonisht to spend a little social, Helfer, of Brantford, the wedding time together before you leave our’ take Blace in July< community. i We sincerely regret that you are] leaving us and we hope that you] will have happiness in y""1' T1OTC' appointment. We be their gain. We appreciate the choir which so readily given, as a friend in our homes, and will miss your cheery presence. We know you will make many more friends in your new surround­ ings, but we hope you will remem­ ber us at Brinsley, and have time to visit us occasionally. In token of our appreciation We would like you to accept this small remembrance. To you both and to Grace Marie we wish you good luck and happiness in Goderich. Signed on behalf of the choir. ’Dear Mr. and Mrs. Turner: Q R feel the you We IN MEMORIAM your new SIMMONS- -In loving memory of a dear husband, John Simmons, who passed away nine years June 30th, 1935. There is someone who misses sadly, And finds the time long since went, There is someone who thinks of always. And tries to be brave and content. —Ever remembered by his wife. in our loss will assistance in have always welcome you ago, you you you CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. Susan Bowman wishes thank all those who sent her cards, flowers and treats while she was a patient in Victoria Hospial, London.* to CREDITON EAST Milton Lightfoot and son Windsor where "been employed Mrs. left last week for Mr. Lightfoot has for some time. Mrs. John Baird home at Grand weeks visit with Sam Sims. Mr. and Mrs. family, of Baden, spent the end with Mrs. H. Kuhn. returned to her Bend after a few her daughter, Mrs. Stuart Kuhn and week- ELIMVILLE W M. S. the Mrs. Geo. Davis with singing and unsion, On Wednesday of last week W. M. S. meeting was held at Mrs, Sherwood Brocks’, presided opening "Take My Life and Let It Be' Lord's Prayer repeated in Miss Ruth Skinner read the script­ ure lesson from John 21: 15 - 25. Mrs. Mair led in prayer. Mrs. Pooley gave a reading “For Some There Is No Choice," and then all sang "Jesus Calls Us," Mrs. Davis read a poem followed by music by Mrs. W. Batten. Mrs. Garnet Johns gave a reading "Light In The Darkness.” Mrs. Frank Brock read, address to Mrs. J, Prance was given a transfer of ship card. After singing Thee Every Hout" the closed with the benediction, teen were present, served at the close. a short and she member- “I Need meeting Eigh- A lunch was With his usual long-Windedness, the bore was describing one of his hair-breadth escapes, "There wag I,*’ he said,. "on a lonely road, miles from anywhere, with a blazing car. What do you think I did?" One weary listener stifled his yawns long enough to rejtrly: "Took a long breath and blew it out!” Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott wish to thank all those who so kindly re­ membered Mrs. Elliott with cards, treats and flowers and in any other way during her illness. c HOUSE FOR SALE—U storey, solid rug brick and stucco, oak floors throughout, insulated, new asphalt shingle roof, automatic oil heating, modern kitchen. Ap­ ply to box 2S0W, Times-Advocate. tfc TENDERS WANTED FOR SALE—General store building, situated on Highway, complete with living quarters, hydro, centre good rural community. C. V. Pickard. EXETER—Brick cottage with over an acre; 2-storey brick house, furnace, bathroom, barn, extra land. W. C. Pearce. HENSALL-—-li-storey frame house, garden, barn. Others also. W. C. Pearce. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Drain Tenders Wanted Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up until 10 a.'m. on Tuesday, July 4th, 1944 for the repair of the Khiva Drain., To in­ clude 9 0 feet of 12-inch tile drain and 15,900 cubic yards of excava­ tion. Plans, profile and specification of thh work may be seen at the home of the Clerk at Centralia. A marked cheque accompany each or any tender cepted. L. B. for $ 2D 0.0 0 must tender. The lowest not necessarily ac- 3tc HODGSON, Clerk of the Township of Stephen, Centralia, Ontario. Mrs. Ray Francis wishes to ex­ press her sincere appreciation to all those who so kindly remember­ ed her while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. WANTED WANTED—-8 or 10 cheap drivers. Frank Taylor, Exeter. tfc MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIENCED typist and book­ keeper open for part time employ­ ment. Box 23, Exeter. 29:6* STEPHEN Wanted be received by on further particulars apply to: HAROLD JACKSON, Esq., Seaforth, Ont., Auctioneer, or R. C. HAYS, K.O., Goderich, Ont., Solicitor for Executor. Custom Spraying TURNDPS,CABBAGE, POTATOES, Etc. for 40 rod row. supply man to mix. 10c Farmer 11c a row, do our own mixing. Clean water must be supplied to field in all cases. Phone 39 r 8 Kirkton Phone 138, Exeter leave orders at Robertson’s Drug Store, Exeter TOWNSHIP OF Drain Tenders Sealed tenders will the undersigned up until 10 a.m. Tuesday, July 4th, 19 44, for the repair of the Webb Drain. To in­ clude 5,750 cubic yards of excava­ tion. Plans, profile and specification of the work may be seen at the home of the Clerk at Centralia. A marked cheque for .$200.00 must accompany each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac­ cepted. 3tc or JIM TAYLOR, Operator Mirs. Clifton Brock, one quarter mile south of Elimville is 'prepared to do dress­ making and sewing of all kinds. 29: c. c DRESSMAKING: ( The family of the late William Rivers desire to thank the many friends who remembered Mr. Rivers in any way during his illness in hospital, also for the kindness and sympathy extended during their cent bereavement, especially for floral tributes and to those who fered the loan of cars. HARPLEY L. B. HODGSON, Clerk of the Township of Stephen Centralia, Ontario. re- the of- c LOST LOST — On Monday while re­ turning from primary school, 16 war saving stamps belonging to little Marilyn Skinner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner. Reward. 29 c Visitors at the home of Mr. Man­ sell Hodgins on 'Sunday were Mr. Ruben Wilson, of Arkona; Miss Lillian Hardy, of London; Misses Jean Morley, Muriel Hardy, Doro­ thy Hodgins and Dorothy Hardy, all of Lucan, and Mrs. Clarence Hardy, Helen and Frank and Nor­ man Hardy, also of Lucan, and Mr. and Miss Ross Love Shipka. Miss Helen Love, ing at St. Joseph’s don, is at, present her home here* Miss Donna Hayter is spending the summer at Grand Band. Mr, and Mrs. Ruben Wilson and family, of Arkona, visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Love. A number of the farmers around here attended the farmers* picnic at Grand Bend on Saturday. and family, of nurse-in-train- Hospital, Lon- holidaying at Mr and Mrtt Henry Hodgins, of Corbett, have received word that their son, Pte. Bruce Hodgins, is mlsisiiig in action* LOST—On Dashwood Rd. on Sun­ day a lady’s blue bathing suit, reward. Finder please leave at Smallacombe’s restaurant in Hen­ sall. 29* TENDERS Tenders are asked by the County of Huron for the supplying of 90 ton of Stoker Coal and 25 ton of Stove Coal for the Countv Home. Prices to be submitted for this coal laid down on the track at Clinton. Tenders to be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than July 1st. 22:290 •N. W. Miller, County Clerk. CENTRALIA Pte. Gordon Atkinson of Nova Scotia spent a couple days with his mother Mrs. Jas. Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Herman spent Sunday with her Roy Hawkins of Science Miss Shirley Eagleson and Mr. Jack Eagleson week-end with their sister Mr. and Mrs. Charie Atkinson, Misses Lilia and .Della 'Oke spent Tuesday with Mrs. Herman Atkin­ son, Atkinson .sister Mrs. Hill. and friend spent the WHALEN A good crowd was in attendance at the S. ’S. picnic at the park at Stratford on Friday. Mrs, Kemp of London visited during last Week with Mrs, J, Hazel­ wood. L, A. C. Norihan Brooks returned to Windsor weeks with Brooks. Mr. and and Mr. and guests at wedding at Exeter Mr, F. Squire was in Watford oh Saturday. Mrs. Hotson and Jack of Brinsley were recent visitors (0f Mrs, Geo, Lackle. Mr. Grafton Squire spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barker of London. * The W. M. S. meeting was held at Mrs. Milne Pullen’s home on Wednesday afternoon with 21 mem­ bers and several visitors present. Mrs. E. Squire was in charge of the meeting. It opened with singing and Mrs. Hazelwood offered prayer. The Scripture Lesson was led by Mrs. Squire. Several business items were dicussed. Two quilts were presented to Mrs. 'Chapman who recently had their home destroyed by fire. 'A hymn Was sung which brought the meeting to a close, Kitchen Shower On Wednesday afternoon at Mrs. Milne Pullen’s home the ladies of this community gathered to honor Maida Morley of Exeter bride to be and presented her with a kitchen shower. Maida was led to a pretty decorated chair by Maty Johnson., A program followed readings by Mrs. E. Wm. Hodgson, Mrs. after Mr, Mrs. Mrs. the spending a few and Mrs. Win, Walter Gunning E. Squire were Bowman-Morley on Saturday, Mrs, Ruth Politick, of ^Earkhiil, received a telegram stating that her husband, Tpr. Edison Pollock, is reported missing overseas. He is a son of Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Pol­ lock, of Greenway. consisting of Johnson Mrs. Geo. Squire, Marjorie Hamilton, Mrs. Hazelwood Mrs, Ogden and Miss IFHorence Kirk, Mrs. Milne Pullen and Mrs. JBeft Duffield favoured with instrumen­ tals and Mrs, F. Squire With a solo. Mrs, Pullen read the address and a wagon decorated in pink and white loaded with granite wear was drawn in >by little Dohnie Pullen and Alice Chapman and presented to Maida, After thanking everyone’ in* a few well chosen words all joined in singing "Koi' She’s A Jolly Good Fellow," Refreshments were served.