HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-06-22, Page 5OTB TIMES-ADVOCATE, MCTJER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORION JUNE 22, M Page 5 hensajll DASHWOOD Th© Wohelo class Picnic will be held op June 28Lh at Turnbull's Grove. Mrs. L. Simpson returned from a pleasant visit with relatives in Detroit. Miss Velma Ferguson, of Hiiron- dale, spent the week-end with Miss Pearl McLeod. Miss Margaret Henry of, Exeter spent the week-end with her cousin Miss Elva McQueen. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Bonthron are enjoying a two week’s vacation at Turnbull’s Grove. Mrs, W. A< McLaren of Goderich visited recently with Miss Minnie Ried and friends of Hensail. . Miss Florence Schwalm, of God­ erich, spent the week-end with her mother Mrs, Violet Schwalm, Keith Buchanan, of the R.C.A.F. at Trenton, spent a leave with Mrs. Keith Buchanan and. relatives, Miss Mildred Jones of Kitchener spent th© week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jones The many friends of Mrs. A. L. Case regret to heai’ that she has been confined to her room owing to illness Mr., Wm. Jones, of St, Thomas, visited recently' with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jones. Nursing Sister Marion Dougall, R.C.N.V.R, of London, spent the week-end with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Win. Dougall. Miss Margaret Glenn is enjoying a two weeks vaction at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Glenn of Chiselhurst. Mrs. Sanders, of Toronto, visited last week with hex* son and daugh­ ter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Morley Sanders and twin sons. Mrs. Oliver Rowcliffe who re­ cently underwent an operation ixx Victoria Hospital, London, return­ ed to her home this week. Mrs. Louis Clark Sr,, received word this week that hei’ nephew, Cpl. Gordon Nichol, formerly of Exeter, is reported missing over­ seas. Mrs. Chas. McDonnell and daugh­ ter, Miss Dorothy McDonnell who have spent the past number of xnonths in London returned to their home here this week. At a recent meeting of tlxe Girl’s Dance Club, Miss Sally Manson, bride-elect, was the recipieixt of a gift. The presentation was xnade by j Miss Margaret Glenn and the ad-1 dress was given by Miss Beryl Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wiseman, 'Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wiseman and daughter Doris, of Wellburn, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kerslake, St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Tait and son David, of Prospect Hill, and ‘Mrs. Tait of St. Marys, visited on Sunday with Mrs. D. Walks and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake. Mission Circle Holds Picnic The Mission Cii’cle of the United Church held theix* annual picnic at the home of Mrs. Jack Traquair on Wendnesday with a very good at­ tendance. Following the «upper games were enjoyed on the lawn and a business meeting concluded the program. Presentation to Bride-Elect Miss Edna Gill, bride-elect, was.' made the presentation of a purse of ) money by Miss Gladys Luker at her home oxx the eve of her m'arriage, when a large number of friends gathered to which she expressed hex* thanks. Contests axxd Bixigo were enjoyed and a sing-song led by Miss Greta Lamin ie. Refresh­ ments were served and the bride’s trousseau axxd gifts were displayed. Bride-Elect Honored A very enjoyable evening was spent on Monday at the home of Mrs. Jeaxx Manson when about fifty friends gathered in honor of her daughter, Sara, bride-elect. During the evening a presentation was made ( of a tri-light, a chair and a utility | stool by Mrs. Jack Traquair, Mrs. Melvin Moir and Mrs. Ray Broder- j ick. The accompanying address was. read by Miss Jeaxx McQueen, to j ■which Sara ixx a few well-chosexi words expressed her sincere thanks. Contests were enjoyed after which refreshments were served. The bride’s trousseau and gifts were displayed by Miss Jean McQueen, Library Board Moots A meeting of the Public Library Board was held on the evening of Tuesday, June 13tlx, in the Council Chamber at S p.m. It was moved that Mrs. Goodwin be chairlady for the evening. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and j adopted. The librarian’s report for May read: adult fiction 259, juven­ ile fictioxx 179, adult non fiction 13, juvenile xton fiction 4, total cir­ culation 470. Mrs. Goodwiix and Mrs. Joynt reported as to the dele­ gation sent to Brussels to attend to the meeting of the Huron Library Associatioix and stated that the Fall meeting of the same would be held; in Hensail. The secretary reported as having received a price for a new section of hook-case, and on motion Was instructed to ordex* the same. Moved that W* O. Goodwin be paid 2.00 foi4 car expenses of delegation attending the meeting in Brussels. Adjournment to September 12th at 7,45 p.m. .L A. paterson, Sec.-Treas. Mr. and Mrs, Breugeman, of St* .Catharines and Mrs. Brown,, of Crediton, visited with Rev. and Mrs. j, Burn on Friday. Mrs. S. P, Currie and children are visiting with- her parents. In Meaford. ■Mrs. E. E. Tiernan and daughter, Mary Ann left for Simcoe after spending several months here. T. Harry Hoffman and Charles Steinhager attended the Telephone Convention in London last Thursday. Mrs. L. Morepz left last week for her summer home at Silver Island. Mrs, Herman Zimmer, of Windsor spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Edighoffer and family, ©f JMHtdieil, and Miss Grace Guenther, of Kitchener, were Sunday visitors with ‘Mr, and Mrs, E. R, Guenther, Mr, and Mrs. Russell Eckstein and Miss Lily Hoffman, of London, were Sunday visitors with relatives here. Mi; and Mrs, Hubert Restexneyer and daughter Brenda and Miss Oneida Restexneyer’ R.N., and friend Miss Mary McGrath, of London, were week-end visitors with Mr, and Mrs, O, Restemeyer, Miss Iris Niblock, of London, spent tlxe week-end with Mrs. Ness. Lieut, J. Alda Bolton and Miss Rosann King, of Londop, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman and Mrs, Bolton who is improving slowly. Mr, and Mrs. N. Miller and Mr. William Biesenthal, of Windthorst, Sask., are visiting with relatives here. Mr. Leonard Schroeder, of Am- herstburg and Mr. Clairmont, of De­ troit, spent the week-end with Mrs. Mary Schroeder. Mr. William Hey, of Babylon Line, has purchased the property of tlx© late Mrs. Weber. Rev. T, Luft conducted service in th© Lutheran church in London last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Kraft, of Eston, Sask., are visiting with his sisters and other relatives. Children’s Day was fittingly ob­ served iix the Evangelical church oxx Sunday last. At the morning service three infants were baptized. In the evening a miscellaneous pro­ gram of recitations, exercises and songs was carried out by the child­ ren. The church was beautifully decorated with peonies, roses and orange blossoms. A missionary of­ fering amounting to $41.00' was re­ ceived. On Friday afternooxx the Evan­ gelical Mission Band held a picnic oxx the church lawn. After a pro­ gram of games a lovely lunch was enjoyed by all and each member was presented with a book. Mr. and Mrs. Zinkham, of Kit­ chener, visited with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Krueger last week. Mrs, Louis Kraft is spending a few days with friends in London this week. Elimville Sunday School Anniversary will be held on Sunday, June 25 th at 11 a.m. and 7.30 pan. Rev, G. M. Cooke, of Granton, will be the guest speaker, Special music will be given hy the Sunday School at the morning service and by the Church Choir at the evening service, Piano Recital by pupils of Mae Patterson, A.T.C.M., with Eleanor Charlton, Violinist, artist student of Zoe Addy Watson, London. GRAND BEND United Church Wed., June 28th at 8.15 p.m. KIRKTON EUMVILLE Miss Florence Bell R. N. of Toronto 'visited her parents for a few days returning Monday. Miss Bessie Johns spent a few days visiting in Exeter the latter part of last week. Sgt. Clarence Ford of Jarvis was home the first of this week. Next Sunday the S.S. Anniversary services will be held in this church morning and evening. Bev. Cook of Granton will be the speaker. Special music by the choir. Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker visited at Mr. Ji» Ford’s Monday evening. HARPLEY Mrs. Mark Miller, of Detroit, visi­ ted at Mr. Newton Hay ten's and Mr. Fred McLInchey’s during the past week. Mr; and Mrs. E. Whiting and Gor­ don, of Centenary and Mr. and Mrs. Watson, of Rarkhill, Visited on Sun­ day at the home of Mr. Wm. Love. Mrs. Ellis Whiting, of Centenary, called at 'Mr, Mansell Hodgins* on Sunday evening. CROMARTY Rev. and Mrs. Jameson were visitors in Cromarty the first part of the week. Mr. Jameson was for­ merly minister of Cromarty church and his parishioners were- glad to see him again. We were visited by a beautiful slxowex’ oxx Sunday morning last which will be a great booxx to the gardens, etc. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hamilton, of Listowel, attended divine service on Sunday last and were also visiting relatives ixx the neighborhood. Mrs. Cooper and son, Archie, of Toronto, were visitors in the vicinity over the week-end. Miss Mary Currie spent a couple of days last week with Miss Olive Hackney, of Thames Road. Miss Chalmers, of Prospect Hill, was a visitor among friends over tlxe week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller, of Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Deexi visited with Mrs. S. A. Miller on Sabbath last. SAINTSBURY Annual Reunion The annual reunion of the late Richard Hodgins and Ann Armit­ age Hodgins was held at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Godbolt on Friday evening June 9. A delicious basket lunch was served to ovex­ fifty five nxenbers of tlxe family. Owing to sickness some members were unable to be present. The weather being unfavourable the outdoor sports had to be omitted. Mr. and Mrs. Godbolt invited every­ one into the house where a prog­ ramme was arranged. A dialogue of Mock Marriage opened the prog­ ramme followed iby reading recitations contest and communtiy singing. Tlxe hymn O God Oui’ Help in Ages Past, was sung followed by two minutes silence in memory of our oldest member Mr. Fred Davis who died since the lust picnic, A hearty vote of thanks was rendered to Mr, and. Mrs. Godbolt for the use of their home. The collection was taken and after the expenses Were paid the remainder to be sent to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Chapman who had the misfortune to loose their home by fire. The president for next year is Mr. H, A. Mullins and the secretary Mrs. Mullins* The pic­ nic is to be held at the home of Mr, Ivan Needham. The evening was closed by singidg God Save the King* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hammond, of Stratford, visited with Mrs. Mait- laxxd Hammond and daughters this week-end Word has beexx received that Stan Howe, a forrnei* Kirkton boy, while serving in Italy, is wounded. Mrs. Jas Kexnp and Mrs. Geo. Sherman, of London, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sweitzer Pte. Valina Doupe, of London, was a week-end guest with hex* par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Doupe. Sunday guests: Mr. and Mrs. John Thomson and son, of Centralia, with Mr. A. Copeland; Mr. and Mrs. A. Pridham, of Mitchell, with Mr. E. Doupe; Mx* and Mrs. A. Gordon, of St. Marys, with W. Scott; Mr. and Mrs. A. Fletchei* and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Gregory with Mr. L. Fletchei* Mrs. Wm Fletcher, of Conquest, Sask., is holidaying with hex1 cous­ ins, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Doupe. Misses Alice Thomson, Marion Mills, Marion and Muriel Stephens, Wodoham, spent Sunday with Misses Lorene and. Marion Copeland. Mr. Chas. Paul, Reg and Leon, left Monday morning for Toronto to meet Cpl. Gerald Paul, of Vic­ toria, B.C., who is home on a two- week furlough. Celebrates Birthday Reeve Alex Irvine and Mrs. Irvine entertained a few friend recently in honor of theii’ father, Mr. Mac Irvine’s birthday. The hostess served a birthday dinner and a social time was spent. We wish Mr. Irvine many happy returns. S.S. Anniversary The Kirkton United Church Sun­ day School held their annual S. S. Anniversary Sunday, June 18, when large numbers attended morning and evening services. Some 80 voices of the school led the singing unde* the direction of Mr. Ray Mills, of Woodham, accompanied on the piano by Miss Wilma Gilffillan. Rev. Irwin, of Exeter, was the guest speaker, and delivered two very ex­ cellent sermons. The church was decorated with ferns and cut flow­ ers. A free-will offering was given which amounted to $217.00 SH1PKA On Sunday next, June 25tlx, Rev., L. H. Turner will preach his fare­ well sermon. Service at 10.30 a.nx. The Y. P. Society held a weiner roast at Grand Bend on Wednesday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Sturdy, of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Win. v'larke and Miss Doris Clarke, of Varna, visited on Sunday last with relatives here. The public school held their an­ nual picnic at Grand Bend Friday of last week. One of the senior classes of the Evangelical church at Crediton held a picnic on Wednesday of this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ratz. Miss Nellie Hodgson attended the Hodgson reunion last Saturday neax‘ London. Miss Erma Finkbeiner, of Sarnia, was a week-end visitor with rela­ tives hete. Mrs. M. Desjardine has been re­ engaged fox* S.S. No. 7. M'iss Mc­ Nally has been re-engaged fox’ S. S. No. 11. “What do you think of a man Who constantly deceives his wife?” “I think lie's a wonder." First Mortgage Loans If additional money is heeded to help you buy U productive farm, send Us particuhirs* Possibly we caU assist yott through our loaning department. Attractive, ternis, All inquiries treated confidcn- tialiy. Huron&Erie MORTGAGE corporation London Windsor St. Thomas Chatham THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buncan, Doris and Roberta, visited with Mr. and Mrs. N. Hunkin at Belmore on Sunday. Several from this community at-* tended the Federation of Agricul­ ture picnic which was held at Sea­ forth, Wednesday of last week. Mr, Bert. Gardiner, of London, spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gardiner. Week-end visitors at the Manse were Mrs. C. Smith, Benita and Douglas, of Clinton. The many friends of Mr. Bobt. Kydd will be glad to know that he is recovering nicely but is still a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don. Mrs. Harding, of Exeter, spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. A. Ford. Miss Shirley Duncan, who hag been engaged in war work for the past year at Valleyfield, Quebec, has returned home and is beginning a Normal course at London, Ontario, this month. The regular meeting of the Red Cross will be held on the Church grounds this Thursday evening, June 22, in the form of a social evening. We hope everyone will try to be,present. Lunch will be served. Sunday services will be withdrawn this Sunday at Thames Road in favor of Elimville S. S. Anniversary. Elimville services are at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The regular monthly meeting of the Thames Road Missionary Circle was held at the home of Miss Lois Ford on Friday evening with a good attendance. The meeting opened with the president, June Coward, presiding. Hymn 590 was sung fol­ lowed with all repeating the Lord’s Prayer. Scripture lesson was taken by Lois Ford. Treasurer’s report was read and adopted. Roll call was taken. This was answered by the name of a missionary. Business was discussed and the offering taken. Hymn 3 80 was sung. Marion Hod- gert was in charge of the program which was as follows: topic, Rober­ ta Duncan; solo, Dorothy Squires; herald, Mrs. Mair; instrumental, Ina Harris; reading, Elsie Bray. Hymn i 436 was sung and the meeting clos-, ed with the Mizpah Benediction. The next meeting in July will be at the home of Miss June Coward. A 10c tea was served and a social time spent. ! W.M.S. Meets ! The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the Manse on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Mair presiding, The devotional pro­ gram from the Missionary Monthly was followed in the opening of the meeting. Roll call and minutes were omitted in absence of the secretary. Business was discussed. The July meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. F. Dawson, the W.M.S. entertaining the Baby Band. Mrs. (Rev.) Hunt, of Exeter, will be the guest speaker. Report of sick visiting committee was given. Hymn 402 was sung. Mrs. C. Al­ lison acted as secretary in absence of Mrs. Wiseman. Program consist­ ed of a reading, “Character Educa­ tion,” by Ml’S. Pym; reading by Mrs. Rohde, “Ten Points for an Ideal Christian Home”; reading by Mrs. Morgan, “Their Future is Now,” and a Temperance reading by Mrs. Kirkland. Collection was taken and hymn 5 02 was sung fol­ lowed with God Save the King and prayer by Mrs. Mair. WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie have returned home from Toronto where they spent two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley at­ tended the Taylor-Sherwill wedding at Wesley United Church on -Satur­ day afternoon. Miss Florence Kirk hag been re­ engaged to teach in Whalen school. Mrs. Fred Foster, of Granton, Was a recent visitor of Mrs. Frank Parkinson. - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire attend­ ed the Huron County picnic held at Seaforth on Wednesday. Miss Evelyn Wynn, of London, spent the week-end. with Mrs, Bert Duffield. Mrs. Clifford Huebner and Mrs. Robert Moeller, of Detroit, were week-end visitors of Mrs. Wm, Mor­ ley.The Sunday School are holding their annual picnic at Stratford on Friday of this week, Mrs. Ralph Parkinson and Ron­ nie, Misses Olive Elliott and Beth Thompson, of. London, Were Sun­ day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brooks Miss Jean -Cann, Of Thames Road, was a week-end visitor of Mary Johnson. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Hodgson and Mrs. John Hodgson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Cottle, of Thames Road.Clare Hazelwood, of the R.C.A.F., who had spent several weeks leave at bis home here returned to Hall- fax on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hazelwood at­ tended anniversary services 5h" the united Church at Kirkton on Sun­ day and spent the day with friends. CREDITON AN OPEN MEETING for the ratepayers of the section in the interest of the school area will Be held in the school house at CREDITON on FRIDAY, JUNE 23rd at 8.30 p.in. Dr, Taylor will fee the .guest speaker, A full attendance is requested* Decoration Pay The Decoration Service will be held In the Evangelical Cemetery this Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. The Male Chorus will be in attend­ ance and the special speaker will be Rev. J, R. Burn, of Dashwood. The Y.P.M.C. Will hold their pic­ nic next Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Glair© Young, Dr, Elizabeth, Miss Jean and Miss Alice McMaster, of St, Marys, visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence IVein and Douglas last Friday eve­ ning. Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Brown, o<f Kitchener, and Mrs, Hughes, of Waterloo, spent last -Sunday visit­ ing Mr, and Mrs. Frazer Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Eckstein and Miss Lilly Hoffman, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Fahrner last Sunday. Gerald Zwicker is in Chicago at­ tending a seed fair. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Fahrner, of Kitchener, were home last Sunday visiting the latter’s father and brothers and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Wuerth, of Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Emmery Fahrner last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Wuerth, Frederick and Doris were in Port Dovex’ last week-end visitng 'Mr. and Mrs. Robin Blackwell. Miss Myrtle Haist, of Kitchener, and Miss Helen Haist, of Exeter, spent last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Haist. Mi’s. Joe Mountain, Miss Joseph­ ine Mountain and Mr, John Moun­ tain, of St. Marys, spent the week­ end with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Haist. Mrs. Susan Bowman, who has been in Victoria Hospital for the past couple of weeks is home again. We all wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. John Hey, of Zurich, was in Crediton last week visiting her son, Lloyd Hey. Grant Roeszler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Roeszler had a nasty ex­ perience Saturday when he was thrown from a bicycle and fractured his nose. He was riding the wheel when something broke and he was throw’ll forward landing on his nose. School Picnic The Crediton School held their picnic in the school grounds last Friday afternoon. The afternoon was started off with the following sports; running races—-under school age, Gary Sims; girls and boys, 6 7 and 8, Jeannette Schenk; girls, 9 10 and 11. Dolores Pfaff; boys, 9, 10 and 11, Stanley Hill; girls, 12, 13, 14, Dolores Schenk; boys, 12, 13, 14, Frederick Wuerth; young ladies, Elaine Fahrner; married ladies, Margaret Wein; married men, Sylvester Wuerth. “Novelty races-—clothes-pin race. Dolores Pfaff; tying ties, Edith Hill and Frederick Wuerth; wheelbarrow race, Fred Wuerth and Grant Roesz­ ler; supper call, Mrs. Lome Fink- beiner; graceful walking, Charles Greene and Mrs. Charles Hoffman; ladies kicking slipper, Dorothy Fink- beiner; soda biscuit race, Lloyd Gaiser. This was followed by a ball game. Church Meeting The regular meeting of the Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. of the Evangelical Church was held at the parsonage on Wednesday evening, June 7th, with twenty-five members and three visitors present. Mrs. Freeman Morlock presided for the program which was opened with a piano solo by Mrs. Emmery Fahrner, a hymn, prayer by Mrs. F. Morlock and scripture passages pertaining to the Homes, which was the theme for the month, given by Mrs. H.M. Faist and Mrs, H. K; Eilber. A tab­ leau was presented by Mrs. J. Mor- ! lock, Mrs. F. Brown, Mrs. C. Haist, Mrs. H. Schenk and Mrs. E. Wenzel. Mrs. F. W. Morlock gave a splen­ did review of the second chapter of the Study Book with tlxe aid of geopraphical illustrations, Mrs. Wm. Smith rendered a solo and Mrs. Em­ mery Fahrner then gave a complete and interesting report of the W.M.S. Convention held recently in Kit­ chener. Mrs. A. Amy presided fox* the business session. It was decided to hold meetings on the second Thursday evening of each month during the summer. The meeting was closed with a hymn and pray-, er by Mrs. M. E. Reuber. A social half hour followed and appreciation was extended to the hostess by Mrs. C. Sims and Mrs. A. Wein, WOODHAM ,A good time was enjoyed at the Sunday School picnic at Stratford Park last Saturday. The day was fine and there was 125 in attend­ ant e with both old and young tak­ ing part in the sports which were carefully planned by the committee in charge. Prizes were awarded to the grown-ups as well as the child­ ren, Mrs, Clarence Gunning, of Grant­ on, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rodd. Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy and two little sons, of London, were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. McNaughton and also with Mr, and Mrs. Roy McNaugh­ ton. Miss Olive Thacker, of XdttlewQo^ spent the week-end at the home of her mother, Mrs. Pattison. ; Mr* and Mrs. Jas. Squire spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Laverne Stone and also took in the anniversary services. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Rundle, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Levey, of St. Marys and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Rundle were Sunday guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Smith -at Kirk­ ton. The Misses Muriel and Marion Stephens, Miss Marion Mills and Miss Alice Thompson spent Sunday last with Marion Copeland of Kirk­ ton. Miss Arnand Shiei’ spent Satur­ day last with her sister in St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Pattison visited on Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. R, Hazelwood, of Kirkton. A large number from here attend­ ed anniversax*y services at Kirkton and all were impressed by the inter­ esting messages of Rev. A. B. Irwin at both services. For satisfying results, try the Want Ads. Order Your Here! Bray Chick Hatchery Exeter; Phone 246 Agent: Alvin Kerslake, Hensail ZION Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Brock and family visited with Mr, and Mrs. Lionel Kemp, of Kirkton, on, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Elis Cutler and children, of Coldstream, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Ross Hern op Sunday- Mr, and Mrs. Howard Kerslake and Dorothy, of Exeter, visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller, Mr, and Mrs. Eph, Hern, Morris Mr, and Mrs, Allan Westcott spent Thursday in Guelph, A large numbex’ from the com­ munity attended the Federation pic­ nic at Seaforth on Wednesday, The W.M.S. suppex* which was held on Tuesday evening was large­ ly attended. Proceeds amounted to $165. Mrs, George Earl, of Exeter, spent several days with her daugh­ ter, Mrs, Norman Brock. Mr. and Mrs, George Brock at­ tended the Dufton-Day wedding on Saturday. &Z&4, EGGS 8 After the first eight weeks—after the Chick Starter stage —what should you feed chicks next? If your chicks could choose, knowing their future depended on it, they would unanixnously cry “SHUR-GAIN”! For SHUR-GAIN 3 4% Developing Concentrate, mixed with your own grain, will: 1. Ensure steady, rapid growth 2. Develop a big, rugged body 3. Maintain vigorous health 4. Do all this at absolute minimum cost. Make sure NOW that your pullets will lay NEXT FALL. Do not follow haphazard feeding methods — join the thousands of farmers who follow the tried; proven SHUR- GAIN way. No other feed approaches SHUR-GAIN in use for growing chicks. There can be only one reason—it’s the BEST! ! If you have no grain, and wish to buy the complete growing mash, place your faith in SHUR-GAIN 15% GROWING MASH. It is FRESH and DEPENDABLE, and you save money because it is made locally by SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE MILLS. WINCHELSEA Mr. axxd Mrs. Gordoix Prance and Gerald spent Sunday with relatives at Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Brock visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Goldwin Glenn, of Brinsley. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Penliale and Sheridan spent Bunday With Mr, and Mrs. Georg© Down, Of Parkhill. Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Cooper, of Elimville, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Horace Delbridge. Mr, and Mrs, Colin Gilflllan and family spent Sunday with friends in Mitchell. Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Clarke spent one evening last week with Mr; and Mrs. Wm. Walters. Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Alexander and family, of Lumley, visited on Sun­ day With Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Davis. Cann & Sons Exeter Farquhar Lackie Bros. Whalen I Itching, Burning, Stinging Eczema or Salt Rheum Eczema, of salt rheum as it is commonly called, ia one of the most painful of all skin troubles, The intense burning, itching and smarting, espe­ cially at night, Or when the affected part is exposeci to heat, or the hands placed in hot water are most un- bearable, and relief is gladly welcomed. The relief offered by Burdock Blood Bitters is based on the knowledge that such ailments as eczema, and other skin troubles, arc caused by an impure blood condition, f Bring, about inner cleanliness by using B.B. B. to help cleanse the blood of its impurities. .. Ask at any drug counter for B. B. B. Price $1.00 a bottle. The T. Milburn Co., Umlted. Toronto, Oni. .