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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-06-15, Page 8
Page 8 THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE J5, 1944 * s Beauty Shoppe Here’s wher© to get the only COLD WAVE recommended by Derma University of Detroit. All lines of Beauty Culture. VERA C, DECKER Phone 112 Exeter Markets Wheat, $1.1 Q Creamery Butter 3Sc Eggs, A Large 31c Eggs, A Medium 29c Eggs A Eggs, B Eggs C Dressed Bonus A $3.00 I Georgian Beauty Shoppe (Successor to Marion Pooley) ♦Satis faction G uarantecd $ .Flower Sunday in Main Street Bouquets uf peonies, iris and lilies adorned the rostrum of Main Street Church for the Annual Flow er Service on Sunday. The choir .under the direction of Mrs. Willard rendered two anthems “In His Har en Fair” and “The Voice of My Savior of Love” Dorothy Davis singing the obligato. In the morning the minister spoke from the text “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth”, Stressing the truth that God alone can create while man alone imitates. In creating the world God created a world of beauty and goodness but man in his selfishness has made it a place of illness and sin. “Work in your own garden” was the ser mon theme in the evening. Each one ■has a primary responsibility in de veloping his own personality and saving his own soul. It is our .busi ness to work our own gardens and not that belongs to the other fel low. Pullet 23c 26c 22c hogs, $16.65 M. Christine McCrae, Prop. Eyetor phon© 245 10 11 —»l ■■ I! w II 11 —II 111— 1 Ii LOCALS I I i NOTICE—-Coates’ Grocery will be closed for ten days beginning Alon- day, June 19th, while on vacation. LOCALS 1 ! CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mrs, J, G. Cochrane. Organist, a.m,—Sunday School, a.m.—Public Worship. Evening service is withdrawn, Monday, June 19, 8.30 gregational Meeting. The regular meeting of Auxiliary W.AI.S. will Thursday, June 22ud, ... M at the home of Airs. Sillery. p.in.—Goa the Oaven he held on at 3 p.m. MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH Specials Beautiful All Wool ••* 1 II • Dresses Kenwood Blankets This is our second qqota for this year. The colors are titles are Ramcrest Ramcrest green, rose and cedar, The quan- small. Two qualities 72x84 ins, $7.95 Famous $10.50 in white 72x90 ins. Each $7.00 Per pair $13.95 Airs, Wm. Snell, of town, is ill in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. May staff is on holidays Aliss Alary Easton has position with the Bell staff. Sgt. Gordon Cudmore. was home on a mid. Sgt. and Airs, Kingston, spent Exeter. Aliss Barbara Harness visited with Miss Elaine Kuntz of Dashwood, over the week-end Airs. C. C. Hodgins, of Lucan, spent the past week with Mr, and Airs. Samson AIcFalls. Air. and Airs. A. E. Wuerth visit ed with their daughter, Elya, in De troit over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Matthews, of ’ ), spent the week-end with Mr. and Airs. F. A. May. . -- - .... . Local grown strawberries are be- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sturgis and ginning tn find their way to market family were at Drayton on Sunday, the retail price is 35c per box. and attended the anniversary serv-j ices at the Drayton United church, i Airs. W. L, Lawson and Jimmie after visiting with Air. and Airs James Lawson have gone to Grand Bend for the summer. Airs. Eugene Howey and daugh- Round the Clock Service A. J» Payne, of the Jones & this week, accepted a Telephone STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter Rev, N« J» Woods, Aliriister Mrs. A. Y, Willard, Organist 11 a.m,—Public Worship and Church. School. Father's Day Service “The Perfection of Fatherhood” Mrs. Powe of Centralia. p.m.—'Public Worship, “Taking Jesus into our homes”. The Min ister. A women's at both services. Sunday June 25th. terly Communion 7 eh oir 11 a.m.—Quar- Service. 48 over Howard Elliot, the week-end Wuerth’s Cash Shoe Store A JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A. Mrs. Wm. Murdoch, A.L.C.AI. Organist and Choir Leader 10 ter are visiting with her parents in Toronto, Kitchener, while Mr. Howey is at- Mr. and tending camp at Thames Valley. The family of the late Thomas and Margaret Passmore held a pic nic at Grand Bend last Friday eve ning. A very sumptuous supper was enjoyed by everyone. , rained the usual ball sports were not held, gathered in the pavilion cial hour was spent. Major Wm. E. Weekes, of the Woodstock Military Hospital, spent the week-end at his home here. S.B.A. Harry Cole, of the R.C.N.i MEN’S WORK SHOES ranging from $2,25 to $5.25 ALL OXFORDS AT REDUCED PRICES, black or tan. splendid variety of summer sox, fine and coarse, at 24c and up. If it’s polish you want we have it. Any kind or color. Try our “Bunny White”. It takes off spots and whitens. Repairing neatly and promptly attended to. All fine shoes machine stitched. a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 a.m.—Rev. W. D. Goodger, B.A., of Kirkton, “What Think Ye of Christ?” 7 p.m.—Rev. W. D, Goodger, “Anger and Tenderness.” Strangers and visitors are welcomed to our services. Holy Communion will be observed Sunday, June 25th, at the morn ing service. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rack 1 One rack of some lovely There are values to $6.50, You take your choice of this lot at each Summer Dresses. There dresses in this assortment. Rack 2 are Sale of Ladies’ Pumps and Oxfords 35 pairs of Oxfords and Pumps in black, white, and white and tan. If we have your size in this lot, they are wonderful values. You take your choice at per pair only .95 There are a few exceptional values on this rack. These are put on sale for quick clearance at each Wash Goods in Crepes and Zephyrs These are beautiful materials. They come in stripes and fancy checks. The colors are fast and they make up very smart at per yard IBIHIIIIIllillllllllllliliillillillllliillillllllllBlIllliBlllilllllllilllinillllilllllllillllllllllllllllllllininiflllillllllillllllllllll Grocery Specials- for Thurs., Friday and Saturday ORANGE JUICE for a delicious drink Dilute with water, per bottle ........... 29c MY. T. NICE for that tasty breakfast, per pack ... 25c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE from the Heart of Florida, large tin 15c CHERRY PIE FILLER Makes delicious cherry pies. Bring your container, per lb. A. E. WEERTH, PROP. Tourists When taking a holiday and wanting a place to stay call at the Tourist’s Home in Dashwood for City Convenience. Rector, Rev. M. 4. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader. Mr. Middlemiss Second Sunday After Trinity a.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. Thursday 8 p.m.—Prayer and Inter cession in the church. 25cVR. at Halifax, is enjoying a two week’s leave at his home here .UUFC, j Qms. Sgt. and Mrs. W. C. Duns- AS it ford, of Forest, spent the week-end ( with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dunsford. , Mrs. Wm. Colclough. "Woodstock, ' visited over the week-end at the home of her brother, Robert Tinney, Hay. Miss Olive Wood, public health nurse, of Toronto, is visiting with her parents, Air. and Airs. Wm. Wood. Stanley Green, with the R.C.A.F. at Fingal, spent the week-end with his parents, Air. and Mrs. E. J. Green. Mr. and Airs. John Smith, Huron Street, were week-end visitors with 1 the latter’s sister, Mrs, Hatherley in London. Air. and Mrs. Henry Schenk and Mrs. Witmer, of Thedford, were visitors with Mr. and Airs. Wesley Witmer on Sunday. Dominion Day, Saturday, July 1, falls on Saturday but will not be observed as a public holiday until Monday, July 3rd. | Mr. and Mrs. William Schroeder recently received a cablegram from their son F./O. Leroy Schroeder who is now overseas. Miss L. Ballantyne, who recently underwent an operation in Victoria j Hospital, London, returned home last week and is recuperating nicely. Sigmn. Howard Holtzman, of Vimy Barracks, Barriefield, Ontario visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Holtzman over the week end. Alisses Marion Elliot and Dorothy Green, nurses-in-training Joseph’s Hospital, spending their holidays homes here. Mrs. E. ed to her somewhat Mrs. Wm. is careing Mr. and Mrs. Wm. and Mrs. J. Sims attended the grad uation of Miss Label!e Sims of the Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital at Kit chener on Saturday June 10th. Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Moore that their son, Sgt. Murray Aloore, a naviga tor with the R.C.A.F. overseas has been promoted to Flight Sgt. Mr. T. O. Southcott was in Tor onto over the week-end, Mrs. South cott, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Gordon, in 'Toronto, is at -present visiting wit Mr. and Mrs. H. Hutton in Brantford. Mrs, Richard Penhalo, of Toronto who attended the funeral of her late husband cemetery few days Walker, friends, Airs. Wm. Sanders, of the concession of Stephen, who recently underwent an operation at Victoria Hospital, London, returned home last week, Mrs. May Pomeroy, of London, has been caring for her for several days. High School students who have been successful in passing the trial examinations were granted leave Monday for the summer vacation. The students now in attendance are concentrating their work in prepara tion for the departmental exams. Mrs. Wm, Fraser recently receiv ed a parcel from her Son, Allan Fraser, who is la Italy, containing a beautiful table runner and a set of silk dresser covers, also a lovely tie fot Mr, Eraser, Allen is keeping well and wishes to be kindly re membered to the aiaay friends who have thought of him with tftclr many parcels and letters, game and Everyone and a so- AYLMER DICED BEETS A choice vegetable, specially prepared Per tin .................. 18c CHILD SUFFERS CUT IN KIRKTON ACCIDENT Rosemary Donohue, age c. Watts, Manager. EM9> WHITE SHOE POLISH We have IT, per bottle 15c KAM, a prepared pork product, Use hot or cold, per tin ..........35c five years, sustained several cuts about the head when a car driven by her mother, Mrs. Frances Donohue, of Kirkton, was in collision with a truck driven by Cleve Pullman, R. R. 1, Centralia, on No. 23 Highway at Kirkton Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Donohue was making a left-hand turn when her car was struck by the truck. The car was considerably damaged. The drivers were uninjured. The accident was investigated by provincial traffic officer Charles Anderson, Stratfora. ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton PARD DOG FOOD Dehydated, 2 pkgs, for 25c LIBBY’S BOILED DINNER Meat and vegetables, per tin 18c Walk in beauty—head high With a new spring perm. —Cold wave. —Machineless or machine permanent. All work guaranteed. M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. \V. Morlock, Organist Lawrence A. Wein, Choir Leader 10 a.m.—Missionary Sermon 11 a.m.—Church School 7.3 0 p.m.—Children’s Day Program Friday, 7.15 p.m.—Mission Band. Friday, 8.00 p.m.—Sr. League. Welcome. Southcott Bros Phone 16 Exeter JOHNS’ FAMILY PICNIC The Johns’ picnic was Held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford, Saturday June 10th, with a very good attendance. A ball game was much enjoyed with Dorothy Johns and Mrs. Gilbert Johns as captains, the former’s team winning. The sports were as follows: child ren’s race, 5 and under, Stanley Johns, Alary Dickey; 10 and under, Kathleen Horne; girls 15 and un Elford; Gordon young Coultis, men’s Elf ord; Harvey married Charles Shirley the Airs. TOMLINSON’S Phone 146Phone 146 ARE YOU RUPTURED? Did You You Ever Buy a Truss Didn’t Fit? That Can’t Happen Here are Properly Fitted by that an Experienced Fitter in our Private Truss Room and Protected by a Signed, Money-Back Guarantee Kenneth race, Elford; Annie under, Cud more; Shirley young at London, at Sh are their Yohr Drugs at Robertson’s Phone 50 PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Meetings in the big tent. Tuesday, 8.30 p.m.—Pastor Wednesday 8.30 p.m.—Dorothy Ford, of Clinton Thursday 8.30 p.m.—The Pastor and Daughter Friday. 8.3 0 p.m.—Young People’s Meeting Sunday, 10 a.m.—Sunday School, Supt. E. Cudmore. 11 a.m.—T. Kells, of Toronto. 8 p.m.—T. Kells, of Toronto. Come and hear this outstanding Irish preacher. Good singing and music, all are welcome. Exeter der. Patsy Johns, boys fifteen and -Ford, ladies’ Doris ■race, Philip Johns, Ronald married ladies’ race, Mrs. Perkins, Mrs, Fred Long; men's race, Allen Johns, Johns; kicking the slipper, Coultis, Eilene Johns; driving nail contest, Howard Johns, Nelson Coultis. A very enjoyable lunch was served and a short busi ness meeting was held. The officers elected for the following year were: president, Gilbert Johns; secretary, Bessie Johns; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johns, Garnet Johns and Mary Johns; table committee, Mrs. Fred Long, Mrs. Allen Johns, Mrs. Garnet Johns; Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Skinner extended an invita tion fdr the picnic to be held there next year. ONTARIO CLOTHING DIVISION Canadian Aid To Russia Sponsors A LINEN SHOWER for War torn Russia Your Chance to Win a Valuable prize. The 40 Prizes Include a $5,000 Mink Coat, (Made to Order) 1 Towel—1 Ticket 1 Pillowslip—-i Ticket 1 Sheet—3 Tickets 1 Blanket or Quilt—5 Tickets Winners Will be announced in the Toronto daily papers on Tuesday, Aug. 15 th, 1944. “GIVE—FOR RUSSIA AND HUMANITY” 40 Tickets ate available ihrough Miss iTeckell Or Mrs. Vernon Hey wood. Donation may sent to either place. Rowciiffe, who home through improved. Edmonds, for her. ls confin illness, is daughter,Her of Flint, Mich., Sims, Mrs. Dew with interment on Saturday, is with her sister, Stephen and i in Exeter spending a Mrs, also Geo. with third Main Street Evening Auxiliary The I Evening Auxiliary of the Main Street United Church wag held on Wednesday evening last at the home of Mrs. K. Lampman with Miss Eva Pearce and her group in charge."The meeting was opened by singing hymn 405 followed by the Lord’s Prayer, after which the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the roll call ed, The business was discussed and the scripture lesson was Miss Violet Watkins after Rev. Mr. Grigg led in Hymn 376 was sung and Dorothy Davis read a poem, Stet”. Meditation and prayer given by Miss Eva Pearce. A interesting address was given by Rev. Grigg followed by hymn 402 after which the Benediction was re peated. At the close of the meeting lunch -was served by the group in charge. read by which prayer. Miss “Re- was very Alain St. W. M. S. The Main Street W.M.S. met in the basement of the church c Thursday, June 8th, the president presiding. Mrs. Penrose conducted the worship service after which a short business meeting was held. The mothers and babies and child ren of the baby band were enter tained. Several hymns were sung and two of the members sang, “Love Lifted Me.” A splendid address was given by Mrs. Layton to the mothers of the band. She told the mothers to teach their children to pray and not just to say prayers. Mrs. Fol lick prayed for our missionary. Af terwards lunch and tea was served and a special treat of candy made by a member of the W.M.S. The July meeting is to be held at the home of ATrs. Penrose James St. Afternoon Auxiliary The June meeting of the after noon auxiliary met in the basement of the church on Thursday, June Sth, with the president, Mrs. M. Southcott, presiding. The opening hymn, “Rise Up Oh Men of God,” was heartily sung followed by sil ent prayer, then the daily prayer in unison. Mrs. V. Armstrong read the minutes of the last meeting and called the roll to which 2 3 members replied. The treasure!’ reported, giving the financial standing. Mrs. McGregor gave the Christian Stewardship messages for Mrs. Chris tie who was absent through sick ness. Airs. Irwin, reporting for tem perance, spoke of intemperance be ing one of the causes for the need of instruction in social hygiene, and what could be done about it brought out several suggestions from mem bers, Mrs. Cook, whose group were , responsible for the programme andI ruapuu&iuie tut cue uruKiainnie ana snt worship period, took the chair and announced that because of the in vasion they thought it most fitting that a season of prayers and praise would be in order. Beginning with the national anthem and the sing ing of hymn 662, Mrs. Stone then read the scripture lesson from the twentieth Psalm, also a portion from Joshua. Mrs. V. Armstrong and Mrs. Miner each led in prayer. Mrs. Gunning then sang very feeling ly, “Give Peace Oh God, Give Peace Again.” Mrs. Sharp then gave an other prayer followed by Mrs. Taylor and others. Closing hymn 516, “Lest We Forget,” and the benediction by Mrs. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lewis and daughter, of Brinsley, Mrs. Tom Sutherland, of Mt. Brydges, Misses Fern Shortt and Ruby Welsh, of London, spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Welsh.TRY A AVANT AD------THEY PAY I Saturday, June 24th THIS IS D. DAY HOUR It’s the Merchant Navy that delivers the goods Can we afford to let them down now? Give, and Give Generously! na Pentecostal W.M.O. The June meeting was held June 8th in the church with a very good attendance. The meeting open ed with a song service after which Mrs. T. Jolly led in prayer. Roll call was answered by verse ot scripture on “Love”. The minutes of the last meeting were read*and adopted, It was decided that there would be a quilting on the follow ing Monday at the home of Mrs. Wm. Cooper; also some of the ladies decided to take some quilts home and quilt there. Mrs. Eldon Miller then favored with an accord'ian solo, “Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide.” Mrs. Gordon Parker then brought the address, taking her text from is, 40-31 and Is< 41-10. She gave a very timely and instructive mes sage, exhorting its to wait patiently on the Lord as we are living in days when we should spend more time Waiting on God, The remainder of the meeting was spent in prayer on behalf of our missionaries and the invasion in Europe, also many other prayer requests. The meeting was closed by singing hymn “Pentecos tal Fire is Falling” and Mrs. Wm. Cooper closed with prayer. on Sgt. Andy Easton, of Woodstock, spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. Annie Geddes, of St. Thomas, visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Geddes. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dale and Douglas, of Toronto, and Stoker I, Kenneth Dale, of Cornwallis, visited with Mr. Sidney Sanders over the week-end.