HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-06-15, Page 6THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 1944Page 6 Cornish Reunion Will the lots Try Our Classifieds-—They Pay’HURONDALE EXETER, ONTARIO at Hensall, Friday 2 to 5 p.m. J. W. MORLEY SOLICITOR Office, Main Street, FRANK TAYLOR10,87; es- his Fink: of As- the ATetlio- on the of- and taught and after JAMES ST. Y.P.U. HONOR TWO MEMBERS, ELECT OFFICERS May 25 and E. adopted EXETER, ONT, property, g wall as instructed to C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter F. W. GLADMAN BARRISTER — SOLICITOR §3.26; G. R. Hess, AV, Allan, trucking W. Otterbein, labor II. Dick, labor gar- Pfaff, labor garbage ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R.R. No. 1, DASHWOOD LICENSED ‘AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P.O. or RING 138 Open every week day except Wednesday Professional Cards ....—. .... ■ ...........................— ■■■ I IIWIIII..., ......................... Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST Offices, Morley Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoon Hensail Council HYDRO The regular meeting of the Vil­ lage Council was held June 5, 1944 at 9.30 p.rn, after the Court oil Re­ vision on the Assessment Roll, with all. members being present except Councillor J. Parkins, who was ab­ sent on account of illness. Minutes of the previous meeting and also of the special meeting held were read, A. Kerslake Fink: That the minutes be as read. Carried. R. Middleton appeared re owned by the Village at the rear of Oxford,, street enquiring about the sale of same. F. Smallecombe and A. AV, Kerslake: That the lots owned by the Village namely lots 459 to 462 Moirs Survey be adver­ tised is essential J to commerce ■ ® Imagine, if you can, a towering skyscraper deprived completely of electricity, It would be nothing but a bleak, dark block of stone, steel and concrete , ,, lifeless, unserviceable. If is Hydro that puts life into skyscrapers, warehouses and factories, or any other build­ ing. For electricity transforms darkness into light... moves elevators swiftly and silently... performs the hundred tasks that bestow upon a building the throbbing pulse of life. Hidden in the walls of tall buildings are hundreds of miles of wiring ... a veritable net­ work, travelling from a master switchboard to wherever light and power are needed. Busy telephones ... chattering teletype equipment... business machines, and other mechanical, time­ saving devices that serve the many needs of commerce .., are powered by electricity. In Ontario ... in business and home ... in in­ dustry and on the farm ... Hydro lightens the way. It powers the machines that produce the goods we need ... it brings us entertainment... it makes our work-day easier, our life more comfortable. Plan for better living and more leisure after Victory, by taking full advantage of the benefits that can be yours through the use of electricity. for sale by tender, Carried. J. Paterson appeared for the Cross asking for a rebate on Concerts held by the local Society, same refused on account of a recent ruling. T. Kyle reported re the sidewalk in front of G. Hudson’s King street, the retaining being in bad shape, have same repaired. Correspondence was lows: A, E. Wilson & Agriculture, ing Affairs, Oil Ltd., Liquor Treasurer, filed. Bills and accounts: Huron Exposi­ tor, printing printing 5.00; garbage 30.00-; garbage 5,70; bage 6.00; J. and streets 6.60; G. Al. Case, team­ ing streets .60; E. Shantz, labor streets .9 0; AV. Madge, garbage dis­ posal 9.0 0; AV. Dabus, sanitary work hall 4.00; T. Kyle, salary 73,8 0; Hensall School Board, current expenses 1,0 00.00; Village of Exe­ ter, share of Ration Board expenses 30.00; A. Spencer & Son, material hall 455.62; Drysdale’s Hardware, supplies hall 35.06, rink 4.03, 39.09; J. Passmore, wiring hall 67.95; J. Thiel, labor hall 14.40; G. Fee, labor hall 7.2 0; O. Walker, labor hall 161.25; L. AVasman, labor hall 15 0.50; London Concrete Machinery, gasoline water pump 1S5.90; Canada Carbon & Ribbon Co., supplies 3.25; read as fol- Co., Dept, of Association of Assess- Officers, Dept, of Municipal Huron Expositor, Imperial Bell Telephone Company, Control Board, County same considered and The 11th annual (Cornish Reunion was held at the Riverview Park, Ex­ eter, on Saturday, June 3, 1944, The weather was fair and also with a fairly good attendance. Everyone re­ ported a good time. The afternoon was spent with sports, the results as follows: Races-—-Girls 4 to 6 yrs. Dorothy Jacques; hoys 4 to 6 Hugh Rundle; girls 6 to 10 Rhia Alexandra; boys 6 to 10 Beverly Skinner; girls 10 to 14 Wilma McGill; Jean Kirk; Elliott; three-legged race, Kirk and Geneva Elliott; women. Mrs, Mary Patton; •men, Eldon Heywood; cup straws, Mrs, Arthur Frayne's calling to dinner, Mrs. Arthur die; throwing ball into pail, Norman Jacques; threading needle Mrs. F. Skinner and Oliver Jacques; grandmother’s walk, Mrs. Jack Elliott, guessing beans Mrs, Mary Harding; kicking the slipper, men, Gordon Lamport, women, Geneva Elliott. Prizes were given to the youngest baby, Harold Jacques, son of Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Jacques. The oldest man was Mr. Ed. Penhale, The oldest women, Mrs. Mary Harding. Following the sports a bounteous supper was en­ joyed after which the election of officers was held. President, Gar­ field Cornish, secretary, Marian Rundle, treasurer Margaret Rundle, sports committee Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ man Jacques, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lamport, It was decided that the reunion be held at 'the same place and on the first Saturday in June 19 45. The picnic was ended by the singing of "God Save the King". young ladies race, young men’s race, AVm. three-legged race, Jean married married and side; Run- Mrs. the Mr. ‘k, KIPPEN Death of Robt. Dinsdale Mr. Robt. Dinsdale, a high teemed resident passed away at home here shortly after midnight Sunday after a week's illness. He was in his 7.9th year. Mr. Dinsdale was born in Stanley Township and spent all his life in his community.. Before Church Union Mr. Dinsdale was a valued member of dist Church and served ficial board of the church in the Sunday school Church Union was an Elder in the United Church. He is survived by his widow fomerly Miss Alice White- man and a daughter Mrs. Edward Taylor of Stratford. Mr. Andrew Bell and Mrs. Thomas Kay were inducted as elders of the United church here during the ser­ vice last Sunday morning. THE^HYDRO SORE FEET THIS WAY Bub In Minard’s Liniment generously, ©nd feel the relief steal over the achinff muscles and joints. For all muscle and joint pains, aches and stiffness, sprained ankles, twisted limbs—Minard’s has been famous for over 60 years. Good for dandruff and skin disorders, tooi Get a bottle today; keep it handy. ARD'S Provincial Treasurer, insulin 1.74; County of Huron, hospitalization 24.50; Scott’s Grocery, flowers hall .75; Twit- chell’s Garage, supplies hall 2.97, F. D. 4.55, rink 3.20, 10.72; J. A. Paterson, cartage hall 1.5 0; Treas. Ontario, license hall and park 6.0 0; Hensall Hydro, hydro hall Total 2,316.10. A. W. Kerslake and E. That we join the Association sessing Officers, and instruct the Assessor to attend. Carried. E. Fink and A. Kerslake: That the bills and accounts as read be paid. E. That o-day, cis always, the ‘Salada’ label is your guarantee of a uniform blend of fine duality teas. "q Af in i' The regular May meeting of lhe Hurondale AV.I, was held May 31st at the home of Mrs. AVm. AVelsh with an attendance of 25 and some visitors. The meeting was opened with the president in the chair, by singing “The Ode’’ followed by the call to prayer and Lord’s prayer in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, Roll ©all was answered by naming an allied country. Letters of thanks were read for boxes received. It was left to the Executive to pro­ cure a musical number for district annual to be held in Hensall, June 13 at 1.15 p.m. Donations for jam making were mentioned. The Red Cross report given by Mrs, Rundle stated there were a few articles of sewing not returned, ‘ all ’ sewing to be in for June. There was also asked for a shower for Russia of bedding, etc. The program in charge of Mrs. AVm. Kernick, opened by community singing, followed by a song by the Dougall trio. Mrs. Kernick gave a motto: “No Fun Like Work.” The quest speaker, Airs, Hunt, gave a very educational and inspiring ad­ dress on “Citizenship,’’ which was much enjoyed. She spoke of the different countries and what might happen after the war ended. The Dougall trio again favored with a song, “Keep Smiling.” A discussion, “A Child ’ and his Aloney,” under the leadership of Mrs. Kernick, was discussed by Mrs. B. Tuckey, 'M™, Strang, Airs. Rundle, Airs. Williams, Mrs. Moir and Airs. Elford after which different opinions were askea for and brought forth much dis­ cussion. The June meeting will be held at Mrs. Strang’s in the evening of June 28 at 8.30 p.m. A vote of thanks by Airs. B. Tuckey and the meeting’ closed by singing, “The King”. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess and committee in charge. Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.DJS. DENTAL SURGEON Office Next to the Hydro Shop Main Street,- Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 36J Closed Wednesday Afternoons The James St. Young People’s Union met in Riverview Park Fri­ day evening last for a weiner roast and social evening. A slate of offi­ cers was drawn up for the coming year. Two of the members, who are leaving Exeter shortly were honored 1 on this occasion. The members gath­ ered around a brisk campfire. Be­ fore roasting the weiners, Dawson Goulding, has taken ganization presented bracelet. was made by Bill Weekes and Helen Snell made the presentation. Fol­ lowing the roasting of the weiners first vice-president, who an active part in the or- for several years, was with an identification A complimentary speech another presentation was made. This time it was Miss Vera Decker who was honored. Miss Decker has been president of the society for several years, has been an energetic leader and a director of the plays that have been put on by the young people. She was also presented with an identification bracelet, a short speech being made by Marion Cow­ an and the presentation' made by Winston Shapton. Miss Decker has accepted a position for a few months as a missionary to the Indians and will leave in August for Balcarres, Saskatchewan, her business in the meantime to be carried on by the staff. Both recipients expressed their appreciation of the gifts. Some business was discussed before group dispersed. Carried. Fink and F. AV. Smallecombe: we now adjourn. Carried. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. McWilliams motored to Milverton on Friday last and visited with friends, Mr. John AV allace has greatly im­ proved the appearance of his resi­ dence Mr. ing a which greatly to its appearance. Mr. and Airs. B. O. MacDonald motored to Brussels on Sabbath last and visited with friends. The recent rains have added greatly to the growth, of the gardens and crops in general. by giving it a coat of paint. Ernie Allen is at present add- new addition to his residence when completed, will add Try our Classifieds—-They pay! the By ANNE ALLAN Hydro Homo Economist MIXING BOWL Strawberries berry family, though. and wisely. Use as possible to make a similar pie use the above pro­ soaking a tablespoon one-quarter cup cold AUCTIONEER and Middlesex assures you of your value on sale day. keep in delight natural* oi’ whipped cheese. . If you want with gelatine, cedure except of gelatin in water and dissolve it in the hot juice, omit the cornstarch and chill until Let cool syrupy, then pour over berries, stand for one-half hour in place. •STRAWBERRY MOUSSE a WM. H. SMITH LICENSED For Huron Special training property’s true Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crediton P.O. or Phone 43-2 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Hello Homemakers! are the star of the They are perishable should be treated strawberries as soon after gathering or purchasing, and don’t wash or hull them until just before using. It is wise to spread the berries on a platter and the electric refrigerator. No need to mention the of strawberries served ‘au — whole, unhulled berries served with sugar and cream. No sugar and cream? Here are two worth} substitutes which our folks think flatters the flavor of the fruit. The first is made by beating sufficient milk into cream cheese to make «, sauce just thin enough to pour; for the second, beat creamed cheese flavored with orange with a rotary or electric smooth, adding enough make it a ‘pour’ sauce. Grown ups get as children over strawberry ice cream. If it’s .glory, frozen Now shortcake; tradition! We admit that there pro­ bably is nothing better than the old- fashioned version—warm, light-as-a feather biscuits, split and heaped with crushed, sweetened berries— but a slice of delicious butter cake makes a pleasant change. And in­ stead of the usual cream, serve with the whipped cream cheese. In your enthusiasm for straw­ berry shortcake, don’t neglect strawberry pie. Our favorite Is made this way: select the choicest berries from one quart box and cover the bottom of a baked pie shell. Crush remaining berries and heat to scalding point; strain through cheesecloth; add water to make two cups liquid. Blend two- thirds cup sugar with one-quarter cup cornstarch; add liquid and cook in double boilor until thickened; add oiie tablespoon lemon juice, one teaspoon butter and & few then shell, ©ream cottage juice beater until top milk to excited as homemade you have all the We’re including two good desserts in the column, when it comes to strawberry don’t be hidebound by drops pour Serve of red coloring; cool, over berries in pie with a little whipped Head Office, Exeter, Ont. THOS, G. BALLANTYNE R.R. 1, Woodham Vice-Pres....... AVM. A. HAMILTON R.R. 1, Cromarty Pres. add DIRECTORS W. H. COATES .................... Exeter JOHN HACKNEY ... Kirkton, R. 1 ANGUS SINCLAIR Mitchell R. 1 JOHN McGRATH Dublin, Ont. 1 box strawberries, % cup sugar, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 cup cream. Clean and crush berries with sugar, add lemon juice and fold in whipped cream. Pour into freezing tray and freeze until firm. Stir at end of first hour (the control should be set at the coldest point one-half hour before mixture is put in). STRAWBERRY MALLOW Crush two boxes of berries, six tablespoons sugar and a dash, of salt; add stir this tor freezing compartment overnight. In the morning, whip two cups cream, add to strawberry mixture and beat well. Pour back into freezing tray, set control at coldest point and freeze until firm. Stir once at end of first hour.* The Question Box: Mrs. M. A. says: Mayonnaise thinned with strawberry juice goes well with any fruit salad; or you may cut up pieces and fold into boiled dressing. Mrs. D. B. says: We make delic-. ious Strawberry Sun Preserves each year by boiling one quart berries, one quart sugar and two tablespoons lemon juice together eight minutes. Then pour on platters, cover with glass and put out in sun for three successive days,* * * Anne Allan invites you to write to her %The Exeter Times-Advocate. Send in your suggestions on home­ making problems and watch' this column for replies. heat until sugar is dissolved, 4 0 cut marshmallows and until they are melted. Pour mixture into electric refrigera- freezing tray and let stand in AGENTS JOHN ESSERY ......... ALVIN L. HARRIS .... THOS. SCOTT ............ Centralia , Mitchell Cromarty B. SECRETARY-TREASURER AV. F. BEAVERS ........... Exeter F. W. GLADMAN Solicitor, Exeter Nagging, Dragging Pains In the Back Many women have to do their own housework, and the constant bend­ ing over, lifting, making: beds, sweeping, ironing, sewing, so neces­ sary to perform their household duties puts a heavy strain on the back and kidneys, and if there were no kidney Weakness the back would be strong and well. Doan’s Kidney Pills help to give relief to weak, backache, lddhOy Buf­ fering women. Doan’s Kidney Pills are put up in an Oblong grey box with our trade mark a ’’Maple Leaf” on the wrapper. Don’t accept a substitute. Be 'Asure and get ”Doan’s.” Tho T. Milburn Ck^ Ltd., 'Toronto, Ont.