HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-06-15, Page 5THE TJMES’APVOPAT^ KWTKB ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNK IM4 Page K HENSALL Miss Margaret Sangster was in Detroit recently attending a wed- ding, Mrs, Bertha Qrtwein, of London^ visited last week with her mother, Mrs. Peter Munn. Miss Mary Goodwin, of the staff of the Bank of Montreal, is enjoy­ ing her vacation, Pte, Leonard Noakes, of London, spent the week-end with Mrs. Noakes and family. Lieut. Sam Rennie, of Chatham, spent the week-end with Mrs. Ren­ nie and family here, Mr. John Zuafle, of St, Thomas, visited during the week with Mr, and Mrs. John Kaiser, Miss Dorothy Brazier, of Lon­ don, visited on Sunday at the home of Dr, ana Mrs. D, G. Steer. Mrs. Lou Simpson is visiting with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Simpson in De­ troit, Miss Margaret Bell, of the C,W. A,C., London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell, Miss Maude Glenn, of London, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glenn and Mr. and Mrs, John M. Glenn. Dr. and Mrs, Harry Joynt and daughter, of London, spent the week-end with the former’s mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt. “* Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Mickle and family visited over the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Mickle, in Ridgetown. Ronald Parker, instructor with the R.C.A.F., London, and Mrs. Parker spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Parker, Mrs, Gertrude Brazier returned to her home in London after spend­ ing a few days with her daughter and son-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer and Patsy. Mrs. Oliver Rowcliffe, who re­ cently underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, is im­ proving, her many friends hope foi a speedy recovery. Mrs. Gus Voth and daughter, Gwendolyn, of Detroit, are visiting with the former’s mother, Mrs. Lou Simpson, and grandmother, Mrs. Robert Bonthron. Mrs. Ezra Kipher has been con­ fined to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, for the past week where she is receiving treatment in the interests of her health. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Love and family, of Owen Sound, were week­ end visiors with Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. Mrs. Love and children are remaining for a visit. AC2. Robert Sangster who has been stationed at Winnipeg for some time past, has been transfer­ red to T.T.S. St. Thomas and spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Minnie Sangster. The annual birthday party of (he W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian Church will be held in the school­ room of the church on Thursday, June 15th. at 3 p.m. Mrs. (Rev.) Taylor will be the special speaker. Rev. Joseph Taylor conducted services in Carmel Presbyterian church on Sunday delivering in­ spiring sermons at both services. The choir sang an anthem in the morning in which Mr Harry Doug- all was soloist. Misses Margaret Dougall and Margaret MacLaren sang a duett of Prayer. At the eve­ ning service the anthem was en­ titled “Abide With Me”. The Masons attended the evening service in a body and were addressed by Rev. Taylor. St. Paul’s Anglican C’huicli Observes Anniversary St. Paul's Anglican Church was beautifully decorated with summer flowers for their 67th “anniversary; services. The special speakers were I Rev. E. S. Wells, B.A., of Ailsa Craig and Rev. L. E. Harrison B.A., of Lucan. Miss Ethel Clark pre­ sided at the organ. The choir sang an anthem entitled, “Exalt Ye The Lord,” Mrs. Robinson soloist. Mrs. Robert Dalrymple sang two solos, "When the World Forgets,” and “God Hath Not Promised” The eve­ ning anthem was entitled, “Be Joyful in God.” Wolielo Class Plans Picnic The June meeting of the Wohelo Class was held in the schoolroom of the United Church on Friday eve­ ning with Miss Gladys Luker presid­ ing and opened by singing, "O Thou Who Comest From Above,” follow­ ed by prayer. The scripture reading, 1 Corinthians 3, verses 11 to 23, was taken by Miss Elva McQueen. Following the minutes, roll call and offering, hymn “Breathe on Me Breath of God,” was sung. The De­ votional reading was ably taken by Miss Margaret Glenn. The topic, “Citizenship and Temperance,” was given by Miss Gladys Luker and was very interesting. Miss Phyllis Case gave a reading entitled, “In a Baggage Car.” plans were made for the annual picnic to be held at Turnbull's Grove on Wednesday, June 28th to meet at the church at 5.30 or 6 p.m. Sports committee: Misses Elva McQueen, Margaret Glenn, Mary Goodwin, Edison For­ rest, Howard Brook, Lunch commit­ tee: Mrs. Maude Hedden, Misses Gladys Luker and Margaret Shep­ herd. Conveyance committee: Hoss Forrest, Peter McNaughton, Harold Dignan. Miss Gladys Luker favored with a piano solo and the meeting closed by singing “Stand Up For Jesus,” and the Mizpah Benediction, Contetss and refreshments conclud­ ed th,e entertainment. Bray Chicly Hatchery Exeter; Phone 246 Agent: Alvin Kerslake, Hensall KIRKTQN Thursday, the King's birthday, was observed sb a holiday in the local schools. Quite largo numbers attended prayer services in Kirkton United Church, and also in St. Paul's church, Tuesday evening1 for the day of invasion. Mrs, Amos Doupe, of St. Marys, spent the past week with her son, Mr. Wm. Doupe. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Roger and Shirley spent a few days this past week with friends at Owen Sound. Durham and Moorefield, Mrs, Lila Knowles, of Alma Co1 lege, St. Thomas, visited with her cousin, Mrs. I. N. Marshall this week. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Roger, Mr and Mrs. Fred Roger spent Tues­ day in Guelph, The Kirkton United Church Sun­ day School are practicing music for the anniversary under the leader­ ship of Mr. Edwin Tufts. Miss Pearl Schwitzer, of Sebring- ville, teacher at Kirkton and Mr. Edwin Tufts, teacher at Plugtown, have been re-engaged for the com­ ing year at advanced salaries. We are pleased to see Mr. Walter Hazlewood home from St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, where he has been a patient for the past six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A, Paul, of Si. Marys, attended the anniversary services at St. Paul's Church Sun­ day and were guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. Humphreys. Mr. and Mrs. Thurlow Williams, of .London, Mr. and Mrs. John Wil­ liams left Mondoy morning to visit Mr, John Williams' aged mother who is over 90 years old and who lives with her daughter in Brant­ ford . Miss Elizabeth Shier is holiday­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hazle­ wood in Stratford. Class That Counts Mrs. A. Stephens was hostess for the June meeting for the Class That Counts, fourteen members present. After the opening hymn Mrs. Ham­ mond led in prayer. The president read psalm 3 4 after the minutes were read and adopted. Volunteers were called to help sew British layettes. The class is entertaining their husbands and families to a pic­ nic some time in June at St. Marys park, Roll call was answered by House Plant slips exchange. Mrs. Batten gave a most, interesting paper on the Life of Madame Cur­ rie. Mrs. (Rev.) Goodgei’ gave a humorous reading at the close of the meeting. The hostess served a dainty lunch assisted by her com­ mittee. THAMES ROAD Miss Riley, of No, 9 Centralia, visited at the homo ot Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart oyer the week-end. Mr* Robert Kydd, who was ad­ mitted to Victoria Hospital, Eon- don, last week and underwent an operation for the amputation of his left leg, is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. Walter Rydall, who has been visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Kydd, returned to Shallow Lake on Sunday, The Sunday School anniversary service has been cancelled for this Sunday and will be held the secona Sunday in -July, By that time we expect the church auditorium will be repaired, The friends of Mrs. E, McIntyre nee Beth Ballantyne, are glad to know that she is recovering nicely after undergoing, a second opera­ tion in Victoria Hospital, last week, Mrs. Leslie Thompson was ad­ mitted to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, last week and underwent an operation for appendicitis. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery, Mr. E. Stewart, Jack Stewart, Ivan Stewart and Bill Lamport were called to St. Joseph's Hospit­ al Monday night to give blood do­ nations to Mr. James Ballantyne (Jr.) who is a patient in the hos­ pital. We hope for a speedy recov­ ery. Mrs. Robert Kydd spent several days in London last week in order to be with Mr, Kydd while he is in the hospital, Mr. and Mrs, J. Rydall and child­ ren, of Leamington, spent the week­ end at, the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Kydd, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Miller, Mr. Mil­ ler (Sr.), Edwin and Lillie attend­ ed Zion anniversary on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Mil­ ler. The Mission Band will meet at the Manse on Sunday morning dur­ ing church service hour. Rev. and Mrs. Mair, Betty and Joanne visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Lloyd, of Schomberg Friday and Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Venner and Loreen, of Exeter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Williams. Miss Margaret Rundle of Thames Road, visited with Miss Lois Ford over the week-end. The Mission Circle will meet at the home of Miss Lois Ford Friday night, June 16th. Miss B. Clarke, of Winchelsea, spent the week-end with Miss Hazel Williams. We are glad to report that Mr. Roy Ballantyne, who has been con­ fined to bed, is able to be up and around again. Several from this community at­ tended the anniversary services at Zion Church on Sunday. Mrs. T. Ballantyne, Mrs. J. Al­ lison, Mrs. W. ,Rydall and Mrs. Wm. Moodie visited at Victoria Hospital, London, Monday of this week. Mr. Bert Gardiner, who, since his graduation from Osgoode Hall, has been employed by the Provincial Government in the Parliament Buildings, Toronto, has now accept­ ed a position with the Succession Duty Division of the Department of National Defence for the Domin­ ion Government in the Bell Build­ ing, London, Ontario. Bert spent a few days with his parents last week and began his new duties on Mon­ day of this week. His many friends wish him every success in his new position. Mr, and Mrs. B. Rowcliffe, of Hurondale, visited with Mr. . and Mrs. C. Borland on Sunday. Church services will be at the usual hour on Sunday: Sunday School at 10.15 a.m. and church at 11.15 a.m. Willie: “Paw, does bigamy mean that a man has one wife too many?’* Paw: “Not necessarily, my son, A map may have one wife too many and still not be a bigamist,” CENTRALIA Choir practice will be held on Fri­ day evening for the men’s choir for Sunday morning service. Will all the men please be out. Miss Marjorie Essery, of London, spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Essery. Miss Kathleen White, of Windsor, is visiting her father, Mr. Joe White. Mrs. Murray Elliott is in Victoria Hospital, London, receiving treat­ ment. Her many friends hope to see her home soon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard visited on Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. Wil­ fred Shapton at Exeter. Mr, M. Harlton, of Windsor, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Harlton. Mr. and Mrs. M, Sleamon, of Lon­ don, visited on Sunday with Mrs. J. Sleamon. Mr. Bob Blair is still in Victoria Hospital, London, but we are glad to know that he is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lightfoot and family and Mrs. N. Baker spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haddock, of Lucknow, called on Mrs. Clara Ab­ bott on Sunday evening. Don’t forget the picnic on the school grounds on Friday evening of this week. There will be a good list of sports with prizes. Bring your lunch basket and dishes; a real treat is in store for you, The June meeting of the Alert “Mission Band was held in the school­ room of the church on Sunday morn­ ing at the usual hour. There was a splendid attendance, and the meeting was in charge of Mrs. Andrew and Audrey Powe. Father*# Day .Service You are reminded of the Father’s Day Service in the church oh Sun­ day, June 18th. Music will be pro­ vided by a men’s choir. A baptis­ mal service will be held in the morn­ ing. parents wishing to have child­ ren baptized are invited to bring them to this service. Choir practice will be held in the church on Fri­ day evening. WHALEN LAC. Norman Brooks, of Whid- sor, is spending a 30-day leave with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brooks. Miss Olive Elliott, of London, also spent the week-end with them. Miss Rachel Currie, of Galt, was a week-end visitor of Mrs. H. Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gunning attended Zion anniversary on Sun­ day and also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jaques. The W.M.S. and W.A. will meet in the basement of the church on Thursday afternoon. MT. and Mrs. F. Squire and Shir­ ley were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C. Millson of Prospect. Mrs. John Morley, of Woodham, spent a few days with E. Sauire during last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. ’Nelson Squire, of Farquhar. DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. 3. Moon, Miss Rose Zimmer and Mrs. Bayne, of Detroit* Mrs, Isaac, of London, and Mr. and Mrs, ,S; Moon, bridal cou­ ple, visited with Mr. Wm. Zimmer and Ida last Thursday. Mrs, Cowan, of Hanover, visited With her 'daughter, Mrs. Harold Kellerman here last week. Mrs. Harold Kraft was rushed to London Hospital on Friday night where she was operated on for ap­ pendicitis. Mr. Adolph Genttner, of London sspent Sunday with his parents, Mr. !and Mrs. Fred Genttner. Mr. and Mrs; Clayton Wildfong, of London, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Hamacher. Mrs. Hummel, of Melville, Pa., and Mrs. (Dr.) 'Spellman, of Kit­ chener, and Miss Victoria Bolton, of Toronto, spent a few days here 1 owing to theii’ mother's serious illness, Jim Taylor, who is attending the Bell Telephone School at London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Steinhagen. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haist, of Exeter, and Mr, and Mrs. David Schroeder, of Dashwood, attended the wedding of the latter’s grand­ daughter, Miss Shirley Doerr, in Detroit on Saturday. Children’s Day will be observed in the Evangelical church on Sun­ day evening when a good program will be given by the children and in the morning a Baptism service will be held when several children will be baptised. Mrs. Berry, of Hensall, js spend­ ing a few days with her sister, Mrs. Bolton at the home of T. Harry Hoffman. Mrs. C. Thiel, of Zurich, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fisher, who have been on the sick list. A number of friends of Miss Helen Nadiger pleasantly surprised her on Thursday evening in honor of her birthday. The evening was spent in games after which a dainty lunch was served. Red Cross Shipment 3 girls’ coats, 2 boys’ pants, 1 child’s dress, 4 pair socks, 1 T.N. sweater, 2 ribbed helmets and 43 articles of refugee clothing. Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. The Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. of the Evangelical church met in the basement last Thursday evening for their monthly meeting. The pro­ gram which took the form of a Summer Christmas Tree meeting was in charge of the Mission Band with Grant Wildfong in the chair.! Christmas hymns were used through! out the meeting. Prayer by Grant I Wildfong, Shirley Smith and Joycv Haugh. Scripture lesson by Anne Taylor which was followed by a chorus by the band. Readings were given by Lloyd Bender, Kenneth Gossman, Harry Gossman and Robt. Haugh. Joyce Haugh read a poem and an exercise, “A Christmas Bee" was given. Musical numbers includ­ ed a solo by Martha Gossman, a junior chorus, a duet by Marie Spicer and Nancy Tiernan, and a .girls’ quartette. The story of the first Christmas was given by Mar­ ion Wildfong with the- Mission Band singing Christmas songs. A special offering was taken to be used for the Primary schools in China. Mrs. Geo. Link presided for the business. The Study Book was given by Mrs. G. Wildfong. Reports of the various committees were given. Fifty dol­ lars was voted to the repair fund of the church. Mrs. Geo. Link was appointed president, Mrs. Garnet Wildfong vice-pres., for the remain­ der of the year. The visiting com- mitte for this month is Mrs. Geo, Link and Mrs. J. Burn. The flower committee is Mrs. Art Haugh and Mrs. G. ildfong. The meeting was closed with prayer by Rev. J. Burn. CRED1TON i AN OPEN MEETING for tho ratepayers of the section in the interest of the school area will he held in the school house at CREDITON on FRIDAY, JUNE 23rd at 8*30 p.m* ' Dr. Taylor will be the guest speaker, A full attendance is requested. The Creditor School and Com­ munity picnic will he held Friday afternoon on the community grounds Starting at 1.3Q p,m. Everyone ie welcome and are asked to bring enough cups and forks for them­ selves, The supper will be pot luck Please come out and enjoy yourself ip the sports. Mrs, George Cook, of Camlachie, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. Mary Roeszler jn town for the past few weeks ,has returned home Mr, and Mrs. II, K, Eilber are spending a few days in Zurich, Art Haist who is with the Royal Rifles of -Canada, stationed op Van­ couver Island, is home on furlough. Harold Wolfe, R,O.A,S,C„ who is stationed at Halifax is home on fur­ lough. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Robinson, of Rondon, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Beaver. Mr. and Mrs, Rodney Bowman, of Woodstock, were home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Haist spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mountain of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Hendrick and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Sweet of Usborne. Mr. Kenneth McLeod, of St. Thomas, has been appointed prin­ cipal of the school to follow a. Car­ man Witmore. Miss K. Russel is staying for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clarke ac­ companied by their granddaughter Janet Kestle, of Exeter, visited with Mrs. Dale in Brampton last week end. Mrs. Wilson, of Lobo, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Leona Hill, for a few days. Native of Crediton Passes Mrs. John Rock, a native of Crediton, passed away recently at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Roy Zwierchke, of Fonthill, in her 76 th year. Mrs. Rock was a member of the Eilber family and was married to Fraser Guenther, a widely-known farmer and stock raiser, with a 300- acre farm in the heart of Thorold township, Mr. Guenther died twelve < years ago and Mrs. Guenther sub-1 sequently married John Rock, of Tillsonburg. The funeral was large­ ly attended and the floral tributes were many and beautiful. Rev. G. T. Shields, pastor of the United church at Otterville and Rev. W. A. Monteith, of Fonthill, officiated at the funeral service. Interment was made in Fonthill cemetery, M , ................................. annual .rep cross , Strawberry Social GRAND BEND Wednesday, June 5:30^3:00 p.m. ENJOY YOUR SUPPER AT THE LAKE IN THE UNITED CHURCH AT GRAND BEND I WOODHAM The members of the Mission Circle and Philetha Class in Sunday School gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Millar on Thursday eve­ ning of last week and presented the newly wedded bride, Mrs. Kenneth Langford, formerly Miss Alma Tra- wait'ha, with a lovely kitchen show­ er. A mock wedding was staged be­ fore the presentation, after which the bride voiced her appreciation, A programme was introduced consist­ing of musical numbers, readings and contests, after which a delicious lunch was served and thus ended a very pleasant evening, Several from here attended Zion church anniversary in Usborne on Sunday last. Several from Woodham attended the play in the hall at Kirkton on Wednesday evening last week. This very splendid play was put on by the Young People of Zion Church. Usborne, There will be no church service held here next Sunday owing to anniversary service held at Kirkton United Church, BRINSLEY Mr, Wm. Hodgins who has been under the doctor's care with an at­ tack of appendicitis, is very much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trevethick spent Thursday last in London. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins and children and Mr. and Mrs. Lin Craven visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gamble, of Sparta. The funeral ot the late Miss Lizzie Ball was held on Monday af­ ternoon from the home of Mr. Ed­ ward Faulder. Interment in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Brinsley. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Watson and Eddie Spent Friday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Morley and family snent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Watson, of Thed­ ford. Miss Mary Rosser, Of Ailsa Craig, is spending a few days with her sis­ ter, Mrs. Joe Amos. Mr. Earl Dixon has been hauling gravel for the erection of a new silo. Mr. Geo. Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lee, was united in mar­ riage to Miss Derbyshire, of Claiide- boye, on Saturday last. Congratula­ tions to Mr. and Mi's. Lee. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Lewis spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morley. Mr. and Mrs. James Trevethick spent Friday last in, London. Mr. Robert Gower is spending a few weeks with his son, Mr, Fletcher Gower. Miss Jean Webb, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Allison, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Sutherland and babe, of Mount Brydges, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred J. Neil. The Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S, of Brinsley United Church held their monthly meeting on Wednesday last at the home of Mrs. Fred Fenton with group one in charge, SHIFKA The annual picnic of the Sunday School and Ladies’ Aid was held at Grand Bend on Saturday after­ noon last. The weather was ideal. The sports were in charge of Mrs. Cliff Russell and Mr. Matt Switzer for the S. S. and Mrs, Jacob Ratz and Mrs. Milt. Ratz for the L.A.. assisted by Rev. L. Turner. At six o’clock about sixty sat down to a well-laden table in spite of the ra­ tioning. Then all returned home af­ ter an enjoyable afternoon, outing. Mr, Karl Guenther spent the week-end at Chatham. Miss Thelma Tomlinson, of Strathroy, and Miss Lila Finkbein- er spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. L. Finkbeiner and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. Perry, of Exe­ ter, spent Sunday last with Mr. L. Schroeder CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hamilton, of Grand Bend, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. H, Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horney, of Kippen, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz. Mr. Wm. Bender had the hydro installed in his home last week. Flight Lieutenant and Mrs, Bartie Motz, of Exeter, visited on Monday with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Motz. A social evening was spent last Friday at the home of Mrs. Jack Jasney In honor of Mr. Alvin Flynn who has joined the Navy when the neighbors presented him with a wrist watch and fountain pen. Games wer played after which a dainty lunch was served. Alvin although taken by surprise, thanked one and all for the presents. Adults 65c Children 30c I ............................... f--"."'-..........—A rXfter the first eight weeks—-after the Chick Starter stage | —what should you feed chicks next? I If your chicks could choose, knowing their future depended g :| on it, they would unanimously cry “SHUR-GAIN” 1 I For SHUR-GAIN 31 % Developing Concentrate, mixed with 1 your own grain, will: 1. Ensure steady, rapid growth 2. Develop a big, rugged body | 3. Maintain vigorous health | 4. Do all this at absolute minimum cost. [ Make sure NOW that your pullets will lay NEXT FALL. • Do not follow haphazard feeding methods — join the , thousands of farmers who follow the tried, proven SHUR- ; GAIN way. No other feed approaches SHUR-GAIN in use for growing chicks. There can be only one reason—-it’s the | BEST! ! ” : If you have no grain, and wish to buy the complete growing mash, place your faith in SHUR-GAIN 15% GROWING MASH. It is FRESH and DEPENDABLE, and you save money because it is made locally by SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE MILLS. Cann & Sons T. B. Allen Lackie Bros. | Exeter Farquhar Whalen j........ S