HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-06-15, Page 4THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNS 15, 1944 * LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND Every Wednesday and Saturday k GLEN BRICKLIN’S “MUSIC WITH A BEAT” The Orchestra Complete! Breaking Records On Every Appearance! Your Friends Are Here Every Dance! EVERYTHING IS OPEN AT THE BEND! ’Phone Eric McIlroy, 59rl, for Picnic Reservations. School picnics, etc., please make sure of reservations before coming, to avoid disappointment. i i monroH A Strawberry and Meat Supper under the auspices of St. Mary’s Church, Brinsley will be held on The Church Grounds Supper served 6-8 p.m. An exceptionally good program will follow put on by a concert party from London under the direction of Mrs. M. C. Armstrong1. Fairfield Farm Forum Beautifying Cemetery Fairfield Farm Forum undertook as a project the cleaning up and beautifying of the cemetery. Two bees were held recently and a great deal was accomplished. Trees were trimmed and the tomb stones straightened. Not only is the work to improve the appearance of the cemetery but the view for traffic at that corner will not be obstruct­ ed, especially in the winter when the boughs hang low and heavy with snow. The convenor, Gordon Wilson, appreciates the cooperation he re­ ceived from the Forum members and others outside the community who were interested. The work is by no means complete but the time has become too busy on the farm for further work at present. Let us make this project an annual affair. Don’t forget the community picnic at the school on Friday, June 16th. USBORNE TP, PICNIC The annual picnic of the fourth and fifth concessions of Usborne was held on Thursday, June Sth, at Grand Bend with ideal picnic weather prevailing, The results of the sports were as follows: Child­ ren’s races—5 and under, Douglas Sillery. Marie Johns; Boys and girls. X0 and under, Dorcas Sillery, Irvin Ford; boys 10-13 years, Frank Gregus, Ross Jeffrey; young men, Donald Jeffrey, John Gregus; young ladies, Lois Ford, Marjorie Johns; married ladies, Mrs. Garnet Hicks, Mrs, Arthur Ford; married Garnet kicking Harvey Jeffrey, weight, the ball, After the sports a game of soft- ball was enjoyed, following which everyone sat down to a bounteous supper. The officers elected for the next year are as follows: president, Milton Luther; secretary, Mrs. I Luther Rowcliffe; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. Roylance Westcott. Mrs. Harvey Perkins and Garnet Hicks; table committee, Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne, Mrs. Jack Madge, Mrs. A. Dayman and Mrs. Clarence Johns. Mrs. Ford; married men, Hicks, Roylance Westcott; the slipper, Lois Ford, Mrs. Perkins; tie race, Charles Harold Jeffrey; guessing Harold Jeffrey; throwing August Gregus. of SPRAY AND ALL KINDS OF SPRAYS This is our Specialty. Former Exeter Lady Dies in Winnipeg Mrs. Venetta Mae Booth, 51, 129 Claremont Ave,, Norwood, Win­ nipeg, died recently in Grace hos pital after a long illness. She was the beloved wife of George H. Booth, western sales manager for the Lake of the Woods Milling CO. Mrs. Booth was born in Exeter, Ont., eldest daughter of R. S. Lang and the late Mrs. Agnes Russell Lang. She had been a resident of Winnipeg and Norwood for the last 32 years, during which time she had taken an active interest in com­ munity affairs. She was a member of St. John’s College Ladies’ guild and St. Philip’s Anglican church. She was also a member of the Win­ ter club. Besides her husband, Mrs. Booth is survived by a son, Denton; three daughters: Venetta-Marie, Georgina and Patricia, all at home; father, R ter, Mrs. and two Loyalton, T or onto. Venetta-Marie, Patricia, all at home; her S. Lang, Winnipeg; a sis- R. M. McBain, Winnipeg, brothers, Elmer Lang, Calif., and Henry Lang, We will arrange for you to your turnips sprayed. have Mrs. Lloyd England, of Crediton, received a cable on Tuesday from her son PO. Gerald T. England, stating he is now overseas. Stephen Township Federation Picnic All roads lead to Grand Bend on •Tune 24th for Stephen Township Farmers' Federation picnic. Watch for notice in next week’s paper. MONEY TO LOAN on First Mortgages Now is the TIME to stop paying rent and to buy a farm. us if you have been about it. We may be able in- Write thinking to help you with a loan. All quiries treated confidentially. Huron&Erie MORTGAGE CORPORATION London Windsor St. Thomas .Chatham Purchases Summer Home Hr, Arthur G. Edighoffer who has been at Brantford for the winter months has recently purchased the summer home of Dr, and Mrs. H. H. Cowen at Grand Bend, Mr, Edig­ hoffer is having erected on the cor­ ner of the lot, which is on the Main Street of the Bend, a suitable build­ ing which her shop, this work number of he will occupy as a bai- as he has been doing at the Bend for the past summers.—-Zurich Herald. For satisfying results, try the Want Ads. Are You Living Retired? YOU CAN OBTAIN A LARGE TO START AT ONCE. AND SAFE RETURN FROM CANADIAN Government Annuities Write to A-, G. Mcllhargey GOV. ANNUITY OFFICE STRATFORD. ELIMVILLE On Monday night the Red Cross meeting was held at Mr. Richard Johns' with ten present. Miss Ruth Skinner presided and opened with .singing ’’The Maple Leaf Forever’* and the Lord’s prayer in unison, Mrs. Kenneth Johns read “The shape of things to come”, Mrs. Dick­ey read a poem “Re-dedication” A£-‘ ter sineing “Silver Threads Among rod” M’-'s. F. Skinner read “This is the Red Cross in Scotland’*. Mr. Kenneih Johns sang “The Rose of no mans land”. After considex- aWe discussion it was decided to continue the meetings throughout the summer months. Mrs. W. Elford and Mrs. Ed. Johns were appointed a committee meeting. The ed to collect making jam. Johns, Elimville south, Isabel Coop­ er, Winehelsea north, Burdeen Clark, Winelielsea south, Wilma Veal and i Gladys Batten, Elimville village,; Mrs. Harod Bell, Meeting closed i with “Abide with Me”. Next meet­ ing will be at Mr. Franklin Skin-^ ner’s. Miss Dorothy Johns spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Long near Atwood. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Verner and Loraine were Sunday visitors at Mr. B. Williams. Mr .and Mrs. Glenn Bell and fam­ ily, Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Venner and sons were visitors at Mr. Gilbert Johns’ last Sunday. Announ cements mtrth, Reath and Marring jwwrtv# tree <>f charge. Card of Thanks 50e. In Ajpjmaflnm NntiiTs Mie lor winkle verse, 25c extra for each addi­ tional verse. Enjawm onia 50c ■=1 Classified Directory DON'T WAIT FOR PROSPECTS—GO AF TER THEM WITH A CLASSIFIED to prepare the next following were appoin- money for sugar for Elimville north, Patsy HARPLEY Albert Taylor, of Centenary, Thursday afternoon at of Mr. Mansell Hod gins. the re- 10 Mr. spent home Miss Helen Walner has been engaged as teacher of S.S. No Stephen for another year. A sale was held at the home the late Mr. H. Hawkes to dispose of farm implements and home fur­ niture on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Willis Hotson, of Grand Bend, pur­ chased the farm. The usual Love at Grand Bend on noon. A good time all present of picnic was held Thursday after- was enjoyed by KIPPEN Cen- visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Motz in Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long new­ lyweds returned from their honey­ moon last week. The funeral of he late Robt, Dins- dale took place on noon of last week his late residence Cemetery and was Rev. Mr. Grant officiated. The nail­ bearers were John Cochrane. Her­ bert Jones, Wm. Alexander,- Joseph Dayman, Thomas Kay and Andrew Bell. The flower bearers were John McMurtrie, Jas. Finlyson, Ivison Torrence, Emerson Aliderson and John Anderson. W.M.S. Meets The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Monteith with a good attendance. Mrs, Finlyson presided. Mrs. Hyde took the Bible reading, er and Mr. Clarence McLean, of tralia. Wednesday after- at 2 o’clock from to Hensail Union largely attended. Mrs. Monteith led in pray- Mrs. Meilis took the topic. ZION Lila Langford. visited with Brock over anniversary Sunday with Sunday visitors in the com­ munity were: Mr. and Mrs. P. Pass- more and Alice. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gunning, Mr. and Mrs. J. Squires. Mr. and Mrs. H. Anderson with Mr. and Mrs. James Earl; Mr. and Mrs. E. Skinner, Mrs. >S. Hunter and Roy with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern; Mr and Mrs. M. Dobson and family with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hern; Miss Min­ nie Hern with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hern; Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen and Donald. Mrs. L. Kyle With Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern; Mrs. Sadler. Mr. and Mrs. Hannon, Marjorie and Roy, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Spencer with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gunning, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley. Dorothy and Bobby, Miss E. Francis, Rev. D. Goodger with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rodd and Madeline, Mr. and Mrs. Allan West­ cott, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Hern; Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomson with Mr. and Mrs. E. Baker; Mr, and Mrs. G, Ear] with Mr. and Mrs. N. Brock; Mr. and Mrs. H. Hunter and fam­ ily, Mrs. E. Hunter, Mr. J. Hunter, Mr, and Mrs. L. Kemp, Marion and Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden with Mr. and Mrs. Well. Brock; Mr. and Mrs. M. Spence, Mr. H. Parkin­ son, Audrey and Marion, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Hern; Mr. and Mrs. E. Rodd and Audrey, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rodd, Master Ross Gunning, Mr. and Mrs. M. Gunning and Merial, Mr. and Mrs. W. Morley and family with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jaques; Mr. and Mrs. O. Jaques and family, Mrs. S. Bowers with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Jaques.Mrs, A. Gunning, of Exeter, spending a few days ‘With daughter, Mrs. Allan Jaques, Miss Sarnia, Warren The held on ance. V.O.N. of and Mrs. week-end. were Mr. the services a large attend- is her Died in B.C. Albert Etheringtou, of has received the sad news death of her niece. Mrs, wife of Con- , of Nanai­ mo, B.C, She died in the hospital there on Juno 5, She is survived by her husband, obe daughter three years old and one son 1 year old, and her father, Fred Hodgson, of Vancouver, B.G Mis. borne, of the Catharine Brafczard, stable; George Brazaard Us- BIRTHS REID —At Wingham General Hos­ pital, Thursday, June 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, of Hensall, a daughter, WEIGAND—At Dashwood, Sunday June 4th, to Mr. and Mrs, Louis Weigand, (nee Nellie Fee) merly of Hensall, a son, FOR SALE PERSONAL njiinnniimirnrniii.iw—irrrtiw wanted for- DEATHS At Victoria Hospital, 10, 1944, Bend, in GREEN- don, on Saturday, June Ivan Green, of Grand his 48th year. PATTERSON—In Scott Hospital, Seaforth, on June 10, 1944, Angus of Grand Bend, in his CARDS OF THANKS FOR sale—New Allis-Chalmers all­ crop harvesters, fully equipped and on rubber tires. Phone 128, Hyde Tractor Co., Hensall, 85:4tp FOR SALE—No. q Silverhull seed buckwheat, clipper cleaned, good sample, Apply to G, Broderick, R. R. x Exeter, phone Jlensall 83r25, 15* SUFFERING FROM BACKACHES, Rheumauc Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago is not necessary, Use RUMACAPS at once for quick relief. Robertson’s Drug Stere. WANTED — Transport driver for south Huron town. Apply Nation­ al Selective Service Office, Gode­ rich, Refer to file Order No 1045. 15:22c . I Lou"'for SALE—Blue collapsible baby 1 buggy, with springs. In good con­ dition, Telephone 3W. 8:15* “KLEEREX” — FOR SKIN AIL­ MENTS. Sold in two strengths— Medium and Strong. Heals Ec­ zema, Boils, Psoriasis, Erythema, Impetigo, Itch, Chaps, etc, while you work, 50c; $1,00. Sold byj_J Robertson’s Drug Store, Exeter, Memorial Saturday, Patterson, 70tTi year. Mrs. Rd. Penhale and family, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. George Walker wish to express their sin- many friends in this community, Mr. Penh ale was born and for the kindness and sym- extended to them in their bereavement, with special to Rev. M. A. Hunt. cere thanks to the and relatives where raised, pa thy recent thanks Miss L. Ballantyne wishes to ex­ press her sincere thanks to the many friends who remembered her with cards, flowers and in any other way while a patient in Victoria Hospital.* Mrs. Wm. Sanders wishes to thank all those who remembered her with cards and flowers while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. * Mr. Joseph White and family wish to thank their many friends for letters, cards, and personal phone calls expressive of sympathy in their the who recent bereavement, also to various units of the Red Cross so kindly remembered Kenneth with cards and parcels.* Mr. Harry Rader wishes to ex­ press his sincere thanks to his many friends who remembered him with cards and treats while he was St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. ENGAGEMENTS in Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Doupe, Kirkton, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Roxie Ilene, to Walter David Weber, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Weber, of Dashwood, the wedding to place the latter part of June. take $ Hen-Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gill, of sail announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Edna Pearl Gill, to Mr. William James Petty, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Oliver L. Petty, of Hensail, the marriage to take place quietly in June. The engagement is announced of Sara Margaret, daughter of Mrs. Jean Manson and the late Peter Manson, Hensall, to Thomas Hilton, son of Thomas Laing and the late Mrs. Laing, Exeter. The marriage, to take place quietly in June. • c Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley, Exeter, Ontario, wish to announce the engagement of their elder daughter, Maida Blanche, to Pte. Coleman Morris Bowman, R.C.A.'S.C, Camp Borden, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowman, Floradale, Ont., the marriage to take placg on June 24th at their residence in 'Exeter, c IN MEMORIAM FOR SALE—A 1933 Ford coupe in good condition with good tires. May be seen after . 6 p.m, at white frame house, Huron west off Main, 15* FOR SALE—4 young Durham cows due to freshen in June. Would exchange for stocker cattle. Ap­ ply to Wallace Wein, Dashwood, 15:22* FOR SALE'—'Pups. Apply to Jacob Ratz, R, 3 Dashwood, phone 24r25 Crediton. 15c FOR SALE—Large size tricycle m good condition. Apply to Times- Advocate. Ibu FOR SALE—Feed barley. Apply to A. Hyde, R. R. 1, Exeter, tele­ phone 83r5 Hensail. 15* FOR SALE—19 30 Model A Ford coach, new battery, good heater, paint and upholstery. Apply at Tinies-Advocate. 15* FOR SALE—An oak dining room suite, in good condition, Apply to Mrs. J. G. Dunlop, Exeter. 15c FOR SALE—A good work horse, quiet and reliable for children to drive. Phone 22r9 Kirkton. 15c FOR SALE—Frame barn on the property of the late Annie Elliot, on the south side of Waterloo St., Township of Stephen. Apply to J. W. Morley, solicitor, Exeter, Ont. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—House and property of the late Henry L. Callfas, for­ merly of Dashwood. Apply to Gordon H. Callfas, 242 Kathleen Ave., Sarnia, Ont. 4tc HOUSES WANTED—We have buy­ ers. If you are considering selling your'property come in and talk the matter over with us. Our commission for selling is reason­ able. C. V. Pickard, Main St. HOUSE FOR SALE—U storey, solid rug brick and stucco, oak floors throughout, insulated, new asphalt shingle roof, automatic oil heating, modern kitchen. Ap­ ply to box 280W, Times-Advocate. tfc FOR SALE — Comfortable brick house, good barn, garage and 3 acres of land, just off highway. C. V. Pickard. i FOR SALE-—Two 2-storey well built brick houses centrally located; furnaces, bathrooms, nice gardens, garages; early possession. W. C. Pearce. WEIGAND—In loving memory of Mrs. Henry Weigand, who passed away two years ago, June 17, 1942. The depth of sorrow We cannot tell, Of the loss of one we loved so well, And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep, Her memory we shall always keep. —-Ever remembered by husband, sons and daughters. * HARNESS—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Pte. I. L. Harness, who passed away in « England one yeai’ ago, June 1.5, 1943. He badc no one a last farewell. He said good-bye to none; His loving heart had ceased Before we knew it, he was Our hearts still ache with Our eyes shed many a tear; God only knows how we miss him, As this ends the first sad year. —Lovingly Irene Jane. i i FOR SALE—General store building, situated on Highway, complete with living quarters, hydro, centre good rural community. C. V. Pickard. i to beat, gone; sadness. remembered by and daughters, Shirley Wife and 15* KHIVA forget Khiva School pic- Bend on Don’t nic will Saturday, June 17th. L/CpI. Henry Ziler, of spent Thursday with, his Mr, and Mrs. Louis Ziler. Miss Alice McCann returned home having spent the past couple of weeks with her Mrs. John Glavin Congratulations Dennis O’Rourke a baby boy at Dr, Taylor’s Hospit­ al on Friday. Mr. and Mrs, John Steffler, of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs, Joe Steffler, of Guelph, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Regier, be held at Grand London, parents, sister, Mr. and near Centralia, to Mr. and Mrs. on the arrival of NOTICES I will build or repair chimneys, do roofing or siding, also carpenter work, price reasonable. J. A. Nichol, Hay P.O. 15tfc NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS Village of Exeter •A warning is hereby issued that owners to run months according to by-law which is now dog June 30th in order to save cost of collection. C. V. Pickard, Clerk 8-2tc of dogs must not allow them at large during the summer in effect. Also that all 1944 tags must be purchased before REPRESENTATIVE, MISS WINNI- FRED O’NEIL, Clinton, phone 75J. For complete lines of Fuller Brushes and service for same. Will be in Exeter Tuesday of each week. For enquiries address Box 280, Times-Advocate. TENDERS WANTED Township of Usborne The undersigned will receive sealed tenders for the construction of two open municipal drains, the Anderson Drain and Branch B. of the Elimville Drain located near each other. The engineer’s estimate provides for excavation of 6020 cubic yards in one drain and 13 68 cubic yards in the other. Tenders will be received until the 10 th day of June, 19 44, at 4 p.m. and must be accompanied by a. bond in form of a certified cheque for 10 per cent| of the bid on the basis of estimated yardage as above. Further particu­ lars will be furnished on application to the Township of Usborne. A. W. Morgan, Clerk, Hensall, Ont. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Drain 'renders Wanted Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up until 10 a.m. on Tuesday, July 4th, 1944 for the repair of the Khiva Drain, elude 90 feet of 12-inch tile drain and 15,900 cubic yards of excava­ tion. plans, profile and specification of the work may be seen at the home of the Clerk at 'Centralia. A marked cheque accompany each or any tender cepted. L. B. To in- for $21)0.0 0 must tender. The lowest not necessarily ac- 3tc HODGSON, Clerk of the Township of Stephen, Centralia, Ontario. STEPHEN Wanted be received TEACHER WANTED — Exeter Board of Education wants ex­ perienced P.S. teacher for grades 2 and 3. personal application preferred. Miss K. MacFaul, >Sec- Treas., FARM LABOURER desires work by the day during haying and harvest. Apply at Times-Advo- cate, 15* WANTED—8 or 10 cheap drivers. Frank Taylor, Exeter. tfc AUCTION SALES at suite; table; lamp; AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction The Estate of the late W. H, Johnston, on Victoria Street, Exeter* 3 blocks west of Main Street THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1944 1 o’clock sharp the following: Solid walnut dining room chesterfield suite; walnut rug; wicker chair; floor table lamp; pictures; kitchen table and six chairs; high chair; coal oil stove; hall rack; congoleum rug; scrap cans; day-bed, like new; lea­ ther rocker; writing desk; hangers; bedroom heater; bath mat; linol­ eum; cushions; drop-leaf table; cup­ board; 3 chairs; 2 beds; dresser; commode; mattress; springs; bed spread, flannelette blankets; 6 cush­ ions; solid walnut bedroom suite (bed, springs, mattress, chiffonier, dresser); and springs; oak rocker; curtains; 4 scatter rugs; flour box; feather ticks; bag; radio; garden hose; saws; door wheel barrow; trunk and many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer FRANK COATES, Clerk. ' f metal bed; new mattress window couch; travelling dishes; tubs; tools; sealers; quantity of step ladder; mat; garden coal oil can; AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE CHICK BARGAINS Government Approved, blood tes­ ted. Barred Rock, New Hampshire, White Rock, Light Sussex, White Leghorn, White Wyandotte, Hybrids, Non-Sexed as low as $8.95 per hun­ dred. Heavy Breed Cockerels $8.95 Pullets $14.95. Shipped C.O.D. Im­ mediate delivery, give second choice. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario. 15.22c WINCHELSEA Quite a number from this com­ munity attended the Sunday School anniversary services of Zion Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Garnet Sunday with Mr. Johns, of Zion. Mr. and Mrs. on Frank Brock, Johns visited and Mrs. Mr. on John Cal Horton and family, of Lumley, visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gil- fillan. Mrs. Freeman Horne and family spent one day last Harry F;rd. Mr, and Mrs. R. family, of Exeter, day evening with Mr, F. ’’Batten. Mr. and Mrs R. E. thy and Bob visited at Zion on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Delbridge and family, of Exeter, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, Chas, Delbridge. Mr. and Mrs, Maurice McDonald and family, of Saintsbury, visited on Sunday evening with the former’s mother, Mrs. M. McDonald, week with Mrs. W. Batten visited on and Mrs. W. and Sun- Dooley, Doro- With friends TOWNSHIP OF Drain Tenders Sealed tenders will the undersigned up until 10 a.m. Tuesday, July 4th, X944, repair of the Webb Drain, elude 5,750 cubic yards of excava­ tion. Plans, profile and specification of the work may be seen at the home of the Clerk at Centralia. A marked cheque for $200.00 must accompany each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac­ cepted. 3tc L. B. HODGSON, Clerk of the Township of Stephen Centralia, Ontario, by on for the To in- The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction The estate of the late Mrs. John Swan, Gidley Street, Exeter, on SATURDAY, JUNE 17th, 1944 at 2 p.m. sharp the following: 5-piece parlor suite; book case; parlor table; stand; parlor rug; bed; springs; mattress; commode; feather tick; new Raymond sewing machine; nearly new toilet yet; carpet; slop bowl; quantity of bed clothes; parlor lamp; books; pic­ tures; day bed; wash stand; trunk; 5 dining room chairs; rockers; table; side-board; couch; clock; Writing desk; linoleum; dishes of all kinds; good dinner set; cooking utensils; kitchen stove; table radio; couch; 2 mirrors; 4 kitchen chairs; sealers; quantity of coal; quantity of wood; lawn mower; garden tools; step ladder; dresser. TERMS—CASH FRANK TAYLOR, AuctioWir FRANK COATES, Clerk -■ You don’t need a little bird to tell you that a Classified Ad brings direct results! Custom praying TURNIPS, 10c Farmer CABBAGE, POTATOES, Etc. for 40 rod row, supply man to mix. 11c a row, do our own mixing. Clean water must be supplied field in all cases. or to Phone 39 V 8 Kirkton Phone 138, Exeter leave orders ait Robertson’s Drug Store, Exeter JtiVi TAYLOR, Operator EXECUTOR’S SALE The Executor of the Estate of Helene Austin Stott will sell at PUBLIC auction at the deceased’s residence at Lot 74, 75 and 75 Huron Terrance and Lot 1.10 and 111 on Tuyll Street in the Village of Bayfield MONDAY, JULY 3, 1044, at .1 p.m. and TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1944, at 1 pan. The following' goods and chattels among numerous other articles: MONDAY, JULY 3, 1944 — Pic­ tures, paintings, etchings, china ware, ornaments, bric-a-brac, brass­ candlesticks, candelabras, and the contents of an annexed cottage con­ sisting of stoves, tables, verandah swing, bed, springs and mattress, chest of drawers, wash stands, wheel­ barrow and garden utensils. TUESDAY, JULY 4, 19 44—Fur­ niture including living room furni­ ture, Chicery Baby Grand piano with electric player and records, dining, room suite, 4 bedroom suites, hall furniture, verandah reed furniture,, rugs and other articles too numer­ ous to mention. TERMS: CASH AT TIME OF -SALE For further particulars apply to: HAROLD JACKSON, Esq., Seaforth, Ont., Auctioneer, or R, C. HAYS, K.C., Goderich, Ont., Solicitor for Executor,.