HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-05-04, Page 4THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO. THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 4, 19444 AnnouncementsNAVY League CONCERT NOTICESREAL ESTATEBIRTHSFOR SALE IHrth, peath and Marriage Notices are inserted free of vharire. Card of Thanks 50e. la Meinoriiam Notices 50e for single verse, 25e extra for each addi­ tional verse*' huaiem ents 5Oc Street MAY 5 35c PER TICKET Main Mrs, F< Church FRIDAY, Classified Directory DON’T WAIT FOR PROSPECTS—GO AFTER THEM WITH A CLASSIFIED 'Or SALE-—Alaska, Cartier and Victory seed oats; O.A.C. 21 seed barley; a stack of oat straw. Cann & Sons, Exeter, c Bi The Roy Scouts will call on you to sell you one. 1^2 UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE EXETER BRANCH OF NAVY LEAGUE. Ruth Blane, Concert Harpist Carey Joynt, Soloist M. Henry, Elocutionist 9 • ARTISTS OF EXCEPT! ON AL';TALENT • © ® A TADPOLE IN THE BATHTUB. @A MAN-EATING SHARK AT THE BATHING BEACH. The average person wouldn’t get into the bathtub with a tadpole, let alone bathe with a shark. But the Canadian Merchant Seamen face dive bombers, raiders, mines and the drastic, dreadful U-boats, trip after trip as they transport food and material to your boys in the front line. You can see how much we owe them. Give them your support. COMMITTEE EXETER NAVY LEAGUE IE, ETHERINGTON—At Godbolt’s pltai, April 3 0, to Mr. and Archie Etherington, a son. McPherson—To fo, and McPherson, of Exeter, a daughtei’ (Sandra LaVerne) weight 5 lbs, 4 oz. in Victoria Hospital, London, on Saturday, April 15th, at 3 p.m, WEIGAND—Mr. and Mrs. 1944, Eben Weigand (nee Martha Maytene) wish to announce the birth of a son, Donald Henry, at Dr. Flet­ cher’s Hospital, April 29, 1944. MARRIAGES FOR SALE—Two milking cows and two beef-ring heifers, E. West- cott, phone 176rl4, I I DAVIS—McCURDY—At the Kirk­ ton Anglican rectory on Saturday, April 28, 1944. at high noon, Miss Margaret Wilma, only daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Miller Mc­ Curdy, to Mr. Harold Francis, only son of Mr. and Mrs. George Davis, of Windielsea, by Rev. Canon James. DEATHS NORTHCOTT—In Exeter, on Satur­ day, April 29th”, 1944, Nellie Vivian O'Brien, beloved wife of John Northcott, in her 64th year, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hepburn announce the engagement of their only daughter, Jean Vinetta, to LAC. Wilber H. Palmer, only son of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Palmer, Freeland, Prince Edward Island. The wedding to take place May 15th at Centralia United church. c CARDS OF THANKS Mr. John Northcott and family wish to express their sincere appreci­ ation to' the neighbors and friends for the kindness and sympathy ex­ tended during their recent bereave­ ment; also for the flowers, the loan of cars and especially to Rev. N. J. Woods, Rev. W. E. Aidworth, Mr. Frank Wildfong and Mr. E. R. Hop­ per. * Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tuckey wish to thank all the friends and neigh­ bors, who so kindly remembered Mrs. Tuckey with cards, flowers while a patient Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley wish to cere thanks to. and neighbor, . ...... them in any way during Mrs. Smith’s* treats and in Victoria * Smith and sin- FQR SALE—An inside wooden silo with iron rods 12x30. Apply at Times-Advocate. 4* FOR SALE-—Pandora cook stove; 11 lengths of new pipes; also latest model mail box, Apply to Thos. Harrison, R, R. 1, Exeter. 4» FOR SALE—1 large full-enamel cook stove. Apply Howard Hyde, Hensall, phone 128. 4* FOR SALE—Duck eggs. Phone 35r5 Dashwood or Apply at Times-Ad­ vocate. 4* FOR SALE—Gasoline washing ma­ chine motor, i li.p., practically new. Apply at Times-Advocate. 4c FOR SALE—Blue collapsible baby carriage with springs, in good condition. Apply to Times-Advo­ cate, 3* FOR SALE—1929 Plymouth 4-door sedan, $175.00. Sandy Elliot, Exeter. 4 c FOR SALE—Frame ,barn in good condition. Apply to H. Jensen, William St., Exeter. 4c FOR SALE—-A child’s crib, stroller and walker. Apply at Times-Ad­ vocate. 4* FOR SALE—4 chicken shelters, colony house 8x6, electric brood­ er, 200 hybrid pullets, feeders and fountains. Apply to Mrs. Gordon Bolton, or phone 73rl4, Hensall. 27:3* FOR SALE—Colony house, 10x12, new; also a quantity of inch lumber and plank. J. A. -Nichol. Lake Road, Exeter. 4c FOR SALE—Ice refrigerator In good condition. Phone 217, Exe­ ter. 4’*' WANTED Ashley express their the many friends who remembered illness in Victoria Hospital. IN MEMORIAM FOR SALE—(Hardy) Brick cottage and extra lots of land opposite Caven Presbyterian Church. El­ ectricity, town water, W. C. Peayce, 20c FOR SALE—-Brick residence on Victoria St., living-room, dining­ room, kitchen and bedroom down­ stairs and 4 rooms upstairs. Mrs. L. Goulding, Kirkton. 4* FOR SALE-—Brick residence, cent­ ral location, 2 living rooms and dining-room with oak floors, kit­ chen, 3 bedrooms and bath. W. Martin, Exeter South. 4* COTTAGE FOR SALE—Comfortable small home, in Exeter, complete with hydro and town water. In- terioi’ finished like new. Good basement. 4-5 acre of land. Why rent when you can buy this prop­ erty at very low price, Pickard, phone 165W. COLLECTION OF REFUSE INTENDED FOR THE DUMP The municipality of the Village of Exeter will undertake the collec­ tion of refuse intended for the dump under the supervision of the Street Commissioner on Tuesday and Wed­ nesday, May f)th and 10th. Kindly have all collection placed on property adjoining close to the Street line early Tuesday morning. By Order JOHN NORRY, Street Commissioner,4c MISCELLANEOUS c,V. HOUSE FOR SALE—In Exeter, modern 1& storey rug brick home. Three bedrooms. Three-piece bath. Hardwood floors throughout. Kit­ chen complete with built-in cup­ boards. Good basements with laundry tubs. Automatically heat­ ed with oil burner. This house must be sold as owner is leaving­ town. C. V, Pickard, phone 165W. Exeter—Compact 7 roomed stucco house, four rooms and bath on main floor, three in half second storey, good repair, attractive . .grounds—to clear estate. Apply A. W. Johnston,. Executor, 36 Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. 4:11c 50 acres rich, level clay loam, basv ment barn, shed, small frame house, London Twp., hydro avail able. W. C. Pearce. REPRESENTATIVE, MISS WINNI- FRED O’NEIL, Clinton, phone 75J. For complete lines of Fuller Brushes and service for same. Will be in Exeter Tuesday of each week. For enquiries address Box 280, Times- Advocate. 20:27:4*- PERSONAL WHY SUFFER the agony of Rheu­ matic Pain Sciatica, Lumbago, when Rumacaps will give you quick wel­ come relief. Robertson’s Drug Store. TENDERS WANTED KIRKTON Week-end guests were Mr, and Mrs. Thurlo Williams, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. John Williams; Mr. and Mrs. Lome Marshall and Billie, of Thamesford. with Mr. and Mrs. A. Robinson; Mr. and Mrs. John McErea. of St. Thomas, with Mr. Thos. Brock; Mr. Lloyd Smith, of Exeter, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C Smith; Mr. Ray Morrison, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Humpheys en­ tertained a number of their friends to a euchre party Saturday evening. Mr. Garnie Doupe has purchased the home of the late Mr. S. Brown | will take posses-in the village and Sion soon Congratulations pils who passed axaminations at Easter, Humphreys, Miss Christine Dobson and Joseph Stephens. Mrs. Nora Goulding who has spent the winter Vi London, has re­ turned to the village to the three pu- their entrance Miss Jean TOMMY TUCKER AND HIS ORCHESTRA It’s "TOMMY TUCKER TIME” SAT, MAY 6 ■ 8 to 12 o’clock ( ftLIGHTFOOT—In loving memory a dear son and brother, Carlton Robert Lightfoot, who passed away one year ago, May 5th, 19 43, With tears we watched you sinking, We watched you pass away; We tended you with loving care But could not make you stay. We watched beside your bedside As the lonely hours passed, And how our hearts were broken When we saw you breathe your last We leave you in God’s keeping, The rough road is safely o’er, You are not lost to loving hearts, But only gone before. —Sadly missed by Father, Sister and brothers. * of WANTED—Good sized pony or small saddle horse, quiet and re­ liable, to teach children 8 and 10 to ride and drive, (good home). Will buy or keep for use of. Write' full particulars to Box 28O'H,i Times-Advocate. 4c J WANTED—A frame barn, any size.kn®”^ Apply to Edgar Cudmore, phone1 171rl4. c BUY A HOME FOR This place is tion from the drains and septic tank are all new and in good condition. The furnace and air conditioning unit was put in new less than 2 years ago and a new self-feeding automatic stok­ er was put in last fall as well as a new jacket heater to supply hot water to the bathroom. The place is wired with 3-wire circuit .to supply the electric stove and will be .sold with or without the electric stove and refrigerator. This is a well-built brick house situated on a large lot in the centre of the village. It is now occupied ;iby several couples from the airport and is bringing in a splendid rev­ enue. The place is now, after sell. SANDY ELLIOT THAT WILL PAY ITSELF in splendid condi- ground up. The TENDERS AV ANTED TOWNSHIP OF HAY Sealed tenders will be received, for supplying power, drive-belt, gas, oil and help to operate the Hay Township crusher for the year 1944. Tenders will also be received for hauling gravel on Hay Township roads for 1944. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk not later than May 15, 1944, at 8 o’clock. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept­ ed. c W. H. BROKENSHIRE, Hay Township Clerk, Zurich. NOTICE TO CREDITORS PERSONS having claims the Estate of the late Fletcher, who died on the of April, 19 44, are hereby to send them to either of FOUND FOUND—Four General Motors car keys on small chain. Owner may have same by paying for advt. Apply Times-Advocate. priced to a real good invest­ as well as a lovely the war and it is Al BABY CHICKS From Blood-Tested Flocks; Bar­ red Rocks, Large Type White Leg­ horns, Barred Rock X White Leg­ horns, Red X Rocks, Sussex X New Hampshires. Write or phone to A. H. Switzer Hatchery, Granton, Phone 38-3 2-17tfc IN. THE MATTER of the Estate of MICHAEL FLETCHER, late of the Village of Exeter, Farmer, de­ ceased. ALL against Michael 9 th day notified the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 25th day of May 19 44. AFTER the last-named date the assets of the said Estate will be distributed among the persons en­ titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. DATED at Exeter, the 4th day of May, 19 4 4. ALBERT G. FLETCHER, J. TRUEMAN FLETCHER, Woodham, Ontario Executors. F. W. GLADMAN, Exeter, Solicitor for Executors. 3tc Classified Advertising pays in ’Results.—Others have benefited by1 Ont. for price list, it, why not you? I Granton, Ont. sxna art "AUCTION SALES ADVANCE TICKETS NOW ON SALE $1.00 at Arena Box Office, Heintzman & Co. Record Dept, Embassy Restaurant, Scott’s, Hotel Ridout, Freddy’s Smoke Shop. In St. Thomas at Harding’s. tin The London Arena Proudly Announces The Great Pianist, improvisor and Entertainer of the Air Waves 1 ONE NIGHT I IN PERSON ONLY FRIDAY, MAY 12 Mail orders now *- all seats reserved $2.40 - $1.80 - $1.20 - 90c TAX INCLUDED Western Ontario* s Foremost Amusement Centre SEAT SALE OPENS MAY 5th AT HE1NTZMAN & CO. ONLY PARKER—In loving memory of Gerald Parker, eldest son of Mi;, and Mrs. passed away May 2nd. O how he comes His dear face so Resting now in peace with Jesus, Loving hearts still long for you. —Sadly missed by pareifts, brothers, sister and loved ones. Harold Parker, three years who ago, before us, sweet and true, ZION Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart and baby of Denfield, and Miss Hazel Stewart, of Byron, visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock. Mrs. Allan Westcott, of Exeter, visited with her parents," Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Hern, on Sunday. Flying Officer A. F. Hern is spending a two week’s furlough with friends and relatives in the com­ munity after many months of travel. Mrs. James Earl and Marjorie, Mrs. Allen Jaques and Erlnla visited on Friday with Mrs. of Exeter, A number attended concert at Whalen on ning. Mrs. George Earl, . visited on Thursday with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Harold Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock visit­ ed on. Thursday evening With Mr, and Mrs. Hector Taylor, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl visited ~ ~ - of A. Gunning, •the Sacred Sunday eve- of Exeter, on Sunday with Mrs. Sadler, Staffa, Mrs, Margaret McMaster, Mr, Mrs, John Robinson, Margaret Jacky, of. Windsor, visited over and aiid v,. U1KUOU1, U V VX tllfe week-end with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Dyke­ man, Mr. and Mrs. Dykeman, of Galt, visited with Mr, and Mrs. J. Dyke­ man over the week-end. Nervous Passenger: “What if a bridge has been hit and the train falls into the river?” Guard: “That’s all right, sir. We have plenty of trains.” THAMES ROAD Mrs. E. McIntyre, of London, who recently underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, is con­ valescing at the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ballantyne. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kydd, who have spent the winter months with their daughter, Mrs. Rydall, of to their daughter, Mrs. Shallow Lake, returned home last week. AC2. Edwin Miller, of Toronto, spent a week-end leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller. Mrs. Clarence Smith, Benita and Douglas, of Clinton, visited at the Manse over the week-end. Mrs. W. Ferguson, Mrs. Mair, Roberta Duncan and Anne Simpson, were delegates to the W.M.S, Pres- byterial which was held in Ontario Street church, Clinton, Thursday of last week. Rev. Mair attended Pres­ bytery the same day in Clinton Wesley-Willis Church. A reception for Mr. and Mrs. W. Rowcliffe .was held in Farquhar Hall on Friday evening. They were the receipts of a purse of money and a social time was Spent by all* Mrs. Kellar and children, of Exe­ ter, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. H Rohde. Mrs. Ferguson and Miss V. Hyde, of Hensall, visited with Mr. C. Miller on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Patterson, of Hen- with his and Mrs. sail, visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ferguson and Norman spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ferguson, Chiselhurst. Mrs. Hawkins and children, of Seaforth, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart. Miss Doitgall, of Hensall, visited with Miss Jean Cann over the week­ end. Communion service will be con­ ducted this Sunday at 11.15. Sunday School at 10.15. Bray Chick Hatchery Exeter; Phone 246 Agent: Alvin Kerslake, Hensall AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC. The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on HURON STREET, EXETER FRIDAY, MAY Sth, 1944 ‘at one o’clock sharp the following: Stretcher; dresser; linoleum; sew­ ing machine; china cabinet; veranda chair; 2 bed springs; mattress; 2 dressers; comode; single bed. springs; mattress; large rocker;, clock; rug; congoleum rug; day bed; 2 rockers; 6 kitchen chairs; clock stand; chesterfield suite; floor lamp; parlor table; mats; pictures; victrola; stand; 4 small tables; reading lamp; dining roofn suite; dining room rug; radio; full din­ ner set; Westinghouse 4 burner stove with oven; kitchen cabinet; kitchen table; 6 kitchen chairs; Coleman gas stove; 2-burner oil stove; General Electric washing' machine, new; 2 wash tubs; iron-, ing board; cellar cupboard; quan­ tity of fruit; sealers; stove wood;, dishes of all kinds; pots; pans; boxes; barrels; medium size tent with floor, and many other articles. The estate of the late Richard. Coates. F. COATES, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. Corn Growers of Huron Stop Cannibalism in Your Baby Chicks or Laying Flock. USE FINN’S POULTRY TONIC AND VITAMIN BUILDER. Positively stops the worst cases. Browning’s Drug; Robertson’s Drug; Huron Farmers, Hensall; H. F, Young, Crediton; ’Williams, Zurich. ■M The corn borer cleansup is again in force in Huron Gounty this year. In view of the significant increase in corn borer infestation last year regulation will be enforced more- rigidly than was possible last sea* Soil. Growers, urban and rural, are urged to cooperate to see that the corn remnants on ills own and his. neighbor’s property are cleaned up in compliance with the regulations, by May 20. Failure to comply ren­ ders the offender liable to a fine and to bearing the expense of having the necessary clean-up work done* R. W. THOMPSON, Provincial Entomologist, P. L. MCNAUGHTON, Corn Borer Inspector, Hensall*