HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-04-27, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 27, 1944
The regular monthly meeting of
the W.m.s. was held at the home of
Mrs. T. Ballantyne Wednesday,
April 5tli with a good attendance. Mrs. P. Stone, 3rd vice-president,
presided. The worship service from
the Missionary Monthly was taken
by Mrs. Stone, Mrs. R. Cann and
Mrs. Pawson. Mrs. Wiseman and
Mrs, Mair were appointed delegates
to attend the Presbyterial in Clin-1
ton this month. Anyone having
second hand clothing for men or
women wore asked to leave same
at the Manse for the bale which is
to be sent in June. Minutes and roll
call were taken, Mrs, p, Passmore
was in charge of the programme
which was as follows: Reading by
Mrs. Wiseman; solo, "The 'Old Rug
ged Cross," by Mrs, W. 'Cann; Topic,
"Grace of Living Together," by Mrs.
P. Stone; reading, Mrs. R. Cann,
Hymn 118 was sung followed with
prayer by Mrs. Rohde, God Save the
King and meeting closed with all
repeating the Lord’s Prayer in uni-
son, The May meeting will he held
at the home of Miss Ella Robinson.The regular monthly meeting of
the Thames Road Mission. .Circle
was helq. at the home of Miss Jean
Cann on Saturday afternoon. lu
absence of the president, Mrs. Mau
presided, Meeting opened with Hymn
101, followed with prayer by Mrs.
Mair. Scripture was taken by Jean
Cann, Hymn 85 was sung. Minutes
and roll call were ommitted ad
secretary was absent, Misses Anne
Simpson and Doris Puncan were ap
pointed delegates to Presbyterial in
Clinton on April 27th. Mrs. Mair
took as her topic, ‘ 1‘Confess My
Faith,” by Madame Chiang Kai
shelf.” Eleanor Dawson gave a read
ing, Collection was taken, Hymn
249 was sung and meeting closed
with prayer by Mrs, Mair after which
there was a display of the clothing
which was donated for the June bale.
You don’t need a little bird to
tell you that a Classified Ad brings
direct results!
to hum this
will be mak-
some will be
so a few hints
teaspoon ginger, %
nutmeg, % teaspoon
Hydro Home Economist
Hello Homemakers!
machines are going
month, Some people
ing new clothes and
remodelling old ones,
on timesavers for the family dress
maker may be in order.
Take ripping out side seams, to
make a little larger? You baste
the edges together at the limited
edge you can
side out and
of the seam
Get a
and then
they are
sew along; turn right
cut the lower thread
with a sharp razor
of scissors sharpened,
them from the family,
dull very quickly if
comes along, then
fabrics with long
make neat seams.
will pro
Turn the
his praise.
agreeable job.
of your
used to cut paper, string
or anything that
you cannot cut
even lines that
Sewing is an
little time and
duce wortliwhile
frayed collar
white shirt and listen to
Take a Tip:
Instead of having the recipes
you clip loose in
them pasted in a
book. Hang it by
at eye level, You
find what you want and the pages
will stay clean,
2, A coating of aluminium paint
on the inside of the garbage
prevents rust and makes the
easier to clean.
Bran Blueberry Muffins
2 tablespoons shortening,
cup sugar, 1 egg, 1 cup cereal
bran, % cup milk, 1 cup sifted
a drawer, keep
loose-leaf note-
a skirt hanger,
will be able to
flour, i teaspoon salt,
teaspoons baking powder,
cup blueberries (drained).
Cream the shortening and
thoroughly. Add egg and
well. Stir in bran and milk,
soak until most of moisture is taken
salt and bak-
first mixture
stir only until
Fill greased
up. Sift flour with
ing powder; add to
with the berries and
the flour is mixed,
muffin tins two-tliirds full and bake
in electric oven 400 degrees for
about 3 0 minutes.
Cup Cakes
2 cups sifted flour, 2 tea
spoons baking powder, J tea
spoon salt, 1-3 cup shortening,
1 cup sugar, 1 egg, unbeaten, 1
cup homemade orange peel, %
cup milk, i teaspoon vanilla.
Sift the flour once, measure, add
baking powder and salt, and sift
together three times. Cream the
butter thoroughly, add sugar grad
ually and cream together until light
and fluffy. Add egg and beat well.
Add flour alternately with the milk,
a small amount at a time, beating
after each addition until smooth.
Add vanilla. Bake in a greased
cup-cake or muffin pans in moder
ate oven 375 degrees for 18 to 20
minutes or until done. Yield: 2 doz.
cup cakes.
1 % cups
?■ cup milk,
egg yolks, % teaspoon cinna-
Chiffon Tarts
canning pumpkin,
1-3 cup sugar, 3
W.M.S. Meeting
The Easter meeting of the W.M.'S.
was held at the home of Mrs. Ken
Hodgins on Friday evening with a
splendid attendance. The
service was in charge of
Hicks aud Mrs. F. Bowden
program was followed as
in the Monthly with Mrs. Hicks as
leader. Passages of Scripture were
read by Miss Agnes Anderson and
Mrs. Andrew. Misses Isabelle Blair
and Hazel Buswell favored with a
duet. This was followed by a Com
munion Service conducted by the
pastor, Rev? Merriam. The program
"They Found the Church There,”
was read by Mrs. Bowden. Mrs. A.
McFalls offered prayer. A solo was
sung by Mrs. A. Hodgins. The busi
ness part of the meeting was pre
sided over by Mrs. Deo. Hepburn
after which a dainty lunch was
served by Miss Flossie Cayey and
Mrs. G. Andrew.
Mrs. B.
and the
Modern Dispensary
The Simcoe Reformer pays tribute
to an Exeter Cid Boy,
his drug
his store
tion of a modern dispensary. The
new addition to his already attrac
tive store is well worth a visit of
inspection by Simcoe and district
residents. The dispensary impresses
with its hospltal-Ilke cleanliness and
gives a remarkable idea of the com
prehensive knowledge a druggist
must have for the proper filling of
prescriptions. Mr, Roulston Is in
receipt of many compliments from
his friends and customers on tills
new addition to an already well-
established drug store."
Verne L.
son of Or. and Mrs,
oh a recent addition to
store, It says! "Verne L.
enterprising Norfold St.
has considerably improved
service with the installa-
mon, |
Cook in
tard and add 1 tablespoon gelatine,
dissolve in % cup cold water. When
cool, fold in whites of three eggs
beaten stiff and 1-3 cup sugar. Put
in baked tart shells and place in
C- J, asks: Why does home
mayonnaise separate even
I keep it in the refrigera-
double boiler Mice cus-
Answer-’ The manufacturers have''
better mixing equipment for large
quantities of material. It may look
curdled but a whirl with the beater
will make a smooth emulsion. It
is not necessary to keep mayon
naise in a cold place,
Mrs, B. Me, suggests: Grated
raw yellow turnips is delicious tn
a vegetable salad. Combine it with
chopped celery and serve on water
cress sprigs,
Mrs,. W,
keeping the
keeping the _ _
flavor and requires less coffee.* * *
Anne Allan invites you to write
to her %The Exeter Times-Advocate.
Send in your suggestions on home
making problems and watch this
column for replies.
W. says: I believe In
coffee in a par in the
and I serve hot milk
coffee in a jar in the
(Intended for last week)
Pte, Russell Parkinson, of Barrie-
field- is spending two weeks with
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Parkinson.
The sympathy of the community
is extended to, Mrs. John Hodgson
and family in their recent bereave
Mr. and Mrs, Pon Marshall, of
London, were Sunday visitors witn
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Parkinson.
Mr, and Mrs. Howard Kerslake,
of near Exeter, were recent visitors
of Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen,
Master Rud McKerlie spent the
Paster vacation with Mr. and Mrs.
Fox. of London,
Miss Arlene Skinner, of Centralia,
holidayed during last week with her
cousin. Beverly Foster.
Miss Audrey Arksey spent a few
days last week with Miss Marlon
Copeland, of Kirkton,
Misses Joan and Elizabeth Staples
of Toronto, were recent visitors of
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Johnson
Mr. Read, of London, is spending
some time with Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Mrs. iLackie, of Waterloo, visited
last week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mr. and Mrs. John Morkin return
ed to their home, having spent the
winter months in Florida.
Mrs. Russell Brock, Connie and
Billie, of Burgessville, visited dur-
ing last week with Mr, and Mrs.
Win. Morley.
Miss Elva Morley returned home
on Friday from Detroit where she
spent the past two weeks. She was
accompanied home by Mrs. Moeller
who spent the week-end here.
Ole Olson came into a Minnesota
village one day and inquired at a
drug store if they had any "squirrel”
"No," said the clerk, "but I can
slip you a little 'Old Crow’."
"Aye don’t vant to fly,’’ said the
Swede. "Aye just wan to yump
around a little,"
xour son (or a neighbor’s son) is in battledress perhaps
on a ship at sea, or flying a bomber, You are proud of
him', but you pray for the time when he will be hack home,
You will do anything you can, you say—-everything you can
—to bring him home safe and bring him home sooner,
Well, there is one thing you can do. You can, buy Victory
When you buy Victory Bonds you supply the Allies with
valuable materials that will aid them in the coming invasion,
And you are saving money to have a better home for your
boy to return to.
Will You
Will You
Will You
Sponsored in the Interest of the Sixth Victory Loan by
River’s Meat Market