The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-04-20, Page 4Rage 4 THB TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY APRIL 20, 1944 £ i BIRTHS C.I.L. Mineral for stock $4.00 cwt. Royal Purple Garden Seeds * 7 for 25c 20% DISCOUNT ON ALL CHILDREN’S WAGONS USE CHEK-R-TABS AS A CHICK INSURANCE. A DRINKING WATER DISINFECTANT-FUNGICIDE BOWEL ASTRINGENT (Put up in 30, 60, 1.25 and 4.00 sizes) USE CHEK-R-TON—-for Coccidiosjs, Enteritis, as described under Roundworms for poultry* USE CHLORINA—for Dairymen, Poultrymen, Hatcheries, Homes, Hotels, Restaurants, as a Disinfectant Powder agents for PURINA, PIONEER & DR. ROE’S FEEDS Traquair’s Hardware CREDITON back to who is recently England R.C.A.F. at Gan- left ANDERSON-—At Soldier’s Memorial Hospital. Orillia, Ontario, op April 16, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. William F. Anderson (nee Muriel Hogarthl a son. COSTELLO—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hos­ pital, Exeter, on Friday, April 14th, to LAC. and Mrs. Costello, of Exeter, a Erin). DRENNAN—At pital, Exeter, 3rd, 1944, to liam Drennan, daughter. DONOVAN—At Mrs, Godbolt’S Hos­ pital, Exeter, on Monday, April 17th, 1944, to LAC, and Mrs- Herbert Donovan, of Exeter, daughter (Marilyn Ann). GOODWIN—At Dr, Fletcher’s Hos­ pital, Exeter, on Thursday, April 13th, to LAC. and Mrs. Goodwin, of Exeter, a son (Warren Gilbert). NORRIS—At Mrs. Godbolt’s Hospi­ tal, Exeter, on Monday, April 17th, 1944 to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh ris. of Cromarty, a son. daughter (Patricia Mrs. Godbolt's Hos- oxi Monday, April LAC. and Mrs. Wil* of Centralia, a- MARRIAGES a Nov theROWCLIFFE—BORLAND—At Thames Road Manse, William L. Rowcliffe and Mary K. Borland, Friday, April 14th, 19 44 by Rev. William Mair. DEATHS Place an Ad Here and Watch Results They are read by more than 7,200 Times-Advocate readers every week Phone 31j for an ad taker REAL ESTATE I Have you procured yours? If not, see us at once WE WILL HAVE A CAR THIS WEEK. The supply is likely to be short. EXETERPHONE 35 |Declare war on coc- Jcidiosisl T r e a b / chicks with Dr. Sals­ bury's Rakos — th® properly blended liquid treatment. In­ expensive. Easy to us®. Get a bottle today! F Authorize^ Member! Prj i SaHbUry’s Nation.wlfla Poultry Health Servie# L. V. Hogarth Tel. 266 I The Eastei’ holidays have come to a close and once again the village is extended to Mrs. Johns Hodgson school bus also is routine trips. Fit. Sgt. Jack stationed with the der, Newfoundland, after spending his leave with his mother. Miss Ruth England, who Recently accepted a position in the National Defense in London, is home this week while hex’ mother is attend­ ing the graduation of her son, LAC. Gerald England, who his wings as navigator Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd S. Bowman, Mrs. M. and Mrs. L, Sweitzer Fred Gaiser in Zurich Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wein and Douglas visited in St. Marys last week. Next week will see Canada’s Sixth Victory Loan launched. Let’s all buckle down bonds we can so relatives and our and relatives can equipment to meet the enemy. It’s not their war alone but it’s OUR WAR TOO. F.O. Harold L. Brown, of Credi­ ton, is now with the R.A.F. Central Mediterranean Forces in Italy. Rev. E. A. Poulter, of Stafford- ville, occupied the pulpit of the United Church on Sunday evening last and delivered a very inspiring address to a large congregation. On Sunday, April 3 0th, the pulpit will be filled by Rev. Lancaster and on May 7th by the Rev. Gardiner. The above mentioned ministers are preaching in view of a call. To the members and adherents—if you are interested in the future welfare of your church kindly be in youi’ pew on the above dates and all succeed­ ing Sabbaths. Miss Rachael Wilson, of Centralia, is visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Beaver. We welcome back to town Cpl. and Mrs.,J. E. Barrow and Douglas who have taken up residence in thy Oestricher house. We also welcome Cpl. and Mrs. Lyman Taylor who are occupying part of the same house. WILLIS—In St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Sunday, April 16th, 19 44, James W. Willis, in his 79 th year. CARDS OF THANKS is receiving at St. John, Gaiser, Mrs. Finkbeiner, visited Mr. last Sunday. and buy all the that our friends, nieghbors’ friends have the required Mrs. Walker and Lloyd wish to thank the many friends who remem­ bered Lloyd with cards, flowers and treats while in Victox’ia Hospital and since his return home. * Mrs. Hodgson and Will wish to express their deepest gratitude to their many friends and nieghbors for their thoughtful expressions of sympathy and help in their bereave­ ment, and the lovely floral tributes received. c Mr. and Mrs. Anthony and fam­ ily wish to thank most sincerely all those who by words, deeds and gifts expressed their sympathy with Mr. Anthany while he was a in Victoria Hospital. Mrs. James Willis and wish to express their sincere to the neighbors and friends the kindness and sympathy extend­ ed to them during their bereave­ ment, also for the floral tributes, the loan of cars and to the mini­ ster, Rev. Hunt. * Mrs. A. McFalls wishes to thank the many friends who so kindly remembered her with cards, flow­ ers, and in other ways while she was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. c Miss Pearl Kraft wishes to ex­ press her sincere thanks to her many friends, relatives and neighbors who so kindly remembered her with flowers, cards and treats and those who remexnbered her in any during her recent illness. IN MEMORIAM patient family thanks for wav c aWEBER—In loving memory dear mother who passed April 20th, 19 34. Loving and kind in Right and just to days, Sincere and kind in What a beautiful memory she left behind. —Sadly missed by her family. * of away all her ways, the end of her heart and mind, LOST LOST—Wallet containing railroad ticket to Halifax, urgently needed, Reward of cash contents of the wallet. Leave at Times*Advocate. 20c FOR SALE FOR SALE—Alaska, Cartier and Victory seed oats; O.^-.C. 21 seed barley; a stack of oat straw. Cann & Sons, Exeter. c FOR SALE—A 1935 Diamond T truck with a Woods hydraulic hoist; also a 1932 Harley-David­ son 74 twin motorcycle. Apply to Leon Triebner, It. R. 1 Exeter, * 20:27* FOR SALE—Good heavy quality Bannei’ seed oats, 1942 crop, $1.00 a bushel. Phone 3 on 80, Hensall, Frank Ryckman. 20c FOR SALE—(Hardy) Brick cottage and extra lots of land op^posita Caven Presbyterian Church. El­ ectricity, town water, W. C. Pearce. 20c FOR SALE—8 young pigs, 50 lbs. William Elliott, Crediton. 20* FOR SALE—Work horses. Garfield Hill, R. R. 2, Crediton. 20c FOR SALE—Good quality seed Alaska oats and barley, mixed 2-3 oats, 1942 crop. $1.00 a bus, John Thompson. 20' FOR SALE—100 acres, fair build­ ings, Well located. Immediate possession. Cheap for cash. Other farms. C. V, Pickard. FOR SALE—Several good Durham cows and yearlings; also 1 Dur­ ham calf. Apply to J. Caldwell, Exeter, phone 13-11, 20- FOR SALE—Senator Dunlap straw­ berry plants, reasonable. L. V. Hogarth, phone 26 6. 20c FOR RENT TO RENT ON SHARES—100 acres north of the Haig Farm on the Mollard Line, Stephen Twp. W. Statton, phone 56rl4, Dashwood. 20:27’* FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms. Apply to Mrs, J, Heywood, Eliza­ beth Street. 20* WANTED WANTED—A model T Ford tour­ ing in fairly good condition. Write box 280 Exeter with full particulars. ..* WANTED—A disc plow. A few starter pigs for sale. Will take a hox’se for pasture for use of the horse, Apply at Times-Advocate. 20c MISCELLANEOUS > FOR SALE—Residence of the late Rd. Coates on Huron Street, red brick, 7 rooms and. bath. Apply to Thos. Coates or at the house. 13:20c FOR SALE—Two houses on Exeter Main Street; 2-storey brick on No. 4 ijj Hensail; frame house, garage, acre garden land, Dashwood, W» C. Pearce. FOR SALE or good grass water, lot 9, borne, Apply ralia, No. 1, RENT—30 acres of land with running concession 5, in Us- to Fred Ford, Cent- Ont. 13:20* THAT WILL PAY ITSELF in splendid condi- . ground up. The Township of Stephen DRAIN TENDERS Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to May 1st, 1944 at 1 p.m for the repair of 12,600 lineal feet of the Gaiser Drain. Plans, profile and specifications of the work to be performed may be seen at the Clerk’s office, Work must be completed by the 1st of next Sep­ tember, A marked cheque for $200 payable to the treasurer of the town­ ship of Stephen must accompany each tender der The lowest or any not necessarily accepted. H. K. Eilber, Clerk Township of Stephen, Crediton, Ont. Dated April 3, 1944. ten- 3tc too numerous to mention. HARNESS—Set of harness; ness; HAY wheat; 3 50 bu, of mixed grain, Alaska oats and No. 21 O.A.C, barley suitable for seed; number of tons of mixed, hay; 12 bus. of seed beans; 30 bus. of turnips; 4 bus. of Timothy seed. Quantity of household furniture. No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS—CASH JOHN BOLTON, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auc. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. back band! set of heavy single har- uumber of Slxorse collars. and GRAIN—50 bu. of 150' bu. of 6-row barley; buy a home FOR This place is tion from the drains and septic tank are all new and in good condition, The furnace and air conditioning unit was put in new less than 2 years ago and a new self-feeding automatic stok­ er was put in last fall as well as a new water The circuit and will be sold with or without the electric stove and refrigerator. This is a well-built brick house situated on a large lot in the centre of the village. It is now occupied by several couples from the airport and is bringing in a splendid rev­ enue. The place is a real good invest­ ment for now, as well as a lovely home for after the war and it is priced to sell. SANDY ELLIOT jacket heater to supply hot to the bathroom. (place is wired with 3-wire •to supply the electric stove NOTICES The Council of the Township of Stephen has repealed By-law No. 572 passed on the 4th of August, 19 42, to provide for the payment to the owner of any poultry dam­ aged or injured by any dog. Dated at Crediton April 3rd, 19 4 4. H. K. Eilber, Township Clerk.3tc NOTICE The Exeter Public Utilities and Exeter Rural Hydro System wish to inform the general public that, on and after April 20th, business will be transacted at the new office of the Exeter Public Utilities, the building formerly occupied by the Bank of Montreal, K. J. .Lampman, Supt. NOTIOE Property holders are urged to re­ move piles of ashes placed, from ditches immediately as they interfere with grading. Ashes must not be spread on roads. BY ORDER O. V. Pickard, Clerk PERSONAL (TOWNSHIP TENDERS Tenders will OF STEPHEN FOR GRAVEL be received by the undersigned until 1 p.m, Monday, May 1st, 194 4 fox* delivering ap­ proximately 2500 yards of gravel on Township roads, consisting of all side-roads from the westerly bound­ ary east to concession 11 and all concession roads east to concession 14, from Eisenbach’s Pit, Grand Bend, Gravel will be supplied by Township. Tenders to state flat rate and work to start as soon as weather permits. Contract to be com­ pleted by July 1st. Marked cheque foi’ $200,00 must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender essarily accepted. Geo. E. Eilber, Crediton, Ont, not nec- Road Supt. 3tc DRAIN TENDERS Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Monday, May 1, 1944, at 1 p.m., for the re­ pair of 17,630 lineal feet of the Ryan Drain. Plans, profile and specifications of the work may be seen at the Clerk’s office. Work must be completed by the 1st of next August. A marked cheque for $200.00 payable to the treasurer of the Township of Stephen must ac­ company each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily cepted. H. K. Eilber, Clerk Township of Stephen, Crediton, Ont. Dated April 3rd. 19 44. ac- 3tc the (In COMMUNITY SALE AT CREDITON at G. Nicholson’s Yard case of bad weather the sal® will be held under cover) on SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1914 1 o’clock the following: REAL ESTATE—The Crediton. Hotel being pt. lot 24 Brown’s Sur­ vey Crediton will he offered for sale subject to reserve bid. STOCK—Calf, 3 weeks old; bay mare, 6 years old; bay horse, rising 3 years old; black mare, 7 years old,, ejigiplo loi* rGg’istrutiQiif iiiotiicx* ported from Scotland. IMPLEMENTS—Fertilizer drill,, Cockshutt 11 hoe; Me. mower, 5 ft. cut; hay rake; wagon; rack; buggy; cutter; Fordson tractor; plow; Beatty electric washer, ter with top; li.p. gasoline wire; white ness; hobbles; coal-oil stove; 3 45- gal. drums; disc; 50 bus. of buck­ wheat; seed potatoes. 19 28 model Chrysler sedan, tires like new. FURNITURE—Piano, piece chesterfield, Rayo lor table, 3 pool tables, springs, tapestry rug many other articles. Bring in anything you have to sell. You receive your cash pay­ ment at the sale. No tax. Terms, reasonable. TERMS—CASH WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneer, Phone 43r2 Crediton. at grinder 8-inch; bob sleigh; 2-furrow tractor ’ c, cut­ cream separator; 21 engine; clothes line, ribbon mounted har- couch, 2- lamp, par- 2 coil bed. 9xGL and CITIZENS of HURON COUNTY LISTEN TO THE SIXTH VICTORY LOAN S2US OVER RADIO STATION CKNX OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE BY CHAIRMAN HURON COUNTY AT 8 a.m„ MONDAY, APRIL 24th, 1044 TUNE IN TO CKNX FOR VICTORY LOAN BROADCASTS SATURDA YS—1.10 pan. REV. W. A. BEECROFT SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd—4.10 p.m. WARDEN FRED WATSON “PUT VICTORY IHRST” ra SHIPKA Tuesday evening last while tending Y.P. Society at the home of Rev. and Mrs. L. Turner in Credi­ ton, Messrs. Cliff Russell, Stuart Sweitzer and Jack Ratz narrowly escaped serious injuries when their car overturned several times east of at- REPRESENTATIVE, MISS WINNI- FRED O’NEIL, Clinton, phone 75J. For complete lines of Fuller Brushes and service for same. Will be in Exeter Tuesday of each week. For enquiries address Box 280, Times- Advocate, 20:27:4”' IF BACKACHES are slowing you up, take RUMACAPS. Pains and aches are relieved after the first dose, Robertson’s Drug Store. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Tenders will be received by undersigned until 1 p.m. Monday, May 1st, 1944 for crushing and hauling approximately 25 00 yards of gravel, to pass through 1 inch round screen, on Township roads consisting of all roads east of con­ cession 11 to Provincial Highway No. 4, from Moodie’s Pit in the Township of Usborne. Gravel will be supplied by Stephen Township. Tenders to state flat rate and to be completed by October Marked cheque for $200.0 0 accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender essarily accepted. Geo. E. Eilber, Road Crediton, Ont. at 1944 not AUCTION SALES work 30 th. must nec- The Exeter Bowling Club have purchased a power roller and the club will undertake the rolling of private lawns. Minimum price $1.00; Kindly leave your name with the the Crediton bridge. Stuart suffer­ ed concussion, while the other two only minor injuries. Miss Nola Sweitzer, R.N., of London, is at­ tending her brother whose condition is much improved. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Karl Guenther on the arrival of a baby boy at Chatham Hospital. Rev. E occupied the pulpit in the United Church on Sunday last.. Mr. Poulter’s father was a local preacher at this appointment a number of yeaTs ago. Pte. Roy Baynham, of PetaWawa. spent Sunday last with Mr. L. Schroeder. Mrs. J. Patton is assisting at the home of Mr. M. Guenther of Crediton who is suffering from a stroke. Miss Dorothy Merriott is with chicken pox. Miss Violet Sharpe has to her school in Lindsay after spend­ ing the Easter holidays at her home here. Miss Erma Finkbeiner from Sar­ nia visited the past week with rela­ tives. Mrs Scott hag spent tho winter at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Dove. She re* turned to hor home in Seaforth. Mi4, and Mrs. E. E, Wuerth, fi’om Zurich, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Lome Finkbeiner and family. Mr, John Humble from Sarnia, spent last week with friends, secretary, B. M. Francis, at once, so that lawns may be rolled when the roller is in that -vicinity. Poulter, of Staffordville, SEED BEANS FOR SALE Secure your seed now so you will not be disappointed. Seed will be hard to get very soon. If you have beans now not suitable for seed, bring them in and we will allow you market price for them and fur­ nish you with seed at a difference. Do not sow seed. reasonable damaged paralytic confined returned Mother: “When that naughty boy Started throwing stones at you» why didn't you come and tell me?” Son: “Now what good would that do? You couldn’t hit the side of a barn,” Phone 54. Cook Bros. Milling Co., I-Iensall 3tc Tho Want Ads are your depart ment.—Use them. GREENWAY Mrs. Jas. Wilson spent a few days last Week With relatives Mrs, George Darling, in London, of Byron, her sister,i visited last week with Mrs Will. Hicks. Mr, and Mrs Harold London, and Mr, and Mrs. Alf. El­ son, of Parkhill, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Gollen, Miss Eleanor MoLinchey visited yast week with relatives in Detroit. Mrs. Elzar Mousseau and Marilyn of Kippen, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown, A presentation and social even­ ly Whs held on Friday nght at the home of Mr, Leslie Hutchinson in honor of ML and Mrs. Jack Hutchin­ son who were married recently, Mrs, W. T, Uleirn and Dorman spent the Week-end at their home here. Elson, of HUNDREDS OF U NSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS RECOMMEND­ ING KLEEREX—“A Quick Heal­ ing Salve” for Eczema, Psoriasis Erythema, Impetigo, Itch, Boils, Chaps, etc. 50c; $1.00. (Medium and Strong). Robertson’s Drug Store. TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE The council of the Township of Usborne having purchased one half acre of lot 10 in the 7th concession of Usborne township, on the corner at Elimville, is offering for sale by tender the buildings on the said lot. These buildings comprise the former blacksmith shop and chop­ ping mill. On part of the said build­ ings there is a new steel roof of council standard quality. The build­ ings must be entirely removed. Ten­ ders will he received until Monday. April 24, at 8 p.m. Highest Or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. W. Morgan, Clerk. R. R. 1, Hensail. Ont USB 2tc Al BABY CHICKS From Blood-Tested Flocks; red Rocks, Large Type White horns, Barred Rock X White horns, Red X Rocks, Sussex X Hampshires. Write A. H. Ont. for Granton, Bar- Leg- Leg- New or phone to Switzer Hatchery, Granton, price list. Ont. Phone 38-3 2-17tfc Last Week Mr, Manuel Curts re­ ceived letters from Cpl. Jack Picker­ ing and Cpl. Cecil Pickering who are in Italy, thanking the Red Cross Society for the boxes of chocolates they received at Christmas. Mrs, A. McIntosh is visiting with relatives in Port Huron, Wo are at your service always With the WANT AD section. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Harold Jackson, auctioneer, has re­ ceived instructions to sell by public auction at Northeast Boundary, Usborne Twp«, 6 miles southeast of Hensail—3% miles .southwest of Cromarty, FRIDAY, APRIL 2.1, 1944 commencing at 12.3 0 o’clock sharp: HORSES—1 black team, 10 and 12 years old; 1 bay horse, 12 years old. CATTLE—2 Durham cows due time of sale; 2 Durham cows, fresh, with calves at foot; 5 Durham cows due in May; fat cow; 4 farrow cows; 3 Durham heifers rising 2 years old; Durham steer rising 2 years old; 9 Durham calves rising 1 year old; 2 baby beeves. PIGS—York sow with litter of 10 pigs; 3 York sows due in May; 8 York chunks, 75 lbs.; York hog, 1 yeai’ old; R young York sows. POULTRY—175 year-old Hybrid henS; 3 chicken shelters. IMPLEMENTS—M.H. binder, ft. cut; M.H, mower, 6-ft. cut; hay loader; M.H. side rake; rake; M.H. 11-lioe fertilize!4 6- M.H. sulky drill; M.H. 13-hoe grain drill; stiff tooth spring tooth cultivator; 4 section harrow; M.H. bean new puller; M.H. ; hand scuffler; 3 riding plow; 1 DeLaval cream separator; cultivator; steel roller; section harrow; and spreader plows; trailer; Bain % farm wagon, gravel box; steel wheel truck wagon with hay rack; set of sloop sleighs (hew); box; buggy; fanning mill; bag truck; grain bags and pig crate; sugar kettle; barn 2 hog self-feeders; number troughs; hay car, rope, pul* iling ropes, sling chain and 3 scttffler manure walking 2-wheel wagon scales; sacks; jack; of pig leys, s! „ ,. , .. „„ ____ __ hay fork; 6 bunches shingles; quan­ tity of lumber; cedar posts; 20-ft ladder: 30-ft. ladder; scoop shovel; gas drum; 3 barrels; 2 chop boxes; wheelbarrow; leg vise; grass seed­ er; electric fepcer; forks, shovels; whiffletrees, heckyokes, logging chains, pulper, and other articles AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND CHATTELS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction Lot 9, Con. 4, Stephen Twp. on TUESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1.3 0 p.m. the following: HORSES—Heavy xnare, 4 years old; dark gray mare, 5 years old; aged horse, CATTLE- -3 cows with calves at foot; cow-due in June; calf IS mos. old; calf 1G months old; yearling stoor IMPLEMENTS—Deering binder; Ideal mower; seed drill; hay rake; binder twine; cultivator; disc har­ row; corn cultivator; walking plow; root pulper, set harrows; heavy wagon; light wagon; flat rack; furrow tractor plow; hay fork; car pulleys; slings; double set harness; collar; cream separator (new); cow chains; forks; whiffletrees; neck- yokes; chains; wheel barrow; 906 feet lumber; barb wire; 15 bunches of new shingles; 42 feet new ridge cap and shingle nails; Heater elec­ tric fence; 8 tons of hay; feed oats; turnips; mangles; 1 bushel red clovei’ seed; couch; side-board; bed; mattress and many other articles too numerous to mention. REAL ESTATE—At the time and place there will 'be offered for sale- the farm being lot 9, Con 4, Stephen, one hundred acres of land, brick house, frame barn. Land is all un­ der cultivation. Sold subject to reserve bid, JOHN KUZMICH, Proprietor F. COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer* 3 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction Lot 6, Con. 12, McGillivray on THURSDAY, APRIL 27tli, 1944 at 1.3 0 o’clock the following: HORSES—-Driving mare; driving horse; aged Clyde mare; Clyde mare rising 7 years; Clyde 5 years. IMPLEMENTS — Deering mower, 5 ft. dump rake; 1-horse grain < furrow harrow; harrow; puller; (horse binder, levers controlled from tor; wagon; hay rack; hay walking plow; Bissell disc harrow (horse); set of sleighs; Renfrew cream separator; fanning mill; hand scuffler; gas engine; pump; jack; draw rope; sling ropes; pulleys; 4- section drag harrows; steel roller; wheelbarrow; bagger; buggy; cut­ ter; bags; trucks; shovels; double harness; single harness; light har­ ness; collars; forks and Many othei' articles too numerous to ihentiort, TERMS—CASH R. J. HAMILTON, Proprietor MURRAY HAMILTON, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer^ mate rising McCormick- cut; M.H. cultivator; tractor; 3- tractor disc tooth bean foot grain trac- fork; mower, rake; : drill, Cockshutt; tractor plow; 4 section lever spring team cultivator and hay loader; 8 tractor) Case M.H. and