HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-04-13, Page 4Pag<? 4 1HE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 13, 1944 4?7° We have on hand for Spring: Barb Wire, Steel Posts, Galvanized Brace Wire, Fence Staples 20 per cent, discount on all CHILDREN’S WAGONS in our store WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK. A LARGE STOCK OF— PURINA, PIONEER and DR. ROE CHICK STARTER, GROWING MASH, LAY MASH, HOG CONCENTRATE,i Traquair’s Hardware Tinsmithing Plumbing L—————..... . «. . -■ ■ —— ■ ” .............................—- ----------T ■ ,JI‘ ■;""" Do Your Birds Go Lame or Paralyzed? “KEWS” STOPS THEM. USE “KEWS” TO AVOID THIS PROBLEM. Follow directions carefully. BIRTHS STEPHEN—At Dr. Fletcher’s Has- pital, Bxeter, on Wednesday* Ap­ ril 12th, to Mr* and Mrs. Chas. Stephen, of Elimville, a daughter , Bessie Anette (Betty Aim). DEATHS ARMSTRONG—In Victoria Hospit­ al, London, on Tuesday, April 11, 1944, Edith Gould Armstrong, daughter of E. D. and the late Leila Gould Armstrong, aged 19 years. DEACON—Mary Ellen (Hodgins). Passed away Friday evening, April 7, beloved wife of the late. John Deacon, in her 78th year, mother of Veda and Tom. FLETCHER—In Exeter on Sunday, April 9th, 1944, Michael Fletcher, in his 87th year, GIBSON—In Stephen township on Good Friday, April 7, 1944, Elizabeth Thompson, beloved wife of William Gibson, in her 83rd year. HODGSON—In Biddulph Township on Sunday, April 9, 1944, John Wesley Hodgson, beloved husband of Eliza* Brimacombe, in his 84th year. HOWARD—In Exeter on Good Fri­ day, April 7, 1944, Margaret Allan, beloved wife of George S. Howard, born June 20th, IS74, at Blake, Ontario. TINNEY—In St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Saturday, April 8, 19 44, Linda Elaine, infant daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tinney, of the 4th concession of Hay Township. CARD OF THANKS Place an Ad Here and Watch Results They Dre read by more than 7^00 Times-Advocate readers every week Phone 31 j for ail ad taker REAL ESTATE Mrs. George Chambers and family wish to express their deep apprecia­ tion for the floral tributes, the ex­ pressions of sympathy and the kind­ ness shown them in their bereave­ ment, also for the loan of cars. *Browning’s Drug; Robertson’s Drug; Huron Farmers, Hensall; Young, Crediton; Williams, Zurich. In Person—One Night Only GRACE MOORE Glamorous Soprano Star oi Radio, Opera, Concerts and the Movie "One Night of Love.** LONDON ARENA WEDNESDAY NIGHT, APRIL 19 Reserved Seats $3.00, $2.40, $1.80, $1.20, Inch Tax Balcony. Not Reserved, 90c Inch Tax. At Heintzman & Co. Ltd,, London, Only Plan Opens April 13. Mail Orders Now. No Telephone Orders. The family of the late Mrs. Esserj wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the kindness, and sym pathy extended in their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev Mr. Irwin and to those who sent flowers and cars. kindly loaned their c Simmons wishes to ex friends and nieghbort. Pte. J. W. Handy, of R. R. 2 Sea­ forth, who went overseas with the Perth Regiment in October, 1941, but wag separated from them ow­ ing to his age—he is now 51—re­ turned home He estimated have married Mr. John from overseas Monday, that 4 0,000 Canadians girls in Great Britain. __ _ __ Prout has purchased the Short property on Main street now occupied by Mr. Harold Donald and an airforce couple. Prout will get possession in month’s time. Mc- Mr. six of London, home here, lady friend of Aylmer, ENEMY NO ! Declare war on coc- cidioaial Treat chicks with Dr. Sals­ bury's Rakos —* the properly blended liquid treatment. ln- * expensive. Easy to us®. Get a bottle todayl Authorized Member: Ora Salsbury1* *Niltion*wlaa Poultry Health Servlw, L. V. Hogarth Mr. W. G. tend to the his sincere thanks for the kindness extended to the late Wm. Simmons and also to Rev. Wm. Mair and Mrs. Cann for her solo. * Mrs. Frank Del bridge and Lieut. . M- and Mrs. Sweeton wish to thank the friends and neighbors for the gifts, letters and cards express­ ive of sympathy during their bereavement and also the bearers, c John Morley and family desire to express their sincere appreciation to all those who remembered them in any way during their sad' bereave­ ment. * Mr. G. S. Howard and Evelyn wish to extend their thanks to the neighbors and friends who assisted during the short illness and sudden bereavement, to those who sent floral tributes and cards of sym­ pathy, to Mr. Frank Wildfong for his solo, to Rev. N. J. Woods for his services and to Dr. M. C. Flet­ cher for his faithful attention. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tinney to thank their many friends neighbours for the kindness sympathy shown them in recent bereavement. Special thanks to RCv. J. E.' Taylor. c ❖ wish and and their KIPPEN and Mrs. Edgar Smith, of Guelph, spent the week-end with Mrs. Smith’s parents, Mr. and Mrs., John Jarrott. Miss Isabel Alexander, teacher of Toronto, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alexander. Miss Jean Long, of London, spent the week-end with her father, Mr. Norman Long. Miss Kate Dalrymple, spent the week-end at her Miss Anna Damm and of the R.C.A.F, (W.D.), spent the week-end with the ‘form­ er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Damm. L.Cpl. Elgin Johnson and Mrs. Johnson, of London, spent the week­ end with Mrs. Johnson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dayman. Mr. W. Sproat, of London, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sproat. Mrs. A. H. Gackstetter, of St. Thomas, spent the week-end with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney, Mrs. Keith Colborne and children*’ of Goderich, visited over the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Day­ man. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alexander and family, of Londesboro, visited on Sunday 'with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alexander. Miss Margaret Cooper, of Toron­ to, spent the week-end with mother, Mrs. W. W. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons family visited on Sunday with and Mrs. J. Linden, of Denfield. IN MEMORIAM BEAVERS—In loving memory of a dear sister, Eliza Ellen Beavers, who passed away April 5, 1943. Quickly and suddenly came the call, Her sudden death surprised us all; Dearer to memory than words can tell, The loss of a sister we loved so well. —Ever remembered by sisters and brothers. * COMING EVENTS Look for the date of community sale to be held in crediton, in next week's Times-Advocate. W, £L Smith auctioneer, phone 43r2, Creditpn. c FOR SALE FOR SALE—11 six weeks old pigs. W. E, Welsh, phone 174r3, Exeter. 13c FOR SALE—Fair of work hoots, size 7, never been worn. Apply to Times-Advocate. 13* FOR SALE—15 tons of mixed hay, Wm. P. Stephen, 41r4 Kirkton. 13c FOR SALE—Two electric brooders, 500 capacity. Bruce -Tuekey. Phone 174r4, Exeter, 13c FOR SALE — S-pieee dining-room suite in good condition, for quick sale; also Pandora range and box stove. Apply to Wm. Wein, Zurich, Ont, 13c FOR SALE —' Khtahdin potatoes, grown from certified seed; also some Irish Cobblers. A. J. Traver, 2 miles west of Thedford, 3tc FOR SALE—Sparton table model radio; large laundry stove; grey enamel McClary kitchen annex; Royal brooder stove; kitchen cup­ board; Quebec heater. R. E. Balk­ will. 13c FOR SALE—Quantity of 19 42 Alas­ ka oats, $1.00 bus. Apply to Mrs. Jacob Willert, Dashwood. 13c FOR SALE—Alaska, Cartier and Victory seed oats; O.A.C. 21 seed barley; a stack of oat straw. Cann & Sons, Exeter. c FOR SALE—A quantity of mixed, dry wood, about 14 inches long. Must be sold at once. Apply to John Mousso, Grand Bend, phone 56rl Dashwood. 30:6; 13c FOR SALE —- 8-piece dining-room suite in good condition, for quick sale; also Pandora range. Apply to Wm, Wein, Zurich, Ont. 6* FOR SALE—1 black jersey, due about April 15; 1 large size Daisy churn. Apply Jack Elliott. 6:13* ACCOMMODATION — For Clas­ sified Ads in the Times-Advocate-— Sure-fire results! SEED BEANS FOR SALE Secure your seed now so you will not be disappointed. Seed will be hard to get very soon. If you have beans now not suitable for seed, bring them in and .we will allow you market price for them and fur­ nish you with seed at a reasonable difference. Do not sow damaged seed. Cook Bros. Milling Co., Phone 54. Hensall 3tc Al BABY CHICKS From Blood-Tested Flocks; Bar­ red Rocks, Large Type White Leg­ horns, Barred Rock X White Leg­ horns, Red X Rocks, Sussex X New Hampshires. Write or phone to A. H. Switzer Hatchery, Granton. Ont. for price list. Phone 38-3 Granton, Ont. 2-17tfc You don’t need a little bird to tell you that a Classified Ad brings direct results! FOR SALE—'Residence of the late Rd, Coates on Huron Street, red brick, 7 rooms and bath. Apply to Thos. Coates or at the house. 13:20c FOR SALE-—Brick house, barn and chicken house witli three acres of land on edge of Exeter, Ideal for chickens and market gard­ ening. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. FOR SALE)—-Two houses on Exeter Main Street; 2-storey brick on No. 4 in Hensail; frame house, garage, acre garden land, Dashwood. W. C. Pearce, FOR SALE or good grass water,.lot 9, borne. Apply ralia, No. 1, Ont. RENT—'3 0 acres of land with running concession 5, in Us- to Fred Ford, Cent- 13:20* LOST LOST-—An Eversharp fountain pen, dark green, with perpendicular gold stripes on the top of pen. Reward. Please return to Times- Advocated * MISCELLANEOUS The Thames Road Farmers’ Club have a good supply of cedar posts and barb wire on hand. Anyone wanting to get co-op. feed off the car should phone their orders in as soon as possible. P. Passmore, Sec. PERSONAL WHY SUFFER the agony of Rheu­ matic Pain Sciatica, Lumbago, when Rumacaps will give you quick wel­ come relief. Robertson’s Drug Store. TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 1 p.m. Monday, May 1st, 1944 for delivering ap­ proximately 2500 yards of gravel on Township roads, consisting of all side-roads from the westerly bound­ ary east to concession 11 and all concession roads east to concession 14, from Eisenbach’s Pit, Grand Bend. Gravel will be supplied by Township. Tenders to state flat rate and work to start as soon as weather permits. Contract to be com­ pleted by July 1st, Marked cheque for $200.00 must accompany each tender. Lowest oi' any tender essarily accepted. Geo. E. Eilber, Road 'Crediton, Ont. not nec- Supt. 3tc her and Mr. CANN—In loving memory of our dear brother John Bryant (Jackie) Cann who went to be with Jesus April 12, 1940. His life is a beautiful Memory His absence a silent grief, He sleeps in God’s beautiful Isle Somewhere In sunshine of perfect peace. —Sadly missed by Mother, Daddy, Sisters and Brothers. TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE The council of the Township of Usborne having purchased one half acre of lot 10 in the 7th concession of Usborne township, on the corner at Elimville, is offering for sale by tender the buildings on the said lot. These buildings comprise the former blacksmith shop and chop­ ping mill. On part of the said build­ ings there is a new steel roof of council standard quality. The build­ ings must be entirely removed. Ten­ ders will be received until Monday. April 24, at 8 p.m. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. W. Morgan, Clerk. R. R. 1, Hensail. Ont2tc ca of CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Motz arc spending a couple of weeks with their' daughter, Mrs. Cecil Skinner. Mr, Edgar Primeau, of Toronto, spent the ’week-end with Corporal and Mrs. H. Primeau. Miss Marjorie Flynn spent the holidays with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Flynn, at Port Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spring and Gail visited with relatives at Springfield over the week-end. Corporal and Mi's. Joe Creech were week-end guests with the latter’s mother, Mrs. B. Hicks. Week-end visitors with Bev. and Mrs. R. Merriam were Corporal and Mrs. Rupert Merriam and Jimmy, of Fingal, Miss II. Merriam, of Delhi, and Misses Eva and Mae Merriam, of London. Mrs. R. Smith' and Marlene, of Malton, i at their home here,” On Tuesday Marlene underwent an operation for the removal of her tonsils and aden­ oids at Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital in Hxeter, Mrs, Arthur Brooks has been on the sick list for several weeks. We hope to see her out again in the near future, Mr, Thos. Glavln recently visited .with relatives in Detroit. Misess Marie and Margaret Clark, of London, are spending the holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Lamport. Miss Margaret Cook, of Kitchener, spent the week-end With her parents Mr. and Mrs. B. Cook. v Mr. and Mrs. Harris West were guests with Mr. and Mrs. I. Jarvis in London on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. Sleamon and June were Sunday visitors with Mrs. J. Sleamon. Mrs. Wm. McWilliams, of Claude- boye, is visiting with Mrs. George Flynn. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baynham were Corporal and Mrs. Charles (Scotty) Baynham, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. E. withers and Mrs. McDougall, of don. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hedden, of don, were week-end visitors Mrs. Harness and Easter Sunday Mrs. Arthur Mrs. M. E. friend, of HagerSville, Mr. O. Clark and girls and Mr. and R. Hedden, of London, Oar- Lon- Mrs. Greenlee, callers ‘with Brooks were Brokenshire Lon- with Mr. Mr. and and Ea and and lady Mrs. Mrs. LAC. GoldWin PUrves, who is with the R^C.A.F. on the West Coast, and . “ , were Eas­ ter guests with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Adamac. Miss Alma Skinner, of LQndon, spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner, Miss Helen Essery, of London, spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. Essery, Misses Helen and Shiriev Light­ foot are spending a few days with Mr. and ‘ ’ London, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Gates, of To- ronte, were Easter guests with Mr. and Mrs, G. HL Andrew. Misses Es­ ther and Grace Andrew returned to Toronto with them for a few days’ visit, are spending the holidayb • Mrs. iPurves, of London, Mrs, Archie Robinson in TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 1 p.m. Monday, May 1st, 1944 for crushing and hauling approximately 2500 yards of gravel, to pass through 1 inch round screen, on Township roads consisting of all roads east of con­ cession 11 to Provincial Highway No, 4, from Moodje’s Pit in the Township of Usborne. Gravel will be supplied by Stephen Township. Tenders to state flat rate and to be completed by October Marked cheque for $200.00 accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender essarily accepted. Geo. E. Eilber, Road Crediton, Ont, work 30 th. must not nec- Supt. 3tc DRAIN TENDERS Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to May 1st, 1944 at 1 p.m for the repair of 12,600 lineal feet of the Gaiser Drain, Plans, profile and specifications of the work to be performed may be seen at the Clerk’s office. Work must be completed by the 1st of next Sep­ tember, A marked cheque for $200 payable to the treasurer of the town­ ship of Stephen must accompany each tender. The lowest or apy der not necessarily accepted, H. K, Eilber, Clerk Township of Stephen, Crediton, Ont. Dated April 3, 19 44. ten. 3tc DRAIN TENDERS Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Monday, May 1, 1944, at 1 p.m,, for the re­ pair of 17,630 lineal feet of the Ryan Drain. Plans, profile and specifications of the work may be seen at the Clerk’s office. Work must be completed by the 1st of next August. A marked cheque for $200.00 payable to the treasurer of the Township of Stephen must ac­ company each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily cepted. H. K. Eilber, Clerk Township of Stephen, Crediton, Ont. Dated April 3rd. 19 44. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ac- 3tc IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM E. TURNBULL, late of the Town­ ship of Hay, in the County of Huron, Farmer, DECEASED. Creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above named deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day of December, A.D. 19 4 3, are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Executor, on or before the 10th day of April, A.D. 1944, aftei' which date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. DATED at Dashwood, Ontario, this 20th day of March, A.D. 1944. EDWARD E. TURNBULL, R. R. 1, Dashwood, Ontario. 23:30:6 NOTICES The Council of the Township of Stephen has repealed By-law No. 5 72 passed on the 4th of August, 1942, to provide for the payment to the owner of any poultry dam­ aged or injured by any dog. Dated at Crediton April 3rd, 1944, H. K. Eilber, Township Clerk.3tc Donna Bowden is spending a few days with Miss June Sleamon in London. There was a splendid attendance at the Easter Services held, in the church here on Sunday last. A Com­ munion service was held in the mor­ ning. Several new members were re­ ceived.. Special music was provided by the choir at both services. The April meeting of the Alert Mission Band will be held in the schoolroom of the church on Sunday morning, 1 April 16th at 10.30 |Mj Our sympathy is extended to Alvin Essery in the loss of mother and to Mrs. Chambers family in their bereavement. Miss Marlyn Mills, of Wyoming, is spending a ‘few days with her grandmother, Mrs, H, Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Simpson, of Ailsa Craig, visited on Sunday the home of Mr. Pei’cy Simpson. Master Donald Henry, of Harris­ ton, is visiting with his grandpar­ ents, Mr. Sunday MrS. Ergd Mrs. Wm. Miss Helen Essery, of London, Mr. James Glavin and Charles Cronyn attended the Educational Convention at the Royal York Hotel Toronto, during the past week, Lorraine Glavin, Reg, Nurse of Hamilton, spent the past week with her parents. a.m. Mr. his and at and Mrs. Andrew Hicks, visitors with Mr. and Penwarden wore Mr, and Essery, of tisborne and ’The Stepheii Totvnship council minutes have been received but have been crowded out this week. Lot 1% AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS at 13, Con. 3, Usborne Township, miles east and 1 mile south of Exeter, on THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, 1944 Sale starts at 1 p.m. HORSES—Dark team rising 5 years old; bay gelding, 7 years old; aged grey horse, CATTLE—12 cow 1st; due 1st; head of cattle; due June 1st; cow due August heifer due June 22nd; heifer August 12th; heifer due August 3 steers rising 3 years old; 34 steers rising 2 years old; 1 ling, PIGS—1 chunk 100 lbs. HENS—10 laying rocks. GRAIN'—100 bus. seed wheat (clean). IMPLEMENTS—McCormick er, 6 foot cut with sheaf carrier; McCormick mower knives; delivery scuffler drill 13 tached; cultivator; 2 discs 2-furrow Cockshutt plough; plough; walking plough; horse scuffler; wagon; roller 4-section harrows; hand grass er; root pulper; McLaughlin sleigh; fanning mill hay fork rope; hay 1 hay loader; rake and tedder and lifter; M.H hoe with grass year buck- bind- 6 foot cut, 2 M.H. side- M.H. bean, fertilizer seeder at- ; 1 4-horse riding­ single rack; seed- door with fork, ; tackle; 1 2 ladders; 25-gal, drum; 3 and bit; ireen and and other mention; 2 bed­ laundry leaf oil j I cutter sieves sling ropes and hitching 2000 lb. truck scale; 1 several rope pulleys wire stretchers logging chains onion scuffler; grader; plane; 1 articles too rope and tackle room stove; table; lamps; day-bed; 2 toilet sets; dishes and crocks; music rack; i grindstone; cross-cut saw; saw articles Detroit cubator rack; machine; t nearly new, Everything will reserve farm. cross-cut saw; brace onion sc farm tools numerous to 2 robes; suites; 12 chairs; 2 side-boards; drop Aladdin lamp; several f — -.Q f music rack; pictures; cross-cut saw; buck­ axes, shovels, hoes and other too numerous to mention; coal-oil stove, 3 burner; in­ cream to 40 sleighs; 30 separator; bags; ■ tractor ; stock washing plough, be sold as proprietor has without: sold his TERMS—CASH WILLIAM J. FORD, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. FRANK COATES, Clerk. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on MAIN STREET, EXETER FRIDAY, APRIL 18th at two o’clock sharp The Property of the Late George Etlierington Piano, mower, 2 dressers, child's bed, settee, extension table, 6 kit­ chen chairs, 4 small tables and stands 4 beds, mattresses, feather mattress pillows, bed clothes, ironing board, lawn mower, garden tools, pictures, sealers, wash tubs, dishes of all kinds cooking utensils, step ladder, 2 toilet sets, organ stool,, 2 cloc'ks and many other articles. FRANK COATES, Clerk. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. Lot 1% Auction Sale of/ Farm Stock and Implements • at 26, Concession 3, Hay Township miles west and 1% miles north of Hensall, on FRIDAY, APRIL 14th, 1944 Sale starts at 1 p.m. HORSES—2 geldings rising years old, CATTLE—60 head of cattle; head of Durham cows all due April and May; 1 Holstein cow; 1 2-year-old Herford bull; 4 head Dur * ham and Herford heifers due in May; 4 head .Durham heifers rising 2 years old; 14 Durham and Herford calves; 20 head of grass oattle, steers and heifers Weighing 800 to 900 lbs. IMPLEMENTS*—Deering binder 7- foot cut with sheaf carrier and truck; 1 Cockshutt bean scuffler, 1. in-throw team disc; 1 International farm wagon with gravel box; Quantity of feed beans. TERMS—CASH WILLIAM F. ALEXANDER, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. 3 14 in KHIVA Miss Evelyn McCann, of Windsor, is spending her with her parents, McCann. Mr. and Ml'S, attended .the Lawson—Wurm wed* ding at Exeter last Wednesday. Mr, Eai‘l Deitrich, while cutting wood in the tbush last week, had the misfortune to cut his foot with the axe which required 4 stitches’ to close the wound. Mr, Gordon Kraft who spent the* past few months in London has returned home. ”, . ■ >Easter vacation. Mr. and Mrs, B. Fdgar L. Wurm