HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-03-23, Page 8lire’s where fe get the only COLD WAVE recommended by Hernia University of Detroit. All lines of Beauty Culture. VERA O. DECKER Phone 112 Exeter Markets Wheat, §1,10 Creamery Butter 39c Eggs, A Large 31c Eggs, A Medium 29 c Eggs A Pullet 23c Eggs, B 26c Eggs, C 23c Dressed hogs, ?1G.G5 Bonus A $3.00 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 23, 1944 1 I IT CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mrs. J, G. Cochrane. Organist i a,m.—Sunday School. a.m.—Public Worship. Mr, Brett of Western University. Evening service is withdrawn. 10 11 L'i i =SS II II NEW PRINTS ■5= Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 *> I I I WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22nd 1 night only “Government Girl” Special feature starring OLIVIA DE HAVILLAND and SONNY TUFTS I -S I Due to unforeseen circumstances the play “Closed Lips” that was first scheduled for April 10 in James St. Church will be held Tuesday March 28. Georgian Beauty Shoppe (Successor to Marion Poojey) Satisfaction Guaranteed M, Christine McCrae, Prop. Exeter Phone 345 T* Round the Clock Service I MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev,N.J.Woods, M.A., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—Public Worship and Church School- 7 p.m.- •The Minister. -Union Service in Main St. Church, Rev. Irwin. We are fortunate in securing a few pieces of new THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY and Saturday Matinee at 2.30 p.m. March 23rd, 24th, 25th ‘Lassie Come Home' Special Metro-Gold win-Mayer technicolor feature starring RODDY MacDOWELL, DONALD CRISP and all star cast. Prices: Evening: Children 25e; adults 40c Matinee: Children 10c; adults 30c Including tax. MONDAY AND TUESDAY March 27, 28 “Above Suspicion” with JOAN CRAWFORD and FRED MacMURRAY “She Has What It Takes’ A musical comedy starring JINX FALKENBURG, TOM NEAL and the VAGABONDS. 66 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29th Five Graves to Cairo” THURSDAY, FRIDAY', SATURDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE March 30, 31, April 1 “The Desert Song Mr. Geo. Wright was in Hamil­ ton Monday attending a convention of the Bond Dealers Association. Mr. Cliff Whyte is under the doc­ tor's care and his bakery is being closed for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pryde have received word that their son Pilot Officer Ray Pryde has arrived safely overseas. Mrs. Chester Cornish, Misses Roxie Doupe, Doreen Coultis, Doris Hili, Lois Swartz and Phyllis Kers- lake spent Tuesday in London, DANCE THE EXETER BADMINTON CLUB presents LIONEL THORNTON AND HIS Casa Royal Orchestra at the EXETER ARENA on We are fortunate in securing a few pieces of new prints. These will not last long as they are in great demand. prints. These will not last long as they are in great demand. Wed. March 22—Mid-week prayer service in Trivitt Parish Hall. Rev. • Woods, 1 Mon. March 27, 8 p.m.—Quarterly . meeting of the official board at. the parsonage. Monday, 7.30 pan. — Caven and Main Young People at Caven. I LAC. Stewart Fuke, of Crumlin, spent the week-end at his home Mr. Nelson week with his Aidworth. Mr. Charles after visiting his brother Mr. Clif­ ford Davis in London. Miss Marion Wright and Elmer Willis have accepted positions on the staff of Jones and May. Mrs. Mary Follick, who has been spending the winter in Toronto, re­ turned to her home last week. Mr. and Mrs. O. Becker, of New Hamburg, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hawkins. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Crawford and Patricia, of Belmont, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Penhale. Miss Shirley Gregus, of Windsor, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. August Gregus, of Exeter. Miss Vera Decker attended a busi­ ness meeting of the hairdressers association held in London on Mon­ day night. Word has been received from Italy that Flying derson has been Lieutenant, AC2 Neil Jones, School, Montreal, end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones. L.S.B.A. Eli Christie, of Corn­ wallis, Nova Scotia, spent a day last week with his parents Mr. and C. W. Christie. Harold Holtzman, who has employed with Jones & May, Saturday for London, having the R.C.N.V.R. A drive for old papers and zines will be held Easter Citizens are asked to save them to be in readiness. AC2 Hugh Wilson, of Manning Depot. Toronto, is spending a five- day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilson. Tpr. Wm. Quinton, Mrs. Quinton and baby, of London, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Samson Mc­ Falls and other’ relatives. Pte. Harold Hockey has been; transferred from Toronto to Lon-1 don and owing to his recent illness is expecting his discharge soon. Miss Doris Harvey, of Windsor, and AC. E. S. Moon, of Chanute Field, Ill., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harvey over the week-end. Mrs. Alvin Cottle and two child­ ren, Ross and Lois, of Thames Road, spent the week-end with the form­ er’s mother Mrs. Harriet Oke. Mr. and Mrs. John Kuntz, Mar­ garet Ellen and baby brother, of Windsor, were Sunday visitors with Mr. Wm. Kuntz and Dorothy. Mr. Nelson Prior, of Portage la Prairie, Man., visited with his sis­ ters, Mrs. Kay, of Usborne, and Miss Olive Prior the latter part of last week. Pilot Officer Marvin Howey, whq is posted at Brantford prior to go­ ing overseas, spent the week-end at the home of his mother, Mrs, L. F.1 Howey. Rev. Jas. Anthony, who is ill in Victoria Hospital following his re­ cent operation, is not getting along as well as his many friends like to see. Mr. Wm. J. Beer, of Grand has been confined to his through illness. His many friends hope that he will soon be able to be around again. Pte. Fred Darling, of Orillia, is spending a few days with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Darling, Pte. Darling was in hospital for a couple of weeks through illness. Mr. Thos. Ballantyne and Mrs. John Hackney, directors of the Us­ borne & Hibbert Mutual Fire In­ surance Co., attended the Under­ writers’ Insurance convention in Toronto last week. i Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Passmore,! Barry and Francis, and Miss Vivian, of Forest and Pte. more, of Kingston, spent Sunday with the former’s Elizabeth Passmore. Week-end visitors with Mrs. Mar­ garet White, of Stephen, included Mr. Anthony White and friend, Miss Rose Allen, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Sandford White and Miss Kath­ leen White, all&of Windsor. Mr, and Mrs, Clayton Frayne have received word from their son Troop­ er Stanley Frayne stating that he is now in Italy. One of the first persons he met there was Mel Hackett, a former member of the Bank of Commerce staff, in Exeter. Mr. Nelson Statton, who recently underwent an operation, in the Tor­ onto General Hospital, was brought home last, week in Mr. E. R. Hop­ per’s ambulance, His condition is somewhat improved, Gibb Statton, who is with the RCNVR at St. Hya­ cinthe, Que. is now visiting at his 'home. Hill is spending a mother, Mrs. Grace Davis has returned Officer Jack An- promoted to Fit, of No, 1 Wireless spent the week- Mrs. been left joined maga- week. I would STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter Walk in beauty—head high With a new spring perm. —Cold wave. —Machineless or machine permanent. All work guaranteed. TOMLINSON’S Phono 146 Phone 146 POLICYHOLDERS OF THE METROPOLITAN PLEASE READ For that matter, even if you should not be a policyholder of the Metro­ politan, it will be to your interest to listen in. If you have any kind of inquiry on the subject of life insurance—I represent the Metro­ politan Life Insurance Company. Your question will be welcome, and service gladly given. GORDON LAMPORT Pnone 149 Representing Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. FOR SALE 20 glazed window sash. 2 doors, in poor condition, cents each. 50 2 work benches. A quantity of used lumber. Some used plank and some short square timbers; also 2 pieces 14 inches square by 40 feet long. SANDY ELLIOT Wuerth’s Cash Shoe Store MEN’S WORK SHOES & OXFORDS $2.98 Men’s sox for this time of the year. Priced to suit the pocket for 29c to 75c pair Leather and rubber repairing of kinds. A. E. WUERTII, PROP. all Wednesday, Mar. 29 Admission: 75c each, SI.25 a couple Dancing 9.30 - 1 p.m. Dress optional 1938 Willis Coach. 1932 Ford Coupe. To sell your car call at the Blue Sunoco or phone 200. Fred Dobbs LENTEN SEASON will find us with a well stocked supply of FRESH FISH WHITE FISH (drawn) COD & HADDOCK FILLETS LAKE SUPERIOR HERRING SALMON STEAKS SMOKED HADDIE JUMBO ICE CREAM EXETER FROZEN FOODS Bend, home i Douglas Pass­ mother, Mrs. White’s Bakery will be closed until further notice, owing to the illness of. Mr, White. Everyone is Astonished ♦ “Mary Still Takes Music Lessons— “Jack Continues His Education”—• “Mother Receives Cheques Regularly Each Month”—just as though Dad were. alive. How was it arranged? ■ Herman Hodgson, Agent B. Francis District Manager The Canada Life Assurance Company Exeter J JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH ; Rev. A. B. Irwin, B.A. j: Mrs. Wm, Murdoch, A.L.O.M. : Organist and Choir Leader <: . a.m.—Morning Worship, *; “Repairing the Ramparts”. J p.m.—Sunday School and Bible ; Classes. J1 p.m.—Union Service in Main St. > Church. Rev. A. B. Irwin. “A : Problem of Authority", : 8.30 p.m.—Y.P.U. at home of Miss : Doris Penhale. Citizenship. • 11 3 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A- Hunt Organist, Miss MacFivul Choir Leader. Mr. Middleniiss 5th Sunday in Lent Passion Sunday a.m.—Sunday School. -Evensong and Sermon. 11 7 p.m.- 7 p.m,—Evensong and Sermon. “The Promise of Eternal Inheritance" Thursday, 8 the home Wed. 'Mar. vice ,.in speaker, Mr. Hunt. p.m.—Ladies Guild at of Mrs. Ken. Clarke. 3 o—.union prayer ser- Main Street church, ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock. Organist Lawrence A. Wein, Choir Leader 10 A.M.—Morning Worship. 11 a.m.— Church School 7.30 p.m.—Evening Worship. Wed.. 1 p.m.—W.M.S. at Mrs. Chris Haist’s. Thursday, 8 p.m.—Mid-week Service. Friday, 7.15 p.m.—Jr. League Friday, 8 p.m,—Sr. League. Welcome 2 WE SELL WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Buy as Many as You Possibly Can i New Curtains Buy your spring needs early as you will not be able to have such a good choice later on. Good values Bleached Sheets z Dozen Bleached Sheets. These are very good quality and are exceptional good value. 81 x 86 inches each $1.50 New Wall Papers Brighten up your home this spring with our new Wall Papers. Attractive patterns suitable for any room at attractive prices. ?Per roll 12\ 15,18, 25 to 50c Southcott Bros. Phone 16 Exeter Pot-Luck Supper On March 20th the James Street Mission Circle held a pot-luck sup­ per and quilting in 'the church base­ ment with a good attendance. The supper meeting opened by singing hymn 101 followed by prayer. Mary .Johns read -Bible Study, a New st. Patrick" j Irene Sweet t rick’ Day”. McFalls led and hymn 285 was sung. The meet­ ing closed with the Mizpah benedic­ tion after which ‘‘three quilts were quilted. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T. Kendrick. Pastor Wed. 8 p.m.- Heaven and a New Earth. Friday, 8 p,m.—Young People, Bible Contest. Sunday, 2 p.m.—Sunday School, Edgar Cudmore, Supt. We invite you to send your children. Sunday, 3 p.m.—Subject, Four Foundation Facts. Sunday, 8 p.m?—Three Classes in Hell. You are invited to our Home Circle Old-Fashioned sing-song. Come to see the Lord in Action to ing. After listening to the radio Save and Heal the sick, I forum broadcast much interest was I shown in the discussion. A recre- ( ation group provided splendid LAC. Ellis Pearce, of No. 5, S.FJ amusement with music quiz pro- T.S., Brantford, spent the week-end I p?m, contest and a spelling match at his home here (bringing back to memory former , , _ „„ > T school days. At the closing meeting,M1SS ^enore La-wson Eon“: March 27, the men will serve lunch don on Wednesday, March 15 taking • wit a ial treat -n t f aR instructions on cold permanent and welc‘omet WaTjnS‘,,r ~ . . . o „ i Monday night being review for . ne^C?er1' Forum, No. 3, Stephen met sold a bull calf to head Hie held ajong witll tlie Happy Gang quilters of Mr. Payne, of Corunna. The call afc h of Mrl aud Mrs> A j won first prize in a class of 19 e*-: Penhale< After iist0ning to the re- tnes at the Stratfoid fall fai (view broadcast, a short discussion Mrs. A. R. Tomlinson spent the followed. Progressive euchre was week-end in Chicago with her hus-:tlieil played. Ladies’ lone hands, o /n weS. Dearing, Gents, lone hands Norman Sanders, Ladies’ high Mrs. W. H. Shapton, Gent’s high Clifford Jory, Ladl.es’ low Mrs, Preston Dearing, Gent’s low Donald Dearing, lucky chair, William San- __ __ _______~ _____ __ __ ders. Lunch was served. The final 'scene of a quiet wedding on Wed- meeting for this season will be held nesday, March 15, when Margaret next Monday night at the home of Leona, eider daughter of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shapton. Mrs, John 'Coward was united in ' Fairfield Farm Forum met at the marriage to Philip Loftus Lome home of Reg. Hodgson on March Hern son of Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Hern 7th, owing to the bad weather only by the Rev. Wm. Mair. 114 were present. On March 13 Hi the The bride was charming in a two- Forum met at the home of Murray Elliott with 25 present. On March 20th, they met at the home of Her­ man Powe with 23 present. The dis­ cussions have bdeu centred around “Planning Reaches the Family Farm” and have been most interes­ ting. It has been decided to have a meeting once a month with a rec­ reation hour. The community wish to keep up the present hours spent together at our farm forum meet­ ings. We are undertaking as a pro­ ject the repairing and beautifying of Fairfield cemetery, with Gordon Wilson as convenor, Tlie next meet­ ing will be held at the home of Mr. William Schroeder on March 27th. This is the filial meeting Of thq regular winter season for our Farm Forum. a story “A Tribute to followed by a poem by “Remembering St. Pat- The president, Ardys -the business discussion Farm Forums Farm Forum met on the 20th of March respectively Sharon 13 th and I with good attendance at each meet- band, Seaman 2/C, who is taking a course in radio at the Northwest­ ern University at Evanston Ill. Hern—Coward The Thames Road manse was the piece aqua blue crepe di’ess and carried a bouquet of Talisman ros­ es and maiden hair fern, She was attended by her sister Lois in d two-piece rose crepe dress with a bouquet of roses. The groom’s at­ tendant was his brother Kenneth. After the ceremony they motored to the bride’s home for dinner. The groom’s gift to the bride Vvas a string of pearls and gold earrings and to the bridesmaid a lapel pin set with pearls and to the grooms­ man a gold tie pin. Later the couple left on a weddiftg tour to Toronto and Niagara, the bride donning a brown tweed suit with brown accessories. Mr, and ■Mrs, Hetn On their return will re­ side on the grooms farm in Usborne. in one of our New Suits A splendid line of New Materials New Shirts, Ties, Socks and AU Accessories How about a New Spring Overcoat? W. W. TAMAN Phone 81 Exeter, Ontario Mr. Arthur Wellington Cook, of Biddulph Township, died Monday in his 73rd year. He is survived by his widow, the former Ann Dickson; one son William, of Granton, and one daughter, Mrs. M. Crockett, of London. The funeral took place * Wednesday from his late residence, lot 22, south boundary Biddulph, with interment in St. James ceme­ tery, Clandeboye. repair maintainprotect Notice to the Public: Bulletin No. 5 has just been released by the Controller of Construction stating that building alterations and repairing without permit can now be made to the sum of $1500.00 in place of the $500.00 limit which prevailed. MASONITE HAS BEEN RELEASED FOR THE PRESENT —GET YOUR ORDER IN. The Huron Lumber Co. MM