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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-03-23, Page 5
D * THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 23, 1944 5 HYDRO LAMPS HENSALL Mrs. Robert Simpson and Jaueth spent Tuesday in London. .uiss -tielen Moir reurned home after spending a month in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs, Cline Flynn and Mrs. Wilfred Klopp, of London, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins. Mrs. (Rev.) Joseph Taylor and Audrey spent the past week visiting with relatives in Toronto. Dr. Wm. T. Joynt, of London, spent the week-end with his mother Mrs. Alice joynt. Mrs. Lewis, of Toronto, returned to her home after a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Middleton. Miss Hannah Murray was a re cent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Parkins, of Brucefield, visited during the week with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Parkins. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keyes and family, of Mitchell, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker and Mr. and Mrs, Enoch Parker. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, of Sea forth, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pfaff and family. Mrs, Wesley Jones and Patsy visited this week at the home of hei’ parents, Mr; and Mrs. Fred Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson and family visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Morris in Goderich. Mr,s. Harry Lawrence returned home on Sunday after spending several weeks with her father who has been ill. Mrs. Alvin Passmore and daugh ter, of Thames Road, spent a few days this week at the home of het father, Mr. Peter Moir. The annual birthday party of the W-M.S. of the United Church which had to be postponed owing to the ice storm, will be held on Thursday, March 30th. Dr. Arthur McAllister, of George town, spent Monday at the home of Mr. Peter Moir, coming here to at tend the funeral of his brother, the late Mr. Charles McAllister,, of Tor onto. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morenz, of Dashwood, visited recently at the home of their daughtei’ and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett. The “Five Hundred Club” held a progressive euchre party at the home of Mrs. Cathraine Devlin on Monday evening with thirteen tables playing. The prizes were won by the follow ing: first prize, Mrs. Graham; con solation, Mrs. Wm. Smale; lone hands, Mrs. Robt, Simpson; lucky chair, Mrs. Roy Bell. The proceeds go to buy smokes for the boys over seas. The Late Miss Annie Moore. Miss Annie Moore, well-known resident of Hensall, died suddenly at her home on Monday morning. The deceased had been a resident of the village for over forty years. She has been in failing health for some time. Miss Moore was a valued member of Hensall United Church, the W.M.S. and an active worker when health permitted* She is sur vived by one brother, Charles Moore, of Hensall; a sister, Mrs. Robert Sweet, of Sarnia, predeceased her a few years ago. Funeral service will be held on Wednesday, March 22. Late Charles McAllister Funeral services for the late Charles McAllister, who passed away at his home in Toronto on Saturday, were held in the United Church, Hensall, on Monday, conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook. The deceased was a well-known resident of Hensall and vicinity having been born on the' Pai’r Line. He was ill his 80th year. Prior to moving to Toronto, Mr* Mc Allister was choir leader in Carmel Presbyterian church for a number of years. Surviving are his widow, the former Hannah Sproat, former ly of Kippen; a son, Edison, Galt; a daughter* -Mrs. Frank Brooks, Toronto, and a brother, Dr. Arthur McAllister, Georgetown. Burial was in Heiisall Union Cemetery. For Henry” and those who took part were Misses Beryl Pfaff, Violet Hyde, Sally Manson, Mrs, Ray BroderlclG Mrs. Charles Forrest and Mrs. John Farquhar* Musical selections were played during intermis sion by Messrs. Jas. Bengough and Jas. Mustard accompanied by Mrs. Malcom DougaJl at the piano. Miss Margaret Dougan contributed a vocal solo and Mrs. Chas* Forrest, a piano solo. The second Play en titled “Polly Put the Kettle On” was presented by Mrs. Robert Simp son, Mrs, Roy MacLaren, Mrs. Roy Bell, Mrs, Nelson Staijlake, Misses Jean McQueen, Norma Sangster and Janeth Simpson. Arnold Circle Meets The March meeting of the Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian church was held at the home of -Mrs. D, E. McKinnon on Monday evening with Miss Sally Manson co-hostess. Th© president, Mrs, Melvin Moir, pre sided and opened the meeting with the call to worship and the singing of “There is a ‘Green Hill Far Away,” after which Mrs, Jack Farquhar led in prayer, The Scrip ture was read by Mrs, Ray Broder ick and Mrs. Melvin Moir gave an Aztic Chieftan Prayer. A reading, “Who is the Latin American?” was given by Mrs. Roy MacLaren. Fol lowing the singipg of “Abide With Me,” the roll call, minutes, offering and business was taken up. The topic on “British Guiana” was very ably taken by Miss Sally Manson. The meeting closed by singing “Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross,” and the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Hensall and District Red Cross Drive 43% ovei’ quota; Raise $3,59 0, $1,090 over objective. With returns almost complete the financial committee are pleased to report a most successful Red Cross campaign. The success of this drive has been b ro u gli t about by the efforts of many to raise their subscriptions above a year ago. The treasury is always open for dona tions. Our boys are fighting foi’ us, they cannot continue to give their all unless we sacrifice for them at home. The Finance Committee wish to thank all the canvassers and others connected with this campaign for their splendid efforts in this drive. We wish to thank the various societies for their generous response to this canvass. The Hensall Girls’ Dance Club $20 0.00; S. S. 10, Hay, south branch $100.0 0; Oddfellows Lodge $25.00; Masonic Lodge $50.00; Hay Township Fire Insur ance $50.00; War Service Associa tion $25.00, and the regular gener ous donation of the County of $60 0.00. The boys who receive aid from the above donations will have; a warm spot in their hearts for these organizations. The people of Hensall and district should be proud of the fact that they have put this campaign over in such a great man ner, Don’t forget the need for sew- ling and knitting. Don’t forget the j Seaforth Blood Donor clinic. Don’t forget the hoys. Mr. R. H. Middle- I ton, local druggist, is chairman of this Red Cross campaign. CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks visited on Sunday with relatives in Ripley. Mr. and Mrs? M. C. Sleamon and June, uf London, visited on Sunday with Mrs. John Sleamon. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Simpson, of [Ailsa Craig, were Sunday visitors | with Mr. and Mrs. P. Simpson. I Miss Iva Willis, of Exeter, is a guest with Mrs. T. Willis, Miss Esther Andrew, of Ottawa, is holidaying with her parents Mr. and Mrs7 G. R. Andrew, A crokinole party sponsored by the Y.P.U. will be held in the school room of the church, Friday, March !24 at 8.15. Everybody welcome Don’t forget the pot luck supper and euchre in the school on Thurs day evening of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgins and family visited with relatives in Lon don on Monday. Mr. Cecil Hodgson, of Toronto, and Mrs. D. Hodgson visited recent ly with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodg son- Mrs. Thos. Mawhinney, of Exeter, is visiting her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Brown. Mrs. Leo. Adamac received word this week of the death of her moth er in Winnipeg. -Mr. Adamac left for Winnipeg to attend the funeral. I The sympathy of the community is I extended to the family. Delores Parker, daughter of Dick i Parker, formerly of Centralia, now of Harriston, is in Palmerston Hos- pisal following an operation. Best wishes for recovery. Mission Band Meeting The Alert Mission Band held their monthly meeting in the schoolroom of the church on Sunday, March 12 with Mrs. Andrew and Audrey Powe in charge. The roll call was answer ed by nine members. The members purpose Was repeated in unison. A very interesting story “Holding Back th© Floods in China” was told * by Mrs, Andrew. Arlene Skinner took charge of the Worship Service. The Seripture lesson was read by Don alas Wilson, lAudrey Powe of fered prayer and asked questions on last month’s World Friends. Other stories were read and tlie meeting closed with a hymn* One-act Oonicdies Ih'esentCsd The Arnold Cirola members pre sented two. one-act comedy plays to a large audience in the Town Hall Hensall on Wednesday evening in spite of the rain and sleet and road conditions. Rev. Joseph Taylor was chairman for 'the evening and ih^ tl’OduCed the cast of each play. The first play was entitled “A Cookie Under the auspices of the W.A. of Elimville the t>ltiy “CLOSED LIPS” Will be presented by James St* Young People IN THE ELIMVILLE CHURCH THURSDAY, MARCH 30 Admission 35c and 25 c MONEY TO LOAN on First Mortgages Now is the TIME to stop paying rent and to buy a farm. Write us if you have been thinking about it, We may be able tp help yon with a loan* All in quiries treated confidentially. in- Huron&Erie MORTGAGE CORPORATION London 'Windsor St. Thomas Chatbain i parents Rev. fur- and Lon-of with Mr. Howlett, week-end Harry Hoffman. I-Iarold Kellerman and son DASHWOOD A, community quilting will be held in the basement of the Evangelical church on Thursday afternoon and evening, March 30th, All ladies are cordially invited. The last quilting of the season, AC1 Theodore Luft, of Newfound land, is spending two weeks lough with his Mrs, Luft. Miss Isabelle don, spent the and Mrs. T* Mrs. have returned home from Victoria hospital. Miss Christine McCrea, of Exeter, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Currie, Mr. and Mrs, Tavistock, were with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Ezra Bender days in Toronto last week. Miss Jean Held and friend, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. M. Watts, Mr, and Mrs, Archie Bender, of Toronto, were Sunday visitors with liis parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Bender. Mrs. ing a week, Mrs. meeting in Roseville last Wednes days. Gnr. Quebec, spent a ■Huffman. Mrs. Becker, Mrs. C. Snell Gaiser, Belva Truemner and Carl Oestreicher attended a meeting in Kitchener on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Scott and son Owen, of Bowmanville, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. E. Kleinstiver. The St. Patricks tea held at the home of Mrs. D. Tieman last week was well attended. The' home was beautifully decorated with carna tions and shamrocks. Presiding at the tea table centred with green candle sticks in Silver holders' and shamrocks was Mrs.- S. Currie and Mrs. E. Merner with her daughtei; Joyce dressed in green attended the door. The proceeds of the afternoon amounted to $15.25 which will go toward the Red Cross Unit. Jas. Francis, of Sunday visitor^ Harry Hoffman. spent a few Lovina Kellerman is spend- few days in Chatham this Becker attended a W.M.S. Jack Huffman, of Lac-hine, few days with Mrs. Mrs. M. Tieman, and Misses Myrtle KIRKTON and Mrs. C. D. Overholt,ofMr. Wainfleet, Ontario, spent the week end with the latter’s sisiter, Mrs. Fred Switzer. Mr. Graham, of Toronto, is visit ing his daughter, (Reo) Mrs. W. D. Goodger. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cluff and sons, Don and Paul, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Cluff. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Francis, of London, visited this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Francis. Mr. and Mrs. A. Robinson cele brated their 44th wedding anniver sary Wednesday evening when they entertained a few re. The hostess, daughter Elaine, lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Reudlyns, Sask., attended the fun eral of the former’s brother, Mr. Cliff Brown Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are .spending some time the East visiting relatives. Miss G. holidaying Patten. Mr. Ray friends with euch- assisted by her served a dainty Wm, Brown, of Patten, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. in is E. Morrison, of London, was a, week-end guest with Mr. and Mrs. Russell A good sum was Friday evening when couples! enjoyed progressive euchre and croquinole under the auspices of the Women’s Institute. the euchre went to his parents, Morrison. realized on about fifty Honors Ladies’for .... __ high, Miss Kay O’Brien,* lone hands, CREDITON The Crediton Rod Crpss are .spon soring the play “Closed Lips" on April 20. Please keep this date open, *nr. noyd England of the C.P.C. who is stationed at tne Base Jpost Office at Ottawa was home for a lew days last week-end. lAu. and Mrs. R. J. Blackwell, of Port Dover* spent last week-end in town with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Wuerth. Eugene Finkbeiner R.C.N.V.R., of Toronto, was home for the week end. Last week closed the Red Cross drive. Up to date the returns for Crediton and district have mounted over the $500.00 mark. Our thanks go out to each family that support ed this drive and especially to the canvassers. Rev. and Mrs, F. M. Faist, Bar bara and Marion, uf Milverton, are spending a few days this week with the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs, Ezra Faist. Miss Laura Woodall, of London, and Mr* Bill Woodall, of Windsor, spent last week-end with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Woodall. A salvage drive for paper, rubber and iron will be held some day dur ing the week April 3-6. For further information regarding the time and place watch the post office. Anyone in the country with a supply of pap er please let any of the boys of the Crediton school know and we shall call for it. At present the Navy League are asking for magazines for the sailors who do not have a chance to buy them for themselves. If you have any please give them to the pupils when they call for them. Several people from Crediton Unit of the Red Cross attended the Blood Donor’s Clinic held in Exe ter last Wednesday. Any not given in their names to become Blood Donors ■Clinics please let Mrs. Wein have your name. The Fourth Quarterly ference of the fiscal year was con ducted at Zion Evangelical church. Crediton, under the guidance of Rev. F. M. Faist, of Milverton, D.S. of the Stratford district. The minister presided over the devotional period The district superintendent then brought a suitable inspiring mes sage. Following the devotional per iod, the business session of the con ference convened with the D.S. hear ing the various reports from the different organizations of thin church. Rev. F. ,M. Faist is a home town boy and we always- welcome him A was and ceived. during letting have a all the ting up all winter close to Crediton supply of paper truck to call for do so if they tell of the Crediton school before week. Gas restrictions do not mit us to make a canvass in country unless there is a good ply. For further notice concerning the drive watch the Post Office. Any rubber or iron may also be put in for this drive. An event of signal importance took place at the Mrs. Albert Smith Petei’ John Jones, Lieutenant and Cecil Jones, nee Lillian Bell, form erly of Kincardine, received the right of infant baptism, the cele brant being the Rev. J. E. Jones of Greenwood United Church, Winni peg, grandfather of the baptized child. Sponsers for Peter John were Miss Margaret Jones of Toronto and Mrs. Wesley Jones, great-grand mother, Unique in this event was the fact that four generations were represented. The Rev. J Crediton boy, the most flour es in the and renewed by visiting who have and wish at future Lawrence local con- back home, few months ago a paper drive held in Crediton and vicinity a very good collection was re- A similar drive will be held the week of ’April3-6. We are you know so that you may spring reckoning and get out papers that has been collec- . Any one who is and has.a good and wishes the it may have it any of the pupils that per- the sup- home of Mr. and and family when infant son of Fit. Mrs. Frederick a 39th ANNUAL Kk« SPRING SHOW CLINTON THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1944 FEATURING HORSES, BEEF CATTLE, & BACON HOGS, $1250.00 PRIZE MONEY. Exhibit of Dressed Bacon Hog Carcasses. Junior Farmers Judging Competition. Loud Speaking System* b The fair will be officially opened by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, the Honorable Albert; Matthews, who will arrive at Clinton, 12.03 noon, Mrs. Matthews will accompany his Honor. Middlesex-Huron regiment will furnish guard of Honor*. No. 5 R.C.A,F. station band will be in attendance accompan ied by different R.C.A.F, units for the opening ceremonies, which will be broadcast over C.K.N.X., Wingham. THIS PROMISES TO BE AN OUTSTANDING STOCK SHOW. A cordial invitation is extended to all citizens. President—John Innes General Manager—A. J. McMurray C.K.N.X., WINGHAM Private Car Ambulance Service for the Convenience of the Sick and Injured. ®. fjarry isjnfftttan Shinrral ^nmr ®n th? Air Earh B’uniiay 5.45 p.m. THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collings visi ted in this community op Sunday* Mrs. Collings assisted In th© choir at the morning service. AC2 Edwin Miller, of Manning Pool, Toronto, spent the week-end at his home. ACS Allison Morgan, of Kingston, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. A* Morgan. Mr. R. Williams was in Toronto, over the week-end and purchased one of the most modern milking machines the “Universal”, which is now operated by the Co-operative company. He also left Mr, Howard John’s order for a machine of the same kind. They will be delivered next week. Miss Hazel Williams is visiting with relatives and friends in Toron to this week. The Thames Road Unit of the Red Cross held a very successful St. Patrick’s social in the church basement Friday night with a good attendance. Several from this community at tended the hockey game in Strat ford Monday night, Mrs. Laura Kay, of London, and Mr. N. J. Prior, of Portage la Prairie visited with Miss Olive Prior for a few days last week. Mrs, A. Duncan and Mrs. C* Smith are spending a few days in Montreal. Mrs. Duncan visiting with her daughter Shirley and Mrs, Smith with relatives. The regular monthly meeting of the Y.P.U. will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Cann on Friday of this week. Sunday services will be at the usual hour, Sunday school 10.15 a.m, and church service at 11.15 a. m. The four Farm ’F'orums of this district and Zion Farm Forum Group met in the church basement for a combined meeting with splendid attendance. The program for the evening consisted of the Farm Forum broadcast, after which Zion Forum led in community sing ing. Mr. Simpson read a letter from Clinton. Mr. Chas. Jeffery favored with several of his humorous read* ings. Rev. Lang the on- educating and interesting bate, has Life’ G. Stone the affirmative and Doris Duncan and Wilfred Hunkin upheld the negative side. The affirmative side winning. Lumley Forum took charge of the contests and lunch was serv ed. A very profitable and enjoyable evening was enjoyed similar evening is to be time in April. The regular monthly the Mission Band was held at the; manse Sunday morning f church hour with an attendance of 3 7. The president Dalores Allison was in charge The meeting opened , Mrg> Mair on j ,g Secret Weapon with hymn 427 followed with pray-; - • — - - * -- -A, er by Agnes Bray. Scripture lesson ‘ was taken by Mabel Selves. Roll call > and collection was taken. Hymn 245 was sung. Shirley Thompson gave a ‘ reading, Marion Lamport a recita-' tion, Margaret Cann a reading, Mar garet Thompson a reading and June Coward a reading. Carol Gill of GrandBend a recitation. Hymn 405 after which Mrs. L. Webber gave the study book, Mrs. Mair a short story. Hymn 450 and God Save the King brought the meeting to a. close. Mrs. Mair pronounced the benediction. The regular monthly meeting of the Thames Road Mission Circle met at the home of Miss Alice Pass- more with a good attendance. June Coward, the president, presiding. Meeting opened with hymn 445 fol lowed with prayer by Mrs. Mair. Scripture lesson was taken by Alice Passmore. The secretaries report was read and roll call was answered of Woodham was guest speaker and his address ’Rural High Schools”., was most The de- “Resolved that Country Life more advantages than City was well presented by Mrs. nd Arnold Cann taking by all. A held some- I LICENSED EMBALMER — FUNERAL DIRECTOR Day or Night, Phone 70 Dashwood.3tC J by a “Household Hint”. Treasurers report was given and business dis cussed. It was decided that each member bring a article of clothing :for the bale to fit children from 6 .' to 10 years. These articles to be meeting ox, *n at next ^meeting. Offering was taken and hymn 374 was sung.. , ; vyojo xijmu u i t w 0u.Ju.j3. Marjorie Parker was in charge of the program which was as follows. Hymn 502 Temperance Reading. j Opium, Herald by Mary Borland, instrumental, Betty Mair,. Topic ‘ June Coward, instrumental, Shirley .Thompson, - -- :Hymn 252 | repeating " • A 10c tea time was spent over the tea cups.. Reading, Jean Cann, and meeting closed by all the Mizpah benediction, was served and a social ZION Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock visit ed on Monday with Rev. and Mrs. Risdon, of Staffa. Miss Marjorie Earl week-end with Mr. and 1 Kerslake, of Exeter. Mrs. Allan Jaques the week-end with her : A. Gunning, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern visit ed with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stephen son, of Birr, and Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell McKeen, of Ilderton. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dickenson and 1 spent the Mrs. Howard visited over mother, Mrs. STEPHEN TOWNSHIP FEDERATION of AGRICULTURE CREDITON Wednesday Eve., March 29 8.30 p.m. Provincial convention and impoi-tant County plans will be $ discussed. Directors will report on coniinuiuty activities and meetings in connection with Larger Unit of Administration for public schools will be discussed. Everyone invited to attend this important meeting. W. C. F. Oestricher, Pres. Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Sec.I family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock. A number from here Farm Forum meeting Road on Monday night. Miss Hazel Stewart a few days with her Warren Brock. Don’t forget the progressive euch re and lost heir which is to be held in the school on Friday, March 24.. attended the at Thames is spending sister, Mrs. E. Jones, a former is Paster of one of ishing United Church city of Winnipeg boyhood associations the old home much to the joy of his mother Mrs. Wesley Jones and sister Mrs. Albert Smith. This visit constituted a break °in the journey on his way to the Home Mission Offices. United Church. Toronto, to represent, in an of ficial capacity, the interests of Non Anglo-Saxon work in the Conference of Manitoba. Visitors at the home of Mrs. Wes ley Jones on this occasion were Miss Pearl Keys, Rev, and Mrs. L. Turner and daughter Grace Marie, also Captain Willis Hackett of the Salvation Army, London. Captain Willis Hackett, who preached and sang at all three ap pointments in the Crediton charge in the absence of the minister, Rev. L. H. Turner, B.A. was a guest at the United Church parsonage over the week-end. always fresh COMPARE THE PRICE gent’s high,Mrs. Roy McNaughton. Morrison; lone hands, Harold O’Brien; consolation, Roger Urqu hart; for the croquinole: Alice Thompson and Jack Robinson. After the game Audrey Boyd, Christine Dobson, Gwen Dobson, Betty Doupe and Donna McNaughton, dressed in appropriate costumes, danced the Sailor’s Hornpipe and the Irish Lilt. Grace Collier, accompanied on the piano by Miss Shirley Holmes, of London, sang “When Irish Byes are smiling.” Mr. Leon Paul ac companied by Miss Wilma McCurdy, led in community singing. The re mainder of the evening was enjoyed in dancing, music being supplied by Mr. Earl I-leywood and Mr. Allen. Ray Lome COMPARE THE QUALITY ELIMVILLE Mrs. Reg. McDonald and daugh ter Barbara, of Exeter, visited with the former’s parents, Mr* and Mrs. Everett Skinner on Sunday, MiSs Joy1 Whitlock, of St. Thomas, spent the week-end here, Over $281.00 was the Red Cross by the community. Mrs, W. H* Dickey „ . cille are visiting: this week at Mr, Newman Baker’s, hear Winburn, J with relatives subscribed to people of this and Mary Lu- The trustees of S. S. No. 10, Hay* will hold a Euchre and Box Social on Friday, March 24* proceeds to buy chairs for Red Cross Everybody welcome* work* MOUNT CARMEL Mr. Gerald O’Brien has com menced his year’s work with Mr. Joseph Regier* The dance and bihgo was a big success held in Mt. Carmel Parish Hall Friday night* Miss Mary McCann is spending * few days at home with her parents. Mrs. M. Regan spent last Week in Detroit visiting her daughter* Mrs. A* L. McCormich, I. M. Fogarty had a very success ful wood been on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Bletrieh spent last Bunday with Mrs. M Regan, W THS BEST/ FOR MY SAKE/ 18% 15% 18% 18% 15% 13% 15% 16% 25% 19% Chick Starter Growing Mash Laying Mash Pig Starter Hog Grower Hog Fattener Sow Ration Dairy Ration Calf Meal Flushing Mash <See us personally for quantity discounts. SHUR-GAIN SERVICE MILLS CANN & SONS T. B. ALLEN LACKIE BROS Exeter Farquhar Whalen