HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-03-23, Page 4hage <THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 23, 1944 BIRTHS Bray Chick Hatchery Exeter; Phone 246 Agent: Alvin Kerslake, Hensall MALTAIS—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hos­ pital. on March 16, 1944, to -LAC. and Mrs. John Maltais, of Exeter, a daughter, DEATHS COOK—-In Biddulph Township, on March 20. 1944, Arthur Welling­ ton Cook, beloved husband of Ann Dixon in his 73rd year. CARDS OF THANKS Classified Directory -THERE’S NO DEAD HEADS HERE—EVERY WANT AD WORKS HARD FOR SALE PERSONAL Auction Sale of Farm Stock grounds and garden. TERMS: Goods and chattels cash; real estate ten per cent, of the pur­chase price at time of saje and the balance in thirty days. For further particulars and Con­ ditions of Sale apply to FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. PARKINSON & HARSTONE, St. Marys, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor, Bated the 15th day pf March, 1944. ROBERTSON’S CONDITION POWDER 3 lbs. — $1,00 9 lbs. — $2.45 Guaranteed xio Filler Res uits eonsideredt you will find this powder unequalled as ft tonic fpy ftll fiiyjtri stock Mr. Ed, Pollen and family wish to express their sincere thanks to the many friends for their kindness and sympathy extended to them in their recent bereavement; also for the many floral tributes and to those who loaned cars. Special thanks to Mrs. Wm. Sillery and Mrs, A. Mor­ gan for their duet and to Rev. J. E. SEED for SALE—1942 mixed Er­ ban oats and No-barb barley, and Nobarb barley. Apply to Frank i are Down, phone 177x2* Exeter, 16:23* IF BACIL1CI1ES are slowing you up, take RUMACAPS. Pains and aches relieved after the first dose, Robertson’s Drug Store, and Implements WOODHAM A special meeting of the W.M.S. will be held Friday evening, March1. 28th, in the basement of the Church. iTayloi’, of Hensall and Rev. Mair, Rev. Harvey, of Byron, will be the ■ of Thames Road. * guest speaker. Mr, Harvey is an ex-; pert with lantern slides, and will show over 200 of his own produc­ tions. A good crowd is expected. The amount raised for the China and India Famine Fund from Wood­ ham was $148.76, The Red Cross from the Wood­ ham area met excellent success. The quota was $900.00, and they have gone over the top from here. The Mission Circle met Tuesday evening last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker with an at­ tendance of twenty-one. • ( Miss Muriel Thacker, of London,1 visited last week at her home here. ’ Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. to express Or- the many relatives and friends who Mr.' so kindly remembered Mrs. Kirk- and land with cards, flowers and treats and while a patient in Victoria Hospi- and al, London, and since coming home.* ' Mr. and Mrs. Benson Williams wish to express their sincere thanks ,to all those who so kindly remem­ bered him with flowers, cards, let- f ters, treats and also those who ed him during his illness. The family of the Richard Coates desire to Zion, their sincere thanks to the neigh- Muriel hors and friends for the kindness ’ and sympathy extended during theh- ta Of The members of the family of the late Nelson Kestle wish to express sincere thanks to friends and neigh­ bours for their kindnesses,' to Rev. Mr. Irwin, to those who loaned ears, , and to all who sent cards or floral tributes in their recent bereave­ ment. * Mr. H. O. express friends kindly patient pecially Mr. and Southcott wishes to his sincere thanks to the and organizations who so remembered in to him while a Victoria Hospital and es- the blood donors. Mrs. Jas. Kirkland wish their sincere thanks to FOR SALE—No. 1 O.A.C. 21 barley $1,00 a bus; No. 1 Cartier oats $1.00 a bus., good clean heavy seed. Stan Love, R.R. 3 Kippen, LOST AND FOUND Stanley Twp, 16:23c FOR SALE—Over stocked—Eleven young cows, two have freshened, others due this spring, all sired, by Reg. Hereford; aged Clyde team; also quantity of Nobarb seed barley. Apply to Russell Broderick, Hensall, R.R. 2, phone 91r5 Hensall. 16* LOST—In Exeter during the cold spell last week a lady’s mink muff. Kindly leave at Times-Ad- vocate. 23* FOUND—On Sunday morning on the Main Street in Exeter a 194 4 Commercial sticker. Apply at Times-Advocate. 23c AUCTION SALES FOR SALE—J acre of land, good house with hydro in village of Elimville. Apply Henry Mullins Lucan, R. R. 2. 23* FOR SALE—A load of second-crop alfalfa, W. F, Abbott, phon© 30 Exeter 23* SALE CANCELLED The auction sale of the farm stock and implements as announced last week by Mr, John Triebner has been cancelled. 8 Jas. Squire were Mr. and Mrs. ville Cann, of Thames Road; and Mrs. Howard Anderson Shirley, of Washington, and Mr. Mrs. Laverne Stone, Donna Marlene, of Kirkton. Madeline Rodd, of London, spent’ the week-end at her home here with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rodd. Mr. Donald Rodd, of the Merchant Navy, spent Saturday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rodd and on his return will be stationed j at St. John’s, New Brunswick. 1 Miss Kathleen Johns, of spent Sunday with Miss Stephens. Miss Marjory Laing, of Granton, spent the week-end here. Several from here euchre and dance at Friday evening last. 'OR SALE—Coal brooder stove, 250 chick size. Apply to Cecil Camm, Woodham, phone Kirkton 22rl5. 23* Fi FOR SALE—70 Leghorns and hy- bred pullets laying 70%. Apply to J, A. Nichol, Lake Road. 22* late recentat her home Rey. attended the Kirkton Hall, cars. visi- c Mrs express bereavement, especially Mr. Irwin and for the loan ENGAGEMENT FOR SALE—Some Erban oats and O.A.C. 21 barley, mixed; also some 19 42 Cartier oats at $1,00 a bus. Apply to G. Hamilton, Hensail. 23:30c FOR SALE—O.A.C. No. 21 Seed barley, $1.00 per bus. Jas. W. Gardiner, Kirkton, 21rl0. 23c FOR SALE—4 collie puppies about 2 months old. Apply to Times-Ad­ vocate. 23* ROBERTSON’S Rhone 50 Exeter Auction Sale of 100 Acre Farm In Biddulph Township Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Wednes­ day the 5th day of April, 1944, at the hour of 2 o’clock in the after­ noon, on the premises, the follow­ ing farm property, Lot No. 8 in the 3rd Concession of the Township of Biddulph, in the County of Middle­ sex, On this property is a brick, one-storey cottage and kitchen, 7 rooms, a bank barn about 36 ft, x 70 ft., cement foundation and a frame garage, both In fair condition. There are 2 wells, one at the house and the other at the barn. About 9 acres of land is sown in fall wheat, some 20 acres were fall plowed. There is about 20 acres of unplowed bush slashing and the rest of the land is in hay and pasture, soil is Al RABY CHICKS From Blood-Tested Flocks; Bar­ red Rocks, Targe Type White Leg­ horns, Barred Rock X White Leg­ horns, Red X Rocks, Sussex X New Hampshires. Write or phone to A, H, Switzer Hatchery, Grantonr Ont, for price list. Phone 38-3 Granton, Ont. 2-17tfc on Lot 36, Boundary Line 3% miles west, pf Dashwood, in Stephen Twin, on TUESDAY, APRIL 4tli, 1941, at 1 p.m, sharp, the following; HORSES—Bay Clyde horse, years old; Grey mare, Percheron, rising 8 years; black driver works single and double. IMPLEMENTS—M.H. binder, 6- foot, new; McCormick binder, 5-fpot cut; McCormick 11-disc fertilizer drill nearly new; low down manure spreader, McCormick-Deering, near­ ly new; M.H. hay loader, nearly new; M.H. side delivery rake; 10- foot steel rake, M.H.; 3 section spring-tooth harrows; 4 sections of steel harrows; 1 section harrows; 2- drum steel roller; M.H. 3-liorse cult tivator; low down steel wagon; 1% size medium wheels for same wag­ on; 1% size wagon, nearly new; gravel box; stock rack; 16-foot sliding bob sleighs; buggy pole; farm wagon; binder for a tractor; Clinton- fan­ ning mill; wheel barrow; 3 2-foot extension ladder, new; 1200 lb. scales; bagger; Fleury chopper, 10- in. in good shape; 40-foot 6-inch belt, new; box truck; whiffle trees; eveners; neck-yokes; logging chain; scoop; shovel; forks; scoop shovel; steel vice; 3 grease guns; pump oil can; fuel pump; bag holder; pair horse blankets; robe; heavy set of back band harness; set of plow har­ ness; 2 new horse collars; 1 collar, nearly new; 2 stall posts; cross-cut saw, wrenches; 3 axes, set of single harness. CATTLE—‘Dark red cow, fresh bred; .red Durham cow, fresh with calf at foot; red Durham cow due at time of sale; red and white cow, fresh; red cow, milking; 6 Durham heifers, 2 years old; 2 Poll-Angus steers, 2 years old 3 Durham heif­ ers, 1 year old; 4 Durham steers, 1 year ------ old; old; old; red heifer, fall calf; 3 roan steers, fall calves; roan steer, 4 weeks old; calf 2 weeks old; 2 Durham steers, 2 years old. PIGS—5 York pigs lbs.; York sow, due April. HAY—15 ton of quantity of roots. GRAIN—100 bus. of seed barley cleaned over Parkhill mill; 30 bus. of early seed oats, also cleaned over Parkhill mill. Many other articles too numerous to mention. Everything will be sold to highest bidder, as proprietor has rented his farm. TERMS—CASH ARTHUR BAKER, Proprietor. LLOYD FAHNER and NORMAN TURNBULL, Clerks ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer, R. R. 1, Dashwood, Tel. 12-57 By-Law No. 2 for 1944 of the Trustees of the Police Village of Grand Bend. A By-Law to Provide for the Purchase Police of a Site for a Village Hall the Police Village of1 % size box; rack; buggy; cutter; pair of flat rack, and. bunks; 1 short cuppling for 1 short cuppling for The WHEREAS Grand Bend comprises parts of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, and Bosanquet, in the County of Lan^bton. AND WHEREAS by Section 544 (1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1937, Chapter 266, the Trustees of the said Police Village of Grand Bend with the assent of the electors of the Village qualified to vote on money By-laws may pass a By-law for the purpose of acquiring a site for a Police Village Hall. AND WHEREAS it is by the said Trustees to for the said purpose from Rau the hereinafter described prop­ erty for the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00), of which the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1,- 500,00) will be paid out of cash on hand and the balance of Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.0 0) will be provided for in the estimates for the current year. The amount <pf the rateable pro­ perty in the Police Village of Grand Bend according to the last assessment is $330,015.00. Therefore, the Trustees Police Village of Grand ENACT AS FOLLOWS:. (1) The Trustees of the Village of Grand Bend will purchase from John P. Rau as a site for a Police Village Hall part of original Lot Number 1 in the Lake Road West Concession in the Township of Bosanquet more particularly des­ cribed >as follows: Lot number Ten, Wilson’s Survey, according to plan, dated April 6, 1877 for the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3 000,00) of which the sum of Fifteen Hund­ red Dollars ($150 0.00) will be paid, after the final passing of this By­ law and the remaining sum of Fif­ teen Hundred Dollars ($1500.00 ) will be paid on or before the 20th day of December, 1944. (2) This By-law shall take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. PROVISIONALLY PASSED at Grand Bend this 7th day of March, A.D. 1944. Sgd: .................................... Sgd: ................................... Sgd: ................................... TRUSTEES, POLICE VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND first class, —TERMS— per cent of the to be paid down at and the balance in Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay and Seed Grain Harold Jackson has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Lot 24, Con. 1 L.R.S., Tuclcersmlth, , miles south of Brucefield on No. 4 Highway on TUESDAY, MARCH 28 one o’clock: HORSES—1 draft gelding, 8 old; mare, 7 years old; 1 wagon mare, 8 years old, single or double. CATTLE—Shorthorn bull, 15 months old, bred by C. M. Blyth, of Guelph, sired by Campbell’s Command Dam Prince Royal Grand Dam Stevenson Princess Royal (Imp.); cow, 7 years old; cow, 8 years old, cow 3 years old; all eligible for registration, all supposed to be in calf; 4 young cows due to freshen in April; cow, 8 years old, supposed to be in calf; 4 steers, 2 years old; 3 heifers, 2 years old; 4 steers, 1 year old; 3 heifers, 1 year old; 5, spring calves; 3 fall calves. PIGS—Sow with litter about 4 weeks old; 10 chunks, about lbs. HENS—125 Hybrid Pullets. . A quantity of mixed hay and bushels of seed Cartier oats and 21 barley. IMPLEMENTS—Binder, 6-ft. with sheaf carrier and truck; mower, 6-ft. cut; side rake: dump rake; hay loader, hay rack with rolling platform; fertilizer drill; 3 horse disc cultivator; bean cultivator and harvester; spreader; harrows; plows; 2-furrow plow; light farm wagon; cutter; cedar box; cross-cut tu­ ning mill; set of scales, 2,000 lbs. capacity; bag barrel; 2 12-foot gates, new; cauld­ ron kettle; steel water trough; large steel tank; stone boat;' pig crate; hen crate; egg crate; 2 hay knives; steel logging chain; wire stretcher; car rim spreader; grain bags; De Laval cream separator; set of brass mounted breeching harness; set of single harness; 2 sets of plow harness; horse collars; electric horse clippers; electric fence, new: hay fork; set of slings and sling ropes; crow-bar; neck- yoke; whiffle trees; forks, spades, shovels, pick; emery grinder; Daisy churn; bed, springs and mattress; carpet sweeper; 2 hanging lamps; doz. gems. TERMS OF SALE—GASH Positively no reserve as the farm sold. JOHN N. HAZLEWOOD. Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer purchase the time 30 days IS at yrs. Ten money of sale thereafter. For further particulars and terms and conditions of sale apply to; JAMES B'. SIMPSON Vendor, Hensall FREDERICK W. GLADMAN Vendor’s Solicitor, Exeter, Ont. FRANK TAYLOR Auctioneer, Exeter proposed, purchase John P. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of Adam Elijah Doupe, late of the Township of Blanshard in the County of Perth, Farmer, -AND IN THE MATTER OF The Partition Act. FOR SALE—Hereford bull 13 mos. old, a real individual, priced to sell. Apply to Ernest Thomson, Parkhill, R.R. 8, 23*and Mrs. Geo. Hay wishMr.to announce the engagement of their ; daughter, Doris Labelle, to Gunner* The Municipal Council of Usborne Herman John Dettmer, of the R.C.A. Township met on March 11th, 19 44, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Dettmer with all the members present Correspondence was received follows: From the Wood Fuel Officer ■ Ontario, stating that 5 car loads wood, would be shipped to Usborne; Township. The Council appointed W. J. Routly to superintend, unload­ ing and delivery of wood to cus­ tomers at the car. N. G. appointed to receive the customers to present a payment before getting the wood, week with relatives at Sarnia and The price was set at $9.00 per cord Forest and attended the Silver Wed- at the station. A limit of three ding of her ^parents, Mr. and Mrs. cords per customer was fixed. Communication from the W.P.T.B. was received re office expense of local ration board. It was agreed on motion by Ellerington and Dun­ can that the Municipality contribute $5.00 per month as heretofore and that it be paid quarterly. A request was received for a grant to the South Huron Agricultural Vineland, spent some time recently Society; the was made. ’ Notice was ration books locally on March 31st and April 1st. Wm. Johns was appointed to super­ intend the district at Elimville. Mr. John Heywood waited upon the Council with - the request for with Mr. and Mrs. Parry Thompson direction as to the location of mail' of Lieury. posts. He stated that the Post Office' Mr. Harold Pollock, of Detroit, Department had instructed him to spent a few days last week at his refer to the Municipal Clerk for. home here. such direction. It was moved by ’ Master Howard Hartle spent a Ellerington and Ducan that the mail! few days last week with his grand­ posts shall be placed at least 181 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartle. USBORNE COUNCIL of Ayr. The wedding to take as the beginning of April. i of ■ of Clarke was money; all receipt for place* USE 6 ft. wide chain link fencing foi' chick shelters. We also have a shipment of barb wire. Cann & Sons, Exeter. tfc GREENWAY The Young People of James United Church, Exeter, are present­ ing their play “Closed Lips,” in the United Church on Monday evening, March 27. Mrs. Eddie Hartle visited last WANTED 170 old; Poll-Angus steer, 1 year 2 Durham steers rising 1 year 2 Holstein steers rising 1 year white heifer rising 1 year old; heifer rising 1 year old; red fall calf; roan steer, st.WANTED — Haviland, Limoges china, service for twelve. Apply at Times-Advocate.. 23* MISCELLANEOUS 300 No. cut weighing 125 on 27 th of clover hay; . Randall, of Sarnia. Mrs. J. Snowden, of Brinsley, visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brophey visited on Tuesday with friends in , Windsor. Fit. Sgt. Harold Honsberger, of The Thames Road Farmers Club are expecting a car of western wheat, a cai’ of barley and a car of Co-Op fed within a week or ten days and a few more orders are needed. Any­ one needing Co-Op. Feed we would like the orders in so that the feed can be removed from the car. P. Pasmore, Secy. steel roller; set of 5-section riding plow; 2 manure iron walking wagon; buggy; cutting bob sleighs; gravel box; saw; buck saw; fan- usual .grant of $15.00 received that the new, would . be distributed Wm.at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. .Lloyd Love and ily, of London, and Mr. and Ervine Ratz, of Shipka, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lisle ; Woodburn and family. Mrs. Ross Brown visited last week fam- Mrs. NOTICE The Council of the Township of Hay hereby notifies the ratepayers of Hay that on March 6th, 19 44, the said Council passed a motion No. 25 1944 and By-Law No. 5, 1944. That Henceforth no more poultry loss claims through KILLING, INJUR­ IES, or DAMAGE otherwise caused by DOGS will be paid by said Town­ ship. 23,30 holder; bag truck; Executor’s Sale of Real Estate and Household Effects Mr. Frank Taylor, Auctioneer, feet from the centre of the travelled portion of the road and the box sus­ pended on an arm so that it is 3 feet off the edge of the travelled portion of the road and having at least 4i feet clearance above the| level of the roadway. Carried. The Collector presented his roll with $1,049.07 not collected. He was instructed to continue of arrears until May again return his roll. Treasurer’s report: ceipts, Feb. Sth to March 11th, 1944; Milton $8 00; 6.00; 30.00; REAL ESTATE the collection 13th, and to List of re- FOR SALE—-150 acres, fine largo buildings, hardwood bush, Lon- desborough, convenient to school, village, immediate possession. Settling estate, bargain. 100 acres, fine large buildings, red­ ded, electricity, Brodhagen, vil­ lage edge. $5700 to close estate. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 24c IN THE MATTER of the Estate of DONALD BURNS late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, ALL against Donald day of notified to send them to either of the undersigned, duly verified, or before 194 4. AFTER assets of distributed among titled thereto, having regard only to claims of shall then DATED of March, Miss Katie I, Scott, Hensall Administratrix <F. W. Gladman, Exeter Solicitor for the Administratrix 16:23:30 Farmer, deceased. PERSONS having claims the Estate of the late Burns, who died on the 27th December 1943, are hereby 2 is Luther, 100 feet snow fence- M. Beckler, grading 1943 D. of C. Interest on Bonds Wm. Johns, penalties 8.96; County Treasurer, County Treasurer, 14.79; Highway 552.78; Norman snow fence 8.00; feet snow fence Johns, 1 hour grading 3.00; Harr; Cole, 1 hour grading 3.00; Carman Cann, gravel 14.00; Bills and ac­ counts were passed On motion by Tuckey and Duncan as follows: Road Superintendent’s voucher $751.19; F. J. Delbridge, prem. T’reas. Bond. 3 yrs. 30.00; N. J, Dore, telegram .69; County of Hur­ on, half hospital ac. 3.50; D, *Ges- tetner Ltd,, paper 3.16; Prov. Treas,, insulin 1.55; H. Morgan, printing auditor’s reports 10.00-; A. W. Morgan, births, marriages and deaths 7.25«; N. G. Clarke, hydro for hall 4,05; Exeter Times-Advo- cate, supplies 56.00; South Huron Agricultural'Sec., grant 15.00, Owing to the fact that the Hen­ sall Spring Seed Show comes on April Sth, the date of the next regu­ lar council Meeting, the meeting was set April Ytli at 1 o’clock. Council the the the on 15 th day of April 1941 taxes 87.03; 1941 pen, and int. subsidy 19 43 3.- Brock Alvin Pym, 100 8.00; 100 feet Mrs. Ed. ‘y adjourned, Hugh Berry, Reeve, A, W. Morgan, clerk, FOR SALE—Fifty acres, small house, bank barn in fair repair, 2% miles from town, % miles from school. Low price. 100 acres, good buildings, well lo­ cated. C. V. Pickard, Exeter. FOR SALE- fine and 2 brick others storey heated, storey frame house, barn and 4$ acres. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 9c ■In Hensall (Sparks) 2-storey brick house, barn lots. Others also. Exeter duplex house and three on Main Street. Fine 2- brick house, hot water thermostat control. In­ 'OR SALEIn Exeter a frame house a good stable and approximately 4-5 acres of land. Priced to sell. Also two houses with barns and acreage. C. V, Pickard, Main St,, Exeter, Fi FARM FOR SALE—147 acres, 1-2 mile south of Woodham, on 23 highway, good bank barn, water basins, ample water supply, hog pen With hen house, garage, 2- storey frame house with furnace, hydro throughout all buildings, GO acres plowed, 13 acres of fail wheat, 50 acres seeded. Apply to Mills' Store, Woodham, 23c last-named date said Estate will the persons the be en- which the Administratrix have notice. at Exeter, the 9th day 1944. IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM E. TURNBULL, late of the Town­ ship of Hay, in the County of Huron, Farmer, DECEASED. Creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above named deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day of December, A.D. 1943, are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Executor, on or before the 10th day of April, A.D. 1944, after Which date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims of which Police shall then have been given. DATED at Dashwood, 'Ontario, this 20th day of March, A.D. 1944, EDWARD B TURNBULL, R. R. 1, Dashwood, Ontario. 23:30:61 Auction Sale of 45 Acre Farm in Hay Township The Administratrix of the Estate of the late Donald Burns has in­ structed me to offer for sale by public auction at the Community Shed in Hensall, on Monday, the 10th of April, 1944, at 1.30 o’clock in the afternoon, the following: The south half of Lot 21 in the 2nd Concession of the Township of Hay in the County of Huron, con­ taining 50 acres more or less, ex­ cept those portions, about 4% acres, sold off the westerly end. On this property is a frame barn about 40 ft. by 64 ft., also a 30 ft, frame stable with loft above, in fair condition, also an old house. The property will be sold subject to the right of certain tenants to take this year’s crops off a portion of the said lands. On account of the quality of the soil and its proximity to Hensall, this is a desirable erty. Further particulars and and conditions of sale will be known on the day of sale or may be had on application to the under­ signed. MISS KATIE I. SCOTT Administratrix, Hensall FRANK TAYLOR Auctioneer, Exeter FREDERICK W. GLADMAN Solicitor, Exeter and Hensall 16:23:30 prop- terms made Mr. Frank Taylor, Auctioneer, has received instructions from the execu­ tor of the estate of Jesse Elston, deceased, to sell by public auction at his late residence in Exeter, On­ tario, on TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1944 at one o’clock in the afternoon, the following goods and chattels: FURNITURE: 3-piece Parlor Suite; 4 black walnut chairs, hair seats, hand carved; reed chair; squar.e-top table; music cabinet; pedestal; piano lamp; china cabinet; hall table; hall chair; 2 hall mir­ rors; grandfather’s clock; room table, buffet and couch; 6 small chairs; walnut desk; what-not; chairs; 4 elm chairs;. 2 bed-room suites; hand carved, antique 3 felt mattresses; mattress; bed; small chest of drawers; NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to the Judgment for partition and made in this date respectively the 23rd day of February, 19 44, and the 17tli day of March, 1944, there will be sold with the approbation Lang, Local Master by W. E. Nairn on hereinafter mentioned in the afternoon on the of April, 1944, the following lands and premises, namely: All and singular that certain par­ cel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Blanshard in the County of Perth, and being composed of Lot Number Ten (10) in the West Boun­ dary Concession of the said Town­ ship. ‘The property <is said to consist of One hundred (100) acres ’of land in grass with a good well, bank barn, silo and frame house thereon. The property will be offered foi’ sale subject to a reserve bid which has been fixed by the .said Local Master. The Purchaser shall at the time of the sale pay down a deposit of 10 % of the purchase money and shall pay the remainder of the pur­ chase money within thirty (30) days thereafter. In all other respects the terms and conditions of sale will be the standing conditions of the Supreme Court of Ontario Further particulars can be had from J. M. Riddell, K.C., .51 Albert Street, Stratford, Ontario.' DATED at Stratford this day of March, 1944. HAROLD D. Local. Master at Stratford direction for sal© cause and bearing of Harold D. at the at Stratford, •premises 2 o’clock 10th day 20 th LANG FOR SALE BY TENDER revised. of the Bend Police dining- 6 chairs; oak table, 4 rocking three-piece walnut bureau, ; 4 bed springs; 1 spring-filled walnut bureau^; 2 window cornices, walnut cornices; cupboards drop leaf Quebec range; dishes; jelly glasses; 2 feather ticks; three- burner coal oil stove; two-plate electric stove; electric plate; Peer­ less oil heater; washing machine; tubs; new improved Vacuett; Model C, vacuum cleaner; carpet sweepers, brooms, brushes, mops, pots pans. IMPLEMENTS: Mower; pea Vester; fanning mill; old buggy cutter; push cart; rubbing rack for onions; jack; block and tackle; ladders, step lad­ ders, lawn mower; lawn roller; 2 work benches; 6 cement verandah urns; wheelbarrows; grindstone; Counter scales; steelyard; hay knife; saws; chains, garden tools, REAL ESTATE: Lot No. 517 and the Southerly one-third of Lot No. 520 on the East side of Carling Street according to Municipal Com­ piled Plan No. 20 in the Village of Exeter in the County of Huron. This property comprises a desir­ able residence consisting of a story and a half frames house of eight rooms in good repair with large hand-carved 2 window 12 kitchen chairs; 2 large 2 kitchen tables; oak table; Majestic radio; combination heater and 30 pictures; 2 sets bedroom 5 doz. fruit gems; 3 doz. and har- and onion crates; onions; HENSALL PROPERTIES FOR SALE BY TENDER Sealed tenders will be received by tlie undersigned up to the 25th of March, 1944, for any or all of the following: The modern, solid, red pressed brick house and garage, hot water heated, hardwood floors and trim­ ming, on the north east cornel’ of Queen and Nelson Streets in Hensall. One and one-lialf storey frame dwelling, 6 rooms, hard and soft water indoors, Lot 18 Mill Street, Gilchrist Survey, Hensall. One storey, 3 room, frame dwell­ ing, Lot 65, north side of Queen Street, Petty Survey, Hensall. Frame stable with leanto attached, good well, Lot 211, Petty Survey, Hensall. Hensall Flax Mill and machinery, large flax storage barn, 45 by feet, together With the land rounding the mill and used in nectlon therewith about 11 acres, upon request. Seven and tenths acres of land can fie separately if desired. Buyer of Property having the preference. Further particulars • inay be ta in cd from ’the Undersigned. IRA GEIGER, Hensall " DR. WM. GEIGER, Waterloo MRS. VERCY KENNEDY, Hensall Executors of Owen Geiger Estate. FREDERICK W. GLADMAN, Exeter, their Solicitor. 9:16:23c 100 sur- con- 1-5 List of ^machinery furnished request. Seven and seven sold Mill TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true* copy of a proposed By-law which has been provisionally passed and which will be taken into conside­ ration by the Trustees of the Police Village of Grand Bend (in the event of the assent of the electors being- obtained thereto) after the expira­ tion of one month from the date- of the first publication in the Exe­ ter Times-Advocate, the date of which publication was the ninth day of March, 1944. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE' that any tenant who desires to vote must deliver to me not later than the tenth day before the day ap­ pointed for taking the vote the Dec­ laration under -the Canada Evidence- Act as required by sub-section 3 of Section 283 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1937, Chapter 266, otherwise their names will not appear on the Voter’s List for such voting. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the vote of the electors of the said Police Village of Grand Bend will be taken on the said proposed By-law on the 31st day of March, 1944, commencing at the hour of 9 o’clock in the forenoon and con­ tinuing until 5 o’clock in the after­ noon of the game day at Ravelle’s store in the said Village of Grand. Bend. On March, _ __ 'one of the Trustees of the Police Village of Grand Bend will attend at his residence in the said Village at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to appoint, by writing signed by him, two persons to attend at the final summing up of the Votes by the Clerk, and one person to attend at the polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of promoting the proposed By-law, and a like hunibei’ on behalf of the persons interested in, and desirous of opposing the proposed By-law. The Clerk of the township of Stephen will attend at W. F. B. Mac- Laren’s residence In the Village of Grand Bend at ten o’clock in the forenoon on Saturday the 1st day' of April, 1944, to sum Up the num* her of votes for and agaihst the proposed By-law’, HERBERT K. EILBER, Clerk,. iCredlton Ontario. Monday, r 1944, W. F. the 27tli day of' . U, B. MacLaren