HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-03-09, Page 5A 4 --------- TWO ONE-ACT FLAYS gt TOWN JIALL, HENSALL MARCH 15th AT 8.30 pan* “Cookies For Henry” and the Kettle On” the Arnold Circle Carmel Presbyterian musical numbers. Children! 20c; Adults 35c THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 9, 1944 ■Page S ♦‘Polly Rut sponsored by members of the Church, Also Adm; HENSALL the over week visit visi- the home of Mrs. Stewart Dinnin spent few her Me­ the Miss Ruth Alexander was guest of Miss Janeth Simpson the week-end, Miss Dorothy Munn, of London, spent the weeh-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Munn. Mrs. S. Schroeder left this for Michigan where she will with members of her family, Mrs. Mac Greer, of London, ted*** on Sunday with hey parents, Mr, and Mrs. J.W, Bonthron. Mr. George Otterbine, of Preston, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Otterbine. Mr. Wm. Cook, of London, visi­ ted over the week-end with his mother Mrs. Catharine Devlin. Mrs. Bawden returned to Exeter on Saturday aftei’ spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Farquhar. Mrs. Jack Traquair spent a days recently at parents Mr. and Queen, Miss Audrey week-end at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dinnin in Strat­ ford. Mrs. visited ' Dougall Dougall. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foster and Billie, of Blyth, spent the Wdek-end with the former’s parents, Mr. Mrs. A. Foster. Mrs. W. B. Cross is spending week in Toronto visiting with daughter Goldie, nurse-in-training at St. Michael’s Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams, Don­ nie and Harvey and Mrs. Wm. Corey, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Corbett. * A euchre and dance will be held in S.S. No. 10 Hay on Friday even­ ing March 10th under the Red Cross branch, in that district. Everyone is welcome. LAC. Roy Campbell, of Windsor, spent the week-end at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Camp­ bell and also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wurm. • NMrs. Stewart McQueen returned .home Sunday after spending a couple of weeks with her daughter Mrs. Don Rigby who has been ser­ iously ill in Chatham Hospital, and has been removed to the Hospital in London. Members of the Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian church will present two plays namely “A Cookie For I-Ienry” and “Polly Put the Ket­ tle On" in the town hall on Wednes­ day, March 15th. Musical selections' will be presented as well. Keep the date open. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn vBell on Wednesday, March 1st when a number of relatives gathered in honor of the former’s birthday. Bingo and Progressive Euchre were played after which re­ freshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Dayman, well- known residents of Hensall, have purchased a grocery business in London and intend moving there in the near future. They will be much missed by a large circle of friends here, having conducted the Super­ ior Store here for a number of * years, which was unfortunately des­ troyed by fire a couple of years ago. Returned From Overseas Following Motorcycle Accident Ray Foster, youngest sen of Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster arrived home from overseas this week. He was a dispatch rider and was badly in­ jured in a motorcycle accident from which he spent many months in the hospital. His left hand and arm is partly disabled. i Jack Dougall, of Aylmer, last week with Miss Jean and Messrs. Sam and Thos. and this her Mrs. Fred Kennings Dies Mrs. Fred Kennings, well-known resident of Hensall, died suddenly Thursday night, March 2, at her home of a heart condition. The former Addie Mitchell, she lived in Northern Ontario before moving here with her family many years ago. She was a member of the United Church and active in the work of the Red Cross. She is sur­ vived by her hhsband e and three sttnu>'' 0 • I • < •Z Bray Chick Hatchery Exeter; Phone 246 A&cut. Alvin Kerslake, Hensail daughters, Mrs, ILloy<l Hedden, St. Catharines; Mrs. Alfred Smith, Hen­ sall;, May, at home; a brother, Gor­ don Mitchell, Clinton. “Closed Lips,’’ Three-Act Play Presented in Hensall. A three-act play entitled “Closed Lips” was presented in the Town Hall, Hensalf, on Monday evening by the Young People of James St. Exeter, under the sponsorship of the Wohelo Class of the United Church. The Hall was well filled in spite of the weather and road conditions. Rev, R. A. Brook in­ troduced the director of the play, Miss Vera Decker, who introduced the east. Miss Margaret Henry favored with a reading during the entertainment. Members of the Wohelo Class entertained the play- a social hour following theers at Play. Attended Funeral Minnie Little was Jn New on Thursday attending Mrs. Hamburg . _ the funeral of her brother-in-law, the late Mr. Edward Sein who pass­ ed away Monday in his 77th year. The deceased was well-known in this district and lived for a num­ ber of years in Zurich. He was a tailor by trade, Surviving are his widow and two sisters, Miss Annie Sein and Mrs. Rhuel, of New Ham­ burg. Funeral service was held in the Lutheran Church, New Ham­ burg on Thursday conducted by Rev. Mosit. Burial in New Hamburg Cemetery. The floral tributes were very beautiful showing the respect with which the deceased was held." Friends Guelph, Broadhagen and Detroit attended the funeral. Wohelo Class Meets The March meeting of the Wohelo Class was held in the school-room of the United church on ~ evening with Miss Gladys presiding and opened by “O God of Bethel,” after Miss Elva McQueen led in followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The minutes, roll call and offering was received, Mrs. Jack Corbett read the Scripture, John 19, 1-9. Mrs. Peter McNaughton took the Devotional and Edison Forrest gave, the topic on “Democracy” which was very interesting. Follow­ ing the business the meeting closed by singing “O Master Let Me Walk With Thee,” and the Mizpah Bene­ diction. A social hour followed. Mission Band Meets The March meeting of the Sun­ beam Mission Band was held in the schoolroom of Carmel Presbyterian church at 2.30 p.m. on Sunday and was presided ovei’ by Miss Anne Hildebrandt. The opening number was the reading of Psalm 105, 1-2 by Mrs. Orr, after which the hymn “Jesus Saves” was sung The Motto Text and repeated Matt. 25, las Moir brandt led in prayer. “God Saw The Little Sparrow Fall” and was the and____ _____________ _____ ture search was conducted by Mrs. Orr and Mrs. Baynham and the “Jesus prayer * from Hensall, Zurich, Kitchener, Tavistock, Friday Luker singing which prayer,- Mission Band prayer was in unison. The Scripture 34-40 was read by Doug- after which Anne Hilde- The hymn “Hear the Pennies Dropping” sung. Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell read story from the topic book “Up Down South America.” A’ Scrip- Mission Band song “Hear the Pejj.-'- nies Dropping",. Mrs, Baynham ac- coippunied on the piano. Miss Mar­ garet Dougall, organist, favored with a piano solo entitled “Three Blind Mice". The Sunday School was rep­ resented by a recitation by Billie Campbell and a vocal duet hy Andie and William. Dougall “Mairz Boats" Mrs. A, Dougall accompanied on the piano, Mrs, Simpson .directed a musical contest “Guess Who?” Mrs. J. Cairqs sang a solo entitled “Trump, Tramp, Tramp”. Mrs. Caeron accompanied on the piano. A mixed quartette comprising of Mrs. Malcom Dougall, Miss Margaret Dougall, Messrs R, Y, MacLaren and James Bengough sang “Polly Woo'dle Doodle". Mrs. A, Dougall accompanied on the piano. Mrs. C. 'Forrest contributed a piano solo, rep­ resenting the Arnold Circle. Mr, A. Orr, representing the Sunday school played a saxaphone solo entitled “Annie Laurie", Mrs, Mrs. sang Jim contributed a musical selection (rep­ resenting the Board of Managers) “Nellie Gray". Mrs. ’R. Simpson and Mrs. R. Cameron directed the Quiz Those taking part were Mrs. Tay­ lor, Mrs. Sangster, . Miss Cassie Dougall, Campbell Mrs. .F. Ewen, Manson Gordon Cameron, Jim Bengough. Refresh­ ments were served at the close. accompanied by Malcom Dougall on the piano. J. W, Bontliron (rep. W.M.S.) a solo “Coming Home”. Messrs. Bengough and Jim Mustard Mrs. Sangster, . 1 Mrs. J. Cairns, Mrs. R. Y, Farquhar, Mrs. Moir, R. Y. Mrs. (Dr.) MacLaren, A. D. Mc- Miss Sally MacLaren, Mrs. M. , Messrs. Campbell, Dr. Campbell, R. NAMELESS . The pocket size cold remedy Try it now! You’ll like it! YOUR DRUGS AT ROBERTSON’S (Bl and meeting closed by singing Shall Reign" and the Lord’s in unison. Euchre and Dance The Hensall Senior Women’s In­ stitute held a most successful euchre and dance in the town hall Hensa-il on Wednesday evening. The prize winners for the euchre are as fol­ lows: Ladies first, Miss Norma Dietz, Kippen, (a pyrex teapot); 2nd prize ’(pyrex (bake dish) Mrs. 'Claude Blowes; gent’s first prize, bill-fold, Mr. I-Iarry Walper, Zurich; 2nd shaving set, Mr. Sid McArthur. Tickets were sold on a quilt and the lucky draw was made by Pte. Rae Foster, who had just returned (injured)' from overseas, and was won by Mr. Claude Blowes, Danc­ ing was enjoyed to music furnished by Nelson Howe’s orchestra with Mr. Thos. Meyers floor-manager. De­ licious refreshments were served from the booth downstairs from which the proceeds amounted to forty dollars. r’ amounting to over $75 will be used for provisions for the lpcal boys boxes overseas. ' The Hensall Women’s Institute desire to express in this column their grateful thanks to all those who made the Euchre and Dance held under their sponsorship Wed- nesday night, March 1st, in the Town, the splendid success it was. The proceeds (after all expenses are paid) at date of writing amount; to $75.00 which will be used ex-j clusively for overseas boxes. In­ cluded in this total are various cash contributions received from Hensall folk who were unable to attend the event. Mrs. J. Sangster was con­ venor of the committee in charge of the arrangements. The lunch booth operated by Miss Florence Welsh (convenor)! , Mrs. T. Kyle and their assistants realized the worthy sum of $40.00* It might al­ so be mentioned that the Kippen East Ladies very kindly loaned their chairs to the Hensall Society foi‘ this affaii8. * ' F’amlly Night Held A very interesting program presented in the schoolroom of inel Presbyterian church on Friday evening when a “Family Night” was arranged by the Ladies Aid. R0v» Taylor was chairman and the program commenced by singing “The •.Li.v.u’; AuJiW wmnvtJu oy « •brief address by the chairman* A ELlMViLLF There was no preaching service in this church Sunday morning as Rev. Mair was not able to get through the roads. Mrs. Henry Price, of Detroit, is visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bell. Mrs. Bell is still confined to her bed. Sgt. Lloyd Bell of Lacliin’e, Que. also visited them on Thursday last. Miss Ola Johns spent about a week at Mr. Will Cole’s near Chisel­ hurst recently. Mrs. Jas. Kirkland who has been in Victorial Hospital, London for a few weeks was brought to the home of her brother Mr. Alvin Pym last week, where she is convalescing. Sgt. Clarence Ford, of' Jarvis, spent the week-end at his home af­ ter enjoying a visit to Chicago last week. Mrs. Harry Cole is having hydro installed. Quite a number in this vicinity have been quite ill among them, Mrs. Hy. Sparling, Miss Shirley Coultis, Mrs. John I<ellett and Mr. Laverne Kellett, the two latter hav­ ing had pneumonia, making three) in one home to be taken down with it this winter, as Mr. George Kellet also had it a few weeks ago. How­ ever we understand all are improv­ing and their many friends sincerely hope all mentioned will soon be fully recovered. The Farm Forum met on Monday night at Mr. Kenneth Johns. DASHWOOD Misses Myrtle Gaiser and Helen Walper spent the don. Mrs. Ness had fall on Monday sprained wrist. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hewlett, of London, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman. Tpr. Garnet Weiberg, who has ThP pnfirn nroeeeds'been in Guelph, spent a few daysThe entne pioceeds,^11 hig parentg. Mr> and Mrs< p week-end in Lon- the misfortune to causing a badly CREDITON Mr- George EilbOr bad the mis­ fortune of breaking a bone in his foot. We hqpe that he shall soon fee able to tajre It put of the -cast and able to be out again. Mrs. Rodney Powman visited her husband in Woodstock last week­ end. Mr. and Mrs, H. K Eilber spent last Sunday visiting Mr. Ward Frits, of Zurich. Eugene -Finkbeiner, N.V.R., was home for last week-end* Stephen Township sold eight carloads of wood and eight more carloads have arrived, six at Centralia and two at Exeter for Dashwood- Mrs, Albert Morlock received word this past week of the sudden death of hei’ sister, Mrs. Robert Watson, Wawanei»a, Manitoba. Our sympathy goes to Mrs, Morloch and the Watson family in their recent bereavement. Mrs, Emersop Wein and Ross and Mr, John Hirtzel returned home after a week in Detroit visiting the latter’s daughter and her husband Mr, and Mrs. Howard other Mr. River town years, brother, Mr. John Hirtzel. The sixth and seventh concessions held their Farm Forum meeting last Monday night in spite of the weather at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Palmer. The topic of the broadcast and for the discussion was “Food Production Objectives, 1944." After the discussion thu evening was" spent socially with games and lunch. Next week the meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oestricher, Miss Florence Reuber, of Clifford, sister of the minister of Zion Evan­ gelical churbh, is spending a few weeks with the Rev. and Mrs. M. E. Reuber. Recently a fine edition was made to the premises of Zion Evangelical church when, an outside Bulletin Board was erected under the super­ vision of the trustees. It has been felt that a Bulletin Board of this nature was a necessity because of the situation of the impressive structure on the main corner of our village. Those passing by the church will be interested in reading from time to time the various announce­ ments that will appear on this board. The Crediton United Church Union met in the Sunday school parlors on March S with 18 members pre­ sent. After singing hymn 161 Rev. Irwin led ney read the guest gave an Chambers dered a duet entitled, Cross”. Business was then discus­ sed. It' was dicided to meet weekly on Friday evening at 8.30. The minutes of the last meeting were read and hymn 120 was sung. Elaine Mitchell gave a piano instrumental. Hymn 156 closed the meeting. Con­ tests and games were enjoyed. Evangelical Ladies’ Aid' and W.M.S. The monthly meeting of the L.A and W.M.S. was held Thursdav afternoon at the home of Mrs. Hy. Eagleson. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. Geo. Link. Prayer was offered by Mrs. D. Tieman and .the scripture lesson was read by Mrs. D. Weber. Readings were given by Mrs. G. Link and Mrs. J. M. Tie­ man. The study book was in charge of Mrs. R. H. Taylor with Mrs. M Klumpp, Mrs. G. Wildfong, Mrs. C. Snell and Mrs. D. Tieman assisting. The president, Mrs. C. Becker, pre­ sided for the business. It was de­ cided to give $10 to the Red Cross and $10 to the War Services Board. The reports of the 'different com­ mittees were given. During the month there were 55 sick visits made and 11 dainties sent. The flower committee for April is Mrs. J. Wildfong and Mrs. E. Bender. The Sunshine committee is Mrs. R. Goetz and Mrs. Jack Wein. At the close of the meeting a dainty lunch was served. A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Eagleson for the use of her home. SHOP k and Mrs. FRFSH & Aw■wfIuAMJ* et a the few R.C days hag already White Birch Rennie and relatives there. Wes Hirtzel has come back after being away for forty He is at present visiting his from Peace to his home in prayer. Betty Mawhin- the scripture. Rev. Irwin, speaker for the evening interesting talk. Joyce and Winn if red Mack ren- “Near the A. LX. BUK THE BUST ! - FOTtAW SAKE! whs Car- STARTER Buy from the Manufacturer and save money. We always have it fresh. © Feed a balanced ration to your hogs and get the top grade. Hog Grower is cheaper than a straight grain ration. Feed sows Sow Ration to your for six weeks before farrowing. SHUR-GAIN SERVICE MILLS | CANN & SONS T. B. ALLEN LACKIE BROS. | Exeter Farquhar Whalen === 11111111111111111111111111111111111:111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 IK An Irish sing-song was enjoyed fol­ lowed by a reading by Mrs. Robert Ross. The Mizpah benediction was repeated in unison. Progressive croquinole was played after which lunch was served. Women’s Institute Mrs. R, W. Switzer was for the regular meeting Women’s Institute. The opened by the Institute Lord’s Prayer in unison. Roger read the Scripture by a verse of “O God Our Help.” The minutes and correspondence were read. Arrangements were com­ pleted for the euchre and dance to be held March 17 in the hall. Fif­ teen inembers and two visitors were hostess of the meeting Ode and Mrs. F. followed present. The roll call was answered by each bringing a quilt block. The quilt to be put together by Mrs. R. W. Switzer and quilted at the home of Mrs. R. Morrison Tuesday, 21st. Miss Jean Stephens, of ham, played a lovely piano mental. Mrs. Robert Ross, Economics convenor, gave a _ did paper under three headings— “Today’s Challenge to the Home­ maker,” “Let’s Go to Work,” and “What Home Means.” A reading “The Observance of Lent,” by Mrs. Near. Mrs. E. Humphries conducted two contests which were enjoyed. The national Anthem was sung ana the Mizpah Benediction brought the meeting to a close. March Wo od- in str u- Home splen- HARPLEY Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neil, of Brins­ ley, visited on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Clifford Sherritt. Mr. Herb Harlton and Miss Aud­ rey, of Shipka, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hickey. Guests numbering about fifty joyed progressive euchre at Ladies’ Guild social held at home of Mr. Robert Murray Thursday evening. On Wednesday evening next, March 15th, the Ladies are holding a pot luck supper in Parish Hall, after which Rev. Den­ ny Bright will entertain with pic­ tures in aid of the Bible Society. All are welcome. en- the the on Weiberg. Tpr. Glen Walper, of St. John, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Walper. LAC. Howard Klumpp, of the R.C.A.F., who spent the past eleven months at Ferror Point, is spending this week with his parents before leaving for overseas. , Mr. and Mrs, Beavis, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. Hay ter. Mrs. Witt, of Pembroke, is visit­ ing with hex’ parents, Rev. and Mrs. T. Luft. LAC. Otto Becker, R.C.A.F., of Dauqhin, Manitoba, attended the funeral of his father, the alte Henry Becker, last week. Miss Christine McCrae, ter, spent the week-end sister and brother-in-law, Mrs. s* Currie. Get your salvage ready, papers and magazines to be tied up The truck will call for it on Monday, CREDITON EAST Pte. Alvin Sims and Wilmar Wein of London, spent the week-end at their homes here, Mrs. Leonard Wein is visiting her sistei* and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hamilton at ’Grand Bend Mr. and Mrs, Milton Lightfoot and son moved from Exeter last week here into the home Mr. J. Appleton purchased recently from Mr. iG. Melmer. We welcome them to our midst. of Exe- With her Mr. and All news- bed Cross EUCHRE PARTY will be held in TIEMAN’S FURNITURE STORE, DASHWOOD THURSDAY, MARCH Oth | Cafeteria Lunch Admission GUARANTEED MINIMUM For Factory Delivery $9.00 per ton Weigh Station or Direct CarsFor ..$8.25 per ton According to Dominion Finance Minister Ilsley’s Statement: (Hansard, February 18, 1944, Vol. LXXXII-No. 17, Page 674) *< SUGAR IS IN SHORT SUPPLY AND RATIONED IN CANADA “...........there is no danger of a reduction in the price of sugar within the period during which the 1944 Crop is being marketed.” SUGAR IN BEET And at current net returns for sugar - about $5.75 per 100 lbs. - contract prices for 1944 beets are, subject to the terms of the contract, as follows: Weigh Station Delivery - 75c less. 1944 Sugar Beet Prices FOR DELIVERY BY WAGON OR TRUCK AT FACTORY 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 19% 20% TOTAL PRICE PER TON, INCLUDING SUBSIDY $ 9.20 9.80 10.40 11.00 11.60 12.20 12.80 13.40 HERE IS A DEPENDABLE CASH CROP WITH GUARANTEED MINI­ MUM PRICES. HAVE YOU EQUAL ASSURANCE ON ANY SIMILAR CROP? KIRKTON Mr. Edward Fletcher, of Read­ lyn, Sask., called on old friends in the village last week. Mr. and Mrs, Lome Marshall, of Thamesford, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Robinson. Mrs. Rachel Duffield has return­ ed home after spending the winter with her son Rev. Allen Duffield, ;of Sault St. Marie. Mrs. Emerson Patton has return­ ed home from Victoria Hospital much improved after operation. The March meeting of the Class that Counts was held at the parson­ age wih Mrs. Goodger as hostess. After singing the National Anthem the president Mrs. A.. Callaghan led in prayer followed by Irish reading ■by Mrs, Clarence Switzer. A letter from Mrs. Batten was read thank­ ing the girls for the shower of cards sent her, March .1.0th Emd Voxel’s a Chinn and Quilting to be held at the home of Mrs. Tho rt'istKf +n <‘Hvn 00 I viumi India relict. $iL002<J to be debated to the Ped Cross. S5c GROW FIELDMEN ARE NOW TAKING CONTRACTS Canada & Dominion Sugar Company CHATHAM.WALLACEBURG.