HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1944-02-24, Page 84 |!,I|I.||.!II.I!I|I|II|I|I|||| IILU II III] iiiijiiqiiiii Hill, II •ft THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 24, 1944 T SB For Permanents of Lasting Beauty Spiral, Croquinolc, Combination Mashfoelm W a DECKER Phone 112 Exeter Markets Wheat, ?1.XO Creamery Butter 39o Eggs, A Large 8 lo Eggs, A Medium 29c Eggs A Pullet 28c Eggs, B 26c Eggs, 0 23c Dressed hogs, $16.65 Bonus A $3.00 Georgian Beauty Shoppe (Successor to Marion Pooley) Satisfaction Guaranteed M, Christine McCrae, Prop. Exetey Phone 245 =r=s ‘—*I'i.1:-1;.". iiswaSSSSSS “In Old Oklahoma special Western feature starring JOHN WAYNE, MARTHA SCOTT, GEORGE (GABBY) HAYES and all star cast. Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 1 I LOCALS 1. i I ...._l Miss Alice Handford week-end in London, spent the Snell's Taxi Service Phene 100 *■* MONDAY AND TUESDAY Wn*uary 28, 2f> ‘Watch on the Rhine’ special feature sponsored by the Red Cross Unit of the Caven Presbyterian Church, starring BETTE DAVIS, PAUL LUKAS, GERALDINE FITZGERALD Added Featurette That They May Live demonstrating a blood donor clinic. All proceeds from this picture will be donated to the Caven Red Cross Unit. Mr. Geo. Andrew, of London, spent the week-end here. LAC. Stewart Fuke, of drumlin, spent the week-end at his home here. Rev. Mr. Woods has been confin­ ed to his home for a few days with a cold. Mrs. L. J. Penhale has been in hospital for several days for treat­ ment and is expected home today. Pte. Sarah Jackson, of the WACS, London, spent the week-end visit­ ing her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mis. Jos. Sutton. Mrs. A. R. Tomlinson was in Lon­ don on Monday, February 21, taking a special course in Cold Permanent Waving at Hotel London. Miss Mary King, of the Central Hotel/Exeter, visited with Mr, Mrs. Fred Finkbeiner and Emery over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Kestle a long distance telephone call from their son Bill of the R.C.N.V.R. from an American port on Monday. Mrs. Leslie Coates and little daughter Judith, of Listowel, are spending a few days with the for­ mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Fred Ellerington. Mr. Nelson Statton, who has been confined to his bed in a paralytic condition, was on Tuesday taken to Toronto General Hospital in Mr. E. R. Hopper’s ambulance. '9 Mr. and Mrs. James McCullagh and family of Ettrick, and John McCullagh, of London, the week-end with Mr. and Robert Cann, of Usborne. Dr. George C. Hind, of Walker­ ton, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. John Hind, leaving Sun­ day a.m. for Chicago to attend the Dental Convention held there. Mrs. Rhoda Westlake and Mrs. Wallace Makins, visited in London, on Monday with the former’s son, John L. Westlake, of R.C.N.V.R., who is leaving for Corwallis N.S. Mr. Thos. Smith, of Centralia, has purchased the residence of the late Mrs. Kerr, west Carling Street, and with Mrs. Smith Exeter. We welcome midst. The banquet for Legion at the burning gage was put on by the Women’s Association and not the Ladies’ Guild of Trivitt church as announc­ ed last week. i Round the Clock Service STEWART’S TAXI Phone 155w Exeter and son had Coming soon ..... “Northern Pursuit” “Dixie” “Sahara” “Lassie Come Home” “Desert Song” Fairfield Farm Forum The Fairfield Farm Forum met at the home of Melvin King Monday evening. There weYe 26 present. An interesting -discussion on the sub­ jects studied in February was fol­ lowed by games and lunch. The next meeting will be held in Fairfield school Monday, Feb. 28. A draw will be made for a Red Cross quilt^ the top of which was donated by Mrs. Nicholson, of Sylvan, grand­ mother of Mrs. Ted Lamport. All who bought tickets on this quilt are invited to the meeting which'starts at 3.8 0 sharp in order to listen to the farm forum broadcast over CBL. ‘CLOSED LIPS ? a 3-act comedy drama by JAMES ST. YOUNG PEOPLE will be presented at Hurondale School under auspices of Hurondale W.I. Monday, Feb. 28th at 8.30 p.m. ADMISSION 25c TO CHOOSE FROM 39 Ford DeLuxe Sedan 37 Plymouth P.3. 37 Tudor Olds. DeLuxe Tudor 34 31 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan Chev. DeLuxe Sedan at the Blue Sunoco Exeter Motor Sales Fred Dobbs If you have a late model car for sale, call Exeter 200. LENTEN SEASON will find us with a well stocked supply of FRESH FISH WHITE FISH (drawn) COD & HADDOCK FILLETS LAKE SUPERIOR HERRING SALMON STEAKS SMOKED HADDIE JUMBO ICE CREAM EEXTSR FROZEN EOOOSk 1 Mi CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH J* G, Cochrane. Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—< An offering will be received for': the India-China Relief Fund. Evening service is withdrawn. ■ Caven-Main Y.P. in Main St. Church,: Monday. -Rev. A. M. Shannon, B.A.; I MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH1 Rev. N. J. Woods, M.A., Minister ( Mrs. A. Y. Willard. Organist 11 a.m. — Public Worship and Church School. The Minister, 7 p.m.—Union Evening- Service in Main St, Rev. Irwin. Wed. Feb. 23, Union Prayer Service in Trivitt Parish Hall, Friday, Feb. 25, at 3 p.m.—World’-? Day of Prayer in Main St, 7.30 Service of Worship for Youth. Monday, 7,30—Caven-Main Y.P. at Main St. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, A. B. Irwin, B.A. W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. 4 Organist and Choir Leader 1944 Big News.... Cold permanent waves have just been released in Canada. Be one of the first to get this miracle wave, without heat pads or machine. You’ll * be delighted with the results. Phone 146 Phone 146 POLICYHOLDERS OF THE METROPOLITAN PLEASE READ For that matter, even if yon should not be a policyholder of the Metro­ politan, it will be to your interest to listen in. If you have any kind of inquiry on the subject of life insurance—I represent the Metro­ politan Life Insurance Company. Your question will be welcome, and service gladly given. NEW PRINTS... We offer this week 21 pieces of new prints. These goods are very scarce and we are limiting the sale of yardage so that they will go around. They come three qualities. At per yard in r Mrs. spent Mrs. GORDON LAMPORT Pnone 149 Representing Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. Wuerth’s Shoe Store, Exeter , ’’ Ihas moved to them to our the Canadian of their mort- and Mrs. last week house at Pte. Gerald Cornish, of Camp Ip- perwash, accompanied by a young man also in training at Camp Ipper- wash spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. Emerson Cornish. Mr. Luther Reynolds shipped to a packing Hamilton a hog that dressed 611 pounds. The hog was shipped through Mr. Hodgert who stated that it was the heaviest hog he had ever handled. LAC. Ellis Pearce, who has com­ pleted. his course at the E.F.T.S., at Three Rivers, Que., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce. He and his sister, Miss Eva Pearce, spent the w’eek-end visiting with their sister, Mrs. Redmond, at Grosse He, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers returned Wednesday of last week from Toronto where Mr. Beavers at­ tended the hardware dealers con­ vention. They were accompanied home by their little granddaughter, Mary Joe Beavei's, who will visit them for a few weeks. 25c 30c ' 35c Unbleached and Bleached Sheeting We have our quota for the first six months and if you are in need of Sheeting these are real good values. They come in 73 to 82 inches in width and are priced at per yard 55c, 69c, 89c $1.00 » . * Wabasso Sheets 36 INCH WIDE Sunday, February 27th, 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. p.m.—Sunday School and Class. p.m,—Evening worship in ■St. -Church. Rev. A. B. preaching. • “The Problem Choice”. 8.15 p.m.—Y.p. meeting at the home of Miss Gwenneth Jones. Chris­ tian Missions, Bible iMain , Irwin of a TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss First Sunday in Lent a.m.—Sunday School.11 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. A Lenten Message. Thursday, Feb. 2 4 at 8 p.m.—The Ladies’ Guild will meet Wed. March 1-—Union service in Main Street church. These are lovely, hem-stitched, bleached Wabasso Sheets, the best we can procure, • large size. Each $2.50 and $2.75 Factory Cotton Just two qualities to choose from but they are excellent values, While they last Per yard 15c and 20c New Dinnerware, 65 and 94 piece sets Three only new Dinner Sets, one 65-piece set, 2 only 94 piece sets. These are lovely patterns and very scarce goods at per set $25.00 $37.50 $50.00 . ................ ................ ....... . ...............I, I I, Wi.irmiii.miu miiH un........... n ti i i , „..... See Our New Wallpapers for Spring * WE SELL WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Buy as Many as You Possibly Can HAVE THOSE SKATES SHARPENED Just installed a brand new skate sharpener. Sharpens longitudinal and hollow grinds. Let us make skating easier by sharpening your skates lengthwise. Done while you wait. We resole and heel rubbers and rubber boots—makes them like new. Leather and rubber repairing neatly and quickly done. ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister 5, Mrs. F. W. Morlock, Organist Lawrence A. Wein, Choir Leader 10 a.m.—“The Tragedy of Externa- lisrn.” 11 a.m.—Church School. 7.30 p.m. — “Forbidden Roads” Male Chorus. w * # * Thursday at 8—Mid-week service t at the church. Friday, 7.15 p.m.—Jr. League. Friday, 8.00 p.m.—Sr. League. Welcome A. E. WUERTH, PROP. Mail for delivery overseas by Easter should be posted not later than March 1st. This allows five weeks to reasonably insure safe de­ livery for Easter Day, April 9th. Properly addressing of all mail and secure packing of parcels assist the post office in expediting mail to overseas forces. EUCHRE AND DANCE I will be held in S. S. No. 2, Hay Southcott Bros. Phone 16 Exeter CHARGED WITH THEFT AT WINCHELSEA PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLe! H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed. 8.30—Bible Study. Second Coming nf Christ. Friday, vice. Sunday, Sunday, lowing”. Sunday, S Horse”. Come—Everybody welcome. Good Singing. Idear the new orches­ tra and see God in Action to heal. 8.3 0—Young People’s Ser- 2 3 p.m.—Sunday School. p.m.—“With Signs Fol- p.m.—“Knocked Off His Carl Brooks and Elmer G. Har­ ness appeared before Magistrate J. A. Makins Thursday afternoon, Feb. 17, on two charges of breaking,] entering and theft at the Winchel-[ sea creamery on January 22nd and February 5th. They elected to be tried by judge and jury, and were remanded in custody until Febru­ ary 24 for the preliminary hearing. Bail was refused. It is alleged the accused entered the Winchelsea creamery and stole money and cheques to the value of $399.07 and a quantity of butter. When they were arrested they were in possession of a 1941 Mercury car stolen at Toronto. Some of the but- ter from the creamery was in the car; also some other goods stolen in other counties. J. Morris King, of Stratford, ap­ peared for Harness and Frank Don­ nelly, of Goderich, for Brooks. ul[ i 1 your Wardrobe For the man who plans his wardrobe with ,a great deal of care and delibera­ tion we recommend Taman’s clothes. Our custom-tailored clothes give him only tile best in men’s apparel, and as he wears them he will want more of Taman’s clothes because he has dis­ covered that no others give him so much pleasure and satisfaction. W. W. TAMAN Phone 81 Exeter, Ontario k Caven Auxiliary W.M.S. The W.M.S. of Caven Church was held oh Thursday, Feb. 17th, at the home of Mrs. Dore with a record attendance of members and visitors. The meeting was in charge of the president, Mrs. W. Slllery. It was opened with a hymn and p thy er by Mrs. Hatter. The Home Helpers committee reported six calls made and Mrs. Johnston gave current events. The roll call was answered by the payment of the membership fee, Mrs. SUlery presented the topic being Fart II on missions by our church In British Guiana. Miss Weekes led in the devotional exer­ cises with bible reading and prayer. The worship service prepared by Miss Websteiv Traveling Secretary for Young People, was observed. The meeting was closed by all re­ peating the Mispah Benediction, Light refreshments wore served by the hostess, ADULTS 25 c; CHILDREN 15c Booth lunch 10c FANCY QUILT TO BE SOLD. PROCEEDS FOR RED CROSS BICYCLES C.C.M., 1944 MODELS A small shipment has arrived. W. MARTIN ncato NEXT WEEK at the Exeter Arena SEAFORTH vs. EXETER Tuesday Night, Feb. 29th Game Starts at 8.80 Admission 35c; Children and P ersonnel in uniform 25c __ St. United church Young People Present Play in Janies St. and at Zurich At the James Monday evening the basement was filled to capacity for the play by the young people “Closed Lips”. The players were introduced by Mr. Ir­ win, the caste comprising Miss M. Henry as Mrs. Radcliff; Miss Mary Johns as Terry, her daughter; Miss , <Ardys McFalls as Mammy Jinny, colored cook; Miss .Lorraine Zur- brigg and Gerald McFalls as Mr. and Mrs. Stone, friends of Bart Clay; Don, Southcott as Jeff the colored gardner; Marion Cowan as -Star Blixen, a waif; Dawson Goul- i ding as Bart Clay, John’s son; Allan Richards as Matthew Radcliff and Winston Shapton as John Clay. The players all took their parts well. At the close Miss Vera Decker on behalf of the Y.P.U. presented each of the players with a Y.P.U. pin and Afterwards Miss Decker entertained the entire cast at her home to re­ freshments. The proceeds for the evening were $75/50. On Tuesday evening the play was put on in the Town Hail Zurich. Before the play the caste were enter­ tained to supper at the home of Mrs. Decker and following the play they were again treat td to refresh­ ments at the Lutheran church. The proceeds Were $55.50. Reeve Hugh Berry, of Usborne, three members of the council, Clark Fisher, Win. Ellerington and Gilbert Duncan and the treasurer, Newton Clarke, motored to Toronto to attend the Good Roads Conven­ tion which' met Feb. 22 to 24. GAxaaasa Motorist (halted for speeding): “Please overlook it this time, offi­ cer, I' was dashing to town to see my lawyei’ Policeman: have some news for him.” on urgent business.” “That’s fine. Now you INSULATE SAVE FUEL and Help the war effort JUST ARRIVED ANOTHER CAR OF ROCK WOOL INSULATION PAPER PACKED BATTS EASY TO HANDLE, EASY TO LAY GET YOUR ORDERS IN WHILE IT LASTS. HURON LUMBER CO. Try our Classifieds—They pay! Exeter, Ontario